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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1907)
, THE OREGON, DAILY - JOURNAL, f PORTLAND. t MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 5, I90f. If eri LOCALS BLANKED Ill Fl HAL HP TV Youngsters Have Bad Sixth Inning and Los Angeles Gets Two Runs. , POKORNEY PLAYS DUNCE ONCE MORE ON'FIRST Raw Recruit Blake Nnmerous Mis erable riayi and U Hooted by Fans, WJio Do Not Relish Pacing Good Money for Such Baaeball. WEEK'S SPORT CALENDAR YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Lou Angeles. S; Portland. 0. Oakland, 1-1; Ban Franolsco, 1-8. STANDINO OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost Pet. Los Angeles 2 J79 Oakland Pan Francisco ....... 0 K .IT Portland 40 67 .874 Whs's the matter with playing five games ror me rest or me season r Portland would climb to the .400 mark by the cloning day! McCredle'a little fellows are too young to stand the tension of a nine Inning game. They usually do very nicely for four or five cantos, then they're almost sure to blow up and make the put-up wish he had gone to see the Laue-Davls Juniors perform. Instead. Yesterday's eihlbltlon, for which the Portland people paid out something over 81,200 to see, was typical, though It wasn't half as bad as many that have gone before. For five Innings the kids had good luck. They didn't get Into any very bad holes and not a cog slipped. Then Donahue tried to be bril liant and take a bunt that Pitcher Pernoll could have fielded as easy as noodles. The runner. Dillon, reached the first station safely and that was the signal for the Beavers to give another ohe of their periodical donation parties. The pitcher Immediately be came easy and the fielders vulnerable. Jud Smith wss next up. He hit a fly In right field, which would have been but a single had there been a fast fielder lrt that neck of the woods. The fielder's name was Atherton and when he finally lined ud In front of the boun-I cing sphere Smith was half way to sec ond. H1b finders were butter and the bouncing sphere eluded him. while Smith traveled to third base and Dillon waddled leisurely home. Delmna wus the next batter. He hit the ball where somebody wasn't and Smith ambled home. Two runs. That was all. but It was enough, for the Beavers couldn't land on "Dolly" Gray when landing was worth while. Pokorny Is Bottsn Ajraln. Pokornv 'again distinguished himself by Inefficiency and waa hooted by the fans. The lone error chalked against him doesn't tell half the story. That error waa a muff of an accurately thrown ball at a critical point. At another time "Porky"Vushed wildly off hla bag when Pernoll picked up a bunt and there was eonnequsntly nobody covering the sack when the pitcher turned to throw. At another time he started valiantly for a foul. Donahue .started at about the earn time, but seeing the fielder nearer to It, he stopped. Pokorny stopped, too. and the ball screeched with laughter as It hit the ground. Either one of the two , could have reached It had he kept run ning. At still another time a foul was hit behind Pokorny. but the latter never made a move to get It. Casey, though much farther away, ran for the foul and onlv missed It about five feet. Pokorny may be a very nice young man, but he can't play ball yet He may make good some day If he prac tices real hard for four or five years but folks who pay their good money to see a coast league ball game don't pay it to watch kids practice snd when that's the kind of baseball dished out to them they feel buncoed. If the Mc Credles have anv regard for their pa trons they will take Pokorny out of the game at once. Atherton Is old and rheu matic and slow, but he knows the game. He knows enough to keep out of the way of other players, at least. LOS ANGELES. AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Monday Opening of race meeting; of ths Empire City Trot ting association. New York City. Eastern ' doubles . tennis chara pionshlp - tournament begins at Longwood. Opening of two days' automobile race meeting at Atlantic City, New Jersey. Open ing of grand clrcujt race meet