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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1907)
TIIE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, , SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1807. ' ; AW:- 7 :. Underwear Women's Under wear VV Ksy', Sleeveless Vests, Best 25o Grade. 'Vests and Pants, Best 75c Grade . V-V '" s: Hondav Onlv - Honday Only ; ' (V . V., . . r V; it mBm . . i . .t ... A Oreti Half.Pric Offering Women! : Sleeveless Vests' Renaissance Scarfs 150 dozen women's fine medium-weight lisle thread Under- , "About 100 dozen women'! fine Swiss ribbed bleached cotton aleeveless Vesta of best quality, neatly finished with silk taped wear. Test and pants In all sizes; Tests made with high neck ana long iccrcs, panii in ooin anicie ana Knee lengms, mc- ' . yoke, all sizes; our leader at idc, specialty priced tor tnis 191., .; sale, Monday only, at. ..,.,.... 1.C2C Regular $1.50 Values, Special Monday, While They Last, 1.19. New designs" ' Mn Renaissance Scarfs, made on extra good quality linen, size 18x54 ffl 1Q inches; regular $1.50 values, special Monday .......i pllj dium weight garments; fully worth 75c each, specially , priced for this sale, Monday only ............. JfC r 1 : -1 37c Gaimem I' " I I I I V W Sal ; 1 1 1 1 : WITH VALUES GREATER THAN 17 R BEFORE Another great success to add to our annual August Clearance Sale a success made of up-to-date trustworthy merchandise at prices, that won instant appreciation -a success achieved by great quantities in great assortment, freely shown and so displayed that a glance showed the values. The "buying season" with us is not over. It will never be so long as bargains like the ones we tell you of today are possible. The alert will exert themselves to possess the economies we announce. They are timely all) f them and bigger money's worth cannot be found. Evidence of the Best Quality for tho Least Money Will Be Foima in Every One of the FoUowing Ite Children's 65o to sso StePHReS " ' "Values for Final clearance sale this week of children's Dresses, when dozens' of garments will sell at half price and less. This sale will continue until the lots are closed out ' .Your girls will be start ing to school soon, buy their garments new and stye about half the regular cost Tomorrow we will offer 12 dozen dresses . of chambray and ging hams in plaids, stripes and checks, worth up to 90c, for lents new and WASH GOODS REMNANTS v SHalf Price All This Season V Goods Suitable for Every' Purpose Tomorrow mw, place on sale all remaining remnants and short length Wash Goods at half the marked remnant prices. In the lot you will find Lawns, Organdies, Batistes, Beige Suitings, Serge Suitings, Ginghams, Voiles, etc., in lengths from 2 to 12 yards, colors and patterns are most desirable. All this season's goods, bright, clean and fresh. No woman with a wash goods want of any sort can afford to miss this great sale. We suggest an early Visit, for they wont last TTTT fk TT TCI TO TO "sTsO TC JLJLUlJLJjL - JBl fwLVJLJ long at Of course the sacrifice will be serious, but it's along the line of sound policy. If we didnot keep stocks clean and fresh we could not command the patronage we do, that's one .reason why we offer this remarkable bargain. Jap Silk Waists to 02.00 Values for 01.98 Two beautiful styles of white Jap Silk Waists, ex quisitely trimmed with lace, tucks and embroid ered; same quality waists sold all season at $2.50 and $2.95; all sizes in each style; on sale Monday and Tuesday ." j.. ...... $138 Women's Stooldngs Best 20c Grade Monday Only at IQc Fair Hlf Price, MoVday Only.lHalf PricePrudent women will buy them by the dozens at this wondrously low price. Women's fast black cotton Stockings, full fashioned, made with double heel and toe, all sizes, unequaled wear ing quality; never before sold for less than 20c, specially priced for this sale, Monday 1A. only, pair..., JUC Children's Stockings Best 20c Grade Monday Only at 10e Pair Here is an extraordinary opportunity to buy children's School Stockings at half price. To morrow we place