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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1907)
JTIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. - MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, : 1007. 1., t - r PORTING MBLE HEADER ' GOES TO LOCALS ; Beaver Win Three Straight kv and the Series by Sun- day's Victories. ' KINSELLA IS HEBO OF' TEE FIBST GAME . Allowed Bat"llT Hits, Knocks Tbj-ee-Befgrr nd Fields Hit Psi- , tlon BHlllatlf ChrUos Hart man Pitches His Best Game Yet. lerPortland, I; lu Frmo- I ecoad fan Portland, T; gaa .Praa- elsoo, I. - The tall-anders did tbtnMlTM proud and engendered soma real regret at their departure yeeterday by defeating tba ball toeaers from the Bar City In two ona-aldad games. . Br capturing tba Sunday double header tha Beavers have won tbraa etralght and bava captured tha aarlea br four out of atven gamee. Eddie Klnaella and Charlla Hurt man pitched tha first and aeoond gamea for Portland, respectively. Both wara In flna form. Tha vlaltora aacurad but five hlta off Klnaella and but four off Hartman. Klnaella haa tha beat record Of the pltcbera on McCredle's ataff, but he haa been badly "off" for the peat three weeks. Klnaella la really a hlgh- ciaaa pitcher ana Ma return to rorra waa gleefully welcomed by tha fana. . The big boy fielded his position In great style and waa the hero of the flrat battle. Aa for Hartman. ha never Ditched better game In the eoaat league. Until the aixth inning the Seala never got bit.1 The Beaver batters were right there with tha big stick In both games and ooth Joy ana Jones were pound ec unmercifully. In all. Portland scored 10 aafe hlta, three of them being for three baaea and two for two basea. The official scores: Pima (feme. SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. IB. PO. A. K. w ' DM1 KELLY WILL 00 TOJffillMII Has Been Induced v$o leave Oregon and Run for Eastern College. SPRINTER'S DESERTION MAY NOT BE BELISHED Vnlrtnttj Runner Has Been Corre sponding With Michigan Managers for Some Time Owes His Success to Trainer Bill Hayward. ilearaal Special Service.) Aan Arbor. Mich., Aug. It. That Dan Kelly, champion sprinter of tha world. will enter tha University of Michigan, this fall la now eaid to be assured. Kelly has been corresponding for some) time with athletlo managera bare and tha graduate manager today said that the great University of Oregon man would finish his college course In Ann Arbor. Kelly expresses the desire to run on year in an eastern univer sity, but In order to be eligible under conference rules in view of the I act that he is a sophomore at the Oregon university, ne must enter win ran. Since to conference rules went Into effect a student wiuat have had at least one year's residence in a middle western university before ne can be come a member of an athletlo team. Kelly would finish the Michigan course in two years and tnis would permit him to compete in races in his senior year. I Michigan men are wild with Jor over ine prospects 01 soiling neiiy. 'mere seems now no sprinter at the university able to cope with Charlie Parsons, the California boy who is now a student at Wisconsin university. Parsons has al ready apent one year at Madlaon and will run for Wlaconstn next spring. Kel F OUIiTEEll IIIIIG TIE AT ST. JOHNS Milliners and Apostles En gage in Long Contest at Hill Park. KELSO TIGERS GO UP STILL ANOTHER NOTCH With Score Four to One Against Him, Charley Moore Goes Into Box and Shots Out Frakes for Twelve Innings, Bnt Falls to Win. TESTERDArS TRI-CTTT RESULTS. At SL Johna St Johns 