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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 3, K07. GEARM REPLIES SHARPLY mm. DEVLIN'S LETTER City Auditor Begs th Question, Says Ex-Senator, and SeUjJp v a Man of Straw to Distract Attention From the Ques- "-.:.;;...''':;'.' . - ' tion at. Issue.: ; V say; cALfioun co;is .jocapiie bay cmr Prosecutors Say Traction Jvlag. nate Has Scheme to Seize Reins of Government. (Joarol BjwwUI Berries. I . Ban Franclsoo, Mar 21. It it th be lief of th e-raft prosecutor her that President Calhoun of tn United Rail roads la hatching a deep plot t obtain control i of the municipal ( government and prevent . hi conviction of Illegal practice. According to tor!e which are cur- John v " nearin " ha answered' trie i y you and your friend by two to on 7 letter written to him by City Auditor j Just tell the people in your next speech Devlin criticisms- the senator lor hla I you need not writ me letter about Utterances, at the opening of the Lane J it. It la so generally conceded that th nnMlini a ik irnnrir The MllttOr ! Intfrflli' aaalata.4 In vnnr nomination nit uti that I tht 1 Aa nnt think van will deny I rent, Calhoun plans to call a mass meet ir rwiin k. onnntninted a' man of lit AnA it la inat mnaraiiT conceded I In nd have a vigilance committee ap v .in in ha latfav la now-calllnf I hat tha iM inina s trr lait elect I pointed, which will - first demand, IJ 7 . . . . ... I ( . T " ... ... L Hl.i,.tln. nhla n' Tnlla . r.lnan feMtaMM iu t,i ini iwinnia i nun 11 mi vnti. i inn'f itaiim imii imv rir murn I . "".a"...."" . .. v v - , .. . , - .-. .... . .. I . . , . ; I . vi. i ... , for van rwtrhina nnt. 1 nut tnav flon 1 1 " v Ilk. Lane, and vou know as wll aa any- cept their term, to take forcible pos- 1 session of Ban Francisco affairs. that they are suDDortlna- you.' They . "" " " have a rifht to do It it they see fit. and 'i""" v. .v, l.nll.: I dont sec why you should want to that they will be abl to enlist UDB LOTTERY is An IIOillB First Reciamation Project to Be Thrown Open to Settle v mint is In Montana, FINE FARMS WILL BE GIVEN BY GOVERNMENT man. Ha stands behind an ine siaie ' . ; ments h tnade at - the Armory.-and shows that Mr. Devlin misconstrued his i remarks In writing hk letter. Tn x tr written hv th senator is follows " . "Portland. Or- May iJ. Mr. Thomas ' C Devlin, City Dear Sir: I am in re ceipt of your letter of Inquiry of yes terday and hasten to answer it xou Seven Hundred Ranche of From Forty to Eighty Acres Each Ar Prize! to He Bestowed by Undo Sam Xeit Month. ' th aid of Governor Glllet and have th militia called out Many of the leading capitalists of th offend them and do you really Intend to offend them, now T And If you. do; mrhv Ar VAiit A Mf l VAn An nnt why t uot from an Oregonlan report of my q9 you fud fault with my a-ylng that f"! ".h-V InlZ i .neech laat Friday vnlng a follow: -ou -a tAtt . - V. . tho hadow of th prooutlon are said T)evlln does not intend to Offend the Interests h d6es not Intend to cut orr Ms supply. ,' There would be no more to hav been enlisted In th cause of Calhoun, you do notf ..Appeal to Devlla'S Jtoaesty, "Now as to the word" "supply con interest for him In th. election tf that ."". RIPI IhlftPR TCOADPC wVS eln L J3" TLSSL V fPRISni. FOR ni n fifrts i. .a" a. a.-.