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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND. V FRIDAY EVENINO, AUGUST: ;1 1007' V?.-..- ) ' . YU SCRATCH .Ml -''SACK AND WE'LL SCRATCH : Y f Wc Must HavcMdneyl You'll Need the Goods! THE SUSPENSION OF THE OREGON TRUST 8. SAVINGS BANE Places iis in urccht iiccd of immediate ready money. We're willing to pay a big price for itvtoq lilillCasl The sacrifices wt make on our goods, as indicated below, show plainly how earnest we arc, how urgent the need, how important the savings to you. Without exception tomorrow's sale at th GOLDEN EAGLE will be the most stirring, stupendous bargain carnival ever attempted on the Pacific coast Every reduction is honest, every value genuine every statement gospel trutn. . ;x ou giveusalittlenioneySaturdayandwe'lldoupthebiggestbundleof feoods for your dollar you ever got on earth. "You scratch our back and we'll scratch yours." Every dpllar.spent tomorrow xor merchandise we fell should come herewhere you'll get twice the value for it; any Portland store offers. Examples of the bargains in the monster bargainfest at ,. flail r4 HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION) PONT PAY TRUST - - ' PRICES FOR FLOOR COVERINGS. Carpet War Is On ! Do your fioora need new coverings? The greatest ale of all the year start hart tomorrow. Wa'rt going after the carpet trust with both feet. We're going to "buat it" No, the tnut ian't dead. The courts didn't kill it with their "$10 fines." There'a what ie termed a "gentlemen'a agreement" now among the dealera 'round town en agreement to keep the pricea up to raise them even higher, and aoak the public. Mind you. Well shoot it full of holes, and aell Cai SAVINGS III THE Stationery Shops 5c Note Tablets, apedal , Package 5c Envel opes, apedal . .2 25c Fancy box Sta tionery, spec... 0 PORTLAND'S NEWEST and BEST DEPARTMENT STORE 1 K m aMBVHBHBlMHHMSeMBHMMHBBMBHam. B "KW W SVST The aTNTIXI CLOCK CM YTUSnkFBKf ZKP TO Same Gootfs for a Little Less Money Than Elsewhere SAVINGS IN THE ASTONISHING VALUES IN A UONDECFUl Slavery SALE 0p WOMEN'S SUITS f Ctmmmt Cwttm 1A0 50c Postal Card Albums, epec.2 35c Postal Card Albums, spec.le 20c Package of 100 Crepe Paper Nap kins, special. ...94 Well bust that trust that "gentlemen'a agreement" to smithcr eens. Well shoot it full of holes, and sell Carpets and Run to the people of Portland cheaper than thev ever bought them in their Uvea before. Wath ua Drove it. We start the fun tomorrow. Choose from grand display, in the basement salesroom, of Best Ingrain Art Squares Half Priee In beautiful floral an3 oriental designs and medallion patterna. Generous, splendid choosing, handsome floor coverings, and we cut the prices in two. Read: Art Squares, else 0 9, i $5.00 value, apedal Saturday. . 92.48 Art Squares, sise 1V 9, a $8.00 value, special Saturday ; .f 2.08 Art Squares, slse 9. x 9, a $8.00 value, apedal Saturday., $3.98 Art Sauarea. ike 9 xl2. a 19.71 value, aoeclal Saturday. .84.85 Sensational Saturday Sale of Men's Suits For Summer and Autumn Wear Thousands of Portland's good dressers of the male persuasion have learned by profitable exper ience that about a fourth Irom that to a half can always be saved here m buying Men'a and Youths' Clothing. Right now, however, the savinrs are more important than ever. In order to realise cash from our big atocka of mert's apparel and boys' we make, for Saturday only, the following unprecedented bargain offers. Suite, all bright, fresh, new and stylish, A few sum mer weifhts, but mostly new ar rivals adapted for fall and coming winter wear. 12 Sails $4.98 In an the favored woolens, neat, dressy mixtures, splendidly tailored and made in master