4. Praxes 4. (Fourteen Innings. ) Al H.S1BO jieiao iv. wooooarn . At Astoria Bohemians T. Cubs I. STANDING OP THE CLUBS." Won. Lost. PC Kelso 14 4 .777 Frakea 14 S .717 Wood burn .. It 7 .480 St Johna 16 7 .680 Astoria 7 11 .168 Cuba IS .186 Trunks 6 16 .160 Brewers 6 16 .118 For 14 long Innings tha St Johna Apostles and the Frakes Milliners wrestled with each other on tha St Johna diamond yesterday afternoon, each praying for aome one to make a hit or a steal or aomethlng that would break a tied boo re of 4 to 4. There was nothing doing In tha four teenth and by mutual coneent of the two captains Umpire "Trilby" Rankin called the game juat aa the clock chimed the hour of 4. But say! it was a great game, prob ably the best that haa ever been played n the Trl-Clty league. It waa also tha In the Trl-Cltv leaarue. loosest came, although Astoria and the ly-s two practice runs of 10 seconds at r 7."' 11 Ro'ill'Vm. t.??S iSiiM,n Srrnn x.turv .hn. th.t a" weeks ago. Both teams were in Eugene, Oregon, Saturday, show that he haa plenty of speed for the Jamea- town amei in which he will nartlrT. I superb twirling. Ray Hlnkle's feat work town games in wnicn he will partlcl- , th ,eft gi flark Moore'a clever lay lth Spencer, cf. Wheeler, ss. . , Htldebrand, It Irwin, lb Williams, lb, . Esola, rf. Street, e Strelb, lb Joy, p. 1 0 1 o o 9 0 0 0 Jos Far, Who Will Finish the Season at Shortstop for Portland. ll. Umpire Perrine. hour 46 mJnutea. GETTING READY FOR NOTES OF THE GAME 1 I 14 16 1 Total 81 PORTLAND. AB. R. IB. PO. A. : 3 1111 Casey, 2b. . . Burdette, cf, Bassey, If. .. Donahue, c .. Atherton, lb. MoCredie, rf. ry. aa. Mott. 3b. Klnaella, p. I ill lilt 0 114 Total ..18 I 17 14 1 SCORK BT INNING8. San Francisco ....00000010 0 1 Hits 0 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 Portlsnd ,..1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 Hits ..10011011 9 SUMMARY. Struck out By Joy. t; by Klnsella, Another record-breaking crowd watched yeeterday'a games at Athletic park. e e Charlie Atherton secured four hits In yesterday's games. His good luck made him feel gay and twice he tried to ateal second. Imagine Atherton stealing second! It'a bad enough to have a man around who couldn't win a prise In the sprints at an old ladles' noma' field day, but when he is deluded wltn the idea that he can run there ought to be a captain around with enough generalship to put him wise to his shortcomlnga e Portland's base runnlns- waa miser- able In both of yesterdajrs games and tha eooree of both ahould have been more one-aided than they were. Bur dette, for example, waa caught three times between oases. Burdette is a pate. University of Oregon graduates and students generally will regret to learn ox Kelly a decision to jrun under Mich laan colors next sprini. The fleet- footed flaxen haired youth from Baker City hae been popular In northweat athletic circlea since he began running several yeara ago ana naa aaaea many polnta to the atate university record and aiao to that of the Multnomah club, for which he ran at Spokane when he atAhliahjt hie wnrM'a rmnfirAm In thm TUV. TllU'FlMfTr IT A I Ir 1 100 yardda8h. iiuimui I Kelly waa a mediocre aprlnter until he was taken under the wing of BUI Hayward, Oregon'a well known trainer. Dan could never finish better than third when Porreat Smithaon and Clyde Wtl- uama ware running ror uregon Agri cultural .college, and Charlie Parsons snd Archie Hahn ran away from him during tha exposition game a here in 1S06. Wham XeUy Beat Smltbsoa. The first year Kelly was at the uni versity Bill Hsyward'a careful tutoring enabled him to beat Smithaon rive yarda in the U. of O.