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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
THE ' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNALY PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST , 11, 1CC7. 60 IS riervone wrecka coining "the luxury for .... ...y.w.m. . , , ... y Cackay rays Urvattoa, Wwm ' 1 Moekay la ho losa a sybarite than th 1 , rofmoer or the (Jouhl family. - lie had a ir.n nn k....i V... in hla mansion -nf k. vL,ri",i.A'' r. ; - "'" in in mamer or AD ITS HDER nnnAn7rn v h ii i v i t-ii . biv.M-s.,s;ra.B1'in..,, " latating that a uvr. at-ii,-. - . J ' ! I nilHI I J I III asking him to noma har. t-CI. 7 . "V.: ' I IlllllblfabV "We n,i.t on our oriilnild.'nT.Sd. of (Continued from Fart One.) which though , but 41 hours old, baa assumed glgantlo proportions of tha gravest nature. . Ufa ahd .Deatfe tttrnggle, Prom a series of scattered aklrmlehes , between the Postal and Western Union ; ' Telegraph companies and Individual lo cals of the Commercial Telegraphers' - union the present trouble tonight sud denly loom a up aa a life and death struggle between the union and the , corporation. . ljlplomatio relations and treating are now out of the question. A teat of t strength la demanded by both aldea - Meanwhile there are promisee of suf- ferine from on of the greatest and most harassing atrlkea In the labor Malory of the country. ..a- -. k. . . r . " " o company to rurnisb type Si' " waea aad isaa i Markets Xlt gui ' . v vf-0nLm?rcla,1 "changes and atock mar fnrt! vi. plun"ea '"to wadneaa early v - w-a eing received ex .f&Vf0" .f . wUa ' 'luctuatlone in tttSt Induatrlala Buffered. Railroad anarea. too, were deaperately assaulted. -,,"'" "? " iew nours. Chi cago had alight aaslatance through Mil waukee until 4 o'clofk Th. ti.. JZLL atora there atroclt - . , It la a four hours' MaU sacks going to and from that city filled the cars. . These contained tele- f . 5 . wiicag and telegrams Intended for local dnllvarv. Th. lusji oi uuainess lor a wniia. . Than i ceaaed, ahort, abrupt. Atia.nta, Memphis, Birmingham and Kakes Full Confession to Sheriff While Coming From Pendleton. ' . INFUIIUTED CITIZENS THKEATEN TO liTNCH Culprit. Stole tn Prom Pendleton 1 Iaut Sunday MghC Got Hla Man - And Stole Out Again The Woman In the Case. ? ; T1-.- Meridian talked over the long distance telephone with Wesley RuaaelL acUng nrfkalrleant lit rMr.t am . tJa a-ysia lv. Ming atrlkea In the labor F..rnJnui th.-T Sere ;aii'X..fuY Kiurv oi ioa counirv, . i . t. Ton?hr aMiva .7.n. . t.w. were laaen ana may Quit ,v to assemble the finances of all organised ITewapaper Wires Seooma SOenft, . labor In a defense fund to battle against Bedalla, Missouri; Jackson. ' Missis the mUliona of the telegraoh' oom- alppl; Naahville, Mobile and Oklahoma - panlea. With eufllcient funds for. all City and some other cities alaa went out. - present needa. Secretary Nockela of the Southwest of BL Louis few wires are Chicago iteration of Labor tonight la- working. Texas la suffering. ballaa. Sued a call for . tha lnadara of tha af. Wart Worth YVa . , aaawiavione or me national rea- e ration to be lield tn Chicago next Bun i day. , ', Vnloas ma Kaas rnnos. v A" kyo-s ol the meeting a week ( hence. James B. Connors, vioe-grand , . rnaster of tha- Switchmen's union of -North 'America, at a mass meeting of operators tonlrht pledged the moral and , financial aunnort nt him nnnniniin- 17.000 to tha teleeranhara In thai with the telegrSDhera. Thar worked ov nt trouble., ertlme today. Th telephone company John Mitchell, John Fttxpatrick and w"- flooded with calls from other cities. , the other labor men of national repute "ow -heae wires are to go. , are expected at the meeting a week from Minneapolis went out tonight Most " oon"" prepared to pledge tno soutnern cities closed earlier In .at aV --v,V.i.f:',r;;i-.; j j .l'r-rJ --K-iy. , . J t Ii. .iKiA ---) W-tN. .