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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1907)
10 THE ' OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST ' 5, lOOf. - '.'.fllti.VS AXP SHOW CARDS- '' FWITKRA KLEI8BB idNaL Un" W bar built up tha largest sign bualoea In th city by first-class work and keeping our promises. - Our prloes are right, tth and Eyerett ata. Phone Exchange tl. - -: THAT ATTRACT" POR r land Sim Co.. tT Stark. Paclflo 166. TRANSFER AND HAULING TODAY'S MARKETS Hop Crop Is Badly Mixed, According to .latest Reports Some Yards Aje Better and Some in Very Bad Shape C O. PICK OFFICE II 1ST ST, BB tween Star:: and Oak ata.; phone 696. Piano and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodloua brick wire house with separate Iron room. Front and Clay ata. OLSEN-ROK TRANSFER CO. " Henry Roe, W. A. Cicland. General transfer nnd storage; safe. pianos and furniture moved, packed and sh I pped. y Ow k at. Roth phones. Van horn' transfer & storage Co. Inc. f urniture ana piano moving a aneclalty: storage warehouae. 40-42 lit at., eo-ner Ash. Phono Mnln I'll. PENINSULAR EXPRESS A BAGGAGE Tranafer. zit Aiuer st. rnont juain 11T1. mm price HIB AGAIN "CANT" MARKET IS BUSTED, SAYS DRYER OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 N. TH. Main 69. Hesvy hmillng and storage, INDEPENDENT HAfiOAOE A TRAN8- fer Co. Storage. 824 Stark. Main 407. SHOWCASES AM) FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERT DESCRIP ' tlon; bank, bar and atore fixture made to order. The Lutke Manufac turing Co.. Portland. R. H. BIR1 S A LL. DESIGNER : A (IT. M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. WHOLESALE JOBBERS Heavy Alaska Demand Sends Up Value on City Cream cry 2 1-2 Cents. thr nrtEaoN cheese co. unci- 4"s b , Kt Mae r ar a a(hr ftllvv rfAr1. I acta bought or handled on' commission. I north order are coming In a Portland mnrket features: Creamery butter advanced iiRaln. Err market la jiiHt holding. l'oultry tone Is only fair. nlon market la firmer. Five care ban's n as arrive. Slight decline In potatoes. Dressed meats are juat an scarce. Tomato market In hard position. Webs' hop at 6c a pound. Cheese la firm, but unchanged. Qood peaches come faster. Creamsry Butter Advanced Again. So great ha become the outside de mand for Oregon butter that price are advanced another 2S4c a pound today. The price of the best product has bean placed by several creameries at 32 Sc a pound, or 65c a square. From the far steauy 'The cantaloupe market oem to be busted today. Supplies 4 are ahown everywhere and from 4 every direction. There I a Inrgo lot of poor "cants""on the mur- ket aa well aa a good amount of first-class stock, and this makes the difference In price. Oregon stock la In quite good shape, but 4 Is not packed aa well aa that which comes from the south. Best sells at $3 a crate Hilly 4v Dryer of Dryer, Bullam A Co. GOLDFIELD COX. IS TO PAY DIVIDENDS Officially Announced That Payments Will Start on Septem ber Tenth. SEVERE LOSSES BEST MBIT i in STOCK LIST IN W SEASONS New York Market Bears Spokane Mill Man Says It Uive Bulls a Staggering Beats' Quality of More Blow Oil Fine Talk. Than 18 Years. STOCK MARKET 1,088. Amalgamated . 1 TiKlt. North... Ill Ith st- (Swetland bldg.). Portland. Or. M. A. OUNST CO., DISTRIRUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. EVERD1NG FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants. 140 Front st. Portland. Or. Phone Main 17. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turtng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland. Or. VADIUM' at CO, WHOLESALE ORi cers. manufacturers and commission merchants, 4th and Oak ata, FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. L. Kuvensky's furnl ture factory. 107 Front st. ALLEN St LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis ta.. Portland. Or. