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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, ' THURSDAY EVENING, 'JUNE 87,-; 1867. Charles Thomaa WaroerKarry Arthur I Hampton; and teacher's diploma In mu MISS JESSIE JOHNSON DIES AT ASTORIA of over a year. The younr l ' ' 11 years td. having h-n i -" t, . . . torla March 24. lSuJ. ' a i COOEEIt IIEI'J TilSE 111 OREGON UNIVERSITY SCIENTISTS lls upon Mrs, . May .Hull Smith ana I Grace Mount. ', : , favorite wltn aji won - her death is deeply felt. The J- t will take place Friday. '. " Wa Bst Ton Tony On trunks. We manufacture travelc" needa. Peerless Trunk company, 211 TlnloJ sa4 raot fflueclsl CtaMtfh te Toe JoaraaL) AT UNIVERSITY When in San Francisco Astoria, Or., ; June JT. Miss Jessie, daughter of L. I.1 Johnson, the' Com mercial etreet fruit merchant, died at the residence yesterdsy sfter an illness efr . T-rv'tsil TTaimlln Hit JT.AAv ITIr. Il ana up. xiuyaimb w m Orcron Students Received Comely Young Woman Docs . Have Been Striving. Wife of Timberman. ' I . ' ' ' DEGREES ma 1 7 3-. .. , .IM.-j 1 SAYS SHE CAN SAVE ; - HDI FROM MISS LEECH - Gordon lWuae to Listen to the San 'Franclaco Girl'. Tale Becaaso lie r Fein an "Attempt to; Blackmail -u illm; Villi Be Made.' :V ' "V". 1 ' .(Special tUptctt to Tbi journal.) . Oregoft City, June IT. Another tola a.M veil of mystery has besn. twisted about the ' Gordon-Lerch ' eaae , by . th appearance of a comely young woman from San Francisco 1 She has so far : auoceeded In concealing- her Identity from the publlo and ber mission la aa yet unsolved, . ' f 1 ' ' ;,!,'' , ' Last Monday the mysterious stranser appeared In Oregon City and claimed that aha 'could aolve th riddle in the ; uoraon case; ten . wno . in yn' "dummy"' wai who married . Bertha Lerch- in Vancouver two years ago un der the name of C. Sam Gordon, the wealthy Cooa bayt lumberman, and save him from having to Pay the $,000 set tlement made upon Miss Lerch in the : divorce proceedings here several weeks v whn Oordon' after denying his marriage with Hiss Lerch, became oon 1 fused on the witness stand and ad mitted it,; after which the separation " waa arranged. ' . : ' v-.- ,v. ; . v'.M. Wo Oordoa'a Wife. ' , . Newspaper correspondents erroneous ly labeled the mysterious stranger aa "Wife No. 1" ot Mr. Gordon. ThH, ' however, waa an error, aa the woman U1U HUI J Mill. v . .... - - , wife.- She merely atated that she .could furnish information which would clear Gordon of any wrongdoing - with MUa Lerch. as well as aavlng him the eash. Mr. Gordon, Tiimself, thinks that-the unknown Is working in collusion with Miss Lerch in an attempt to blackmail him, and has refused to hava anything to do with ber, or to discuss the matter. 1 Th why and wherefore of the young lady's trip from San Francisco here, and 1 her voluntary offers to check the opera tions of Miss Lerch, are unknown. She has visited the law office of Dlmick Dlmlck several times, bnt nothing has been made public aa. to the outcome, The young lady claims to be a resident of Portland, and states that aha expects to buy a large house, : ( f . Money Has JTot Been raid. Miss Lerch is much in evidence In Oregon City and has attracted no little Mr. Gordon la stopping at one jot tha : rortiana noieia, rpumcrcu "'"''" sumed name, seeking; to avoid . the r- . i .. .w...a dim hv MIR1 1 Tl' fl. Aaret tha money awarded Mies Lerch in the divorce settlement baa-not' oeen paid.11 The papara are atill in tha hands of tha attorneys, though why they are held la not known. . ' . . ; 7 : ' , Last night Mr. 