-,VW. r arkv : W-"T ; e i - rYv- r7 w...y veaton were Idle. The leaaed wires of the Oalveaton and Dallas nswapapers were put out of bualneaa. Omaha and St. laul are tha two sta tions for tha West. With strike on. qo messages can go weat Thla Is expected si any moment. ohlefa will meet tomorrow to vote upon a strike. They are in heartr sympathy (loeeUl Dispatch e The learaall Tha Dalles, Or, Aug. 10. When I Sheriff Chrlsman and Deputy Woods I arrived lata thla evening from Pandla! ton with their prisoner.. Ed Oossoa. they found a crowd of 100 enraged man waiting for them at tha depot, wrought up almost to lynching- heat by tha newa. which had preceded tha party, that Ooa- mya H ua iam train maae a zuu con feasion4 to Sheriff Chrisman in which Benoml, tha Italian rancher, at tha home of the Utter en MXU ereek early last $54 .00 Instant and aners-etin leilnn l th. WH almost burlad into lha lull IaaItaJ In the strongest oell and a atrong guard poated. It Is thought tha law will take Us course ' without any further publlo demonstration. - - r. . " : Two Oonfeasloma : Agrea. ' 1 V ' Oosson told Sharif niriimtn li V tlona j .- . i xM.i.kt tji ii I befona tha murriar lr- k.a .ai Will Buy a MONARCH Range Now . We can tell vou a Surprli Range, tlx lids, high .closet and 16-inch oven for ...if 25,00 mldnlaht TnHlanannlla 1 : ot uia noatus rorces I on. opoaane ana nulla were closed TO DO arrayed in the Imnanlii. I in tha a ft.,nAiri a. r A..4. i . f.ZI .wL,0(,P.'000Jabortr w" strike communication. , It la difficult to get a Vaaiih V .TVTTf "aainsi tne "siearam in or out or a western city, aM!.J?t- .lb uld . nl Mackaya. Tha south U no better off. I ;C i.mot "nwtoilted poUtical power of JrniJkirk n of railroads eon trollpd by the two families. To this wealth may be added the combined JTew Tozk Mvotel Volnt be'oro the murder. Ua had stolon back iiuui -nnaieion Hunaay nlarht I and hadmada his way to the Benorai npme. unere ha shot Banoml aa he I in. ,zxm sua ne naa not apoken with nor even seen Mrs. Benomi that night before the ahot was fired, that killed ""u'"'- auroii preceoent tntlmaoy, I We will sell yon a Dinner Bell Ran re, full trimmed, nigh closet, 14-inch oven and pouch feed for f 28.00 .iv'V;,-,-- . THL BLST RANGL r THE, MONARCH Coata more, but will lait at long- at yon live and give tatltfaction all the time. menta. America races Serious (Mats. Tha plans of tha telegraphers are to Jjfra Benojnl makea tha same admlaalon.' uur. coaguon. g or mey are i cr,i iuiuf actual oon iu maranat au iorcea ew York la trembling; . The men and women there expeoc to go out Sunday. Then the .Baltimore and Washington. America wiii men oe stneaen. riches of Wall street. eMiin ti aim 000,000. and the domln,nM Z.ZtSZ V. ii!B4u,trla- aovarnmenf depart-1 trl U1 a to Boaton. Philadelphia. 1 main faota have bean educed. ire ney are suent regarding actual oon la Benomi, but tha aweatlnr, !1. " onflntly expected, will fetch he . a.sUy as the confessions aa to IIT FEAR OF BENOMI Both aides resard the tl. .t..,J ..rinm0. . it0. It Is ' - a. i . . uKKifj i nnr imnrnnariia fhat tha. aAHa-MA.a i . confrtS'A ukV aTuon MondaVr fo Vpec'ial Ooaon'a Mother Wrote to Sheriff to I Thla Effect Weeks Ago. American int.M. l - - - VIU - rraroa from Indon. and fh- -.. 'ri"1"" .1n B" department of commerce Sr'r.. La Salle atreer banker." tnt mant .