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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1907)
THB OREOON DAILY JOURNAL ; PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINO,; JULY IS' 1807. 'If I it ft ROOM FOR MANY OTHERS IN JOURNAL CONTEST Twenty-Nine Young: People Compete for Forty-Six Schol ,." arshlp and Nine Cash Awards New Candidates Ap pear Daily and Enter Race for Education. The third tear of The Journal's Educational Contest la presented to day. Thla includes all votee cut for every contestant up to p. ra. Thursday lut There la plenty of room la the aeooed, third and fourth districts for new candidates, and tbare ahould ba mora. Uvery town In Oregon must contain ona or mora boya or girls who would Ilka to hare on of tha free scholarship offered la T!i Journal's liat bf awards, Th cbolarshipa of farad In this oompatltlon ara publlahad throo tlmaa or mora every waak In a two-oolumn advertlsemen t Now candidates wtU ba reoelrad at any tlraa. Tha raoa la Just beginning. . . .. F ' District ITttmbe X. TMa contaet district la mada up of Multnomah county and Includes. Port land. Conteatanta In thla dtatrlct oompata with ona another and. at tha aama tlma, -with all conteatanta In othar parta of the) northwest 1 Fenley, Mattla, Sti Hawthorn Ara. Portland. Or... I Ruasell, William. 134 Dupont St, Portland. Or I Brant, Hilda, Til Willamette boulevard, Portland. Or 4 Mullen, David O., SSt Ban RaSxel Ht Portland, Or. . . . , I Brunn, Marie, 885 Chapman SL, Portland, Or I Muemer, Herbert, lit Spenoar St.Portland, Or f Jonas, Mlna A., Old a, Wortman A- Klntr, Portland. Or. QUAKER CJTV TO ELKS HUME II Monster Herd of Merrymak ers Will Assemble in Philadelphia. d SEATTLE WANTS NEXT GRAND LODGE SESSION .14,06 .11.356 .11.940 . 1.670 . 6.580 . 4,666 4,185 Expected That Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Lodgemen Will Attend the Festivities, Which Will Occupy Week. I Moore, Ray IL, Troutdale, Or 3,445 Guy, J. A., 491 K. Twenty-eighth St., Portland. Or 3,625 10 Edwards, Ea.son, Mllwaukle, Or 1,680 11 Burkholder, Chrietle, Latourelle rails, Or 1,000 11- Wilcox, JUta M., Cleotie, Or gjo 11 McKay. Douglas, 347 Taylor St, Portland, Or .... 715 14 OIl ., Sophia. tS Irr St, Portland. Or so U James. Cecil A., 814 Seventh St, Portland, Or. 835 J 4 Howell, Raymond, Holbrook, Or. 300 Biatrial Sramber a. Contact district No. I eompriaea tha Willamette valley except Multnomah county (whioh forma a district, by Itself) as far aouth as Eugene. Contestants In .this district compete with ona another and at tha aama time with all con teatanta In all parta of Oregon. 1 Talbart, Harlan. Albany, Oregon v 10,990 i Grant, Alloa D, Dallas. Oregon .. ....... gi60 8 Seltice, Peter, Chemawa, Oregon .... 7,866 . 4 Heckart, Karl, CorvaUle, Oregon Bioo t Read, J. Percy, Albany, Oregon I,2js Walker, Glenn E, Albany, Oregon ............ . i26 7 Bowers ox. Jennie, Corrallls, Oregon..... ... 1,000 I Wood, H. A HarrUburg, Oregon., ..... 800 District aToinber a. Conteat diatrlot Wo. 8 lncludea all that part of Oregon aouth of Eugene and the eountlea of Oregon bordering on tha Paclflo ocean. Conteatanta in thla district compete against ona another and at tha aama time against con testants In all other parta of the northwest 1 Hewitt, Anise, Roaeburg, Or gso , . t Herbage, Lewla F., Medford, Or. .00 District sTtunber . Contest diatrlot No. 4 eomprlsea all of eastern Oregon and eaatern Waah .... Jngton. Contestants In thla diatrlot compete with ona another and also ,. against all othar conteatanta. 1 Cochran, Lillian, Monument Or. 1,450 1 Irving, Cecil, Harney City, Or. . 