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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1907)
A XTJu J V U JXiN XXi actively engaged In encouraging beet AKKDKrEWKNT newspaper. ' BUgar production, by conducting ex- C S. Jacaean. .pnbiuhgf perlmentg and furnishing Informa tion. There are how . seven states poratlon to let loose of, . those lands count bill, as a recount would quite or as far as possible at this late day I likely jshow that he was not elected live up to its contract. They have to the office he holds. He may hang not only a. legal right but the. high est kind of a moral right to make this attempt, and to transact the necessary, formalities with the off 1- PiMUM every evening ecept Sandaj'V.ana! 'mS.SaTuiVtri. tundr". with two or more beet sugar fac-j tatered .t .h. poffk .t Portland, or., for hor,e" and nine with one. , The tr.miatoa turaocb tta mails u Mcond-eiim j greatest, yields are on the Irrigated cers of the corporation. "' "" ' ;, ' " 1 lqnds of Colorado and Utah. One) The treatment tneir attorneys re- aii department! reached tr thia namir. Tn successful factory is .hear .'Chicago, celved therefore shows that the COr- tfae operator the department jrea want. ,1-nnnHfid With hflnrfl n-rAwn thr nn I nomftnn. frr Ui SA-ndt vaam' . i - - - - i on to the office, but he will have to forego' the honor that should . go with It. . t - ' State Comment on ,o Mayor the Reelection Lane Small Cna'ngt: Th man I Hverjr man, . goods the de FOREIGN ADVERTISING REPRK8ENTAT1VH U.ik .....J I.-.., Vreelaad BenTamln Special Adrerttolmt ' " . X" toe reaucuon or Krait.wlrk Build Inr. 225 Fifth arena. Mew ' Y"r'? Trtoune BBlhllng. Ultra icq. , . Subeerlptlon Term by mail to any address in the telle States. Canada or Mexico. , ,.,,..' DAILY. One ear......... 15 Oil I On Booth...,. ..f .SO SUNDAY. On rear......... $2. SO I One month.,.....! .39 . ,. DAILY AND SUNDAY. - One year......... 7. JO ( One month.. .....S SB fiance of law is disposed to add In the duty on I suit to Injury, ' ? V Cuban sugar did the beet sugar ln- , If the power to do hard work Is not talent, it is the , best possible substitute for it James A. Garfield, v - t , ; A Cleaner City. : From the Weston Leader. Occasional visitors to Portland who so "a-s)ummlng" have marked the faot that the Mr town is cleaner morally un der Mayor Lane's administration than ever ; before In 'their recollection.- In beiialf of decency and law and order ana ail tnat make lor honest govern ment, the reat of the etate hopes that roruana win continue in trie right way, Partisan politics has nothlnar ' to do with the Issue. The eonfllct Is between the powers that purify and the powers that tirev. :;0;'Q::-'A: Partisan Wail. " 1 From the Albany Herald (Rep.).' ',: Because of the pecallar issues ; in volved, tne interior naa been interested In the Portland election. The minority party has again won. s The work of Dr. The 'production among theso opportunist sUtesmen ',0- I am enjoying a rose fiesta, "hM Swe?mor- "veer. Hf AS A Letters From tne People . Suggestions by a Mesengcr Boy. Portland, June To the Editor of the Journal For two months I have been scampering ver the city of Port land fronj Clackamas 'to St: Johns and smk af Aa.4Mltl. a.a.M..d sa.A.d. t AVa N INCREASING number of "'-.l- " , B. leading Republicans are com-1 some people seems to be rather a queer Ing out more or less decisively occupation for one of my .age;, but let for tariff rvlloB-f.n nt mm assure you nai toe wages were TARIFF REVISION. O PORTLAND Is going to close , up saloons on Sunday, accord ing to the announcement of the district attorney and sheriff. . Well, such is the law, and the offi cers' sworn duty is to enforce the law, S dustry no harm, nor would free sugar from the Philippines. The to- j tal cane sugar product of Cuba and the Philippines is Insignificant as compared with the beet sugar prod net of Enrone. The beet suc&r in- dustry of this country can take care year, but in 1909. or later, some e? L ccuVed "ta 7 " I . . la.IS ' . . aa - . - .1'. - l r , -r - w ,sr 01 Hseu, wn a revenue, amy. on ume. me belief, is spreading day after day in some dingy Uttle, of European sugar. or rather a feast of .roses, every day, I often wish I were capable of describ ing the ' beautiful - sights and - scenes about the city : at this time, but . my object in writing these few lines is to tell you of a few things that J would like to see. First. 1 would like to see a wood yard on Portia mt HeUhts and S WOOd hoisted un thara hw alaytrlM are. or ' mir h. In - fni nt mm, I fiat care instead of horse power as now. ORSELET, alias Orchard, has measure of tariff revision -merely these poor dumb animals struggling up told a horrible tale of whole- u a matter of policy. 