-. I-" wi ui nwnni union " w ."pean and JPoatal companies are one and the If ! i J I J J jj - --n'lpwa wjiaiaaaaar mrm-,m.'irm-m ia i'iasl $58100 ; the Price of a Monarch Malleable Ran After Septem 1 Other ranges, arc gold only because , people do not know about ; 1 TlHONARCM Or do not realize that "The Best Ii the Cheapest It ; BiaaSCSaZSSS 5 J (Special Dispatch te Th JoaraaLI Fendleton,' Or, Aug. 10. Sheriff ,vu.uu auu Asputy vvooaa oi wascoi county arrive toaay rrom The Dalles to . take charre of THA CU, The wires could, so say the at-1 S? j urder of Kmest Benomi early : en examination tnis mom-1 dlsturbanni. 1 1""7 WHO maintainea. nia innocence, at been forhiddan h p: ln" ,n?s aamittina that tha case Bhippey. Jf atrlkera atterant "i1 i?0!? B-... RadinaJa in h- .t.-t- . ' . ' to interfere with non-union men. t tr in vaiiea tno orn- aay the i tlonn are .... wl ijiv , iciegrapn lines bv the government aa a matter of publlo welfare. They are acting to give the lSy Alondar. - with New eaat tied up th. praaent cases wUl he employed in lha iTni S A" "IK Li to" wreona. .j.f.v.,,(.v hav0 lon ,hoiir, and , amallTpay. A fi?B,ST a man who waa Ukaly fleet this mnrkat . Labor unions throughout the cotintr f S . Th,y that they form a ,are sending aasuranoes of their LJ7 I Ierfot monopoly. If thla Is so and Is tion of tAwT exf VVWr: Pved th. authorltiea will be asked to vent of any trouble oocurrtn In th I f01, Tn? wlr" 1J. ay the at- ?J3rm"" vicinity. Alarmed at the mmiwiim-5 Kl?T' b. bJ fovernmant. M2lH'7.,m other fatareata ffin totoO SaSf WJh ,tJlk" la 4h,c. ar ort,rlT- InSooaon. aervative Md more "adicTl Interwta 2?e Sfu0?. h" committed a disturbance. h?i2S!? ti preparing an appeal to Preaintn..? Wcketlna- haa been forbidden by Po- ii!!ftti!1 veit n Jrhitr."1 l ,rlflnt itoosa- Ho Chief fihinnev. Jf atnk.r. attamnt against him " : I a . . : . . Marnrai Mmina TKa raii tka .alas k.' la.riLffli wn'cn wU1 " - w!--. her huaband, though it Is said tha wo- I y & REMNANTS '" '" 1 Tarda and Tadea. China Matting, yard Jap Matting, yard IBs) , 10 td 10 yda, China MAtUng. yd. 124 7 Jap Matting, yard , ....20 a teet wide and 7 feet long. You know without telling that the regular price it , 50a) lOa) Press Operators Win Onlt .Brandt's hall will ha tha LASinak A4 aa. tlon tomorrow. First there will be a VOt. as to Whether the onaratnra 1st tha vernment : ennrmi in - i . , . . . - - r ' Mondav 'i ih w vX iT" caaes. i ociij.a jr-rees are to oult. They have t tuJYi S.hnr.Tt I0.1!-"'?,, f?lev???: About 600 are man Is now lmnllcated In tha nlat ta murder. ' Sheriff Chrlsman stated that thai oioiaw oi tne prisoner wrote him a few Weeks agO that Benomi hul thraatana the Ufa of Ooeson and herself. Accord-1 tne onicers rrom The Dallea Movemen Yor General Btriira. , . oJ1?14 th,nK moving satisfactor ily towarda a neral strike la shown br exchange of th followine; telegrams " Joseph Ahean, President Local It i my city. Secretary Thomas. Aetlna? - Prli1nt th r . f 'rt I,"' . ID" cago la tied up. The Board of Trade la part .holdit- bomrnecessarV"- wj renerai atrllce i seems nonltlva with thee, men out Including the long die. U.n. tlephona wlra chiefs, Chicago will be paralysed. c ' , . " . Alter tne wire enters or the telenhnna company and tha Associated Press com- mine iinua tuere win ne neia a gen eral union meeting of th. executive committee. There Is to be a demand for an increase or salary rrom brokers leasing wires. These operatora, so ira anion orricuus, are underpaid. The demand on the Postal and th. Western Union will b. for an elrht to kill anyone. oosson here declared he had no In fatuation for