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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY "fcTVENING, JUNE 21. 1C07. 12 towel srrrLY CLEAN TOWELS . DAIL.T - COMU, brush, soap, II per month. Portland laundry & Towel Supply Co., th and isnsnn ii ii ta in ii llgarata-rri Hit r - .iWm ?? r-i-.. DUAL PLAY WHOLESALE JOBBERS M A. GUNST CO.. ' DISTRIBUTORS OK FINK CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. Evj-RT-NS FARRKLU PRODUCi- and commission merchants, no front ft, Portland, ur. fnon mm u, 7?Til5Tfl3i FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Ca Manufacturers , of furnl- fur for tne Vaa8r ""'""i vri vt wAbl-AM- COTWHOI.ESALE GRO-Tj-cers; manufacturers and commission '' morchts. 4th and Oak sts. - J iiRNITiURE MANUFACTURING! AND , aperiai oraers. i nuvtriimiy a- turnr . - - ..r A rrnnt at ;. J ALLEN 4 Lt'.WlS. COMMISSION AND r produce merchant. Front and Davia . Wholesale" CRbckBRT , and gla-ssware, , Prael, Hegele Ca, Port' '. 'land Or. " "'i : " " '" ' ffuvTbREaoU Cheese co. dMi-. """ vets bought or handled on commission. 111 6tb at. taweuana owui rwinno. tEWifl-BTENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY rn. Rarhers' SiiDPlles. Barbers' Fur niture. Barbers Chairs. 10th & Morrison. '.;, TRANSPORTATION. - a 1907 EXCURSIONS '- 3 TWPS B. 8. Spokane, Jan 14, td) July la, 86) Anf. a. qua, ni . wmkm Work by German Dramatist , Forms Sequel to Story in New Testament In wet 'weather. The first production r . 1 1 1 KHAkkl. a Uimaaf'a T Pnnn At I W III UIUUHUIJ WJV -VJ Mnck w -w v v "1' " I 1 ! - i I ii lial - iaia..t.. yminurr ilM,tl!rrirriTiT work M..-',wt1MWW7ff1 nvmnathlaea will be arT4iven th3ir chrince. RESE3IBLES TALE OF BREWSTER'S MILLIONS Karl Rossler Base Production on Religions Account, but Strangely Models It on Line of Extremely 'Modern' Novel. , , J i shift: DIUTHIT; ROAD Mimui-in-n uuimnnrD CONTEST BEGINS a y St. Mary 'a Inatlt a artarat , r,raa -ftm .lujjj, jjrjgTZgg3 TO THE KLONDIKE Sixteen Hundred Miles of i ' Trail Through the . Wilderness. V ST9K3 BOTJTB. B. Umatilla .Xasa 8S . Z.AULBXA bouts; ; tkarwar.. Sitka, Jnaaaa and way porta. ,; BaUlaff p. av R. B. B.Oo.a KnmToldt,.,....".Jun SB City of Baattla . . ... .aa Cottar City, tU Bltka. ........ fuaa 30 ' BAIT rXUVCXSCO BOVTS. T ; SalUnr t a. aa. rrom aaattU. rraaldant Tnaa SS , . .UB BT .Job 15 and July 9 City of raabla.... Sonoma , , . . City I Oca, tit Waafclaatoa Bt Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES XOXY 8, Oj AVaVST 8, t, 10 1 BXP- TEKBSB 11. IS, U. . Chlcairo and return, J7LS0. St Loula and return. I67.S0. St. Paul. Minneapolis, Dulutb, Snpa- rior. Winnipeg and Port .Arthur and ra- turn, t0. . t ', -. ,- 3-TDAIN5 DAILY 3 For tlcketa. alepplna- ear reaarratlona -and additional Information, call on 'or address h. dicksun. c t. a. 12a TKXXS BT, TOMTLAWD, 0&. Telephones: - Mala (80. , Horn A-12SI, No! For Astoria OOOI FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Tharadaya). Laarea Aldat street dock l a n. Columbia Hlvcr Scenery BSatriATOB XJBB BTBAirras. Dallr ' Mrvle betwtaa Portlaad aad TlM Dalle, eaeapt Uauitr, leatinf - Portlaad at I a. rrlrlnf atxxit p. carry tag rreig&t ana pmaMnren. apimuia aaeaaawt tlooe for outfits and livestock. Dock font of Alder at Portlandi foot at Court st, 'It Dalles Pboo Uata SU. Portlaad. BOAT XACZTIO 8tbajcsbz CO.-B Steamships K3ANCKE - . v 2nd GEO. W. ELDER Sail for 7-jreka, San Franclaeo and Lot Anpreles direct evry Thtiraday at p. m. 'i lckct oiuce lis i nira, near Ajaar. Phmea M, It t H. TOUNG. Aa-eot CARTERS "llTTtE r" 1 ir i mi aaaaiaaaaaa i a ' Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles teat dent to bilious state of the system, snek a .. JJisataeea, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress sites eating. Pain in the Side, ae. While thair uoat . maarkabla snresss has been shown la oming Baadaeha yet Carter's Little Liver Pffls era v qnallr valuable in Oonstlpatlon, enring and pre . venUngtbisaanojrinr complaint, while they ate correct all disorders of tbeetomsehtlmnlate the : liver and rafulataths bowels. Xren U they only Aohethey wonldbealmoetprtoelnestothosewh suffer from this dlatreeelag eomplalnt; but f orta BaUiy theirgoodneae does notend hereand thosa who once try them will 11 nd these little pills