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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
- f Tl TODAY ; ; DUTTER If " GROWiS HEIKER '.I' .1 " ; i myt. J'- . 'V . ' I II III I . - . "THE OREGON; daily; jora n;jw-yn"'V wwim mnw V ! 'S MARKETS Boosting of E, Prices Has; Caused Eastern Importations and a Heavy ' Loss to . the Local Producers Lately. Receipts Are Moro Libera and With Lower East' ' . North Is Slow. 4U " Today's market features: ' ' 1 . Creamery butler la easier. Egg market not ao firm. ' Chickens carried over on street ' Dressed meats reVnaln firm. " it New potatoes art lower. '. -: Old potatoea hold firm. : New onions steady but lower. -..., Lower prices named In tomatoes, , Prune business very heavy. Little Interest displayed in hops. Creamery Batter Is Easier. An easier tone Is shown In. the cream ry butter situation locally as well as In every part of the country. From the middle - west " one of : tha 'largest creameries there writes to a local house to the effect that stocks are accumulat ing there and that lower prloea are ex . .j. pected during; the month of July. Tha ' same house saya that owlna to tha late' v-neaa of the present season It would not ..j Da surprising ir tne juiy quality i i T. S. Townsend, 6f tha Townsend creamery, : says 1 that tha situation Is , eaaler owing to the larger supplies. "Jf . anything, tha market is weaker," - said ' Air. Townaend thla morning. "A north am man was here Saturday and was . offering under our quotations for tha V surplus, but thus far wa have had no " surplus." . .' M. Mortenaen of the Haselwood says: v "The market la easier, but I do not look . for lower prices In the Immediate future. , A good deal depends upon what eastern i. prices are during the next few week. If they are lower we may get a drop here. Tha lower prices offered , by . northern houses are probably due to the eastern weakness." - - Oregon Creamery says: - "Tha highest the north la now offering la 84Vd f. o. b. t Portland.' Thla In Itself shows tha weaker feeling in tha trade." . . Along Front street and among other . elty creameries tha Idea, is general that V the market la eaaier and that tha pres ent situation Justifies a Mower range. ' "Whether thla will eecur tomorrow has , not "yet been definitely settled, but It Is generally believed that the ultimate course of values will ba downward. r" ,:. ' JGgg Harket Hot Mo Firm. . Tha tone of tha .egg, market Jn not! ,: mu lm ilnnr . Ihn atrMt todirj . H ' celpta are more liberal and the general poor quamy i trade from 1 am egga to sell agree that tha-market . haa been boosted too fast and that a - reaction la now. due. - The booatera have caused heavy lose to Oregon producers, lnaamuch ae they have Induced heavy eastern shipments and have really paid but little advance to the producer. The heavy amount of poor stock; coming aa a result of holding lor boosted prices '"mora than offsets what little advance was received for the good etock. -East. en egga ara now being offered to the local , traae at jso, wim iimmr fi - tk, mmm mm IrwaL . J. Chickens have arrived id freely of ' lata and so llttis oemana n "" even at the lower pricea mai a. iarw EASIER POTATO TONE IN A SnORT TIME I "The potato market will ; re-, . main firm in all probability for about two weeks. Then w look for a alight deolina In values, for , new stock will ba coming; in, quits freely by that time. This will causa alight decline In prices in he aouth, and, conse- a) quently In this market Present arrivals ara of good quality, and Just about fit the current de-mand."--ir. ' C Thompson of Darenport-Thompaon company. POULTRY Mixed chickena v 11U ft itc: xancy nana, izo io: roosters, oi'i lOe lb: fryers. 14f 15o lb: broilers. U& l(c: . old ducks. 1)0140 lb: . sprina ducks, 15 16o lb; geese, old, SjlOo per io; spring geese, imwiH per id: tur- per dos; pigeons, 1.25 per do. Dressed poultry, iwin o per in-nigner. Hons, Wool and Hides. HOPS lSo crop prima to choice. 70TV4c; medium to prima, title; con tracts.-1807 croc:' lO&llo. WOOL 1907 clip Valley, ZILOZ1C eastern uregon, ntf ne. MOHAIR New 1807 I JO Zl 14C SHEEPSKINS Shearing. IS 0200 each; snort wool, xboxoc; ineaium wool, iO&ISe each; long wool, pctt 11.09 each. taljjw rnm, per id, ttf ; io. ana rreaae. zoto. r CHITT1M BARK So par lb. - . Tmlta and Teratablas. - per id; new potatoes, (cyc per id. vrmjriB joooing price Mew Cali fornia red," 3.26 1.75 per sack; garlic, C per id. , A FPIJCS I a. 75 TD I FRESH FRUITS Oranrea. tttHi bananas, So lb; lemons, 4.60.2S per box; limes, Mexican, - $4.00 per fruit. IS. 26 r.. strawberries, Oregon, 12.00 1. 26 per crate; cherries, totiisa per lOWb i box gooseberries, . to per Jb: apricots, $1.16)1.40; loganber ries, ii. euo 1.7& per crate; biaokberrles, on. du per crate; peaenea, 1.10 .26; cantaloupes, 14.00; raspberries, 2.0092.26; plums, $1.40 1.60. vVEOETABLKS-Tnrnln. nmmr ' idptfH 11.00 sack: carrots. 76ctfti.00 cer sack: beets, $1.76 per sack: parsnips, tl-OOO $1.26; cabbage. 12.60; tomatoes, Cali fornia, . 