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND glass war. Prael, Hegele A Co.. Port land. Or. LEWI8-6TENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., Barbers' Supplies, Barbers' Fur niture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th Morrison. TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 3 TRIPS' 8. 8. Spokane, Any;. . - v HOm BOTTTB. i U: 8. Senator Oct, T j S. . President Sept. 88 8. B. AXVA8XA BOTTTB. Balling From Seattle. Ekag-era, Sitka, Jnnean and way porta. Sailing 9 p. m. : H. 8. S. Co.'s Humboldt. . .Aug. 1, 18, 88 I City of Seattle. Ana;. 3, IS, so ww w- I v mmw . .... . V, m W i BAH TUAC CISCO BOTTTB. Sailing t a. m. rroia Seattle. President Aug. 4, 18 B. B. Umatilla Aug-. 8, S3 Sonoma Aug. 13, 88 , City Offloe, 84 Washington St. Jamestown Exposition ; LOW RATES r AtTOUST 8. t, 10; SEPTEJCTEB 11, 18, 13. Chicago and rtftnrn, I71.S8. St. Louis and return. 167.60. t Bt. PauL Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg- and Port Arthur and re . turn, 60. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 For tickets, sleeping car reservations and additional Information, call on or I address H. DICKSON, C. P. A T. A. 188 TKZBO ST, POXTZiASD, OB. Telfphones: - Main 680. Home A-2286. Special Low Rates East August 8-9-10 WITH STOP-OVER PRIVILEGES. v The Best of Everything, via . Chicago & North-Wcstcrn Ry. THE DOUBLE TRACK LINE. 'Address R. V. Holder, Gen. Agt, 161 Third St., Portland, Or. ! For Astoria QO SB FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldei street dock 7. a. m. Sunday 8 a. m. $1 round trip. stream and this demand Is taxing the larger creameries of the coast to keop abreast of It. While supplies of cream are etlll very liberal the output of but ter is no greater than the demand. Out side of the far northern trade there is nothing extraordinary In the existing demand, but the former Inquiry Is suffi cient, say those that made the advance today, to fully Justify the new price. They have no doubt that the new figure can be easily maintained despite the fact that this would put the local mar ket i He ..above the markets on the sound. This is a most unusual occur rence and Indicates that the Alaska trade prefers the Oregon product In preference to that of the northern state. One Creamery Cutting Price. On Saturday it became known in but ter circles that one city creamery, be ing unable to dispose of its product at 30c a pound, was cutting the price to 27 Vic. So fur as known there was but one Institution selling at the lower figure, and that was a new concern. The war for butter fat continues un abated. One outside and. It I stated, several local creameries are paying as high a price for butter fat as they are obtaining for the finished product. All last week some of the larger cream shippers were obtaining SOc a pound for their best product, but the general mar ket did not go above 23 He. Egg Market Is Just Holding-. In order to get rid of their outside product at a good profit, handlers of eastern eggs are again manipulating the price on Orejons. The local egg market is not firm nor weak it Is Juat able to hold Its own. Large arrivals of eastern cheap stock are hurting the trade because eastern can be sold un der the Oregon product. The condition J of local arrivals is rather badly mixed, but not half as bad aa the eastern. Some of the local stocks are being very roughly handled by express companies, and it is an unusual Instance for a case to arrive without a number of the eggs being broken. Whether they are broken In being loaded or not is not known. Krebs' Bops at Five Cents. The statement made in yesterday's' report that the remainder of the Krebs 1806 hops had been sold close to 6c a pound is denied by the general hop trade. The trade says the purchase price was 6c a pound. The hop