workmanship. Two and three-piece suits, the val- uea reach 112.00. Special for Saturday at j... A ROUSING HAPPENING IN SHOE CIRCLES Plain black and pretty fancy mixta rem, nicely tailored and tastefully trimmed with braids; buttons, silks and strap pings of materials. Skirts are plain tailored or. trimmed with double box plaits. Our leader at $10.00. Special, Saturday at This Store Launches Tomorrow a Monster Reorganization and Department Managers' Sale of Shoes Choice of Any of tor $25 Spring or Sno mer Soils at to- t" ifK CoDTtU BidUm The great "Reorganization Sale" now on at the Golden Eagle has 11 DCCH UlC uicmc 4(1 cvciy iwuguc ax.. for the Daat week. The values IV have been and are phenomenal. Many changer for the better have taken place, and others are being planned. Among the important changes is that of securing a new and EXPERT SHOE BUYER AND DEPARTMENT MANA GER, one of the best known and in fart a man who has few SUDCriors iijusi Munreuicu onus ucii wt ' -- --- , , , ; . been very busy since his advent among us rearranging and segregating the shoe stocks.. Pair by pair he has gone through the great convention of footwear in our snoe stores, ana nes Pj H - JuuZi-' J' many of some, too few of others, and weU, to make a long story snorx, ne wn u " and buy a full new stock. That's "reorganization" with vengeance; but were going tc .give hjm h wjV and clean out the entire present stock; regardless of cost or loss. The reduction our Men s Shoe Department manager has put upon the shoes are without precedent in the history of shoe selling in Portland. The bargains are unparalleled SHOE PRICES ABOUT ONE-THIRD SHOE VALUES The sale opens Saturday at 8 a. m. A few examples of the marvelous bargains are told below: MEN'S 13.50, S4.00 AND 35.00 SHU&S, f l.BH, in shoe lore in America. He has $4.98 f$9.98 JUST ARRIVED Another lot of those Linen Dusters that women travelers and tourists want; almost in dispensable for auto wear or arivlnf ...., i s Splendid quality, lone and roomy, well worth $10.00. 50c Waitresses' Aprons 42c $1.50 White Waists to Close 3 for $1.00 or 35 Cents Each The best Shirt Waist sale yet. WeVe fathered all our reraain- At A mm 3 or solendld oualltr white lawn, cut in full alsei wide Straus over shoulder and prettily trimme with embroideries values for ... and iwn. hemstitching; regular 50c WOMEN'S $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES AND OXFORDS, f 1.3B. 6,000 pairs Women s Shoes and Ox- fords, in patent colt, patent kid, gun- metal calf, chocolate vici kid, Kuasia calf and black vici kid, light and heavy aoles. new style tips, toes and heels, val ues at $3 and $3.50. Special, pair , light and neavy $1.35 MEN'S $3.50, $4.00 AND $5.00 SHOES, 4,000 pairs Men's "White House" Shoes, also other famous makes, high or low cuts, button, Blucher and lace styles, hand-turned or welt soles, in pstent kid, patent colt, gunmetal calf, black vici kid and choco late vici kid, values at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Special, pair mostly tresn ana new: an uui kuu mow. a ua h vuumu every new and wanted style in these dainty, exquisite creations. Beautiful, sheer lawns, in "Peter Pane" and other favorite mnAmU trimmed In a nrofuaion of lacea. embroider tr ' ies. tuckings and insertions. Aosoiuteiy tn great-will j est value in shirt waista ever, offered in Portland. TvrvXU under a dollar, mostly $15 and $1.50 valuea. But j only three to a customer. Choose at.... El it, gunmetai can, $1.98 Another line of Men's Shoes, in patent colt, box calf, gunmetal calf and vicf kid, Blucher, lace and congress styles, with good hand-made oak soles, val ues at $3.50, S4.00 and $5.00. Spe cial, the pair Marvelous Millinery Offerings Prtltj Sonkuiels Spedal SitarJij tl 2Jc Yonlbs' $10 New Fall Suits J3.75 A swaner line, embracing over 300 Suits, all new fall weight, late arrivals: values in the lot to $10.00. ChamIaI G 4 . ft. Afll A f Mat' V"'" Boys' Summer Wash Suits 39c Neat, durable Wash Suits, ages 7 to 10 years, values to 12.00. Your choice on Saturday for Boys Wash Panta, all sises, pair Weod fct 1M7 by 39c Bargains for Men Things Every Woman Needs At pricea any woman will be glad to pay. Special Saturday WATR BRUSHES. 