1 1.00 191.60: w Mexican. I 1 : parsnips, I0cf l; string beans, l10c; cauliflower, 11,269 IM dos; peas, 4J7e; horseradish, to lb; artichokes, 66 75a per dos:' Hubbard aauash. ( I ner lb: cranberrlea 110.00 11. oV per bbl; sprouts, ( ) per lb; asparagus, 7590o per dos bunches; rhubarb. !4o lb: green onions. 26o per dos; Florida bell peppers, ( per crate: head lettuce. t j-aos; cucumbers, 5cQ)I.00 doz; bJvh: rnTCl.rV".rkeioPtr ft! '16t KTOK'SK a SUGAR Cube, .11; . powdered, a I6.07H; berry, I5.77H; dry' granulated, s. 16.77 ; Star, I5.S7H; conf. A, I5.77HJ y extra B..65.27i4; golden 0,6.17:1) LVESTOGK 25 CEIiTS LOnEli BEARS 0 IIIIHTPI! Hogrs, Cattle and Sheep Drop Chicago Prices : Off Despite Eastern Weakness Hurt , Strong Foreign Situation Former Market. Damage News. : Portland Union Btockvards June 24. Official racelpta: Moss.' Cattla Sheen. Today 168 , " - it ween ago 121 ,. -!,ti '161 xear ago ,ri 60 - . t . Previoua year ...,, - I7S ... Predictions made In this report re garding a probable drop In livestock valuea locally. van inln ennflrmed to- day whea there waa a general decline. This condition is due almost entirely to the warmer weather whtcti causes & con siderable decrease In meat consumption. dj iuuuy s aeonna tne Dest nogs were placed at ia.60a 1.76.. with a. consider able portion of arrivals going at tha lower figure. , Thla Is a drop of 26o from the high point. The eastern mar ket la weaker again and this ba af fected local conditions. , tTattls Bray to 14)0. Tha cattle mil rket la Anwrm tn 41 AA flat for best stuff, none of tha lata ar rivals going hicher. Thla means a de cline of 26o from-tha high value that ruiea waturaay. -. Receipts- today wars nominal, being Just 61 head for the 4f hours, as asainat 12 head lust Monday. 60 head a year ago and 176 head this Monday in 1606. : - , , r. . Sheep Toaehlag- Bottom. ' Br' today's decline of about SV In sheep and lambs it is . believed that values in these lines ara about bottom. There may ba a fractional decline but tha trade doea not anticipate it. To day's run waa very liberal. 829 head be ing the totals for the 48 hours. This I fe compares with 186 head a week ago and I Dec none euner a year or two years ago. - A year ago today all lines wars steady but unchanged. -,.. urnciai livestock prices: . - Hosa Beat eastern Orason ' It. 6 ft ft (.76; stockers and feedera 64.26 I. IT: China fata, $.0.26. . cattle Beat eastern Oregon steers. 4.00: best cows and heifers. 1I.J6: .hi i VTiVi-l cr-J,"'!.. "'"'?' aa.ov , Chicago, June 24 Tha Rac-ord-Herald says: If wheat, val ues should continue to improve against all ordinary JTunepre. eedent when stocks ara so laraa It will be a valuable comment on 4 the deep and widespread beUaf inat tha wheat crop this year la to ba a short one, both In this country and la Europe. . It really happen that both ara short k In fact, there is no condition prece dent In a soore of years. Millers nd shlppsrs have been coming Into the cash market mors stead fly and persistently, and it Is evident that mills generally hava small supplies of wheat, and that flour distributers have moderate upplleg of flour, ' Tha demand for cash wheat, however, has not, bean great enough to offset the July.Ilquldation. ( , ve iulr ... 1H 62V4A oo v tiu Bept. , 4 JtA, ub 00g '84 Deo. ..j..MMg ' 7HA ' 00 , ' Shorts fn Chicago aided by tha trou- hiLwn.tha? l!ler?h wJre"' caused a f o in wheat pit values Is hurting tha wheat, umnla. .. oeived - there from Decatur. Iliinnia. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. : June 24. Juna 1 T... in PATS A HEAVY TOLL First Sheep Are Trailed Across Ui :' : : Umatilla Reservation. (Speels! Dlapatek ta The JoaraaLl Pendleton. Or.. Juna 14Tha f lr 1 reservation since tha aovernment Im posed a toll for croasina la now beina I July 6IU CiU driven serosa The band belonging to Sept. , , .. 62 t . 63 , Liverpool was very bullish on the damage news and waa strong all day. It cloi d advanced over Saturdays m Official Chicago prices by Overbeck, SUrr Cooke Co.! -v-.-,- . . l -'.: " "- :- WHEAT. ' , ' "' : V . ' " Open. High. July ......fjH il Sept. ...... 6H , $iK 1774 CORN. , Close. vellow, $6.07 H". beet granulated, Joa Conelly conaistina of 2.000 crown I Dec sneep ana l.uuu lamoa. is crossing. A I tnll tit fmnim iui h..i1 tm i .. Sexm I 6o; bozea I aheep crossing- the reserve, and aside I Sulf ..SI 62 . - OATS. ;.... 46 62H - 82 Si 2H- 62 si : 41 - the sheepman haa to give a 'J . Jfjf 'JI magea and pay an Indian po-u' MASS ImounV ofSatuTdayV arrival. Were dla- . ftiffi&&lSZSlJ played thla morning. - . -, . -t. Old, IW)UtoesaIOld: Jflm.' jxo.50." ' " rs5 4 barrels, 10c; half barrels. 60a aovanca on sack basla - I v.a (Above prices ara 20 days net cash I bond for dama : - .. Ilceman to act aa an escort. Tha as ; i pense o nr. uoneur will na m th I r.,i. tin heighborhood of $100. : KI ' ilki S A.tde from the Conelly band nearly 8epL !7.,,1M . J " J6M all the aheep were driven around -the ' v1 JjABU. , . reservation, but aa Mr. Conelly was lata July $17 , STO $S In leaving for the mountains ha wss Sept. '... 80 880 forced to crosa '. . . t Oct. , $16 ' . 880'' 882 rna aneepmen now that the toll -of SI ;.:": .