vain, bis is eo many ways that they will not be wlW ling to do without them. Bat after all sick head - (Jonraal Special Service.) London, June ' 14. Queerly enough. conalderlng that one of them la baaed on a Bible incident, and the other on a "beat aelllng" American novel, there promisee to be quit a etrlklnf aim! larlty btween a new s play from the German which Martin Harvey I about to produce at the London Adelphl, and Brewater Mlliona which la-dupU eating, at the Hlcka theatre, th big auccesa which It scored acroaa the water. Incidentally It 1 doubtful If any other piece underlined for production In Lon don this aeaaon - la arousing half ' ao much curiosity and anticipation aa the German one mentioned, which ia called "Great Possessions" and la th work of Ka rl Roaalnr. . ' -The oriclnal. "Der Relche Junallng, thouah accented by one- of th prlncl pal theatrea of the Fatherland, has yet to be produced there, but when it la It probably will make a sensation, aa the English . adaptation ', is - confidently ex pected to do here. For thla work of Rosaler'a, which ia a tragedy, la a sort of sequel to th New Testament atory of the Savior and the "young man who had great posaeaaiona" and who waa bidden to sell all he had and give to the poor. Report sneaks highly of It. and the theme must have been handled with some dexterity, otherwlae the play certainly would hav been vetoed by the Brltlah cenaor, who aeldom consents to the production of biblical plays. " ; Bero Xa BathaalaL In "Great Possessions," however, th hero la named aimply Nathaniel, while other character are Ruth, Aaarja and Mintnaros. ine aecona or tnese nana. by th way, being taken in the Adelphl f reduction by Susanna Sheldon., Mar in Harvey of course, is the hero, and he ia aald to have a golden opportunity in th second act of the drama, when In a lon g soliloquy Nathaniel tries to attain to the real meaning of th Sav iors injunction. , The; atory of th play begins Just at that moment when Christ looks In sor row at the retreating figure' of th young man, and th author's object ia to show that in rejecting the aivine in junction "to give to the poor" iNathsn lel took the wrong road. Craaed with th problem of his wealth, he begins to throw his "possessions' to the winds in odd similarity to th hero of th American farce farther along In th west end. But in th uerman piece tne end is tragic, the owner of the "great possessions' dying at th band or, an assassin. . . Bpao xa Blank. -A queer feature of the Rossler, play too, ia the Tact that m nam or one c th charactera Is indicated on the pro- terest In this sort of thing is that Miss gram only by a blank. tier among Th ireneralbe- eople here Who take an in AIH! Is the bane of so manr lire that hare Is where we make our gnat bossi. Cur pills ear it walla ethers do not. farter's Little Liver Pills are vary small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. 1 bey ars strictly vegetable and do not grips or : purge, but by their gentle action please all Who . i rase them, U1T23 VCH&n CO., VX7 TCXX. " VCMAN A SPECIALTY MBS. 8. JC. CBAB r The only Chinese woman doctor in ' thla city. She I has cured many afflicted i sufferera. Cured v private i and female dlseasea, also j throat and lung troubles', stomach bladder and kidney I and clauses of all kinds J that' th human flesh is i heir to. Cured by Chinese i - t jiprbs and roots.. Remedies (-vtilnss. No pperationa. - Honest t.,,.ipMit. FxnminaUoa free. 263 Clay ti i . Sttrd. .. d Silva (Mrs. Harvey), who appears as , must nave pan resemDiing that of the Greek "chorus", or the French "ralsonneur." but this is only speculation, it is saia tnat i-iarvey. who begins his season, at the Adelphl with his American play, 'The Breed of the Treshama," has strong faith in "Great Possessions" and will mount It with uncommon lavishness. - The scene, however, which Is an open, square In a small Palestine ; town, remains un changed throughout. The drama Is in four acts and probably will be produced in Germany some time during July. it uiya fiicn is or an appreciative disposition, he must before this have made grateful acknowledgments to a leading English actor and actress, to both of whom he owes rather a lot These are Marie Tempest and Cyril Maude, the former of whom has made