graded prime. No other transactions are re ported. Tomati Market in Hard Position. what Is the matter with tomatoes thla season? This is the question the trade here Is asking regarding both the local and California product. Local tomatoes, especially do not seem to hold up In shipment this year and for that reason low prices are ruling in the Front street markets. California tomatoes I are badly mixed as to quality but some good shirring- stock is comlna- from there. ' Local "toms" are selling as low as 50c a box with the top around 60c. This Is for two-tlet Five cars of CefatraJ American ba nanas arrived in on the street this morning in first-class condition. Good Peaches Come paster. Larger express shipments of Craw ford and Elberta peaches were ahown from California points this morning. Quality waa likewise im proved. Local peaches are mostly of small size and for that reason do not sell at top figures. Slightly lower range of values is shown in the potato market. Receipts, while increasing, are not so liberal as expected because of the press of farm work and the scarcity of labor for dig- ding. Price today between SI and $1.26. Onion market is firmer as a result of the stlffer feeling at Walla Walla. Stocks here selling at $1.25 and $1.50. Dressed meats continue scarce with top prices maintained. Chicken market is only fair with some stock carried over from Saturday by those not willing to take the printed market. Cheese market displays a firmer tone, but price Is unchanged since the ad vance made last week. Rah Francisco. Atig. 6. The week'a shipments from Ooldfleld are 3,900 tons valued at $490,000. It Is officially an nounced that Goldfleld Consolidated will begin paying regular dividends Sep tember 10. Official bid prices: GOLDFIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm 44c: Red Top $4; Mohawk $17 aale. Columbia Mountain 69c, Jumbo $4 60 A.. Jumbo Ext. $1.85, Ver nal 14c, Pennsylvania 3c A.. Ooldfleld M. Co. $t.0. Kendall 30c. Booth 48c. Blue Bull 34c. Adams 12c. Silver Pick lc. Nevada Boy 7c, B. B. Ext. 7c. Blue Bell 16c. Dixie 6. G. Columbia 38c. Hi hernia 7c. SI. Ives 93c. Conqueror 13c, Blk. Rock 4c, Ine Star lc. Great Wonder Ic, Potlach $1.10, Oro 22c, Kendall Ext. 2c, Sandstorm Ext. 4c, Mayne 7c, Atlanta 61c. Great Bend 74c. Empire 9c, Red Top Ext. 23c, Florence $6.50, Dlam'f B. B. Con. 15c. O. Daisy $1.90, Laguna $1.40. Commonwealth 26c, Comb. Fract. $2 25 Great Bend Ext. 14c. Great Bend Annex 9c. B. B. Bo nanxa 6c. Kewanoa 76c. Esmeralda 10c, Portland 26c A., cracker jack 18c, Francis Mohawk $1.08. Red Hill 68c, Mohawk Ext. H0c, Lou Dillon 8e, Y. Tiger 20c, Grandma 15c, S. Pick Ext. 4c, Col. Mt. Ext. 6c, Goldfleld Cons. $8.62 14. Dlam'f. Triangle 21c. COMSTOCK. Ohplr $1.0R. Mexican 66c. Gould A Curry 13c, Von. Virginia 61c. Savage 65c, Hale A Norcross i2c. Yellow Jacket $1. Belcher 2Cc, Confidence 74c, Sierra Nevada 34c. Exchequer 35c. Union Sic. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 7c. Bullf. M. C. 13e. Mont. Bullf. 6cA, Nat. Bnnk 21c, L. Harris 2c. Amethyst 26c, Gold Bar, 65c, Stelnway 6cA, Denver Buf. Anx. 8c. Ronnie Clare 45c. Mayfl. Cona. 27c, Monty. Ohio Ext vc. u. scepter 8c. Mont. Mt. 13c. R Daisy 9c, Homestake Cons. 9tc. Yankee Girl 4c. Nugget 6c. Tramn Cons. 41c. Victor lOcA, North Star 6cA. Sunset 8cA, I TONOPAH8. Mont. Ton. $2.96. Ton. Ext. $1.40. Mac Namara 26c, Midway 75c, Ton. Belmont IS. 20, Ton. No. Star 17c. Ohio Ton. 2c, West End Cons. 86c. Rescue 11c. Ton. & Calif. 6c, Golden Anchor lac, Jim But ler 91c, Ton. Cash Boy 5c, Ton. Home 6c Bost. Ton. lOcA. Monarch Pitts. Ex. 4c Golden Crown lOcA. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Msnh. M. Co. 6c, G. Wedge 6c Seyler Hump 6c, Dexter 12c. L. Joe 2c, Crescent 6cA, Combination 2c, Granny 23c. Mus tang 28c, Little Grey 20cA. Cowboy 3c. Orlg. Manh. 9c, Broncho 7c, Jump. Jack iuc, i-inenui sc. Burraio oca, s. Dog 16c. Y. Horse Jc. Indian Camp 7c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Silver Kins- 16c Falrv. Kaa-le 67c. Nevada Hills $5.87 H. N. Star Won der 6c, Eagle's Nest 18c. Ruby Wonder rue, Alice or wonder 6cA Pittsburg Sil ver Peak $1.38. Cotton Oil IS Smelter 1 Anaconda 1 Atchison 2 Baltimore & O. V Brooklyn li Colo. Fuel 1 V Erie H South. Pac 2 U. Pac 3hl L. & N Katy N. Y. Central O. & W North, pac . . . Pennsylvania . Press Steel . . Resdine 2S, U. 8. Steel 1 h. do preferred. 2 14 1 Mi I 3 I 1H IS present outlook In the stock market Is for moderate activity." In terview today with Henry Clews in New x orK. New York. Aug. 6. There was a rush to sell securltlea at the opening of the stock market today, and this resulted In lieavy losses all through the list. Ex cept at the opening, trading was on a very small scale. The speculative mar ket has not yet recovered from the news or ine great rine assessed to Standard Oil on Saturday, and few big men were in the market today. On the curb Standard Oil old back to $600. this amounting to a decline of several points since the last quotation. i ne L,ondon market was closed on ac count or a Dans, noiiday tnere. Official New York prices by Over- oecK (V cooKe, company : i o aria DESCRIPTION. g 5 5 : : P-o : I 4444444444444 Women In Harvest. d Lewlston, Idaho. Aug. B. 4 Women, the wives of well-to-do 4 farmers In the country around 4) Lewiston, are working In the 4 grain fields from morning to 4 night. In an attempt to save the 4) unusually heavy crop of grain. 4 Harvesting is under full head- 4 way. but labor was never more scarce. As a result the women are in the fields doing men's work. In one field near Grange- 4 vllle Constable Harry Wallls 4 reports hat he saw four women 4 working, two of then) loading 4 hay and the other two driving 4) binders, one with a three-horse team and the other a four-horse. ' 4 - Yet Modern Conservative Throughout Lewiston coun try there Is the same cry for labor, and though laborers are rushing from the cities to the fields attracted by the high wages paid. It Is said to be im possible to secure them fast enough to supply the demand. A modern and well managed trust company Ii a ' necessity in any community by reason of its mani fold service. , Our Company is thoroughly . equipped for this work and the patronage it is receiting is evidence of its appreciation by the public '-..' As trustee this Company has charge' of interests of individuals, corporate bodies, associations; is trustee in bond issues; holds valuable properties pending sale, division or other disposition. , In , addition to the trust business it transacts a general commercial banking business and main tains a savings department with a very large num- " ber of depositors. ' It pays A per cent interest on savings accounts and from 2 to 4 per cent on its special certificates of deposit. Merchants Savings and Trust Company 247 WASHINGTON STREET CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000 834 42 S 34 U. 66 V Amal. Cop. Co. . . Am. Car it F c. do preferred. . Am. Cot. OH. c. . Am. Loco., com. Am. Smelt., com. Ill W do preferred .. 1 04 H Anaconla M. Co. 62i Atchison, com. . . 91 B. A O.. com. . . 97 do preferred . . ) 86 Brook. Rap. Tr. . 56 Can. Pac, com . . 1 1 7 4 V4 Cent. Leather, c. 22 C. & Gt W, c. .1 C. M. &8L P 1.11 c. & n. w.. c. ..ins 83! 82 I 82 42 41 'A 41 1004 34S 33V 33'2 66 S 56 55 S HIS 1094 109 104SH04! 103'i 6Z4)I 52 91 SI 90 90 97 96S 96S 86 85S 85S DH 56 66 174 174S K44 22 21 S 21 11 1314 129 129 148 I14i 146 Sept . Dec. . May. CMce-go looses Heavily. Aug. 6. Aug. 3 Loss. .. 91 92S IS . . 95H 9S ' 14 ..100SA 101S IS M06. 71 744 78 S 0 3641 3641 34S PBICES HOLDING IN LOCAL LIVESTOCK Receipt of Cattle and Sheep Good but Hogs Come In Slowly Dur ing the 24 Hours. 