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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY S3, 1U37; M ft! FmTTTT MM The Wrecking Has Begun, but Thousands of Suits Must Be Sold Ere It Can Reach the Main Floor The contractors have already started operations toward the "demolistiment of the building in the basement. Every blow of the hammer is a warning that our time is short in which to dispose of the remainder of this gigantic stock. Price-cutting will be reckless from now on. THE MOST-DARING DISPERSAL OF UNPARALLELED 'AND ABSOLUTELY MATCHLESS CLOTHING VALUES EVER AT , TEMPTED IN THE NORTHWEST is the all-powerful magnet that is drawing thousands of happy and satisfied buyers this week to tha o n on no fr n eiiE ..J..J...K (ll mmm $15.00 Suits $6.95 $18.00 Suits $9.85 mgmm mwmmm At the Honest Old Glothiri and S hoe Corner First and Yamhill Streets This Is a People's Sale The Baying Thousands tor Men's $10 Suits $05 In small sizes only 34,-35 and 36 bust measure. Only a few left. Big bargains for "smallish", men. Best regular $10.00 values ever offered in Portland while they last go in the Great Rebuilding Sale for 9 Opportunity for Thousands tivs I If ' 'v a. Men'aNew Stylish 1907 Summer Splendid $15,00 Values, Sale Price I V . .? II , - 'I 1 I I 1 Mil: , f: Suits Unequaled $18 Values, Sale Price $9.8 "Smash go the profits, costs, prices, valaes everythiag! This building mast be cleared for the carpenters." John Dellar. Matchless, new and up-to-tKe minute styles, in latest cut and superbly made suits, products of such famous men's tailors as Charles Kauffman & Brothers and Rosenwald & Weil, the equals of the best custom tail ors in America. Carried by only leading houses and sold everywhere for $2.00. Just in bought for our new store, but will be included in our Great Rebuilding Sale Spe cial at r- 0 $14.8 MATCHLESS SHOE BARGAINS Cut out this "add" and bring it with you. 50 CASES MEN'S SHOES, $4.00 AND $5.00 VALUES. FOR ?2.95. Patent leathers, vici and calf, new lasts, made in master workmanship by expert shoemakers, $4.00 and $5.00 values, for ......$2.95 MEN'S $3.00 AND $100 SHOES FOR ?2.35. Similar to lot told of above, and equal bargains; 35 cases of Men's box calf and velour Shoes, in Goodyear welt styles, at wonderful bargain price, $2.35 LADIES' SHOES. $1.75 AND $2.00 VALUES, FOR 91.00. 8,000 pairs of fine vici kid Shoes, with patent tips, well mad, stylish and durablethe regular $1.75 and $2.00 grade, to be sold for, a pair ,...$1.00 Women's patent vici and calf Shoes, worth $3, in the Rebuilding Sale. 81.65 . Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, new arrivals ... $2.20 Men's Nqgligce Shirts VV lot of stiff and "soft bosom Shirts in standard makes, at ............. . 19 75c Negligee and' Golf Shirts V...45f Men's Splendid Work Shirts- T.T.38& Our best $1.25, Golf Shirts ...... 85 $1.50 Shirts, newest patterns, in white, checks, stripes and dots 5 . Men's Underwear Fine ribbed Shirts and Drawers for men ......... ......... . .10 Men's fine balbriggan Underwear.45 Men's fine cassimere and worsted Underwear, great bargains at ...65 See those golden savings in our windows at the MONSTER REBUILDING SALE now at its height at the JOHN DELLAR CLOTHING HOUSE at First and Yamhill, where the building is about to be "made over." 