Fitch's "Truth," which was only a par tial success at home, one of the em- I phatic hits of the present season, while Uhe latter's work in "Toddles," the adap tation or Trippiepatte," wnicn ntcn made for Charles Frohman. has carried it past its three hundredth performance,! tnouan on its merits aa a Play it proo- ablv would have run about a -week. Ftnally, however, the last nights of Toddlea are announced, and when Cyril Maude reopens his new theatre. the Playhouse, in July, it will be with "The Earl of Paw tucket.'' the i comedy by Augustus Thomas which enjoyed so mucn zavor at noma. Hearty AU Americans. This production at the Playhouse will be uncommonly interesting, too, since. wita in exception or tne star, every mamnor or rne cast will ns an Amri can.- . As might b expected. ..Maude found some difficulty In finding enough transatlantic players in London to fill out the cast, but It ,: Is now complete, and with the coming . of : the Thomas play the American boom In the me tropolis will get a further impetus. At present it Is going pretty strong, though t is evidently not a aooa year lor in- eians nere. ana tne unuterts nave neen 11 advised not to try "The Hauaw Man" in London for a while. "Strong heart," In fact, will be ending Its brief run at tne Aidwvcn aoout the time this Is printed, and "The Last Of -His Race' is also - being withdrawn from Drury Lane after a career of only a fortnight. Both plays were admirably- acted, and their failure must be set, down to lack " interest her In th redskin as a xa- tonic.-- .- 'n while "Brewster's Millions" Is crowding the Hicks nightly, while "Mr. wigg ox tne caopaae fatcn" is turn ing away money at . Terry's, and an other American nit must be credited to Robert Loraine. who Is " playing John Tanner. In "Man and Superman" at th Court. Every one knew, of course; that his performance has won high praise in America, Due uranvuie Barker, wno or iginally played the part at the Court, la one of the foremost of the younger English actors and Is difficult to sur pass in any congenial role. That Lor alne's Tanner is a much better perform ance than Barker's Is, however, general ly agreed. A leading critic says: ' t Critics View. ' "Barker made John Tanner an unreal personage, chiefly -concerned with tak ing opportunities of letting off verbal fireworks; Mr. ' Loralne - contrives to make him a young man tangled In the meshes of Intellectuality. The eccen tric,, as rendered by Mr. Barker, was too absolutely an eccentric to make it seem possible that Anne should take a violent fancy to him. Aa played by Mr. Loralne, one feels that Anne is doing a great work in capturing John for a husband .and thereby helping him to escape from a passing phase which he had caught like the measles by conta gion. The gain to th piece Is consid erable, and is likely to make It more popular-than ever." In Franc the latest theatrical proj ect Is that of M. Ca tulle Mendes. the author - and .' critic,- who will - establish an open-air playhouse In the forest of St Germain, where he haa a country seat. He has had th scheme in his mind for a long time, but took ho act ive steps toward its realisation, fear ing opposition from , the municipality. Discovering however-that the forest belonged not to the municipality, but to the state, he sought and obtained the requisite permission. The model which he proposes to Imitate is an : open-air theatre in which Goethe produced some of his Plays at Weimar. It 1 to seat i,700 spectator! mA jto b .covered over . ' (Journal Special Serrtee.) Edmonton. Alta. - Juns l4.--An Im portant work Is being carried on by the Dominion government In th Canadian Northwest, concerning' rhlch people In general know. very little.' This is the building of a military road from this city to the Yukon territory. or two yeara the construction has Deen unaer On scholarship part men t, including 1 strument; also board. 1110, St. Helen's Hall, day , arid boarding sahool for girls and young ladies, Port land, Oregon. Two scholarships, includ ing noon - meals, ---i -y ., ': Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash. , i scholarship in the conservatory,, or Boys and Girls Seeking for Music, vafue ioo. C7 I var ill. as.