-. a" x v'aHORT RIBS unaerstooa tnat tne '8 88 B COFFEE Pacaaaa branda tlS.88A 8ALT---Coars Half pound, 100a til per ion; ooa, iii.eo; table, dairy, 60a, ho.bu; ivva, i.t: Dales,; im- portea Liverpool, 60s, $18.00;: 100s, $1T ba ana rock, 100s, 1S70! ; 1600 V'- Kovernmetit-'will , - i " n ri n .. ir. wrtiiim7 i n . m rrn n Tr.rv.t tar aid notatoes remains very I -(Above orioea anolv to sales of leas I T .-....- .v..... i firm with prices aa previously quuira. i man car ioib. vir ioib at special prices ' Two mora cars are due from Minnesota I subject to f!uetuatlona k. nart nf tha weeR. Tneaa win KHJit imnenai Jictn. no. i. sc: no. be ,..d for ahlpment, as the new stock reH5c; N.w prleans,, bead, 7c; r,,,,. prfc. iM n fW. Hff- Jt Vi. Tm v-. . . t . i : " -r.. iiKAjvb omi i wnite. V larrei . . rwK- t n- c.. Whlta 12.26: nlnk. IS IS- havou: I2.S0: Llrnaa. lUc: Mexican reds. 4 U a. I Chicago, June 4.- Official receipts? NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo.' tUa Tier lb! I - " , '. ' Hora. Cattle. Sheen. Virginia, 7 He per lb; roaated 10o perl Chicago . ....46.000 .$4,000 , 18,000 id: Japanese. 6srtHc: roasted. 70 7ci ivansaa uw, . t.ouu iu.ouq . - 7.000 per lb; walnuts, California, lo per lb; I Omaha...... . 4,600 10,000 4,000 JulV 147 Sept. ...... 86 - 86 87T $47 869 86 885 880 868 872 0! CITY'S ARID SJIMTI First of Its Kind in Fifteen v Years Fasses Away in . ' ; Peace.'1 - "; . ' ALL FLACES CLOSED . AT MIDNIGHT SHARP JCobody Doing Any Business Yester day But the Soda Wte Man and the Towo rump-- JlUwauklo Also Shut Up Saloons Vcsterdaf, : 1 (8pecJl Dlipatefe to The 7oaraat. Oregon City, June Jl.Testerday was a dry day in thla city. Pursuant to the orders of Mayor Caufleld, issued late Saturday afternc-on ordering all or the saloons of the city to be closed here after, on Sundays, all the saloonmen obeyed and as a result the town was utterly free front alcohol Io moisture. Much comment of . a various na ture , was beard) on. the streets In regard to the ' order, but tha preponderance of sentiment is that it la a aood thlna- for tha town aa well aa the saloonmen themselvea, and means the improvement of the town to a groat extent in a moral way. .r ,,. Mllwaukle was also a closed town yesterday.. ' . Saturdav nlrht. aver saloon in the city except one atosea promptly ai . O'clock, and the officers were given littla trouhla In narformina their dutlea. One well-known saloon man, who, It aeema, had bean outspoken on tne sud Ject during the afternoon and evening. waa the last to close, ana wnen no am ao it waa by the visit of an officer to nis piace. . ' . . Only Ona Han Besutea. Tha mfflnara uh vara lenient with the men In charge of the places, and all ware given a few minutes of grace to get their places In shapa to leave. The one man In question, who probably thought ha waa not included In tne or der, was still selling liquor several minutes past the hour, was notified that there were no exceptions to - the rule and that be must close his place at once or suffer the consequences. With this remark tha saloon man told the officer to get out, but tha. of fleer did not see It that way, and aa a result the sgloon was darkened - la a short time. The officer gave him Just time to ahut up shop, which he did with alt speed. It ia not thought this party will give the police any mora trouble, aa ha Is now thoroughly acquainted with tha new rule, but ahould ha try another night to exceed the time limit there la every reaaon to believe he will be made. an example. - . f ;..:- ' aro Arrests Saturday aTl$rh. , ; Wnt an . arrest was made Saturday night, which ahowed that some kind of a moral wave had swept the city, as this is very uncommon, there generally being several who have imbibed too freely and find themselvea in tha bands of the law. Very few drunks were aeen on tha streets in the early part of the evening and all seemed to be in good spirits and ready with the long dry sneii to roiiow. -. A autnutr 01 ooiiieu goods was sold during ths evening, moat of it being taken home i early ia, the drinks. This place was advertised In a quiet way Saturday and many thought it .would be fOod place to spend the day.!, : ,; '. Aviv '" ' Every place tha drinkers went they met the aame fate, and many of them came home contented to stay in the city after this and make the beat 01 it. Many JOaces were visited by the thirsty, but ew gained what they desired, and from now on. they will be liable to place sup plies In tha ice box Saturday evenings or be content with the waters of the town fountain on the Sabbath, v . ' 1 Candy Stores Do Mlg Business. The candy and ice cream stores did a rushing business yesterday, many of those who came in vain for a real drink contenting themselvea with a glass of eoia aoqa or a dtsn 01 ice cream. , Many women and children were alao good customers of the confectioners. One candy and lea cream dealer,' when asked what effect saloon closing had on hta business, stated that it did It no harm and eerhana halDed it. - .. .. .. ; Sunday,, like Saturday evening,' was Very quiet ia