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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
i t LOW TO USE Combustion Engines Steam Engines Being Rapiclly Replaced an. GRADE OREGON T TtouflanJs Acres of Heretofore Valueless Deposits Made Valuable hy Producer Gas Plants kand Internal f Doomed to'Oaleruation--A New Giant; Destined- ,f r : ; : , jj ...... . ijugiigiiiimiiii - i,wrrrrr v.-.:.-v . ?: ' ; : . X iV-.-V' - .- . ' . r ..( . . , ' w:.vH ii f ; J ' "-a- h' r f'., i i' : ' - ' t r ' . V J" -Y - ' .' - i j ' " " ' 4 ' jit v;VUl ; ' CONNECTED TO C OENEfcATO&S.. ; ' " ? -:V v-v-:, x :i ' s . - 4 har . : r, V-)iUMIi , GAS ENOINE OP 65M05EV0WtK ANDGAtS PJODyCEJ2. ! I - ' Is- X A' - j - ' - r H U ' . j . t rf:v. "".-'"'I farm I i . " '1; .'. :.. . ! :.. ' i 1 i ' ::. "': 1 r i -1 I ' . ...... '!''.:'.' I A MOBITOWTAI- ACTING, TANDEM GAS-BTfG IKTB , WILT FBOK t I I JK - , . tSOHCfcSBTOWEB .TO5.000.02 faOO,0.no3JWK,TO.OPE3TB.CPOPVCEK OA I J i r J - . W," - .--.. inai ln ordinary locomotives, only inn nereioioro. -. ; ' III dreda of thouaands of cr ot to 6 per cent of the fuel energy U ob- II . . - V : fi II' " I i (Washinrton Bureau of Tho Journal.) lew than B per cent of the total ener- gam operation, ; steamboata and river .ARHTNQTON Anm E Oreroa T wa avaiiaDia lor tn actual woric xrariio win. no aouoi, urcuras mucn k ik . .' ' 0j manufacturing. They also found more oowerful competitor to rallwaya mat in ordinary locomotives, only -man nereioiore. -. ; dreda of thouaanda of acrea of to 6 per cent of the fuel energy U ob- , ' f ' f I low-erade coala. ' Heretofore, tainea lor puuing- tne train, xma ia bO-Utueo UHI rueia uaeo. ' w; - . k. . V. . . . ff . . . . a. barrel of flour nd aunceedMi in 6-et- "Another Important fact la that many Hereafter they may be .classed as al- ting but one small blacult as the entire fuels that are no't lit for use under or- mnat mm valtiahl 'Ul Alhf 1 result. deposit becau of the ; proof frgg "f&VZ t ms u . ir.inuruiuji wi mo emment experts nave been experiment' gas, the lowest grades of coal, even lignites, may be used to generate power In the new gas motors This remarkable announcement was made by the Geological Survey today, accompanied by. facts elaborating the assertion. ... The statement has large economio significance, inasmuch as It adds to the dlnary steam boilers have been . used with the greatest ease In the gas pro ducer. This opens the way to the utilis ation of many fuels that have hereto fore been regarded as practically of no value. Several of the poorest grades of bituminous coal have shown remarkable efficiency In the gas producers and the lignites and peats have responded with sreat readiness to the demands of -this Gas engines and gas producers have new generator. A remarkable feature ing for some time. A method of com bustlon which. It is believed, will ellm Inate this waste, has been found In the gas producer and the Internal combus tion engine.- Lignite Coals Utilized. and Philadelphia with much G AS ENGIN EcS . OF 5,400, ; ttOB, PO WBJ&. success. 6,000 horsepower over the same horse- horsepower per hour, some idea1 will be James McKeehnle, engineering di rector at Barrow-in-Furnesa, in a re- . cent lecture in the Technical college, Glascow, referring particularly to the ; -application of the gas producer engine for power purposes, estimated thst the . .. Itf ....... 1 1 .. - . 1 1 . J C... j .:. .' . - . . . - - , - 'fields or NOrtn uatcota ana xexas are one end tne centralisation -or, power .me aguauon now ioing on in x.urop , r.-i ouier mausiruu oyerauuns, mere . mmtr f bteam JUlgine USieitzed. . that soft coal and even lignite and peat .imo.t inexhaustible and as very little development and distribution. They against the waste of fuel. The gas en- -.