- TT.i....u.. - gs1.M JVaa.AU. Illflflier EdUCHtlOn Start m Two scholarships. On in either college the other ; in - the music department, value 100.';, - ,- Dallas College, Dallas,. Oregon. Schol arship in either academic or college de partment, value $35 to .60. . Ttartlaftit- AMilAmv Pnrtlnntft. Ylreiron TAKE HOLD WITH VIM 5a i J."n cr year yaIu l20. " I rai as. t ca4i,T ivcru, 2 vi a-tca,aa vs "Rvn, Teople Residing in Remote Sections j Teacher of voice and singing. Lessons to in vaiu or iu. i - ( xS-MIIly Enuipmcnt is: Complete ! 'V v'vt 71 - FOR THE "TREATM2NT-OF . ij . day, and boarding ii -.' . M Race for Scholarships. (COUNTRY YOUNGSTERS; of State Quickest to , Encourage Liberal - Offer Work ' Coyer Period of Sixty Days. " MeMinnvllle, College, McMlnnvllle, J Oregon. ; Two scholarships. One In .1 . U.. .aaamIm .nil... Al,. w. . mw 1 value 1 60; one In the department of music, value , o. Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore gon. Two scholarships. One day schoi- P SJ 1 1 s. 1 fA. AILMENTS Tndav the raca began for Th Journal I arshlp in the academy or college, value way In charga of the Royal northwest I . hojrBnlDi mnA ...h .w.rfl- k which M60- n scholarahlp for a girl with 10, mounted police. ' "c. " P: Ztl im JIT,. monln" Instruction In music: board. From Edmonton to Atiin. tnis 10ns - -1 room, tc, in wernca iian, iiao. trail of 1.000 miles lies through a re-1 for themselves the blessings of self-1 ;, t..iMn laasrati XTaamrKaas-a flraa-nn Ana I m gion but little civilised. .It, is nol : a ma(j, education. Aa result of adver-1 scholarship in either college or academy ij wide road only eight feet. At regu- ... I ....i.J - ..hnni 1;J 1.. .,.ni. niiu maii in usemenis DnnKa lasi wees, iiibi wt ' -' 1 ...... . - , , ... , 1. T 4 houses are erected. - 1 he construction numerous entries. bo far nominees are 1 . oijrer. uno, run Much, of th dellcat equipment of my of fice and hospital IS specially constructed to meet th requirements' of . my distinctive methods of treatment, which Involves th f scientific application of every curable Influ ence known to be helpful In treating th . class of diseases I cure. I have stopped at no expense that could add to th efficiency of my work or th com fort of "my patients. There Is no other equal-- . - d-ai.l. vas V a m. at man " j lCCLeaaLu3bpCC12USI m.n'a aliments In th Paclflo Northwest !i y ee is ; n DR. TAYIOR party last fall reached Fort Graham, ,-nerallv on rural letter routes and In I IInd; Or'fon On scholarahlp rood for wher they wintered. Another party of I nri'r on rural letter routes ana in 7, nouf instruction In drawing, oil workmen will puah th work this sum-1 mall towns throughout the state. There 1 0r water color painting, or pastel. I been at least on nomination maa 1 , -.'Holmes " Buslmaa.collegA-X'ortlaiid, f! aWnt cura will 1 everr countv of. Oregon.-But -with 1 Oregon. Four scholarships: on com- S3 Urg population ther. are only tour 5h? ?VnylZ?&.0.: 1 ' SDCCillc BloOfJ Po'lSOI. mr from Atlln until th two forces I ha been at least on nomination made meet, which they hope-to do beror win-1 n er. ONLY In Any Uncomplicated Case VUllBUItat Ifll Mini SS VI V .avv Va..- . w. . , . iintai a Vaii gvBtffi nlam Imnllrlt rAnfldAnr In What I tAU TOU. Rand if I accept your caae you can taaaured that completa and Pr- You Can Pay When Cured af- f M Ths two "front doors to Klondike now I its He In the United States territory or Alaaka. Should trouble arise between England and th United States, th Yu- nominauons ror in city or i-oruano. ,htD one year Jlft0: cholc of, either such a difficulty. AT THE THEATRES I 11 11 cnllere. II in on of the technical schools a ssoci-1 Portland, Oregon. Four scholarships I II a lea wun in journal in mis cuuimi 1 ror l montns - co Surely . ther ar more than ,- four I commercial or shorthand scholarships. IB' I .... . . . I .1. t a fi 1. kon -territory would be cut off. Theiy?u"g W ' " .5 :I?tt ? 'Z:.. - mi... ,na A 1. ini.iMid to . nravant I use lo eoucai memseives in musiu, in 1 ' th classics, in a commercial course, or I Behnke Walker . Business enterprise. WtU Mail Bolpt Books. combined course, value H one scholarship for I months' com- II r- IS 1100 blned cours vaiu $85; one scholar A statement of th. sumption' it,- S m,.t mi., aiinwaa fnr auhsnrin. I ns scholarship . f or months either H iraa valila ISA I m llmi, f Hlfferant .narlfvla waa nrlntea I mw. i nt.' JaImhv rnm M.Hhlnff irnnui in The flundav Journal. Receipt books I Baker City .'Business college. Baker III ....... ...... B .