police circles. : No drunks were seen on the streets and all seemed to ba on their good behavior, good naturedly discussing the new conditions, One man went so far aa to say a meter ahould be placed on the city fountain, so each" roan could pay for what he con sumed. .!..:.';. if 014 Spring Susy. . .The old spring back of the store of Mr. juuaon, wnicn waa uaea many years ago to supply the water for the old brewery, was a Dusy piace yesieroay and acted as a consoler. The spring - . L - a ... a A M ..... wrhM throats began to scorch the fountain of former years was brought to mind and during the afternoon a steady stream wended their way to Its refreshing wa ters, chief Burns durlnr this perform ance became suspicious that something waa wrong in tne rear or tne ioy inina- lna perhaps a rresn xeg naa oenn tapped. He at ones went to the scene, but hla fears were soon removed and the chief took a drinx wun nimseix. . Drag Stares Watohed. t Tt waa atated early yesterday morn In that a cloae watch was being kept nn tha local drug stores, and should they sell any liquors in violation nf law they . would be prosecuted. The drug1 store business seemed about aa muni veatardav. nothing out of tha ordinary trade being viaibie. . ,, IHIS TM BREAK Seattle Concern Proposes to Buijd in the Willam ette Valley. , (Special Dispatch to The Journal) ; Salem,' Or., June J4. Plans are Liverpool Grain Market, t Liverpool, June " 24. Offioial prices ' nn hntit nn verv well. 1- New potatoes ara slightly lower, al- thougn tne tone in iui (.. a UNew,0onIons are' fractionally lower, but the market remains in a good poal- ' tion. -! Brier Jiois ox sns ttow. wheat. Open. Close. June 22. Oaln. 7s Ha a lld 7s 2d 7s IHd CORN.- ' 4sllHd 4sllUd; Kd sitna 4s a a hu July V.sUKd uept...7s ia july...4sllHd Sept.., 4s 11 d t , -..i- 1 pine nuts, unite jer id: mcaory nuta n.mhrr h in 1 guihwih ii . wtj i a ... , , - .. . tv.' - 4I .. . my,mAmJI J,i I F" iu. ixn uuia, too ur IU, III' "?"l" 3 .Tnr;bi ara Pr lb; fancy.pecans. 18 20c In very liberal P?fiyfIU .. Meats, a and Provision ranging, iron. 'r ?j " I FRESH MEATS Front street-Hogs, o.'.-K.ria ar hlaher with smaller I fancy. 88Ho per lb; large, 7o per ..rnlromr SnVutr.T Som?&thls : veal,xtra. (flV.rer lb: ordinary. os . :,v . k. I ' ? w per iu; puur, ou'per io: mutton, morning nold -at S8.8e. ; . . fancy. fi$o nor lb. . ' Hogs are 6 cents lower, with- a.ono left over. Receipts a year ago were . new York stock market 42,000; mixed, $6 .8606.16; heavy. $.oo I a.n atn Tk-li rtn. 15; rough, $6.866.$6; light. $6,860 Value Advance Aboat Three Qnar. a A Cattle Steady ShesD Steadv. . INDIANS GET CATTLE Government Shipping Sixty-Five Car 7 loads to, Crow People. ' (SpeeUI Dispatch to The Journal) : Pullman. .Wash.. June 24. Six sec tions of a 66-car train of cattle paased through Pullman laat night and today. en routs to Billings, Montana, from ters of ft PointSmall Trade. With sales to noon todav ahowlnar but 64,800 shares, trading in New York waa the dullest for many a year. Tha mar ket ; continues professional with ad vancea averaging t point. Union Pa cific advaaoed 1H. Southern ,. Paclflo and Readtncrlli. oolnta. uncial isew xora prices oy uveroecic. Diarr ac tokq company - . 8iPot prunM are amoked, 12e per lb; a moked. 12o. per lb; . cnu U.IU..W mwm hava hmn mmt c'Nr oacaa, unsmoKca, uc smoxea, jo ! tmt h muit few days nave iwen . moi i ,k. , , . ,v ..- I liberal. Selling prices on imoked, Jo per lb; smoked,. o per b;J LewUton, Grangevllle and SUtea? Idaho. lawn's ara steadier i. owing to the iLjr? VilT Xriai.'.fllWf i?i IJl-fS.eV J """F ?5?w? PT: warmer weather. ,..;.. ' 'j,'.L I per lb: pickled tongues. 60c each. ... axer naviTd rill Tinas las u - w w . waovvn. - m -. - i w uaH . - AB0V? roii.iT tnninrtniii I MAij i.AKi iwecua leax. loo, lie I reservation near BUllnaa The cattle 1th " the hops of description; Am. Copper Co. Am. Car ft F. c. jiuuiuvi - , . wvi . nu. .ttiu, ivu, a . o reservation neap K aP'ihtJe.&tTO p6P,.bK; "l WI ni'Wb tl?t,0 wlU be 1 datrlbuted 'Price holds at $ on account oi $tooa per-lbj yteam rendered. lOsllttO per teaching tha Indian ; dTtrl'bnrrame fcrfe' ! K' Hf . "at 10a a pound.: ... , ..,..1.1 ,(a I FISH Rock cod. Te per lb; floundens. .ll J.Mia aV Skfl m fOf SI L 11 1 A Uiaiucaucu a. 11 mm a gA Srvakaa I B. a llnne SI IL. dm, 1CS Bl.v." ' . m a-...l m. 1 $' SM1WU V7JW Regular assortment of fruits I bMftj i0 per jb: catflah. morning. Am. Cot Oil, c Am, - Lioco., com. Am. "Buaar. com. ans cattle raising and! Am. r Smelt.;-com. Am, jsmeiv,, pro. Anaoonda M. Co. Am. Woolen, c. . Atchison, com. . . o. m v.. cum. Will Ron Sheep. Heppner, Or., June 24. 8. W. Spencer, ; ""S Ir.i wr la disnlaved In the ik" ki.Vk-Av . tAvVCii k. tl. nia piaca. naa purcnaaea 1,400 head Brook. Rap. Tr.. ' But little Interes is flispiayea m tne b blueback. lOe iper lb; herring 60 per of ,heep from Warren Vancea and h Cam Pact com.. hop market bJ g"t hj ?; P 1 P?' will run then, on range that he has Cen. teatn com. ?TiMrllW lb KVWWblb;biobst rentM in the Sumpter country. a A O. W.T coF.. take a chance on the coming crop. lb; freah mackerel. 