ing at Buffalo, New York. Open ing of , aonthern Pennsylvania tennis championship at Bedford Springs, Pennsylvania. Opening of Iowv state tennis champion ship at Dea Moines, Iowa. Open ing of Pacific northwest tennis championship at Taeoma, Wash ington. Opening of 23 days' race masting at Saratoga, New York, Tuesday Ninth annual ama teur championship tournament of Western Golf association opens at Wheaton, Illinois. Opening of northwestern tennis cham pionship t Lake Mlnnetonka, Minnesota. Opening of three days' horse show at Staunton, Virginia. Wednesday Midsummer tour nament of Michigan Whist asso ciation begins mi St Clair, Michigan. Seventh annual tour nament of Dominion of Canada Trap BhooOag association opens at Toronto, and continues three days. Thursday Dixie handicap shooting tournament opens at Macon, Georgia, and continues two days. Annual horse show opens at Bay Shore, Long Is land, and continues three days. Maine state golf championship tournament opens at Portland, Maine, continues three days. Frlday-rNew York Yacht club starts on Its annual cruise. Opening of two-days' automobile race meet at Brighton Beach. New York. Annual regatta of National Riding association opens at Philadelphia. Annual meet of American Canoe associa tion opens near Brockvllle, On tario. Saturday Opening of annual polo tournament at Newport, Rhode Island. Annual regatta of the National Rowing associa tion at Philadelphia. ' is nor auxious TO FIGHT GANS DoDist f Says Britt Well Knows That Colored Lad Would Beat Him. CALIFORNIAN WOULD BE GiAD TO FAKE IT lias Never Fought on the Square When Facing a Man His Superior or Equal Friaco Would Not Get Attraction. GEARY WILL DESIGN YACHT FOR EVERETT (Special DIapttcb to Tb Joomll.) Everett. Aug. 6. Ted Geary, designer, builder and skipper of the victorious Spirit, has signified his willingness to design a racing craft for the Everett Yacht Club, and to have the plana fln- lahed In time to permit of early build ing In the spring. Geary attended a meeting of the local yachting fraternity and he. with Rrott Calhoun, was given an honorary mem- i tlon DBrsiiip. me youimui marine architect expressed hla keen enjoyment of the honor conferred and ulso voiced tho thanks of Mr. Calhoun. The local club has a membership of thirty-five, ten more than the Seattle. Yacht Club, according to Ueary, and means to put a racing craft In the water next season to fly the Everett pennant In the International meet. By Henry K. Silversmith. It Is decidedly nauseating, a'l this rot about Britt demanding that Gam must come to him to secure a match. By what right does ths plumber na tive of ths Sunshine state make lifts J demand? Is not the fact well estab lished In sporting clrclu tliai tno negio fighter during bis Association with Al Herford waa forced to "lav down ' to Britt before Joe refused longer to sub mit to one of the biggeat fake llgnt framera In the game? Followers of the nquared nrotia have been buncoed so frequently or late that perhaps one more fluke would only ma Re It a dead certainty that the game would be effectually burled in Ban Francisco provided a permit were IssueJ for a match between Gans and Britt At this distance it is really question able whether the San Francisco super visors would issue a nermlt tor a matcn between the pair. Certainly no permit would be granted If any person on the ooara Knew anytning about uans ana his capabilities as a fighter. If Joe Gans ever enters a ring with Britt again It means that Jamej Edward will ever don the mitts for another pub lic milt I will admit that a fight between ths pair would probably draw a record break In house, and it would be an easy matter for Gans to agree to "lay down" to hlg white opponent, as he did In the past. hTere Is absolutely no doubt that Britt would agree to give Gaus every cent of the big purse In such event, and possibly Gans could afford to retire permanently from the game a rich man after the "frame-up." But would he do such a thing at this stage In his career? At best Gans will either meet his Waterloo or retire per manently from the padded arena In an other year or two. He