-;,..-.: ........ n..n. , h.iai.m. rA 1 .1 . 1 A Vl wliaj US" VI ' ivdmhvs vstuuv ya jr t v vvim Muuwtaii aaag q vui vi vmw fw n oan x ranciacv vy-r. wwuy." i aen out until tomorrow or Wednesday. 1 year in shorthand, commercial. Ens- 11 Will begin the last week of Its engage- as ther is delay in getting them from lish. '' advertising . and . penmanship If ment at the Marquam tonight with th Job printer. Th rcelpt books will courses, vaiu l60. , ..', ll "When Johnny Comes Marching Home." be mailed out In such a way as to reach - International Correspondence Schools i The opera waa reserved for 4he last, all contestants on the same day, so that of Bcranton. Pa., Portland agency. Two '! rn. 11 1 m rnniinnrmi ins oesc ann mm " " - ' .. . uii. iriMni tiii. r iinn tuitinn in I spectacular in th company's repertoire, this 0-day race for an education. . of th- numaroua or helpful H All T LrSI BVII till la (. IA IU VUIS VIMItv-V. ......aa .A-sa. 1aa-.a-a tM . . a I M on account of himself or herself, or on 1 l.'Zlz A."" si alona' My treatment is oHainal: account of a friend, should call on or "'.7? -... "1" u:"' iK'JK":"'; M In som features it resembles the address th contest manager, Th Oi-l Ta " " I II ordinary. In tta chief eaaenUaJs It gon Journal, Portland, Oregon, who will I TV" - ' I II ' Is different. In results It Is en I cur this leprous disease com pletely. The system Is thoroughly cleanaed and every polsonoua taint removed. The last symptom van ishes to appear no more, and all is 'acoompllahed by the use of harm leas, . blood-cleansing remedies, . Contracted Disorders Large crowds are looked for . at every performance. - t. -yne unanty urse." I have reduced th tim required for curing . contracted disorders shout on half. This Is sn Import ant achievement. It replacea dan ger with ' aafety. . It forestalls chronic complications. It removes th Infection and Inflammation be fore that vital center, the prostate gland, can becom Involved. - To many men It means th difference between perfect heslth and a life time - of , misery - and functional weakness. My . method Is mine ait th wnrM invea a lover, and all explain the plan for earning a year's I ' International Conservatory or Musle, 1 . .111 " I Z -Th. schooling by gathering subscriptions for C. E. Sands, manager. Paclflo coast dl lover will want to ae Th Charity , J 5Ilrln Jtm gu school I vision. Portland. Oregon. Thre schol Nurse." which the stock company at th I Jarratlon. I arshlps: th winners to hav their Star theatre presents this week, com-l .,,. .., m-1aM'-M,i' tTU';;' ' I choice of any of th flv different If mencing tonight. There will Considers Xerself Tortunate. ra tne 1 , - ' usual matinees xuesaay, xnursaay, j jiiiiii nirn, on. o inu; namely, piano, organ, violin, mandolin II Saturday and Sunday, Th Charity conteatants laat year. . eonsldera. hrslf I tvuMi acholarahlps Include sheet II Nurse" Is a new melodrama which baa fortunate in having; participated in tha I mual0 M instructions and th stringed II not been olavtMi before in th west. I battle for subscription ballots, She I ,..,' .,-1-, ,,., is a si v uiuuii aava. a a as iubvu . aaaaa a uiuutit 1 r :. , -. -.- -- II irlotJ also declares that she found "Th Jour nal ready and willing to assist In what ever and wherever it couia, ana aia ail. night, where th Allen stock company will ooen In "A Wicked Woman." a widely discussed society problem play. All members of the company- will be seen in strong roles. . Beautiful costumes courses ar selected. urKQn expert coti-sre. roruami. urw gon. One scholarship Tn telegraphy and I 1 ll San Francisco earthquake, came to Portland Easiness college, Portland, I M Portland about the time the scholarship I Oregon. A. P. Armatrona. nrinelnai. I II Contest waa to open. Sh read th an-1 Four acholarahlps. as follows: On for II g IK A 14' tirely different- It Is safe, prompt and thorough. , - . . v . , ' ; ICy snocsss la IHnnanaiitly Our lng That . CondlUoa Com only Knows, as "Weakness" rally Sem eastratss tha Absolut Correctness of Xy KtHod of Traatmaat. ; -- .f,-. :...... Stricture Surgery Is not only harsh, pain ful and dangerous, but Is entirely unnecessary In th treatment of stricture. I' employ a painless method by which th obstructing tissue is dissolved and all the membranes of th organs involved thoroughly cleansed and ' restored ' to a .healthy state.