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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTt AND, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY "4, 1807. i. rose -Sales Woman's Tailored Suits Values Upt6 $35 at $9.85 Portland's leading Cloak and Suit ttore, cr for tomorrow's 910th Friday ' Surprise . Offering of . wo men's tailored suits at a ridiculous ly low pricc-lOO garments in the lotGood, stylish and serviceable , suits selling at prices up to $28.00 each, and a splendidaisortment of i patterns and ' materials to select from. Checks,' stripes and Invisible i plaids, in t Btons, pony . Jackets, semi-fitting and box coat effects. Etons are trimmed with silk collars and cuffs - and ' lace. The tailored coats are trimmed with ' stitched straps and buttons? idT sizes. Just the suit you want for early fall wear, traveling, coast and mountain wear. Values up to $25 each Your choice while they last at Q Q f C the low price of . V f OJ No mail or phone orders filled. See Fifth street Window Display T" ' Today. Decorated China at Reduced Prices Tomorrow, i great Surprise-Sale of 2,000 pieces of Decorated Semi Porcelain Ware, brown abbey decoration, wonderful values, all styles. 20c Cups and Saucers at..". .2 12c Oatmeal Bowls, at, each 6 10c Bowls, special at, each.. S 10c Fruit Dishes, special, ea. 4T 25c Plates on sale for, each. 14 20c Plates on sale for, each. 12 15c Plates on sals for, each. . 12c Plates on sale for, each. . Tt TOMORROW'S FRIDAY SUPPRtSE SALE Women's White Oxfords $2.25-$2.50 Values $1.65 1 1 For tomorrow's - 010th Friday Surprise Sale the shoe store of fers another grand bargain sale of women's white canvas Ox fords. All the newest and best models. . Made of white Sea Island duck. Turn soles, Gibson ties, with ribbon laces, white cov- 15 styles to select from; $2.00 to $2.80 ered heels, plain or embroidered vamps. All sixes. Regular $2.80 values for $1.65 a pair. Lot 2 j White canvas Oxfords, welt soles. Blucher styles. Leather Cuban heels, plain or tipped toes. Large eyelets and ribbon laces; $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 values at $1.65. Lot S White canvas turn sole Oxfords, Blucher or lace styles; values for $ 1 .65 See Fifth Street Window Display Today. Misses9, Children's Canvas Oxfords i nm na;r nf misses' and children's White ' Canvas Oxfords at a special low price tomorrow; made of white sea island duck with me dium weight leather soles; blucher styles, tipped toes. Great values: Siies 5 to 8, $1.25 vals, pr., 85 Sixes 8jf to 2, $1.50 vals, pr, J 1.05 TOMORROWS FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE , 800 Pairs Huff led Curtafas $ 3 Values Reduced to $1.95 ! htW -6 jc '.( $i mm It'-1 Hiltetl ' -v . 4 t . " -.v J- . ! For tomorrow's 910th Fri day surprise sale. 800 pairs of ruffled Net Curtains to be sold at a special low price Made of good quality net with lace Inserting and edge ; 45 inches wide and $ yards long. Just the curtains you want for bedrooms, spare rooms, servants' rooms, coast cottage, etc -.Regular $3.00 values. Buy all you want at this J 1 Q C low price of 1 yy J Mail orders, carefully filled. Curtain Department. Third . Floor. - bpecial tot ot mercemea fortieres in solid colors ana atrf jnngtj SO inches wide nd three yards ions. Best styles, sellins C 4 Qtr regularly at $6.50 a pairjjfour choice at, special, the pair. lHfJ9 Qati two and three-pair lots of Portieres of plm colored rep small fit-- arcs, tapestry borders, also mnge4 top and bottom; red.fT'I.TSZ oliTe and myrtle; $4.50 values,- tomorrow at this price,' $t 4J&iJ Agents tor thh Celebrated Costard Lace Front" Corsets On the Second Floor New Sewiag Machine Det. Novy treated on the Second FloorwTak Elevator F6r tomorrow's 910th Friday Surprise Safe a marvelous offer ing of "Perrins real French kid glovesAll new and high grade stock at' a price down to a point where we can't buy them at the figures you are asked to pay The finest gloves that France produces from the largest and best factory Gren able boasts of, and you know Grenable is the greatest glove center of the world These gloves are all full 16-button length. and extra quality glace kid Every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory service Blacks, browns, tans and colors, siies V ty 694 Every Pzir in lot Perfect and sold t jQ tig. at.$4 pair, and, mindyou, it's been a V task to keep up the stock at $4 a pair.H The shrewd buyer will anticipate her needs for many months to come See 5th 'street window display Mail orders filled Meier b Frank's 910th Friday Surprise Sole 3000 Pieces Men's Underwear, 50c, 75c and $ 1 Values Reduced to 29c Garment For tomorrow's 910th Friday Surprise Sale we announce a phenomenal sale of Men's Summer Under wear shirts snd drawers in all sizes; plain and fancy styles, in the best weights and styles for hot weather wr. Included will be found all the most desirable undergarments of the season. Reg. OQ 50c, 75c and $1 values, on sale tomorrow only at this special low price, garment take advantage 97l Meier (D Frank's 910th Friday Surprise Sale 0 & Shirttftaisfs Valves to $2.50 for 95c Ea. In the waist section for