Is not ready to do so yet. and any sane follower of the fighting game knows that champions in their respective classes don't have to go to ex-champlons to secure matches. Britt nt heart does not wish to meet Gans because he knows very well that the colored fighter "has It on him at every stage of the game." It would be foolish from a money making stand point for the Callfornlan to make any such admission, of course, but never theless such Is the case. Britt Is Crooked. Knowing both men, their seylea of fighting, and having seen each In ac- not once, but many times, I feel TRI-CIfY GAMES Trunks and Brewers Are Shut Out Cubs Make Close Fight at Wood burn. YESTERDAY'S TRI-CITY RESULTS. At St. Johns St. Johns. 6; Trunks, 0. At Woodburn Woodburn, 7; Cubs, . At Astoria Frakes, 6; Bohemias, 4. At Kelso Kelso, 11; Brewers, 0. Inability to hit Charlie Moore's curves gave yesterday's game at St. Johns to the home team. The Trnnlcmnkera piled up errors and the contest was a walkover for their opponents. Score: FL H. R. St. Johns 12000010 6 8' 4 Trunkmakers .. 00000000 0 0 8 9 Batteries Charles Moore and n. Moore; Gardiner, Scholtx and Jamlsson. Umpire Ei. Rankin. Cuba Make Strong Tialsh. (Special Dkpatcb to The Journal.) Woodburn. Aua-. S. The Bralnard Cubs were defeated here yesterday by the Woodburn team by a score of 7 1o 8. The game was slow and uninterest ing, quite a number of mlsplays being credited to each team. The score stood 7 to 2 In Woodburn's favor at the ODen In of the seventh inning, but one hit being made off the home team a new pitcher, Archie Jerman. but he weak ened In the seventh and allowed seven hits In the last three Innings, which netted Tour runs. The game ended with the sacks all Inhabited by Cubs. Score by innings: R. H. K. woodburn 8 i 0 0 t 0 0 0 7 7 Bralnarda 20000021 1 C 8 S Wa.ll Allows But Two Hits. (Special Dlapalch to Tba JooroaL) Kelso, Wash., Aug. 5 Pitcher Hull of the home team was In fine form yes terday. He allowed but two hits and not a Brewer reached second base. Only four got to nrst. The Tigers round Ol ney ror 11 hits. The final score was 11 to 0. LITTLE SPARKS FROM M0T0RD0M FIVE DAYS' RACING FOR GRANT COUNTY Canyon City, Or.. Aug. 6. The Grant County Speed Association has arranged to hold a five days' race meeting at John Day, commencing September 2. One thousand dollars in purses will bo hung and every convenience will be of fered visiting horsemen for the train ing of horses. capable of Judging with some degree of Bernard, cf 6 Carlisle. If. Brashear, 2b. Dillon. lb.. Naglo. rf. . . Smith. 8b. . Delmas, ss. . Eager, c. Gray, p. Hosp, 2b. Totals 3 8 1 12 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 AMATEUR BASEBALL NOTES The Spanton ball nine defeated the Mllwaukle Harlows Sunday by a score of 7 to 1. The feature of the game was the fast fielding of Klchenlob at third base. The Spanton battery consisted of Degroot, Anderson and Rummel; the Mllwaukle battery of Batton and Coun cil. ' Mott, 8b. 4 Donahue, c 4 Casey, 2b. . Bassey. If. . Atherton. rf. Mecredle cf. iy. lb. 88 2 8. 27 11 U PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. sa, PeriiWSf p, Totals ; 81 0 4 27 12 8 SCORE BY INNINGS. - Los Angeles 00000200 0 2 . Hits 10111300 18 Portland 00000000 0 0 Hits 10101000 14 SUMMARY. Struck out By Gray, 6; by Pernoll, 6; Bases on balls Off Gray, 2; Pernoll, 4. Two base hits Smith, 2. Double Plays Delmas ot Dillon; Casey, unassisted. Stolen' bases Casey. Hit by pitched ball, Carlisle. First base on errors Los Angeles. 