- Vericoccla ; Th perfection of my method of curing varicocele Is no less than a marvelous achievement,, and af fords -a striking example of th wonderful . posslbilitlea of . mild and gentle forms of treatment Equally forcible. It demonstrates th folly of resorting to surgery. In th treatment of - this disease. I cure . varicocele -In one week, without cutting or pain, and sel 'dom Is It necessary to detain the patient a single, day from his busi ness. A cure is a certainty In each Instance, normal circulation is re stored, and the natural processes of wast and repair art again es tablished throughout tn organio , ."A Wicked Woman" at Lyric Urtaa mtas aarrt 11 sm t 4 Visa T.wflit A. I ! nnfl mnra hsrt if nmm.flftjV ta An" vnvj vv aa v v r --w ww I "T. " Z I r.j.i. -!. St a aa .aitn. as one or tne rerureea 01 nw i i-wuuin. tww. The Dr vstem. Why auf f er varicocele and endanger your health and manly power T Z offer you a radical our, and ray treatment la Independent of th harsh, painful and -dangerous features that characterise tb methods usually mployed. Co 83H KOaUtXBOV BniXXT, COaUTEB BXCOaTS, VOBTZJUTO, OXZOrOV. he Journal as to th lis months In combined course, vaiu c ------- scholarships. It was up to her to $100; on for months In combined Premier Impersonator, of tha contestants. Tha family with whom aha stnn. Fulgora. the premier Impersonator. I Dlng took an Interest in her ambitions has an extensive repertoire or nistoncai ana neipea nor in every way wiey couio. characters at th Grand. Tha Iceman" Friends gathered around her aa if by Is the title of the principal sketch on marie, -as Is always .the case when th program. Cook and Clinton are x- young: men and women ahow the world nerts with th rifle. 1 Mr. and Mra.-Swl- that they ar-ambitious to . advance rarn n,vi an aninin muaiuai avL. - aim I uivii BUTUh VrA Ruaaaii Ansa av monolosruav i ;. v I Th letter which Miss Harris writes contains points wan n considering lor ,..! ir.. . ih n.W linos mieresiea in 1 ns Mournai s con "r" - 1 test anternris. It rouows: There are to be several special events a rTi rxttas rMa. Qt VILHm mis wrea in .uumua ,u nouncement , .. ,J11 .. A , , , , T) liVV lUUUl.I.IUpifc . V " 11)1 W v I r-rV n ghtVith uual matinees. I !akli,erv?w.11 Jl'JJ "-TA"-. .5 cours. vaiu flS; on. for g month. In . . . . , . 1 iiaa wm ""n,7 Km. in rioomoinea course, vaiu 110; on ror II an appnea ipr aamusion o tn raaaa 1 months in shorthand or business courss. I ii 11 11 11 t 11 11 u 170; on for tb regular attractions ana amusemeni T,,ir Jm Th. n, ,,. jl" rn.i.Tr, features . One of th most - nover will J"iSV ",7lr th? rtLHni Xin. be school children's day. when souvenirs &lnf ,5?fk Ll in whfh r will be presented to every boy and girl test of la ist year. In which I waa tortu- grounaa i - - " . , ; ei so placed a. to be abl. to work In BEAUTY QUEST WINNER - - aa ' I 1 Al NOT FATHERLESS GIRL that con teat and subsequently to . win a scholarship. "Although tne work Drought its nara- ana unpleasant leaturea, mere were so many more pleasant and profit able ones,, tnat one tost sight or taose Tn statins- tha winners of The JOur-. "?tweM unpleasant - - ' nal's beauty quest yesterday., th aa- ,An6 olnB among veopit, ana ao. sUoa was mads that Mis. Parish, win- "c HtaB r&fi -- t ,ha thi-,1 nrica hat a widowed 1 must intrude one. .elf Into the homes . V mut- M wa . u,a Ln 1 Knn UUH11IBBI UIMJC. UL ish hi.' ; iSilng fathsr-r her parent, ar time, total stranger., and ndeavo, to happy and well-to-do, ana sne is not muuwn.. "V i" '"" "-'"- obliged to work, but Is devoted to her wish them to do, would naturally have art work. In wh ch she has becom very a tendency to aiv a young person con- tnrnficienL fldence and self reliance, such as he For tha oast three years Miss Parish could acquire in no acnooi. - . - has been employed by E. W. Moore, th "In soliciting I met wits some rew photographer, ana nas wm nr -p-r- -- time to B.uaying vu, wbu muu, wa.. I "Si !. -!. 