'MAIL ORDERS FILLED carefully and promptly. WONDERFUL HAT VALUE fifletfslafis A' Great Spedal 10,000 men's newest styles in Fedoras and Telescopes; pearls, blacks, grays and browns; $1.50 and $2.00 values while they; last, choose at oBg $10.00 Suits $4.95 .." J 1 r $25.00 Suits $14.85 VOTING PLACES READY FOR MONDAY'S ELECTION Polls Qpcn at Eight in the Morning: and Close at Seven in EveningComplete list and Location of Polling Places Throughout, City Precincts. Vnin iiontha are being nrovided with .uppllea and sverytmng win oe in reno 'iness tor the opening of the polls on Monday mornings The polls will remain pen from I o'clock In th morning until 7 o'clock In the evening. The location 4f the polling place throughout the city la aa follows: Flrat Wrd Precinct No. 1. No, 800 Thurman street " Precinct No. t. ' Between North Twenty-flrat and p Twenty-second on Wllwon stree - - ' A Hard et to ay. "Hrowr-ent-'-Bt-a never be paid off." writes O. 8. Clara of Weatfleid. . Iowa, "for my rescue from death, by Dr. King's New Discovery. Both lunga were ao eerioualy affected that death seemed Imminent, when I commenced taking New Discovery. The ominous dry, hacking , cough cult be fore the flrat bottle waa used, and. two more bottles made ev complete cure." Nothing has ever equaled New Discov ery tor coughs, colds and all throat and Jung complaints. Guaranteed by Red Cross Pharmacy. 60o and H.0O. Trial bottle free. Precinct No. J. No. Ul BlUeenth atreet north. Second Ward Precinct No. 4. Na 134 Ollaan streets Precinct No. 8. . No. lflj N6rth Four teenth street, ' Precinct No. I. No. If 0 North Four teenth street. - Precinct No. ?. Southeast corner of Nineteenth' and Flander streets (tent) Precinct NO, S. .Southwest corner of Nineteenth and Overton streets (tent). - Third Ward Precinct No. South west corner Eighth and Davis Park MOClLitent); No. 147 Tamhni No. 10. Na , SIS Burnsids Precinct street Precinct No. 1U No. 8 Fifth street ' Precinct No. IS. . Corner Twelfth and Stark streets (tent). Precinct No. IS- No. SS North Nine teenth street ',. ' - Fourth , Ward Precinct '. No, 14.' No. 140 Seventh" street corner AMer, ..', . v ' Precinct No. II. No. 4S -Washington street ' , Precinct No. 1. Soutn ' side -Tamhill between Third ..nd Fourth - streets (tent). '' Precinct No. 17. street- V Precinct No. IS. Fourth and Salmon north Plaza blocks (tent) Precinct No, 19. No, 270 Sixteenth street (tent). Precinct No. 40. West end Exposi tion building. Twentieth and Washing ton streets. Precinct No, SI. Third and Madison streets south Plasa blocks (tent) Precinct No. S S. Southeast , corner West Park and Madison streets (tent) Fifth Ward Precinct No, SS. Na S0 First street, Precinct Noi 84. No. SS Third street Precinct No. 25; Northwest corner Seventh and Mill streets (tent). Precinct , No. it. Southwest corner Tenth and Columbia streets (tent) Precinct No. 17. No. 653 Jefferson street Precinct No. 28. . No. 401 Third street - ':..'.. Precinct No. 1. N& 418 Sixth street corner Hall Precinct No. W. Chapman street be tween Elm and Spring streets. Precinct No. 81. Sberman street be tween First and Second streets (tent). Sixth Ward Precinct No. 83. No. 851 First street , Precinct No. 88. ' No. 753 First street. ... Precinct Nor 147 No. 315 Front street Precinct No. S5. No. 1008. Corbett street . v Precinct No, 88t No. 11 Macadam street. .U Seventh Ward Precinct No. 87. Fire man's hall, SeUwood. f ' - Precinct No, 88. ; Fireman's hall. Mid way. . '?. i,.3:L . Precinct No. St. Northwest corner Mllwaukle and Powell streets (tent). Precinct No. 40. No. 408 East Clay street. .. - ., - - - Precinct No. 41. No. 878 East Elev enth street south. Precinct No. 43. Na 883 East Twen ty-sixth and Franklin streets. Precinct Na 48. East Forty-ninth and section Una road. Eighth Ward Precinct Na 44. Na 134 Union avenue. Precinct Na 45. Na' f 8 East Mor rison street rrecmct Na . southwest corner East Twenty - seventh and Belmont streets (tent). Precinct Na 47. Na 180 East Thirty- fourtn and East Tamhill streets. Precinct Na 48. W. O. W. hall. West avenue Precinct Na 48. Na 888 East Pine street between Union and Grand ave nue. Precinct Na 80. No- 867 East Burn- atde atreet Precinct Na 1. Northeast corner of Eighteenth and Eaat Aah streets (Cent). Precinct Na 53. Twenty-eighth and Eaat