2: Portland, 1. Left on bases Los Angeles, 9; Portland, 6. Time of game, 1:66. Umpire Derrick. Carbonic acid gas and soda water appliances. Bllderback & Crane Co 62 First street. The Laue-Davls Juniors defeated the Tribune team Sunday morning to the tune of 21 to 3. The pitching of Do peas for Laue-Davls was the feature of the game. He struck out 14 men. Twltchell for the Tribunes was knocked out of the box. He was hit. for two home runs, three three-bnggers and 14 singles. Willie Mascot, the much talked of shortstop of the Tribunes made so many errors that he was re moved to third base. The Laue-Davls team played ring-a-round the roses in tne sixth inning, making x runs before the last rose was put out. up was: Laue-Davls. Bateman c Dopeas p Brfll ss Stepp lb Keys 2b... Grayson 8b. . . Cohen If McKeen cf . . . . Monk rf . . . . The lino Tribunes. , . . Trainer , . Twitchel . . . Mascot Arris . Goldstein . . . . Monea Nedverdlck . . . . Nelson , .. Meager The Stevens ball nine won two good games Sunday, one a 12-lnnlng game by a score of 2 to 1. and the other a 10 lnnlng game by a 7 to 6 score. The 12-lnning game was played In the morn ing witn tne iiouaaay team. The Jioi ladays secured only two hits off Voss The 10-lnnlng game was plaved In the afternoon with the Teddy Bears. The Stevens have won 29 games and lost but one. The Stevens would like gameB outside of the city. For games address Ira voss, 494 isast seventeenth street, roruanu, v if r During: the hot weather ?ou should eat less solid oods and drink more of liquid foods, whicn require less energy iot meir di gestion and assimilation. Pabst BlueRibbon He Beer of Quality , r rtA' contains just the same f t amount, oj. iuuu as raw, t in a form much easier direst and more cruickly assimilated, and therefore more healthful. Charles Kohn A Co.. Cor, 8d and Pine Sts.. Portland, Or. Phons Main 40. The Laue-Davls branch No. 2 Juniors would like games from amateurs un der 15 years of age, especially from Oak Grove. Call up Main 4669. The line-up Is as follows: Busman, lb; Blancnard, If; MacDonald, c; Ingle, p; Concannon, 2b; Gross, ss; Gotthardt, 3b; Minns, cf; Benson rf. In a well played game of baseball at the latter's krounds In Vancouver, the Northwest Gun company's team was victorious over the Plttock & Ledbetter team. The score was 6 to 6. Timely hitting by the Gun company was the feature. The Northwest team wants out of the city. Address C E. eck, 1122 East Main. . Break Even at Trlsco. San Francisco, Aug. 6. The Seals and Commuters broke even yesterday, Oak land winning In the morning and San Francisco capturing the afternoon game. Scores: Morning game:' R. H. E. Oakland 2 0000901 08 7 2 San Francisoo 01000100 0 2 S 1 Batteries Carries and Bliss: Henley and Esoia. Afternoon gams R. H. E. Oakland 0 0000000 11 3 6 San Francisco 00000021 0 8 5 8 Batteries Cates and Dashwood; Joy and Esola. Umpire Pcrrlne. National League. At Chics go Chicago, 8: New Yoihc 1. At St. Louis St. Louis, 1; Philadel phia, 0.. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, 4-7; Boston, Northwest league. At Seattle Butte, 6; Seattle, S. At Tacoraa Tacoma, 8-8; Spokane, knowledge. Flushed with victory In points over Nelson who was so de cisively defeated at Goldfleld by Gans Britt, as is his custom after each fight. Issues lengthy staterrients which he ped dles out to sporting writers of the Bay City about what he will and will not do. However, In one matter James Ed wards is no fool. He saves his money and Invests It. Or, nuher, I should say his father Influences htm to do so. Britt Is "out for the coin" at all times, and he has never yet fought but once "on the square," when he faced a man his equal, or superior, and that was at Oolmft when Nelson knorked him out. The Dane could have done so asraln In the recent meeting were It not for tho fact that Gans finished him as a ring fighter that terrible September day when a foul blow was delivered by Nel son to save himself from a knockout, ronght an Unfit Stan. Nelson was unfit to enter a ring when he fought Britt the Inst time, and he Is unfit to ever enter a ring again. Even In that condition Britt could not score a knorkout. How, then, does he pro Jose knocking out a real champion? in all probability a match will be ar ranged between Britt and Gans, but one thing is sure. It will never be ac complished without James Edward try ing his level best to dodge it on one excuse or another. The shrewd Call fornlan knows very well he has no chance to win If tho fight is "pulled off on the level." vet he reroa-nlzes also that fight followers all over the conn- j try except possiDiy in san irancisco ae slre to see the nalr once more in action. It is hardly probable that San Francisco