80 per lb; crawfish. . - r-, . OWAm, ' jtyf w nm rront street prices: . -5 20a per dos; sturgeon, ioa per lb; black PORTLAND STOCK MARKET . RiS a Wh1 0m' LtflV I " . ' saw- M ' .' .. " Kai mm tflfl naa IK Pnl iiomKIa alnaa aaA1 , '- tllfl, 4B V(llO a a v. 6rperib;had:vpefTb j. sa.:. f ' ORAIN , pvf Tn per lb; shad roe; 16o per Vr. black cod, "Qrae eiepnone iyeg uirerea Une voj-' A"". :TUilBot RuMlan. VrBt r- Dollnx lr Today on nge. ,!linA86;Vcra & U!XWhf& iowal IS&mJi'Wmm" g& i - . : too can "4H a . 13 87 H 3 6SH l7Va io 126 1414 pia. per rar iuii. . - . . ... a a 1 o.pviro.; . juasiow cviniu. P.rtoni ;olled,:$18.OO0i4.OO! brewing. VmuMl. . $22.0028)0. s r : rasor clama $2.00 per boxj vi lKNew-oducera prtce-jo; 4 Jfttlnt, Coal OS, 1 whlta, $28.00 per ton; gray. 627.00 . f . ft5)UR Eastern v Oregon patents, 5 t m straights. $4.2B;k export. 84.00 valley, B4.8084.40; graham, is, $8.76; - whole wheat, nrv BOs, $0 bales, A E VVtt t sTmrmt-Rran. 817.00 oar ton: i middlings., $26.00; fhorfcv country, $20; cltv. $18.00: chop, $1.0081.00- y HAY Producers' price Timothy, rwHtamettealleyt fancy. $48.00 01T.oS; ordinary, $ lt-00 1 -00 : eastern uwon. $16,00020.00: " muea. lynsjxXX' 'clover. $$.B0.0i grlln, , $4.0ifil0.00; cheat, n.oiw.vv. 4 - BvKter, Zgga and Poultry. ' UTITTER FAT C o. b. Portland Sweet cream, 2$ He; eouf. 21 He. jiTTTE,nr'ttv araamerr. 2Bc: sea- onds,'21Hc; outside fancy, 2 4 2 60;; oeo ,onds. 81 He: store. Oregon, 1819c '22Hc; uncandled, 81H22o. CHEESE Now Full, cream. . flats, elated OIL Was offered 60c . lower, but I Prtej, ,8t Pfd- tu UIU woa UIIUIlKnKTO. ' u ' v . I V"W.4 .. . . box. 11.4ott Alaska Petroleum mined U Ttririah I Ia 4k N.. ....... lOo per doa I Columbia Amalgamated 4c, while Morn-1 Mex. Cen. Ry-. Etc. i , " 3 I nff JO"1 o. xacoma steel gained He. I M. k. t. 00m. t?nTT?Piir Manila I ln ",e voeur o Aiene list JBUIUon I -isiiuera i ....... 185cfsi7al Wiir" jbW I I"J! HCopper King loat c Happy O, Northern .... "cL1 ofliipearl or Aatral.-r.... tt,Ho.' wWle.Ce reat were unchanged. Mis. Pac. v I u r7i. iai i watar hi t Tmn hh!7 1 ..pi ' ."y".8" asBociatea ou at I wat.' leaa ...... U0XS0UNEtl8neV.ckiMPV4n.r' . Wet, C SIiA'9".bbla,.18o par. gal.,i w ' - 1 v iitft Bid. , Ak. 1-' T"n- benzine-l oeg.. oases, 15a per gal; Bank of California. . . i ... $820.00 ' $$22700 STt- m it nA Mnrtiror-si' A I .timhaivta-.'ai Ini A A - I--" p 10H 125 141 80 40H 1 22HI 22441 81 H Z6 22 4H 26 22 $ . .i . . . aBiidJiniu- ea aeg., Iron bbls, 8So per gaL TURPENTINE in cases, J6o per gal; Merchants National wooden bbls, B3i WHITE LEA lb; 600-lb lota. So. per lb; less lota. $ 93o per aaL u -1 on tots, 7 an' per 1B WIRE NAtUB Present basis at $2.$B. Big Pralt ricld. , C tSpeclal DltDateh to Tbe- JooraaU Pullman. Waah.. June 24 J. B. Holt. ex-countv . fruit inanector anil foreman mv va p. cat aj jrvud&v irwi i rvruaim az. ob. ....,......,:. . orcnara on tne tsnaxe river soutn or I : ,4 s-- MTSnriT.T.AM'irr.TTa ainmra , . . 4 - . . - - : -. Oregon Truat A Savings. T 10.00 roruana i rust w. ....i..r lio.eo United SUtes NatiSniT. 200,00 'v.. . ,L LISTED SECURITIES (BONDS), j Am.? Biscuit CO. i 6s. ;; '. ;8.78 1 100.00 uuy tsuouroan s..... ...... Home Telephone 6a. ........ ... a R. N. Ry. 4s....... , . 63 O. W. P. Ry. Ss......' 100.60 Pe. Coast BisculV 6s. . $7,09 88.00 I 81. HO 8.F0 , 15o ter lb; Toung America lc per lb. I irAiiiti win kv ioa Oiia iat. a I AMoeiated Oil . I iu llini acv ,uia ocaatm irwni 111!) DlHCO, I 1""', - i " 1 i" v - -- . I ma. . a. ... . a - a.-. a i a . I Xa IM Tol M. Tal wifA mm r -w- wiri w lTiri . sas.i a vss sian f i iih ii rsi rniNinn mi i f.r inn anru. rrusr a dujiiiu a a av a ?aa a- a va a lUJr JtUJiN J, liAUill,r I were that'tbe crop would not e morel Pacific Tel. & Tel., com.- 7.60 n vrr Vt1! ixf t Tt i rr l nr. men ! ea,uw . poxes, out latere aeveiop-i rugvt svow ,.xw...,,, , OAlO i). . WIVAIlAJli ments show that the-crop will be a I" ' " MINING STOCKS. .! v " , .i . rannrii ri rMM kh r. fRM f ri eA Hsnsrin 1 1 v win i t .i.A..iaM . ' a. y,S ? neavwy. -. ; - Manhattan Crown Point. . . .1$ '.A5i'VA,"'" ..V1 Mining 18 H suaaaiaaa vp ' V -aa aauit IIU V WSsnflUni AXUnBlOIl of a ' .Zb packere are wanted at once to oontinua " TmrnTs-n T n-r?rwa iintlll J1. Tha fruit will ahlnnarf I ' UNUSTED STOCKS, down the river by boat until the rails I Taqulna Bay Tel..;.,..'. 6.60 are laid on the new Snake river branch I Orearon City M. A It. ......... being built from Rtparia to Lewis ton. I Alaal a Petroleum . ...V.-. .14 H 4 " .) I British tolumDia Amai.. ,Qj4 Portland Bank Statement. 1 ; I Pa80adl. ,...... .22 H Clearings today. . . . . .. . ; , . .$1,612,121.61 Morning 0$ Clearings a year ago...,.,. . 