-O, A. C. meet. It was evidence at all stages. Charlie Moore'a auperb twirling, Ray Hlnkle'a faat work handling of bunts, Trowbrldge'a head work at ahort Phllbrook'a work wit the bat and on the bases. Brown's hit ting and Otto Moore'a handling of the big mitt tor ox, jonna were an leacurea that kept the excited fana on the tremble, but their work did not eclipse the steady, snappy playing Martin at muwA Nawall at short- Johnson In center 'field and Houaton'a work at third for tha Frakes. Pender Zs Hit Hard. Pender waa hit pretty hard at times and waa wild at othera, nevertheless he pitched a good game and was ac corded gllt-edgedf support by hla team matea. St Jonnr could not win because her best batters were all away on va cation and the Frakes couldn't win be cause tha wary Apostles killed too many aqueeae plays at the plate. Thus the story rns. The hat trim mers went to bat first and started In to get runa right off the reel. Johnson smashed the second ball. Mr. Springer floated over for a single, Newell struck out Antotne hit through Charlie Moore at aeoona, men ncue iticnie rarroti with the telephone pole he oalla a bat tgger aconng jonn Martln. the flaxen- haired youth who guards aeoond for the Frakea, hit for a single and Richie scored. Brother Arch popped up a fly to Charlie Moore and Mangold punched three holes In the oxone. Score t. Cbarlea Moore hit to Newell and was thrown out at first Philbrook laced out a pretty two-bagger. Clark Moore hit to Houston. McKay walked on wide Ones, Hlnkle singled, scoring Philbrook. McKay waa caught at the plate. Score 1. Scoring- of Frakes. The Frakea aecured another notch on the tally atick In the aeoond, on errors of Brown and Springer. Pender's sacri fice hit and a Selder'a choice, Houston acorln At to r! aecond. Charlie Moore going into the box and for 12 Innings he held the buskr Milliners without a score and four scattered hits. The Apostles tied the score In the sixth Inning. Otto Moore singled. Brown hit a hot one to fender, rorcing otto at second. Brown went down on a passed ball and scored on Trowbridge's smash, Springer and Trowbridge soorlng on error by Houston and Charlie Moore's drive to center field. Charlie waa caught at third by a pretty throw from Johnson. Philbrook retired the side by hitting to Martin. From this on they were unable to score, although they made six hits afterward and had plenty of men on basea, three men being tied to the sacks in the fourteenth, when Brown retired the side by hitting an easy bounder to Houston and was cut off at first. This game leaves the two teams on the same rounda of the percentage lad der aa before and an effort will be made to pull orr the decision on Labor day at Vaughn street. Score in detail: Tba Official rig-urea. ST. JOHNS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Charles Moore, 2b-p. Philbrook, eg (Special Dlnpitrh to The JoaroaL) Roseburg. Or., Aug. II. That Rose- burg Is going to do her share toward making the district fair an unparalleled auccesa roes with the spirit of enthu- ! slasm that the townspeople are display ing toward tne event. rne Dusiness men of the town, headed by C B. Can non, who never does anything by halves, are outline; a coat of white wash on all the buildings, atablea and .fences around the racetrack. Thla Iwork tig in ch.rre of Mr rnnon. who thst year also. 1104, that hi two records PP1 out a two-bagger acoring John 1 nTfaaraosiln aw tha r -& fa ar h. I were accented bv the American Am a- I son and Antoine, 4 r?.C,I. ZntliZJSft jv rSfKin 1 nner, but he 14 altogether too na nJ?hfitJa&Jlt Th5l ""oklees on the aacka 1 Aiott ought to aella, a. Two-base hitStreet Three- I h. cmlaA down hard fnr'atnnnin in h. base hlta Klnsella, Baasey. Double Slays Hlldebrand to Street. Street to treib. Sacrifice hits Baasey, Mc Credle. Stolen bases Wheeler, fisola, Irwin. Hit by pitched balls Burdette, Williams. Flrat baas on errors fort land, 1; San Francisco. 