-fthllM. - further-, no oon one tons .TwU In the saving of $50,000,000 In f, , vi t could be. utilised in the producer. Prior use commercially haa been found for point to the time, -and -. at v no"staiit.. gins haaiy ooUlned 0P-A mM ,hn-M, iiomMW nurnoW " r British-faotorie ,In hundreds of big manufacturing os- tn ih. ,. ,o.n CI M. L .,- . the limit in the past this will develop Say. when great central Dlants will be ment in Germany and England has pro-i consumed,. while for domestlo purposes, fn M that the waste heat from metal tabllstuneotg the atm bo)lr 'a the '. hZueVi'lanK Hi miA new Industry for thos states that located at the various mine centers nounced ( It a success. . An eminent, th comumptlon weeds JO.000,000 tons iurnaces mignt produee gas enough to ..... imu uu:ocu -m uiuj ou com anu nA k m t.. uPIMih nr nur In itlanuMlnar th , k ill aaaaa a. run continuously, anainea of S00.00O . jl . inia... 194, vvv,vvv wni, , ; "-L T. . . -7 . . frthT'maeilVio rVllrod" is derating" lt7" coal lands beretctoro regarded as worth ,n,iy yearg' but the awl0m,nt yielded more power m the gas producer Stamford. Connecticut, to New York by to thjlg manufacturers. ,, . i . ' , - - ; V alnr . rtow and unimportant until the than the very best West Virginia coal electrlo power. . . : That the United States has not taken WUJ b Commercial Success. ... . " , government exoerU Droved bv tests under th steam boiler. The lignite "These rapid changes are leading to up this question too soon Is shown, in f i . .team,engln are being oslerlxcd, and lignite in thl.way: and with the big wm grow into tmmense p.roporuons a. an ? . replaced by producer gas plants with sl .:.f -ul . "The possibilities of this form of dustrlal plants, cities and the various day said In a their accompanying Internal combustion mwiM.r thi .otn?.! ft,.f, ,k. power have been received with such Institutions where - electrical energy - been estimatea . engines. . Stern J cmbustio eniin wis ctfv ccnttdence and enthusiasmby engineers ls .needed. The freat .railroads will 4d there is reason for It; ln fact gas but even this was too exDensive n? aJ?? J?r"" , several. - except for engines of small cawiclty. It aB"7. LV Th lnnniunmhnn An unrlii liti wa discussing the London paper, "It has 'Tneany is per cent is wh id various , Professor F. W. Burstall. In lecturing mat some ei.vuo .ouu ways.. It is a truism 10 state tnat tne r recently Derore tne omiiorasnire, ung tnS05ven!5linJo 'backbone: of jour Industrial . prosperity .Iron; and 8.t "t A SKr!.. In havln enormous supplies of -Ilr.i ?,Tn "S. rt int iiAninmnHnn a m! nav nttl t ftlir AnnTU. Tkd thai t OUT Inrlllll ' mnA tlrt rfnilht if WOllld UltlmAtAlw ' m m m it - uver idu k uruu uuci - insiaunt iius a atiiK aiiuvjaiiuo ui niiivn.v ouu viiiuri auu f aTDioao, .mv , vm wa. . - . : - " l . seldom iouna xeaBiDie lo oneraxA r' s . saa a aaa i i i. ,1 m i j u. iun.i kAwaaAw.a. a 'trial nriaitinn mm n naiinn mn an rri ahUva annai aiitraaiai in rmarianri in x ' """JPtt?" enalne. of more than 75 horsepow'.r on b'07taKon".W.,S rordt"' ln"pwportion to"h. tests -'he condu-cted7 the gas pVoduce Va Sven"aouTt"r the. persistent- Increase. - has led the sightfy place. In our cities will become Inan economical tYmM.mMMtm.ncm.tWM going used but ens .third as much cejU-fW . . . . m . . . . .4 1 I - . . - M . I 1 A U .un .aw InH Uall am ...I.. .1.1. ... - T r..J .. : ivationar AOira oi ire unaerwruers to viiiuiiiiivBiy vienn na -. tree , irom wuiu w vk rXi th, i , ':Ar,. " -1. Tr "Y-ri,B ".u .Un issue special rules and requirements for smoke. Furthermore, the Introduction y .lhe:.caa nroduner -r.irf - .w i i.