883,87 8.60 1 standard Consolidated .. .0H ; -. . . . '- i xacoma oieei w ... . .... .s unn iiraay . ... is, 88.60 e - "Egg prices have gone to such . e a high point that some have fel- 0 ready " begun to use storage' e .stock. I don't believe the' market , e will go higher,, because storage and eaatern; stock can be .; pur; chased at so much lower values. If prices advance It will cause that , much more withdrawal - of " storage etock. and this will go" Into the regular trade In compe- " tition'' with the local", freah' .'stock.Bt.W. Orahsm of Shark,, e .,A Qraham, company, Penn. Ry. P. 04 U C. C ireasea e. ti, c. Reading, a.,..,. R I dc S., o i . . Rock Island, c. . St U A 8. r. I pfd HC Li. ft 0. W- C Or rc, cum ... a do preferred. Texas ft pacific ""IT K T. AW.M U. P. com...... do prefecred . 17. 8. Rubber, c W. S. Steel Co., eJ ao prsierrea . Wabaah, com... Wla Cent com.. Virginia Chem. . Total salea for $4.00 42.60 86.00 16.a . 40.00 .18. .21 .20 .14 UlHUllH . 20 1 20 82 65 126 72 1103 S4 128 ii 83H 9 20 20 76 111 94 19 111 $4 88 101 12$; a 27V 1$1H arv , on foot for the sstablishment la this' city of a sub-station for the Weber-Russel Canning company of Seattle.. The com pany proposes if this district should prove remunerative enough, to establish two canneries In the Willamette valley, one In Salem and one at Eugene, and one at still another point, to-be cnosen later. The firm Is now operating a cannery at Puyallup and another at North Yakima. The plant at Puyallup la aald to ba tha second largeat on the Pacifio coast ana - the one at norm Yakima claims a capacity of 60,000 to cases. The firm Is one of ths largeat on the Paclflo alopa and has alao recently started a fcannery si oumner, three miles from Puyallup. Next year a . MinwtaAa . a nmritiA i tfannarlaa at i. n.1 n ...... n tm m , m iw. - , n r. . " - j - - - - v ....... -"---"".-. '--in - .jiv.-.j . Visnnuvar. a.aoriou, ana n-r waa r"i- ih- li- Mnr.rvmM not t smmmj am mmwm tmwwmt . , ikg..m i iii urn ouier s isrriiorr. ana Earlv Sundav mornlna many who had win hava-a tendency to bring a better tnat oars-Drown lasie in jiioir muum. prioe cor tno proaucer. were oui aearcninir lor vneir uruixa nu were astonished when told that Oregon City would be dry until Aionaay morn ing. Several of these after befng in formed of the new rule at once viaitea the drug stores, but were givn the same ana war in these places, tnere, peing nothing doing." - i jrirrt Dry Sunday in TUteea Tearaf Yesterday -was the first dry Vundajr In 16 years, and many who had . been accustomed to making these placea their Sundav hangout felt lost and wandered aimlessly about Many of those who hava resldait hero for a Ions time re member tha closing at that time. It laat-1 Xn Improved 60-foot lot on Twentieth J .mmtm. O..Ha auVaiM oil 4V v a aalAAna I ' wndytoris "and 'ail other" business -treet. between Savler and Thurman, ha. places were closed. 'What waa brought been purchaaed by Kate Cunningham for tn near urion ina oiiiciais ml inai ume i i ta nna . Tia .iaii. bainnareii to l. T. again permit the opening of the town ' . h .,b, r-Ai a,tata ooerator. Jrtosr wlsrelv V the closing was merely a move in a i.. . twn-atnrv double frame P0" ca' l1":. .w :.. dweftlna- to ba constructed for himself Baioonraen wr, in im I mnA rrnw atraata. flnuth Port. lavini1 Mr V v" - - - - 7 . - i . . . will be ot uutcn rchltecture, and : will cost Mr. Kroner is lust - unisning inree FOBTUOE GOES at a nnTinnit ill II rUILillbl i Rich Puyallup Woman Givc3 Away All Her Worldly . ' , Possessions. CONTINUOUS FEAST FOR MANY HUNDREDS Her Money This Aged Aborigine Actually Give Away In Person, il-Pf: :3V' Acting Her Own : Administratrix. . '' , . ; (Special Sitpstch to Tbe formal.) Taooma, Waah.. June 14 One of the blggeat potlatchea ever held by the 'In dians in the vicinity of Taeoma has Just closed at the homt of Ann Coates on tha : Puyallup t reservation; The function was given in honor of the memory of Jim Coatee, the ssbandv of 'Ann, Who died about a year ago. Coates wss knowing, wide-awake Indian and waa lUh Ja,t of tle lineal chiefs of iX t ln"e were between 600 and Hi .""v.1 tn Potch. the follow ing tribes being represented: Nlaqual- Iles. PuyallUDA filrr.Vnml.h ' vrAl.lA shoots, Squaxon. Chehalis and Bartos. K.J Bd. h"1 deoeaaed hua- uHd-r?ce,.e1. strip of tlie- lands as their portion when tha gov ernment alioted the Puyallup reserva tion to tha members of the tribe about I i rSr Pour or, five yeara ago the Coateaea sold their land for fancy flgurea. Coatee died a wealthy Indian.' wlT ""n at a very advanced age and finrtin kAr.Ai i,uv I rl.0.h'i.or whch "he had no use, gava thS DOtlatCh ta.rmt r.A I. tl i i-! but four days of giving to clean 1 Ae feast of the Tribes. TP ni"er of feeding tha Indians was) "'a propoauion. Tfiree long tableA. . sa aaX. - REAL ESTATE DEALS NEGOTIATED TODAY Improved Frontage on ' Twentieth Street Purchaaed by Kate) Cun ' nlngham Other Feature. yesterday, many of them leaving early Th. buildlnV fn tha morning fot the different streams J"d. The - bWing throughout the county, where they Tle of archltectu flahef to their heartp .content, many oout BJjOOO other, auenned the auto Vce! it PorS modern two-.torycottagea in tne aame PaWnaAVoonrwh-ra KffireVoSt VT " spent tha day at quiet spots about the pendlture of about 68,000. - MEMBERS ARE FINED awUk tVsalaa am 41 (sail v Ths hn t. ii-alin .Move'd ' th.daV FURNITURE TRUST on. District Attorney Takes aTo Aetfosw an.