'Gordon , and Mies Lerch spent the evening h the elty, ... a Anmin tha itrHll. With . nrrmtlv no object in view. .When Mr. Gordon- was asked regarding the 1 ... .ha mtatcA that h MtliAVf lair uiiiiwn, I... - -t he; too, was after hla money, but that har efforts -would ber fruitless.- ftitiiAT xectueeits; ;, . ;i)icitoiis pMp (Biweial Dtapatchv te The Joaraat) ' AVi.n ritv. June' 17. One of the inost In'tereatlng'and attractive epeakera on the Uiaosiono P"r yi embly program la Dr. Stanley U Krebe. ' who wlfi deliver three lectures on July a and 10. Some very funny things are told of tha doctor and none more laugh- talne Chautauqua, Ohio, A local paper ao5rir Krib.; 7he- Wf HHlV 'T toon Friday night: When Just ready to i . thmiffht in hla lecture yesterday afternoon at the Chautauqua, the chair upon which he had eeated hlmse f to illustrate a point collapsed 2nd unceremoniously aet hlnf flat upon the platform. The accidentvwaa auch i ludicroua one that it amused , tha - sneaker as much as It did tha audience. $hey both laughed together. It waa some minutes before the crowd, some 1 too Of them, - and the . doctor, could collect themselves sufficiently for tha " speaker to proceed, . , - - . , : ,. CAN BE PROSECUTED ,71 r ; UNDER A DEAD LAW i. . , , . (8pcil' Dispatch to Toe Josraat.) : - "bVympla. Wash.. June 27.-The attor ney general's office holds that a prea icution pending under the close-season fishing law of 1905 can properly be pro ceedef with, although te close season Statute under which the Proceeding; were begun was repealed by the l0i legislature. The inquiry came -from Skagit county, where iha prosecution of v a -fish trap operator waa begun in Au 4 ust."l906. A conviction was obtained, ' m new trial granted. . The attorney general holds that the n-raTgavlnf Clause of the M01 speciar session of the jiglsltture will protect the further pros acutlon of the case ..... ,:--'-';-V; "'.'S. HIGH FINANCE IN -COEUR -D'ALENES ' ' (Smcial Dispatch .M The JooraL) - Spokane, Wash., .Tune J 7 .A telegram, cresuraed to be f som tha foreman of the KS.rJ Tmtn at Wallace, was received here yesterday by president L-W. Hut ton of the company, saying a rich strike hart -been wade in the mine. . Mr., Hut- ton immediately began y' and in a single dayjhe Pr'ce advanced - cents per share. He Phoned the fore man to rind out more about the strike '. ""V'T.- j .. .k.. k. hail nn sent the mUge""They" the . capture of tha peraon wno sent THERE'SlpNE OSPOT .... ark Attracts Many People ' Xa tha H)ool of the avaala.' i A great many people have discovered Kv.rv evening, the new Bose ntv Park cars carry a large nuniber ' it. -ho eekt(h. quiet rest - Teller .irom m Mu.m : M -' cenier of the city. - -.a iV;. Just before the eun goes down, there vr the big addition a cool . r . mnnntaln, Ann. the CO . il- vMoh lAiml tr "nut r-ew J life jnto. every thingvthat , come. atmosphere makes the eveninga and 1 Sights in Rose. City ark ideal for le'Tbel'leve that the air at Koae City i Park is more healthy and refreshing s than It Is anywhere in the orthweBt,n .k..(nla . araii1av. "If lfl full of ojsone nd appears to origrlnaU from that cool tne cuy in m " " elevation, of course, may ' explain the - pnenomenon. . . 1 - - Creat- fawrle rie T'nslla tTnderwear, l.,iif I-rice. '' -i of rprK'ii.n-McKlnney samples; i ; ".'" j '! 