7 V , ,.4 I , I i , s va warns amnut w v. saje murder for paltry pay. A great deal of this talk Is en- " ,".b.,?n?1 "..Jnuch fler iiiieu m uui siiKut consiaerauon. I expense, i wouia also like to ee team west of the Mississippi last year was that-a strong tide of popular senti sufficient to supply all the sugar ment In favor of tariff reform Is used In this region, and leave a large setting in, despite great present CLOSED SALOONS ON SUNDAY. surplus for shipment east I prosperity, and they are yielding more or less from their standpat .-lll Jl a a . W . 111 HORSELEY S EVIDENCE. r .MwwUe lUc7 , tu, woo H Some people say it Is Jncred- The probability that these ' Officers AllM .tf n . u tni.m - ..i ter compelled to shorten their inside . i . . .. 1 auvu 1 -rw m .uu..vv.. . oouvini uouu eneCK Jl tunlties to grow a gubernatorial boom, The Democratic party has never been scrupulous In methods.. , It was not la this Portland election.' As usual, the dust was cast In the eyee of the people dt . me iwmocrauo managers, wno shrewdly threw It in the right direction to fetch their purposes. The same suo cessrui -non-partisan" cry was raised. The Republican party In Oregon has been in at the death, already, of too many good men. It was to be honed that Portland would not furnish another example, kv y, v., ' (V-. .,',, l 'The Machine Basted.' '- From the Pendleton East-Oregonlan. By the token of Harry Lane's reeleo- took this move in order to t" crimes; but )n saying so they seem to of sentiment that the politicians be- cKr Wv" Oregon to Wi,v. that the back ws wiwviiiiie suae v s vaavaa i vhiiu machine leaders rake up enough fury to whip the voters Into line any more? Are the dictatorial mandates of the no control hatnvr Avar I TY,m n,mV I Aa rn lh. nnlltiM.n. . wn piu u mucn naraer v I v vi i un inn team, aa wen as taking ' up Hill and Sullivan mine wa$ blown to be trusted to do anytMhg more Kf?.1-SeKLiSIe-,2ti2.2i-.?V"JLa,r; I Brenie Bairwrsi. tbe jacic" Meitthowsi.' th 2 up; the independence depot .was than they think they must do to fSafh?t ! is vtn- .-j i .ni j. h..Im.Im .i. i . i mn i yeeteraay i actually saw a wagon I ..--. .v.... .um. .k.... viunu uiu ii uioa sir Kiiiea; uiuhiiu mcuinciTea la uuice, lueitf like action by the mayor may serve I , ... ' v . I . iV ... . i?ni?.1! "'U ana in crowded place i luiKBL lual Liissi wzi i iTi vnri niivniin i kiu lu aBHss s ri eaj w win linn i rrRiiiBT l ri i A i i. iita anvflr nnm it, uiuiu.a iueir auufss, uui utie. aT floubt comm,tte4; not aueci ine merits oi ine .case. Sunday closing of saloons seems be growing in popular favor, and enrorcea in a, consiaeraoie numoer th. Vlet0p , hl- . Dr(.rir to tn. tM. tn. tn lat it would be well to have some reguia of towns. It is aDDroved not only '. 7. . . .. . . ... . !'on about .some. smaU matters. by churchgolng , people, but by a great many others who nave regard for the Christian rest day, and also tor me law. neea noi oe ia any ,ey iav , u commltM all the, , tarlff reTi8ion but they'will be slow more tnat such a C"'611- crimes, and that certain others were to .go into particulars and tell the VTT ' !! J 1 -7' t Pcated with him in them. If his people Just how they want the tariff auu buab wiku wv ioij ai b avuiuuuv of trouble. Saloon-keepers, like w " "f waess) vti asw a. wuiia arch spellbinders to have no successors in uregon poll tics t , ' ; uy, nave tne piain peepie come DO DO- Really. have the into p lleved jowerT plain peopli is It truer Can It J-..." ' I Many a married man Is a silent, un. discovered hero. , . . . .' . . .... ' , V . ' f ' i " . Every vear a lot of men discover that polulos doesn t pay. ' ... ' A Victory for Decency, The election for mayor In Portland on Monday was not a. battle between the parties. In faot politlos out very Utile figure. It . was merely 'a contest be tween the candidates and the principles which they represented, and It was a victory for ' decency. It showed that the people Of Portland or -at least a I Weekly, the "we. Having thawed nut hark east, the scorching season is at hand. 1 - ' ' 1 ' ;"-! ' '- . ' tj ' . Will the Wtlla'matt nil.. .1.. h.n to send for that rain maker T v ' ; ....-.,.', !; e e .