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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
A ' ';, : -'"V. V.: 'X.,'-;: .. ;'.. . : . , ' .. - , .'' ' . THE OREGON DAILY JOUI'NAi; . PORTLANp.- THURSDAY EVENING, MAY S3, 1C07. 13 ess Store Clo:cd Today Merchandise Pa oa Yciir Juno Accbiuit-3tcro Closed Today 7 66 v. 99 i 'Elite 5 IlIiEial av m- i-i i im in i i'ii i hi i ii i . i ji i pii hi i nn,um iii .1 . ;i . 11 1 r, K The 8th Annual June White Sale is in full swingTomorrow, the second day of the sale, will attract even, a greater crowd of ; eager buyers than attended yesterday The good news of the wonderful values in all lines of white goods will have been carried Ito thousands of homes Every department, every counter filled to overflowing with bargains in white merchandiser-All new, seasonable, up-to-date wearing apparel and household effects on sale at saving prices The wants of the entire family can be . advantageously supplied The "June White Days" continue until June 15th Remember every white article is reduced (tew contract goods alone excepted) Mail orders promptly and carefully filled Sensational bargains In connection with the 905th Friday Surprise Sales. , , : - .1, . i- White Gloves. 'White Ribbons. Handkerchiefs. !., VVhitu buttons . White Dress f;. Trimmings. -; White Laces. 4V : White Embroideries. White Allovers. White Silks. White Velvets, rrTr--White Dress f ; ; Goods, etc.; v;,:: Swiss,Nainsook,India ' , Linon, Lawns, etc.' ( White Stationery. ; - :, iWhite Shoes for Men, Women and Children ', i r . " '- .' ' , " ;;' , v., . i: : . '( '"' ' '.' ,! '' ''. ,h ! r Lace Curtains. V: Curtain Material, .White Blankets. : Pillows. . ; V Cooks, Pictures, j . Notions. - v--'' '; !' ; ; Linings, etc., etc, etc. Men's White .Wear. White Shirts. , j ! l.ii White Underwear, Handkerchiefs - Straw Hatsv; ' -White Neckwear. ; White Pajamas. ' White Nightshirts. White Gloves.. V :v White Suspenders;' White Sweaters. . r-.J1; H Bar Coats. v.Whit Vests,, etc, etc ; White Hats.v;--v.a . White Hosiery.' ;, White Parasols.-7- ! ; ' . White Underwear. ; White Belts. ; K ; ; V'. White Handbags : "X; White Veilings;- i- v . .White Linens. ; , , wnue loweis. . -; White Sheets." '-. ',',. :. White Spreads. ".A ;; White Cottons, etc White Bed Linens. V' 250,000. pieces of 'J: Muslin : Underwear. ; i- Gown s, ; Drawers.'., :rf'fij'A - Chemise, Skirts. .v-L-.ii Corset Covers, Sets. . Infants' Wear.'.;.. - : :r-r Infants' Shoe's. ; ' . ... ' - Infants' Caps. ''.-.',;' ' Women's Aprons.; - White Corsets., : ; i: ': White Baskets.' X'i'-'f - White Furniture.. A v' White Toilet Articles f - White Suits of all r. kinds and qualities.'. White Costumes. " ; v- White Wraps. , , a ; V ; . White Skirts., . - White Waists.- ' : ;;,'White PettIccta.T.; Children's Dresses. ';' U-lWhite Kimonos.c;i.;'i White Flannel Coats. White tMillinefy. White Sweaters.' ' '' ' t s Infants' Coats, etc . Z White China. - White Glassware. - i r ; 'Silverwares-Cut-Glass. t I'f; Kitchen Goods. 1 . ;f White Tinware :?W. - t White Woodenwafe. '4 ; White Dinner Sets, v' , Every white . article -J In the store, reduced in ' . T- . . price. -, rew - contract -,. "' goods alone are except-X - ed. Look to your needs. - ' .905th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE A 92.50 Pictarcs at gh 1 5 Each Oreatt of all Plctur bargalna, 1,000 package matted Plo tuns, colored ubjecta, all alwa. 10 picturea In each pack-, age, mounted 'ready to hang, $1(0 worth of picture on asle tomorrow at, ' package . . . ; v. . . . . -f 1.15 ' ; 905lh FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 75c Ribbons for -33c a Yard 7.000 yard, of beautiful, rich Trench FatUa R"bon, H noheii rwlde, lack, white.' brown. rd. light ; blue. WTjWua roe. Alice blue, cream, etc. tor aahea, dreaa trimmlnga, fancy ', work, girdle, etcHj7pfl value at. yard... aay. V K 903th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE I Polka Dot Hoso at 33c a Pair? 1,000 pair of women's polka, dot Boalery. black, with whit dota, white with black dots, blue with .white dota, ail sliea of Vdota, lOo and ttt Hosiery. -Buy U you want tomorrow at, per pair -,............ ...33 ; 903th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE : ? Waists on Sale at Each i On aal tomorrow MOO new whit lawn Shirt WaUta, fancy; he and embroidery yokes, alao cluaterg of pin tucks 'and lU-lnch tucks: also hemstitched yoke, all slies, great va riety. .Wonderful values it (...... fl.38 , tleicr (S Frank's 905th Friday Surprise Salo lAfi'I nno Voil- Vnlitoo OAr Ti a W W.f, WVVV , V VUW:yw'tV !; . ,..., r .w.V Tho Meier Ci Frank Stored 05th Friday Surprise Salo In the main .Fifth street aisle tomorrow a marvefoui . offering of Women's 'high-grade Chantilly Ls.ce Veils at a lov price,- black, brownlight blue, white, navy, green and gray; full 1 and 14 yard lengths. Mag-ifirni- dHi'Mi'inil atrictlv new and un-t(vrfate. The creates! barorain in fine Lace -Veils it ha ever been our pleasure to offer-you. ; Values up to $3.50 each on sale at this' low price, each, for tomor- QRp J row's 905th Friday Surprise, Sale. . Come early, if you want one at this low price....;,......... w High- Grade Meier fFih Surprise Sale $2.50 arid $4.00 Values $1.63 MWM ; For' omorrWt 908th Friday Surprise Sale we announce a Vjune White Sale of 500 Parasols A very unusual purchase from one of the largest and best manufacturers in the country. All new, pretty styles, 22-inch Swiss and linens, hemstitched, tucked and embroidered edges and insertions-Very large as sortment of bamboo and natural sticksParasols that would I find quick 4 sale at prices ranging from $2.50 to $100 each Grand variety - and wonderful values this, exceptionally low? price, each mM. No mail or phone orders filled Plan to be here promptly at 8 o'clock if you : want to share in -the best values. II if ' : i 023tog4p Values for lias Here HilYlaW Another natloril bargain in women's high grade silk suits on sale for tomorrow's 905th Friday aurprise offering in Portland's leading cloak and suit store A larger assortment and better values than the lot that caused auch great excitement two weeks ago 400 of them secured from well known manufacturers at a small fraction of their real worth by our cloak chief who is now in New York City This season's newest and prettiest styles in .Eton, Jumper and Shirtwaist styles Splendid qualityof silks elaboratelytrimmed in VaT ana xrisn crochet laces, Eton jackets are pleated and finished-at the neck with heavy lace. Neat vests of linen, button trimmed and y sleeves finished with cuff, lace trimmed Also braided Eton coats Jumper' suits are Princess and two-piece models, pleated,; tucked and strapped Kimono and cape alceves, skirts made kilt,- box pleated and accordion-pleated. Silk shirtwaist suits have lace yokes, dainty tucking and velvet ribbon trimming; short sleeves finished with lace cuffs, kilt or box pleated skirts All the above suits are new and desirable styles, plain and fancy colors, black,: blue, cham- S " n n tpagne, green, i red, gray, raspberry, cream, pink, red fancy ..w) ,p plaids and ttripes AU aizea; regular $25.00 to $40.00 silk ftl )J J n twuuuuw viuy w ma inai vciuusiy mw price, mc buh sj . See toe Fifth Street Window Display Be Here Promptly at 8 -o'clock to Get One Meier (Q Frank's 905th Friday Surprise Sale r 5000) Men'sSiWatoleHarids I2c In the Men's furnishing Goods section1 for tomorrow's 905th' Friday Surprise Sale, 1,000 dozen Men's wash able; four-in-hands, made full 2 inches wide and,feversile;tf Plain'cplorings in 'white, grays, champagne, green, redtans, blues and pink, white piques, white damask," white bnSvhite figures, jlain reps etc. i Wonderful-assortment to Select- from; all new, this season's 'Neckwear.' Regular n25c r value. t 1 Of Buy alJ,yoU want of them tomorrow, at this, special-, low, price, each JLV.i'.