Mrs. Benomi. i FMSC0 OPERATORS (Continued from Page Ona) "i?1?? operators tn Ban Prancisoo ana uaaiana wiu vote on the strike rvuummvimatione or tn. executive com mittee. The resolutions adopted at the I unum- jrnaay nigm assert that be-1 - . . v'Viiiv user IB1TT. w, i . . w.aui . - z ' ' mvv. tuafc vv are not going to atand idly br andifi?ur r' 1?'T ce-nt tacr.aae in pay, I"" ftA dlscrimlnaUon and Intimlda s hav. strike breakers Imported into Chi- 1 b oraPn," to furnish typewriters Uoi Western Union Telegraph cago, pointa XaIrman' . toaeuUve Committer Cht company the operators shall leave their "lr ln c11 or in. president of th. national organisation. I Th. sentiment amonsr the nnaratnra seems to be to atrike and today many and to show no discrimination because or sex. -ine women roust ba treated as men when salaries are considered. .Operators Ground Crank XJaea. , The New Tor W. a- Z,"- f F omcea to- f heart and amil h-ha If. li . '7 I me sv or less operators arrived win c!l firSi.i 7 war out t0 from New York in th. morning. Later . . i r , , wai 7""eungs under way. I a half doaen Inlnad tha Itnllta Tea AUn " 'liaTiT,o a n OSKP" AHEAB.N," , Indiana and New Tori, through whict; women operato;.7pacuTa y; been . Telephone Company Motlfled. . I trunk llnea naaa. ODeratora (n tha I Intimidated. This la tha c.h.r.. , At th. Chicago meeting tomorrow th. I ,maller. ' iiow5" ,th"' arounded V or T,m ot, th" exeoutlva board of th. local . uruiwri ana Associated Press operators I r:'""Boa xnus jr there had I Vlic . win m nearo.' Tha f i umn uvrators. tne ' ara.v roe ass. VJ- tlH Iiililllilliiiiiiiil tatiiirf Fibre Carpet la a new-floor covering, mad. of American Brass fiber. It Is one of th. most popular, low- price floor covering, ever shown. To close out odds and ends and make room for the n.w fall stock w. are, this week, making the ex treme low price of ......364 All porch furniture now in stock must-be sold.,. Prices; no object and no reasonable offer will be refused. . Chafra reduced. ts.Tt to .....M.20 Chairs reduced, $3ia to , 1,00 Settees reduced. I7.7J to ....114.50 Settees yeduced, j.60 to ,...i3.75 K W)i iiCr?? a. r . V'ttt?l were outaDoken in thair mnrf.n..n; of th. met hods pursued by the Western Union Telegraph oommuiv agreement on July IB saying that the ainc. th. . will be heard.- Tha - f.u.i.: 1 , . . . . : - wuva .V. A Ul U . 1) V" wna nPAb... . . ..I PUIL ' - atrike. The AuhIiM f..:?l It waa renorted tonfrht that ait , v have demanded an eight hour day. Ther S0"1 Jn the Detroit Western Union of- . ; w,iuiiuivuva to ueneral I n , . 7 " " " wh. vl wsir . aianager ? Meivlllo Stone haa h... i-I ?umoer, naa . .nored. . .s -- notified that If -It receives any. more .meaaages from the Western Union and , Postal companies for transmission over ' Uf wlre'., trlk of its "repeaters" . .will be called. Th. "repeaters" are .leo . triclan membari nf tha c t n , , whose services ar. necessary for mak Jngout of town connections, fPJ-, - a u mu o xiave orrered nnn. een operatora. there were nn wir.. to Man,..A r.a fusing to take a message from a non union man. Before the operators could Inava tha f i manager is saia to have caplt uiat.4 an t h.a insiao or no days from July H ator. Aaain it waa aaM that tha -itV-I i"""' wuiingneas man m.atin. T.. --'r, T agreement ana Cthelbert fltewart tha . .v. I A . . -m Z J w oummorce and labor, who Iflii"?: n.Doa Angeles, today sent the 'arara to xreaiaent Small: .... saociatea iresa representative you nave cauea a meeting for tomorrow for a vote aa to whether Ii.'2k?.ih,all.,bcVl9a. 1 fiaa Franclaoo and Oakland. I trust thi. i nn, ..... Even to vote on such a proposition there Juiy it, would to break that strike there would i aioase.. Cart formerly $10.00, square handles, now ....S6.50 Cart formerly $13. 