1.230 3. Coram. Cnrtla I. Waplnltla. Or 106 .rADMlnlP n inniriTmm Tr.nmiiiu dt mmuttiiuiv 1 REQUIRES HARD WORK . Chief of Reclamation Service Newell Says He Finds the Farmers in New Sections Very Dilatory About Tak ing HoldGovernment Has Done Its Share. (Joarnal Bpaclil Barries.) Philadelphia, Pa.. July 13. Although tha grand lodge of Elks does not meet here until Monday, a Larue advance guard of visitors has already put In an appearance. Reports received from all parta of the country Indicate that the number of strangers to be In Phlladel phla during the coming week will be the largeat entertained here atnoa tha Can tennlal Exposition In 1876. A oonaerva- tlve estimate places the number of prospective visitors at 160.000. ah arrangements ror the big rattier- completed today. local commltteea T. H. NewelL, chief of the reclamation Service, says the governmenfa Irriga tion work la ahead of tha develop ment of- tha land, and to prove his statement told tha atory of tha Wash Ipgton rancher who said: 'Irrigation may bo ail right for some men, but refuse to make a sun dial out of tha seat of my pants." J . "Baecessful famine under irrigation,' ., said Mr. NewelL, "requires honest effort and hard work. It can only ba carried 'ion under tha principle of intensive ag ricultura, and tha man who takes it up ; might as well know at tha outset that it cannot ba dona with a borae and rope. "Wherever we hare been on our prea- nt trip I have found tha land ready for development and tha farmers Slow to taKe up tne work. They nave many excuses for their dilatorlness, but they generally say they did not expect the government to nnisn tha canals so quickly. "To break up the land requires hard worK on me part or the farmers, and until they do their ahare the work of tha government counta for nothing. "Conditions are excellent wherever wo has been. The reclamation work has been carried on with gTeat energy on the part of the government and areas containing' thousands of acres of arid land have been turned into fertile farms. "Thia trip la solely for tha purpose ; or studying conditions and making needed changaa. Nothing radical la contemplated. Mr. Newell arrived in Portland with Olfford Pinchot chief forester, and Dr. W. J. MoQee, secretary of the inland waterwaya commission. They are tour ing the country with Secretary Garfield and came to Portland a day In advance of the main party to transact .their buslnesa, whioh will reaulra nonthnn one day.' Mr. Newell and Mr. Pinohot are also memDera or tne waterwaya commission uia Air. in e weu slated that the! worg on that line was similar to his wore v as neaa or the reclamation ear. vice: to study condltiona with a view of mating recommendations for Improve ments. He said thav w.r. HnJiH,. airenuia anu lanes WHO a View or d termining their value for power and ua.vigo.iiun purposea ing were Dractlcallr For months Dast the have been hard at wcrk and aa a result of their efforta the vUltora will find that nothing haa been left undone to contribute to their pleasure. ins Duaineas section of the cltv is already blossoming out In a sea of flags and bunting, tha official purple of the order predominating. The center of the decorative scheme Is the court of honor extending on Broad street from Spruce to Vine. Fifty thousand Incandescent lights have been employed in thla artla- tio creation, in addition to thla. hun dreds of electric decoratlona and archea or various descrlDUons have been nl&ced in conspicuous posltiona throughout tha central porxion 01 tne city. Autos for XAdles. The main army of the visitors la ex pected 10 reach the cltv tomorrow. All traina will ba met by membera of the reception committee, who will escort the visitors to their Hotels. Ladles accom panying special delegations will be taaen to their hotel a in automobiles and uuiynos. , features of entertainment will occupy the greater part of Monday. The rogram will Include a trip on the elaware river, vlsltlne- Cramns' and other . shipyards. I,eague Island navy ara, me ions ana oiner places or in erest A stoo will be made at Waah lngton park, where luncheon will be served. The formal ODenlne of the crand Inilm will take place Monday evenlns at the urana opera house, where the guests win oe welcomed by the aovernor. mayor and other officials. At the same hour bands will discourse patriotic airs in independence square. una grand lodge will berln lta busi ness sesslona at the Oarrick theater The chief entertainment feature of the day will be a shore dinner at Waahing- iuii ni vn mo Delaware river. wedneadav mornina a trln will ha maae tnrougn van-mount park. At 11 o'clock a massed band parade of 8.000 musicians Will take nlare each lnriaa imnos a. oanu 01 u or more pieces en tered In this feature, and