-aW MnA.t 1 lOVjUf WBU IMI SICI I U W VVe.ftS - ' W W V Wff W BBBlawa VBaS W VE."W17.rJ.: W by common r.port ar , i . . a-nantjMt in hi made ta your ramnaia-n I ' .a . k. .k it 4ha ni amanilit on. There Is I r ... - . " ZT 1 7m . ..I .v" '"" ." "'' ' (8peUI Dlnpatrk te Tee leoraaL) ' Butt. May 21. Th announcement 1 mad her that th reclamation rvlo will conduct a lottery June II at Bill ing at which 10.000 acres of land, to be watered by government Irrigation ditch, will be awarded to holders of CSS winning numbers. ; Fifteen hundred name will be drawn. This will open to settlers th Huntley project ; Th 10.000 acres will mak nearly 700 farms of from 40 to 10 acre each. "How a Layman Can 11-lp th Church" oeorge J. Klrkland, "Support of the JocuJl Church" j J. K. GUI, "The Amu- ment wueatlon." . i It has been decided that Grace church wljl present th nam of Us del-sat to th stat conference aa a candidate for delegate to th general oonferenc at Bauimor. . FLOUR FAMINE (Continued from Pete On.) , ie ieea n rana. - f . Campaign sack' referred to , no cnarg MwRm ..uT-Mn th articl Quoted frora th Evening opinion handed the Seattle, - cri oi tuij ui.uuu..!, -.......... . Tajerrim. The word was .V !eniJ, " -nlo other V - ' .;. ; I understood It in -any - k inai speecn, nor lyoU don't believe It WS May t3. According , to an chairman of th Mi Paolflo nortbwesL This forces mil tors to put up the price of flour, but th Portland market was the laat one on th coast to move up. Thes ad vances In flour have been rapid. The last one waa for Ifie a barrel, a moat unusual and heavy Increase In this market " ''.', With wheat supplle so soar that millers cannot poaslbly fill orders al ready accepted, contracts , for foreign delivery and home sales ar -being hedged. . In Consequence ther Is every Indication of another . sharp Tin in values before long. , aff a ViMnAv feutApn Wr m. Acwrdrng to s prominent flour seller the present stock of flour will not b sufficient to tak car of the trad un til th new crop I ready, for market When local supplies give out a small amount may poaatbly be obtained from th east, but conditions ther duplicate those on th. Paolflo oaat . Bom wheet may bo brought In from th east' to grind here, but the price ther la about 15 cents a buahel hlcher than here. With freight charges added, bakeries would be forced to oharg 10 cent a lonf for bread. , This, condition of affairs has neve befor been noted on th Paclflo coast. In soma, seasons ther has . been s you other sense. Now, mean to be understood as making any. On th contrary, I stated In that speech, among other things: "We hav nothing against Mr. Devlin, and shall say noth ing a rains t him.' Did you overlook this statement purposely or by sod dent? I have nothing but the kindliest . . . . . a t s a wi - - ssvsaaasasa - w - leeiuigs ror you, ana neuner against fh.t . funA w. bai--. P.i.d. "7 t..l '. . ' X shaU be very gla you really intend to cut off Hhat "sup ply If thr is to b such 'supply t "And than, again, Is there to be such a "supply - of course, i oon t anow, but I would Ilk to know. If I was in error in stating . to that : big- audience Secretary Garfield will be present when tho drawing takes plac. and will, per-1 shortage of wheat and oonaequently in eonally direct th proceedinga The flour, but thU haa alwava been rem. used in that tlnanoe committee of the city council, J Huntley - project -is located about l flled by bringing in supplies from Othr nearby sections. This yar all parts of th coast are sum anacted and every where th scramble for wheat and flour is th same. 9 BXPAIlSIOri CALt OF pH Ijr h C 1 o eGaO M i 11 1 n o r y . Dust and dirt next month; tearing out partition, remodeling front and fixtures for a greater store. Our exceedingly large stock of fresh, modish headgear for women and girls must be disposed of before the confusion. '- '-f .;, EVERY TDirJCIED DAT REDUCED Tnt TK tt IS It. rs..!1.n rLot I $1.80 to H it. now..s2.60 ixt s co id.dv, now. .J.40 Any It. 00 Hat. now,..,.... $ ..SO Any tt.00 Hat, now........ $0.40 Hats for llttl tots and girls of all vand flower, all speolaU.,......,., Any 110.00 Hat. now. ..... f 8.00 Any 115.00 Hat. now f 12.00 Any 120.00 Hat, now. ... .016.00 Any Original Pattern, formerly 110.00 to 40, VOW fTJST VAX ages, tastily trimmed with ribbons , 9 1.35 M 1J4.00 :. New Siailor II styles Knox Shapes and others, regular ......... ..