0, nickel trimmings, now 87.50 Cart formerly 115.00, steel t tubing, now S 10.50 Cart formerly $23.00, all nickel plated, now. . . . , ,. ..... . S 14.7S tat in t;nicago. I mmwmvni nwwm wrong. It is said that of the 21.000 ralavrann. I The followine- la a mh. nt th. 1 V?M commercial officea in the United fnt la. nswer by President Small: States 70 per cent ar. members of th. ,A"(c'ated Preae report not correct. willingness on our part to , union operators In Detroit S eenta' iIl union, and of the 45,000 emuloved hvl.To hint at Willi miasion on every meeaage through Into if. na , belong to thi K'fa?,?,n,t "ounds like huge Joke. .vinuago, fcupenntenaent Crappen of th. w,raor alroaa Teiegraphera. It is Poatal In Chicago haa leaued a atate- fl"o. claimed, that except the atrlkera ....... vr vtia up-intore jusuiying tb. po-1 . vv tnegrapners in th. , Bitinn of his oomnmiT Twenty new etrikebreakera from New Tork arrived tonight In a special car. E,h r . .8?1a to haT been paid a bonus of IS.60 a day. vw " Balk at Snormona Blohes. 1 Th. ' spirit of the union was - tK225'i' tSdt- ??eral HecreUrV Th-A'U-"; .,"ler1w said: -i tne union in wouia respectlfully suggest you return vfonniu uia investigate carefully You will find that O'Brien. Jeff, and May have broken agreement every hour sine. July 19 Matt.r cannot b. aa Juated locally." The atrlka ha. now utumai, natinn.i nroDOrtlone. . aa ia ahnwn v... . ,T N0ETH BANK ROAD JZSSST 1 I It cannot be settled by th. reinstated of (Special Dispatch to The Jearaal. I Jf i"An.?1"t0Per,ltor.". but th. fight Hood Blv.r. Aug. lMurva- Sai-S w I . " ..-..vM-a "Hvu a ci UBEsj to rniUH Empire Blrdseye Maple Beds S22.S0 Napoleon Beds, tar-sawed oak , Napoleon Beds. maple .,. . . golden quar- 127.50 blrdseye ' '....30.00 Napoleon Beds, extra fine. ' golden quarter-sawed .f 40.00 Blrdaeya maple or mahog any .840.00 country capable of employment NEW T0WKSITE ON Hall Class Special TTa.1t Unvm.- 1 11 A iata m 4-. f aw- UIIIVI AlaVall Willi BmlllVU oak frame, but not just exactly UK in picture, worin a.ou 'O' ... t TV -11.78 Beautiful quarteY-aawed and polished Hall f'ata of golden flnlah. 36 lnchea wide, back J7 inches high, seat 17 Inches deep, regular price $7.60; while they last will be aold Fin. Jarg. Hall Seata Ilk. plctur. above, quartered and polished golden oak or weath . ared oak. 40 lnchea wide, back S8 lnchea high, aeat 17 Inches deep, regular value $10.00; we uvn out a 4imitea number wnicn w. wll ciose out at ...... ...strl.T Your Credit Is Good Prescut Glass 4-Picce Set 50c Cream Pitcher, covered Batter Dish, Sugar Bowl and Spoon Holder all for the same price of ona Brilliantly fin ished, the latest and beat production In Imitation cift glass, the design and lus ter making It hard to distinguish be tween th. imitation and the raaL CHAIR SLATS lt-inch perforated wood 10a) 14-Inch Imitation leather . ... ...20a) We Have All sjlaea. Royal Granitcware No. It Preserving Kettles, regular 20c, special 15c No. It Preserving; Kettles, . regular 25c. special .... ....20r No. 20 Preserving Kettles, regular 30c, special 234 No. 23 Preserving -Kettlee, regular 80c, special 25V V . i :-:: .1 .. i , Preascut gtasa Rosa Bowls, faltering shape, Jl inches wide, and 4 inches high.....29) 1 ' ' '.M'JftMJAwJfcfcA 5 iff ml a I-arge rlaaa Bowls, 10 Inches wide. Footed i WldeT 10 inches high hasth. . appearance Qf real giasa, wortn ovc .... j, I aeaajTw' i . V.iJ; v 1 H " "resting nches forl"T" uuy mr me past weea plat-1 "uu" eiatement at present. The main ; mJS wml- J.1-luxu7 whll tn? tln townslta on the North Bank Moub,2 la !? Oakland, according to Pres aJr" i3XfSS- M railroad.