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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1907)
. . -- -------- ---- ---- . ... . , i, ',.., fc , -t- . - . Sari Francisco Office "jOrcgonlifqu 789 Markct,SU bet. 3d 6- 4 th A rr tttj mtjwtb ' aitt - BCBJJPTIOBB KBCEITEB. , .' Oregonlans When In San Francisco ran have their mail sent la year of The Journal ofBca. 7V ,v;f :';. ''' ': ARTHUR I". FISH.' ReprasanUttva. . ";. WHEN AWAY FROSt BOMB - Copies of The Journal m he .abtalaed la fee following cltlee aad tnwne outside of Oregon. . The Journal would appreciate lb receipt of . reports or fallara to obtala copies of the paper 1 any or meee places: , . .'. WASHiNfiTON A. N. a-foe. WALLA WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla Walla Stationery Company; Roera-Hoewell Cons paav; Bote! Decree Newe Standi Una Clear i ruaiHl; Central a,ew company. TACOMA, WA8RIW:TON-HoM Taaa Iwa - Iltaad. IIU Boota ronrth atrvrt; Cwtral '. Nwm fo.t pooplo'a Nwa C. BKATTLC " WA8HIKOTON Uafalaf ,-. raa . Nawa Stand; Intrrnatlonal Newa ArT Krwapapr Waana; Botal Saatlla Nawt aUad) Kaafmi firm Co. "' SAN DIFOO. CALirOKinA Amaa Waa Coef naar, NiwiiMiwr Warm. ' bTOKANB, WASHINGTON Job W. Orabam o. .. . WlMXRAPntra HTWNBSOTA 1L . Car- aaarti. RO Third nt. annta. ST. IUIS. MlSSOnni It. T. JaM. and oil atrt: Omra L. Arkarmaa, S. W. Car. ' Rlrhfh and OU at?at. " IANSAS CITV. WISSOrRI Toma Mawa On rxinr. Nawapanrr - Waroa. Paloa, Atbo jfcai Co,, opiK(t Colon dfpot. CHICAfiO. II.LINOI5IP. . O. Nnra OnaapaaT, . IT TWrooraj atrvat. v, : DKNVKS. ., COLO a A no Culoa Dapot ' Vm "taod. "I tOS ANGET.m. CALrOR!U-J.BJoa llawa f fomnanT, Kawanapor Waaaa., , OAKLAND. CALIrOHNIA AmM Wawa 0a aaar. Nwanir Wuron; Hal lwa Os. SAH rBANCIKCO, CALIrOHNIA 1. Whatk KwaOmranf Newanapar Waioai Tnttrt Oraar. Fwr? bnlldlnat JnhBana Hr ). tany, MM FlllBwra atrtott. aoa Nawa Co.. r NMi-a Waarnia. i . SALT LAKH CITT. TTTAH RnaaofaM ft Haw ann. Nnrapapar Wanii O. U, Thivtaa. Hotel Kraroa: Burrow Hroe, 48 Waal Srcond " atrat. Smth. OnnRN. LTAH Oraf Maw Osvpaar, Dapat Nawa Stand. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Umard Botal Nawa ptaad. ' XEW TonK CITT Artbar Botaltoc Nawa- KORPOLK. VA. Km Omild. NEW TODAY. THE BEST THING On earth la tome of the earth ltaelf. A chunk of choice earth like ' small Farm Well tilied, la ft mltrhtr gooA thing to have. Ort-ron'a future Ilea in the small farm. We have them In t to 20 acre tract In ; THE TUALATIN VALLEY Which Is a region of surprising possi bilities within easy reach of Portland, either crossed by or adjacent to the new ELECTRIC CAR LINE: 15 or 0 minutes' ride from the city. New tracts Junt put on the market Lots selling fast. ' , , , Very easy for all buyers to meet. INVESTMENTCO. E. QUACKENBUSHU Pres. ' Main ,n. - . 144 SUrk Bt BAMASn XX SXAXt XSTATB. JS.50O New modern . -room house. 3,000 New 7-room bungalow on DI vision street, two blocks of car. S3.000 T-room house, new, with:, fur uuce; lot 100 by 100. , S2.5O0 7-room houap, lot 100 by 100; aouuie iioorn ana wen puui tnrouga .' .out; half rash. 82.000 Quarter block on Hawthorne a venae. . . . g 1.1 OOS -room house on Mount Scott i canine..' run lot; . terms su casn, oaiance mommy payments. $2,5008 acres, highly Improved house and barn, fruit trees ant 1 Strawberries; on 6-cent car limit. , BTSrrESSOW-BBOWsT CO. ' 111 Buchanan Block. . 86 . Washington St. ? . nr. BUB'BBll)B.'v;v-; y"-;.7 'The area test barraln von ever an v. - B-room strictly modern; new, well-built nouse, targe amo ai.a run Casement, lot 60x66, well worth $1,000. You can have It for 82400 and make your own terms. .--.-"- .l, . . OOBBXZaT BBOB 104S Hawthorne Ave, ' Phone Tabor 808, FOR SALB m $550 Corner' store building, ware house and barn, stock of groceries and hardware, on corner Millard ave. , and Klndorf road. Will sell all together or wm aeii stock ana lease tne Duildmg, ;'r wUl seU building and lot without stock. See M. 8. Brown at office, Mil ium avenue, ai, ocot.1 car. WEATHER REPORT. A low treasure area la central this morning "erer Colorado and another la central ever Al berta. A high pressure area of considerable strength la central off the north California conat. The barometer la relatively high over xue eancern ate use. L,ignt anowera aod thunder etorma have occurred hi sou t hern California, ArUona, Nevada, Utah, awutbem Idaho,"' Wyom ing, Montana, the Dakota, Minnesota and at scattered places In the lake region. Ohio valley, middle Atlantic and New England, states. Ex cept la the eulf and south Atlantic stale, where it te warmer than uanal, the tempers, turee are generally allgbtly below normal. The indications are for fair' and warmer weather 1a this district Sunday. ' Temp. Mai. Mln. Preelp. no A Abilene, Texas ............ m 74 .0 Wolae. Idaho 64 Boston.. Massachusetts TO Chicago, Illinois 02 Cincinnati. Ohio .......... 6 ; Denver, Colorado ......... 7 Helena. Montana ......... AO Knoxville, Tennessee T8 nr Orleans. Louisiana..,. 90 48 62 48 !W B0 4A I2 T4 58 , 55 54 64 48 M 52 SO 50 .04 .0 .40 .22 .0 .OS .00 . 0 xm .o .01 .so T. .0 .A .30 New Vork, New York Portland. Oregon 7 Sacramento, California,... 72" t. LonbK Mtaaoari M Halt lakelJtah... ........ 2 Ran Plego. California.;..., AO flan Francisco,-California.. 02 Tacoma, W'aahlngton ...... 70 jWaablngtoa, D. C, ....... .72 "V.i ' iTHE RIVER. , . The river will fall slightly Sunday snd rlae lightly Monday, Tuesday snd Wednesday, prjo ahly reaching a stage of 19.5 feet Wednesday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Christ' and Karen Maria Panlsen to K. M. flewett. lots 38 and 30, block 12, .- 4'enlnaular addition ....$ 250 Willis') and Jane C. Uoneyman to E. A. Moneyman, lot i. block 264, clly of Portland 8,000 i X. C and Emma Vaughn to Prank Bat ter, lots 43, 44 and Sr subdivision of lots 1 to 4. block IB. Whltwood Court. 150 0. Mortoa Cobn Real Estate company to C. Howard Kable and J. P. liable, , lot t, block 20. King's Secnnd aKII t Ion; also lot 0, block 20. King's 8ee - : ond addition -.:...'. ..,..,...,. .. ... 