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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. ' JUNE 8; 1907. 11 I i FOIl RENT MOTJSSS BUSINESS CHANCES. 1H BAT I l'Cwol-torn boMMT Eaat into It. - FITRXISIIED HOUSES. O-ROOM furnished hous for rent. 1 428 Moot goinery it. - Inquire Sunday aiornlnf . - Inquire . 8o2 I HOTEL, 89 rooms, furnished, tamwi: cheap seat; worm $7JO, fur $j7S cash. , Call 7t 1 irat at. . ; ,, . , -., FOB 8ALH Cigar tend; good location,' rani. w in, car Journal, . ctap HOUHH for rant, furnished complete, moath. 7S1 WUllama ara.I taka "U" 120 par car. WELL-LOCATED modern 5-room furnished aot . .tage In Sellwood for rant during July and August, - Address Q 42, cara Journal, FURNISHED room hnaaa, nlca yard, in fruit treee. U7i Hawthorne aTa. 'Tabor Bo , . FOR REXT FLATS - : - TWO upper flat, furnished or not, or will arrange both-for boarders; 10 rooms and ball, '. electric Mght and bath. 887 Raat Sth. In i quire In store ones of Powell; Woodstock roR RENT Two new -roora fUta, near Steel rnupi,. mn sineigaou location, apply ie. naiiey siucneii,. zu Bisra si. rnone Hal, HOUSES FOn RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. .: . HOUBB for rant and furniture for sal. East riandera at. Phone Eaat 8210. ' 1 1 1 ' - ., ,, -- OS ron RENT8T0RES0FFICES. , bmali store, aultable for tailor shop, barber . anop. etc., on Finn si., near Btark at. tiags- nana ft Blanchard, 91 fifth at . 'GROUND floor office on fifth at., near Stark lt"iw" b0D rono1 " deslrad. Hagwnaas ' ' f UIS Sfc , '. - , - : FOR RENT All or part of around floor apace Bank of British Colombia bldg.. Frost and Ankeay at. Apply R, T. Cox. Mala 423. , GROCERY store for rant. 120 per month. Re addition, on the fat .Scott carllne. Also I jr otuer noma cheap. 1 WANT man to build a store, nut ka a small . atork of general merchandise and art aa local agent in a new townaite oo electric una in thickly rattled community will pay aalary , -and commission for local work to the right . party. Address Q 91, rare Journal. PARTY with few thousand dollar te take ctl Interest In sawmill ! ' plenty timber rare chase, aa mill la making money) aalary I : Deattiea interest in business. Address a mil. .car Journal. . - .-';. $300 RUTS clear and confectionery store worm twice in amount. -oa yt uiism are. ACRIFICR aal of $3,000 atnek f groceries for $2,800 If taken la next fir daya; locate! I In new corner building, with long lea, low .' rent, new fixtures, bors and wsgonl doing ,' fUtt per day and better; owner going to I Alaake or wonld not aell at any price, An swer this now, tomorrow may . be toe late. I Will atand any lnrtlgatlon. Na agents. Q 10, car Journal. OENERAL BMrchandla store. In beet section of Orrfon. at ioTolcei banked ViHt.iaw taai year. Lewis 0. Conant. room 10. I8 Stark atreet. i-, . : v- ' 1 ii i in r " rOR SALE Fh and cedar timber on M acres, ,near Lent. B. . Beegle, mum. ur. ROOMINO-UOURI, consisting of rooms! new furnltorei bouse always full; bargam. Apply Front it. , FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. 88,000 t llOUSKR. 10 and rooms ; pay mora man 10 per cent on inrestment. ,i,irjv nininii uriwna ii.wr, , w " - i land ilelghtai xcUent flew; 10 per cant a ' lnM.ttnAn, ' r u .. I 12.100 Modern R-rnom house. Borthwlck et. ' ,'. 12,400 New -roora boose, Bast Tsylnr t. Ii,oo Modern V mom bouse. K. xamnui e. 1.600 Modern d-room nous, Highland ad ; dltlon. ' . , .i 1 , . 3,000 Wew room bonse, East 32d t. M. D. HOW SB, Phoo Mala 8188. -v M Sixth at. FOR SALErAmiS. TO'Ifl?estors , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. AN If! efflr ult for Nat., -inira ana itaaiaoa. Madlaoa bldf., laoalr ltd Front : FOB RENTFARMS. FOR RUNT for rear, a 6-aer ehlrken ranch, wwii iron car. , aare n but, journal. asaaaasaaaiBaaasssaaawBaassMensBsaMasassBsaaesBM Jfob rent mtscellanequs. BALLROOM and lodferaom, new, wltk till wMMiarn eoarenieeees, on aarllae. rboae 8981 Aatomatle A-18W. 18 ROOM bearding hoase, good part of 814 Mortal at. Phon Mala 498. PARBER-8HOP for rent. St.. corner Alder. . BARN to rent, 3T Jefferson at.J room tor 90 ""a. i-Bon aiain tim. BUMMER RESORTS BEACH PROPERTY. Tb finest beach nronertr aesr affared. Joining Breaker hotel property, to b known I as --Msansiua rsca ; xrny-tm tract, - . portion with building restiictloBsi etbar resirweoi esay terms. , A. C CHl'kCHILZ, ft C0 . 110 Second Bt,. City. LOCKRLRT HALL J)sM, Or, Dr. P. L.I Austin, proprietnr. assisted by L. A. Carlylei rates from 812.60 per week p: rates and reeerrstlon may be made now with Pr. Ao ' . (in, aentMt. Halelgh hldg. - $200 to SM oacb, according to else and location, for tot la Baretock; Pled moot car men Inreatlgat. -- fiuto for pic lot la West Piedmont. 8:tft0 80x100 feet aa Mlsstsslonl are. . ' 400 for Urge lot oa Borthwlck t.t etreet graded, ewr la (tract, U assessments paid, abatrart ahowlng good title; term, 800 cask . and 10 per month. 88B0 for Oa east front tot la Central AJ- bin. - . , looses :ihdr6ts. ' 12,000 for Blr bom oa Bast ' 18th t north term, 8800 cssh, balaaca 120 per ' month. - 8680 for small ba a ad fatl-alaad tot oa Commercial at. 'r 11.800 for 8-room boose, good plarabln. la Uulroomahl tarma, 8100 cash, bftWiM $2k - l.oootv-rooni bouse oa Mlnneeot r. terms. 8900 cssh, balance 115 per month. : ll.OdO Fine lot and a mall boos oa Sumner t., nr'"L" carlln. 8880 Lot 80x100 feet, 8-room boose, at Sea Vfctw, Wash. . Thai property la near tb -beach. ' ' . 8700 Small house sad fnll-slsed lot en NlnU St. north! terms, 8280 fash, balance 20 per month. . . , 11,800 Fin B-roem boo on nlca cornet lot v THOMPSON it OODRN, Phon WoodUwa 802. 