- It looks SB if It wirt mint hfa come the Standard Oil corporation. ( majority of them, want what Is termed I used lu an a "closed towa" They have learned I .,-,. f , . K prosperity of any city, and so expressed themselves by tneir votes cast on M Hay. . Reelection of ilan.1 , " From the Eugene Guard. The reelection of i Mayor Lane in Portland emphasises the fact thai old party lines have teen broken down In I "We want a new party." says Harper's It la supposed, being Oregon, aa elsewhere, and that men are at lest thinking lor themselves and vot-. ing independently ef the party bosses. It is an enoouraglnr sign of - the times that a man like Harry Lane Is able to go before, the people purely on his record as an official and win an election against four to one odds, or even greater, since an element of nia own party was seeking his defeat Such a resultfserves as an Incentive to other publie servants to do the light thing: to stand for lioneat government and publio decency. . . . one triing at last is certain insi tne people are aemanamg ciean oinciais and decent - government. After being robbed and oppressed by the men who should have been their servants the masses have awakened to a sense of j their power to have better laws and a square deal if they' but will It so. and they are no longer willing to be robbed and browbeaten by those whom they hsve elevated to power. turned. The worm has i editorial sense. e . e ..,:!,,'.', ".'. 'a Judge Oray , of Delaware may go down In history as the man at the head v wo e.Bo menuonea ciaas, , shout women . being equal to men in r iniana, out mey are a -rood deal mote, then that now io this country. . ., otx woman maaes a business or ivscning . etioueue to doss. Th a. must be a. eood daal naiar , 4nh h.n teacning real politeness to the society people of that town. , , --k, !- ' " '. : ' : ' r '; m " v .... ' ',(' ' Professor Barknees" author of ' Latin and vreea grammars, la dead, and many men .already in the sere and yellow leaf have outgrown the hatred they had win won uuys. L A'"aburf man alleges that he was Swindled out of a large e mount ' of money by Larry Sullivan, and there are plenty of people, in Portland who wouldn't swear positively that it Isn't SO. .. ' .'"-;' .......;.'..; ' ' ,v ..-'-v' ' je - v. ''.;! :! v T'V,P,rrn tlrls are disgusted with bothThlcago end New Torii and here after will be ready to ifflrtn that there are no towns In the country equal to the ones they and their best fellows live in. . , .:,''. . .-v . ".'. ';. ' e e.. -;- some - railroad 4- magnates - Iiave learned ' something during recent years, and are going to obey the law Just as soon as they know that they have ttj do so. And we suspect that some of them will be glad to close on Siadsys If all are compelled to do so, and that bartenders will sot object to a Sunday holiday, L - How far laws should attempt to compel all people to observe Sunday Is a Question upon which food peo ple will always disagree. Few peo- rious people were murdered at dlf- It overwhelm them, but with a good If oni of the parents of the little ferent times and places) and finally many of them it will be found that So3t iwk "some ofthem ex-Qovernor Steunenberg was dyiia- they are only sham tariff reformers. 210m tmu'th1.1?. mlted to death at his home. Horse- They will say they are. In favor of uk. u kln? of chances with teams ana cars, it roajtea one mat cares shudder to wstch them. - Vote for better conditions In all things. A MESSENGER BOT. P. a Would like to see the Western Union occupying more commodious quarters, as tnose now In use at the corner of Third and Stsrk streets are disgrace to so wealthy a company. Language of Gowns Training Ckildrcn's evidence can be corroborated so as revised. to render his story true beyond aj Revision is not necessarily re- reasonable doubt, then no good citt- form. There may be revision of the sen . of whatever class should wish tariff that will be quite satisfactory for the guilty to escape punishment, to the trusts and that will , do the But if, as the defense will probably people no appreciable good. . We Interesting Historical' Event Klamath Falls, June S To the Edi tor of the Journal I herein send you a bit of the unwritten history of James From the London Express. To be emotional in Hyde park aflO o'clock a. m. is bad form. At Ascot in the afternoon, a little persuasive charm or tremulous sweetness is allowable, while in a restaurant or at a ball .a pink striped voile may signify.' "Come to my garden and my heart" This is the latest decree of. Mme, Lu cille regarding -emotional- gowns.- oices . . . By Ella Wheeler Wllcog. (CoprrlgfaV 190T. by Amerkaa-JoarBal-IiamlDer) Not long ago it was my privilege to listen to the private reading ef a very Interesting lecture prepared , by that brilliant young American author, Mr. John Barry. .-. ; . ..'.- - The lecture was n the lmportanoe of correct clean and clear speaking. ' Not attempt to show, Horseley Is a paid suspect there are a good many tariff I town. Virginia, wnicn i have from my bona. They gathered to study a "Sun L A crowd of smart women assembled yesterday afternoon In Luclle's per- Bubllo addressee, but in dally eon. venation.' -:. .