'f a k!n. hlf prictj to- fSnaelal Dispatch te The Joerntt) TTivrit of Oregon.' Eugene, June 7 iriftv.aaviin desreea were conferred resterdav morning at the thirty-nrat commencement pf the univerauy o vry h It. president P. I tampOTu. ; Professor Orlo P, Stafford. the meetings of the Of DAaoonf A H. Sweetaer. : - - . . . . - .J . i hA AftmlamT L Two learned . proressor, prom.njn. ,n --iwtae? t." at the head of tha Apartment of - biology and Professor Stafford-of the department of chem lstry. ' '" '- ' '' ' ' . OREGON VISITORS, CAN BENEFIT BY THESE "HOT WEATHER DONT'S" Occasionally during" tha Slimmer . mnnih, Oreirort swelters Tor a limited period undet the tropical rays of tha sun. . On rare occasions: aunstrose is reported, but tha latter are In tha class ification of rarities. Oregon residents have always an aounaance or cooi to bathe in whenever the heat drives Hi.n in rr,A hath. A thousand nooks w " - . . i . . i ..i.i,kn.lM mnnntntnl - M nn . a in iiiw iiciiiiuuiiuft ( wiae expanse oi ucn .wii.. ..... nA .nm a vi aa i anoroacn IIICB U . wv.wft . " - f prostrating ' summer weather. ' II is oniy w o BLioKao,, nnaccustomed to Oregon's climate and ita resourceful surrounding which hoia a position par excellence In the matter of acatterlng perspiration beads that a word of caution is necessary. To the rest they fear not ' ' . . ,-. Here are a few "hot weather donta' for the. man or woman vlaltlng In Ore- T MILWAUKEE PUSHING IN NORTH IDAHO '1 2. i' ! " V " Chaolet, Ida. June J7.Constrtiotlon work in this district is being rapidly puahed by the Milwaukee. There are nine camp in thia locality working on sub-contracts let by the original con tractors. Grant Smith Sc. Co. of Rosalia, Washington. A sOO-foot tunnel is being built near Watts station. . Nearly 400 men are at work on a XI mlle contract, which it 1 eaid will take 12 month tO complete. rurintic up ." ft W Ul BUI VCJVII ,9 Joe river a big ga . ainrlr tnatrlnv' fir the white pine district at work making' final surveys through "t Preferred ttock Oauasd Goods.' Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. ' gon. and soma of them may even be assimilated to advantage by Mi. Ore gonlan who revel In over-indulgence. Lion' I inauiRe m rv. stimulants. They are responsible for three fourths of the caaea of heat pros tration.,- ". . .i U.. Don t loss an noun siewp iw accustomed allotment . . ..V . w Don't neglect the dally, bath to keep the akin pores open. Don't neglect your meals during the v hut avoid heavy eating at nigni fwt drink 1c water, unless you can apare half-hour afterwards In which Don't wear clothing which constricts the vital organs, or weighs on tha blood LWt expose th bar skin , "to the direct rays of the sun. Don't let your system get run down n !?v,tlL-i .hink about heat JVIM V j j . ' . nrnatmtion. or vou may indue It by means of self-hypnosis. fon by lfty-fo' ...... j . . k..trtiii . unon ujiuci- i iiiy-iuur w.- .. . . I graduates, two ...on. muiic, nu v.. -- - '.. V ' - . ..U.I maater of arts.. The xeaiuTeoi . mornlng'a program was the graduating .HHr. h ax-Senator. John M. Oearin. President Campbell eonferred th fl- gree of master Ol arts upu Coffey.- and the degree of -bactielo rot rt iidob Josenh Lamson barber. El-1 : T n.lL. NawtOTI Mill- I Den y?or..DC?u"U,"'."- ..-h Ihi mass I In ra liarisl niKlal. Dtn I Bureh. Louisa Antoinette Burdlck Ma ber Cooper, Margaret Anna Cundlff. Ed- win nay souniain, .7 .. D.n.l. Varann flallnwaV. Mar- garet A. Otttena. William Hrl&rf; e. Mary - Lela Goddard, RoyaUac. HammacK, .jnax ei"" .V j iV. Dant Emeat Hardin, Louie Alfred Hen- deraon, Oeorge wasnwgron . iu, . drew Warren Jackson, Wlstar, Waymaa -1 v.itk . Inlinann. Rot Went- . -n.-Vninl. itourette. worm tv". v. v a.. I Helen- Jeannett Mcn.innjr. ine McKlnney, Henry Btuart Eakin McQueen, Maude Ethelyit Minr. Felix Enoch Moor. Ouy Mount, oanina Rriwln Newell. Han v Oliver . .