In the eeneral parade receiving 3100. chance to win the 1300 special prlte for besides having a best appearing band. win 1 the largest and In tha afternoon there will be an excur sion to Willow Grove and in the evening band concerts in Independence and City xiAii squares. Parade Will Ba Thursday, The big parade will take place Thurs- I uny morning ana it is expected to be the largeat and most magnificent spec tacle of its kind ever seen in Phlladel- pma. xnouaanda of oollara in prises wui oe a.wmrad to tnose participating. j. no win last practically ail day, ajiu in i no evening uiere will De ape Dana concerta and Illuminations, There j are going to be some very elaborate cos tumes in tne parade and some beautliul ana uizarre xioaia. Alter It la over mousanas or aoiiars' worth of prises I jh iv vm uiBiriouieu to tne participants Tha Wyoming lodae will have lta M1IINNVILLE MEN VICTIMS OF ACCIDENTS (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) McMlnnvlile, Or., Jury 18. Harry Brenemtn, owner of the rock cruaher engine, was Deadly cut on the head while chopping fuel. The head of his ax was looee and when thrown flow off the handle and had it not been for hla bat. iie would nrobablv hnva hwn very seriously iniured. About tn nours later nis engineer, Howard Ruff ner, while moving the engine, waa Jolted orr ana had hie arm broken by - bains: caught under the water tank. " i 1 Eat for contentment. Eat for good nature. Both are the result of physical health. The most nutritious food made from flour is Uneeda Biscuit Z Every bite a mouthful of energy. lamoua cowhoy band in Una, and tha ruouio iLiaa are to nrino- on. hnrwin. little Colorado burroa wh naa TiAmrm will be dressed as cowboys. Tha float which will ba entered by New Orlasna 4a promising prize winner. It will be filled with Panama canal diggers, who will distribute llteratur exploiting the ex position which New Orleana proposes to hold in 1915. Tha offiofal trip to Valley Forge la achaduled for Friday, and on Saturday the official excuralon to Atlantic City will take place. Theae will ba the main features of the weeks entertainment program, but there will be any number of other at tractions. Including a flight of airships and a naval dlspray on. the Delaware. Scarcely leaa interesting than the en tertainment in Philadelohla will ha tim provided for the Elks when they visit Atlantlo City at the end of the week. While the entertainment faatnr.a win ba the chief attraction for the bulk of I tne visitors, tne orricial delegates to the grand lodge meeting will have enough buslnesa on hand to keep them busy a good part of tha week. Pro posed changaa In the by-lawa of tha order are to be considered, offlcera elected and tha Place for next mr1. Bmeuuau. oe&me win put m a strong bid for the 1908 convention while a large section of tha flnnth Southweat la expected to "root" for Dallas. &0 In dust and moisturt proof packages. NATlOiNAt BI5CUIT COMPANY I r ' -. . - -. 1. .' i- . & NEW ERA MEETING OF SHRITUALISTS (8Mdl Dispatch to The Joornal.) New Era, Or., July 18. Tha New Era spiritualist camp meeting which opened Sunday, July 7, will continue to July 8. Able speakers and mediums are engaged. Among the speakers and me diums engaged are the followins-: Wilson Fritch of Boston, who Is a fa vorite in tne literary and anirituai WUI B. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb nf Rmiiu . . - : ' uiinistera anu mediums, WHO are mak g many friends. Mrs. Prior, who in tha last two haa mada a tour of the world, speaking . ... vvvin V .wig ui imuom ana la iiarvicipttLing: m ootn lecture and me diumiatio work. Mra Flint of Corvallia, conducting humane schools, holding a class daily as, v saw tt.g, ca. v u uuuu, Mra. Williama of Washington. D. who gives tests or messaa-es. The Sunday program for July 14, fol- 1VWB. 10:80 a. m. Lecture by Mra. Prior followed with tests bv heraalf on Williama. 1 p. m. Lecture by Rev FHt.v lowed with messages by Mrs. Cobb and 'tbers. 7:80 Lecture by Mrs. Cohh. fniinw.i with messages by Mr. Cobb. During tha week three uciimu . held dailj. 