848 Mlmrtsslppl av. W.000, half cash, corner, with new modern double store; 10 psr lent Inrestmsnt; Incrsu In value la three years will msk 18 per rent; res sons siren. Inrestlgsts. Addreea Q 318, care JocrnaL :. r , . ; Arbor-lodge; Snaps Fin new modern 8-room bona with! tbreaj lots, comer 8800 cash, balance asms is rem. , other borne tod recent Jots; tarma. . -' .Make date by phone. ' ' ,'. . W. B. RUST. - t " Arbor Lodge station, phon WoodUwa 128. IP yoa want to bay, aell or exchange yoa . property, call oa or addreea Oeo, W. Taroor, ,B08H Waablngtoa at., Portland, or. - BEAUTIFULLY located acre tract near S ear , lines, aultable to plat, for aal by awnar. Call Mala 0008. lloin A-41T. . . BUY 8 horn of Jo Nash, where yoa eaa taka your conic rrorn 7 new eottagea, an moaera . bat eoe. and It M anspi It ha a room, ; all finished Inside, and ha 1 or 8 Iota; you ' eaa bar It for 8300: 8100 now and io month or any of the modem eottagea cat ' the easy payments. '. bamembsr, I bar om nice acreage tract, I to 8 acrea, and aom cbotcc balldlag .tot. sU right t the carlln. - See m at one -and taka year choice. No agent. See owner, Joe Nash, at Millard are.; take Mt Scott carlln. ,. y -.- FOR SALE 28 acres, betwsea two. aarllae. close In this I rery sightly and esa : aold aft la lota at aa Increaa of 100 I cent. Se oa at one. Western Oregon Trnst Oo., zvl stark t, . j :.i,..v. - - BARGAIN Woodstock Helgbbv, 8-room houi. quarter block, fruit, mono aeuwosa au. 12.280 BUYS a new T-room boos and tot. bs qulr or w. H. carter, Tl wumm it. A BARGAIN Fine cornar,' 100x180 feet, la Washlncton addition, near two earnoee. Owner. Addreea B 818. ear Joemal. FOR BALB Two choice Iota Juat east of Irr tngtoa. near Tillamook at.) will U cheap If taken at one for eaah. Call Shlraly, SOS Broadway. . - ;:.WasWiigte Oregon: , '' 140 acres fM land all Iml. eaalle cleared. , 4 mite from railroad, good location, beet of soil, 28 mile from Tort land I price $10 ler acre; good term. ...... . ; . . ' ll.eV) 1AA .m 9M tntlse mm rarimad. In Clark county, Waah., 22 ml) from Van ; eoorer: 10 acre In cult Irat loo, 100 acre , rlrer bottom,' family orchard; new 8-room :rnatl house, coat 8000: email bars: t bead of cattle. 8 eowai all farm Implements; 80 acre fenced; tin aotl; lnrtlgt this before Buying. . ., , u. ' . ;.,( , :. ' l.T0oC-84 aerea, 1H mile from Washoogsl, ' Clsrk eonnty; 18 acres In eultlTatlon; aom rruit; good B-room rustic nous; larg bara, rustic and painted; all' fenced with 4 wires; nne location; new mower end rske; plows, bsrrow, small tool of all kind; 8000 cash, oaianc a yeara, per cent. - 840010 scree, near VsncooTer, ' 1H seres , cleared balaae slashed and seeded; en coon ty road; near choor, fin oll j term. ' 88,200180 acre In Clark eonnty. Waah. d mile from railroad and boat landing; 30 acree. eleared, om timber, balance caally - eiearaa. i acre bearing orchard: 8-rooo house near school; fin soil; halt cash, hslanc 8 yeers st 8 per cent; will tsk part la i- cqang lor aiiy property. . ' ' 13.00040 acre In Clark eonnty. Wash : lngton. 5 mile from railroad and boat land. , Ing; all In eultlTatlon and ta crop, 8 acrea bearing orchard, eerie ty: 8-coom bouse, good - bara. good well, flps aprlng. R. F. l.; of a mil to school; bora and bosrr, 3 cows, 2 bo, 80 chicken; aom email - tools; all . crop, and tb vary peat of black oll; this Slice la guaranteed aa (drertleed; Inrsstlgsta it be for buying; glr term. ,. - t , ' ' 1 - '- 7' '''.'..' 11 .880100 acre. mile from rail road and boat landing. In Clark eonnty, , Waah.; 80 xa eultlTatlon; all fenced with . Wirt! boa 18x18, barn 8Sx40; half mil to , acbool; 20 aero seeded to grass; floe ooU. BENT for nlahed: Beat 788. the sob. 8oom Center Tllla, North cottage. fur- Beach. , Phoo Buys Hous and f lot 80x100, fenced, lawn and row. Bull Rna water, outbuilding; If takes . at one, fuv down, nsisnce ta jruit. i. . OWNER. T 1028 Xaat 80th t., Bortb. . BUSINESS CHANCES. ' - RESTArRAjrrv XI t 12,000 eaah take thl fin restaarant; has a no ciaa or patrons rs, long leas and rant - only 8.10. Standard Inreetment Co.. corner I ? rum and salmon at. "FOR cjulek reenlt list year business with a. Rooming-houses, boelnes chancea, real es tate. Western "Realty Co., B10 Bacbanaa v hldg., mk Washington at. Telephoo Main S2SaBUYS bome baker and eonfeerloneF . jl... rora ana axiary xnqatr ,oo mat Berentb . t., city, :-. . i . i ; " - BARGAIN. - t Setory building, 15 rooms, furnished, beet I - k ' n; for sal or rant; part eaah. , Blwcll . .. Ke ? Co., vancourar. Waah. i A 5O0, !' $750. I MTTBT (ELL my B-room house and 8 tot at 1488 Rodnsy r., Piedmont Park; 28 bearing ' frnlt tree, 100 roeebutheer berries of all i kinds. Cbarto . Short. 200 Fanton hldg. BY OWNER 8-room- hbuae In beat of condl . tmv modern; In gnod neighbor hood; term. , I'hon . Woodlawn- &)2. - -.- THE heal eststs office of Lard SandefM la now tooted la room Bennett bldg., 85i!4 Morriaon u .., ..- .... . . ,. .- MODERN 8-room aonse. fat SOxWO,' on block , to carlln: prlc 1 2, 800: 8300 down, balaae 10 per soon tn. tau T4fe Flrat at. C. R. Doucell & Co. ur anrrrr itA&riAlNS. 150 eaah, balance 110 per month, t-room hous, large tot, close to ear. f78 eaah, balaae 88 par month, larg tot, nlcket fence, email aback, (and and lumbar m Kamm ,1m. tn carl 8A00. 11,100 I room boa, tot 60x180, toM to ear: pr casn, oeiance esuw. . 11.800 8-room bouaa, 8 tote, frnlt trace, flow era. nice gerdea, poultry-booae, ate. I . close t car; (280 aaah. balanc 10 per month. ' - ., $1.7008-room np-to-dat moflrn rot tag. electric ngntav na rixrnr, iw ie. , .1.1. la a .fh aM nWIU. 82,880 8 room moflern aonse, jr-, blocks from car; 8800 eaah, balaaca 120 par month. . . ' ' . ... Also mane other bargain U henna, lota aad acreage. Office open day and Tanlng. . : BAKER d BOSS. Unrelwood, Mt Scott ear. 88.00 IS THE- vain of thU d. Cutlt out ; aad cssb It In on a tot In Wlberg Blghta. COLUMBIA TBrST COMrAHZ, . t - - Couch Building. 11,830 FOR a modern 8-roora bona, up to data In rrary respect; xina conssr ovuuv. Two modern boose mnat . b aold befbr I the 15th; make n an offer. Fin home on rental Tain. " HOMB LAND CO.. 18 First at 1 8-ROOM boose, 2 fin tot, ahad trees, near depot, at a bargain, inquire at ue an. rco Real Batata office, Lenta, Or. - Phoo Scott Ala other good bargains. 