-r -V- I tn construction. - instauaiion, ana use ir c.juw ; iwr ww uwiw. 1 ' - K -v w isi - gs tV(M - MA isun V V OWIS UICI , power that the same coal does in the come, with the result that the internal steam plant. Still further It haa gene- combustion engine at once became a e- raieu powr irora lignite (tne lowest nous rival or tne steam engine. The form of coal) where the lignite has re- development of the gas engine in point fused to do any work under the steam of size has been exceedingly-rapid. It i?r- '.'' .. was only a few years ego that a 00 ,.Thl?, 1 ventually mean a saving . horsepower engine exhibited at the - iniiuons oi uoiia.r a year to tne Paris exposition w regarded as a ent calculation, manufacturers of this country. Various wonder, but today four-cycle, twin-tan- .1 UNblLVLUKZU LiUJN.riJNliJN 1 Orcat .Fos- possibilities of using vast fields of coal, cities will be cleared, and the city clean v.i -'at f 1 : m r ' TT T11 "' T-x 1 . ' - .1 :S1 ?Wreiul Ahead for Those .,Willmgto- Press ' Forward are a strong Indication that the gas Professor Feraald but recently com-p . - ' ' . , ; - . . " t ' , ... producer form of power wUl. within the fl"' 8"n2a.,e VhS ' anfl1 V- v By John 'Anderson "Jayne. N- . to a great and mighty nation. Bu,t even edge means deeper digging! - So W are next few yearo, develop far beyond pres. ierenceJncort f ' th ' the nation controlling America today content with what we have! norBBDUWRr iDiernaiumDuiuoo - cdkim ::'vr vwauu r uiv . vvu.mia ........ . t i.A.... .11 , v...A 1 - ... t... . . 1. 1 . . .... and - nn.hornnw.r atam Mflna. 2lu i Ik I 1. i'kV-mlW ;i ' ."wi.,"Zwf"iV ..:.' uneuiorea continents TO t " r : . : r--- -t vm. wiu m aaiuv ,.vnu Tin iik tne aarea or inn mountains. Tni. mno-m nnnti na nnd 1 1 b f ti r h Aiit ri.aama - "mates Place tne saving in the coun- dem, double-acting gas engines run as r Rmolre Preventer the difference between the cost and . try a coai oui at irom to high as 8,000 horsepower. r, . .' operation of a , 8,000-horsepower S Zii.'. i iac Kobert neywooa rernaia, proressor or "There is no better smoke preventer ternas-comDusuon. engine ana .ff"" wm mecnanicu ensineeruiit. vviwninKtoii An .1 . oonewwci. ui msiin. - : ??Eariy developed;-a .lonaness , venturous nears oi man lorwara, on- sirous or bathing on the virgin river, .', -'it for navlcaUoii.r."andvia -the'' ara:-rolle f'-.lw.r' . . breaks forth, and the world Is disturbed. from smoke. Th. general adoption' of iln offering threstimates. Professor I hy to be recognised a. an intrepid ; pl&edTl80e 1.1. -e a m TTsrTaM rloplarM Via nm mnA th ha at j j i . im.a aA-tia.s a4 tKa nan a Waata.. a..A.a.iMv u. a . . T . . L . " u. " imarnirn fir T n 1 si nr I aa - T A..!a U ssAniH ij4 AH - ----- - - o -w - ... ,fBi - is estimated, went for gineer in charge of producer gas tests ducep- After ,the plant is In wording Difference in Coat,; condition, tnere is an aDsoiute ireeaom . 1 1.600.000.000. . 1600,000,000, it coal to produce j ower. Thus It will be of the United States geological survey ... mujwimmi jicwem tactor fuel testing plant, sees immense possi- will become to those who buy coal for bllitles in this new mode of power pro- the purpose of making steam. ductlon. In speaking of the results of In these days of gigantic Industrial the investigations he paints a rosy pic endeavor, with the great nations of the ture for the future, not only In the earth i struggling for supremacy ln the cheanening of production but also ln the E M?."trZ. .k.ip?w- ."l - to .abatement of - the smoke nuisance power production made possible by the ' sdds. "I believe tlfose countries that ran maniifanf nr ,i.....