-SI. 00 to f 5.00 214 THIRD STREET. CORNER SALMON aenaa and nobodrt John :R!nifna-er. the defaultlna former ! nuies east, of Sllllngs, Montana, Th other sense, ana jolty comptroller, la immune from pun- . used in any ishment for any thefts he may hav LerTfuo c"""a o xn governmeni. that being so, do committed during his first term In of- Tj" ,n nrst reclamation project 'ilea He holds that the thr-yar I ot ,h ffoyernmont to b thrown open to you nor , But you should not attempt to read Into my speech something not contained statute of limitations holds from th dat of expiration of an offlctal's term Of offlce. Bipllnger's first term of of fice expired more than three years ago. j .Th . decisionals interesting . as it settles th rights of a defaulting of ficial. Should it be proven conclusively that Rl pi Infer embexxled during bis first term and did not during his second term settlement. SOUND MILLERS SOLD OUT INCREASE IN SALARIES -DENIED OFFICEHOLDERS Cannot Take' New Orders for Floor (Special Phmatek te Th JaanuLl Olympia. Waah., May 28. Under an glad to correct th error, or. u I waa rignt in so aiaung ..vnii hMiAmlnf Informed through in 1L neither by direct averment nor I ....t, . un. I ha anuM mn tr tn. Mint . . ... .. , . ill iviuaiajv ti.a awvu m huw wwww...s ... s - - - , m . . i ..laan na va mm nnan in rianiauua , ii i v& muiiiiH.i m muvuuu Km w it, , nu. mjw structed a man of straw to your tls- dInat",on th dolng. ot fUcn work, I (known until the present investigation is r;? tZnl . i , 0 r fPlnt,T' Taction, hysterlcauy demand proof that SXbV . dsllcliM I to rnako th.facf flnl.hed. if indeed, it is ever known, the "J. .f S!? ne is a reai man. im m, " publle for th , general welfara And rurtiv naving carried ort many or ms r.',-" yourseu oy ima process, dui you win h-Pa i- -here you can heln me out. for DOOM. ceiuao no one ciae. aim me P"ur Baaoa of mind and your own ever "; for TMs Crop. ' (special DUpatr. te The IoeniaL " ' Beattle, May II. It's a hard matter opinion given out' by the attorney-gen- bur flour from, Puget sound millers erai a ornc today, members of th stat Doard or control and othr appolntlv refuse to become interested in this tm- usting glory. I called your attentlonl I iri irj CACTCMCn peat of grief which you hav blown up t0 a letter wrftten by B. W. MonUgue,t4-IU lO rAOlENEU titled to th increase of salaries thus allowed them until after th expiration or ineir present terms of ornce. Ths question was submitted to th Juat now. - Practically all mills' on th sound ar refualng further ordrs and hav nough on hand to keep them busy tor months ahead, Th fact that they will tak no more business now Is duo to the fact that wheat is vry scare snd ths mills art paying mors than it is worth. July and September grain ' in the teapot of your imagination you chairman of the Lane campaign com may ds pained pernaps, dui you wui i mjttee, to Mr, Cake, chairman of th hav no reason to be surprised. (Republican . campaign committee. In -With this explanation, whers Indeed which a reauest is made that both coro na explanation at all was necessary, I mlttees mak publlo statements of the TIGHT ON ASTORIA (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) ' Astoria. Or.. May ZS. John Stephen- this anawer might very well end. . But I various amounts contributed by candl-1 son was srreated yesterday on a oom- : ther are real things involved In this I dates and others for campaign purposes. ; campaign besides the whimsical things I assume you hav seen this letter. If . Injected into it and on of thes things I you hav not, I will hav Mrv Mon la the question whether w ar to hav I tague mall . you a copy.