--1. ParVar. Mahal Kllsabeth PollU Harry Logan" Raff erty. Klrtmn Kenson Robinson, Clarence Wwey Ross, Msry Rothrock, Jean Catherine Slauson. John Currln Veatch. Harvey Arnold Wheeler. Angellne Williams, . WnM Inhn PoAl WoOtl lflV: laiBk . O.I . uiu. W...K - - I the degre ot bachelor of science upon Oscar "tar V "." , . X. 1 ru.nA THxkal Hnlt Oner nuatav - Jackson. Laurlds Laurldssn. : '. ,;' ;;.' A HATTT SCOTXXOI will thf i hr baby la properly cared for to do this a good purgative la neo Manv hablea auffer from worms and their tnothera don't know It if your baby Is feverish and doesn't sleep it nla-hts. It 1 troubled , With worm a White's cr Sresm VannthlM will AlAn out thes worm In a mild, pleasant waWr One tried alway used. Olv It a trial. . rimm a - i druggista a Laa Pa.uM ria Mrfrft 11 lust the ihirf for the notjuyi. A cool shirt that eel comfortable on the hottest day is the, shirt 'you want for summer comfort You can-get any styic ana a pence. fit if you will trust it to we v ' K 1 Jacobs Shirt, Oo. Phone Main 590. ',,(. (Elks BuUding. Portland, Or. 'aHvTvHvtvmM MMMMWmMMMMmHvvfT n '. ' . 'M i M i-i . l?flAll(6) If U 1 1 I C How Portland, Just Drnwinrf a Good Drjath IVoxa tho Flcta.WeU Run. Got Fresh. Wind and Cam Full Tilt -AftetHo Dtialncpo Phrase tntj FlrmName Contest, Witn t yv-"' r.v-. - ' ; r '-' - ' ' ' . 1 . - -i . .. . . r 'j xi.:. Ui-r a.,,rV nvnr1 (-, af a numhr of neOOle wno , ; ..Attachment,! we nopca m 6 .uvu6 vr. -v - --,c- i.-e . A-sVi !t."a i.5t-;V.-.t,!irTl-frtB .: but. br beeins to look s if we didnt Q" ' i. ' . " J alii ' T a . ' . .. need to have onerea any.rcwaru i t rATV .AF ' PROPLB with SCADS ot i MONEY, are working omit just because' it is the most exciting ousmess . game umi -been 'played' in , an age, j ; i , Every business man in town recalls Kis ;; own or ANOTHER FIRM'S SUCCESS ; through adopting a clever phrase, t . I v They're all talking about it-pn the cars ) ; the streets in groups' before WOOD i ARD. CLARKE'S WINDOW, where th : MONEY 1 IS EXHIBITED. It's the last -, thing -heard at mgnt ana -me nrsi unn& heard in the morning. l. One Portland firm that does a LOT OF ADVERTISING has made a BID ON THE REJECTED PHRASES they want to take th-ir nick, and also'eet in touch with people who write clever phrases. ' Another firm wants to , 5TAKl ju&i ' SUCH A CONTEST to supply their house , with a clever phrase ; a number of Pacific wast firms are to FOLLOW OUR LEAD "ERSHIP in'this matter, l"::-"-:;:';:!.--,, Everybody's awake THINKING and OBSERVING.' . "i ' ?.'V v.--' -! : -V r k . "YOUR BOSOM FRIEND was a : dandy? ' It made -. Gibson,, the i California shirt man, not only rich but .popuUrrhls letters to his trade were all signed "YOUR BOSOM FRIEND,? and it carried the; in- ) dividual touch needed to make a success of - .r his business.' e:;i''v'r;'..:: V-"x "Pttt.T. nURHAM"; hit that brand of ,v tobacco off just right to the farmers jit was ; a winner 1 .' v.v: -a ; ? .1 : "57 VARIETIES' carried Heinz straight t from a little home-made - thelieads of 'all the rose-hued environment of absolute ' Dremacv. c 0 vw. .... w ? , , : As interesting a story is back of each of these phrases! "The Clover Line,, "The Rose City," "The Gold Dust Twins, ".The ' i .Top and Bottom Shop." "The House of Staples," "Dignified Credit to All" "Hasn't Scratched Yet," 'Purity and Health," ."An American Paper for the American People". "She Flies With Her Own Wings," "All the News From Home," "All the News .That' 7 Fit to Print," etc It will be great to hear how the winner , of this prize happened onto his phrase; and the future generation will hear the tale of ho w THIS GREAT PORTLAND