10 Arleta Land company to W. B. Dalton,. ' lt 3, block- la. Ina Park..... 125 Fycamore Keal Estate company to Knma klchl looiije, kta 1, 2. J, 4, B and 6, block . Ina Park..,. 650 Oinrles J. end Kla A. Scbnapel to F. ' O. Burrkhardt and H. W. Lemcke, lot 8 and north 4ti feet of lot T, block M, Esat Portland. ...... ... s. . . 38,000 Lillian A. and 0. W, Harris to H. R. Kckart. lot U. block 9. Williama Ave- ' nue addition .10 Blta B. Peltoo to Locv Level, 10 acres , beginning at nertbvrest corner of see- lb K township 1 south, raura 8 esst. 1,400 M'es Investment enmpany to Jobs Kauf- r o siana, lot IX. block 7, Vernoa. ........ 150 ' . THE - TRAJfsFER- I . , XOTICES.,' '. ' I v NOTICES. ' I HELP WANTED MALE." . HELP WANTED FEMALE ; WANTED-MISCELLANEOyS. rrrdartrk and Matlla Proclwtal to U .K. Nnlla, -Jota 1, ( and , block 11. Win-old tract v i, ........... .'U . , Mary Villa to Jotin B. Pa .Mara, lota S and s. block I. Henry's addition 850 Columbian tatnatory ennpany to Anna I'adrraon. nortb 3 lota In rant liar of block 2:1, aald eometary....i, 40 John W. and Kltlla B. any Jamas W. Vnnlan. lota 1. S and S. Grar'a tract ......I,.,.. ...,......., . SBO Halan and Una H. Ahandroih to tl. A. iiilHHl. lot IT. blnr I A WlllanHttla Ilelghta addition , B.000 Fliilrr O. and Rmma P. McHrenT to C. ti. Wller. lota . T and S. block 8. - town of Lenta 800 Frank Nalaon to Mtnnla Andaraon, tot , 117. block T. Arleta Hark No. 8........ 1 Norman I), and Mlnnla R. Root to Tlitunaa K. MnA Jtll nraSahair. Inta 8. 6 and IX block IB. Tramnnt I'lare.. 600 W. A. and Jennie Cnrrle to I). C. (tir- rle, all that portion of aubtllvlalons K. r and O of lot 8, block 0. Portland Homeataad tract, lying eaat of tlia floulhara Pacific railroad track; alao 0 acrra cotamraclng 10 Pbalna aontlt of northwrat romar of aoutlieaat H of Mla in rnMrnahln f amith. ranaa I rait 8,000 Leamlrr H. and flrara . MrKennay to mnA ftltia V4ftlltnd. kit 1. block Id. Mnltnomnh. , 1,550 Genre and Ellaabetb C. Good to Oeoreo ; W. Cadman. tot 8. bhick T, Alton rar . zsv Oeorre and Ellaabelh i Good to Annie 8. Cadman, lot 4, block 7. Alton rant Cbarlea J. Mrl-heraon to Hecbrlty 8a,y tnra at Troat cmnpany. tot a. block IT, . ' . Wlllametta Ilelshta adilltlon. .... i ... . . 10 Lone 'lr Cemetery company to O. T, , Ulikey, aorta or lot iv. oioca . oi.--a aald cemetery i. . SO Oeorce T. and Myrtle fllckay to Q. A. , and B. C. Heain, nortn i-s ana aoatu 1-8 of north H of lot 18, block 81. . - Lone Fir cemetery.............. 0 C. W. and C. ,raca Pallett to F. J. and P. Joaephlna Hayi. ami in an feet of lot 18, block z, woouiawn Helahta ............ . . . . . . . .......... 800 133 D. a Arthnr to John Oelaa, lot T. block 80, Wondlawn ....... .i.... Cbarlea R. and Mabel B. Nahertall to Fred Wletleman,. lot 4. OKCB ., Auburn I'ark .......... .,....... 'S00 Cbarlea . and Mahal Retell Carry to Ida B. Petera, weat V, or Kta it ana 18. block m, Klni'a Hecond addition. . 10 Sara E. and Lewla Reed to Florence jerrrey, eaat v, m tot js. owca , Alhlna " ......................... 1,400 no 150 Daniel Powell to laaae T. Felt, lot 6, block 12, pentnmiar aauition ........ Boneyman Truat company to Addle A. Moon, lot 4.. blocs . :iara lerraceB.. Portland ReaHy- Trnat company to Walter U. waiims, mta it ana , hlnck IS. Wood mere ................. 123 400 a C. Wiley to Frank Neleon, lots 0 and T... block 5. town ot lnta. J. R. and Abbte C Colrla to W. N. Holland, Iota s ana o, pmcc o, r. i . Hmlth'a aildltlno to St. Johne. ....... . 8,000 Simon H. and Florence M. Ootid to D. W. Tllford and A. U. M;nity. na aaj a. Wk St. Couch'e addition.. too Orerlook Land company to William H. and Boena fayna. toi a, owes , fraerlonk - 90 Municipal Railway improvement .com pany to llimtr 4. aianaiirm, mna v and 4. block 14. Terraco Park........ JO Mnntclpat Railway lmproTDent coro- pany w ... w , , w 10. Terrace Park.... 10 Charlotte J. Stlmooa to B. M- and C. n. Tbompeon. Hn w, oiock u..ikiM'. rimt addition SO Multnomah Real Eetate aaaoclatlon te Ilanna C. and Btnei wwiaa, , n , ku.k 9 Wlllametto Towntlte. William M. Killlnnawortk t al. to Rtta ( M. Roadman, ta x ana a, wra a. Walnnt Park .1,800 Carrie C. and J. H. Bllta to J. T. , C. t , Ward, tot jl,.blori in, oenwooo...... im ahatrmota. title bMoraace or aaortaaM loan a. can on Paclfle Title Troat oompany, 804-84T ralllnf bide. . ,... .. Sat roar kwarance and abatraeta ta real aetata from tbe Title Guarantee Treat earn- pany, 840 Waahlngtoa at eomar Becona. MARRIAGE LICENSES. f. ITarland Kbowle. 404 Eaat Stark atreet, 25. and Jeaale O. Walkley, 18. Ony L. Hunt, Pine Valley, Orafon, 20, and Buhy L. Potter, IS. - -ir Charles L, Willis, SS,' and May Bertha O'Malley, 10. Wedding Carta. W. O. Smith Co.. Wash Ingtos bklgH eonaee Poarth aad Wean-tastes ata. , Tcnaetb Co., florists, for Dowers of all kinds. 128 Sixth at. Clarke Bros., Florists rise Oowem aad floral designs. 2S9 Morriaoa at. Pall dress salts for real, all Tailoring Co., too Stark at, . - Calqae WEDDINO INVITATIONS Latest and beat: 8 per iw A. . tiawa CO., 104 IBira ST. BIRTHS KBITCHEVOHKT June T. to Mr. and Mrs Victor 'Krltcfaevoaky, 234 Sberldaa street, a SMITH June ft, to Mr. 'and Mra. D. Mont gum ' ery umita, ill Kaat Burnsiue street, a dat ter. , . ' .- i- - .; HATHAWAY April 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Wll . Jlam C. Hathaway, at PortUnd. Maternity noppuai. . a oanguier. -JOHNHOX-r-June 8. to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson, 112 Knott atreet, a daughter. WRIOHT Jnne 5, to Mr; and Mra. L. A Wright, 810 Boas street, a son. DEATHS KNOTT June 4, . Hamilton Knott, aged 48 rears. 9 months snd 22 days. 814 -Eaat SeV' enth street; cerebral compreaalOB due to meningeal netnorniase. GEE Jnne 0, Ah Oee (Chinese), aged 42 yean, 00 Second street; pulmonary tuberculosis. MORRIS June 8, Vivian Morris, aged 1 yesr, 6 months and 18 days, 127Z Union) avenue eneema. DtJKTAN June 2V John Hugh Dnstsn, sgcl 81 years, iu months ana n aaye, rairiann addition; myocarditis adhesions of pericar' BIXICK June ; Baby Block, aged' 1 day, at . Rose City sanitarium: aisgnoaia not clear. 