15. A lot of metallic Hair Brushes, solid ebony backs, regular value 25c. Special, each 50c SCISSORS, 24. Solid ateel, nickel-plated Scissors, 5 and 6-inch, guaranteed, reg ular value 50c Special, pair WOMEN'S 25c AND 35c HANDKERCHIEFS, lf Fancv embroidered Swiss Cambric Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and scalloped edges, values at 25c and 35c Special, each. . .xf WOMEN'S 75c AND $1.00 BACK COMBS, f. 6hn and imhrr Back Combs, in fancy mounted eitects, dtii- liant, stone and elated etyles, values at 75c and $1.00. Special each FANS WORTH 98c TO $1.25 FOR 48e . Pure silk cause Fans, handsome silk and spangled effects, plain and fancy decorated sticks, values from 98c to $1.25. sPej Women'a ' 50c 'LfaW'EmbVoWered CoilarB, iarge sise. Special. :h 20e FANCY BRAIDS. 5. About 150 pieces pure silk fancy Trimming Braid, all widths values to 20c Special, yard Housewives Will Throng the Unaware Shops Tomorrow A few reasons why. We shall offer, spedal, on Saturday only 15c GLASSWARE PIECES AT 8e In the offering are Sauce Plates, Olive Dishes, Bon Bona, Bowls, Spoon Trays, and numerous other dishes needed to set the family board. Handsome cut glass de signs, with heavy border of rich bright valuea at 15c Saturday only, special at . . $2.00 A DOZEN VALUE CUPS AND SAUCERS. 10c PAIR. Very best quality semi-porcelain, with handsome dark blue decorations; best $2.00 a dozen value. Special on .-. . w in ail me preny muici wi jwvmvb, j plain and fancy cuecra, mmmea m dainty plai tings and ruffles and with wide strings. Very. OO- special value at .M0 Just the thing for hop picking aea aon. Smart Street Hats IN A SPECIAL SALE All of our remaining Street Hats, valuea tq $2.50, at. . . All of our remaining Street ft Hats, values to $5.00, at.,...MJi. A apedal offer to close, while they last Be early and avoid dis appointments. 1 ,23c is" (Si.., X asr Boys' and Women's Hosiery and Undervesis .5 MEN'S tl.50 NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. A line of Men's Negligee, mercerfced and plain chambray Shirts, with value A line of Men's Golf Shirts, in neat, light colored effect, sizes 1434 to 17, one extra pair cutis, values at oc ana ei.uu. opcciai. each SENSATIONAL SAVINGS IN . line, of Men s Negugee, mercerized ana piain crwmojay onirw, , - . rwr....!! "'..rssj Silks and Dress Goods Aisle ciai, Family liquor Dep't: rTptSw For Saturday only, -for aU day selling, we shall offer in the family supply liquor shops $1.00 "COLLEGE CLUB" RYE AT 65 QUART. This is one of the finest Kentucky productions, In full Cr quart else, dollar value for UJC Dealera are limited, on the above to twelve bottlea only. $1.00 BLACKBERRY BRANDY. 55. Only a limited quantity of this. -Be early dth your order. $1.50 Panamas, in all the leading colors, 52 and 54 inches wide. Special, yard :rn:v' hVL 65c Panamas, all shades, so incnes wiae. opewai, yra. .... .-'t 45 24 Best ruaranteed buck Tatteta, 30 mcnes wiae. opeciai. yard 30c Jap Silk, all colors. Zl inches wide, special, yara. . . . 