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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY . EVENING, MAY 3, 1C37. , V wt : r t r-i-y j i jrT' 'TTt j . ' : i-r-Si.rr1 -: Friday Cleanup of Odd Lots and Mlemnants Left From the 57th Anniversary Sale 7 Mil ft ft IM 7 . ' vV 7- VA I - '-If Y 7'1-i-. Clearance of Suits of a Leading New York Tailor 85 WoMe?STailor Made Suife: Reg. akes to $30 for $13.75 85 Tailor Made Suits, in Eton, Pony, Tight Fitting and Jacket styles. The colors are black, navy, brown, gray and tans. The materials are fine Panama doth and fancy mixed materials, in worsteds, tweeds and novelty materials,-com-- prising all the newest effects, in striked and checked designs. All Jackets are lined with either silk or satin. The skirts are made in the newest plaited effects. . Sold reg. up to $30.00. Be early Friday if you want one for only '.$13.75. Black, Navy, Brown, Gray, Tans, ILtons; Pony and A Other Styles This phenomenal bargain is the result of a special purchase and cannot be repeated. Do no fall to be here early Friday if you want your suit." RemnantSaleWashGoods Remnants of Wash Goods from 1$ to 8 yards, including;, White Persian Lawn, India Linon, Batiste, Pearline, Colored Dimities, Printed Lawns, Printed Batiste, Colored Mull Plaids, Printed Or . candies, Shadow Silks. No remnants cut at these prices. 12c Wash Goods, yd.; '7a 35c Wash Goods, yd... .18 15c Wash Goods, yd.. . . 8et 40c Wash Goods, yd.. . .SOej 20c Wash Goods, yd.. . .lOet 50c Wash Goodsyd.. . .25 25c Wash Goods, yd.. . .13t 60c Wash Goods, yd.. . .30a Annual Sale of Dress Goods Remnants A yearly event that prudent shoppers wait for eagerly, knowing full well that in scope and magnitude no remnant sale can begin to compare with it, The greatest stock of remnants to choose from, because we do the greatest dress goods business in-Portland. There are 4,000 remnants of black, cream and colored dress goods, all wool and silk and wool; all lengths up to six yards in serges, black and white novelties, mohairs, ' Panamas, voiles, crepe de Paris, henriettas, shadow plaids, challies, batistes, albatross, brilliantines, craven ettes, tailor suitings, poplins and imported novelties. Tjl-f Tipf One sale Friday at exactly ...'.; i ......... . ; ", rV, . Women's 50c Sample Hosiery 23c Women's fine black lisle and black cotton Stockings, also lace boots, all-overs and drop-stitch. A treat lot of fine im-; OOr ported samples. Regular values to 50c, for - si j - - 4F $1.75Rugs89c $2.50 Rugs 31.39 , 200 Jute Smyrna Rugs, in a large variety of pretty oriental patterns, just the rug for the summer home or cottage; 30x60-lnch size; rever sible; a regular $1.75 rug. While they last today ...... QjC 300 Velvet Wilton Rugs, in very pretty oriental and conventional designs; 2760 inches; aq reg. $2.50 values for .... ylj" Other great bargains in Lace Curtains, Couch Covers, Ham- . mocks. Curtain Materials, etc. Window Shades made to order. 3000 Yds. High Glass 1907 Taney Silks Regular $l-$l.Z3 VaiuesiC7c This extraordinary Friday Silk Sale of the moat sensational silk bargains ever riven will probably be the laat chance of its kind. It is made possible by closing out the entire stock of 1907 pattern silks v of a great New York importer. All new 1907 fancy silks for shirtwaist suits, sepa rate waists or Jumper suits, in imported louisines and taffetas. In checks, stripes, plaids and figures, in all the new colors and novelty designs. Considering the enormous demand and constant increase in price of all silks which is taking place, these silks are offered at the most ridicu lously low price we have ever known or heard about. All $1.00 and $1.25 values and some even higher at the y .sensationally low price of ...... .J A-V IMPORTANT None en sale until Friday 'morning at 8 o'ekxk.