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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAIii PORTLAND SATURDAY EVENINO, JULY IS, 1807, JAP EDITOR WAR IN PREDICTS NEAR FUTURE VALET POSES' AS t MHMMMMMMt (MMMMMMMMmMiMM L AND HOT LEAD i f.' 2,, iiii ENGLISH D 1 - , Admiral Yamamoto's Traveling: Companion Says Conflict With America Is as Certain as the Axiom That Two k- and Two Make Four Want I?edr&s for Insults. ' (Jooroal Special Barries.) New York. July IS. "That there can . bs no question of a war between Japan :nd the United States ! aa plain aa the axiom two and two make four.' " wrltea S Kojimo Matsukath. a Japanese of high " rank, editor of tho KoIe Shlnbun. one Of the moat Influential Japaneae inw- : papers, In an article In the World today. ' tl. la with Admiral TUMDIOtO. There la no war oartv In Japan," he and sketching for pleasure. The Japanese arrested yesterday has been for some time cook of the officers' mese The skethches, which were found In hie bnggage, were of (rood workmanship and his supply of engineering literature proves him to be a close studeut. Swindler Bunkoes Mining Men at Goldfield and the British Government. continues. 'There are about 10.000 out of tO, 000 000 people who are excuea, dui they do not want war; they want re dress for the damage Inflicted on their countrymen In 8 an Francisco. The Ban Francisco trouble Is to our mutual na tional relation as the sting of a gnat on the human body." (Journal Special Strrlce.) Washington, D. C July IS. Officials of the judge advocate general's office said they did not recall any statute covering the act of an Individual who ht be detected making drawings of (Journal "peril I Sarvfce.) San Diego. July 13. Army offlcere are convinced that some one connected with the Japanese government Is deter Mina in amirri nlana of the fortifica tions at Fort Roeecrena Last evening a second subject of the mikado was es eorted off the reservation under guard and told to keep away. The Japanese who was arrested on Tuesday evening was a stranger, and he made the plea that he was traveling mlRi a fort or other government buildings In a military reservation. The officials said, however, that such reservations were subject to such regulations aa the secretary of war promulgated. Any one on the reservation without tike right to be there. If found doing nmafhln. fia Via Mrtitatlnni fnrhln Is liable to ejectment or any other pun- Prlonr fTCL" ."J" ?! .r.JA-A tralla before coming to tl (Jovraal Special "errlee.) Vallejo, Cal.. July IS. Orders were received at the Mare Island yard today from Washington to have- all launches it feet In length and over which are attached to the local station equipped with apparatus for mlnlna ha r bora, or ders were also received to rush work on the tug Fortune, which Is now being repaired at the yard. MANY WOULD-BE POLICEMEN PASS ATHLETIC TESTS WELL r Tom on big one: reach out there. Look out there, fatty, or you will bruise your heels. Walk on your toes there. 11m. Watch out. reddy, or you will , tangle up your knees. Run like a dog, not like a duck." These and similar admonitions floated over the hlih board fence Inclosing Multnomah field, making patent the fact that SI residents of the city who aspired to wear ths brass and blue of the police department were undergoing their speed tests. . t Down tn the broiling sun of the arena Dave Campbell, chief of the fire de partment, assisted by Detective Tiche ror and Jack King held stop watches on the striving candidates. Men of all slses to the number of SI took their turns two at a time In fleeing from the dis charge of the pistol behind them toward the whitewashed strip 100 yards ahead. Fifteen seconds may look like a long, long time to Dan Kelly and a few other fleet-footed youngsters, who win fame by their ability to make human racing machines of themselves, but the period was as a breath of the wind to those who went over the course yesterday All got under the limit, one or two by one fifth of a second, others with two whole ticks of the watch to their mar- fln. Taken as a whole the bunch was aster than the usual aggregation brought before the examiners, for there was a greater proportion or is second men present than of those who made the distance