on sale for the first time a great special purchase of about 500 dozen children s fast black cotton Stockings, in fine and heavy ribbed, all sizes, for boys and girls, made especially strong and well worth 20c a pair, priced for this sale, while they last, f A Monday only, per pair 1UC Lawn Shirt Waists $1.25 to 9fl75 Values 7&o Never before were such dainty Lawn Waists offered for such little money; tomorrow we place on display table six styles of, lawit" waists that are exceptionally well made of good quality lawn, trimmed with laces, embroideries and fine tucks; most every size in each style; choose Monday and Tuesday A Most Extraordinary Offering. Blackand CoFr'd Dress Gpjods $1.25 to $f.75 Grades Monday Only at All fashionable weaves, In all the beat colors. An unsurpassed assortment to choose from. A greatr-"make-room" special in the- dresa-goods " section for Monday's selling. A most extra ordinary offering of hundreds of yards of this season's most favored weaves and colorings at less than actual wholesale cost." All wool and silk and Vool fabrics in both foreign and domestic weaves, in a full range of styles and colors. 54-inch Homespun Coatings, 54-inch Sflk and Wool Gray Mixtures, 54-Inch Broken Plaid Pan amas, 50-lnch Priestley"! Novelty Panamas, 46- inch Moonlight Mixtures, 46-inch Jamestown Worsteds, 52-inch Shadow Plaid Coatings. This ridiculously low price is enouglj to attract aixenuon irum peopje uic tuuijiijr ucif iui it a a fact that they can't be better at the price and that they agag illustrate our absolute value-giving supremacy. . . , Children's Rompers Best 50c Grade for We have Rompers to sell t 25c but these offered tomorrow are made from better materials and are our regular 50c kindVmost all sizes and best of col- ors on sale tomor row at.... 35c Sun Best 25c Grade for 10c Women's, Misses' 'and Children best quality " Bonnets, in all the best colors. Mori- 1 A day only atX.. 1UC Lawn Kimonos Regular 75c Qualities for, We ,are closing out all summer wearing ap parel at 'prices irrespective of cost These Kimonos are made from fine quality lawns, in floral and polka dot designs ; our M Q regular 75c grade. Price to close . . . . TtOC in i Great Ribbon Bargain 35c and 40c Grades Monday Only at 15c Yard 1500 Yards Double Faced Satin Ribbon Full 4 and 5 inches wide, comes in all colors, plenty of black and white, beautiful rich lustrous finish; always sold at 35c and 40c a yard;, don't miss this great ribbon bargainMonday's price 1 C will be, a yard. 1JC Toilet Soaps Regular 15c Values Special Monday at the Low Price o lOeCake Good line of Toilet Soaps, such as Glycerine, Buttermilk, Witch Hazel, VioJt and Lettuce; each cake in neat wrapper, packed 3 cakes 1 A in box; regular 15c value, special Monday IvC Chiffon Hat Drapes - 75c and 85c Values Monday Only at Summer Walking Skirts 01.05 to 83.50 Values ior $1.00 50 of this season's best made Skirts, worth from $1.95 to $3.50. and we have sold dozens of them at those prices and women thought they were wonderful values, at $1 they are positively the biggest snaps of any skirts offered this season; don't anticipate skimpy, flimsy fv I - V V skirts for they are made of best c-uality linen finish materials and great many are all pure linen; the styles are fall pleated models, just the kind every woman likes; your choice while theylast WHite Canvas Oxfords 77c $1.50 TO $2 GRADES, MONDAY W ft ONLY, AT, PAIR ...y... ,4 O All Sizes, All Styles. Buy Now! They'll Not Last Long at This Price. . . Women's White Canvas Oxfords Final clear ance sale tomorrow. We are in treat need of vinore room for new fall Footwear arriving daily. rij I t i j. j- T. . anu uarc jjuicu iuc pneo bo extraordinarily low on these Oxfords that the entire lorwill beclosed out in shortest possible time. In the lot you will find all the best styles of the season in most all sizes; well mads, durable Oxfords; fully worth our regular low prices; $1.50, $2 and $2.50 values; all. to go Monday, at We Fail8 Newest Model Corsets 75c Values for 4?c A Corset for the average fig ure, long hips, medium