1 BROOKS Leander B. Brooks, 85 years, Twen-tv-elchth and Ellsworth. MARTIN June , Mrs. Cora Martin, aged 89 years, 8 months ana is aaya. nun jnauory avenue; nultnonarv tuberculosis. HAY EM Jnne 0. Airs. Msry Hayes,' aged 67 years, 294 Beaton street; vaivwar nean uis EKICKSOX June . S. KrIckaon, aged 4T years, at St. vmcenfS nospitsi; rracture or apine. , FUNERAL NOTICES. WESTER In thU.clty, June fl, 1907, at the family residence. norm ,i ai.. Aouipn Wester, - sged 29 years. 11 months' and 14 days'. Funeral' services will be held from the First Hwedlsb Bsptlst cbnrch, corner Hoyt snd 15th. ata.. at 2 p. m., Sunday. June 9.- 1907. Friends Invited. Interment ureen wood cemetery.- CE5IETERIES. dtver view Single graves. 810: family lots; alt 10X10. tor fiuu im apwara., anonuoi to slso; the enl cemetery In Port Is nd which u.milli maintains and . cares for lots. For fall Informstion, apply to -W; Bi Mae, kensle. Worcester block, city. w. as. uat. president. ' ". :- bosh CITY Single arsves. 810: family lota. mm rO SIO, BupeTIUiauurui a. w ner of Fremont at. and Cully road. Phone Tahnr. -xttt war fall informatMB apply Frank SchlegeL -802 CommerelaJ blfc. Pbeae Ham zv. UNDERTAKERS. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 150 Fifth St.. opposlW Meier Franks. Main o.. - - WHckana TTndertaklng Co.. snd embalming. 400 Alder at. Phone Mats vias. uay aseisian. J. P. Flnlav At Bona. Third and Madlaoa aU. Office of eonaty coroner. Phone Main 8. A. a ftematock. funeral director.- Cant tsta and Cmatllla. Phoae Sellwood 71. Lady assistaat. nanatar MeEntee Si flllbaogh, sadertafcers and emhalmere: moders hi every detalL Seventh and Pine. Mats 430.,. Lady aaatatsst. Eeller-Bymee Co., funeral directors, embalnv era. 278 BnassU. Eaat 1088. Lady aaalatast. - Rdward Holmaa. undertaker. 220 Third at. NOTICES. NOT1C1 OF STOCKHOLDERS '" MEETING. Tlie annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Iron At Steel Company will be held at the office of the company, room 830, Sher ' lock building) Portland,- Oregon, June 18. 1007. at 11 o'clock a. m.. for tbe purpose of elect ing a board of directors for tne ensuing year, end tbe transaction of each other business ss . may legally come before the meeting. . A.' S. PATTULLO. Secretary. ... rertlaad. Oregoa, May 24. 1907. .. . OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. CPORTLAND, SATttRDAY NOTICE OF THE 8 A LB OF" 8TATHJ Iinds Notice Is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 8 o'clock P. M. on September , 1807, for the purchase of the follow ing described Indemnity School Lands, to-wit: ... : : . , Clatsop County: 1 NWH of BE of Seotltm Jl T 4 N. awu' nf flWU of Section 1. NWU of NWU of NWi4 of Section If T I N. R W. - - ' - . Lot II of 8ectlop 15, Ixt 4 of Sec tion ti. Lots 1, tt. 1, 10, 11 1. 16. id of Section tl. Lot -"1 of Section 88. Lots 8. 7, 10, 11, II. 18. 14, la, or -section it. SE4 of 8E54 of Section 10 T i n. . w. - . r Prortlr Count vi ' V 4 V? ' SH of 84 of Section 10 T II 8. R. 18 K. All of Section 28 T 1 S. K. 11 B. SEU of NW of Section 8 T . k. iv &. Ulan, vuia.j' , ' . ne of be or section a, ner of NEi4, NH of SEK;SE14 of SE4 of Section 27 T 8 B, K. 18- Hi. ' wi of HE "4 of section. 8? t . R if VL , s ,, , . .. ' -t SE14 of NKK of Section t. NWU of BW 4 or section 27 t duiu bw la etrti r. uvoii nt ft. Hon 21. NE of NWK..NW of NEV4 of Section 28 T I 8. R.27 E. SWH of JVE14, or section .18, ,xAi R." 2 B. - c'.' ' ' , . NEti. af.flWU of Section 8. Lot -4 of Section 4. Lot 1 of Section I T.14 Jackson County: I J f. - ' SE4 of 8WU of Section 2(, NEH of NW14. NH of NE14vof Section 24 T 17 NBtt of Section1 I. NW "of SEW of NWH, NWH f SE. NE4 of SW4. Se3 of 8EK of Section 12 T 10 & R. 1 E. ': All of Section II T it s. A, 1 JEi, . . Klamath County: I NW14 of SEy, SEU of NWH, Lot 8 or Section a T 83 o. K. 7 Mi 8WK of BE of Section 25, 8E of 8E of Section 20. NH. of NKMi of Section 16 T 27 8. R. I E. W4 of SE of Section 22, NEH of NWH of Section 21. NW of Section 27, NE14 of NE?4 Section 10 T 17 a R. 10 E. - -."...i M NW14 of NE14 -of Sectlonl. NHVof NEH of Section 12 T IS 8. R. IE. NEU of NBtt of Section 11. SE4 of NEU of Section 27, SW14 of NW!4, NH of SW14. WH of SE4 of Section 14 T II S. R. II E. - 1 of Section 11 Til 8, R.14 E. 8EH of 8EH of Section 26 T V S. Ra 1 1 4 EC 8EH of SEVs of. Section II T II B. una " lxt 1 of Section I T 40 S R. It E. -j SEH of BKi of Section I, NWH of NEV of Section 21 T 40 8. R. HE. ; Lane County: IL- - " : . SWH of.NEH of Section 10. T 17 8. K. t w, Lincoln County: -, BEliof 8Wi4 of R. 10 W. , Marlon Countv: Section 27 T U B. EH of NWH, EH of SEH of Section 12, NEH f Section 22 T I S. R. 2 E. 8H of Section 24 T I B. R..I E. -Multnomah County: , , NEH of Section 21 T 1 N. R. E.. Sherman County: - : .1 '., ' ' Lots 1,'2. 2, 4, NH of NE H of Sec tion 2 T 1 N. R. 16 E. v v- EH of 8EH of Section 17 T 4 8. R. SWH of SWH of Section II T 4 8. RJIIE. ' - . Tillamook County: ' SWH of NEH. Lot 2, SWH of NWH. Lot 4 of Section I SEH of NEH. Lot 1 of Section 4. SEH of NEH. Lot . 1 of Section 6, EH of EH of Section t. BWH of Section 11, NWH of NEH of Sec-tlon-17. NEH. of Section 21. NWHof NWH, 8H of NWH of Section 21 T 1 N R. I W 'Lots I and 4 of Section IT I N. R. g w. - --. . - Lots I and 4 of Section 11118.8. 10 W.. -.-. ':...,.' ;: -' .--rv ... Union County: EH of SEH of Section 21, SH of Section II. SH and SH of NH of Sec tion 28. SWH Of Section 24, EH. SEH of NJVH, NEH of SWH of Section 26. NHToT NH of Section 20. NH of NH of Section 27, SH of SEH of Sec tion 12. N H of , fcfw.H of Seotlon . It T 8. B. K. 36 10. . -. rwu of Section 29. 84of NH and 8H of Section 10.' SWH Ct SWH of Section 12 T 6 8. R. 18 E. . . m ' WH- of SEH. Lots 2 and 4 of Seo tlon 1 T 8. R. 16 E. I' -.. NH of Section II T i o. K. ita to. Wasco County: Lots 6 and I. ?WHof 8EH of Sec tion 2 T 1 N. xv, le JS. WhMlar Countv: NH of SEH o' Section 22. NWH of NWH, NH of 8WH. NEH of SEH, of Section 23. WH of NWH. NWH; of SWH. NEK 01 WWH or section x 4, BE V, of .NEH, of Section 2 1 T 8 a V R. ?8Ttf 4 of Section 21 T1! S. r: 22 B. Lot 1 of Section I T 9"8. R."22 E. NH Af NWH of Section .! T & R. EH of SWH of Section 22 T,l SV R. SWHof NWH of Section l T 10 S. 7t. 1 and 2. SEU Of NWH.' NEH of SWH of Section 4, NEH of NW.H of Section T 10 8. R. 25 E. NEH of NEH of Section 21 T 11 a R 91 P! - , - . . . SWH of SWH of Section E. NWH of NWH or section i u o. n. n.', NW4 of SWH of Section 4 T II a R 91 Pi. ., .