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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
t Don't Go Rway Wis Summer ',- I : i .: f BvtJnriDiourr1 OflTPTTfi 'mil Vaunnls nt material. ' FREEl ' FREEH FREE!!! TnH "and eomplet inatructions given by aipart artiats to all who take up thii ' fcinting art Th Jwnplettcnd op-toate atock of PyrograpWc Cooda to tha atata at OET-BUSINESS PRICES. Pvrnnranhir IfSSiSi Outfits .Outfits ready Jto go to work, aa per cuv'jarga aaaortment, 11.50. 12.00. $2.75. r5.25, $4.00, fJM. 17.00. ' i& The moat 1 iijrri ai 7 a aa rsai a MATERIALS Handkerchief Boxes, 20c to li.oa I uiove Boxea. 20c to 11.00. Jewel Boxea, 15c to 75c Tie Racks 35c to $1.25 Hand Mirrora, bevel plate 1 65c to $1.00 Tooth Brush Holders 35c to 75c Pipe Racka 25c to $1.00 Key Holders 35c to 65c Telephone Registers 65c to $1.50 Letter Holders 25c to 60c Match Safes 15c to 60c Cabinet Photo Frames 15c to 75c Tabourettes 65c to $2.50 Book Racks 35c to $1.00 Whisk Broom Holders 35c to 75c 1 Waste Paper Baskets 75c to $2.00 CrTIr and Tuff Rni J , 75c to $1.75. " iSTiS? PLAQUES Tie Boxes . ............... 80c to $2 00 AI1 o ply veneer, all sizes from 2-inch circles. Ovale Photograph Boxes ...Y. V.l'. !'.!!75e to $1 Iso "d panels up to 24 inches; newest deaigne. Pricea Nut.Bowl8,alluies 25c to $1.35 ranging from 2c to $1.50 each. SbtfeQoo&HpmeQ -Simple;: Helpful Remedies v'k vv: "CALENDULA CERATE" . . . ...25c A healing, soothing application for Bruises, Sprains, Strains, Buns and Sores. "POISON OAK SPECIFIC" ................ .25c "HIVE CURE" "Woodlark" 25c A specific for this sleep-destroying complaint of chil dren, harmless, yet certain. CALENDULA'SOAP, Antiseptic, cake . , . . . . . .20c Three for ..50c. Healing, antiseptic. The best of all soaps for the nursery and toilet. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR LUYTIES CELEBRATED HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATIONS "MULLEIN OIL" r. . . . .V. . . . . . . .".7. . i . . .25ci ; Quick relief for earache. . . X.. "-"(u DIARRHOEA TABLETS , ; . .'. . : . ; ; . 25c I Qui?k, pleasant and certain relief fox Colic, Diarrhoea, ? Cholera' Infantum. ii-.' PILE SUPPOSITORIES "Woodlark" 'V. . .25c f HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CASES, fitted, with , remedies and ' directions, leather for the" 'pocket, each ..... ... . ...... ... . .$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 In polished oak ........... . . . . . ... . . .$5.00 With 30 Specifics and Practical Guide in Homeopathy 1- THE LARGEST HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACY Oil THE COAST WE WANT YOUR MONTHLY ACCOUNTS FREE DELIVERY IN THE CITY-CANADIAN MONEY AT FULL VALUE h IN THREE MINUTES Yon can make that .old straw hat look like new. It's just aa easy get a bottle of Strawine. That does the work. Waste Baskets, Hampera and Straw Matting re stored to pristine freshness. Price, 25e DO YOUR ORDERING BY 1H0NE I Here's Your Chance But a Wash Btll While the Low Prices Prevail A beautiful, line, aho wins' hand-embroidered, tucked, stitched and ahafom.tAr1r PRIVATE EXCHANGE II, OR HOME A1139. A HUNDRED SALESMEN T6 l"!f? i i t , , mi vsiriD rtonibi Regular 50c quality, special SO Regular $U5 quality, epeclal .,.,1.07 i FILL YOUR ORDERS Regular 35c quality, special ai Regular. US quality, apodal ,,..fl.TM CLMKE 1 D 60VERH0R TODAY Chamberlain Is Orator at In ' " dependence Day Celebra--r , tion on Eoinie. WDEB IS BURNED BY PATBI0TIC CITIZENS ?oarth of July Made Grand Occasion I 15 Throughout the State and Nearly 'Every City la Appropriately; Od ' serving the Day. t (Spetal Dispatch to Tb. J annul.) T. Medford, Or., July 4. With Governor George E. Ch&mberlain present as ora tor of the day, Hedford 1 rMoylng an -Independence. day, celebration today auch aa waa never be lore held In the Rogue river valley. ''Host elaborate prepara ftons bare . resulted In the realization h the expectation' of the committees lt charge and! a great crowd Is enjoy ing: every minute or - tne celebration. viar parkde, ; which irae participated In of the morning; waa the oration by Wal lace MoC&mant of Portland. , Thla afternoon there will be races and porta of all kinda. In the loy rolling contest and aquatlo sports, contestants from all parts of the state will parti cipate. At Rose burg, (pedal Dtapatefe t Tba laematt Roaeburg, Or., July 4. Under the di rection of Marshals Paxrott and Miller, a parade waa formed this morning aa the opening feature of the Fourth oele bratlon. At the district fairgrounds a literary and musical program was held