-i....t ii.. tt.i,. k. w. ...... auua, . uencvo ost economically Beallxlng this, producer makes no smoke In its gener- rapf strides ln electrical development Pnt Cn better the manufacturers of the United States ation of power. - ' within the next few years. Now that I doubt very mu . r.n An Ttnl.P I. hA-...arhA riAf. nTnni Ml AT in, T1AII1-. n n T nit Wll flT . . 'I1 . 4 1 . Kn . n ...n . . I w . . ... . 1. . 1 unrlnca of tna aeaa. Alwava there la an . tnnua nirt fulinv ,ik K....k -e t - T'iT0 ,L -. ?. . unexplored, an unknown remainder. . un- uncharted mountain on hia cheek, hear- V ; -r : ,. world as Christopher coiumDus. conauered and ' still beckoning the ad- lnr tha call f th nn.n mm mil ie- this economical system, of power prod-' 'Famald declare he has. made the best and daring explorer, u The compass and : gav the GreatWestern Crossing . the known and k placed the banner on a uction win mean th almost flnn-nieta ; Possible ahowlng fort th steam "engine tha aatrMaha had luafc been Invented and PJ pond from Bristol, England, to New higher peak. f .-.. elimination 'of smoke. "The great reduction In the Cost of .ki- ,. .i ih nfAAiin.. .i.n - .. . , ...... .... .ior in it . oays: . istv gave me teie- k... . ;.,V ZZS' rJT :LZZZ Mll0TB n "Wn' Pmpeiu to u ,raphf 1878 gave the : telephones 100 Iturer" the' explorert And we might have been the adven- we might nave are takina an Interim interest in thn work now being done by government Great Savin ir UlaA Possible ' experts in solving the problem of the ureat Maae rOBDie. . ;r It is commercially possible to transmit pl&nt figur can be excelled, even If It i best utilization of the fuel resources of tue country, a Detter utilisation of fuel mrtinuni power tor OlBlBnce I . -aov .h miles or more h InMilnn nf mmmu H" be reached. "v the . ahnra' on "tneir vovaves. nut couia - save wireless system or teiearrannv. and kn th : m.itnn ih : that the producer gas f f out tne unknown and .I07'iwlirglv--whatrJ.:.Wbo-- wlll. dare Morse, the-Marconi to our race had w!-' thafltW ; 'but ih7 nctarted tU ejfr'. thayea' of grace and the been willing to make the exploration-of 1 oh whether th T . ' .. . . ; !:" 7 o- tne uncnartea continent around ana ra . uuiuaiDUB DisiAcyau .iiwi uvi . hi. uaj aiiu ijra luiun arv line av artsat un- ua. kiiv in tia -i ti wMa ' exmorea continent, run Ganges river, explored continent. of possibility on. residents by the as it is w are but hangers- springs. The valttexo the results of these power . plants will speedily, follow,:-' A, n pe reacneo ; r i r f . - eii.4 with,numher. Ior auventurous aouis woo xear no nan- when w might have been real benfao- Professor Fernald gives., th cost. pt rXjr" . w.ifw tors of the race., , . .,, ( and full of ' rivers whose;' sands wer continent, wo one has yet reached final-- - . Irr In knnwlettflr. TtAfnra ua lh am ... . .n 1 -1... 1. J1...IL. . . J . . l. . B fl ft L. nln.t . , lil v-w. MkuiMMvir .ja i uci . .. . . , . . , , veil vim u.aiik wuiu UIMIIIUUIQ UUII elect . . .; vww-w ra,... t. v . : jk" ' fc w tneans more economv In the nnwin.!!,. Investigations Is of course AOt limited r. current fnr a iia. J cn .onil and h tnm niant t ln nnn a. of goods and more economv mean a to the coal Droduclne section Of the that is. 250 miles ' either aM," .r th differences of 18.000 in favor of ih .Ti . h ly in knowledge. Before us there i , larger opportunity for the Yankee manu- country" ears Professor Fernald. ."but plant, thus covering sn area, of almost "team . plant Operating both plante' " 7 a ..-'tl - ... t - "t"11" ittountaln Pfaka ' .