-,..'..,.' .'Air bids must be accompanied by a lap amniicatlon to Durchaae in ac cordance with the law for the sale f school lands snd by cash or cnecit ror at least one-nrth or tne price orierea. No bid for less . than 12.60 per acre wll be considered. - . ... The right to reject any; and all, bids is reserved. : -'- v " - .v I ; " . a nnl lent Ions and bids should be ad dressed to O. O. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem. Oregon, and marked "Application and - bid 1 to purcnase , in demnlty school lands." ' ' , , O. O. BROWN. - , . -, - Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 1th day of June, 1907.. PROPOSALS P0!t SUPPLIES Salem. OK, May 15. 1007. The Board of Trustees of the Ore - goa State Inssne Asylum hereby Invites sealed propose la for furnishing tbe following supplies to ens insiiTuiwn ioc ins sn mumna ending December 81, 1907: Groceries, mill feed and flour., masts and flah, dry goods. i drugs, stationery, leather ana rinnings, snoes, nlnmhlne. hardware, tinning, furniture, crock ery and glaaaware Llata ef aald auppllea ' will be ftirnlahed by the clerk of the board upon application. Samples can be seen at the Asylum, and goods must be' In accord ance therewith. Where samples are required and not, rurnianea oy maaere, toe .articles muat be equal to samples to be seen' at the Asylum,, and bids will be assumed te have ' been made on basis of samples. All goods ' must be In strict acrordanoe with sample In original package when possible, and de ; Ilvered at the Stat Insane Aeylum within 20 days after contract 4a awarded, and bids ' mnst be on blank forms which will be f nr "nlsbvd, together with instructions to bidders, . by -the ' clerk, upon application. Each bid : on flour or meat must be accompanied by a certified check for 1300 and each ' bid on flah by a certified check for $75; and all other ' bids by certified checks equsl to 10 per eent of tbe amount bid;, checks of ua , successful . bidders to be returned Imme- - dlstely. and those of accented bidden when ' the contract la completed. , Bids muat be enclosed In sealed envelopes, and directed to ' the board, care of the clerk, and plainly marked "Bide for Asylum Supplies." and the elaaa of goods ahould alao be Inscribed on the - envelope. Price.' fitness snd quality being equal, preference will be given to articles mannfactiired, grown or produced In this ystste. - When a particular article Is specif Ic sllr call-d for, bids for other kind or- manu- - fscturs or brand, equally good, will be enter tained, but to insure recognition of such bids, samplea of the articles it la proponed to supply mnat accompany them.- The board reserves tha right to reject any or all bids, or, to accept or reject any part of a bid, . - Blda will be opened at tbe Capitol at Salem at 10 a, m.. Monday. June 10, 1907. ' By order of the Board of Trustees of the Oregoa State Insane Asylum. . W. N. GATENS. Clerk. BIDS will be received by the county eomnite. a loners or siuitnomsn county . iiregon, up to 10 o'clock a. m., July 8, 1907. when bids will be opened for the building of 10,150 feet of road , In townships 1 north and 1 sooth, rinse 4 eaat, known ae the Llttlenage road. Plans and apeclftcatlons may be seen ta tbe office of the county surveyor, Portland. Or' I WILL, give 25 to pecaoo or persons who can in ror in me wno poiaonea ooc oe longing to 832 Marguerite eve., Montavllla. Notify B. U Henlnger, - RelUble Meaeengst - Co., ' 14 raurtk sU. ( , - , . :PToposaIs Invited tor , ' Supplies ' POR TUB nisAlfAiri Ctn4A IOAtiiiriMf UIV&llM kJLliuL rLUliUlldlJ . . . . . " P08 TBI PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 8t, vt,;-'vv-"'.L ' "T;r '-.r i '-:''-.;y f Sealed -.bids for dross. - dry anode carles, butter. - leather and findings hard' ware. Sour and meat, ete., will be received , at fha Antca aT the Rnnrlntnrint . of the .State Penitentiary, until Wednesday, June at ah A . ft , i. ai s jremcs p. mH at wuica time leey . will be opened. : v A deposit of 1200.00 In cash or eerthVd check payable te the Superintendent, must accompany each bid for meat and dour, and all ether elda muat -be accompanied by an amount equal to 10 per cent, of the amount or tne dm, Samples te accompany ' all bids where pme :tleable. The right la reserved o reject any ; and all bids and to .accept or reject aay por- tlon of a bid. - On eaoh envelope should be Inscribed the nature of tbe bid. Goods ef Oregon maanfaetore or T product loa will re ceive prererenre, etner rniaga Being equal. ' All goods and ' supplies - must ba delivered to the- penitentiary wltbla 20 days after the contract Is awarded., . - - -t- - : , Schedules- of the earlons lines of goods to be bid' on, will be rumlahed aptin applica tion te tbe Superintendent. Voocbera will be isaited . for payment ca tha flrat of the month following the camDle- tloa of the contract .and monthly en eon- tlnuous eontract. C. W. JAMES. Superintendent. State Penitentiary. Salem. Orefoa, May 20. 1907. Krrrtnst or srrncK HOLDERS' MEETING - The annual meeting of the stockholders nt tha Portland Coal A Development Cot will be held at Hunter'a hall. Eaat 84th and Esst Yamhill ata., In Portlsnd, Or., July 10, 1807, . . a .. a lar a Km. tA nt rfirertors for the ensnlng year ana tne trensaciioa oi aacn business . as msy legally eome before the meeting. JOHN T. BOPWELL, Secretary Portlaifd. Or. June 6. 1907. 4 ROOMS with water 812. Mo 14 Front at.; new 4-room Ilat, natD, fie. mm aiaraet n, MEETING NOTICES, i BHRINERS AND CANDIDATES. BARKEN! 