FIRM got it's BUSINESS SLOGAN, with as much zest ; as ? you now read of' these other ex-. , periences. . : : ! ' And that brings up the question,' WHO ; ' ARE WE? ' - For two davs when the letters "I,? W "a" and "n" had been given; many people were sure it was "Meier & Frank" !but the ' - third day the appearance of "H," "E." "M" cut out this firm; also the other two; big ; department stores ; the fourth day the ap pearance of V CtV'(X' "P" set them wondcr- ing still further; and the fifth day "E" threw them clear off the scent!" Today, we add "R," "O," "D." Docs ; that help some? There are two more days in which 1 to clear up'the mystery. "" 4-. THE CONDITIONS OF THE CON TEST: If this is the first time youye read the paper since our announcements began, then you'd better buy the back numbers V beginning June, 21and get - well , posted.. Briefly here; are; the "requirements: You I Pianos Sent on Approval Sixtfi and Burnside overhear read, beg. borrow or steal a good a JBU5iW-iS5 jfiiKASts suitaDie to a large mptm . WONEYH- another s oickl.hit ": Portland firm selling a commodity that goes was the'lucky phrase of a girl Whbf ttftde into: evei hpme Send OURNAME and he" ph moSeyVmaking pickles and' the i'Ti YOUR PHRASE so as to reach us not later MmTtflurrMTr.V rirl-l- mar! Iior'frirttin-.' t than JULY 1. ' . - Address Us Plainly: Room 614 Buchanan BIdg. Portland, Oregon Thrca Additional Letters fa Oct Flna ftoa Are; 1 - .. i Tte Jest 'MfcBice: Tfaai M People Wan! iarpiis b filuft Hiji wie 8 Wis swe is rowiii Miger r ; Men's and YoungMcn's S,,,o,:,vV- . . ia.. ,f,.n tis tig You will find in this sale at $8.73 .Men', size, and young men's, a. .tylUh a the higher priced taUor cf P " '. neat checks, neat mixture., ne.t plaid, a. well a. tried and true blue, and black.. Ar. you look Ing for the extreme? YouU find thpm In' the showing.' Are- you looking for more modera model. The7 are here in abundance. , Long coat.?, Here. Single breted? . Here. Doub to breasted? Here. Name it-the .tyle, the color, the pattern you prefer-the .ame answer. Here $17.50, $18 and $20 $22.50, $25 and $27.50 A rare bargain at $11.75-Some extremely new Idea., pattern, we control luvej-j model. S3 tit most ..tidiou. must approve. Plain weave,, and JgL Srn. that the showing become, almost &J?V makes. Perhaps you have not given much .tudy to the clothing of today; if not, it weU to compare Ae.. make, with any and .11 other.. Better .till. aV the w.rr of one wcu ,u vvuii w ... t a -a ..ti nttirH understand that once a of these garment. w reiaw nu eicuvw . -; -' j ralM Singer or a .Garson-Meyer garment, alway. one. Special price. $16. $18 and $20 grade. , That are without a peer at $I4.75-That ' .tind In a cl... .by .tl-jjj shoulder, above tne avenge, ur wwn, .v..--. ----,- ,. wVave.. but warp and woof wool, and .aU. faction where there', a thread left to tell the tale , TaUored as only the .kiUed and coatly artist, employed by he Gatson-Meyer s?oep. Ian make themf Inde and out Pfect to construe gven I the .ame attention a. tne vibiui jhu twu.u , fiara,,,,. but InMstigation wiU .atiafy the most .keptical that there i. no clothing hke the Garton- UVM . ! . . C ,t - . .. ....... .,. .,. , 1 M ! .. , : I . v,v$ - V ('11 "7 V lilpi 'i $30.00 and $35.00 0 a $18.75. Needless to describe' styles or materials just best values up to $30.00 and $35.00, light, medium and darlc, piam ana xancy, .me ,ucw uiow, - r ious man will find many here to please i and the average saving is J) u,it Vntir rhoice of anv suit in the house at 3ie.o. ;. . a ii,a.ij hwm w w" ' - t . . Out of .tlio High-Rent District :. sag