-' ,, r'. r, fumed rooms, which were decorated with pink apple-blossom and tllao rib- chief aetftr In In nlrnnHt lninlhla I revlalnnlsfs nt this nrt nnlltlrlnna I gwst-grandfather. conspiracy to lay these crimes un- who are still playing the bid game whetne'SrSh'S.? So-Z Justly and falsely on the officers of of fooling a majority of the people ing the river at that place. General the Western Federation , of Miners, all the time. But when revision is wst" and General Lafayette under , ' I I ..... i . . . i aonces. a v, then no punishment Is too severe for once undertaken, it it ever is, these J: " . f T . " ' . worn- At lo o'clock, in Hyde park.. the ,t.; . ... . I. vl : . . . . .e mam uuuy 01 me army naa I mauve neck cotton loin we Kuusyuanurs. .. ; The case hinges on this: .Can the leilOWB Will DC SmOKea OUl. lor not vet naaaad ov there will be real, genuine tariff ' The patriot army marched to the at- reformera In congress and In many tack on parallel roads. General Wayne editorial sanctums. ' . f . S!: f?'f! to UsUnM. column w nw. n, wum ti niere oviorf tne time for the combined attack,: He dial of Emotions.' Luolle'e gowns have always expressed sorrow, Joy, love, or hatred, but now these emotions must be regulated by the hour tf day. , At 9 o'clock, over "morning confi dences," a pink or blue; wrapper may be At in n'nlruilr Ift HvHa narlr lh. ioum tne mam tody of . the array bad mauve fleck ; cotton toilette or blue strioe voile is correct. An atternoon at Ascot allows - t A at an aa nAAnf a.tI il.nAA n9 ... .1. .. pie desire to revert to' a PuriUn , - y,. vu Sunday and laws that do not allow conspiracy sufficient to raisea r,ea- wide latitude of Arty will not rb,,4oiMf truth of be enforced; but open saloona on Horseley . corroborated storyT The .tn th i-neWe f th. etstnt. corroboraHfe evidence on the ..part. Is "'commonly called the Lord's day? of prosecution, and still more the expiration of . the renerable sen- "tr"tef nd m9i ifayetle. who .'aid ators present term. Th governor God does this meanr Wayne, j relies largely upon his attitude for fboVtTr.'ritJsl, flAvarnnr rntnmlna fa l.vln. hi. fc,"?.'."?4 "'i". i"" "IC " Weeping 1... . .... t a.., lit, . -. I As SOOn as they hnd tlmi In rallw I Vtoue sum-vou DcuiA.r auwu M hm. too h oT..- C-rrr.i- " iiBuw, IfHU UeatBi Vaa sern rather incongruous and are to th VJS?? of d!fenBe " UM present term. The governor GTds hYsmeW 'VaVneo'k.' m.nv ftffensiv. - Brides: aa the din. ucI vianc as - en hntd at, reiies largely upon his attitude for 11. 'ii-.!TL0.rtiill!!h bl00 ; V I will Mfietltntai ahnnt th. M . " " . " ... I .....i. " - S'VLVEr?" Pf. rjusn gren trict attorney has Just discovered, - - several years as a larm reiormer, in .vo.YJ. 7 a' ten der note to creep into the wardrobe. A shot silk signifies 'the lilt of ' re membered years." - - After the races a dinner partaken at one of the smartest restaurants may be suggested. In this ease a careful choloe or gown must oe maae. j The girt who will ay good-bye for a, time, must allow her brown cQirion robe to sigh "Always remember" across the table. The band might be responsible 1 fnf . nm trrtrlt fit hrlrht nlnlr aatln ?rueiV wii1r't M "A n th,t " UbUvoVcrthTn ' : I hope the lecture will be given to thousands of young ' men and women who have graduated from colleges, for there is no class needing it more. Whatever our public schools, our high schools and our colleges may teach, they certainly do jot send forth graduates whose voices or pronunciation or enun ciation attract listeners. , ''All over foreign countries the "Amer ican voice" U referred to as the syn onym of a siren whistle, or a foghorn. Everywhere the "American accent" Is criticised. ; - v. . .. ... : While ; many of these ' criticisms , ars unjust, and the result of prejudice and Jealousy, yet they have sprung from a deep-rooted cause. American men possess more agree- women. But they are Unlawful. ically interesting chapter In the an- whIch he Is no doubt supported by brink's 17?. dry an,, want- n . . f 9 ImwlMll . Itrlmlnnl . I . . . . - . ..' . .1 rlnral tVaM. ms m... ..Ht.. ...... I ' ''.une majority, or lowa people, Dut I .i h :,,:rJ u ".....T.'."'.?! I at a An adjournment to a dance will neces sitate a return home for a hurried change of toilette. The "bread-and-butter' miss who Is loss for conversation must wear R BAD STEEL RAILS. i;V ejeaaBaWaswejeaaaaai AILMAKERS claim that exces sive rail breakages are due to the Increased fiber stresses un- ut whatever ,u. further evidence they are not likely to deny the rety ltre.