800 aerse; ' 2S mile from Portland; , mils from R. B. and boat landing; 88 acre la flu etate of culUratlon; all In crop: om timber; balanc pasture, easily ' cleared, 7 moetly ell leeel; all fenced, poet and wlra; H r bearing orchard, good well at door, two fin aprlng, tin 10-room house, hrg ' tram bare; Una team 'worth 400, 28 head ' of cow. 8 ball, all kind of farm machinery, eeeral aad of Dog; som cnicxens; cream . aenaratorf beat of aolt: B. P. D.J mil to achooL -Prlc 888 per acre. Including all Mraonal nruperte and eroo: ' t4 cash, bsl- aca T Fear at 8 per cent; will tak 811,000 . fa Mohan for Portland city property. Tola . place I guaranteed aa adTcrtlaed. 84 atr; 10 mile from Portland; 1 mile , from BeaTerton; 14 acrea cleared and la crop; one 10-room house, plastered. Dot air ,. furnace; good barn, 100 feet of chicken house with yards; brood bouaa and large . Incubator aad brooder; good team. 8 cows, 150 chicken, 8 wagon, bur XT! all kind of .farm implement; gooa wen t aoor; ivi . acre of orchard; email creek en place. Price . 84.600: will xebng for city property; beat of sou; fir gooa term. 168 scree; 4 mile from Waabongal;. 28 mile rrom roruana; o acre to cuiura tloa and la crop, all leeel and fenced: t rl acre green timber; balanc very easily cleared: email house, fair barn, family chard: team, new wagon: cream eoaratar farm Implements; 8 good cows, 8 bog, com chicken; (mail creek oa place; flu black oil, no better; 88,600. TIMBER, i ' TTMBER LANDS. To th Owner of Timber Landct W want . timber land la larg and email tracts, tnl claim. In Oregon, Washington and Idaho! It most be direct from tb owners; we don't went :-.y option until w see wbst yoa bar to offer at yonr lowest nst eaah price; send a yoar descriptions, kind of timber aad your stfmst If yoa bsr It. , . . Writ a and find oat what w eaa do for yon. . W are la the market at nil tlmss ; any deal that la right ...... 0RB00 BROS., '817-18 Fenton bldg., 84 Slitb at.. Portland. . A FEW M0RR Timber claim in Columbia eountTi will locate you en claim cruising 8,000.000 or more; nominal fe. For full psrtlculsra call THE VETERAN LAND CO., . ' - ' lOBMi Third at. - , 1 2ERSONAL. : building, is now located In th store st 603 Washlugtoo atreet, cornea- ITtb street, where he hss erured tnor conTcnlent and eon- . modlou quarter. , giir work In all branches, Sealskin garments remodeled and redred. ex ' pert fitter, 80 yeer' experience. Order work ' a anectslty; eatlmate cheerfully gtn; all . work done at aummer price. Mow la th time t attend, to yoar fur. GERMAN book,- mgtnea, norsls. e. Oee- ,.man. sngnso. rreocn, npeotan. BwMlan s1 lisima uinwinnni T'risn neosi w nu kind, aebmal Uo., ra rrrrt at 8UITU pressed 'while yoa wilt, 80. LadW eklrt pressed. 00c. Ollbert. lOniA Sixth at, t aexi to yutu. rnon aisin kTiBn. s ., FARM homestead rellminlahment: 8,000,000 feet . itow ur, near Tillamook; so acre bearer-! , dsm. fsn loret railroad land-40 mile from Portland; claim worth $7,000 ach. J. C. win. Atoer t -room is. ,.; , HOI.DBN 8 RHEUMATIC CURRSar rare for rbamtlm.. Sold by all dragglata. MANLY elgor restored by Dr. RobertW Nerr . Otobnle. On month' treatment, 12 i 8 months. 88; sent securely sesled by matt - Agent, Woodard. Clark A Co.. Portland. Or, LANDBEEKERS, Attention! ' Wanted, few more person to rile and locate on railroad landa In Oregon; tak adrantaga of thle elnh, "You'll bar to hurry," Addraa F. 812, car Journal. MRS. OBROCK. gradaate maaseose; aaMnet bath, salt glow, alcohol rob, eresm maaug; rererence. iw aeeeat st, Ms la na BALM OF FIOS for ll female dtseasee. . East Belmont Phon East 4084. ,. 24 CERTIFIED crtn. my stxs. lowwt prlcee. w aoweu. aa uuaMr or IMinsra, . TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oreeonlaa bldg.; tad tee aay. gem is men night. Msm laos. WANTED nellnqnlshment of ciaim; wui act immadUtely. JournaL good timber Addrs Q 12 HORSES. VEHICLES, II AR XEStL BACK date of magactn Book store, 291 Alder st. st 8 cents. Jones FOR SALE, CHEAP A epan f chestnut geld ing, risien msn and tail, wU matched, thoroughly city broke. 8 yeer old: beet road team In Oregon. Also practically new Con cord top buggy and splendid set of buggy heme; must be seen t b appreciated. writ ioc box pro. oo. clty or call on O. P. McDermott. Mt. Scott carllne, Haaelwlld nation, vn walnut t. . DON'T b dull and Inacttre: Kexln Pill car all weakness) l a box, H.for $; full gusr- ntee. Aaarea or can . i. (.lemenaoa, drugglat. Portland, Or. MISS at. RAYMOND MaMeuse. 2ARU Morriaon room 14. Phono Main 8911. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Co. Sarin and Cotton Root Pill are tb only sura remedy for de layed periods: by mall, 82 per box. Addraa Dr. Pierce, 181 First t, Portland. Or. BORSES and baggie for rent by dsy. week and month; special rstse to bnstn boon. Sixth. and Hawthorn. Eaet ,18. DR. RING CHOONO. Importer Chlaow rant medicine; aalls Chinee tea. certain euro for aU disease. 101 2d, bat Yamhill aad Taylor. BEST work and light harness, price lowest i j w tak your old barn In exebeng for w mmumw nmrum bO e eiorta aista at. MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and chiropo dist, formerly of aoiH Third st., is now at 880 Pin st Phono Pacific 1738. HRAD Inclndlnr 1 fie. , Smith st., Monteelll. MANICl'RINO. face tnsssage and snip treat- drlrara. Can 8881 meat Try room l, at waaumgtoa at. 1,060-POUND bora, buggy and bars for aal cnaap, a owner baa no as for them. In quire at S. Mt. Tabor Reaereolr grocery for vwucr. .uurm -j, uo, car journal. HARTMAN DETECTIVE AOENCY. Eipert onfIdentlal serrice. Room 417-418 Bwetlsnd bldg. Main StfSS. Night. Bast 1828. . . borae, about 1,200 nooade, wanted t un iiin at. t, j. Bbepard, grocer. I' boo Sellwood 258. YOUNO aclentlfie masseuse glee electrics 1, al coholle and medicated trcitment. also tub bath. 41 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Waab lngtoa t. BORSES for sals. Arthur at. from 800 to 1,200. 