Burnalde- streets- (tent). Ninth Ward Precinct Na 68. Na 317 Union avenue, corner Bolladay ave nue. ' . Precinct Na 64. Na 841 Williams avenue. Precinct Na 55. Na 88 Russell street --- Precinct Na 68. Na 178 Russell atreet ' - Precinct No. 87. Na 838 WlUiajni avenue. ,. . Precinct Na IS. ' Na 418 Union ave nue north. " . : f Precinct Na 68, East Fifteenth and Broadway (tent). v.; Tenth Ward Precinct Na 80. Na 858 Mississippi avenne (Fireman's hall). jrrecinct no. si. wo, 104 Vancouver avenue (Fireman's hsll). Precinct No. ' il. Kut Kavonth anil Skldmors streets. Precinct No. 68. ' Dekum avenue and East Seventh streets .jcriremaa's IvaU. 1 Precinct No, 14. Carter hall. Penin sular station. Precinct No. 68. Na 188 Dawson street University station. Precinct Na 66. Grocery store. Northern Hill station. Eighth Ward Precinct Na 68. Na 1671 East Gllsan street Precinct Na 74. . O. O. F. ball. Jionta villa. I THOSL a DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland, Dated this 20th day of May, 1007. Metxger fits your eyes tor IL 848 Washington street corner Seventh, formerly at 111 Sixth street MEMORIAL GUX FIKED TO D0RENCE ATWATER (Joanul Special Service.) Terrrvtila Cono. May 80. A me morial gun In honor of Dorence At water, who rendered thenatlon valuable services by preserving the list of dead at Anderaonvilla prison during the clvu war, waa dedicated here today with in teresting exercises. Miss Clara Barton, founder of the Bed Cross- and a co worker, of Atwater. was the guest of honor and the oration or the day was delivered by Judge Joseph Sheldon of New" Haven,- - : DO TOW X.OTJI your baby t Tow wonder why he etiea. Buy a botae of White's Cream Vermi fuge and he will never cry. Moat babies have worm a, and the mothers don't know it Whit s Cream Vermifuge rid a thm child of worms and cleans out its system in pleasant way. Every moth er should keep a bottle Of this medi cine in the house. With It fear need never enter her mind, Price 25a Sold IMC im drogJat . ' OAxiroxjrzsw xotbxjs. rsAvcnce'S ixaonre . conmaui HOTEL. COXTAUrurO tOO HOOKS. The St. James naxov tr. ajto tah smsa atl, ..-ias 'sAXCiaco. 1 VATIOirAI. B0TZX. CO.. Vies. Wav I. Begga, Mr la altoated ia the heart of the knatneio ! trlet. Uodera and BaadaoaMtr foniabed. frh rate baths, telepluww la every room. Simple room (or traveuoB bms. Kates mm il.ou te $4-00. Cnnaeaa plea. Aeeenlble te all depots. Sttoated Id the heart of the shopping and seal. djotrtci. ciaee to too tnearroa. SAUTznrz sraw If Hotel "Key Route Ion 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Bunnr rooms, nrivate baths. long-dis tance telephones, compressed air clean in a. larare lobbv. cafe a la carts with cuisine and service Jinanrpaaeed. .For rates, sto. address ., ,:';.. N. 8. MUIXAN. Manager. - Formerly Assistant Manager : Palace iiotei. Ban rranisoa ; HOTElAUDUBON As riAHcaco-i;iroA kav ovit glnclo raema or an antte. Elevatot. atean keat, tleetrle llchta aa4 alt awdera eoBvcui- aeaa, strictly flrttUH. CoavenleDt t shop. Inf eeatero. On Alwt Hue from ferry au4 bird and Towoaend drpnt. Katea $1 Bp. tS Ellis at., ar Va hma arsaua, CgeeV: Arr y annm am sad Sarh DOCTO Baa mails a hi atndy ef roots end h aad 1a that atady UlxoTaesd and la to the world hla wnadrful rantavli-a. 0JCTIBY,!0IBONS OS. Plum V US CUKXa WITHOUT OfejlAi -WITHOUT THS AU Of A "tie naraataaa i to aoro Catarrh. An ' taS. Threat - tUieematlaa srrc Rervona DablUtr. Stnnsra. tlw. t Treableat ahw Loot Manhood, rsawle Beea and All Private DtaeaM. A SURE CAT.CER CI': Xkat Imtvid rraaa MIbov Chlaa . giia. :,. aad. SoUablaV D;TOQ 'AM AITtlCTRO. POHT t: . f utiUAxm aaa ft yea eaaaot ealL write tor arm Mom t Sad etreohur. taduae d aoata la aaui. . CONSULTATION PZ ft 9TZ WO CSUflSSJ S"""" 143 rtrst Si,, Oar. tiu, fgrtld. 0ea , TWaaa keatwa late ftpm