-daih of -Mad- Anthoni? $yrE-fa SW at tne outcome, Horseley stands Urau senator his ambition to beat the 'ThrBriush rVeraT .upp-ing ein- tJrJat forth as a horrible monster, utterly L A i . forcements had comelo the Americans. V'M w!!r J 5rJi..h,'n'Lc.Jn , i.vwu .vi xuim m u ecuBwruiui(Mr( j. offer battle This m a I ln" mnguaao 01 iruii auia lurmiowj. unworthy Of Clemency, and Whose he ig ot vet as old as Pettus or fortunate thing for the American forces. "Unifies "A discourager of heslUncy,?' profession of sudden piety can be Morgan, who are assured of lifetime sword. der modern heavy engines andT,ewed only with a feeling of indig- service. Besides, if tariff refdtm be- cars. . The ; general manager of a western road, replying to this, shows that the weight of rails has Increased about in proportion to the axle load ing of engines and cars. He goes on to show that the breakage is In mod em rails rather than In lighter and older rails, Indicating that the man ufacturers are less careful than tor nant disgust. ADDINQ INSULT TO INJURY. comes popular, and even mild pres sure Is brought to bear. Senator Alli son will be a tariff reformer him self. He Is always ready to turn evening Lafayette gave back his sword, remarking, 'You muet obey or ders, general." T will, sir." And the cioeea. LARK1N was incident 8TUCKER. Mr. fRen Corrects Mr. Palmer. ; Oregon City, June 7.T0 the Editor of The Journal Will you kindly allow ma space to correct two mistakes of Mr. Palmer's In your issue of June T The resolution he-refers to was general in Its terms, and the author stated clearly that it did not refer to any one rsierenaum peuuon, After that statement I supported the resolution. I did not say at Hood Rlvr or elsewhere, that any number of names greater than SO could be lawfully placed uu uub annoi. j uiu say inn any num- 1 hereof sheets for signatures could- be iiacneo. 10 one rererenoum petition. ' . W. 8. U'REN. a .TTORNBTS for the people who with the tide and drift, with the cur- A re filing on Southern Pacific rent. He was never known to op "X lands In Oregon were re- pose anything that would help to ;.v:,.;ceivd:.' discourteously . and keep him In of flee, '.yet has never rudely at the ; land department of been mentioned in connection with merly, especially as knowledge of to corporation in San Francisco any scandal. So the strenuous gov- rallmaklng is constantly Increasing. I wnn they went there to tender the ernor may have to wait until death It seems the chemical composition crarmanis papers ana coin. Tnese vacates Allison's seat. of the newer rails is better than that attorneys and agents for hundreds j of the older ones, but the defects ot Oregon people, according to their Senator Philander C. Knox will be ate due to Improper mechanical andrPort8' wer compelled to wait' fori Pennsylvania's favorite "son in the1 heat treatment during manufacture. I hours before being admitted into the (next Republican national convention, Old "John Brown" rails, imported Presence of the head of the land de j and it is reported that he would be O, you of the restiT city, tossed on from'.England between -I860 and partment, and then, instead of being a, saUsfactory nominee to President Kinsfolk and fAfnda;e'iaTet you. we 1870, have been used rrqm Zo to 80 rutciTou, ua m orarawi, accent Kooseveu, wno is Known to nave nan years before wearing out, without courtesy due to men upon a legit- a, very highT'opinion : of the former breaking. V'he secret cf their long imate business errandi theywero corporation attorney. But these pro life and toughness, says the Railroad frowned at and rudely accosted, and Knox reports may be only in the Gaiette, was in the mechanical work told to throw their papers Into waste nature of a brake upon the Taft put Into the metal at low tempera- baskets, and we're-altogether treated band wagon, so that the public ture,; permeating to every part of the as if they were hobos, A ' would not think that the president Our rosy fruited orchards, our flocks on finished rail, and an output of 100 This has nothing to do with th? was overdriving that, as many The Jiow that breaks onr Yarrows; the tons a week was exceptional, where- merits of the case, but the corpora- thought he was. Apparently Knox, . , wh?,,a urn" theytoiUs. as In our modem trust plants 1,800 tion's attitude toward thepeople was Hughes,; Fairbanks and Cannon will O. you of the tolling :cltyi; what gifts ba tons a day of hastily and improperly an ntterly indefensible Infraction of hold four-frig states away from Taft. The sturdy length of our forests for But tne universally . recognized laws of at leait at first, and rtrom this on ,;?u,rh Bip".f"alar, 2.. common business courtesy. These they will wage a battle for delegates . blown