- AimiTt aftnrnav haa not aa vat 11 taken any action relative to the cloalng Lipman, Wolfe Ca. and Mater of the saloons in other parts of the lirr.nv want fined 1100 eaah bv Judaa ' W.. l 1 1 .nl.l.lU Ka I ' - ven'sttantitm4 durlni th. weekTVcis: Charles B Wolv.rton In the United trlct Attorney Hedgea spent Saturday at States district court this morning for Portland and was ignorant of the clos. entering into a combination to restrain a all aiiaiail lata Be 4ak atraa- . .. . ia. a t . ing uniii no mi ' . v l trade in tne xurniiura ousinesa eom ing. When asked In regard to the mut- flrmg pleaded guilty last week and sen tar ha atated that It would be given nis I .n.. 1.. ue.rrAi nnm thla mnmlnn attention during the week, when action J others fined today were W. and 3. Sloan mignt o '- , v .. ft Co. of Ban i rancisco ana uonn aroa. Sheriff Beattla when asked what he of Portland. The San Francisco corn would do in regard to cloalng stated pany wan fined $26 and the Portland thai Iia had not had an onoortunltv to Vi . ..a consult the district. attorney, and that judge Wolverton said In imposing the tha matter would e wun. mm. a Mntences that so far the flnea hava atatad that If given ordera by the dla- been nominal because non of .the real triot attorney the law would be en I inatla-atnra of tha trust had been forced rigidly. The incorporated towns Drt)Ught into court i There aro'about throughout the county, It Is said, will 100 defendants yet to plead to the oe ruiea uy mrii u.u ...u ... i cnarges in tne maictmant ana many or only. Pieces where tne sheriffs "au- these have had their appearance aet for tnonty wui nom wm v July 10, when they will plea or enter places where there is no charter, a demurrer to tha indictment : It Is BaoosJcn aeus repers. . , i interred rrom a remara miM pj as Ta Ttnoanieh: a local saloonkeeper and "tant United Btatea-, Attorney Jamea kTA iha Wal flra rienartment. UOlt mat tne rinsiuaaers in me trust Sown mnranf. reeiinr ion v. neat once ao. , ""., ' piled fot a position as newsboy for The tTt ,n.2LT w" bw&S1! HS&n iJ aa soon on tha . streets selling th, .0.rS"nU"t,onu yt I : hv ta nedestrisna Mr. RuconlcS een unawe to op aa iiniitail much attention on tha Btraeta. I " - XliJil3mVLtt& AT ILVLF on the routes. He returned as many as four limea aner irow auppjy ana Si- wave .came back : with the money- In land. 1 Mr. Ruoonich undoubtedly fared better than many or tne carriers, as nis prevailing rule was tnat n- cnange should be given back. Mr. Ruoonich in- MAST; FOR SUNDAY LID Chris Kalmbach Is the name of the patriotic individual who haa a - beer aarden at Twenty-fourth and Thurman tZt thl arent that he would again etreeta In order to show his conUmt-t ha n the grounds neat Sunday and ea. for District Attornev Manning-? orr 16 ay. 140,800 shares. Call money, 22tt per cent e e ,e namnces luumj i ..... 4 , ... Balances a year ago, ........ $149,60.81 68,078.87 Bullion r. .0$ Hr Copper King .., .,.. .... . .08 V4 Harpy Day v04Vj n Vc r-nnaolidatad ........ -AS U. New York. 'Juna 84.-A.Rai allvar. S7U 1 finnwtthna . 40 . London, 80 3td. - lawstora ! - New Tork-JonSon Silver. ' 12 04 v .10 .14 U COITUR CALENB DISTRICT. ' .07H .08 .04 Ht vt 106ti J01 103 V United , States Government Bonds. 10.00 ' I . " New Torn. Jan $4. Government 4.00 .' I bonds: .16 ' j . v.' 'V-'DeJe. Bid. Aekedi .04 I iwoi, regisierea isua JV4H 106 Z7H I 00 coupon ....... jvjv 1.4 1 inrees, registerea . isis Threea, small bonds. 181 8 Fours, regV new . 1926 Foura reg., old 1907 do coupon ....... 1926 Foura reg old ' ... 1 907 do coupon ........ 1907 Fours. Philippines .1904 do coupon ....... ... . .46 I Twin Panama, new. 10 I District Columbia .. .... iva 103U 102 H ini tZ 128H 12'Ih 128 V;, 129 H lt . 129 i4 S100t4 101U 1100 s 101U 109 h 104V 106H 104 105 h 114 ..4. nected to. greatly exceed - the sales of yesteroay... .".-. ' v. i v;- : aaaay o . o JaUwaniaa ' A larra number ' of -clttsens of this oitv lert on me noon cars lur aiwwaunie. where they6xpected to quench the thlret that 'was becoming more and more ap parent They reached Mllwaukle In due to close his saloon on Sunday .he. low ered the flag which floata over hla place to naixmaai ana .en. 11 tnat way yesterday.- '.I ; '.'":-;- V i Neighbors were incensed. but Chris was obdurate. Desnite the protests of those who live In the vicinity ha left the flaa floating at halfmaat and today had it removed crora tne puuaing. -unit each seating between 70 and 80 people, were made for tha convenience of tha SmI eacn meal these war filled three times. An timiUni t.hi. We set, considering tha numbers served,,! ...... vm.. ciau.a, inn, iranii meats. ; corn bread, huh. nniainu miAm. .n--J of various kinds, coffee, andT sven cake I ana pia '''',., ., i . ine widow Coates paid tha bills and the commissary alona nf tha nntiati.. amounted to a large sum. Tha prettiest Indian glrla to be found did tha aerv Ing. and tne eating waa one of the bis;, features of the festlvitlea , Probably no potlatch ever took.plaos at whlchi such civilised fare was given and with) SUCh an UP-tO-data CUisine. Tha Indiana expressed their approval by whoops as each new course was served and dls playod the appetites of gourmands. ana Olvea Xer Voaey Away. : In glvlnt Coates seated herself m front of het! f .uf.