-, ?d flower. i - From the Indianapolis News. Mushroom Breaks, Asphalt Walk. tJT'u l,a -r.r ilT -r '.S00.00 square miles, n ores, nearly 00 days, hours a dayT the total cost mlUiona and . precious stones in great- caressed valleys of truth, of which . Illustration of the wonderful strength extends through every. State and terrl- fo- times the alza nt Iha Tliinl for coal In the nroducer a-as nlant wnnld Af nrnfnalnn. ; JHa believed that there today know practically nothlns:. Of rrnwlnr vemtahla motto la afforded tory where coal or other mineral fuel lsois. With 10 or It of these great cen-be ,680; In the steam plant,, 18,250. ;wa- - -horter nassage to India than th Pl?0 reaoh ly 'th foot-, ln a froceful manner by a mushroom used as a source Of power. v Thus in ira P'ants tocatea at tne various mine 4. totars operating- cost . anq ,; nxea .7. . "-(,-,-.. ,h. "u fc, n'M?,01 V?" 'roun""; mountains 01 pos- Drought t the office of the News oy- lecturer In the trade of the world. Result of Experiments. .. . . w used as a source cr nower. '.-Tnui in ifwiu. iwicu m tne various mine - ivmc v.."5- vn. anu u&cu - . . . -.. -r ( mvm- wvhuhujis u. ua- uiuukiiv -to- tne oitice 01 tne xvcwm wy. The Technologic branch of the United the New England states no coal j i! centers, the great railroads of the Uncharges for thegasproducer plant .for f ones usually before us. W com-T. J. Trusler. The mushroom, whlcn Btatea Geological survey has been en- mined, but in the year 0 tne.-ateW:-!1. f" ' ?? "r'"-Wrf-VK14"J1,'!i!s-0p-tV ' Plan'? I4 hotflnd lt,-yet he did find a jiew to a pleasant place of springs. -There is of,the edibl kind, grew under the m red for several veara testing. ...1. - power proaucea tnrougn tne coniumn, .. " -j----- . .c- - ' . ---" . . II -- .. n.ui.u. ui m. miuu . :.r.-- ..- w tlon of coal and used for manufacture ?vi-2 ...i -. : . : . v ".T.fT. . " tn purposes in these; states cost ap- tihrVSia f" 11 "9r.l"' -52 ZJllv3,X 150.000.000. - The develorv r. t. " ' v: . i r, fs the possibilities of the gas engine proximately or internal been developed that the en takinr notice. For three years tne vgovernment la. . .- um hn.tin. . - inent (IT mi. nnwffr .. inrnnrn I na - mnra .. . . , cuKian. nave rii : " .:T officials or tne Yorit Ontrai n to. uch- a marked degree 1". F.lZXl road has. publicly stated .that: In' tire commercial world la k. ....i...v.:r:. -1" .i.Z Til; opinion tnere win be no steam lo .f,; r. -......:;"-7:. iV?Si""u'?I". motives operating on the New Y, pani Was not named . aner mm, out cuibq ripminj water iwni. nm Diras are its strengtn m growing was sufficient .-" Tiin tue increased America, after another explorer. ., h xuu oi aeugni xn tneir meiooy. The to bulge up the pavement for a radius gas Producer Plant over itm. (.la lm fHim M vnvin nf flnvtn bloom hrlffhtlv. Wa . ara .. 1IL-a nt mni-a. . than i.k.. in-llv IS estimated that It -T.himhua toU -nt th imi1. Tannvion'l "lvtil RntM-a." maA . In .Anu. K. k..n. . .nv.i- nn f. tha the steam slant. all, wouia taice . i, montns or operation or yeloped and unexplored continent y to ""swear an oath v and keep with equal Imbedded - like a hl ".PinliSi-Hni ,otua Iand ve of the mass of a ro- hyaf.1ii Tsnat.'- atnglntr birda,: - tropical . toltag.- .wdlli recUnd.t , of th mushroom. Ork Professor Fernald . finds there IS ftO ift na.,. Immenaa mountalna. -OT ara aat1aflal with niir nr. fnrmxt Tha x.yuv,wu -to z.vw,vww per annum.- rmtrl rud in 10 vears Again, tne total consumption ot coal v ; . . - - Lored at the'fuel testing plant at St. i ff'M m imZL rSTirt 14 . .1 ,.. ,.!. rr.nin.ri . lunrrnib- :.-vi..' . "Bu."'v tons . annually. . ir gas pro-- , -,. ,.., "uwa na gas engines were substitut- Steam Locomotive. ''Already the New York Central Is where the tests are being con- d for the aTTaS r'iiiiZZ.jL arranalng to substitute eleetrlo nower ' ,- ' 1 WOtllA aV4 iionJ A v A k A A iA a aa ana Ii . 