sweet along your track. meh; whether having In point of law in other states, though the trend 0ur VJT,lTnhuSbicn any case or not, had a right to as- seems Taft-ward, .. : . ..aia i.M'M..ii.M.i..l.;... O, you of the throngmg elty, our kins- v vv eavuuus v mvn nv i . .... . . " I xoise- scaiiereu wme. tlonj they had what they and their many clients believed to be an im- Chamberlain for Senator. ' Prom Walla Walla Bulletin. Judge Alfred S, Bennett of The Dalles who has been in the city the past few days on business in connection with a case he has had In the federal court. Is one of the leading attorneys of Oregon. That he is an anti-corporation lawyer and a friend of the poor man la an es tablished fact Though a man of con- Iderable political Influence in his own state he has only eought office once during his it years' residence In Ore gon, and was then elected circuit judge of the district which at that time was composed or Clackamas,. Washington. they do not, as a class, regard careful aicnon ana correct pronunciation aa a matter of serious Import in life, as do foreign men of equal education. While the conversation of our delight ful American men la more agreeable to me, with all their faults, than that of the most accomplished foreigner, yet I wish that voioe, placing, pronunciation and expreaslon were made aubjeota of greater Importance In our land. Slovenly Ian ma fra. Sh rases, disagreeable, harsh, loud voices street from and mar the pereonality and limit the usefulness of the meet ac complished and worthy man and woman. An agreeable voice and correct enun ciation leave a trail like a subUe frag rance where tha speaker passes. Were I a man It seems to me one of the first requisites in a wife would be a well placed voice and correct speech. If -you are a narent eiva vnuv hl1. dren's voices attention. Have them learn to modulate their tonaa lufm. they letrn-the multiplication table. If. you are a teacher,, in no matter what line, talk to your pupils about their velees and their language. If you are a grown man or woman begin now to Improve, your voice and . The 14 women members of the Fin nieh diet are all spinsters, which seem noi to pe quite a square deal for the married women, but perhaps the Finns believe that a married woman's . home duties come nrat. . The department of agriculture hag issued advice about killing rats, but after all the only way Is to poison the rodent then catch It in a trap, next aet terrier on it, men pour 011 on it ana set it on fire, end Anally beat It to death with a club, in the meantime not allow ing it to get away. . -. ' " . v. e. - , -; : . ., t An as stem Oregon poet says: "A boy Is happy when he whistles all th time." Perhaea but think hnw ml..r. able he makee everybody within hear- ing. and what an empty headed man he will become if be keeps on whistling "all the tlme.,r , , , t .. .t ,. e e r:;-': .; -. . Very likely Howard Gould now wishes he had heeded bis friends' warnings when he became Infatuated with Kate Clemmons. And then perhaps Kate has discovered that Howard represented- a good deal of meanness aa well as much gold... , ., , . It looks to US as ihoueh the mia am. 'ployed to designate the words la be . printed in black-raced type In the. Seattle Times and In capital letter in the Salem Journal. . if naid anvthtn . therefor, should have their salaries re- duced.. . . v.-- ....... j Oregon: tSiJeligKtsb-; Seaside went wet by 'over two to one." V. e . Crop prospects in Harney county are gOOd. -v.-' , 1 . . e e ;t...j-.- t ' ' .j ' The strawberry croo around RadmnnA is large. ... . , , ... : e ..e - ,:r La Grande has outsrrown the nraaant capacity of the telephone. : . ,. -. v.v e .. e The fleecea of a t.000 band ef OmnV county sheep averaged 10 pounds. .vi-;.., , e ., e " M An. Albany grocer received' an order for some strawberries for Wasco. That's shipping strawberries past the fruit cen ter of the world, Hood River, says the Democrat,.,'-.:-- -.-..'.'..- Wilderville correspondence of Grants Pass Courier: We find this way of . driving cattle In a boat rather slow, but -at the aame time we are of the opinion that we are more aura of getting them that way than we are by alttlng in the house and playing an old violin and trying to get them to come home by the 'Home. Sweet Home," waits. i --: e.v -. ...,.'..-:''. Lakevlew Examiner: ' Quite a crowd of strangers can be aeen on the atreets of Lakevlew at all times these day a. Some looking for land, aome for mine. Rum iw npraw ana aome ior snaep ana X . - . 