878 Tb aboT pis os are adrartlMd. all guaranteed as grocery store; Tiki shout f 1,000, for ..euoa, ita ana imng. REAL ESTATE. .Boom 18. 888 Stark at "FOR RALE Bom ' tc eresm parlors, , 't Tabor 608.. bakery aad confectioner. 7 Baa Una road, phon 1587 : FOR 'SALE Grocery ror with room; atock gi.OOO; rent fig; will run down stock tol uit .Address K 80Z, car JournaL WANTED Partner for goad proposition. A. restaurant bosine; si an journal. FOR SALE Feed store and woodysrd, ; . St. -y jonna, ur. Aaara is Myre st. fSOO BUYS th Raymond, 14 room, well for- niched; good business; easy term. 118 South Jersey t, Bt. John. Or. . ,L . FOR SALE Photograph rallerr tn aood Iocs. flon, doing good business; good reasons for ning, -A ogress box t 814. car JournaL THE Crescent Cleaning A Pressing Parlor: par ' l flng aat. 68 First t.; ; r, VfT, BATE opening for pertlea, with small or ., . largo capital, In beery manufacturing enter . pels, to otbllh la Portlaad; will stand ; cloaeat Inreatlgatlon. For particulars ad dress Q 188, care Journal, ,. EMPLOYMENT and real estst basin res doing j - eou per , monini mo mutui otner ousioees; ..... nu eeiiF iou cesa. v norm xaira at . OO0D paying- meat business In a valley town .for aale cheap, or will trade for city prop-I oriy. nu snnri, room to naiciga OlOg. ' gACRIFICE General atock at liberal discount; . , good town: low rent, lesss. InTMtlgste thta. i 'S-yourese y eie. cexe journal. - . .WANTED Yonng man a partner with Sino. in respectable bnlna; can easily msk f 25 a week. Address H 811. ear JournaL Howse Handled Houses SNAPS ABB MY SPECIALTY, t Refuse to Haadl Anything Elaa." By "snsp" I mean income property, paying 10,pr cent per year or better; If you are looking for a anap study this: On East Ask say, close n, a 12-room double boo, separate basements, hatha, and porches, oa lot 60x1)0 feet, now renting for 840, and aU ' for "84.600 with term. - . M. D. H0W8B, , Phon Main 8188. 08 Sixth St 1 TO 20 acre, cleared, west side, 6c far, for aa, 1 tj Ka L. t as a ems V ' MlifFa' VB7 eTlUnUUlVat i W ITIt . Wo " J5 800 FARMS, small tracts aod tot: bargatna ) 1 U. W. r. electric tin, w. a. snoinn, bns, ... Oragoa. Tak Mt Boon ar. A Nif-C nttl homo oa East 27th at for 81.700: pay by the month or year; la eloae to two I ,, carllne. The Span ton Co 870 Start St. . 82.600 NEW mod era 8-room house, lot 80x88. Phon Woodlawn 682. 018 Height are. FOB SALE A fine 8-room mod era home with J . 8 full comer son, aiiey, neage an aroana; , rerythlng to make a ale bom: prlc 83,550. Address H 800. car Journal. TWO beautiful lota On 82nd at, near Haw thorne are., cheap, tewia u. uonani, room 10, 888 Stark at TWO flu tote at Myrtle Park, at a bargain. Lewis G. conant, room iu, hob butk si. 8-ROOM 2-tory bouse. fU basement; actual cost 84.000; nice view, between two carllne. opposite the Osks, west aid; will tek 82,600 cash, a 818. car journal. 4-ROOM cottage, Laurelwood, 8800; easy terms; near carlln. 83 vt qaira at., room a. FOR SALE 8-room hous. - good hardwood fin- lh, with concrat oaaemsni; wimiu iv nun utea' walk of center of city, Bast Eighth at. Call 200 H Third at, room 25-26 from 10 to 4. - Abor bargain ar bnt a few of th farm on our llat. We hare , the largest list of farm, of any firm in Portland or Tieinttr, Price rang from 8O0 to 830,000. Write or call IX yoa ar in th market for a farm, ;Wasl!ltagtoii: Oregon Realty Co. ' 108 Second st, Portlaad, Or., Aad 800 Mala, at, V a neon rer, Waah. - Pooo Mala 8404. BOU8B had gant et. ' 8 lots; terms.' Miller, 80 Wy- FOR 10 DAYS 10-room bona, term- must sail; com quick. 82.2601 easy Union 8788. 272U ACRES located in Yamhill county. mil eoQlh of McMlnnriU and 1 mile south of Amity, county road on two tide of farm; two et of building, on old and on new. WIU ell an in on tract or wUl.dlrld Into tbre farma, a follow: 100 acrea, with old bunding and part of orchard, llring water, an tillable land and about 48 acre new In clorer; an 'Al farm; prlc 86,000, half cub and balance on easy term. - 75 acre, all rood land. 14 acre In bop, rood hoohous. llTlng wstsr. all good land: prlc 1100 per acre, half cash and balaaca to aoit purensser. - 72 ti acrea. with new hone and bant and other outbuilding, two good wells, llring water; an Al place; price $126 per acre, half cash and balanc to uit. 26 acre In timber for 22.800, or In amall tract of 8 acre each at $100 per acre. - J. A. HOWARD, Albany. Or. INVESTMENT 8 lots for Cash. 81.200: 1 block from carllne, t blocks from school, on corner. ruone nam oxau. . uwner. , M. D. BOUSE, aollcltora' and aaleamen'a head. quarter; eastern mannfacturlng firm rapr. eencsui rvaji evtir quica saia a tltlon circulated. 88. Sixth st senteo; real estste quick as lee hegotlsted: pe- Maln 8188, JJ0TJTB PORTLAND SNAP. Fin corner, unobstructed Tiew, sis 88x110. , only $1,600. 208 Fourth st Tat PadfM aixo or aiara svuu, - . NEW boo, Eaat 27 and Alder, 83.400: In stellmsnt. , Qiarleion at 0., 411 Commercial. NEW ADDITION Fine tot 60x100, streets 80 feet near- car station at Louts, 6c ear fare; . vuij .no; ivriii.. xiia ssount BCOtt Car. O, R. Addition. Lenta, Or Be far. . ... BEST BUY tn Portland, 76x100, corner, 8 fet aoom graoe, icTei, rruit rrsea; grn Streets. wstrr in; imprnrament go with Iota, S i nroca eoutu oi tiswtnnm sre., on 83d rt. ;. owner st 848 Bait 44th t., south. Phon aaoors aoe. .. rric f oou; terms. ro." B.A"nf,"f J".1" VSSSZ r.w, p 811, car journal. MEAT market doing fine business, in good .location, rnon lanor zvs. BARGAIN Cigar, candy". Ice cream, books, a ho , tetlooery; owner leering city; must Mil st . once. Address R 811, cars Journal. $250 OR best Immediate cash offer Take Well-Paying . . , Corner cigar, lea ereem. confectionery (tore. modern fixture. 8 ahelres, 4 counter. 