In 14 4-6 seconds. The successful 21 will finish their ex aminations with a mental test today. (Journal Special ferries-) New York. July IS. A man who posed as Ijord Da Molavne or cngiiuiu, h Ooldfleld. Nevada, and in other western towns, and who is said to have been a swindler wherever he has gone, has been arrested here and will be taken to Chi cago, where charm of wife and child desertion will be made against him. lie is also accused of defrauding many Chicago meat packers. It is said that In Ooldfleld he duped several prominent cltlsana to the extent of $5,000. He gives his full name as Cecil W. H. Uo Moleyne. The real Lord De Moleyne. who la now In Chicago oooperated with the ponce in tracing the man who misused his name. He save tne ewinaier was lor merly employed as valet bv his brother, Captain De Moleyne, in England. The rlsoner swindled many persons in ui- nls country. It la allered. During the Boer war. It Is said, the man under arrest purchased large quan tities of canned meats and sold them for bis own gain, while the bills were sent to the office of the British consul. Fleet Fugitive Chased Vain by City Marshal at The Dalles. in escaped by runnl no. tne orncer, who drew PORTLAND QUARTERS (Continued from Page One.) GROCERS PLAff PURE FOOD SHOW Good Music and Public Wed . ding Will Be Features of September Event ' Hard work la now being done by the xecut)ve committee In charge of the promotion of the pure food show to be given by tne Portland Retail Grocers' association from September S to 14 In clusive. J. W. Dean, general manager of the show, has opened his headquarters at 235 Pine street and la rapidly getting the work tn shape. Already the greater portion of the main floor has been taken for exhibits and many applications are coming In daily for space In the old Exposition building where the ehow is to be held. It la announced that Round's Ladles' or chestra of New York will be one of the leading musical attractions, while Miss Oussle Lenshaw, famous as a baritone Singer, has also been secured to sing. A baby show, bread baking contests, a public wedding and many other unique eaatiit-Mi have been Drovfded. while the !, country store will be in charge of one or lye cnariiavuto vt aauwuvM. v w.. .city,-and will add much to the amuse ' inent of the wee. Th MmmlttM has arranged for 150, ertn ti,-vt.t. tn ha show to be distributed itv th arocers of the city to their patrons The committee in charge of the work Is composed or tne xouowin well-known grocers of the city: B. . Dresser, J. E. Malley. J. C. Mann. I m r r!harlfl W Btubbs, J. E. Eastes. Charles B. Merrick pan " Kellaher, Francis seaiy, Lewis and D. C. Burns. Georjje STREETCAR COMPANY (Continued from Page One.) out of the council chamber, was: "I'll 'avion nut n ston to this corner work. V The mayor started toward Alder treet fully determined to stop at least the tearing out or tne corner. When seen this morning Superintend : ent Fuller of the street railway com Fany, said: "It was only after tho ullest consideration had been given the matter from every standpoint that the 'company concluded to lay Its tracks as they now are. We know the present tracks are objectionable to the public. 'but If any one can suggest a better plan 'we ehould be glad to near it. "If we swung farther out on Second r First street traffic would be ob structed a great deal more than It Is .now. We believe that the present plan la best for ail parties concerned. Badlns Too Small. : ' -"Most of the Portland sidewalk cor 'ers have a radius of less than five feet You Can't Enjoy YOUR UJtCJtTlOM If you find that the strange eating and drinking upsets your stomach and liver and causes you to suffer from an attack :of Cramps, Diarrhoea or Biliousness, be on the safe side and take along a bottle of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters A dose at the first symptom will save you much unnec essary suffering, for It never falls to keep the Stom ach, Liver and Kidneys tn a heal thy, condition. It also cures room Jkmrm zniasmov vrmnmiA COS Y1VSSJ1SB UAXnVBV OB 4 - ! 