23 4 Columbia River Scenery BSaUXJtTOB UBB STBAJCEB8. Dsllr mttIc betwees Portland sod The palln. except Sunday, leaf la Portland at t a- n, trrlTlnf ihoet 6 p. w, earrytat; freight sail pawengera. 8pleodld aceosiBioda Ikma for oatflts snd livestock. Dock foot ef Alder st.. Portland; foot nf Court st. The Dslfe. Pbnne Mils 814. PortUnit. HCTj- rACiriC STEAMSHIP CO.'!! Steamships ROANOKE Aurora Hop Crop. (Journal Social Service. ) Aurora, Or., Aug. 5. The condition of the hop vines in this section since the extreme warm weather of last week has improved to the extent that the hot weather drove the lice off and thousrh the first rew davs of last week were hotter than has been experienced here In years, the growers say the vines were not damaged to anv extent though in some yards the sun burned the arms considerably. The output this year will be up to the average, verv few yards In this immediate vicinity having Deen negiectea or plowed un. A num ber of new yards will bear this vear. and that will offset the old yards that nave neen given up. very rew con tracts have been made so far, the grow ers holding off for a better price than 1( cents, which was offered a week aro hy some of the dealers. Taken all the way through, the Aurora district looks fully as well aa In previous years, and the growers expect as large a crop. One indication of a good crop Is that growers this year bought more hop sup piles and are placing more orders for jjujj iiLAcis mail uiey uiu msi season. United States Government Bonds. New York, Aug. 6. Government Donds: Portland Union Stockvards. Au K Official receipts: Hoars. Cattle. Sheen Today 89 263 845 Week ago 25fi 7m Year ogo ... 213 Previous year ... 550 Receipts of sheep and cattle were quite good today but the run of hogs was small. AH values are as auorH oaiuraay. Official yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon. $6. 5 0U 6.75; stockers and feeders, $6.25; China iats, xe.oo. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $3.75; best cows and heifers, $2.753; bulls. $2. Sheep Best wethers, $4.25; ewes, $4.00; lambs, $5.00. EASTERN MARKETS STEADY Col. F. & I., c Col. 80.. com... do 2d pre do 1st pre D. & H D. & R. O., com do preferred . . Erie, com do 28 pre do 1st pre Gt. Nor., pre . . . Illinois Central. L. & N Mex. Cent Ry. . . M., K. & T., com. Distillers Ore Hands Mo. Pacific. . . . National Lead N. Y. Central . N. Y.. O. & W. . Nor. & West., c. do pfd North Am. . North. Pac. c. . Pac. M. 8. 8. Co. Pcnn; Rv P. O.. L. C. Co l 90 rrs. at. C, c. . do nfd Reading, c. ... do 2d. pfd do 1st. tfd. . . Rep. I. & St.. c. do nfd Rock Island, c. . do nfd St.L. & S.F.. 2 pf. do 1st. rjfd. . . . at. l,. & a. w.. c. So. Pacific, c. . . do pfd. ....... 80. Railway, c. . . do pfd Texas & Pac . . T., St. L. & W.. c. do pfd Union Pacific, c. do pfd U. S. Rubber, c. do pfd U. 8. Steel Co., c. do pfd Wabash, c West. Un. Tel... do pfd Wise Cen.. pfd.. 29 S 30 I 281 454 '454' 4o" 5S! 59 16741167 27 S 284 23 S I 354 28 25 4 444 58 4 167'i 27 4 I (0 22 4 I 23 4 ....j 404 6 13241130411304 141 141 141 III4IIII 1111 20 384! 374 384 64 554 73 54V' 53' 64S! 644 66 T4 554 744 73 4 364 74 130SI1314 Z7 1224 90 4 334 66 U 111 S'11041104 33 4 iois 1024 2641 264 21 474 354 20 88 124 185 62 49S 1424 98 35 1004 134 214 47Vi 36 20 89 1124 18 62 49 142 98 35 100 134 26 20 47 354 34' 34 ' A 7 3 78 6 8 129" 128 264 2t 1204 I'd 90 89 S 32 32. .... 