- I am quit a clean election, or whether money tn hopeful that yon will cause. th request large quantities is going to be used, to contained In that letter to b complied Influence the election or control th re- with a soon as your sttentlon is called r suit It has been currently reported to it Tou really cannot do otherwise, for weeks on the streets and at least yon know, because you hav said in once in the public press that a large! your letter to me: "Let us be honest,' campaign fund was being raised In your I and' "honesty" ' means in this case an interest and to promote your election, I honest election, free from ven a sus- ; and that rich corporationa, commonly I plclon that money is being used as a : referred to as 'the lntereets, wer con-J controlling factor. There ar certain trlbutlng, or were expected to contrlb-1 expenses that are proper and have to be "fcUte, to lhal.funi (my peechSm iirtlele trom -the Evening j discharge of these obligations a reason- . Telegram of May , to which I now call I able amount of money must be raised. plaint sworn to by Peter M. Ellefsen, pastor of th Seamen's mission, charged with conducting a dance hall In viola tion of a olty ordinance. H was re leased on $60 cash ball : pending bis trial In ths municipal court next Mon day. ' ; ,' ---..,. .-. attorney-general by ths governor, who I well up and millers flgurs that If requests an . opinion as to whether. I ney pay mess pncs ny wiu noi o under ths laws passed by ths last lesls- able to realise on It ' lature affecting - different stat sp-1 - Millers say . that ths refusals to ao polntlvs officers. It would be necessary I cept - orders will hav nothing to do for ths executive Jo rsoommlsslon these with shlpmsnts from this port as or- officers when tbs now laws become ef- ders for months ahead are already la feetlvs.' - ' Tn attorney-generara office, in an I opinion written by Assistant Attorney- j Babbits Cofno to Town. Wild rabbits bavs become so common General J. D. Falknor, holds that only tr,SB.i S"-,it,5 TT.. In cases where th old law was repealed tn,tr"" f"? hJ M. will it be necessary to issu nw com missions; and that where the new act Mavor Wise Strain dlr-ct.rf the chief I --". " wnere me new S m1.;", Z reappointment of ths officers rhlVandCharloV ittns th.lB-sa Tstt VtlsrViw r1fs A Masmsm I Abercrombls notified ths dance r hall FRUITGROWERS MUST pruprit?ii?ra mm uiey muii ciudq ineir I resorts. ; All of them obeyed but Stev- ' your attention, since you choose to Over : look it : That article, among other - Statements, contained the following: ' " ' Interests Sack of Sevlla. t' "While, Chairman Cake say little . money . will be used in the campaign, the statement has been mad by. ardent Republicans that the campaign sack will be better filled than at the last .election, since tbe banks and ' rallroals 'are more liberal in their contributions. Is this' statement attributed to "ardent Th lid is 'about to be put on and I fastened tight upon Astoria. PAY LICENSE TCTSELL (Rprrtal Dtupatcn t The Joornat.) investigation was set on foot by local I hunters, who hav corns to th conclu sion that ths bunnies ar deserting th fields and dells and taking up their homes in ths corporate, llmlta - It Is no uncommon sight to see rab bits in pairs playing about tho strts, and instead of running away at sight of persons approaching, they simply scam per through a fence or tak refug be hind a tree where they seem as much at bom and. as secure as If they wer The use of ony more money than that is not a legitimate use of money in an m TCH CltllD TIMCC election. And tbe question of what Is U. W. JIL I tU hUUK I llVltiS or what is 1 not reasonable Is for ths public the people to determine, and not the' managers. 