7a J 1-V. ror what The journal was aoing zor ! tn young people in ine coniesi.. "And to those .wno so amaiy gave me S V. a! w a aval air St M -h I Tt IAVlk inatsnASS In. fcll-ll pnaiBVUuuo. - pwii v ihdimiivs sis convenlenclng themselves to perform a k ninii in ma 1 nwa a nem vnai i mn T u.n(a. 1im tA I n tn . n n,Tnv r . than I. mr vn u 1U VUUUUIC nuciv, uotc 117 v.i.w. ...... w JT is the national beTerage, color work. W .... W 2 at tlia '. Mf.A-a i I future time aid somd on in a similar there is Macticallynodrunk- potSnd Th ' joumar-always" read position ennesa. for beer contains a i and wlllina- to assist in' whatever an small percentage of alcohol whenever iv could, and did all if not .. i r v , I more than it promised to do. BJia IS -ICO U -OOa VSlUeS. I ... -, . mnrZ than nleaaan with tha t I school or my cnoice. ana nope to iinisn vxt3 ' , J by the first of October, but .wish to gq bsck to night school to take up several branches mat i cannot una tim . to TTk. P.V. PiAfD.. I take nn now, r .. !,, I i ne insiructors are nuie anu eincieni. f??'rtn4?. r rC??B n,"lcea and I feel that when I leave the Behnkei raoBi xiue mooon ceer walker business college i win be both the most ' heKlthful beer eapabl and competent to i f HI a po,i- hrwwert thA hrr ' rlchont tion as It should b filled. Thanking Drewea uie peer ricnesc . iiminMiu r am, r, in Actual food values. The Pabst Brewing Pro cess reduces the percentage of alcohol to less than 8J while making the beer abso lutely pure, nealthful, and strengthening. ' - Cbarles Kohn ft Co., ' , Cor. rd & Pine Sts., Portltind. Phone .Main 460. , ruly, EDITK HARRIS." THE SCHOLARSHIPS 1 So far as at present mad up, th scholarships to be awarded at th en4 of the contest ar presented below,'-. More schools may be added as the contest progresses and the num ber of determined contestants mul tiply. - , ' Hill Military Academy for boys, Port land,, Oregon. x Two scholarships; on ' scholarship with board, room, tuition, laundry and other Items amounting to 1600. Another value. ISO.' -' Rose City Business college, Portland, vregon. two scholarships; one -combined oours for on school year, vaiu 0: on I months' oours In shorthand or bookkeeping, so. Capital Business college, Salem, Or-1 gon. On scholarship good . for 1 0 1 months' tuition In either department,' yaiuf sivv. i f . : Oregon Conservatory of Mu.lo, Port-I lana, Oregon. instruction in any de partment, -vaiu , iiuu. Eugene Business college. Eugene. Ore gon. On scholarship In commercial or I stenograpnio course, vaiu ioo. Western Academy of Music, Elocu tion and Dram atlo Art. W. M. Rasmus. principal. Portland, Oregon. On schol arship in cholc of vocal, piano, violin, j manuosin, elocution, oratory ana aram atlo art, value 1200. '., Holmes-Flanders Private school. Fort- i land. One scholarship good ' for. on yars i spaciai university preparation, one 'year's normal course, or practical English course for on and on half I years, valued at ifi0. Oregon Law college. Commonwealth building, Portland, Oregon. - Scholar-1 ship in the first two year, of the course, vaiu iou. RAPID RISE If! PHIIU Insurance Security i. Goes' Up Two Hundred Dollars . . a Share. ; ''-. - " (Jooraai Special , Berries.) , New York, Jun 14. There has been quit a stir' in ' Newark, New Jersey, over th big Jump - Prudential Insurance company stock has taken during th last week, it having risen from 1400 to 1600 a share, an advance of 1200 a share In six days. -It Is said that two New York lawyers hav been getting options on large blocks or stock, and) tnat the rise was uue to tnat ract I Just what la back of the attemnt to fret tioia or tne stocx is not known, nut t is thought by some that it may be th forerunner or legal action, tnat mav be brought to compel the company to distribute some of its - vast surplus among stocknoiaers insteaa - or . stick ing to the annual 10 per cent divi dend. The officers of th company say they know nothing about th caus of tn rise in tne snares. Metsrer fits your "yes for 11. 141 Washington street, corner Seventh, formerly at 111 Sixth street weCureMen Slaw OUR FEE , See Us First and You Will . Not Have So Many Doc-; tors Fees to Pay ' Orel w advio free) yo wDl ka sattsfled with out thorougk era Ination of yons case, . . aTZXT novas rmrxxxso aro rAXB-i XOPXB X-LO OUT. f;1 ff.lt1!aa Our cur for weak men stops every drain, nCrVO-Villi UZZUlly 0t vigor and builds up the mueoular and nervous system, purifies and enriches th blood, cleanses and heals th " bladder and kidneys, invigorates the liver, revives th spirits and bright ens the intellect -. -.,,.' ' - ..., .... "-:;-..