91 99 1004 77 80 26 81 20 46 36 4 60 20 87 112 184 61 29 4 254 494 139 80 34 97 34 100 124 7 7 44 Spokane, Wash.. Aug. 6. Manaser J. K. Smith of the Washington Mill & Grain company, returned today from an auto trio to Coulee Cltv. Mr. Smith vis lied all towns on the Washington Cen tral and made a personal observation of tne wneat fields. Mr. Smith claims that never before In 18 years of grain buying has he seen better prospects for a ood cron of wneat in me tjig uend country, in Beat terlng places harvest Is on. 8rjrlnit wneai anu oats are iook na excel ent. and will be ready to reap about the 10th The hot weather of the last week has neen a good thins- for the wheat and has ripened It fast. J he Washington Mill & Grain com pany has purchased 7.000.000 hushels already, and will order 3.000,000 bushels more. Wheat Is now 68 cents, but local buyers say they think It will go higher uy me time wneai is ready ror the mar ket. J. Frank Watson President R. L. Durham . Vice-President W. H. Fear Secretary S. C. Catching Assistant Secretary O. W. T. Muellhaupt Cashier Chicago, Aug. 6. The Chicago wheat marnei opened (i 10 c lower on bet ter reports from the wheat fields and closed with a sharp loss. Coarse grains also lost heavily. 20 87 112 18 61 49S 139 97 34 100 124 Official Chicago prices by Overbeck stooxe company: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. wept 1 924 904 91 iec VI 9b May 1014 102 100 CORN. Sept 64 66 Dec 62 63 May o3 64 OATS. Sept 44 45 4 Dec 44 4 45 May 46 464 MESS PORK. Sept. 1642 1660 1642 LARD. Sept 920 920 916 Oct 925 925 920 Jan 862 862 867 SHORT RIBS. Sept, 876 875 $71 872 Oct 874 870 865 866 Jan 796 796 792 791 ALLEGED LYNCHERS PLACED ON TRIAL 64 624 634 42 44 96S 100 A 654 B 61 64 B 44 44 1643 916 920 867 do Pell for "ureka, San Francisco and Los ' Threes, small bonds... Angel' . direct every Thursday at 8 d. m i D,s- Columbia, 3-66s... 'iicke. office 132 Third, near Alder' . Eours. registered, new. Phrnew M. 131 1 H. YOUNG Asent ' do coupon I ?!!"g?rr ' ' Twos. Panama ?r:TErW ! a coupon Bid. Asked. 105 106 108 106 4 1024 1034 1024 1024 101 1134 127 128 4 127 12S4 104 1054 103 104 1094 AH Livestock Has a Good Tone in Chicago During Day. Chicago, Aug. 5. Official receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 32,000 24,000 20,000 Kansas City 6,600 16.000 3,000 Omaha 6,000 6,000 8,000 Hogs are steady. Left ovdr from tsaturday, 3,300. Kecelpts a year ago were 41,000. Mixed, t.V!)'ip.3b; lieavy, $6.106.30; rough, $5.606.0; light. 36.10(8)6. 55. Cnttle Steady. Sheep Steady. (Journal Special Service.) IHU; I .DF"'8"" ot.. Aug. o. ine cases " 01 uamci I). Jaihrnith mil vmi nsvh L y ,clo"Sn at-A,Per,.cent charged with being leaders of the mob lotal sales for day. 374.106 shares. which hanged and turned ne.S in the Dubllc suuare hera nn Vamtar Teamsters in Convention. morning of last year, were on the docket ior trial in tne criminal court tmtav Boston. Mass.. Ausr. 6. There was a Oalbraith was tried once but th lurv full attendance of delegates today at alleJ to agree on a verdict, standing the opening in this cltv of the nnnnsl r.:i "'' lur u- natlonal convention of the International Balked' at every tu-n In its effort.?!! ,? is'-dotf1;, i? the.organisatlon.- OneVf t e most' im- lYi"'. tZYJl1" norranr ma t.n fl tn h. iimnhr k. i ..... ... vu,u u; i.v iiiq SB. TATX.OB, Specialist. The leading- My Pees Are Pair, Ky Oares Permanent, and Ton dan Pay When Satisfied That Ton Are Well. Varicocele convention Is the propi,H'n to chanpw mo constitution so mat irearer con ventions will be hld at two-year inter vms msieaa nr eacn 'var. SEASON STARTS EARLY Sales of Sheep Already Reported for Fall Delivery. (Journal Bperlnl Serrlce.) Hepiiner, Or.. Aug;. 5. The sheet) mar ket has opened unusually early this sea son and contracts for fall delivery are now reported. Dr. Klstner bought from H. W. Spencer 3.200 coarse lambs, half blood Llncolns, at $3.25 per head, Oc tober 1 delivery. The P. U & L. com pany has sold to D. O. Justus 1,600 Me rino lambs at $3 uer head. October in delivery. New York Cotton Market. Jan. . . Feb. . March May Aug. . Sept. . Oct .. Dec. . Aug-. Open Hlg Low 6 3 1209 1224 1206 1219 1206 1218 1222 1218 1222 1211 1218 1232 1218 1228 1218 1228 1235 1228 1235 1226 1149 1154 1139 1152 1149 1154 1163 1148 1162 , 1150 1193 1204 1188 1201 1190 1202 1214 1168 1210 1200 area v.rSi ec,iem.a apreads Its burning fy stool' Sy' Doan'8 Ointment qulck lieves ?h. w!K."preadln"' lnt"tly r.