3Let ns give th peo ple the opportunity to determine.' Our commute is anxious to make public these matters. They are mad public irr otoer states, ana should b every Olvmnta. Miv 22 in - .n nnininn iln their burrows. Another feature of glvnut today Attorney-General Atkln-jth oass is that many ar nesting on Bat He Came Through With Flying Colors on the Fifth Attempt, i When Colonel George Washington first met Martha Custls she was a dashing where. , We cannot eompel them here. I widow yet in her twenties, beautiful. charming and wealthy. Th father of hla country promptly fell in love with Whyf Because ths last legislature, al mnit tinsntmAtialss ttanntii I ana4 Bepubllcans true? and are the banks to r. . hill 4,.irin. -,,-k i'.m.,,... I the lady and aa nromntly laid aieae to iiu laumwi uiui iiunu in mwr ouu-1 eomoulsorv. But ! tmat rmi win nnt I ner neart. a cnanoe meeunc at tne trlbutlonaf and is this campaign sack I avail yourself nt mien raiinnt tn i.i-lhouse of Major Chambarlavne. an after- "'"i i : '. '". ' otuh-juuu i (at ror tn punty of elections, will 1 noon ana an evening wun ner ana ne wnu inis exiraci. reaa extract xromiyou cause thes campaign contributions I was almost an accepted suitor, t your speech, and particularly the fol- and assessments, If there are any. to b I But says th Nw Broadway Maga lowing: Th Bepubllcan party Is op-J published T If you do. yon will aeeom-1 'n. th gallant colonel was not posed to all perpetual franchises, and I Diiih more rood b that an mt thnlactly an amateur in th art ' of lore the present charter prohibits ths grant-1 you could aqiompliah in any other way making. He at least had th sxpertenoe ing of them, and w believe In th r- from now up to the expiration of Dr, of treat mlsUkes to profit by, for his peal of those now In existence, and that Lane's second tnn. , ' - I tory records th fact that four ladles repeal is possible, no matter where or '. yait. v,. J.-... 1 declined to share the heart, the home how or by whom Jhey were granted, be- T.h. -onM.uTin rtir3!!r, j. 1 the glory of the man who became cause we oeuev mat tn court wiu r.r.rrin-" t fT. X.. V, declare that it is against public policy -rtnUon"? An .latCilIeM it that any neraon or cornoration mayhoM fCrJpUon' . .; eondlUonS In th north the greatest American. that any person or corporation may hold "can U better an.werJ hr le"t ccompllshm. j forever and a day righta and privileges r. ifc- h.lA- a soldier, 'of areat monetary value wMnh h.lon V60. wl". b P'aaed to do SO if w.-hi-..- . by Jvsry prlncipl' of right to th com! 11.? Lf'V" Jl nn.?PUnJty, A lover munityTn its oorporat. capacity.' . ?7 ZlI ?.J?V..F" would b Handsome, well dressed, skilled In the accomplishments of th day, and all a soldier, apparently Colonel Washington ought to have been for whose only right any woman rva cauaciii. i ,v z . . I wouiu nave fluttered to riia arms. But r i .,. .I... -I... mi l ivu oumri wun Till n .. ..... . i ,'tommyroC and my audiencs agreed JJtJ wnh him yur r who thus failed ot th . with m and so. Will th cttlsens ot 2!.a" T. 1 c.l,n, lustrous niche in history that h thev .Portland generaUy. If It 1. not will JZm Z"? p",li" mltht havs had were. inT turn, a miss you kindly explain In your next speech the rhnn.-..73 -l".' "! of I years, whom her sOltor of soulful ths only blU to repeal a perpetual Bpfl h SeUwMl . 1 IT indited) as th "Loveland Beauty'?; hlae was beaten by our last legls- XIie ' t'JZ&ttlU Miss Fontleroy, a-Mles Cary and a trict is the sam undeV thlraent ad c0W"Jh Mls ary Phllipje, whose ministration as under the Ust More- S'tnth 7"' NW over. protecUon is afforded to some of ItJiV f'ck0"d 'ort these houses, and' not to , others) Bear tjtommnUo afcrtoe, i:-.M Hv.?;.:- that in mind.' ; What do yon mean bv this ui irom mis xrain ox experience ins anyhow Thatris pStTy abl so brilliantly ,. -why franchise lature, which was. almost unanimously 'Republican, and why ."Johnny Coffee, who fathered that bill and stood as the : labor candidate for mayor, was beaten 1 ' wmm?mmmm'mmMmMmmmmmmmmmWmmmmmm'mmmmmmm 7 Vacation is coming. .We've -looked, ahead and had : some ' special suits t made .for hard : . Nothing fancy, about ,'em; simply neat and; durable. - No restraint on the. boy no pinch on your, pocket 4 ,They will stand the rub and the tub?, ; .