1. Left on baaea San Francisco, 7; Portland, 4. Time of game 1 hour 40 minutes. Umpire Perrine. - Spencer, wn eoond Oaxae, SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R, IB. PO. A. EL .10 0 I 0 6 0 cf. ... lieeler. aa. Hildebrand, If. 4 1 Irwin, lb. I 0 Williams, lb. 4 0 Esola, rf. 4 0 Street, o 4 0 Strelb, lb. I 1 Jones, p 4 0 Total iT T PORTLAND. overseelna the work sfter havlna taken up a collection to rurnish the ma terial. While Mr. Cannon is not the only local enthusiast and sportsman, ha Is taking the matter personally In his own hands and la seeing to it that tha appearance of things at the fair grounds are strictly up to standard. The track has been worked on more thla summer than ever before, making It the beat in southern Oregon, and with everything being brought up to tha top notch It cannot but bring mora than double the number of race horses and enthusiasts that this district haa ever bad befora The fair begin a Sep- lemDer iu, ana enas sepiemDer it. Western Chess Toara&ment. (Journal Special Scrrlce.) Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. II. Many prominent chess experts are gathered at laice uinnetonaa to compete thla week for valuable trophlea and tha championship of the Western Chess association The association embracea the states of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, South. Dakota. Nebraska. Kansaa. Wyo ming and Colorado, and In Canada the province of Manitoba. 6 14 10 t Casey, lb. . . Burdette cf. Bassey, If. . , , Donahue, c. . ' Atherton, lb (aCredle, rf. Mo!!?Sai?- ' Hartmn7 p. AB. B. IB. PO.iA. E. . . 1 9 0 4 1 0 4 4 4 ::1 ..'4 .. 4 4 Moore, c 0 ...0 000011001 ...0 000011104 0 4100001 J Total 34 7 11 27 11 SCORE BT INNINGS. San Francisco Hits Portland Hits ..........0 S S 0 1 0 1 I 11 SUMMARY. Struck out By Jones, 1: by Hart man, t.- Baats on ballsOff Jones, I; off Hartman. . Two-base hits Strelb, Mott 2). Three-base hit McCredle. Sacrifice hits Casey, Burdette. Stolen bases Bassey, Fay. Flrat base on er rors Portland, 2; San Francisco, S. Left on bases Portland, ; Ban mrancisco. ba called down hard for'atopplng in the fifth Inning of the second came. He hit a hot one to Wheeler, but whan ha saw that tha ahortstop apparently had It ha stopped runnlna. Wheeler did not fret the ball at once, but he got it in Ime to catch the Beaver Just as ha waa beginning to wake un. Mott mie-ht Just a well have had three hits credited, to Mm in that aecond game aa two. e e Portland plays Los Angeles at Los Angeles this week. The lineup will be tne same as it was yesterday. Pokorny, Oswald, Drew and Schlmpff have been dropped. Jfext Sunday two Trl-Clty teama will corneal on tna coast league grounds. e a In the sixth Innlnar of the second game Portland 'had three chances to make a double play, starting- from ahort But In each case the San Fran olsoo runners were too speedy to allow tha completion of tha play. e e Be It remarked onca more that Tay Strelb. the Substitute second haaaman secured by San Francisco from the Cal ifornia State league, la a wonder when It comes to covering terrlf-nrv inln and again he haa robbed Beaver batters of hits perfectly Disced between and third. Probably the moat difficult individual play of yesterday waa tin. cuted by Strelb. It was In the eighth Inning of tha first game. Bassey waa on third and the Seal fielders wara n fl v- ita siure iw uaicu mm ai me Plate. I . -w m.