high bust, made of batiste and French coutille cloth, steel boning, web garters attached to front, afUsizes, 18 to 30; wilLbe on- sale Mon- A 7 ' day and Tuesday tMC Women's Ox fords. Ex. Speel 12 UP-TO-DATE STYLES AT ONE PRICE; SS?aT. Price Most Wonderful Values, f 1.50 Pair This is a Splendid Opportunity to Buy High Grade Shoes at Less Than Factory, Cost Women's Hand-Made Oxfords in all the most fashionable leathers, 12 styles to choose from, in patent colt, patent kid. black and tan vici and demi-glaze kid, made with, hand-turned flexible soles, medium weight and heavy extension soles, both low and high heels; all guaranteed makes; especially good values at $3 a pair; on sale Monday at UfJi. .50 TO) 0 35o Less than half price Women's Chiffon Hat Drapes in neat and nobby effects, most all colors in the lot. full V yards long, neatly finished with 2-inch hem; excellent values at 75c and 85c; OC,' specially priced for this, sale, Monday only JC White Underskirts Petticoats in three".; styles, ' citabric with deep lawn . flounces, trimmed with torchon lace,: insertion and edge, : eyeiet emDroiaery, rutne or cluster tuciang Men's Oxfords Reduced Best $3 Values Monday CIO Only ... Pf We think we have reached the lowest record in Ox ford selling this Season in this splendid sale for to morrow. Our entire $3.50 line of men's Oxfords in all the best leathers, black vici, patent colt and tan vici; all new, up-to-date styles; excellent values regular price. .Special to close, Monday t Near-Silk Petti coats 85c to $1.00 Values for 68c Each The Petticoats are made from lightweight fabrics, having a taffeta finish, deep flounces, finished with ruffle, three j4-inch straps and dust ?Q ruffle; special Monday at.. DOC Long Lisle Gloves, 75c and 85c values, 2j) Long Silk Gloves, $1 and $1.25 values IjQg Short -Lisle Gloves, 50c values, tans and OC, black, for favC Misses' Silk Mitts, black only, 20c and 25c values for DC Shopping Baskets Regular 25c Value on Sale Monday While They Last ! 9o t1000 rush Shopping Bags, made of best quality rusn, piain ana iancy, gooa strong nanaies; regu lar 25c and 35c values, Monday and Tues- Q day, each 17C Tar Soap Regular 5c Value on Sale Monday wniie it .Lasts tte vjaice 25 dozen good quality Tar Soap; the best 5c OI J grade, on sale Monday as long as it lasts at wt T " .... - Wonderful Silk Values Tumbling In daily these new Silks. Never' before did we gather such a magnificent stock of silks. It is larger, better and more varied, for we are determined this shall be the silk store of the city. The dependence that may invariably be placed upon the qualities of our merchandise is . a factor to be considered in any comparison into which our prices enter. Here is the beat offering anywhere. " ' Best 75c and $1.00 Values 23-inch Crepe de Chine. 20-inch Novelty Louis1, enes, 19-inch fancy Taffetas, 23-inch Pompadour V Mesaalinea, 27-inch Polka Dot Habutias, 23-inch 'h Dotted Foulards, 20-inch Wash reau de Bole, 20-inch Wash Taffetas, 23-inch Cream Jaequard Habutias, 19-inch Feau de Cynge. Beautiful fabrics that exhibit the very essence of lasio in tuuuBiuK wiu never bviu ucu u tun before. . v.' - Men's Underw?r Regular 50c Value on Sale Monday Whfle They Last 37c Garment Special sale men's Porosknit Shirts and Drawers, one of the most popular lines of underwear for the hot mid-summer weather; come in plain ecru and white; special sale price Mon- 07 day, garment UlC Men's Kerchiefs Regular 15c Values on Sale Monday wnue iney iasx rr 10c Each Special sale men's plain white hemstitched 'Ker chiefs, mercerized to look, like silk, very soft, readv to use. come with quarter and half-inch hems; extra value at 15c, special sal. price 1A for Monday.............................. JLUi. t ,. ..-. . . . 3? (Clemts These are nev, fresh garments; made of fine nainsook, perfectly vAn' oatterned and cut extra- fulL - The trimminrs com- Trn V v orifre neat attractive stvles in laces. . embroideries. y headings, edgings, insertings and ... ribbon, .phoice " ( p Monday , and Tuesday v . .'. . . J jj j 'I' ) ) t Ml I ' 1 V i.n.-