- ' Some of them are $1, others $2 and $2.50.-77 - g: MON sv ClolhinnCo Gn'JlCuhnPcp, . ! Ten's and Boys' Outfitters. 1C3 and 16a Third St. cnargo, you snow. But perhaps you had better tell Lan about it 'And now In conclusion cermlt ma to Say X wrote the foregoing letter as suming that the statement in The Ore gonlan t was, correct. My speech was not a written speech, and, while I knew that I had said nothing to IniDuni you honesty or malign your - character or reflect unon yourself or your family I did not know what I actually did say. But Just at the moment of closing there has been banded me a shorthand report of my speech, and I find that the Qro- gonian chap got it wrong; After com menting upon tbe article in the Tele gram and th statement in regard to perpetual . franchise abov : quoted, I used this languags and no other: "What does this meant , What does he think you mean, when be come be fore you with a declaration of that kind, and bases his campaign upon the correctness , of hla statements T He knew they were not in favor of repeal- to plan, a campaign, doubtless learned wisdom. He must at least have found out how not to do it for when he laid slegs to the heart of ths Widow Custia It was done with a master hand that found the right way a easily as If It had never failed at th trick. , Hotel Counter Sarcasm. " : From ths fianT Francisco Chronicle. 1 Some sharp ' pieces of sarcasm flash across the hotel counters at times. Ths other night an unkempt individual drift ed Into. iha. Imperial., whose appearance did not prove at all satisfactory to the clerk. -v-rv' ".'J'V'-rr; ;-r; J.rS1?.: "Sorry, we shall have to ask you to settle in advance,"; said the clerk. "But you -see w don't know, you" The response of the arrival was coot "What difference does that make"" -'"Well, so many swindlers have done us lately,-you see'' . ' ' , Oh, I thought there was profession- son holds that under th commission merchant law enacted by the last legis lature, if any -fruitgrowers' association engage in the business of selling farm. dairy, orcnara or- garaen produce; on commission, or receive or solicit con signments of such produce on commis sion, they must be treated the same a any other Arm, company or corporation engaging in such business, and must bs required to furnish a bond and procure a license the same as regular commis sion merchants. The question ss to what constitutes a commission mer chant under the terms of the law -is declared by the attorney-general to be subject to the definition prescribed by in state. Horticultural commissioner. LINn"cOUNTY TO HOLD ; : - APPLE FAIR NEXT FALL .(., .-l-j-,UC (Special Dispatch t Tbe JoarnaL) Albany, Or., May 1 3. Linn county horticulturists will hold a fair next fall to exhibit apples produced In the valley and endeavor thus to stimulate Interest In the valley product At a re cent meeting of the horticultural so ciety the plan was Indorsed. There exVl lets -great rivalry among Oregon grow ers, and this fair is part of a plan to mak for th: Willamette valley apples as great a name as that snjoyed by mors systematically . advertised neigh bors,: However, ther will be no decry-1 ing. Fruit men agree there is room for ail, and a higher motive in entering the field Is to advance th interests of the wnoi state. lawn and vacant lots,, whers th young Always Dependable as a Quality Loaf ' BHwfeiP-NHfv Bread ONLY THE BEST: OF EVERYTHING GOES TO -r . PRODUCE IT 5 cents per loaf Attn grocers BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. LOOK FOR THE LABEL ON EVERY LOAF .s , are caught; hy eats or destroy! by dogs. .. ". ; .v; . v1..,. -v. X .Aa skaa Hothotue., With ths'aid of steam heat and elso- trie lights vegetable and flowr are being grown in Fairbanks. 