1 ' , r Pleasant to tallo and does not xrlpe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Troublb Stimulation Without Irritation. Oftcro Laxatir Fruit Syrup is a new MxatiTO eyrup combined with tho deli- oious flavor of fruits, and is yery pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much mpre pleasant and effective than Fills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Sidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. Oarso Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronio constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains on. cnangea. i ne stomach; Liver and Bowels nave not oeen stimulated and in a few aays a stronger purgative may hare to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never rive - Dermanen iu Their violent action results in an tmnat ural movement of the bowels and it -. essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. Oarjro Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really -acts upon, all 01 tne aigestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel onlv and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs j ean not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc For Biliousness and Sic!. J ,'..; Headache. : Take Oxnro Laxative Fruit Syrup. . It sweetens the stomach, aids dijeestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. . Clears the Complexion. .'Owro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the System and clearS thA mmn?aTAn nt pimples and blotches. It is the best lax "J. for women and children as it is mud and Dleasanfc. and An nf rJv A sicken. iXefuse auhntlfufa.. flHR fSllflHfl WTFP TaHe RINO Ltf7'Fit"8yrop and If you UUlft yUHllHIti I Lb are not satisfied your money will bo refunded. Prepared only by FOLEY CO Chlosfo, In, OLD AND RECOMMa.NDEO.OY ALL DRUGGISTS COOLING BREEZES AT YOUR COMMAND ELECTRIC fANS fOR SUMMER COMFORT No matter how hot it may be, cooling breezes are at your command by the twist of a switch. In the home, in the office, or in the store, the ELEC TRIC FAN is ever a boon, a comfort, a luxury at a , trifling cost. t In up-to-date stores, during warm weather, a num ber of fans are kept going day and night, making the establishment so equipped more comfortable for and attractive to patrons. The cost of this service is so small that there is really no excuse for its omission. A 16-inch ELECTRIC FAN canbe operated at a cost not to exceed one cent an hour, and a 12-inch FAN can be run for even less. The new model ELECTRIC FAN is specially adapted to use in private residences and offices. It may be carried to any room and attached to any convenient lamp socket. FANS are on sale at the Company's Supply De partment, 147-149 Seventh street IMMEDIATE DELIVERY made of all Fans or dered NOW. , CALL TELEPHONE MAIN 6688 FOR INFOR MATION. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY FIRST AND ALDER STREETS Three Transcontinental Trains Daily Eastward from Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane VciX Fast Through Service to St Paul and Minne apolis, with connections for all Points East. Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars Through Dining Care High Back Day Coaches Northern Padfic-Burlington Through Service Daily to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Southwestern Point. : . Northern Pacific Railway ft- iafonaattloa, aaU ea as write A. 9. CWMXUTOW, A. Cs 1. 4 Portland, Oregva. ticks OSloe TUr sad acorrtsa. at, c. CLOSE OF JACKSON TEACHERS' MEETING (Spaelal Dispatch to The Joornal.) Ashland. Or., July IS. Tha, annual teachers institute for Jackson county. which convened in Aahland Tuesday, has closed Its sessions. It was v. lara-ely attended and ia consldarait rether the moat successful in the his tory of . the county. Anions- th in. jatruetora present ware B. F. Mulker, wasAdsxrf o. th kuu aoaust swool; W. F. Cameron, superintendent of the Asniana scnoois; m. a. blgns. superin tendent at Medford; A. J. Hanby, prin cipal ai uemrai rorai; a. u. jfreaL prin cipal at Gold Hill: Professor Bovard or tne university of Oregron; F. Beroh told of the Oregon Agricultural collego, Corvallls; Mrs. Rosa Deyeo of San Francisco, and P. Bltner. DrinolDal of the Ashland Commercial college. The exercises were under the direction of uounty superintendent