would get the fight at that. Goldfleld or Tonopah would hid hard against any city hanging up a purse for the fight, and this event would not be allowed to slip away unchallenged by sagebrusher mining promoters as an ex cellent chance to advertise the state. Bidding for the fight, too, would be something else besides "hot air talk." There is still another feature about the affair if a match is decided on, and that is that if it were pulled off in Ne vada anywhere Gans would get a better show than In San Francisco. There is no denying the fact that Callfornlan. are loyal to the native son, and Britt would get all the heM of any dealing In San Francisco. I doubt whether the fight will be pulled off there. If the pair ever meet again It will be Britt's last fight for a decent nurse un less Gans drops dead In the ring that is. if the fight Is not fixed. I don't think the fight could be other- New York's new publlo utilities commission has been asked to take steps for the removal of electric street railway poles from the centers of sev eral streets much used by motorists. After finishing a 1,000-mile tour through the White and Green moun tains, J. A. Lamper of Boflon, rambled off to Nova Scotia and back, then mado an unusual climb over Hoosac Moun tain. ' The Paris police regulations for auto mobile trafTIc are changed about every six months. Just at present they are being overhauled with a view to com pelling a speed registering device for every car. "Dangerous? Yes. Too dangerousT No," is the way Lancia, the noted Ital ian racing machine driver, recently an swered a questioner who wanted to know his opinions on automobile racing. The city authorities of Erie, Pennsyl vania, have announced that they will prosecute motorists who leave their cars unattended on the streets with the engines running or with the gears in neutral position. A fund of $85,000, which had been lying Idle In the city treasury of Erie, Pennsylvania, so long that It was for gotten until Mayor Llebel discovered It OUTING SUITS 12 PRICE At WELCH'S GENUINE REMOVAL SALE SEC AD BACK PAGE 4 i. WRITE US TODAY TOR An Electric FlaliM FREE-ON 30 DAYS TRIAL REBUILDERS REPAIRERS DESIGNERS Or AXJ. 8C4KB8) OF AUTOKOBUJS. PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO. 68-70-78-74 Worth Sixth St.. Oor. JSvarett. A. D. PERKINS, PRES. Tel. Main 41. "Largest Automobile Repair Fac tory In the West" Save Her Time Save Her Health Save Her Weary Steps Save Your Money Save Your Clothes Save Her Temper Save Her Complexion x the other day, will be used for street Improvement. The Missouri board of agriculture has appointed an engineer to make a sur vey for a 1500,000 macadam road from St. Louis to Kansas City, for which the t legislature made an appropriation. It is bnllevtd that the road, which will be 60 feet wide, will be finished Inside of two years. Three Boston business men, George G. Reed, George K. Schuler and Harry W. Brown, recently completed one of the most remarkable automobile trips on record In America, traveling from Death Valley, California, to their home city, covering 3,900 miles. Their motor was covered with more than 1.000 auto graphs of persons who wished them good speed on their Journey. Connecticut s new automobile law will do away with constables' graft. It provides that cars shall not be oper ated "at a speed greater than Is reason able and proper, having regard to the width, traffic and use of the highway," nor so as to endanger life or limb of any person. Apparently it makes the driver of a car responsible for what ever happens, and leaves Judgment re garding his action entirely to a court. SUNDAY AMATEUR SCORES At Centralia Ccntralia, 6; Pe Ell, 6. At Oregon City Grays. 2; Blues. 1. At Canny Oanbv. 7; Stealers, 0. At Eugene Springfield. 