1 . . . Clatsop and Columbia counties. - Wheii wh"0 Vrte77 spiclait; of ilV I V .T traveUng the land frauds were unearthed In Ore- ri,.!r..T? A"LiLf ?!fJ I men toTe the Ilv.llaat tn gon the defendants immediately sought T.", rsmKMtlJ LT,W larger orders her. thin any the services of Judge Bennett and he J short time. " ,mProvement ,n town of the else on their rouUa" T A Song of the Countryside.1. Blanche -Trennon Heath in the Youth's Companion. of the countryside: We of the peaceful valleys, you of the turbulent mart. Though our pathways He asunder, yet are we one In heart - ; O, you of the clamorous city, for you the seed we sow. For you our garnered harvest when the ripened grain fans low, treated rails are turned out. the trust is after bie dividends, and cares nothing for. human life. THE BEET, SUGAR INDUSTRY. conducted the defense of most of the derendanta during the trials. . When asked regarding the political situation in Oregon Judge Bennett said: "The election of Harry Lane as mayor of Portland was no surprise to me for I have always had confidence in, the people's ability .to choose and choose wisely. Mayor Lane proved himself to be a friend of the people and a man who haa had the couraara of his convictions. One thing which shows the trend of things in connection with thr election wme tne neavy vote in the slum district.' In answer to the question as to who he 'thought would be the next United States senator from Oregon, Judge Ben nett said: . "It is mv oolnlon that Oov. ernor George B. - Chamberlain will be the Democratic candidate-and that the Republlcana will nominate Senator Charles Fulton. As to whether Cham berlain can overcome the big. Republi can majority again or not is a matter on which no man can at this time pass. It would not surorise me. however, tn see Governor Chamberlain senator, as the people have shown, by twice elect ing him governor, their faith in him," Then obtain books of good . English and read aloud eaoh day half an hour and pronounce slowly and distinctly as you read. . . In conversation, -rememhar. tn i.... the voloe; avoid slang and coarse ex pressions. No matter Tiow alow may bo ... 11 -mm in mauB, 11 me re solve -Is earnest and the effort .per sistent .....vl- 1:..;..,...., - If. A letter eame to me some mentna an from a woman who wee placed in an e;. 5-'..-f.-i- .... - . Astorlanr The clam diggers ef thin neighborhood are meeting with unusual suocess thm season. Clams are found In abundance along tne shore within eaay access from town. Several die a-ets era ane-aa-ixt h th.,w.,n.i.. Clam company, who use all their catetjvll At Present this firm's plant Is belrtV ..r4 . : "w cnyacuy o cope with the Immense quantity of fish viuusiii m, ah ine aiggers are earn remun- .given hST alSSVt!LPi!!Ln-: I'vtnout !; 5as and those employed In - nVT e" wmv, a me age or eight, I j ih mis Beason a ' unv.i aua w l yeare oiq gUOWed I mm. no QPDuriuniues oz learmnv.nnw tn rm or write. . .. , - r Yet this js-oman wrote an excellent letter, free, from grammatlosl errors or mistakes In spelling and couched tn con else language. She made an ajrpeal to su insiuuiions ror orpnana that they hold themselves responsible for the training ana education or tne cntldren they place .a In ? the so-called "good homes." No home Is good. maintained, which does not afford F OR the first time, according to I a bulletin of the department of agriculture, more beet It is only by a painful stretch of J,1" the imagination that some people I From the rock cllf t s of New England to portant piece cf business to transact, can bring themselves to suppose that we give " youTour sons ami daughters, our aearaet girt anq oesii, . and they were entitled to be received the action of the district attorney in sugar than cane sugar is pro- and treated like business men and closing the saloons on Sunday was duced in the continental portion of gentlemen. ' f-. - - . oromnted solely by a desire for the the United States." Including Ha -it is at best a dubious fluestlon nn hill s-nnrl. find that, ha will ha. of cane augar Is twice that of beet suits. ; Their time - and money may 1 uros of reform. But it is not al- prove to have been wasted; bat even ways neceasary or profitable to In- Taft and the Labor Unions. From Current Literatun ' One phase of Mr. .Taft's , career is 1 wail and Porto Rico, the production whether the claimants can win their j come permanently zealous In meas- niy to become of considerable inter- esi m tne near ruiure u ne neeomes the Republican candidate for president When he was a Judge of , the . superior court of Cincinnati, before he went to the Philippines he had a number of casea 10 aeciae inai peruunea 10 laoor unions and their contests with employers.. In one case Moores - and company- versus the bricklayers' union he sustained the tower court In fining the. union for con eplracy