Daily. Congress man W. C. Hawley gave a talk on civics find C. B. wataon lectured on geology. Profeasor Mulkey made an address on "The Law of Unity in the School Life." Practically all the teachers of the county were present. Most of them are prolonging their visit to enjoy the Chautauqua exerclaea. ICEBANKS STILL SORE OVER COCKTAIL STORY (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Seattle, July 1J. "That cocktail atory Is absolutely without basis. It la fabrication pure and simple-, emanating nom uie aesire 01 some one to perpe trate a Joke to create discussion, which to me ia vary un Fairbanks thla morn. ing and boarding pi ace a In a nana dock and directory. Eugene In The matter or accommoaaiiona ror students la fre quently for two or three daya a con- 3! stderatile problem, and this schema wi simplify it Tha work will be dona t tween September 1 and IS, by students wiiu uume eariy. . 1 Bishop Scadding of tha Oregon dlo cese Of the Enlanonal rhnrnh la nlan. ulng to furnish a church-hall for youna vniiuii wnw are aiuaents ml tne col lege. Funds, he expects, will soon be provtaea to start the hall in a modest way, after which it will be enlara-Ml na needs develop. A deaconess is likely t-uiuiun nu .propriety. Installation at The Dalles. (Sprclbf DUpatcb to The Journal.) The Dalles. Or .Tnlv 1 1 TnliimV, loage jno. B, I. o, o, f., has Installed the following officers for the enaulna- lx months: Elmer Ward. N. O.: f). D. ipfaasant. Jnv Hia ried the conviction that he was very IS, T declared His looks car sore on tha subject, and further than this Drier statement na refused to talk. FOR CARE, OF NEW STUDENTS AT EUGENE (Special Dispstch to The JoanuL) University of Oregon. Eugene, July 18. In" order to take care of the great Influx of new etudents expected thla' fall, the T. M. C. A of tha university, under tha direction of R.rl.rp ti. taoy. jriU list U wt Um bmsIM mm-. Bolton. V. O. O. D. Doane, aecretary; O. O. conauctorr b. Lrtnaaulst. wards: Oeorga Ruch, treasurer; Oort, R. 8. N. O.: J. B. Taylor. L. B. N. Allan, O.; John Miller, It. flV. B.: A. B. Lake, v. vj.. r. in. nutcniaon, i. u TOUB UTBB Ja out of .order. Tou go to bad in a pad humor ana set up with a bad taste in your mouth. Tou want something to stimulate your liver. Just try Her bine, the liver regulator. A positive cure ior constipation, ayspepaia and all liver complaints. Mrs. F ., Fort worth, Texas, writes: "Have used Herblne in my family foi cm a. n urua can t axpreas wnat j rbpdy In my bou wa owe It A U Q Q & -SS 1 Dr. Morrow's AfltMean ia xbab nom tat KTZrl Vkisasav toe aarrens ays-1 I I systaxa. u s (mrelyl M tirtUUs eompoaad. -Ill Contains no oils or fats or U m97.. I1? ' injurtousl 9t liable to produce a habit I IT IS THX CRXATX8T H TONIC IN THX WOUXO II u uacn ooctie eon tains a month's treatment and costs at any crst-claes drvg store. Preparad by tho Aiin-LEAllUEOiailECO. OregonlaB Bldg rorUaad, Or. a-JV- J m - -T-a. an agssaxsaxsrssgasaaaggasaaHsa HomeDecorafing Is not a dlfflcalt matter whoa you uss KOR-E-LAC THE ORIENTAL WOOD FINISH A combination of most durable Var nish and Stains for Interior Wood Work, Floors, Furniture, eta, THE BIO PAINT STORE Fisher, Thorsen & Co. FRONT A1ND MORRISON STS. hink about it Evervbodv in mv hnuaw. noig are nappy ana wen, ana wa Ow to Herblne." Sold by all druggists. WOMAN A 5PCCIALTY as. a x. omam Tho only Chinese woman doctor in this city. Sha baa cured many afflicted aufferera. Cured private ana iumaie aiaeasea, also throat ana lung troubles; Stomach bladder and kidney ana oiseasea or ay ainai that, tha human llash la heir to. Cured by Chinese neros ana roota Asmaaiei No ooerationa Hones Examination free. 282 Clay m SF lw :.2aJ harmless, treatment. st, corner Third, CHICHESTER'SPILLS irarrUt. Akfw?irlci&a.5-af lllIONBI mAk rWLM. 5sJ MWliaiiaMlMt.lhlaiLalaaT, KallaMe PILES ttohlag, Bias ding, Tto trudlag CURED ':V SUUOJSSSTTTUT ! aHaitoaa wtmirn MM... X Call or wrttofr. DR. Ta J. PIERCQ IBl First at, gorttand. Or. r - w- FOR WOMEN ONLY - A Of naoaiaaa's Oonaaaad savta ; riua. ft! aaa uattoa tm. l"A.llrHiie raaMdr tor rBBJODS. Cure the aust Priea al ear. -has. nnii- . ASaraai Dt. T. J. Piamia.r7.. 17. : i