1 m. A. V,. I.. SI. O. . r? . u .J cereiaonial sees ion of Al "" . Tbla meeting Is called to receive peUtlons, .iwf w. , ui-u IFI U.VIl v. ballot ea them and confer the order nooa those elected. There will be no ether notices of tbla ceremonial except through the morn tag papers. Get on your good clothes snd eome to tows. There win be suny things doing, i If the candidates do imt sweat blood In crossing the sands at tbla time, the reason will be that there la no blood) tn them. White! cards must be presented at door. Members, as well as visitors, will take notice. - Do not r forget roar tea. The recorder must have ' all the petitions not later than Saturday noon. Tne mm. - - - i - . Business Reading petitions' and balloting at 8 o'clock- p. m. ' Ceremonial At S o'clock sharp every can didate mnet be ta line and ready to start ea the pilgrimage. By order - poi'OLAS W. TAYLOR. Potentate. B. X WH1TEH0USB. Recorder. M. W. A. EVERGREEN -CAMP. B.een. meets Wednesday evening. AUaky bldg.. Third and Morriaoa ata. M. W. A.- Oregoa Grape Came No. 8.878. Mow- days, 17th and Marsh mall, visitors welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES Dvnaimm wnnn t i r-r nr. Mannfsctnrers of hydraulic and electric ele- ; vators, hand wood lifts and dnmb waiters. ?n I E. Sixth at., cor. Madison. Phone Eaat 8807. INVENTIONS bought and sold. Covenant Con. - tract Co.. 427 Fllednar bldg. Main 28BI. - SKILLY CO., 14th and Flanders! floor, feed. bay, grata. Phones A 1011. Pacific 61L U 0, BENRIcnSEN CO.. Jewelers snd ep- tlclans. 284. Washington St. . " WHITEWASHING, spraying, painting. . A. M'MULLBN. Phone Sellwood 658. LOST -AND FOUND. POUND A place te base hair mattresses team - vated and returned same day . 228 Froat at. Main 474, ' Portland Curled-Hair Factory. ' B. Metager, proprietor.. - , -. s- -. -v 4 LOST Brown horse 8 f srs old weighing about 1.2M ponnda;-haa hobble mark on right front foot.- Branded 8 bar on eboolder. Finder nlease return to Sanitary Milk Cream Co., 'kaat BUth and Salmon sts., apd receive re ward. 7- ' " T... r '.- . LOST Fox terrier-dog, wblte with brown face, stub tall. Reward. 484 WlUUma are. ,, LOST Parse containing 88 and aome allvor. 29 Hart are., Montavllls. Phone Scott 401. .Reward. : ; . ..' s LOST Lady 'a gold watch, near Good Samaritan hospital. Will gentleman who picked It op leave it at Journal office and receive reward. I LAST Rr working' alrl. ' email purae contain. Ing 850 tn bills on weat -bound Waahlngton at. car.- Liberal reward by: returning to Smith-Premier Typewriter , co. . LOST Between Steel bridge snd Columbia at.. an abstract of -lot 6. block 6. Central Alhlna, Return to J. W. Boot he,-care Union Laundry, and receive rewaro.- ,. .: LOST Aa Iridescent feather fan with tortoise shell aticka. - la at , Sunday. ' In neighborhood I of White Temple. -Beturn to Journal office and receive reward. ; Main 4650. LOST By working girl, email puree containing I WANTED Refined, capable woman for re 50 In bllla, on westbound Waahlngton at. sponatble position, with opportnnltiea for ad- car. Liberal ..reward by returning to the Smith-Premier Typewriter , Co, LOST Black blllbook. containing Y. M. O. A. card bearing the name. . I). Moot, and other paper. Finder please, returu . to. 212 Aliaky I bldg. and receive rewara. - - HELP WANTED-MALE. A LARGE corporation- has-the- following 'posi tions open. Applicants must save' attended high school or business college, write a good ? hand. , be .quick and. accurate with figures ann come wen reeommenoea. - - . CLERKS Young men with of flee experience of a clerical nature.- ' ,; ' -, . STENOGRAPHER Young mau With aome I knowledge or stenography ana typewriting to act as rsiiei sicutnjrapurr ug inmu as-1 a latent. OFFICB BOY Bright and active boy, not under 17 years . Need not bare attended high acnow. t ' Address Q 79, care Journal. A HUNDRED firemen and brakemea wanted en railroads in ocjgon and vicinity, to fill va- eanelea caused by promotions: experience un necessary; firemen, -1100 monthly, become I niiOiuavia muv wm.u wnaamvift, e'. OS" I come eondnctora, earn 8150; name position ore-l frrred, Railway Araoclatlon. room 44. 227 aionroe si., uruuaii o, n. x. umpmymem beadouartera for all North American raU- roada; d lata nee bo bar. .Poaitlooa guaranteed I competent men. - - i WANTED 8a lesmen many make 100 te 150 I per mental -aome even moral aiocs clean, grown on reservatloB, far from eld ercharda; caah advanced weekly; choice of territory.' Address Waehmgroa Nursery oompaoy. Top- punish. Wsshlngtoa. - ,-- WANTED Dentist, all-round man. Painless Dentists, Baletgh bldg. - Chicago 1 - S I BOYS wasted; factory work. iaa ofoot 14th st, , - -.'-.-i. ------- --'-. ' .- - .'- "t Apply Amaricas EVENING, JUNE 5, 1007. urs AND WOMEN te tears the barber trade m eight weeka; graduates ears from 115 t 125 weakly) expert Instructors-: catalogue rree. loler Hyatam of Callages, 88 .North Foartb atn Portland. i ,i" WR get work for onr members; aped a I mem , ban, 82. z. M. u A., Foorth ana zamhiit. HU1TLERS to aollclt business; aaltry and eom- mlsslon; experience unnecessary. Apply ZZ4 Lumber Exchange bMf., Second and Stark ata. MEN, at once, for elerka or carriers Portland wM.tfrtA, nniuwhlHll, innM. Wl AM. pare yon for examination. Call or write I Immediately. - Paclfle Stataa Saboola. , McKay I bids-., cltv. ,(.- , . . WANTED Bright young man , to learn real estate eoeineae; exceptional proposition at xna Ereeentt time. - Apply Ql swauana . oiog itweaa 2 and 4.-.. . : ' " MEN and bovs wanted to learn nlnmblng. plas tering. , olocaiaylng. electrical traoca; rree eatalogoa; . positions : aecurea. coyno ITsas rtchoola. New York and San Francisco. EXPERIENCED men wanted at'L. B. Bern's I liaal n It a. - m il ftiL a aa A . l8tla Huwok aafraa a brickyard. Eaat 84th and- Tillamook sts.; wsgaa 82.50 and 52.74 per day. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST.. PORTLAND. OB. ' Free employment to all; boarders" rates 84.60 par weeki rooms, vc and up! special monthly rates given. . Anderson, proprietor. I SAWYERS, fliers, engineers and yardman, mill wrights aad woodamea. Chambers, 100 rtrat at. FIRST-CLASS harness makers! steady employ ment. Tbe r. J. crania company. . TWO BOYS wanted to tears tinners' trade. In quire 271 Flrat. ? ; . ' ! i WANTED Ftrst-class penis and vaatmakersi Mcoll the Tailor. 108 Third St. - , I WANTED Motion ptctate machine, films, eong slides, gas oatf It, etc. Address V 814. Journal TEAMS wanted: 'eteadv work. . Apply arounda, ' 88tb and Banay road. . lopim . ueets. v.