81 . :. howcse. refrigerator, table, ebalra, gis . jr. uisnes, etc.; rent io, stor sno. Bice I room. bt4 wiilisms ar. ' . . BARGAINS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCB. f 275 Barber shop, 8 chair. ;- 8125 Furnltnr of 8-room flat. new. s 510 Buchsnad bldg., 286 Washington at. I . Main nail. FOR SALE Grocery store, cheap; llring room; ' money-maker. 670 First t. RKRTAURANT nd luhcb counter Ml Washlng- ton; lease; rood place for man tnd wie.or two partners! $750. Address Q 40, Journal. " : i ' r - ' FOR Stf.t) chesp If takes at once Oonfee- ... Lsenery store, complete, itors, iixturee, raw jFTegiatr, etc. Sea owner at 210 Bereatb at. FOB KENT, CHEAP A wsll-furnlshed restaur ' got doing a good business, with a poolroom and -confectionery m connection; must quit business for while on account of sickness. - 288 North Iflth t. 'r.'-f-v:., i.l'v-;;;..,;.!.., : " " - - ' . ClOAR snd fruit stand In walttng-raora, free rent, light and heat; a twrgalo for man and ' . wlf. Call after 10 m. at 110H Fourth at., corner Washington. No agent. Thl 4 I a money-getter. Other business reason for tiling. - f PARTNER for bakery and dellctesn who I ran car for store: fin location. Address X 312, car Journal. . - MEAT market cheap for eaah If cold at one; inn !. rnt; a anan for a good man. Business lot and two store. $1,700; part . Caah: Dartfut 17 per cent; owner. must sear. ' - . " BAKER ft ROSS. ' ' Lauralwoed. Mt. Scott 'ear. I , HOTEL of 24 room;-rent $25; prica $550 U taken at once. , 842 Maaison. wat,er In; $500; terms; fmproremeata go with ir AwnM A. wmnnA UB south. Phon Ttbor 354. 8 block south of BistnunH in, . - iA.nvurt idxiw in cuoicet locality, oa I nancoo sr.. Dfiwm ist ana iw: will Brake 1 pergsin pries ror qnicr !. owner,-. 814 ,, bumner e.xoang oiug. $40 WILL handle a lot which we can aell for $450; balanc can be paid by tb month; . lee than -two blocka from carlln nd only 18 minutes from th city: all Imnrnrementa COLUMBIA TRCST COMPANY. . Couch Building. ' i ... i ' i , I. WB will build you a bout to suit In Tsrrsc .Park; will take monthly payment: in easel or oearn wo giro clear deed.,-The moat liberal home proposition rer made In "Portland. Tb open ton m., xiv otara st,.-; A PRETTY modern hous of six room, anlsn. didly constructed and nicely arranged ; gaa I and lectrio light; close In; $2,500; assy , term. Inquire $62 Fremont St. or Dbon I nr . , , i.Mk i - - , WOOaiBWB IW.. .,..'-, ;i -. .-,. A RIGHTLY residence lot, 80x100, with Bull . Run water, cement walks and curb all paid , for ana ices toau two oracaa rmm carllne; only 13 minute from heart of tb . city. T COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 1 ' " Coach Building. - ... ' .-. r 8-ROpM oottsgs, fnmlsbed. $1,800. SOS Fourth St.' 11. i-soiiio iui or ssaia awuv : A BNAP Partle going t; $1,000 for -rown bouse, a lot, trait sno. riowsr. 420 Sixth j bt., sortu, i-ents, ur. RI.EGAKT 8-room bona, modern, bath. alnk. toilet full concrete basement; fin neighbor hood and Slgntiy location; tni is s real anap; it you Intend purchasing a bom It will pay .. you to inreaiigai mis. mis wee tor fi.vuu. fcom Und Co., 148 First at BIT88ELL ST. 6 rooms, lot 60x110, fruit. $2,000; half cash! tbla u a bargain, f . W. Hendersoa. 248 Btark at " . THIS ad I good for $5 In purchasing a tot In Wlberg Heights, ra it out ana nnng it in. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, ,' . v. . .. . (Couch Building. :f:- FOR SALE $1,800 8-room cottage, modern J ' Improvement; ' one Diocg rrom canine, in Creeton; the beat of term gram, Westsrn , Oregon Trust Co 281 Btark St. HERE IS A SNAP New 8-room bouse and 8 larg Iota,- 80-foot s 1 ley,' OO-foot street fin Cblcgen rancn, o-bwcii rrom nr, price faovi $280 down, -monthly payment, or will Mil . with one lot for $390, $100 down. See Jo Nash at Millard are., on tb Mt Scott car- M.lln. ' ' ':'('' -v-- , HANCOCK 8TRBBT ADDITION. A beautiful tract, adjoining Irrlnrtoa; parked afreets, cement sidewalk and building restriction. - - It's roor loss li you any .a noma sit j where neror seeing ob. ; Tat Rose City Park car to Sandy road anl O. R. ft N. crossing and "see tb man tn tb tent." , . THOMPSON ft OGDEN, , , WoodUwa 808. TWO fin lot near 47th and Hawthorn will b void at big sacrifice; $275 If void before fJune 12: asy term. Tb Spanton Co., 2701 .. Stark t. For Sale or Trade $1200 Fir mil from Vaneoorer, 12 miles from Portland. Al chicken ranch; 6 acree; 4 acre la fruItlYStlon, 1 sere slashed and seed ed. Story and bslf hous; barn, chicken . bouse, park and chlckena; farming Imple ments; 80 fruit tres. Bee owner Saturday and Sunday between 10 and 1 o'clock at 75 North Ninth treet. ' O. A. BEROSTRAND, B. F. . No. 1. VncouTor, Wash. 100-ACRB FARM IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. ,. 100 In crop; 9-room bouse, good barn and outbulldlnga; family orchard, running water; 8 mile from city limit. 8 mile to carllne; R. F. D, and phone; 800 yard to school; will sail la 40-acra tracts; $85 to $100 par . acre, terms. . HARLOW ft DOWLING. v. . Mllwaukle, Or. FOR SALE Gentle pony, will rid or drier: alas light aprlng wagon. Mt. Scott ear, get "tt at Myrtle Park station, go IU blocka eouth, loquir at brown bouse with white trimming. DR. ISABELLI MACKIB has yoat mored from room 84 sna so, Msrqusm, to room in, to Lewi building, corner of Psrk and Mor rkwa ta where she will b plsssed to wsl oom all bar old pstlenta. MISS GIBSON glree scalp treatment; dandruff. 2684 Morriaon' t, room 62. - FOB SALE, CHEAP 1,800-pound dellrery or work borae, city brok. 154 Eaat 18th at corner of Belmont. 80 HORSES 80. i-r. Our next aale at the Union stockyard on Tuesday, Jnn 11, 1907, 1 p. m. aharp. Two carloada Unbroken eaatera Oregon horse, will rang In tlaa from 14 to 16V, hand, aom baiter broke and a few broke addlers, aomo floe young mare and colt; also soms 1 aad 3-year-olda, will grow into money. Remember th date and b en time. TWADDLB ft RICHARDS. HENRY B. WILLARD, formerly of Cleralaad, Ohio, call at A rirat at. important. DR. T. J. PIERCB. specUllst. dlsesse of women ; all irregularities corrected; no s - poaura; medicine by mail. Offtee 181 First t, corner Yamhill. Portlaad, Or. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PAL! I awiaawMB iaaaaeBBaiai lelvin The; Renowced Chlnzjzz,: l and Spiritual Adviser ' MalTtn doe all h rlalm and Bdrertta to do things beyoad onllnsry understanil ". thing that eem laipoaelble; poaltlTely wi -, out- queatloa. cells ya by timt, gi dates, fact and Iocs t Ion ta lb raat problem of llf. -t In mailers of Ja.w,' atieculatlon, tnreetmeiit and all domett hv troubles the predictions of this Inspired medium ar Infallible: unite ; tb sepsrsted. cause speedy snd happy mar. rise with th en of your- eholc, ramore Til lafluenca and hesls tb lick. ' investments-"'. Melrln I always resdr and willing te help . those with smU capital to find good paying T Inrestments by his wonderful power. Tli is . he can and will do, and aak BO fee Until ' th Inrestment pay handsome . profit I thl not bneetJ An Occult Scientist Thla gtfted traac medium penetratee the mysteries f tb soul, dclre Into tb past, ,' inquire Into th future, rattle tor quarrels, . rssiorss lost affection, reunite tbose separ ated, removes sell Influence, glee power to . tb weak, hsslth to tb sick, kspplness to ' Ilia nnbappy. If tyoa wish to know th raat secrets and myaterl and schlese th sno eeaa which you deeerre eoasnlt ' this glf tw psychic; guarantee to atart yoa oa too right road to surpass ; no matter what your opinion .. ar, Inrwtlgate and yon will be richly re wrdd. ,, . -.. v Understands the HIndohYcl - ' Creed yKx: His practice and profeeelonsl reputation ar built upon "honor," res sooablsr eaarg, fair deallnra. faltfarul aai .In. mA m i- ..... eea for hi client has won for him tb urges practice in in Mat of, Oragoa. Ml superior know led e and power glr him ad rsntsg which warrant him la guarantselng aafer, sursr snd mora rapid fssults than saa b obtained lewber. . v ... RKADINO THIi WXXK. ' ' ' 50c :50c ' - SCc REMEMBER TUB NAMB. - ; 291 1-2 Morrlscn, near Fifth Hours, 10 a. m. te S p. m; Sunday 3 te S. PH0NB MAIN T248. . -1 .. MISS MAY ANDREWS Card readlag. S3. 8S2 Biaia es, conssr aaaaa, ,...f PROFESSOR WALLACE, Portlaad'S farorlte clalreorant palmist aad madiami mdlaga 80c 841 Morrksoa at MISS LB ROY. m Alder t.. aolt . Mta- Bags and magnatic treatment. HATS returned from - California, located at 1451 Sltth at, rooms 24 and 86. Payche nowden. FOR SALE Farm wagon and dlae harrow. cheep. A. Van Stralen, 800 Bait Grant t.. LADIES: Dr. La Franoos Compound; gar, apeedy regulator; 85 cents, drnggUt or mslll booktot frs. Dr. L Franco. PblUdalpbla. Pa. MUSICAL iySTnOIENTB. VICTOR Talking Machlae and racorda: Steia- wsy tua etnari piaBoa. . anermaa. day ek Vo, Sixth and Morriaon ate., op p. p. O. WOULD Ilk to meet young lady between th age of 25 or so; object, matrimony. aurrss H 313. car JournaL ' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOUND Cow. Owner eaa bar sam by paying vnargeat Ui jriterBOB at. . FOR SALE Choice fresh Jersey cow. Inquire oi jo, u, sseiratn, room it, zztu Tvaahmg ton st Phon Pacific 652. WOULD yoa marry! 8.000 desire cornspoM- ence with new to marriage; urge ut, wun photo and poatofflc addresses. Hie. Ad dress Postoffk Boa 121. Oakland. Cel. MADAM TASHTI and ltant glr baths and massage treatment, kuih xniro t. - WANDA, th famous palmist, elslraoyant cryatal gaaer. card reader. 228 Fifth at THREE fresh cows, .Durham, good milkers.1 048 Eaat Madison at. phon East 2Wst FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. INOER end Wbeeler and WDeea eewlna ms ec Id orncs. w nu, lea or rant sew . ebtoes; old macblna take la part payment; ocoad-band machine $6 and op; etbefc make of new machlnee $28 and apt needles for all mskc of mschlnee; sll kind of machine repaired and guaranteed. 8. S. Slegol. ageat S8C Morrison st PhJM Mala 8188. ftttmtl 883 FIRST. NEAR MAIN. 8Mt$rf w waat your trade at tb Dollar r a tors, furniture of eeery description; yoar oia rumirura tat en in xcbng, or th Tilgb est cash price paid: new and good aa. aw. rnon a gsxrt Main 0374. MADAM A. LCCKKY ha all ber life been known as a natural bealer. a gift ah wee born with. By bar touch sb baa pertormea the moat wonderful cures, and baa teatl monlal from rery grateful patient. She also -asea for atiff and aore muscles too electric Tlbrstor snd radiator. 146ft Front atreet, near Morrison, Phon Main SOIL : MISS ETHKL WARD, manicurist ana entr- onodlst formerly or H.tu nne sr.. ss now located at 86H4 Morrison t., room 18. ART. y FREE LESSONS IN Embroidery Bfrory Dsy. . THE NEBDLBCRAFT 8H0F. .- 888- Washington st R. Ft. MO0RBHOU8B ft CO. Arttote materlala, alctara molding, picture framing, tereoptl- on, ktatera llda. Ill aU at. CARPET CIEANIIfa. ! STANDARD CARPET CLKANtNA m Slant on coast; Lortog and Harding eta. pboaa laat 880( carpet cleaned, nflrted, wd aad Id; steam and eompe d air proee ra aorstlng mattraaaw ad feather special ty. JOTCB BROS., piwprlctors of tb Electrte Ctoaa tog works; csrpets c!eaad aad laid, both dry and eompresad-lr cleaning; carpet rafltttaC f' specislty; work gaaranteed. PheM Mai 8678 aad A S8T2. 370 Oraat at. istV CnTROPOD CHIROPODY and pedicuring;. Mrs. M. D. H11L Room 830 Fleidner bldg. Both phooe. . DR. FLETCHER, foot apeiUt. Allsky bldg. Phone Psctfle 8288 and A-S481. a dentists. DR. W. B. KNAPP baa return! from Mat Office 10 Hamilton bldg. DANCING.' WALTZING, two-step, three-step, Baltimore, etc.. go per lesson during sammer monthat aehool open all year; atage dancing, buck and wing. clog. Jig.. Highland fling. Prof. Wal Wtllaon' Dsnclng School, 804 Allsky bUg Third and Morrison sta. WOODWARD DA NCI NO SCHOOL Class Man.. - There., and Sat. ere.; social, fancy and tp 1 dncrlng tanghtt S a1tnt t cacti era; clasa ad priest lessons dally. Western Academy ball. Second and Morrtaoa eta. Pacific 18.KX, DRESSMAKINO. FRKB FOR EYERYBODY Ring op Man 42M r cau ziav) rront at. w buy ana U nu Bitur, ciotcug or any eld thing. ATTORNEYS. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sura car for aJuaiM-lB fjlA ftu. tl -a. WWMleaAV. BVMI aV tAAA UTWUmiMo : PIOOOTT. FINCH ft BIOOER, law, Mulhy bldg. ttorser at at Mar BILLIARD AND POOL tabla for rant ar tor l oo easy payments. XHB BRCNSWIOK-BALrTB COLLENDEB OOw w rortiana. ARCHITECTS. SHOWCASES and fixture.' new and band. Carlson ft Kallatrom, 888 Couch at. BRN8T KRONER, architect Plana and apedfl- j cation; also building eupennienoeooe. - OWING : to dlssolTtng partnership, a homer p'sc. mu, u M.nt inn., b. mom m on. loiru it cost. ueo. Si. uours, Mitat, wash. j 'X ; ASS AYERS. MAVAMB ANOBLBS 848 Fifth. Padfle SSS. MADAif B TTJTTLB, fsshlonabl dressmsker; prlcee reasonable. 318 18tb at. TL Mala 8018. DRESSMAKINO All kind of rawing don le ; ouaoiy. ma untnbin 1 I DRESSMAKING don at reasonable price. 822 ntn ! city, rnon racine lift. POO AND HORSB HQSPITATj. CARNEY'S Veterinary Hospital for bona aad dogs. 88 Gllsaa at, f hona Mala lo. DH8. 0. B. BROWN ft MILLER Doff and bora hospital. 104 North Sixth at. ' ENGINEER TNGV MOTION picture machlnea, fllm. ate, for rent oougnt, aoia, xcuangea, Newman. 140 H 8th. GARYIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., Montana Asaay orflc. 188 atonisoa at OASOLINB engine, new. 8-horsc power horlsoo- tal Lewis; most sell; cost $500. will tsks I fisv. Aaares x boh, ear Journal. CTOMOBILEa NEWELL ft OOS8ETT, nginr aad surrey we. office 83 waahlngton MUg., cor. rourui ana Mala bmw. Waablngtoa. FOR 8ALB Cheap, motion picture machine. nima, etc.; complete onut. a. Sll journal. FOR SALE 267 acre fertile ralley land, fins . improTranta, atock. Implement, etc.; water and ruel. Addrea Box to, Ll rat mure, Ala. nude mnr. Cel. - ' FARM NEAR LENTS. Cbole 10 acre; new 8-room boose, good wall; 8 acre In retch, - tt acre In timber: an ' Ideal farm for benie; all fenced; 1)4 mile to AJIBlB. bo,o,ju. Terms. 0. L. BKROEVIN. 10 Colon arena North.' , For Sale 16 Acres Suitable for - platting, close in. Inquire B.BB. . . HOMESEEKERS. We locate nomeateaoa, oesert clslms f szu seres; wo oeiter grain isna in th world. Aaarasa autea r. sarn, uxcricw, Or. FOR SALEFARMS. ma rt rvAIRY RANCH. NOTHING BETTER EVER OFFERED IN THE STATE. . 185 'acre, about 80 acre under plow, 1 good large house, 8 tenant boo see, 8 larg barna, hoghouse, creamery building; In fact, erery thing up to date for a first-class dairy; 48 Jersey eowr flrly well graded. 8 yearling heifer. hed of work . horras, harnesses, wagone, hack., buggy; 818.000; $4,00O-$5,0p0 will handle It; plac will py fot Itlf. Also Bereral well-paying hop farma; mak good f lnTertmenrs. on gooa terms. , i r OTTO, CROCKETT ft HARKS0N, : ', - . mj Flrat at - - ' -' A GREAT OPPORTUNITY." , ' vu M.iaiH.acr farm. 15 acre clear. balance In orchard: . located about 4 ttUea from Oragoa City, 1 mile New, Era atatlou: nice 7-room house, prlrate phone; will aell for $2,200 If taken at one. For terms In quire 231 Waablngtoa at. ? FOR SALE 60 sens; enough timber to pay tor pici wiuf iuiro..uf tmm mil rrom HOinroox, ur. no agant. Aaarasa j. Orif. fiotn, Holbrook, Or. RAILROAD LANDS W can aecure yea first application filing on deslrsble railroad land tor email zee. inreeiigaie t one, 4V7 Ba chanao Biag., rortiana, ur. 38 ACRES Crop, cows, team, poultry, tools, nouss, psrus, eras. i,ow; osit caan. bar v anc per cent, ov woiaamitn st.i Lower Alblna car. . . . ? .-. 18 ACRES en th Willamette rlrer, ell in m. tlTStion. with 250 fruit tree. 1,200 mixed berry plante and 1,000 aaparagua plant lust ' t Mt; new barn and chicken-house; closs to Oregon City carllne; price $400 per acre. narrow uowuug, aiiiwausie, ur. TIMBER. $10 DOWN: $5 A MONTH. Fin building lota, $275 to $400 on b0T term. Fifteen, minute from business ecu- ter. Three ear lines, now do not y you cannot own a bom. . MOULTO.V ft SCOBBV. 501 Columbia bldg., 885 Washington st , - 'MODEL 8-mom bonss, easy monthly payments. Owner. Pbene East 878. : . HAVE you been out to Wlberg Height Tak . Roe City Park Una ut Sandy road and get oft t Wlberg Lane. Agent on the ground. , ,,. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Building. GOOD furnltnr of an 18-room house pesr f cltr hall: 8600 cask, baUuc monthly, 82 AUdlsoa. , .'. FACTORY SITE 000 feet of rlrer franteg at niiwaunie; price $x,auv. . uariow ft llowUng. alUwaukia, Or, .;. .,...; .., and to-Addra WANTED Few: mora persons to file rate on -railroad landa In Oregon.' C 815. car Journal. " BUT your tana near Portland, rich aotl; price . adTincIng; end for my big descrlptlr Bst or csii. u. w. inxou, umoy, vr. I HAVE a bargain for someone that want a , flrst-clas farm: there ar 100 acres f thl ' land, 86 la cultiratMo, 15 In timber; orchard, . 'email house: well fenced and plenty of run- . nlng water; 25 mile from Portland on th ' ' Portland-SaWm electric Una: price 88.000: $2,000 cash, balance ou easy terms. Be thl If yoa want good farm, Turner, 803 H wawiington it.' - ., . - .'- "." . : , , LOOKING FOB TIMBER T - , - . W offer yoa erery dTntg through our ayitem of erpert xsml nations which enable 1 you to determine tb raltahillty of a tract without (pending tlm or money. If ear general report Indicate that w bar what yea want our wtlmatea by' two aad half Vacre are eaelly rerifled. TRY "THE LACEY WAT." JAMES D.. LACBY ft CO., - 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portlaad. V " 607 Lumbar Bxcbang. Seattle. TO OWNERS of Umber claim and timber W will bay for cash aay good timber trle atary to th Nshalem rir. WUI deal with ewoer oalyt'wrlt. girlng full particalar. ' Nehalem laeeatment Co.. . 