- n . Donahue hit a greaaed-lightnlng shot T "T , , 11 toward tha right pasture. Strelb national chess tournament at jumpea in ironi or ll and stuck out his paws in time ror it to crack him on the wrist and ahoot akyward. Strelb grabbed tha bail aa it descended. Dona hue waa almost on top of the initial sack, but tha aeoond baseman beat him there with one of the awlftest abort arm throws aver seen on tha local dla- mvno. Bines Tie Eugene Colts. (Special Dlipatea to Tie Jonrnel.) Eugene Aug. II. The Springfield Bluea tied the Eugene Colta yesterday afternoon In the percentage columna of the Lane county league, defeating the local nine at Springfield by the score of 9 to 2. It waa a case of the best team winning. Though Da Neff showed himself In extraordinary form for Eu gene, he did not receive- aa good aup port as Tallafero, who haa not lost a contest for over a month. y teur Athletic union. Just how the Eugene merchants and the Portland alumni of tha university who subscribed the fund which will take Kelly to Jamestown will accept tha aispatcn rrom Ann Amor is not known. Oregon men took it for granted that when Kelly announced that he would don an Oregon track auit at the Jamea town world'a championship a-amea ha in. tended to finish hla college course at juugene. it im reaaonaDie to believe, however, that his absence from the state university next spring will not be rel ished. Xla Ambition to Beat Parsons. Friends of Kelly here atate that Mich igan has been after tha eaatern Oregon lad ever alnce his Spokane performance. Kelly is said to have Informed a num ber of hla friends that hla one desire waa to lower the fame of Parsona In the eaat. Paraona will run at James town In September and next year he will aprint for Wisconsin among the "big nine ' oolleges of the middle weat Should Kelly matriculate at Michigan he win nave any number or opportuni ties to meet tne California wonder. Kelly and Hayward arrived In Port land today from .Eugene en rouse to Jamestown. From here 'they will pro ceed leisurely on tneir way to tna At lantic seaboard. Kelly will leave the train at half a dozen cities along the ay ana umDer up. hi iwo iu sec onds flat atunts , at Eugene Saturday snow wai ne la in spienaia condition. KELSO TIGERS WIN FROM W00DBTJRN TEAM WEEK'S CALENDAR OP SPORTS. To Irian fntt ,M m. I Msxsroon , ana to unnecss- ; 0 asxy expenairatf oi energy. Do not est foods that tax the stomach to digest them, and consume energy. .Drink A.- JLAI. JLVl Tlw Ber of QaKty ' It Is rich In foodf-T&raes. low ls,0 tht percentage of alcohol and IXJ. practically predigested. Thntrj Is nojsaats energy in assimilating ( 1 thiood.vahiAa in Pahst Blue I ft ubon. Drink it and keen cOoL J sip- Cbarlea Kohn aV Co.. Cor. Id and Pine Sta., Portland, On. Phone Mala 410. NORTHWEST LEAGUE At Tacoma Tacoma 8; Vancouver l. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago, I; Washington, 5. ' Detroit 11; New fork, 8. St Louis 0-1; Boston, 1-2. Tribunes Beat Ex-Tribunes. mv- in ii i. v . . x no x riDiuii Daseoaji imm wnv, a well played game yesterday from tha Ex-Tribunes, by the score of 7 to 6. Tha Tribunes scored tha vhni.. ..... with one down. Tha feature of tha game was the pitching of Scott for tha Trlbunea. who osonad 11 olaan hlta wars made off hla delivery. The rest waa of the aoratAh aMm SirJfenr rtvea were made by Nelson and Wilson for two baaea. CAR1ISLE HITS THREE HbMERS IN ONE DAY (ieuraal Special Service.) i San Franc laco, Aug. If. Oakland won both games from Los Angelea yes terday, though Carlisle, the Angel left neider, put three, home runa over the fence. Score: Morning game-- . R.H.B. Los Angelas 1. I 0 Oakland , S I I BatteriesBurns and Bagerf Carnes ana Byrceav , . Afternoon gams ' aEE. oa Angelas .... ....... . .. ..".4 7 J Oakland n . Bateriee Nagle and H. Hogan; W. Rogaa sad Bliss. i ... . , 4 Carlsbad, Bohemia. Opening of e Western Chess association tour 4 nament at Excelsior, Minnesota. 4 Annual competition for the Do e minion lawn bowling trophy at 4 Toronto. Ontario. Annual re 4 gatta of the Inland Lake Tacht e lng association at Lake Wlnne- 4 bago, Wisconsin. Opening of 4 annual tournament of the Sara e toga (N. T.) Polo club. Tennla 4 tournament for the champlon 4 ship of the middle west beglna e at Omaha Ohio state tennla e championship tournament be- e gins at Cleveland. Grand circuit 4 race meeting opena at Readvllla, 4 Massachusetts. 4 Tuesday National tennla 4 championship tournament opena e at Newport, Rhode Island. Ten- 4 round fight between Benny e Taarger and Packle McFarland e at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Open- e lng of Great Western circuit a race ' meeting at Davenport, e Iowa. Opening of annual horaa 4 - abow at Bar Harbor, Mains. 4 Western handicap shooting tour- 4 nament, opens at Denver, . Colo- e rado. e Friday Ten-round fight be- 4 twaen Joe Oane and Oaorga e Memalo at Loa Angelea, Call- e fornla. Opening of annual horaa -e show at Narraganaett Pier, 4 " Rbods Island. e Baturday Intermountaln ten ey nis . championship tournament e : at Salt Lake City, Utah. Corn- e e, lsh wrestling tournament' at e 4 Calumet, Michigan. Central A. U. outdoor swimming cham- ' plonshlps at Chicago. e Kelao, Wash.. Aug. 19. The Kelso Tigers yesterday Increased their lead for the pennant by defeating the Woodburn Indians. ftnlna TTalart'a n.v nftYi .uuntt. .. cured from Prosser. twirled a nice game, striking out 12 men and allowing dui seven scaiierea nils, tnree or wnicn were of the scratchy order. The Tigers Threading X make no misleading propositions, promise no Impossibilities, but perform all I promise. Fair dealing; wnodersts fees, faithful senr ice ana speedy cures hsve won for me tne con fidence snd patronage of the afflicted every where. I DAVE CURED THOUSANDS . I have no specific or cure-all preparations. out treat eacn esse separately and scientificallj according to its particular requirements, close ly watching it and carefully following its symp toms with vanea remedies through every SpedallsIC N mm SB. AtXOB, stage, and stake my reputation on ths result. Tba iadiag apeeiailsl In Simple Disorders MY FEE $DdD- r PAY WHEN CURED Ooatraoaed Plav erdars. Ba aura your cure la thorough. Not one of my pa tients has ever had a relapse after being dis charged aa cured, and I cure In less time than. the ordinary forms of treatment require. gpeolfle Blood Potsom No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless, blood cleansing reme dies that remove the last poisonous taint What Weakness Is and How I Cure It "Weakness" la merely a symp tom of chronlo Inflammation in the proatate gland, brought on by early dlaalpatlon or by the improper treatment of aome con tracted disease. A complete and radical cure is, therefore, a quea tlon of restoring tha proatate gland to lta normal atate, and thla I accompllah promptly and completely without tha uaa of internal