-n Af DIGICOM Our special form of treatment for blood pot lil,JJU rVlOvin BOn u th result of a-Ufa work, .and Is In dorsed by th best physicians of this and foreign countries. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of any kind. - It goes to th' - very bottom of the diseas and forces out every particle of Impurity. Th blood, th tissues, the flesh, the bones and the whole system ar 'cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health. . -. '-.- C.trtrrto "Jour cur dissolves the stricture completely: and removes dlilbiui u every obstruction from the urinary -passage, allays all : Inflammation, stops every unnatural discharge, reduces the prostate' gland cleanses and heal the bladder and kidneys. Invigorates health and soundness t every part of th body affected by th disease. VKtAtiiV nfPce W solicit th most stubborn and long-standing VrfliruHlt uefide9 cases, because it has been our auccess in cur ing wher others hav failed that has gained us our reputation. Our effort Is to effect a cure which shall be immediately beneficial, and last- . lng for th remainder of your life. 1 Many men incur diseases peculiar to tneir sex tnrougn taca or education upon in suDject. we ar able to help you regain your powers and retain them. We charge you nothing ' for the' advice, only for .the. cur. -:,v ,v- -v--,. v , - , 7arlrrtrpfn When neglected "varicocele undermines the strenth. V (livuvci9 ,H: derangai th functions, racks th nervous system and often produces an obliteration of th vital powers. We cure the most aggravated cases of Varicocele without pain. Buffering or inconvenience. Not only do w give Internal constitutional remedies, but we also employ. ' a local treatment which restores the perfect circulation of th blood and regenerates the secretions, while the glands are enlarged and vigor and vitality are renewed. You will acquire from this curs a sense of well being which accompanies good, healthy and robust manhood. I- . CONSULTATION ; PRt3t3 . WRITE If you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confldentialjtnd j all Teplles sent in plain envelopes: - HOURS I a. m. to S p. m.; Evenings,' 7 to S:S0; Sunday, I a. m. to sll noon. , , f y i' ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY CORXTSa BECO-TO AITD TABO-ZX-f BTZtSSTS, PO-t-XA-TZi, OBSOOV. V NOMINATE A FAVORITE Or several. If you like. If you nominate more than one, select your nominees irom ainerent localities. , Cut This Out and V a to TU JOTJSVAZn WOBIXAZT 9, OBi 'it Ouoe, ii 'ii 1 " " " VstlELQsV'S ; c:3T::::3 syhu?: bss been used byWHlkmS of Hoth-r for their ' , i oliildron wsile Tee thins for over Fifty years, i , i It aooiae tbe eta ltd, softens tbs gams, allari i . i all pain, enras wlud eouo, aad Is th beat i . 1 1 (emeily rordiarrfaraa. i' ' 1 "TWEMTyjriTgi cggTS A Born.U i 1 Town., ...,...;.,,..,Dat ,., twtssnxMM oajsooir JOTnufAX roBTivairzi, obsoobt, I nominate the following as suitable to enter your contest for scholarships AGS A2DXXSS STam of Bokool or Colieg Waatsd. f Any vounr person between the ages of 10 and SO having good character Is eligible to enter this contest.; N ,., Nomination Mad by. .Whose Permanent Address is................. .............. Whose Telephone -(if any) is. pSaiM ia i at .a ,ai,a.aa.Sa,atia. I HWW.IHI.M' pMwmwnmtwwtwiwwwwMawjB- P , II .r "imB HI WB I IJ- ! -ISKSSSSS-. ffomeDecoralino r , Is not a difficult matter when you '.i:y'7j'; - us i: i:.;friit i v'.u 11 HOR-LAC f TtlC Antral as niAnn -tTvoivr 1U- VniCltlHIi llVUaf I11.I3U jSJ .uiuiii.uvii , tuuav uuiaui. 111" nlshv and Stains for Interior Wood Work, Floors, Furniture, etc." THE EIC PAINT STOUE I Fisher, Thorsen S Co. FRONT AND MORRISON STS. FOR WOMEN OHLY - -, - - - .-.( - Dr. Btoderson's Oomposnl Bsvl sod Cotton Boot Pills. The beat and only reliable lamedy tar LlS l.lTED PEKlOUS. Cars ths mo.1 - " AK..IM... MM M I. 1 I. IA I... Frio per bos. milled la slala wrapper. Address Pr. T. J. dSKOB, 111 flrft strsst, festlaad, Oregon. V ; ; ; . . ,