at 11 o'clock, Attorney General A. M. Crawford appearing aa orator of the day. This afternoon a fine program of horse and bicycle racing will amuse the merrymakers. At Eugene. (Special Dispatch to Tha Joaraal) -Eugene, Or., July 4. From the time thf salute was fired at ,; sunrise from Skinners -butte this morning, until "the cold array dawn of the morning after," Eugene is to be the scene of merrymak ing unrivalled In lis history. After the parade this morning an excellent pro gram waa rendered at East park. This afternoon there will be fire drill, ath letic sports, including races ana a Daae ball game and a burlesque parade). This evening there will be a grand display or rireworxs and a aance. MIKE HEW ROAD OUT OF OLD Southern Pacific Enters on an Extensive Plan in Josephine. s.5'4 iKs'l sit;':-. i- l&lsa Pearl Hendricks. Goddess of 4 Liberty at Carlton. by the leading business houses, com mercial and patriotlo organisations of the city. This afternoon the "plug vglles" had their turn and presented a elever burlesque on the morning event. Later a baseball game and races of all kinds will be witnessed and the evening . will be devoted to a band concert and dance. At Carlton. ' . f (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Carlton. Or, July 4. With the boom- : tnfr of giant crackers and the smell of burned powder, the glorious Fourth was Ushered in by the city of Carlton this 5!ornJP- IKf -KI a parade, under the direction of N. H. Sutton, marshal of . . ihf, fiar.' vwa" !!! ture. which was , followed by patriotic exerclees, prenld d' over by W. A Bowe. The feature S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER At Harris burg. (BpeHsl Dispatch to The JonrnaL) Harrisburg, Or., July 4. After the big parade this morning an Independ ence day Drorram waa rendered. EL H. Belknap, orator of the day, delivered an able address and the Belfountaln band enlivened the occasion with patriotlo airs. After the race program this af ternoon a ball game will be played. The evening will be occupied by a bait grand At Rainier. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Rainier, Or., July 4. Two days were aevoiea to tne ceienratlon or tne sign ing of the Declaration of Independence here, Last night there was a band con cert and the aacenslon of balloons with fireworks attached a grand illuminated marine parade and a final display of nreworaa. uuni were Tired at sunrise today and a program rendered during the forenoon. At noon a barbecue was held and this afternoon Is devoted to various sports. A grand ball tonight win uu me ceieorauon. At Astoria. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Astoria, Or., July 4. John C. McCue delivered the oration of the Independ ence day celebration here. An excel lent program was rendered this morn ing which will be followed this after noon hr freak races of all kinds and a sunset lalute of 48 guns. Thta evening; will be devoted to a magnificent dlB- pjaj of fireworks and a ball at Logan's At Mot Bock. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) visitors thronged the streets of Pilot Hock today to witness the Fourth of July celebration, which a committee of enthusiastic business men has been Pre paring for the past several weeks. The celebration Is presided over hy Miss Ina Cherry, who was chosen. Goddess of Lib erty aicer a spirited campaign, and is a glowing success. At Lakeview. (Epeclal Dlaoatch to "The Joeroal.) Lakevtew. July 4. With the burntnar oi uowaer ana tne crasnins? or brass bands, a week's merriment and celebra tion of American Independence was opened here today. Lakevlew has been making elaborate preparation for its long celebration and the effort has not been in vain. Visitors from all parts of the surrounding eountrr have fath ered here and this year's celebration surpasses anything of tha kind ever held In this section. used .with &52qidoiit Liquid xriakes an Ideal . dentif nee, surpassing landing, bfthe ldnd ever offered to the put At Ore sham. 1 (Special Dispatch t The Joaraal.) of James Preston of Berkeley Califor nia, choruses from Troutdale. Fairvlew, -ieaant Home and Gresham, united here today In harmonious celebration of Independence day. A grand parade led by the W. R. C. and G. A. R., was a feature of the day and an able address was delivered by Mayor Short. At Newport. (Special Mraatrfc t- n.. . tm.i i Newport. Or.. July 4. Many summer hVi a,.redT assembled here "d 'h celebration today was a grand ?"1CL Jtat Senator M. A. Miller of tJLW,ft". fture ot an elab orate program this morning. . This f- on1tn- SSnT os. and Varlooa S22l?'xWhi,1 thJ8 nlng will be davoted to fireworks and a grand ball. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Grants Pass. Or.. July 4. The South ern Paclflo company has appropriated $100,000 for the Improvement of the roadbed and tracks of its main line in Josephine, county. The greater part of thla sum will be expended In straighten ing the curves and making Immense fills under bridges and across canyons In the northern part of the county, where- the road crosses tne urave ureeK moun talna. Geora-e McCabe. a Portland rail way contractor, will have charge of the improvement work, and a crew of more than 100 men with full equipment of steam shovels, gravel trains and loco motives will be placed at once. Fully ten months will be required to make the lmorovements manned.- One of the biggest changes will be the straigmening or tne iraca on tne norw aide of the divide and between tunnel nine and Leland. This - is one of the lona-est tunnels on the entire Pacific, and the track Just before entering it is a succession of sharp curves up a very steep grad e. - making It dangerous for tne passage or long trains eiiner as cending or -aescenaing ina bioi'o. Crrants pass Division. The deep canyon at Leland, spanned by a tali trestle, win aiso re nueu. un der exlatlnar conditions, and to aruaran tee safety, trains make exceedingly alow time between Grants Pass and Glendale. When the oontemplateu changes are made the rojgjl will not onlv be safer but will permit much better time. Another change contemplated is the making . Grants Pass a mora import ant division point. More trains will be made ud here and division business will be centered at mis point. Superintendent L. R. Fields, and Gen eral Roadmaster W. Ballons have mane an examination of the road through Josephine countv and made final ar rangements for the beginning of Work. GOVERNOR MEAD AT G0LDENDALE TODAY (Special Dispatch to Tba.. Joaraal.) Goldendale, Wash., July 4.-Governor Mead delivered a memorable address at the Fourth of July celebration In Gol dendale today before a large and at tentive gathering..' Tne governors aa dress was of considerable historic Inter est and value. He traoed the early ex ploratlons of the Pacific, beginning with me discovery or tne racmo ocean oy HaiDoa in 16 13. and. followed the devel opment of the Pacific coast .country, ana the northwest In particular, from that time. He spoke of the part the territory and state nf waahlneton nad played In the prpgress of the nation, both in civil and military affairs, and mentioned many names in this connec tion, of men from this territory and state who have had national reputa tions. Among them were Granville O. Haller, Phil Sheridan, Isaac I. Stevens, Charles P. Egan, J. M. Wilson, Colum bia Lancaster, Edward Eldridge and oiners. Thunderstorm at Darton. Day toiyr-Of. July aa rlslted by a he Bpeeui Dispatch to Tba Joaraal.) yn,:vr. JUiy 4. Thla mtim waa Vial ted by a heavy rain TiimH.v evening.- There was one, sharp flash "of lightning, , followed by heavy thunder, Which "nut aevet-al nf tfc. i4.. . 1 H.uiS Telepna company ut of oom GEORGE KNAPP NEW OWNER OF COAL MINE (Special Dispatch to Tba Joaraal!) wov. vv,m, j hi y t . rjreursv Knapp of Coal Creek, has purchased the Red Ash coal mines, situated three miles west of. this place, and will begin min ing operations at once. He expects to nave coai on me marxet tiv tha midiie of July. Some ten years ago this mine was in operation. in, roal u ttri by the O. R, 4 N. company and found to be excellent for steam. .Many orders ror coai nu oeen uiacea Dotn hv com. panics and individuals, when' operations suddenly ceased and. the mine w,i closed, leaving the orders' unfilled. Causes for closing were variously esti mated, but none were officially an nounced and the mine has been idle ever aincet. - -- - V ' ,.mrd of Xiuna; Trouble. "Tt is now eleven veara elnre r haA narrow escape rrom consumption." writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business man of tCeraliaw, S. jC. "i had run down In weight to f55 OOUnda. and coughing., waa constant, both by day and, oy. nignu . r inauy i oegan taking DT. Kiftg'w Discovery, and continued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was restored to my normal weight, 170 pounda" Thousands of rersons are healed every year. Guar nteed at Red Cross Pharmacy, v Oe and lluto. Trial botUa traa, " BAPTIST SESSION IS HELD AT SPOKANE (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Spokane, Wash.. July 4. The Bap tists are In possession of Spokane to day. During