-.. , -s: .;. w, . ,- WOOD machine bands wanted at 871 Front at WANTED Boy with experience .at, finishing, 441 East Morrlsoa St. - , , v-.- .. -,. ..' . . WANTED One concentrator man, one mill maa and three hard rock minera; mint re capable and steady. Address D A12t Journal. n a.i i ri mm v -'-' run Invincible aander. man to pat up seen and a glaaler.-i Oregoa Planing Mills, 10th aad Vfughn sts, WANTKD-Yoong maa with 'aome knowledge ox arugs. xuumauer-r rana umi v.t an foorth at. WANTED Mattresa-makera, or boys. 1 fur- Blrnre packers and machine men te rna panel (Wm rnmllnM A, af annfaetnrlna I MmmAmm mmJt I " I TWO good bench hands wanted. Inquire at .Eaat Kisnta ana uaaiens sis. I po yes want help tr job quick t Call Mala 0495. German-American Employment Co. PARTNER wanted Immediately. Expertenee not necessary. etaousne rest eeiaie oliico. 63H Sixth, near fine. I r vi tril to onerate motion eletnrea; a; steady, easy . work: abort hours; positions secured; 125 weekly; leaeona reasonable. Newman, 145 H Blxtb at. I WANTED Boy learn trade. Columbia Wtra . Iron Works. 868-870 Eaat Washington at. TWO good boys wanted to work ta forging and machine shop, can at snap, sue uoiumma si. WANTED Barsesheer for floor work. CaU 124 North -eeventn at. - i BOYS, 17 to 18 years of age. who want a permanent position witn a gooa nnportonny for advancement apply at once te Olds, Wort- man At King. -" I vrgN (l tora to work In cracker and candy , f.ctorr. wages good, work ateady. Paclfle Coaat Biscuit Oompany, 12th and Davis. WANTED Dtahwaaher. Apply Castllllsa Kitch en, 431 Washington st, WNTED-Msn andfe f nm-ho; $70 and lodgrbf. Dewey Hons, 20H North Third atw near Bnrnalde. - - BOY wanted. T. W. Baltaa Co, printers First and oak- ata. '.-""-'v I WANTED One experienced fireman, familiar J with oil burner, and one oiler! I. C. atn- oenia preivrreu. jappiy inivrnamnwi wiv spondence Schools, 514 McKay bldg. WANTED First-class pants-makers. NIcoll, tbe tailor, 108 Third at. a- WANTED Apprentice hoys at once. Portland Wire A Iron Works. Hecond and Everett ata, WANTED Flrst-claaa gentleman waiter, Apply union notei, u norm nixin si. . - : HELP WAOTED- FEXIALE . WANTED YOUNG - LADIES TO ' LEARN TELEPHONE OPERAT ' INO; GOOD 8 ALARY. SHORT HOURS, PAY WHILE LEARN- - INO; LUNCHEON SERVED ' i FREE OF CHARGE AND - t. LOUNGING AND REST BOOMS , IN CONNECTION. APPLY i ' CHIEF OPERATOR, TELE- . i PHONE BLDG., WEST PABK ' AND ALDEB STS. - EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATB DIPPBRS HIGHEST WAGES, OBORGB A. M'NEIL COMPANY. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS. 110 ti. FOUBTM BX MCAH WLilBAvn, HELP WANTED Tjnloa Laundry company. vancamant. viavi cumvauf aviw - suw a4mr son its. Girls 16 to IS years ef age who want a f . ' . permanent place. . , , t- , : with aa opportunity - of .advancement apply at once to OLDS, WOBTMAN B KING. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. " 848H Wash ington atH corner seventh, upstairs. , rnons Mala 2892.' Female help waBteo.. . v STRONG slrla for candy factory. George A Mcnell.eompany, wnoiemw.eonrecTioBera, iiu Horth Fourth, bear uitaaa. . WANTED Mandolin teacher for ateady eoal tlon. which will not Interfere with private pupils;.- good salary: and permanent poeltlon to the right party A Call or address-- B. B. Fleming,, room 10 Healy bldg.,- Grand are. and Eaat Morrison at. ' -. - :-v r MACHINE operator' and flnlaber" on pants. Charles uoopey eon. room . bum xnira at HOUSEKEEPER- and -cook, under 40. for widower; light work; good home." Box-P 811, ears Journal. go EXPERIENCED walt, skirt snd shirt- makera: rood oar1 to competent oners tore: also , apprentices. ' The - Spencer Co., 123 lot n at. GIRLS. WANTED Operstera te work ea ehlrts aad overalls. laMaons given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. 2, Grand are. snd East Taylor at.:.-- SEVERAL experienced salesladies; hosiery, un- dearwear, ' lancy-.gooos-eiao gin ior pat tern counter. Apply 171 Third at, IMMEDIATELY, good general boueegirl; fa m fly - or tnree. szn bssi tuxtn at., nortn,. near noiiaasy scnooi.. GIRLS WANTED Apply itsndard factory No. , UrSBO BVO. BUO fUSSV layior BX. ; , . JW ANTED Girls te work on hemming. Inquire rits-weu factory, lo Kirai. ' m . GIRLS wanted; factory work. Apply American vuk io., root istn ex. PLAIN sewing and ladles' old hats remodeled. - lace curtaius waaneu; an wore guaranteed, - Call at 24H North 10th or phone Pacific 2956. ' ' , , , , , . WANTED Apprentice girl In tailor shop, 208 -Goodnongh bldg. - - WANTED Dishwasher for 0. K. Coffee House, 203 First -st. ,, v GIRL for general housework. 423, Tillamook SWA-OOne lia.-- :vy, -;t "v - 'v,-.';1 - ; OIRL to work in small family good borne and aalary. Address V 811, care Journal. WANTBDFlrst-class woman eook; best wages paid. 878 Yamhill St. TWO girls wanted to help tn kitchen and din- WE PRAOTirsj In all eonrta tn Oregon. IN vorce esses a specialty, in most esses en enu need not appear In court. Moderate fees. Address N. H12 Journal office. CANDY factory -wanta girls;' ateady employ. menr. work .. Ilgnt, ' good wages. f acme ' Coast Biscuit Company, 12th and Davis. GIRLS to work In erarker factory ehort hnnrs. best wsres.v work clesn and light. Pacific Coast Biscuit Company, -12th and navia. " y ,, ... s COOK wanted, hlgb-cleea, for aummer resort; B months. Austin, Chicago Dentists. WANTBt Dlahwssher; wages $J5 per month. Apply The Coloolsl, 10th and Morrlsoa sts. WANTED Girl for general bonsework; good wages, inquire son mcramento at. WANTRD Olrl to aaalat . with hoiuatamrk tn I family of three; washing sent, out, . Phone a,aa. 704. Kia Hancock at. EXPERIKNCRD vlrl tnr vanaral hnnaework In isniiiy or two; must snow now to cook; gooa wages 804 North 24th at. . - . WANTED Ynnne alrl to aaalae In lleht honaa. .seeping. lall at 918 . Eaat . 