to injure the plaintiffs. He enforced an injunction compelling Chief Arthur of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers, to abandon a sympa thetic strike against the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan railway, arid in ine great ruuman strike or 1894 he ' - Substitutes for Wood. From the Iron Trade Review. -There is a growing sentiment for In telligent forestry, fostered particularly I slovenly language. oy ceriam . leaaing universities, wnicn will doubtless serve to prolong the ap proach of famine conditions, and ex tensive 'tree-planting. by railway Inter esta will lessen the perplexities of the cross-tie situation for a time, but none of.theee efforts is extensive enough to promise any adequate measure ot re the writer Justly )uaniiiiiiou. missis uwa giuii mi ivru an orpharr child the opportunity for a com 11 "ii vuuvauun. ..... ...... .. .r..... , .. v . But even with all advantages of edu cation bestowed - upon thousands of American young men and women, they rlve-ths impression of lack of culture, because of high-pitched voices and nlv lenauaee. " ' No- "education." no wealth, no heantv. no personal adornment, nor moral vir tues can make a cultured man or woman If the voice is disagreeable,, the lan guage slovenly. Cultivate your ( voice and' Improve your epeeeh. Ilef. In. of the This Date in History. 1S7 Edward, the Black Prince, eld- : sugar, but the former is decreasing while the latter is increasing. Ger many, with an area only one four teenth that of the United States', pro duces five times as much beet sugar. The area adaptable - to beet ' sugar production in this country Is propor tionately as great as In Germany; that la, our beet sugar production, If necessary or profitable, could be In creased seventy-fold. ; The total sugar, production of the -world is jdven as 14,105823 tons, of which a Httla more tban hall is boot sugar. if there are no such results these people and their, attorneys are no proper subjects of the Southern; Pa cific land agent's insults feii Everybody knows that the South ern Pacific has 5 held on to these- lands for : many years In rank and open defiance of law and tQ. the im mense injury of Oregon and of these people and their neighbors, , They are therefore well-entitled to' try any lawful method, however slight their chance ot winning, to force that cor- qulre too closely into an official's motives. . ' ' . ' 1 - The Goulds appear to be a case of six of one1 and half-a-dozen of the other, or - rather of pot and kettle, and'their case is of no more Interest than a thousand other similar ones except In the fact that Gould has a lot of money. ' -- - f ' . It was a matter, of course that Mayor AlcClellan would veto the re-. tha' h.ilMlna nnaraHnna future, concrete will, play Its Important 8t "on Edward HL died, part, in all the more extensive undertak- 1T8I Alexander - MeDougall, nigs in irannmuon wnn ine eirengin-1 martyr in tha nntclot ,,. rlvlmr hir Tlla an1 nh. 1 I n P10t CaUSO caused the arrest for contempt of court or j. w. rneian, one the lieutenants of Eugene Vt Debs. Phelan had or ganized a strike kgainst the Cincinnati Southern- railway and counseled vio lence. Taft eentenced him to sis months' Imprisonment, , , , first of the roducts are to find more general use. American revolution, t died." Born 1711. Tne steel cross-tie, despite occasional I . leos George Wythe, Virginia judge .nr VinW,i T nS Vh. .iT WB? oiae, after the revolution, that way-cVf TirVoon be a"relio ot W recoverable. lata n.v... .... wide favor for walla, aa m.t.l l.ei. I M.JHzi-I-zzZ - "iu.Tr. - , i cum misrir nnrii. i iisen jiiiv zis i km . .. ----- it .1 . , . . . ' i vvn i ".m3 , w i si iiru ef Li I T ;t ..m-v. zrxri.i.x: ps p?"'.-.a. August n. isis. Ifiil . A -.1.-..-. It- . .a iV bh thiiHCrf?'ln f the United Statea, died. - Born and cheapness by which It can be March If 178T - ; T tf nd into any finished form desired. 1 & 91 Massacres In ' Hy ti by erder - ' 1 of President Hlnpolyte. : . . - . ): lJfext. - - : 1898 Ernest T. Hooley. London stock New York Commercial Grov Jande. well to tremble in his home de?: 'assaerinatad by order of Agulna do" In Princeton, for fish stories are tn b .itnc xr 'r dissected in ths Whits liou.e Uboratpty chilmedi.soiuUod 'irthe ' ttnioa with Sweden. SPECIAL FUNDS Pending the permanent Invest, ment or disbursement of funds of esUtes, 'fiduciary institu tions or individuals, this bank will act as special depository and for such accounts offers liberal terms, CORRESPONDENCE AVn PERSONAL INTERVIEWS INVITED. ; Savings 4 Department ke Commercial Savings Bank ( XXOTt tl -WtXMUMU ATH. Oeo. W.' Bates. , .. .President J. 9. BliTel...i....... Cashier