the past 24 hours several thousand of them have arrived from all parts of the United States and Can ada to attend the international conven tion of the Baptist Young People's Union, which was formally opened to day and will continue through the re mainder of the week. Two thirds of the visitors are young people and more than half the number are women. All the prominent preachers and evange lists of the Baptist church are here to take part In the convention. The ar rivals have found the arrangements for their reception and entertainment of the most perfect and elaborate character. The new armory, where the conven tion sessions are to be' held, la' deco ra tea inside and, out wHb the ..Baptist oolors, while tha railway stations, ho tels and public buildings . are similarly adorned. The program 'of the -opening day is of a patriotlo nature -and -includes two addresses on good cltisen Shlp, the speakers -be4nv the Rev- J. Whitcomb Brougher- ot Portland and Dr. Curtis Lee Laws 'of - Baltlmo.- - Prominent speakers to . be heard, later In the week include L. P. LeaveU- of Mississippi, Rev. B. W. Merrill of On tario, Dr. E. T. Mulllns of Louisville, Dr. George W. Truett of Dallas, Texas, and Rev. H. J. Laflarae of India. Trunk Suit Oases Tel eec opes. . See Peerless Trunk company, 'Manu facturers of travelers' needs, 248, Third street. MRS. SARAH STAGG ' OF WESTON DEAD Weston. Or., July " 4. Mrs. Sarah Stagg of this place died Tuesday at St. Mary's hospftal In Walla Walla of dropsy of the heart, from which she had been suffering for some time. She was born in Missouri ijecember 21, 1835. In 1878 she moved with her husband to Weston, where she had lived since, ller husband, Alfred Stagg. died three years ago. She is survived by two daughters, Miss MRrtha Stagg- and Mrs. Ella Dun ran and a. hrntneF- Thm tnrrAl wa held yesterday. Alcrfoiiiri Specials , We made heavy purchases for the Fourth trade and in the two lines mentioned here we overstocked, so have determined to close them out quick for cash. They will be made Friday and Saturday Specials at HALF PRICE. Come early $7.50 Pleated Skirts Makes the skin like you want it. Does it in a moment. . Hagan's cMagnolia Batnu A liquid preparation for Face, NecK, - Arms ana rianas. It is neither sticky nor greasy. It's harmless, clean and refreshing. Cannot be deteoted. Two colors Pink and White. Use it morning, noon and night. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall." SAMPLE FREE. Ltow VI re. Co., 44 a. Fifth St, Brookra, M.T. Handsome Cream Brilliarttine Knife-Pleated Skirts, highly finished, perfect workmanship in every detail; made after the latest- models; very swell and worth $7.50. Sold for cash Friday and Saturday only......... naae arter uie $3.95 ''''' - ' ''V it pot $1.75 SHIRT WAISTS 0NIY (85c Pine Summer Shirtwaists beautifully trimmed with embroideries and laces, made after the latest New York styles ; the biggest and best bargain wt have yet offered in this depart- f ment ; worth regularly $1.75. Sold Friday and Saturday for cash at only DDC We Clothe You on Credit for Less Than Others Do for Cash All we ask is a small cash payment at time of ordering the-goods. You make the terms. A DOLLAR A WEEK WILL DO. tz & Sons Cor. First and Yamhill Cor. Second and Y amhill A. & C. R. R. f "Seaside Flyer'' : 3 Hours and 40 Minutes' Ride V TO SEASIDE Departs from Union Depot 3:10 p. m. (Saturdays only). Through DAILY TRAINS for SEASIDE, ASTORIA and all way Stations. XVO. 22 DEPARTS 8 A. M, ISO. 2 DEPARTS 6 P. M. For1 information and tickets call at Northern Pa cific f Ticket Office, Third and Morrison Streets. R H Jnkl na, Qehtjral Pasfnser Acent 6 COQ s BAY PORTLAND To Ba Unltsd at Ones by Cloa and Pernanant . Commercial RU,tlma. rosTXJuro oooa max btbaksxip ooxrurr Aaaouneas tha Initial Trip of th Nswly Equlppad and Commodliwa . . Staftmer .; nou omTZJun to oooa m room. MONDAY, JULy 8,1907 LMTinf oaa Btraat pock at :oo p. m. and Raaularly - ; Evanln Theraatter. , Each Monday t BREAKWATER la Just off tha drydock; aftar a tho'rough haulln. and her flttlnaa and aaulpmsnt ara new and first class th out, wiiu sapanir lur u nrsiraisaa an4 1 over- ara new and firat class throufh . wuuuvtiun vuiiniin, JUHfc??Jr??!l,4 aad Oooa Bay roiafa (SmplM. Worts. Bead aa4 Xaraaald), 1(M0 flrst olassj $70 saooad oIms. Ijuandus bertk ud Mala. Pnnjhaso tlekati i BTmake reaenra-tlons at City Ticket Office. Third and j n.auwiwu Bit, w n, ounfr, Wli T iieaei AIUIt.Dr .Uai Htreet-JJOOk. 1 Fuller A Co- Dock Agents. , r a . xqftjt TloeSsllaBt an4 Oaaarat Waajan ' K ."r.v. ..-v.- 4