- about a hJf mil. wT ii.W'vl U- SEf " Sta w- T UJI. 1(1 ,1VA 1 I w.. l,Lli,l IID .T L11H .Lni. 1 TA - ' i tj,-. mv . . . . , . . ... I a 119 muavm lain out la anout a py counting every penny. monaV raf "y ; American mile and a half one way by half a mile nt..' Bnmv... ii.. in i ty uiocaa. lot town naa been greater numbers than ur moiunh. Mm Jnaim an i. urJ . I While tha nnaratnr- alt -t ,.'u v T . r tno until rhM h(iuh7i i Bw.iiu-nauioiuna MniDer company. ' ' wicuiaturoir area And i wnicn 'NMni v mitit - 1 1 ik i -r . n D..U1H1 lunifl PLATES LILY BEST RUBBER $7.50 GCOD SETFC2 $5.00 Same kind all our reliable dentists make; only dif ference ts the pront we aak. PrldK work or teeth without &o i. oota. Silver Filirnra,i Knamel Fillings, up from Crowns, gold or - A aruarantaa tor It .iii. work. Lady attendant.' " Lily Dental;Co.; TX3LD AjrjJ COUCH rnaZMB. ; rren evening untU f and Sunday iU n. . v . . TXomajreeB 'AlolOw i'v f 7 1 to JS.OO "tl.OO and Is now said ! unaer way to to nave nrnnnroHnn. install an electric light brought to a aneedv aattlamant President Small mad. th. foUowlng At th. preeent time I am unprepared to make a statement. Whether the local will go out tomorrow I cannot state. Th. atrike la assuming aerlous propor tions, and In a few days I will be called on to maite some definite atand. To morrow I will be able to glv. you a iKi " w. Ul pr.a.nt it la lmpoa- D1U1D, All Will X.eav. Keys. ii tna operators at tha meetina; to. morrow decide to atrike all of tha wa.jr iu iiiBuui an electric light plant and furnish a water ayatem. The townsltrt is midwav betwaen Rlnn. ta White Salmon. paraUeling the railroad, and it la said the railroad company la interested. In it Great activity. in build ing la going on at bath Whit. arid JBIrTgen. owln to the In' Tn".m".: m"" V'.?1 . ln SacftSietlh2ttha riIr.08d nd u ex- before Monday no5n. ThVWommenda- LTTTlfBET? (TOMPANT E!otfaJ.hAiath next two months will tlone of th. executive board that PreBi: JJUM-D-" wJUX AI X cc aa uiai nsa uiarBius in Tnei nnnn et am iaavia dev-a.ii anil k. i-n.. . i : , - of both place.. v -" -"v- oVThat.? JblilS iiAlL LINE ganisation. He said today that under a i ,11 ' ' anil JJMMj) Biw GOOD 8TBIKES OF Inch waa opened that riek ha cnnatitntlAn tha mawaw 1-1. the union, and that at th. meetina- to-1 ; r'nmnnMM. T.i-a. A-DT31 aTtTT Tit i rr,n I ?rrow strike question wUl be de- ' 1 .-.--a'- i,u muuu nan peon tacen oy president Small in answer to tha numerous telegram- fnat have poured In from various focate asking 'If the etrtke ahall be called. He haa aa vat talran nn stand,, but tomorrow h. will give out a T..W w cover tne situation. (Special DUpatck te Tte JoaraaL) , North Powder, Or, Aug. 10. An Im portant strike haa been made in the Aurella mlna While following an II- lead a body of gray Conner ore waa im Over Eugene, Springfield and. Other Rights and Franchises. feet across and : lTran.