- Srsrtt" " permanentry- aiILF Canned Ooods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today, $1,439,484.25; do year Balances today, $234,577.61. UTAH GOLD! For quick returns on a small develop ment expense placers are the ideal mines. The Gold Dredging Company of America, holders of the greatest plac ers in the United States, offer to In vestors an opportunity to secure an as sured income for life. A small amount. invested in this proposition will place machinery, commence operations and naurA nivinnnn, si - r. Call and Investigate. OFFICES: Rooms zo ana is, eecona street. New Firm at La Grande. La Grande, Or.. Au 6. Another r.nt ness firm, backed bv local nnitii .a to have Its head office In La Grande, has been Incorporated at $48,000, and will be known as the Orernn Hfliiin. a. Realty Company. The promoters are Ray W. Logan T. J. Scroggln. W. R. Hamilton, 01 this city, and Dr. Husrh Logan, of The Dallas Th. fl. ,i. conduct various branch stores, a realty business and other lines. I CURE MEN BY Original Methods I cannot too forcibly Impress the fact that the METHODS BY WHICH I TREAT AND CURE MEN'S DISEASES ARE ORIGINAL WITH ME. They are a result of my observation, research and study during years' practice as a specialist. This should especially appeal to THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN DISAPPOINTED in their efforts to obtain relief, and should aid all afflicted men IN THE CHOICE OF A PHYSICIAN. As to my understanding of men's diseases and the scientific correctness of my treatment, my LNtyiALKU 8ITCCE8S IN EFFECTING PERMANENT CURES speaks sufficiently. Weakness MY SUCCESS in curing those func tional disorders commonly termed "weakness," IS DUE TO MY FULL UNDERSTANDING AS TO THE CAUSATIVE CONDITIONS and to my absolutely scientific methods of removing them. Many cases of pre matureness, loss of power, etc.. present a variety of symptoms so entirely confusing and perplexing that MOST PHYSICIANS have fal len Into that dangerous rut, the practice of treating by set methods, without discrimination and without KNOWLEDGE A8 TO THE REAL REQUIREMENTS. My first step is an absolutely scientific and accurate diagnosis. In a large majority of cases I find the sole cause of these functional derangements to be A Bwai.t.PN fppiTiTrn mn CHRONICALLY INFLAMED PROS TATE GLAND. This condition can not possibly be remedied by any treatment other than the local meas ures I employ, and to ATTEMPT TO FORCE NORMAL ACTIVITY AND VIGOR BY THE USE OF STIMU LANTS and tonics would only result In aggravation of the trouble. Under my treatment a cure is POSITIVE AND CERTAIN, and absolutely per manent, because I accomplish it by the removal of every "ause respon sible for the disorder. Specific Blood Poison I know this leprous disease com pletely. The system is thoroughly cleansed and every poisonous taint removed. The last symptom van ishes to appear no more, and all Is accomplished by the use of harm less blood-cleansing remedies. Do not submit to the dangerous mineral dosing commonly Indulged in. Such treatment merely obscures the symptoms. PAY WHEN YOU ARE CURED it??t83,xt?70"' f118 MY HONEST AND CANDID ADVICE COSTS nuinmu. x iiironuny kivo you tne very oest opinion, guided years of successful practice. Men out nf town, in trnnhi writ.. 1 cannot call, as many cases yield readily to proper home treatment an ; "' . unices ar open an aay irom 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., and Bur iroru xv 10 a. THE. DR. TAYLOR CO. COBBEB SECOND AVX MORRISON 8TBBBT8, POBTIiAITD,' OBEOOIT. Private Bntranoe 8344 Morrison, Street. I positively cure Varicocele In one week, and frequently in even less time. I