1 - S.. o-aa . 4. .... ak. - w vl ui;cn a, .niiii. I n at . nn iTO ii MMBi r i nil ni Hur v nrir . a - a-a . aa Ti.. exports at tne Beginning rouna tons and at th. m' ima mL'A . . 1 Z,." " yl' T vna. fllrri nl I r V-k A m a& V. . a ... --w viuvipv TT UUIU all! STI I I BBS iriim in a Arm Fin f il-ltMl 1. t!..-v li i l n most difficult problem on., be piicilwihiafS th.-ir 1ho.!. They found that the loss rt8 in u,e uHhnimn of fuel for the devel- aroducedVn shios and rtv . ... ... . . . . mnA 1 1 ... t war. .ml., will . .... f-w"a IIT hump . of asphalt. i car in the center asphalt is the plleus n . Thla la narfanHv . We are satisfied with our littlest W formed. The stipe or-stem Is slender content witn tne present! w ar and .only slightly bent - The circular to put rorttr the necessary .ex- Piece of asphalt displaced is about four t come up to the full measure Inches in diameter and about art inch .....I.I1UI..I .c.l.u-.a n... ... .. . , . m . i i . m . . . . . . , nlanla-nnnliniimialv for one vrar tha ana men-ainrms in a uiiumaoii way. . on. our irvsaiuiiiirea. oaueuea I . catlS- ana a nail imcu. inn suriace IS ."Ved es oroduc? men. manyof them., found .only fledl Satisfied! - with seams and , cracks. showlngXX - .. - - . a a. m. . ' tveoDB r n ja iingnnwn ami unajTninnin an. vua ions or coat ..ov a ion, or fozj Jr -. i.Ti -rirCaT-- , VUUi Will 13 HIV k7 WVU1U VUII" - 4 . . a z . . - - - nuine 42.000 tons -it a coiit ef $105,000. forward -to -wealth and returned homa lnrto pre forward, iflffarAnr. lit (ha ati.a rf a, CTat a tirnunati .itF3uiiiv.Mfc ...v., - ; . n k.;.;. V and aroused such a frensy or.oesire on are "i 7; . " . "" h Tart of adventurers that the courts wllllnr S KaTmOKlng i ..fiurop., were; depleted .courtiers Wtion i In art, literature and commerce there the asphalt gave way slowly under tnwV ire great possibilities for the manwlll- gradually Increasing pressure of th producers can be in- "tatlon, and extensive tests In th us The total operating expenses and fixed bearing their trophies with them. -...Awe have p 'charges of the. f.OOO-horsepower gas -' In the 400 years that have passed the story, But, the picture mushroom beneath painted is superb! .; The poem, Nearly 7,000 men employed on all the . in ua ci- w hav written are good tstab-neana ,, f nlant tnr Urn alA T,r... "' ru M lis . pwling tal,D.O. ; J lie tvviu BUTlllB Jjer JW PJT Fl'iw u iai- u.',u . 1 . C? . "OT-Iia CeiVCO M. SQVanC in Wage OI irOm manufacturing; plant, for Ha storage, with this much cheaper eleotrid tralu between AUantio City operaUng the gaa producer plant " of fully surveyed and plotted and given more skillful climbing! , Fuller knowl- to 10 per. cent. " . j . I . .J . T ...m ..... -. . . i . . . . '. i . a . j . AUm .1 .A1..MK..a ..Ua .A Iha wa-iT a . . K I Tha kn. n... . W ....w . . . . T. 1 " ...w ..... i,u an iio-ht -aar-a -..Ti L-n.. ,i".o river iw nui.ui in- cicvmv iocymuin-1 m ueine proauctr piani are given at it, 1 1 a, - ui nuiaiu".. V": " :"' if."" "rr" ' street car lines ana on the four elevated Vo . t", kSAn nf roal n between Kocneeter. and Buffalo., while the steam "engine would cost continent, tne niiis, nvers, vaiiys and iisnea sunicesi . wetter. work means railroad systems of Chicago have re- ' ! " i!1 ton ,r c.0!,i c2nB",m iar .,e5" room WHI be required on board The Pennsylvania Is ow oneratina I219.6J8. , The total saving per year bv plains of the continent have been care- hardef work! Greater heights means ceived an. ad vane in w vm t whila tha - ateam ensrina would coat continent, the hills, rivers, valleys and operating- J219.6JS. , The total saving per year by plains of the continent have been care- hardef work! J