1J WIFE OF THE PEACE w m a'"y I s f I . ' 1 m CSsrfasj "When I say we found conditions ood and the work of the various ranches of the department progressing favorably, I mean that we found all of ficials hard at work, striving to prose cute the government's business, as rap idly as possible. Mo Badloal Change. There, are no radical chanres to be made In the service, but needed Improve ments will be made wherever they have been found necessary. This Is chiefly In the way of adding men in one place. ahlftlna about in others ana making rec ommendatlons that will have for their purpose the extension of the work, "f am verv well satisfied with oondl tlons as I found them. I have been lm- Dressed with the seal and activity die played at all places, and have secured much valuable Information that could be gained only by a personal visit to the west. At noon Secretary Oarfteld and party were the sruests of honor at a lunoheon riven bv Dr. Henrv W. Coe at the let ters residence. Those who sttended were Secretary Garfield, John N. Gar field, Judge Bellinger, Mr. Plnchot, Mr. Newell, Dr. McOee, Senator Fulton, Con gressmen Hawlev and Ellis, H. W. Scott and Tom Richardson. When seen at noon, after conferring with local officials, Secretary Oarfleld stated that he had found the same gen eral activity apparent In Portland fed eral offices that he found elsewhere. "Everything Is all rlsht," he said. "I have Just concluded conferences with nearly every head of the branches of the government service in the city and am wen pieasea wun me snowing made. Visited Oregon City. At I o'clock the party left for Ore gon City in a epeclal car over the O. W. P. line. Accompanying on the trip . s.t... , 1 . . j a - t tomey William C. Bristol, Maror Harry a 1 ii" ...11 Postmaster John W. Mlnto, K u Dur ham, D. C Henney, E. O. Hopaon, R. M. Tuttle, E. A. Allsn, J. A. Holmes. H. A. Brown, R. F. Prael and A. M. Smith. Returning from Oregon City the mem bers made the trip down the river In launches, with a brief stop at the Oaks. Before the trip to Oregon City the mem bers enjoyed an automobile ride about the city in wnich they were joined by Julius Meier, J. C. Ainsworth, and R. R. Wrood. Tonight a banquet will be given In honor of Secretary Garfield at the Com mercial club. In addition to the 12S lo cal guests to attend will be the mem bers of the official party. The speakers will be. Secretary Garfield, Judge Bal linger. Director Newell, Chief Forester Plnchot, W. J. McOee, Joseph A. Holmes, Governor Chamberlain, Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton: C. E. S. Wood, benator E. W. Haines, of Forest Grove; Dr. H. W. Coe and Senator C. W. Hod son. The banquet will also be attended by well known business men of Salem, Hermiston, Forest Grove, Pendleton, Baker City and other Oregon cities. Music will be furnished by the Port land Male quartet. (Special Dispatch to The JeamaL) The Dalles, Or, July II. City Mai shall Sexton flrCtf' three shots yester day at a man naftr1, peters, whom he was trying to arresf The man finally lng ..Tough an alley, aead sight on him, wss afraid to shoot because two laboring men were crossing the street directly In front of Peters. The fellow was as fleet as a deer, whf the officer was suffering from aa attack; of rheumatism. Peters wss charged with breaking open a trunk at the Obarr hotel, and there Is a mystery surrounding ths af fair which has not been cleared. It seems that W. H. Noel has been working ai me notei about tnree weeks, and his wife has been living at Troutdale. The proprietor told Noel to bring his wlf to The Dalles, and he would give her empioyemeni. Mrs. rfoei arrived xnura day, but stated that at Hood River Pet ers stole her trunk check. On the efter noon looal she returned to Hood River. and arrived yesterday morning with her trunk, soon after the trunk was de posited at the hotel Peters appeared on the scene and, it la charged, forcibly opened the trunk. Noel recognised the man by his voice and telephoned to an offloer to have him arrested. He told the officer that he had trouble with Peters, who was in love with his wife before he married her and swore he would kill Noel. They met some time afterward and Noel says he was shot through the shoulder and beaten Into In sensibility. Since that time he has been very much afraid of Peters and he would not accompany Sexton In attempting the arrest. The offloer followed Peters two blocks, and