828 Chamber of ' Commerce building. Fortlana, or. FOR SALB 185-eere farm, half mUe from surer taUoat Feik aotuty. , Mtarr Job, Barac Or. -;. . n .?. , WANTED Sawmill, 10,000 to 30.000 feet capa city, or shingM aim, near raureea ar rlrer trenaawtaUav. Addraa Q it. Car Joarnai, nncms'S . .k.i. 1 1.. , ... electrical appliance, charts; all or part. F 810, ear JournaL FOB SALE New furniture of 7-room trtctlr modern fireproof flat fir minutes walk from center of city; flat for rant K 811, car Journal. BUFF ORPINGTON and Plymouth Rock gg. fi setting, .a uoo Norm Urand are., near Albert. . FOR SALE 100 acta colored stereoscopic rlewa. - "Aronnd tb World" and "Tb World Flr." St. Lout (8 dosen in earn set), at a big onrgam; iso a aoaen nne stsreoecopes. Ad dreea P 812, care Jouraal. A GENUINB bargain; a motor-eye for ale: price $85; mnat sell at once. Pbon Mala j ts8j,- or call at UNO Macadam st FOR SALE 18-ft. launch, good condition. Phone slain Z4B0. I IT Ablngtou blqg. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. IN a nice little town abont 80 mile from Portland w hare a nice clean stock of drug and all other good, found In any ftrat-elasa drug a tore? atock and fixture will inrolc about $3,500; cheap rent, or wilt aell the building. W can glee good terms, or will exchsnge for good residence. Turner, 803 4 Waahlngton t. a TWO fin T-room house .to xchang for a rd hop ranch or etochv rsocn. r. V. Laaaen Co., 874 Flrat at Portland. HOWARD M. OOTEY. Aeent Pierre Gnat Arrow. Loouuioblls. Cad- ill and - Kaoa, Temporary tocatloa iClab Osrage, lSth audjAldar t. ACCORDION DRESS PLAITING MISS O. GOULD, 617 Bwetland bklg A coord ion pleating ana Button coreraa. ; , BATHS MASSAGE. MANICURING. fc and acalp treatment; bath and maaaage. . llOH Fourth at. - BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOW! DAVIS a KILHAM. 1 On-Ill Second et. Blank book manu factored: gnt for Jone Improred Loo-Lf ledgeral see to Eureka Mat the beat aa tb market BOTCHERS' SUPFLTES BUTCHERS'" 'SUPPLIES 8. Blrkenwald Oa.. 804-808 Ererett St.; largest butcher supply boos oa tb coast, write roe catalogue. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dakam. 181-188 Flrat t., carries a roll line ana oa P'eta SBBortmcpt at tow eat mark t nrlcea. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON. 804 Fourth t. Office ad tor fixture built aad remodeled; showcases sad counters, f boa Xtsla 1IBI. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLRGB. , Wsshlngtoa sad 10th ts, Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping. Shortbsnd, Typewriting and aU BngUah braacbaa toaght both day aad -night. FINANCIAL aid to l worthy young Udle who wlh to tak horroana eonree. . appiy at one at office. BIT Commonwealth bid-.. Sixth and Burnald ateVA , . . OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. Commonwealth bldg., Sixth sad Aakeny ate. Phone Main 8001, A-8001. Tlegrphy, typewriting, penmanship,, Spanish language IndlTldual Instruction. ' ' . GERMAN leeaooa to beginners st 463 Morrison, reasonable; Class or prirste; rararencaa girea. s 180 ACRES of rich, Ural land in Sacramento ralley, (Jaiitornia. to exenange tor timber una. t-. v, i. men ss ui, si rirsi St., I fortuna. K. MKI.TON Office, etere fixture: Jobbing. 87 First t Phono Mala 8180. COAL AND WOOD. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. t. WALSH CO, Sll Stark st Electric and Gaa Fixtures aad BawpUa. Mantel. Tiling. Grate and Pogtroaa. , PACIFIC BLECtRIO CO-Bnglnaara. caatrsc tors, repairers, sjectri wiring. upniie. w Flrat cor. Stark. Mate 680. B, H. Tate, aag. WESTERN BLECTRIO WORKS, 81 Sixth av Coatraetors, slectrie supplies, motore aad df most w InstaU light aa powr pmana, ; MORRISON ELECTRIC CO- 891 East Morrlsna t. Fixture, j"' repairing.. aiaaa V.. 'i GASOLINE ENGINES - aaraawaasaaaaaaaaaai i mmmmmW'mi'lt' ffo9HMl 1 "'. GASOLINB ENGINES. Stationary and marine: Jtrt aqwln. menta: launches: aeceaaorlea: waoisssie a a retail: engine repairing. Bslereoo Maehlasry Co.. 183-4-8. MorrtBoo af. . SHEFFIELD marina englnee. Aay propIlara. Falrbeaka, Mora ft Uo, rirst sad atars at. GENERAL stock for farm In Willamette rsl- ly; good town: gT.euo at Inrolc. Address K 814. cara JournaL PORTLAND SAWDUST ft ; 850 Front auccsssor to fir. oak, alabwood, coaL : 8LABWOOD CO Fultoa Wood Oo.) I TL Main lvao. HOUSE and half block for acreage . Address N 810. car journal. bay land. FOR prompt deUeary ' of alabwood call Mala 48T5. Oak. ash. fir and eoaL Portlaad Wood ft Coal Co, I6tb and Barter ts. OLD book bought and aold at 188 Fifth st. and 211 second St. . MJiaaa Broa. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL OO. Rouse sad , blscksmlth eoals. aak. Ml. kindling. Pboaa Mala 1018. HARDWARE. COLUMBIA HARDWARE CO.. Second aad Mor- rlaon sts Erery thing - In taa karawaro una. PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. solicit opoortea. Ity to quote prices, is tun as. rsciiw mm. ehar-1 WILL trade Alberta. Canada, land for Portland or coo Bay property, j. j, uirrar, bus Gantenbeln ard, Portland.- , . EASTERN Oregon and Waahlngton wheat lands to exenange or ro wu w VV1 pameiito3t 8lxthat near Pin. - : BOUSES and tot, nle' or. exchange. I want team ami rwagon. sirat graoe piano; also Jrant good carpenter and painter; make your ffers, at bom Bandar, $3 Caaoa at., Monte- Tllll. ! i - . ' . '.-V-.v,.., BXCHANGB good residence lot oa Rodney are. ror furniture, rnon smxic xoi. . TO BXCHANGB for farm or eaah, conn try tor aad atock, ram about $4,800. : Addreea A 318. care Journal.,.-. .?. V.w,:vv-"- ,''-"'; 28-foot tote st Newport for Portland tot Pboaa Saat SOU .f .... TELEPHONE EAST T. F. B. JONES ft OO, Wood aad Coal. 181 East Water at. nOTELS. y OREGON FURL CO. to Bow taking order for wood and coal tor future dellrery. . 834 AMer t. Mala 9. : . - I CLEANING AND pYEINQ. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. $1 par m Dalqaa TaUorlng Co, 808 Stark at H. W. -TURNER,- dyer esrpeta dred a special ty. BOS Jetteraoa t Msla 8518. . CAFK3. SER Sam Tlgneax at Tlfin-ut Csf. 81xtb and WasUngtoo at. THB Bellerne, European plaa, 4th aad Salavaw i in i ,i ii i i i ii. HOTLL Portlaad. American plan, $8. $8 par day. ' BELYELKRB; Earopaaa plaa; 4th aad Aid ta. ' IXBVWkXCE.- V" rSAAO L. WBXTB. lock bldg. flra insurance, t'l W. L. PACK, lni'' v sneefy bond. Phon Msiu r . i JAS. d' I. i.