- none attending the pot- latch all gathered - In . a . A,.i-.i. around her. Then she would whisper a name to John Whole, an old blind In Clan, who atood on the porch near her. ana tie ahouted the name thus given. The bearer of ths name came forward and was given money from a Pile of allver and gold colna filling Mra Coatea' lap. ( Ioa moat of the Indians received ZjilA u,n" ranging irom 83 to 820. while no one waa allowed to go away wunout at least a silver dollar. This money did not last long with many of tha Indians who immediately gamble! , al" Preeents of cloth and. other things dear to the heart of thai untutored red man. . Some of the ex pert gamblers hava made killings during; the potlatch and can live In ease for yeara to coma A large barn belonrlna- to Xfrm r.iu waa cleared and in this the Indiana gave danoeg nightly. Thla was also used for thf gambling. . . , h. fi Votabls Bad Xsn ' Present. Among the notable Tnd wm John Hyton. whlV H tirirt ew ' tha fa- dian wars of ptonear timea was tho fast friend of the whites and rendered Invaluable aid to tha troopa as a scout. Ha is now verv old and u. 1 .,,... neaTenJno- yton has never received anything, for hla servicas, which ho Prtormm4 at great risk to himself, and an effort la now belnar mad tn. AA...... A penaion tor him from tha government. He Is still a great admirer of tha whites and prefers the company of white peo ple to thoae of his own color, t Another notable Indian who was an posing figure at the feasts was "Qls Harbor" Joa. He eontributad ti nnn ward assisting Mrs. Coates tn .b. tha potlatch a succesa and nr..M every meal at one of the large tables. SUMMER SCHEDULE AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH V;'':.'," sasMHMS-aasaaWaaaa, ' ' During the vacation of Rev. wiillami Hiram Foulkes, D. D., the pulpit of tha First Presbyterian church will be aun. : piled as foUows: July $1. Rev. Ira W- Landrlth. D. D. ' LL. n. t Tennessee: July 88. August 4 and 11. Rev, WtUiam Foulkea. D, .. of Kansai City, Kansas; August 18, 25 and Sep. tember 1. Rev. Charles Rnrma'n . t?i..k ards of Sterling, Illlnola, , Dr. Landrith. the flrat namad ta Ln.A. Of the leading ministers of the country biiu Amuor vi iu. vumoenanu lorces inv tha recent union. Dr. William Foulkes. the father of the pastor of tha First Presbyterian church of thla city. Is on of tha leaders of the middle west Rev. Charlea Gorman Richards ia a young man of much ability and a claasmata of. Dr. William Hiram Foulkea . GRAVE DANGER FOR PUR TRADE IN ORIENT . (Journal Special Ssrvlea.) Toklo, June 24. At a meeting this afternoon delegates from the chambers of commerce of Toklo, Osaka, Kobe. Kyoto and Yokohama drafted a resolu tion Indicating that grave danger la fac ing the commercial relationa of tha United States and Japan, owing to the antl Japanese sentiment on tha Paclflo coast. .The resolutions point out the necessity of resorting to speedy meas ures to remove the obstacle to trade de velopment. The, resolutiona will be of ficially adopted and the United States chambers of commerce asked to cooperate. time, but were greatly surprised to find Idren who live tn the neighborhood . were that the liquor shops of that place had especially amaaed at the saloon man's been closed a short time before they action. They failed to understand why arrived. These parties at onoe retraced the flag was not flying from the top their way to.thle.eity and gave up all 0f the pole. - - ; nopes vi friiuin vi'i uniiiu ui 1 1 1 a ?K7 Jan. reu. .... March :' before the opening of the aaloona this morning.- The cloalng at Mllwaukle was duo to the apprehensions of disorder that were aroused - when It developed that Mllwaukle was the only wet town in this region. - .y v . Srlnkers Blsappolated. , .'The new resort wnicn was opened 1 yesteroay ey Mr. iuricaaon near tnel u,t riackamaa north. of the cltv. waa wall I Aug. attended.' many thinking that there P?pt would be plenty of liquor there, but In i thla thev were disappointed, as nothing) Nov, wag served aside from cigars and toft Dec .... Kew York fJotton Market. Ooen. Hlati fJow. U41; l 118$ June 1161 .1146 .1150 .lit .11.6 1170 114$ 1174 11R6 1128 1146 11.14 114S 1150 1127 1104 1123 .1131 ll'O 11".'? $4 1160 1164 : 1169 1168 1170 1154 1127 1144 114? l: 23 1148 1162 1157 115S 11 M! 1 ' ' rupeclal Vlspalch ta Tbe Jnoraal t ' Loses Fingers of One Hand. ' SpMlal tMpek to T Joarnal.) Astoria, Or June 24. N. II. Lvetell was brought to the city . last evening from Skalnoknwa. where he had beu working- in a inlnrl mill . , .... caught his left hand In a cutting r -chine, severing all of hi fingers nt 1 lirai joint. . Most disfiguring skin eruptions, st -ula, pimples, raHhes, etc., are ri 1 t 1 impure blood. Burdock Blood huu . t ia a cleansing blood tonic. M s Clear-eyed, clear-brained, clai-r.i: Six Killed In V.'rcr' . Hartford, C--- . .? t men were k!i when a dlvl"!.'' i I!.-" 1