remedies. My treatment la a local one entirely. It la orig inal and aclentlflc, and haa been proven absolutely effective by thouaanda of testa I am con vinced that by no other methods can full and permanent resolu tion of strength and vigor ba accomplished. - Tartoaoela Absolutely paliH less treatment that curea completely. In ana weak. Investigate my . method. It is the only thoroughly scientific treat ment for thla die ease being env ployed. lilutura. Piles, Seel Ylgosv Xy diooslav Orgaaie WsaVaeas, eta the ease oared. stay iJnounbut S Straight, Square Trottv It will coat you nothlnr to call and talk over your ease. Too can And out all about your troubles and you can later arrange to begin treatment any time you like. My offices, comprising ten rooms, are tha largest, most elegant and beat equipped in the weat. the DR. TAYLOR co. 834), XOmSZSOsT, OOBTaa HBCOaTS, POXTaVUTD, OHOOsT. nr. thla DOlnt Springer right field and McKay brought to relegated M JP TAKE THE FOUR'S TIMEt 1V1 JE1M SAVE THE DAILY WORRY! YOU CAN DO IT BY CONSULTING THE St Louis Physicians and Surgeons Doctors That Can Cure SICK MEN IT aally earns strange that man who are mzOTTSXT WBAX will go to the charlatan, whan they might Just aa eaaily AJTD TAM BCOU SATXSTAOTOaUXiT, spend tne time nonsuiting physicians of kmowm merit, To tha weak, rundown and mervoua naa no better advlos ean be glvem than thlsi ;. BTEZX XBXJP WXXXB XT XB OXXTAZV TO BJ3 fOVTS. r Ton persist In going to those who have no standing professionally, how gait you expect to to b omtast This iastituoW has tmllt no its splendid araetioa mora by the free advertising given M bv lta FEXTEOTI.T sjATXSras PATXEHTS, who have tweetyad tba beav -eflt of lta modern, sclentlflo and legitimate method a, than 1m any othe were off In fielding and did not give mm me Desi or support. Concannon for Woodburn laated five Innings, when he retired in favor of Jerman, wno aid no better than hla pre- accessor. xne wooanum Duncn are a gentlemanly lot of ball tossers and took their aereat graeeruiiy. Halbert of Kelso was the star of both teama with the bat, getting two singles ana a mree Dagger oui oi iour times up. Score: R. H. E. Kelso 10 9 4 Woodburn ,5 7 0 Batteries Kelso, Golns and Miller; Woodburn, Concannon, Jerman and Hud dleston. Umpire Cheyne. Attendance. 600. thPee of whlcS fek Moore lb. . JUUIVKJ, 1 I SO esse Hlnkle, If O. Moore, o brown, 3b Trowbridge, ss . . Springer, p-rf .... 6 5 1 0 I 1 0 i t 4 1 Totals Newell, ss . Antoine, o . R. Parrott Martin, 2b . A. Parrott, Mangold, rf Houston. 8b Pender, p . . 53 FRAKES. 4 13 42 14 8 if'.'..'..".'.'.'.' ii'.'. a o l l o o o l o o t IS 2 6 IS 1 5 0 Totals SS 4 7 42 15 SCORE BT INNINGS. St. Johna. Hits ... Frakes ... Hlta ... T. M. C. A. BOYS HAVE FINE TEIP UP RIVER After a six days' trip up the Colum bia IS T. M. C. A. boys returned Satur day afternoon. As the boys had their Own launch, they took their time In going up, visiting all places af inter eat. ' will a. naie, uie secretary or tne Moore, r-nuDrooa, MCKAy. Burl boya' department, had charge of tha Johnson. Antoine, Houston, Hlnkle. nartv. 