15th at., aortlij take Alberta car. . - , WANTED Good girl not ever 18 or 17. to i. make herself generally useful la etore. Apply s nixia st. - , - GIRL for general housework ; good wages. , 248 cor ib Beoooa at. , WANTED Experienced seamatresa. Mra. Stev- ensen, 804 East 11th at., slso plain flnlaber. WANTED Steady, Industrious girls In- Ironing ana - msngie arpertmenr, at- gooa wages. Apply, Paclfle Laundry . Co., 231 Arthnr at. GIRC WANTED To do aweeplng la rooming' nouss. appiy at eTtfe north nixtn at. WOMAN to do waahlng and Ironing early each wees, an rourtn, roona si am U7i7.. , WANTED Woman or girl to do general boose- wora; mornings only. Apply zui aeventa at. STENOGRAPHERS to register for sts post- tions now .open: K charge. . The , BmltU - a ivuimi a j yer wu trr wb . . NEAT, anlrt girl wanted for lunch counter: no nunday wort. Hleln'S restaurant, WM stars at. apply Monday. . WANTED A young girl to do housework. 448 avta St., north,, irvmgtoa. rnoM cast 8388... GIRLS wanted to work la pa per -box factory. oont rirsi sf. : WANTED A dlsbwaaber. 882 Morrlsoa st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Ambitions people te call at 182 Fifth I SBVBBAL-sde-ait. cool steeping apartments, res at. and taveatlgate tbe opporttraltloa epaa to I aonable. II Eaat Seventh at. Phone East 1929. them by a course or stady with the Inter. aatloaal Ocrreapondenee Scneola ef ScraBtoat ao experiment ladoraed by tooosanda. HSl .t mwmmtmA mmA a..! h-.W ' SI a naafea, vinu w.,.h.iai aft. ia4ri lam agentb, salesmen and ooiicitora, ir livers ail ana artwala anal arlah M Kanwtla hnf awwa't anna, where to get It. eome or write. Solicitors Baieatnea s xieadqaartera, BO Blxta si. Mala 6188. ' - . ; BTEKOOBAPHEItH. Imsh mala and female, wood poaitlooa open with beat firms: no charge, Underwood Typewriter Co.. 68 Blxta st. - WANTED Mau and wife on milk ranch! maa mnat be good milker;-wire to eastst tn nonee - . work; wagea (W a month. Phone Mala 8402. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. INDUSTRIOUS married couple who can fur nish tbe beat of reference and who nave bad experience would like to take charge of room ing house or other position of truat. Address Q 812,. care Journsl. MARRIED man with -team wants rood ateady . Job; delivery work preferred. ,, Phone Main POSITION by saa engine erector and aulesman r competent to Install Irrigating , plants. . , Ad- areas 3ia, care journal, . t Al COLLECTOR wants poat tlon with reliable I firm. - Address tj 8, care Journal. SITUATIONS ' WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG lady of refinement wanta to take care of child: will expect reasonable wages. Address ' N 811. rare Journal. BOMB wanted by widow; will do anything except cooking or waahlng; sslary no object well educated end refined; glso a musician P 818, -care journal, A CAPABLE1 lady wlahes a place aa sssiatant m a real estate ettice; near reierencea, given. ASdress a Big, care Journal. - WANTED AGENTS. : AGENTS WANTED Can you selt goods t It so we need -yon: complete outfit free; eaah ' weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capi tal City Nursery company, saiem. ur. WANTED A few more good live ea Icemen o aell cur coaat-grown trees; money -advanced each week; outfit fnrnlabed free. Write ua for particulars. Albany Nurseries, Albany. Oregon. .(.,, - ' - . - , ONB bustler In each town or locality ta I handle medlHaea or aoan: wrtte oulrkt tk ai If Dhnin. tM rhM at AGENTS wanted: eatary and commission to I good men. Apply room 57, 2Z7H Washington. AGENTS ' WANTED Responsible " mea . and women call at room 003 Buchanan bldg., 2NUH Washington st. '' ' EMP LOTMENT ' AGENCIES. , SANSON'S EMPLOYMBNT OFFICB POR MENJ 20 Worth Second at. . .' Phone Mam 1528. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB. 205H Morrison St.. ...... .Phone Pacific Pt 87 North Becor at. ...... Phone Paclfle 1800 .? RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. - Loeslnc eamo and farm bcln a spedslty. 20 North Second St. Phone Mala 6296. .We pay all telegraph charges. WANTED--TO RENT. WIIITED TO BfSNT Rnasaa. eortseaa. CI ata. stores, orricea, rooming-oooaea, ete. Laiae-1 lord i will do well to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. - Phone Eg. 72. S. I. Cor. 8d snd Oak. WANTED To rent a 5 or -raom modern cot tage or flat within walking distance of poat office: no children: must be reaaonabla. Ad- dress Q Bft care Journal. : : v ' -' WANTED To rent a email bouse near Bolladay acnooi. pnone eaat euw. - - - . - WANTED 8' or ' 4 ttnfnrnlabed rooms,' lower floor: desirable --location, with nice yard. , wsiking distance; west siae preierrea. la- areae s 811, care Journal. - WANTED REAL ESTATE. If at nr. una UAVVV f ... wan tort man an 0, ... V, Al.a WV,,W, , vw wax. mw - " I aeu your property to tneir trienas use 11 wiin 1 me; new plan. . Main 6188. M. D. Bowse, 66 Sixth St. I JTAVH eaah huveV for 8 or 10 acres of land. close to earllne, not over 10 miles from Port Und. m. J. Gelser. 221 H Morrlsoa at. WlVTRIkJlnHtl nav home . In flmbnrh. not tool fur from canine; will pay iw aown. zu mummy.- uvimil uuij atfu u,.ni : . a,, I E.. 144 Beat 18th st. . - . I WANT to buy on monthly installments a 6-room modern noma, wit n ysra, in aesirsois I A OKI ... l,m,l ' I ENIi V M. Wll, a. J, 'a www. m . . 1 TO 10 seres," part trees, part berries, bearing I and in flrst-claaa condition. Addree N 813, f care Journal. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. -..Ok.-.......- - I Txr m .it hn. mi,, timiaahnld aooAa andvnaSaift. I . . f .... c . I tee tne teat prices, tiu w aiuuuv. a. a, i end 1-. unnenatein, ' no rrooi oppoaite i - National hotel. Paclfle 1401. WR haul dead horses sad esttle free. Oregoa Fertiliser works, or notiry varney veteri nary. Fourth and unsaa ata. nam luco. CASH for bousebold goods. Savage ft PeaaelL B45-84T rim sa. -. rnone racuie sou. . FUKNITIIbb and cloxbiku . vb i I '" Prw2t.vami,.tm Siit WE PAY MORS FOR FTJRNITJJRB. PORTLAND ADCTION ROOMS, , Mala 5655. Ill First at. I ucFuitniii appiianoao aiana w w."', I Karlson Co.. 851 Anksny St. sin o-w. - 1 1 ""' . . ... .j WANTED Land to. clear or brnan to sissa oy contract. - Address K sib, care oui. IP TOU want to sell, see na. Second Hsnd I iace. nigoesi prices paiu I furnishings. 