-'iVi-;'. i I wV - C Meier (D Frank's 905th ; Friday Siirprito Sole ; Another great Friday Surprise Sale of Women's Low Shoes 4000 pairs in the lot This season's best models in Oxfords and Gibson ties Made of good quality white canvas Welt soles, Cuban heels, plain ox tipped toes, ' Bluchef styles, also white canvas Oxfords, turn soles and ' white heels--Cuban style also plain toe Blucher side lace or two eyelet ties, also white canvas Oxfords Welt soles, leather . Cuban heels, plain toes All sites and widths--All new, clean, fresh merchandise The economical woman will anticipate her sum- v mcr needs at this special price Regular values from $2.00 to' $2.50 a pair Buy all you want of them tomorrow at this exceptionally low price. No mail or phone orders filled. ' mm ' m 'j-ii'tt.'". .'.' I...,. i I Our Famous Mocha and Java Coffee 23c lb 10,000 lbs. of our Mocha and Jara Coffstt, oqual to ' tho boat 40o rrado all( you", want , at this low price, per pouna.,.......,.Z3f Victor Flour at ..........f 1.20 1 lb. Victor Baklar Powder.. 35 Baker's Unsweetened Choco-' late .......................35) 1-lb. ean GhlrardlH' Ground Chocolate, on sale at this low price ....... . . i r .......... , 30 IS lbs. Dry Granulated " Bugrar .., j. ...f 1.00 C & B. LuQca Oil, qts sp'1..70 1-lb. jar Chlppoa Bef . .... .25f cans Van Campy 6pup;..25e t pkg. BromoneIon. ...... .25 10-lb. aack, Tel, Corn Meal..25 10-lb. sack Graham Flour, .25) 1 cans. Hominy.. ...........25 I cans Thelma Succotash..;. 2 5 e Walnuts per pound.. 20 H -lb. can Baker" Powdered - : Chocolate, special, at. . . . . . . .20 Durkee Balad sreaainf, on' sal at, special, lOo, aso ' and . . , .45t 1-qt bottle Moos Mapl Syrup , .25e 1-lb. can Minced Clams... .15 t bars Fels Naptha Soap, special 7.....25S) Xorn Kinks, sp'l at, pk. 54 Phone and mall orders carefully filled and prompt delivery to-all parts of the city. Basement Pbon Kxohanr 4. J Refrigerators; Great special lot of the celebrated. White' Mountain Refrlferators, latest ' Improved model; j hand somely finished; eeonomieal to consumers -100 of them. Regular 11.60 -ralu. oa sal at, pelal, each S9.2r Meier g Frank's 905th, Friday Snrprisb Sale r 1 -. Ma i 1 Ami Cmi Another great special purchase of women's apparel inad by our : cloak chief who is now in New York City and which we place on gale for tomorrow's 905th Friday Surprise Sale Greatest bargain In high-grade) coats you ever had the opportunity to share in. 100 garments in the lot; they won't last many hours at this ridiculously low price All new,, stylish models and materials: ; i lengths, empire, box and pleated backs, self strapped and ' trimnied in velvet or broadcloth and fancy buttonsfancy plaids,' l.t. Ill .1 L Tf II 7 ' nT,Z..l I f ' ' stripes, checks and mixtures in grays, tan, blues, 'browns Every one of these garments would sell regularly at $25.00 eadh Just ria Mat .mn Wanf h vm1 M AiAM L. . J a 1 , " ," mT "O v ywivv vavti 'juafc the coat you want "for traveling; motoring; boating and coast wear All sixes and i large assort mentYour: choice while they last tomorrow 'at this fwonderfully? low price, each Second Floor. I ; eS(5o5 Come early if you want to get the best values Second Floor v 9- 3 "N ' if 1 ' ":u(fo&(SrV