65c Best quality Jap Silk, 27 inches wide. Special, yard. .1.79 ...23 ...49 Wash Goods 35c White mercerized Dresa Qooda and Waistings, 27 inches 25c New'pWd Dress Goods,' 27 inches' wide. Spedal, yaJd..l -WASH GOODS AT S 1-3. We have placed on special sale our line of ugnt waan wooas. values to 23c. Special at. yard v Saturday at, pair $1.75 DOZEN Semi-porcelain DINNER PLATES, 8 EACH. Dinner Plates, in a deep, rich blue coloring) best $1.75 a dozen value. Special Saturday U only, for, each TEASPOONS, SET OF SIX, FOR . Good, durable Teaspoons, in beaded and plain pattern, for campers' use or every day service; cheap at dozen. Special tomorrow at, a set of six, for splendid 20c the .....UU Domestics Special, .4)1.29 Drastic Price Cutting in $1.75 COTTON BLANKETS, 1.29. Extra size white cotton Blankets, regular value $1.75. pair $2.00 COMFORTERS, S 1.4,9. Good size, fancy covered comforters, dark and light, clean cot ton filled, regular value $2.00. Special, each 81.49 $1.25 FEATHER PILLOWS. 98. Extra heavy, fancy tick covered Pillows, filled withiood, dean Seese and turkey feathers, mixed weight, regular value $1.25. pedal 8 89c BLANKETS. 59. ctnaA size crav and tan colored Blankets, regular value 89c. Special, pair .59 S PAIRS BOYS HOSE FOR 8V AIlne of Boys' Vt and 2 ribbed, fast black, cotton Hose, e. ti4 knee, aole, heel and toe, best quality maco yam, sizes 9 to 10. regular value 25c Spedal, 3 pairs ........... mw . ... .v WOMEN'S 75c VESTS, 45. , , V. A line of Women's genuine lisle Vests, high neck, long sleeves, pearl buttons, silk finish, regular value 75c Special, each.. 45 S PAIRS WOMEN'S 25c HOSE FOR 50. A line of Women'a full regular made, French lisle Hose, In white only, gauze weight, all alzea, regular value 25c Special S paira for CO Homefurnishings ftr WINDOW SHADES. 29. i opaque Window Shades, regular value 50c SpectaL .... , ,..29f $1.50 COUGH COVERS, 8. fi Full size. Roman stripe Couch Covers, fringed all around. 80 Inches wide, 9 feet long, regular value $1.50. Special, each.08 $3.00 LACE CURTAINS, fl.79. , Nottingham Lace Curtains, point drapery pattern, 1 yards long, 54 inches wide, regular value $3.00. Special, pair. i.f 1.79 $2.00 BED SPREADS, f 1.49. t , t Full size white Bed Spreads, MarseOlea pattern, regular value 1.00. Special, each .....A.........,........,....f x. 6-foot each . HO ATTEMPT TO RUSH 111 it GoTernment $aclis Ffoin the East Held TJp pearly Thirteen Hours, ; Merchants who . complain about .Ve alarft mailt (rem the east eould hv leaned the reaaott why the delays ee eur dally had. they been . on the train which arrived from the east Tuesday mere than it hour late, The Union Pacific whleh carries the astern mail from Omaha to Qreen River, Wyoming, arrived at the lat ter plaee en time,, switched off the Pullman and mail car to be picked up 90 mtniitea Uter by the Oregon Short line train that carries the mall to Hunt ington, where ij connects with the a. Inetead ei beinf held but f minutes, an ample allowance for connections, the mall oar" was held t hours and 40 minutes. - Had the Harriman system shown , disposition to bring the mail In on time , a train could have been made up to carry the mail car to Hunt ington and saved the merchants of Port land a ay in. their eastern corres pondence a.nd businees. , v . ' All of the delays on the O. Jt N. trains are due to the poor connections at Green River. If the Harrlman com pany wished' to, serve he public, eay the business men, a local train between Green River, and Huntington would be put on. - . Instead af losing a day. however, in eastern, busiae . ferUaad - saewaants generally loee two, for only once in a great., while Is the eastbound train from Portland able to make connections at Green River wlthUhe Union Pacific train at that point. When the train fails to connect on time at Qreen River, a delay or iz nours is encoumeroa. That business men of the