when he waa near enough to him told him to throw up his hands. Then Peters took to his heels and the officer fired. Peters will probably be arrested and then the mystery surrounding the al leged shooting of Noel and the stealing of the cheak and consequent breaking of the trunk and theft of letters and papers will doubtless be made plain. I Crystal Wafer Set Consisting of one Pitcher and six Tumblers mm ! Tie Regular value $1.59 STOLE GRIP WITH A FORTUNE IN IT But It Was In Bonds and Securities Instead of Cash Thieves Soon In JalL at Ashland. CHINAMEN TO RETURN TO FRISCO QUARTERS (Journal Special Service.) Ban Francisco, July 18. At a signal from the Chinese consul-general Mon day, 12,000 piartalled orientals who have : temporarily resided In Oakland since the ; great conflagration will cross the bay and establlsn themselves In their old i quarters behind Portsmouth square ' the Chinatown of earliest Frisco his I tory. Substantial new brick buildings or three ana rour stones nave been Tii4i ! nWii.. nf mi v, 'erected for the accommodation of the i u. ,,v,m.D Ui vu.uui,0, i orientals. Most of these have been lav M. DepeW, who with her husband , lsh'y decorated with red and green paint ana gold leaf, preserving in a measure recently saiiea to join ner son on , the Asiatic atmosphere. All of the old the continent. I "T"8 n cui ,,m" w,'" "t0 u i iu ' iiiuuivf II n tit u.n u. i 11 uvvui lij c ; show rlace of the city. In San Francisco the corners ail have! ; a radius of 15 feet. By cutting off the TITIPV "CP'R'PTQQ WTTT corners on Alder street between First ; lAXJj r EjIxIXLijCj tVlJJli and Second a 12-foot radius is given, i The mayor maintains that the conven- lence of pedestrians Is lessened but the : beauty of tne street ana tne drainage facilities are greatly enhanced. Where sidewalks in Portland are on a small radius the catch basins resemble deep holes In the ground. On Alder treet where we nave cut orr tne cor ners there will be two gratings instead (Spatial Otapetek t The JoaraaL) Ashland, Ore., July IS. Pete Varsaila, colored, and Gus Willis, a young white men. were examined In Judge M. F. Eggleston's court here yesterday on the charge of stealing a suit case of O. H. Perry from a car of the train between Ashland end Gold Hill Wednesday night, and committed for trial in the circuit court Perry is a mining man of Arl sona and his suit case contained bonds and securities worth about $30,000. The thieves, after securing the case from the car. took a train back to Cen tral Point, where removing the valuable papers, they carried the valise to a field ana thence backtracked toward Ashland Perry secured a warrant at Ashland and Chief Slmone caught the men Thursday evening east of Talent Some or Perry's effects were found upon them. The bonds and securities they had expressed to a name at Sacramento. when thev were removed at Centra; Point and these have since been secured ror Mr. erry. FRIENDS OF JUDGE ARE SENT TO PRISON of PROBE STANDARD OIL i Journal Special Service.) St. Touls, Mo., July 18. Former Jude Fra.iklln Ferrlss of this city, who was recently appointed examiner to take testimony In the government suit of one and the water can escape much j against the Standard OH company, will num., ci oegin nis labors next week and will col lect evidence to be presented at the next more easily. There are a 1-foot radii in tne city ana tney are much prettier than the other ones." AUTO WRECK KILLS MAN AT EELLINGILIM (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Belllmrhnm. Wash.. July 18. The clutch failed to work as the auto driven y John Larson, a wealthy man or tnis fty. was turning Into a narrow road, the machine with its occupants went ver an embankment near Samlsh lake last night. Larson received fatal ln- urles and died this mornlner. Dr. D. 1, lggs and Glen Hyatt receivea minor injuries. court hearing of the case on September zo. juage f erries will rule on all testi mony submitted throughout the country in tne attempt to prove that the Stand ard Oil company is an illegal coroora tlon, the outgrowth of a conspiracy that nan us beginning in 1870. ' Testimony will probably be taken during the course of the case in all parts of the country the Standard does business. where MX' Try bottle We (nannta) it port NDEAVORERS WILL GO ON EXCURSIONS Seattle. Wash., July 1.