- Extra clerks and extra . wrappers to wait on you. Be early.1 vSoY 111 (A ,11 r 4tef, SiackSilltPetticbats 100 Petticoats of extra quality black taffeta silk. made with deep accordion plaited flounce, trimmed with two gathered and tuck ed ruffles and ust ruffle. These petticoats are made and finished in the most up-to-date fashion, and are ex- V5 tra full. Sold regularly at $7.00. tpe- clal for -1 ' N ' Vj Friday ..... f W None sold t VirX ..' iv r FS!i2IP? mail orders.' i -$4.97 until Fridmr. No mail orders,' no ; phone orders, none C O. D. none reserved. . m tri.i. f i Women's Ribbed Vests, low ,Dy CMS Lfty neck. no aleeves. mil sixes: rer- uiar iyc ana zap values. Sale:HigKest-Class Hand EmK. Lingerie; Waists . Almost Half Price For Friday Bargain Day we place on sale our entire importa tion of finest hand-embroidered Lingerie Waists, made of the choicest and most select materials and workmanship. All this season's newest and most desirable styles, with newest elbow sleeves. At the following extraordinary low prices: $25100 Lingerie Waists for . . ; . $14.75 $20.00 Lingerie Waists for . $12.45 $17.50 Lingerie Waists for . $10.00 $15.00 Lingerie Waists for . $8.95- til CA T iMrtario Wiinln trx 1 -X-C ?y ... ... ...,.. , , ; r , $7.85 Very Exclusive Lipman-Wolfe Styles Friday CutPrice SalePy- rography Wood to Burn 10e Round Panels, S-lnch...5 lc Round Panels, l-lnch.l2e' J8o Round Panels, 10-tn..lT He Oval Panels, 4x8-In....7 lie Oval Panel, Tx-ln... 12 ZSo Oval Panels, UxlX-ln.170 So Oval Panels, Ixll-In..l7 m , 15o Key Hanrers..,....;10 t6e Nut Bowl. ........ ..19 80o Nut Bowls...... .....39 tto Oval Panels, 10x20-!n.29f S9o Oval Panels, m4-ln.45e BOo Oval Panels, 14xlT-ln.39f S9o Jap Plotures.. .29f 50o Indian Pictures. . . . . .39f BOo TaohUns Olrt Pie- - -turee . , . . . . . . . . ...... .894 A' full assortment of Stools, Boxes. Collar and Cuff Boxes, Our entire assortment of combl Leather Novelties on sale at -t ' Free Pyrorraphy Iessoas si Largest and Met Art Departme expert enoed New York manager. 76o Nut Bowie,. ........ .62 $1.16 Nut Bowls. ......fl.OO 16o Match Bcratchere....lOe 6oV.Match 8cratcbers.....l9f 6o Match Scratchers. . . .29 16o Teddy Match Bafes.,.19 J Bo Dog House....... ...29 l9o Glove and Handkerchief ; Boxee . .... ;v. ....... 29 l6o Glove and Handkerchief SOXS ' i tiMillleiilii 19 Tabourettee, Footstools, Card nation Wood, and ;K ; ft$ ven dally by an expert teacher, nt In the west, in charge of an Monthly Notion Sale: ig Little Savings w ; Taiine Moth Bags I Whea-rTarlne enters,, mothe and insects fly out Put away your win. ter Clothes with it. These bags are of extra strength. Tarlse Hot JBags 98x3S lm.,,.38e T arise Motk Bags, 80x50 la. ;,,.48f X.arge roU Moth Paper lot , r , 1 .484 Z6c -Black Stovepipe Enamel ,....18e 10c ' Electrd Sllllcon ; . , i:.'. . - 74 10c Puts Pomade Polish'...,..; 7' 26e Tin Household Oil -..'.V " 12s? 16o Bise White CJeaner - i f. 8f 2 5o Nickel Towel Rings,! double.,. 15? ; l$o Nickel ToweW Ring, single.I. ilO? 6o Polishing Mittens ............ 