Rose City will not put up with poor service much longer ! considered certain and a move ment may be started t6 take Up the matter with th government in an ef fort to compel the Harriman people to carry the malls on a better schedule by adding another train between the connecting points. Dean's Regulets cure constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weak ening effect Ask your druggist for them. l cents per boa. preferred snook Caaae sVae4a. , Allen- m JLewla' Bast Brand, -j Oease to moseathal's Tomorrow, JjkMt day ef great ahee sale. ' . . OLD AND YOUNG ALIKE WAIT FOR CIRCUS TO TICKLE THEIR RIBS The wonderful circus comes to town Monday. Of course, it is very wonder ful. Who ever heard of a tented show that wasn't! This one. however, must be, for when the modest agent who looks after affairs In advance called to solicit a notice be almost "tHWw th office Into a fit by saylag " few Unes would do," and Uter when asked "to Z?IU I something" and ,V and what he wrote didn't have violent adjeotivss with words from ten to a seore of let r.V. .h there was another Internal convulsion. ,. . 1 mm very hztt j. vmu " words." said Mr. Brady apologetically, nmtl 'really haven't (be gift. JVaea somebody suggested that I epeak of pachyderms as a good circus expression I confess I didn"t know what It meant I thought It was a disease a kind of a germ or something. And so you ses I am very much out or the running in the usual lurid circus vocabulary. .. Olfous Has Big- TamUy. However, Mr, Brady manages some how to let the people know his circus Is oomlng. The small boy knows that 1.SS0 persons will be added to the popu lation of Portland next Monday, and that they will live under canyas roofs and ride horses and turn flip-flaps and drive elephants, sebra giraffes and other wild things of the forest and Jungle la the reckless a&4 Xasclnating ways young minds picture. There axe few heads so bowed with care and age that recollections of the clrous will not bring an unusual throb of exhilaration. Wonderful hold this distinctly American amusement has upon human nature, . It Is the only brand of entertainment that) corrals the entire family. Father, mother, brother and sister, ooualn and aunt, old and young, rich and poori sedate and gay. brusque and gjnlalH rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief all are eager to visit the tented pleasure grounds. '.,.' '1 i The clrous may not i be especially educational, nor overshot with Intellect ual delight, but It is thoroughly human. It bring all kinds and conditions ef men Into pleasing and healthy associa tion and ' illustrates the oft-repeated saying that "we- are but Children of a larger growth.". ' 'VMi ; fine Display e Animals. . -! Rlnallna Brothers are known ta al ways provide the best in circus valuea ana are appreciated Decans er tfieit Intelligent and considerate regard tot ine com i on pairons. enrcue aay wm begin with, a street proceaslen. OrOi- i " - 1 I ..ley. . ; i V;' - ' : f 11 narlly these pageanta are weather-w n& monotonous, but ta the ease of t partleular clrous It ha heretofore b the singularly Interesting display. J Tne men, women and ehildrea e earned have Dean tastefully garbed t wora . a obntented -expreeeloa w1 spoke volumes for the management. ' superb draught borsee are as inf ing to many as the slender prf anlmale. and the scores of open of wild beasts, tmdslng heri rf phanU. weird "musicians, outi clowns, musloal vahloles and so so on provide something of the u .. &l?ianla nrovidM fc I Liing Brethere'ls by Ion .) i. seen in Portland, and the i Monday la prom "" - tivs than ever. It i n'"'j ' the show grounds at it " morning.'.' -t - 1 - Itchfr. ble"nC 1 feVJ- ao- r-veO. t...