(aM an i. These men and women are stanch aa ding from: 1100 to 1600. ilr minea are now ahlr, Powder. In tunneling 1,000 j to tona of ore was opened, the I of ning from $60 to . $600 per I or t. ,;..,vnw,K:f., . th picked up a Void nuareT w"orth JWnS-'Sa iT'.a,.nul. B"' J?, Agent (Special Dispatch te Tbe JonmaL) ' Eugene, Or., Aug. 10. One. more the la yi ine Alulr minea are now ahlnnlna. Aral land ton. , - -.;. v', v-i f ' ?ha zj jit L";" ,'".ia,lp ouw At the preeent tlm. there are 171 un-l ""eTsne,' or., Aug. io. one. more th( ton operatora employed in the Western I streetcar line in thla city, with f ran union oiiice in Ban Francisco and Oak- ehiaaa hara mrA a o...m -, mrmwr -Ha-a , aaa eaasa l,(V4vl , MUU l.m a'i1 F0wd6I' la tunnefing 1,000 to tha union cause, declare th. memtSrS tlghi wy P McK.nsle, haa ''2.00 ton. of ore was opened, th. of th. executive coinmlttee. and ev?5 1 changed hands. A. deed, waa riled yes- snd two bthers oflesrvalGi-; but"e,ually of the nlorop.mtor. Vndh. aeTui! wr-i "VaiT w Ya.t 1B question to w-w wei-aa.. -a j l-U . V 4,11 SJ .. To Protect Seals. (Hearst News by teafest tard Wire!) Waahlnvtnn , , in. in ti rra r .j. . . ' ." - uavat twUr. B,1flw. ama De8n " to the Pribiloff llllnda tn a"Ut iiuu ui aeaia. -, f f Within a few days It is bVi?b.,caihi.d.,lV0Bal SMtlr otec- -e natlonai convention of th. Amal V f amated aasoctatlon of street and elec-V-. If10 1Sn.wjr "'Ploy., will be held .t V N.w Orlwtna next month. aC t . J terday recording the .ale of the erty by A. Welch to the Eugene A roo st era company, which ia a Storey-Bracher corporation recently y formed. .The etorey-iracner people declare they will fush the work right on, building what hay can of the Una to Springfield this winter and pushing on Up the McKensi. aa soon as mey can get eufllcient labor, material and rlghta of way. ine aireciore ana orncers or the Eu gene ac Eastern are: -President, J, o. Storey; vice-president, A. Welch; secre tary. Oeorae Rracher: llratnr- t n Storey. A. , Welch, N, W. . Hull, J C.' Bracher, . George Brach.r and jr. M. El liot..!" , .. .. , , ,,;, , , . . a Btorey. ' J, C, JBrach.r, Bracher and J. M. Elliot. belong with the Storey-Bracher Lumber company. Thla company . owna timber ' land, all over the state and it I. understood that they do not want to hav. to depend upon any one system of railroad and desire an electric line to connect their pruperties witn ine maraets. PENDLETON JUAESHAL' CATCHES FUGITIVE 'llpeclal Dispatch t The learnt) PandLtos, Or.r Ang, : 10. Marshal Gurdane today arrested ' Joe Kelly a convict Who eacariait frnm tha Wall- waiia penitentiary July 8,- A rewardh was oiierea. - uuraane raeognlsed him while eating at the Star restaurant by a peculiar vaay he has of holding his uoau vii account oitsome oostruO' tion In his throat SHEEP B0AHD MEETS r: ; IN PORTLAND SOON v (Special Dispatch te The JoeroaL) - Pendleton. Or.. anr.1llln.H. Sre now being made for a meeting of tne atate aheen Mmmi.ainn n . rr land in m IvmAmru, -rv. nmi.; from Denver, and sUtes that tha meet- v Bvcnrsss oousoa ELKS' BLIK., PORTLAND, OREO BIHNKE. WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED, WHY? j ,S.heya.? trained; for business 'in business-like way. , JTaced 351 .pupils into lucrative position, during last ysar. ' Why not enroll In a reputable school that place, all of It graduates?" H. W. BEHNKE, PreaV ''' ' I- M. WALKER, Prln. . BEHD POB OATAtOOuTB. f T Ing will! b. held jTof the purpoae of go to ov.r th. ysrork of th. : last few rnonths, during which - tlma the ' aheep of .the state havef been dipped In ac cordance with th.r present rstat. sheep r9j-a aMaaM a- x ? ATakeTliein Away. .I?.nn?t he,I " you aea them ft vPalals ,Boyal, 7 AfasUing. ton street, -. ..,..'. . , 4 Much Xeeded Street Opened, ; ;:, (Special Dispatch te The JoarnsH:' asue; Rockv; Waeh.rAiigv -1". Thp county ? commlaeionera i havfcfirderd Front street to be openeS throuMjaf " lieignta addiuoa east of town. "Js ff ords a safe crossing at the Northel raciuB ranway traca, an easier grag uuvyii in- ii hi ana a oetter rona m eve "necl than th. old county road now I .'yl Mainsprings, $1,' Mstsgar'a, 143 Was r