8? lOo Stove Enameline 8? 160 Peerless rurniturend Piano ,' . Polish ...,... ...'. ... .'' lKe ' Floor Shine ItThe beet. floor-paint made.: fine and lasting ' finish, all the good colors. -fl.OO Floor Bhiae, sale paloe.... 68? 75o Floor ghine, salo prloe.....38f 26e Imperial Silver Polish ..., .18? 10c Dutch Cleanser ..... . . . i . . . 8? 8peclal quality PAPCR NAPKINS, 60,000 Just received, in new and novel designs. Lay in a ' n supply; per 100, only .......... OC 20c Paraf fine Wax, lb. 12H? to Pointed Wood Tooth Ploks, t for 5? inch Wood Picnic Plates, dos..., 9 -inch Paper Plates, dos. 4? "260 Smith's Metal Polish .,.....,18? 60c Smith's Metal Polish ........38? 26o Conv Black Shoe Dressing.,.. 18? 5 Oc Silk Four-inrHand Ties 18c 2,000 Men's Silk Four-in-Hand Scarfs, in a great variety of colorings; among them are stripes, figures, solid colors and too many fancy weaves to mention. Mot one in the lot worth less than awe " Bought at a sensational sacrifice to sell in this sale for 18c Men's 25c Sample Hosiery 15c A great special purchase of Men's Fancy Hosiery, manufacturer's samples, In all the new desirable colors and figures; also plain black, The kind , C you have, always bought for 25c Friday Sale, choice V 1 OC Odd Lots Tcwelfy Less Than HALF PRICL ." 1 . , T . ; X.OT Iv Pretty Hat Pine, the remain. bands, narrow bands, round wire brae, der from a number of special s offer- lets for ladles and misses; regular lng large ball top, i rhinestone, . out' 12.00, $2.80, 13.00 and IS.60 ; . jf crystals and man novel Ideas; worth: values for ........ ...... ipX.IO .regularly 26c, JOcand. 75a n x,0T vanity Boxes and Purses, oxy. .WMle they last Friday or gut effects, the latest novelty, HOI tV-Oold plated Beauty Pins, some a pretty and dressy purse; " jn , plain, some chased, one pair on a card. regular tU5 values for DOC. Something that you 'can IOC W -SterUng Walsi Sets. I pins on wee; wguur 25o values, p air ..awv a card, many designs. Including floral, I.OT 3 Bracelets. Balance of lot? buckle and head patterns; a;- Aftr of pretty Bracelets, including . wide yretty 76o set on sale for ... . . ..iOV 7V2C Challies 5c 2,400 yards : of Cotton Challies, printed on a soft cloth in a variety of fancy colors in oriental designs. Blues, pinks, reds and other color combinations; regular , , E 7Mc values for ....VC 15c Doilies 5cE,a. . - - Big clearance of 6-inch, 7-inch and . 8-inch Doilies; embroidered and hemstitched; regular 10c, 12y$ C and 15c values tor only ...... Jw 35c Towels at 19c Great sale "of bleached Turkish Bath Towels, size 22x44, thick and , ; luxurious; regular 35c A - values; sale price 1C $2.50 Cloths $1,49 8-4 Bleached Table Cloths, with fancy drawn- work border on four sides; regular $2.50 values; on sale for Friday Bargain ; fcl in Day, only ple4? 150 .Men's White and Taney Vests $2.50-$2.75-Values $1.45 An extraordinary value that comes like Christmas, but once a year. 150 Men's Fancy Waistcoats, made of fine oxfords, piques and birdseyes, either plain white or stripes and small mat figures. The kind that you always pay $2.50 and $2.75 for and a few even higher. A most extraordinary ft 4 f special va4ue at this clearance sale price of, only .....t. JLg J Reg.50c Men's Fancy Suspenders 15c 100 Men's Fancy Web Suspenders, figures, stripes, so., i colors; a' and firemen's suspenders, made extra strong, wuh leather rr '. None worth less than SOcV Sale Price, only