0, M. Thomp son is making the experiment he has fitted up a hothouse on 8eoond avenue, to the rear ot the pioneer hotel and In stalled steam heat and electria lights A furnaos has also been put In should anything happen to th steam pipe. Th glass roof la of double thickness, . At the present time lettuca, wet $1.00 pass, paraley, tomatoes, carnations and daisies ar growing in fins shape. , Th lettuce Is In all stages of growth, some of it ready for, market and some of It Just sprouting. , , - , ,., ill IMPORTANT A sale of men's trousers, many pat- terns at two fine aay s $5.00 al courtesy among swindlers." And he Ing perpetual franchises, and ha knw walked out Indignantly. they didn t do it and neknew they were not going to do It Nobody asked hfm i to make the declaration: It Is not in I issue; but- he volunteered that, state ment to you Intelligent voters of this city when he knew, and the record was I fresh befor him, that the '.only time they had a chance to repeal a perpetus I I franchise, they positively refused to do I It because they don't intend to offend I tbe interests. They don't intend to do I anything to eut off ths supply on elec tion day. They don't Intend to do any thing that will -hinder them from car rying- on a campaign of special educa- i tloa here by special 1 interests, snd If I they do iheyV know they have no fur ther Interest in the , election at all if I that supply of money Is let out I As I nave written, tn letter, now I ever, I will let It go as It Is. and trust I you will be perfectly satisfied what I I did say, if you are not with what II was reported as saying. X remain, yours I very sincerely, I . j ' "JOHN M, GEAIN.-: METHODIST CHURCH TO ELECT, DELEGATE Grace Methodist Episcopal church will elect a lay delegate and an alter nate, at a meeting tonight, to represent tne church in t e next stato confer ence,: held In Portland In September. I Among tho names prominently mention ed for tbe place are, M. B. Raukln. John Corklsh, F. 9.; Akin, Scott Bosarth and Dr. Osrnan Roj aL The annual con-1 ference,' which meets at Grace church 1 In September, will elect thro delegates I to represent tris state in the general conference of the church which meets In Baltimore hext May, . . f v- A feature of, tonight's meeting will be short addresses as follows: . . Dr, Osman Royal, "Our Advocate" ecott ; Boxarth, .."Our universlty" Dr. Richmond Kelly, "Diocesan Episcopacy"; John Corklsh, - "Electiv ; Presiding El ders": E. T. Johnson, "Pastorlal Tim Limit , -jm. jo. ttanxin, nor to Mak Tour Pastor Succeed"; , F. S., J AIkln, Beginning Friday morning and continuing until theclose of business Saturday evening at llo'cjock, we will place on sale several hundred pairs of men's high grade $5.00 trousers They' were ex-, cellent . values at $5.00; in Vfapt, the same fabrics; r 'and .patterns most stores lask $6.00 Lto . $7.00 for' &fmm The price at which' we offer yoa these Trousers would not under ordinary circumstances begin to pay for the raw material and cheapest workman- Vs ship; to say nothing of our profit. ' Included are many patterns, pin checks b.and neat stripes iir light and dark, worsteds; suitable - -' for dress or business wear. It's the greatest value y of the season. Your choice . -4" a a a Mill The Best Scwrtag Soap i Rlaie Klamath ounty produced enough hay last year to supply every demand and there is yet a considerable amount leitl A Scouring Soap A Mctaf Polish A Glass Cleaner Friday and Saturday H GO. Horseshoes Over the Doors " - 59-71 THIRD STREET . ; BETWEEN OAK AND PINE Satisfaction or pTour Money Back la the stack. '