-Tralning In cltlsenshlp was the general topic of this morning's session of the Christian En deavor convention. This afternoon will be generally observed as a holiday, and numerous excursions are planned. A second rendition of "The Messiah" will close the evening's proceedings. SCHMITZ'S PLEA LOST IN APPELLATE COURT Ban Francisco, July lJ.The appellate court today indefinitely postponed ac tion on the appeal of Mayor Schmitx to compel Judge Dunne to set the date for the bearing of his bill of exceptional The court left the matter to Jude Bird Beat Telegraph. From the London Evening Standard. A pigeon belonging to John Shuker of the Market Drayton Homing club, re leased at Gloucester, arrived at Market Drayton In 71 minutes, in which time he covered a distance of 72 miles. The bird returned 15 minutes before the telegram arrived announcing its re lease from Gloucester. Wise Campers Take along Grape-Nuts FOOD Ready, cooked Delicious? Nutritious There a Reason" (Journal Special Berries.) Toledo. Ohio, July '18. Twenty-three Toledo's wealthiest business men were sentenced by Judge Llndley W. Morris to serve six months In the work house and to nav fines of 11.000 each for violating the Valentine anti-trust law. Owing to the fact that there is an epidemic of smallpox In the workhouse tne judge suspended the sentence for ten days, at the end of which time the men must begin to serve their sentences. They pleaded guilty and conaequently cannot appeal. Their one hope or escap lng lies in the attack on the constltu- v of the law made in the f am oil! Ice combine caees of a year ago, now be fore the supreme court This hope, how- ever, is slender. The men sentenced were lumber deal ers, brick manufacturers and bridsre men All were old friends of the Judge, and pleaded guilty before him two months gao. When they faced him for sentence the situation was dramatic. Judge Morris gave the men a scathing lecture before passing sentence. He said he had come to the conclusion that the mere assessing of fines would not check members of illegal combinations and that the only remedy society can have is to see mat every violator or the law serves a term in prison. RENT ROOM IN WHICH TO LEAVE VICTIM (Rpeclal Dispatch te The Journal.) Billings. Mont, July 18. E. H. Cadell a telegrapher, is the victim of a mys terious murder, which Is puzzling the police. Cadell was brought In a dying condition to a lodging house conducted by a Chinese by two unknown men, who engaged a room hurriedly, threy CadeU'a form in on the floor and then left. The man soon expired. Cadell's head was fractured by some Instrument. Nothing of value had been taken from Cadell's person, and he 18 thought to have been the victim of some one's vengeance. STATE INSTITUTIONS MUST DIG UP FEES (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Olympla, Wash., July IS. State Trea surer George G. Mills has made the cus- covery that considerable sums of money Persons suffering from heart troubles should avoid coffee. Secure a heart tonic and a coupon for "Golden Grain Granules" From S Id dm ore Drug Co., Jones Drug Store, and Allen Drug Co., who recommend it. Golden Grain Granules for sale by the grocery trade. omaojf iotha OmaCrOsT XOTXX.S. The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. . J in - - , - 1 1 s r J UAsnro stnaum bxsobt or nn vaczrxo sTOBTarvrasT. Electric Light Steam, Hot and Cold Salt Water in Every Tub. Buy Tickets to Breakers, Paelflo County, Wash. Postofflce Address, Breakers, wash. OAJUrOBJTZA XOTBXa. Hakes the skin like you want It Does it in a moment. Hzgaris cMagnolia. 