tomorrow's 910th Friday Surprise Sale, the season's greatest sale of Shirtwaists Greatest in extent, greatest in value, greatest in assortments 10,000 white waists secured from the leading manufacturers in the country at a small fraction of their real value Materials are fine lawns and dotted Swisses All the very latest styles in endless variety Fancy waists, tailored waists, Marie Antoinette waists and college blouses, fancy yokes trimmed in lace, embroidery and clusters of pin tucks, or front of tucks on rows of em broideryLong or short sleeves Also a big line of colored waists in all the very best designs and colorings All sizes Waists selling regularly at prices 'up to $2.50 each, your choice tomorrow only at the extremely low priee 95c Buy all you want of them No mail or phone orders See Fifth street window display Meier B Frank's 910th Friday Surprise Sale i i 5000 Pairs of Women's Black Lace Hose 'i .. . i 1 i r r i i ... - . . ., ,, , .... , Immense Variety 50c Values 31c Pair 5.000 pairs of Women's black Lace Hose, boot and allover lace patterns, in immense variety, finest qual ity lisles; absolutely fast color; sites 8J4 to 10. Every woman in town should buy liberally of this f exceptional bargain; all new goods. Best 50c values your choice tomorrow only at, the pair ..Vll Complete stock of women's white and tan- hosiery at all prices. Meier & Frank's 910th Friday Surprise Sale Women's Sample Neckwear 'Vfr Price Jtn the women's neckwear department tomorrow the entire best New York manufacturers to be sold at half regular prices. This season's prettiest styles, consisting of turnover collars, lawn ties, lace ties, lace stocks, yokes, chemisettes, lingerie bows, lace cape collars, collar and cuff sets,' revere sets, Marie Antoinette ruffles for the front of waists, etcEndlesaalh sortment to select from Values in the lot ranging from 15c to 3 Take your pick tomorrow while tney last at regular prices Take advantage . Come early for best bargains Store opens Vz Price u ens at 8 a. m, '. Li Women's SampleUnd ervcT 50c to $5 Valaes Vz Price In the Women's Knit Underwear Section for tomorrow's 910th Friday Surprise Sale of 2000 pieces of sam ple underwear at one half regular value, the grandest opportunity of the' year to buy fine summer undergar ments at a big saving 1000 sample undervests 500 sample union suits 500 children's sample un dergarmentsAll the best grade Swiss underwear from one of the largest manufacturers in the country. Fancy yokes, hand crocheted yokes, lace trimmed and silk tapped All are summer weight garments in sjlk lisle, cottons and wool Sleeveless and half sleeve vests Values in the lot rang ing from 50c to $5.00 each Your o i c e tomorrow per garment. l2 Price See 5th St Window Display Today iuV'iS' III 1 TOMOIUIOW'S FRIDAY SURPRISE SALl 200 CowhideSuit Case Values $5.25 Each Great vacation sale of Cowhide Suitcases for tomorrow's 910th Friday surprise offering: checked linen-lined, shirt-fold, brass lock and bolts, with top trsps well Jiuiltj 7 vals., each. yVtavJ Largest and best line of Trunks and Traveling Bags on the Pacific coast; every good size and styles, in all grades and at the lowest prices TOMORROW'S FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $2 HftPnmcrilc ft OA ft $4.00 Parasols $1.73 Each $7.50 Parasols $2.95 Each $10 Parasols $5.98 Each Great Friday Surprise Sale of Parasols i Great Values o Lot 1 Take your pick of all our $125 to $2.00 Parasols, white and colored styles, in grand assortment; QAf grea values .7tJv Lot 2 Take your pick of 11 our $2.50 to $4.00 ParasoU, white, pongees and colors; ex-;, ceptbnally good assortment and Lot 3 Take your pick of an our $450 and $7.50 Parasols.., pongees, plain and colored silks, linens, Dresden borders, etc; wonderful values, on sale at this special . price, each Lot 4 Take your olck of all our magnificent $10.00 Parasols, in all the season's prettiest 03.95 BackCombs33c-$I.25HatPins33c Special lot of fancy Back Combs imported floral and Grecian W designs; yalues extraordinary tomorrow only at, special, Special lot of Ball Top Hat PinsJarge patterns in all colors! regular values to $125 each, on sale at this special price.....? WW 300 Bracelets, plain and fancy bands, great values' at, each..,. f 1.40 TOMORROW'S FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE , Boys Wash-Sailor SoitG Great Values $1.10?Ea; In the Boys' Clothing Department for tomorrow's 910th Friday Surprise Sale, 1,000 Boys' Combina tion Wash Sailor Suits with extra pair of knick erbocker trousers and cap to match; ages 3 to 12 years; sailor collar, neatly trimmed. Suits are in steel gray chambrays, dark blue chambrays, tan crashes, fancy tan crashes-al) are fast color and just the thing for mountain or ' coast wear; wonderful values for tomorrow, on C 1 1 g sale at this special low price, ait,,..V " Stationery m Best quality linen Writing Paper, Premier and -Wbiteley shapes ; envelopes; rose and forget-me-not boxes, extra, special values, on t Of sale at, the; box , '. ' ,...' f pnfv Paner Nanltns: adds and ends: ' f! two doten tor, special ... ! 1 Card and invitation engraving and printing, at low prices.