MEET WITH NO FAIL URES, nor is my treatment ever followed by undesirable results. MY METHOD OF EFFECTING A CURE IS PAINLESS, and no other equally satisfactory, safe and certain meth od exists. It is an original and dis tinctive method and produces AN ABSOLUTELY THOROUGH AND PERMANENT CURE. Varicocele not only Impairs func tional activity, but In many In stances It results in A WASTING AWAY OF THE ORGANS Involved and gradually undermines the general- health. A THOROUGH CURE 18 A MATTER OF VITAL IMPOR TANCE, and is also a matter of but a very few days' treatment under my system. Contracted Disorders Through my long experience treat ing these diseases I have devised methods that not only cure, soundly and permanently, but cure In less time than the best of other treat ments require. Take no chances. Do not risk your health and strength ny rciying on patent nostrums or uncertain methods. You are abso lutely secure when you Intrust your cast) 10 inc. Duluth Wheat Market. Duluth. Aug. 5. September wheat, 99c bid. ' WASHINGTON'S PROFIT FROM FOREST RESERVES ISpeetal ntanatrli o Th Journal. Olympla, Wash.. Aug. 6 The due this state as a refund from the re ceipts from the national forest reserves located In the state Is 13.731.65 whi. v, Is 10 per cent of the net receipts Th. state legislature has provided that it ahall be divided among the counties in which the reserves are sltuati t.a k expended by the countv ramnloinn.ri on-the public schools nnd public roads Last year the state received $1,922 23 from this source. Coneress hi nm. vlded however, that the amount received bv a county shall not bicmh ao cent of Its total Income. i WOMAN A SPECIALTY SEBS. 8. X. CHAN The onlv Chinese woman doctor In this city. She nas cured many afflicted sufferers. Cured private and female diseases, also throat and lung troubles stomach bladder and kidney ana aiscases 01 all Kinds that the human flesh Is heir to. Cured by Chinese herDS and roots. Remedies harmless. No operations. Honest treatment Examination free. 262 Clay St., corner Third. MRS. WlftSLOW'S SOOTliSfiG SYRUP ha been used by Million of Mothers for their children while Teething for over Fifty Years. It soothes the cblld, soften th gums, allays all pain, onres wind colic, and Is the best remedy for dlarrhflsa. TwlKTT-nri euTi a butile. f OK WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The best and only reliable remedy for DE LAYED PERIODS. Cure the most obstinate cases In 3 to in days. Price $2 per box, mailed in plain wrapper. Sold by druggists everywhere. Address J. PIERCE, 181 First street, Portland, Oregon. IEAITH, STRENGTH AND VIGOR Can be yours by consulting the oldest, longest located and most up-to-date specialists in Portland. Having recently spent many dollars pn new equipment, our offices today are the finest equipped in the west, occupying a magnificent suite of rooms. Call and be convinced. tVF niRF BLOOD POISON, SKIN DISEASES, VARICOSE ENLARGE ffC lUttaC MENT, NERVOUS DEBILITY, URINARY TROUBLES AND r i ALL PRIVATE DISEASES AND WEAKNESSES OF MEN. OUR FEE $tJjf IN MOST CASES PAY WHEN CURED ESTABUSBX9 07 TBAB8 XBJ PORTLAND. sex fXt atTa-"?, fluted We. rHeaC.,resa,rh.tThC.U,l,fumblf,n,g ,V. ni r .r , c , atuagUO aXD VIT1T. "T ha antarl wio 01 no w in renowea aurs, ABLsmus and COVXAOB. and with that vthm viuTS V . tlce was built up because of the cures, absolute cures of cases wheri VsV. i-i r. i ,7"?;.. Tnl Dra:c has failed to CUStB you. we only ask an opportunity to show ?ou7a "otJb EXPENSE lwIWjFJl yoS ab;e COmpU,hed by tha meth01 whlcb have curedU.o mar?y othfXln? pos-lbTy ftsrilk. ,. - W Want Bvary SUa ta ths Country Who Zs Afflicted to Writs Us About Bis Ailment ' HOURS t TO S; 1 TO 8:80 DAILY 8UNDAYS 9 TO 11 ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY OOBBXB SECOND AND YAXXXU 8TBZBTB, -POBTXaABI), OBXOOB. 1 '-'''--5