'Balm. A liquid preparation for Faoe, Neck, Arms ana Hands. It is neither sticky nor greasy. It's harmless, clean and refreshing. Cannot be detected. Two colors Pink and White. Use it morning, noon and night, Winter, spring, summer, rail. . SAMPLE FREE. LTOW Mro. Co., M A. Fifth St., Brooklyn, M. T, are collected by the different stats In stitutions, educational and others. In the form of fees ' for diplomas and other services, for which no special account ing has been made to the state treasurer in the past out wnion now must be turn ed Into the treasury dally under an act of- the last legislature. The governor nas been canea on to aavise tne state Institutions to render an accounting. Treasurer Mills submitted the matter to the attorney reneral. who advises him thst the funds must be turned Into the treasury. The state educational In stitutions collect fees for diplomas ranted, ror laboratory worx. ror see clal courses of study and other things, and it has been customary in the past for all such moneys to be turned Into what is called an ''incidental fund" for the use of the Institution itself. Being an Alkaline Liquid Dentrifice, SOZODONT penetrates all the little crev ices of the teeth, neutralizes the dangerous mouth acids and purifies the whole tooth structure, making the teeth strong and well. Stand by SOZODONT, and your teeth .will stand by, you, . FIRE TREATMENT (Continued from Fe One.) which was well rubbed In. This treat ment was more or less heroic? but there was more to come. Hr Most Subjugate Samoa. s Explaining that firs was necessary for the complete subjugation of the demon or rneumausm, tne ceiesuai meaicai man touched a match to the annolnted Irno Rrla'ht 1u blare em-anr un. So did Johnson, and he forgot his malady I long enougn to cnase me meaicine man out or nis oomicue. -men ne applied good old Finnish lotions to the over heated Joint and sought the district at torney for reparation. Wing Lee has been convicted onoe or twice before for practicing medicine without .a license, and the last time gave his word to the district attorney that he would seek new pastures for ths employment of his oriental activities. He has evidently not kept his promise and Deputy Bert Haney now promises to send him to jsil for a Short sojourn In which to meditate upon ths conse quences of promises mads to. ths tv but afterwards broken. i HOTEL JEFFERSON TURK AND COUGH STRCCTS SAN riANCISCO FECIAL SUMMER a)TC Mew hotel, f sees Jeffessea Square, Two leeks from Tan Ness Ave., the present shop ping district. Car lines transferring all eves aitr' Baas dan. Ewrr modern convenience. ISO rooms single or en suite. 1M private baths, Americas and European plana rrloes modes ate. Omnibus meets all trains. STEWART BARKER CO. lbs' Betel Stewart Opens September 1st, The Portland PORTLAND, OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS rOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. everything to eat and drink, and It costs no more In the Portland Hotel RathsksTWr than elsewhere in the city, weekday night from :I0 to It. m. o. sowni, Bbaa Sfveryl sJBAVTmr& irarw Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sonny rooms, private baths, long-dls- tanoe telsphones, compressed sir clean ins, large lobby, cafe a la carte with cuisine and service unsurpassed. Tor rates, etc., address N. a MTJLLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Paiaoe iiotei. Ban .Francisco. HOTEL HOLLAND XUls Street, Bt Fowell sad Vases, an rraacisoo. NOW OPEN Strictly rirsv-Class, Absolutely Xlrs- proox, jaeesaai wiia saw. j. csomu, ICgX . COFFEE Let it be rood or let it alone; poor coffee is poor consolation. Toer grocer returns your money if yes dea'l like ScbuHag's Best : we per blnu Law Null; Sheriffs BUI Void. (Special Dispatch to Tl earaaL), General Atkinson has sd vised the board of control that ths law requiring sher iffs to transport non-resident Insane persons to their : homes hss been held null and void by ths supreme court and therefore bills of sheriffs for siich ser- yioe sannot fee) sHowed. HOTEL LENOX com. nxxo ato iurjr rn, Portland's L.ateK and Most Modern Motel New Building, conveniently locat ed, fitted with the latest designed furniture, hot and cold water tn every room, private baths, modern Orlll, long distance telephone, free automobile bus. sample room, free from noise, facing plaza Rates fl and up. Hotel Salt Air OS A TUB TTUB. Bvwy modern convenience: excel lent board. For terms WTlte MRS. W. B. HUTCHINSON. Long Beach, Wash. CAMP JUST FOR FUN! On OOZ.TXKBZA SXOTTOX. It Is an Ideal place for plcnlo parties, lots ,of nice, cool shade trees; ice cream stand; boats for rent 12o per hour; 1.00 per day. Vancouver ears; get -oft .at FafrSH's crossing, walk north to slough; fare f o. 1 f ill iTalsiiai - yisfstrtd Stock Oanaed Qoeda. sVUsa Lswlaf Ssst Brs4 ..... 9