'The trip could not have beeji more enjoyed," he said. "The scenes were new. to moat of the boya We visited the KPaper mills, went through salmon canferies and watched fishermen aeln lngffor salmon, all of which were rare treate for the boys. We will take an other trip up the Columbia aome time oar. .1 0000 10000000 0 4 .1 1 1 1 01 2 01 1 00 1 013 .8 1000000000000 4 ,3 01 0000 10011 00 7 SUMMARY. Struck out By Springer S, Moore , Pender 12. Passed balls Off Moore 1, Pender . Two-base hlta Charlea Moore, Philbrook, R, Parrott, Mangold, Houston. Sacrifice hits Phllhrnok. Houston, Pender. Stolen baaea Charles Moore, Philbrook, McKay, Springer, till Xf you are not a perfeot man eomt to aa. lant It worth tha utui me ii wuu taae waen yon are rasTais uai you wvu aav benefit of X0VB8T, BZHOBXB phyalolans wno never attempt to ae la any way? A oonaoltatlon ooeta yon nothing HXGBrV you ow 87 Tears' Experience. OUR FEE $10.00: xstaUlsbeA IT Team trn FwrtSaad, ' Consultation Free We Win Tree, Any Blnglo TTacompU. aated Ailment foe tXOJW. Absolute Guarantee ISo Pay Unless Cured tyr Cure safely and promptly WBAKTnegg. XAJTKOOO, aTPBB-' VticATOBBKOBA, SPEOITIO BLOOD WOISOIT M IS gTtMl TAKIOOCBUl, amUOEUEI, OOHOUKOIA, OIVBBT. OB AXY Or THE DIBZASES OOXHOV TO KBIT. Oar feea are fair. Perianal at. tenUon given aU patlenta. T awonau Write If yon oannot oall. Our system of home treatment Is always OZXTAXCr and most anooesafnL All oorrsapondenoe aaoradly oonfldeaUal. HOURS t a m. to 6 p. m.; Evenings, 7 to ; Sundae. a. in. to 12 noon. . . , ST. LOOK MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY next SeDtemc Tha party ascended tha river aa far as Bonneville, taking five days for the trip up and making their return in one day. SUNDAY AMATEUR SCORES. At Mllwaukle Spaaton'a 7, Olym Pla 4. 7 At Oregon City Grays J Oawego 6. At Oregon City Qun Club 1, Woolen Mills 0. At McM Inn villa McMlnn villa 11. fl R. N. X bv Ditched ball O. Moore. Passed baJla. battery error Antoine, Wild pitch, bat tery error-Snrlnger. Pender. First base on rrora Hlnkle, Springer. Clark moon. u. jaoore. anioina ibi. Manroin. Houston (2). Earned runa St Johns 2, Frakea 2. Left on baaea St Johna 14. Frakea 11. Innlna-s Ditched Springer 8, Moore 12. Pender 14. Hits made Off Springer 3, Moore 4, Pender 14. Time of game 2:80. Attendance 1,000. Umpire Rankin. Scorer Smith. Tennis to the Middle West. Omaha, Neb., Aug. IK piay in the annual lawn tennis tournament ror the championship of the middle west began"! toaay on me magnificent clay courts of the Omaha Field due. There are many entriee from Nebraska. Missouri. Iowa and neighboring states and they are al most without exception well-known players, whoae high atandard of play glvaa promise Of good competition. Amateur Challenges. The Laue-Davls seniors will cbal-. lenge any team In Oregon or Washing ton for Sunday games. For games call East 4279 or write Laue-Davis Drug store. 107 East Twenty-eighth street, . The Laue-Davis Juniors would like to play games out of the city and esna. daily challenge the Forest Grove nine for a game Sunday, August 25, at their grounds. For gamea call East 1209 or write Willie SteDn. Ill Eaat T.t.' eighth street - Tennis Experts at Newport. (Joenul Special Serviee.) , Newport. R, I., Aug. 1 J. The annual nlla-rlmaae Of lawn tennla the Mecca of tennis increases and New port naa uwb wung up au day with athleUc-looklng young men, , Tha an nual tournament .for. tha American championsnip win begin 5 tomorrow morning on the courta at tha Casino ILWLT2J5et player viitvusuuuv wiuur una entered ror tha atruggle. . .av- v,. lM , , , . ; ' Carbonio acid I ' gaa ' and "soda water appliances. Bilderback A Crane Caw J Flrat street , Always Bey m&r Collar-? gB yagrek. ' ' Tmsy sont esaeK se ootog HaverrNOCORD" aralet batten ho1a s Sasy to battea, Saroog te bold, eio. r, leg a ee, aMera raav, sv r. 1 V Tuesday, tba JOtlfc will be tha 1,. day te raoaivs ; discount en aaat sm gaa bills, :v:-'-v.!:.4;:., A . - ,' ' m '''i Preferred Stock Oaaasa Goo!, Alien 4k Iwla fleet Brand. ' r