267 Flanders. Phone Mala 8618. j WANXED Motion picture machine fllme. aong elides, gas outfit, etc. Address P 114. Journal. WANTED Furniture aad hoaseboM goods ef , every description bought. Bold and egchang to . ' , The 1, 232 First at. Mala 8874. I WANTED Combined separator tender. Apply. with references, to Bur toe H. Peck, tiepp. ner. Or. - " ';'. . , BIOHEST nrtcea paid for all kinda ef Meood. I ; "arm union avxeuange, o. srswi ravine laoi.. , . v. ' . - I WAr?TEi evnaeone to cars tor Bt. Bemarq I 9"S- a. nr. fa vis. bib rmu roene stain I y"".ie o tray a rooming booso xv so se I rooms, or will take a good, first -class res taurant. bw, care Journal. I v mi rnen-s eaai-en Clothing ana BBoaai I .- we alao bey bousebold ftu-nlahlDga. hlsheat P"ce paia. can . at the "Fair Deal." : 61 FURNISHED ROP513"-4FOB RENT. 08BORN HOTEL, Grand are. end B. Aahl far msosa rooms, smgis ana ea euite. wertoa run, prop-. . , - , KONB better, few so good; elegantly fnmlabed t irenr suites, ana week! single rooms. 4, tt.oo, 85. Hotel Oxford, BUU snd Oak. -TUB kiciiblibu. 88H North Sixth at lie. ganuy lornisneat a team beat and baths. t THB BRAND, 46H North Third st Rooms get gentlemen. 81J8 per week and sp. . . THE HRILEB, JWOH Grand are Famished noueeieeping rooms salts! modern fireproof brick r - gas ranges, electric and - gas lights! .bath snd telephone; rates reasonable, r t , 1 TJ1E COLONIAL, cor. 10th and Morrison. I blocks west of Portland hotel: flrat -class rooms and beard; rates reeeooablei transient and table board accommodated. . .. . TWO alee furnished rooms, ea earllne, all Boa. . TanlanralT laianuhl, . aia .....k.1. .M I , I WANTED A few yenng men to room.' Celt a i os uoiumDie, They are atca rooms ana cheap... . . .i 1WH THIRD Neatly furnished, eatatde and front: oeoroomaj transient or weakly; reason, able; all rooms renovated . - 230H BCSSELL "T.-i-Apartmenta for 82.50 aad p; rooma oy toa week, fl.bu an,- - T I 1 1 X T!? rw I,rr rooma fronting oa I Sixth, and one on-corner Sixth and Alder; of- flee or housekeeping. i uanua, mai, nim, nrnwHa man rooati- anir I , able for two or three mea, reaaonabla. D08H - " - I , MMwa. I VERY large, nicely fornlshtd roomat gas, hath I Finn aaawm, prices reasonaDie. ooawtn it. - ' : I NEWLY furnished suits In most desirable Inea. I PPT room , wtt rirat st., corner I. .st. , , - ,-.v- A COZY little bedroom, furnlabed. 310 Mala st. 1 m A MCB furnished room In a private family ,,u mv ,inr , m, -. aa. auim ml. THE WOODlJkND Front parlor vacant; call now; references. , zoe sixth at. I'bone Mala 1054. - -v - i '. THE WOODLAWN Beautiful location; bean- tirui rooma ror nice people only. 263 Sixth at., 4 blocka from Poat Office. . ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. , ; THREE unfurnished rooms for rent Phone' Par. 7S. i '- ............ TIIIIF.K nnfuralahed . rooms " for rent, rbone pacific 7W. . - ROOMS AND HOARD. THE premises at 452 Morriaoa St. have hern iBorougniy renovated and newly farnlabH. I , Applications for anltea or private Jooms with steam beat and hot And cold wgtet may 1st maae now. xejiie Doaraera taken. . I BOARD and room for three gentlemen; 7 mln- . a utee' walk from pnetofflre. Southeast corner nixtn ana aiiu sis. BOOM and. board In private family for four gentlemen, o.u w manor sr., : wooauwu. FURNISHED rooms with board: table board 84 per week; gentlemen preferred. 442 Jaf feraon St. - . .. . ROOM and board.' private family; modern con veniences; reasonable. 2J4 14tb st. Main 1181. - . . , ; . JUST room for two more young men; first- class room and board, reaaonahlei all con veniences, close In. nice yard and norrh: roo-l ' borne rooking: also table board, $4 per week. Aster tionse, oeventn ana Msaison sts. , FOR RENT ' HOUI SEKEEPINO. 1,1 l ... ... UWW wwwn-.iii,-r.i.. ' u.r., nn nlshed or unfurnished, west able river: any combination you want. ' Apply ' 364 ' North . COth: Willamette Heights cars te 26th, tura aouth half block. '.'.;'.!.-. 1 I1M WEEK UP Large, clean furnlabed bcuae. , I . ft.. , i. IU man at.; south, Portland., 1 11.25 WEEK UP Clean Furnished houaekeep. ing-rooma, parior, nam, uunnry. rarnaca seat, yard, xusk atantoa ax. v car. : . THE MITCBELI Honaekeeplng and translentain. J room, reaaonabla. ' Seventh and Flanders i'- 1 TWO-ROOM housekeeping suites. ! with- bath; 82 per week; rree wood. 8U7 jssst Oak St. FOR RENT Two ' or -three hirnished house keeping rooms; pnone. gee, bath, etc.; walk, ing distance. Inquire 834 Third at., corner marsei,- :t --y-'v-- ('.-;;: ' - :. ..'V FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, i 220 Eighth. A SUITE of large " furnished housekeeping- I IM, 1lv, OAa ..k. . " v ..wiih. w.w ,.a... ... ,wiu iiiu ai. nan .--uB!.iriiiiirran, Apply Ml Morrison st. THREE nicely furnished bouaekeepmg-romns: gooa location. w jetteraon at., corner 10th. FOR RENT HOUSES . : ; GOOD cottages snd - housekeeping-rooms,- fur. nisneo or uoiumisneo, west side river; any combination you want: reasonable. - Anni 4864 North 26th; Willamette Heights car to zvtn, turn souin nan uiocs. . - - ' . POR RENT 6-roora house, fine condition, 299 iiacxamaa st live oiocxs irom uteel bridge. Call at bouse or phone East 5922. - . . , . WH' rent ' aad . sell plaaor. . Snarmaa, clay ' - CO..- -' - ' , ' - , .J t : o - nvuas aincuj bhuioiij new nouae.-napni Eaat -Pine; walking distance; phone Be 60. HOUSES TO RENT. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, - Sixth and Ankeny ata. . mura iioubv, w.iwuauru ( auu rnirxen-nouae. - ,- a, uuw, . . a ni rail si. rnone 'Main soiu-. POR RENT Pine e-room bouse, I lot lOOxino, nut nuim uiii;-i oa yaras, sis, nha A, Pfafrla. 2ftit Third at. . . -"-' T , -"" --- ; ( BY OWA'KR 6-room bouse In best ef Condi. ' tlon, modern; la pood neighborhood; trma Phone Woodlawn 602. I a IkStlM r ItMiu - slaa. -'-Htlrrf anA newly pVpered and painted InaWeT 122 B. M. Wilbur, 110,. Second at. mn3 apuejw. MAM. a.wnM ft.HU M run n,n " .uw vu s,aac sisi auu mwcu n. INEW.S-room modern bouse, electric lights and KM, aiau imii.i-v, mnu , vurner Lnlta, - ave. and San Rafael at. , M FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 871 Front af bathroom, gaa; rent l$ per month, -i Inaulm . on premises. Phone Pacific 208. v . f.