7; Eugene, . Fill in coupon and mail to us The iron will be delivered, with all necessary equipment, abso lutely free of charge. CUT OUT COUPON AND MAIL TO U8 TODAY POKTLANJJ KAILWA I, UUM1 PUWH.K tUMfAN X First and Alder Sts., Portland, Or. Gentlemen You may deliver to me one Electric Fist iron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not return it at that time you may charge same to my account at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the iron if I return it within 30 days. Name Address DEPT. J. ie pu wne me when he was down In his luck that he would give half of any fertune he might ever hope to own to get Britt into a ring once more. "I would do everything to him but kill him," said the negro. NEW BALL PLAYEE FOE P0ETLAND CLUB McCredle has another new player. His name is J. R. Burdette, and Is as husky looking as a college football star. Burdette dropped into town from New York today and he will be seen In a Beaver uniform tomorrow. He Is an outfielder and will probably play In cen ter field In place of Lovett, who left the club for the Insurance business a few days ago. Burdette is new to profes sional baseball, but he has made some thing of a reputation as an amateur In the east. He starred on a college team and Is reputed as being a strong batter. I I Blacksniiths requires great physical strength and en durance need tissue build ing foods. Among these there Is none so good or so sustaining as delldoos Ghirardelli's Cocoa THK THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT I .J NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Has One of the Finest Beaches oh the Pacific Coast and Is an IDEAL SUMMER RETREAT It is easily reached, is not an expensive place to visit, has ex cellent hotel accommodations, affords perfectly safe and delightful surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such as clam-bakes, oyster hunts, fishing, pebble and shell gathering, etc., enjoy a mild and inviting climate, picturesque scenery, and all the other at tractions that can be desired for recreation and pleasure. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Al bany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis At Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8 a. in, Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale daily and good for return until October 31. There is also a Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Saturdays, good for return Mondays. Correspondingly low rates from all other points. Call at the city ticket office of the Southern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P. agency elsewhere, for complete information. ! WILLIAM McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company. Portland, Of . THINKS HE CAN WHIP COAST LEAGUE'S BEST BDOkane. Wash.. Aug. B. Baseball men here are talking of a final try-out between the Pacific Coast and North western leagues for the championship of the Pacific Northwest. President W. H. Lucas, of the Nortnwestern, wit nessed a couple of games In Portland recently and Is anxious to meet the win ning- coast team for a series of games. Hood River Wins. Hood River, Aug. 6. Hood River de feated White Salmon yesterday by a score of 10 to 2. Much Interest waa manifested by the game and there was a big attendance. Tlso battery for Hood River was Hart and Castner. The former, who Is but 18. has won every game he has pitched this year, having nine straight games to his credit. He is considered something of a phenome non bv local fans. Byrne and Dunn were the battery for White Salmon. Tester- i day's game closed the season for the Hood River team, which, has played I sUveo, fames and, losfc JmU jtwioe Going EA S T This Summ Rates but Little More Than V2 for the Round Trip? ON THE- Oo Ro & N Two More Sale Periods Only Aug. 8, 9, 10, Sept. 11, 12, 13 PORTLAND to CHICAGO and Return $71.50 ST. LOUIS and Return 67.50 KANSAS CITY and Return 60.00 ST. PAUL and Return. 63.15 To all other points In the east and middle west and from all other points In the northwest, correspondingly low rates. SO BATS 10 TKB BOOTTB TBtT. Stopovers within limit w HEN you take a trip across the continent you, of course, want the finest scenery, the best and fastest trains, with through cart and most luxurious accommodations Then buy your tickets at the City Ticket Office of the O. R. & N. Third and Washington Streets C. W. STINGER, City Ticket Agent . , WM. McMURRAY, Gen'l Passenger Agent -or JS; ,i .... .v..,' " , .