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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 1C07. III GEL1Y mm EAST a m m m m r GREAT LIEU TO . f.iotvS fUt. Til v V. . V I'JJIGOII ROilD i 1 , f A . i '"-"-". "i m mm .lu.itu i... i dmiimu! mw.inin.ini u) iwmmm A hot itove In a hot "kitchen makes a hot cook. Use stove that gives concentrated heat that cooks the meal quickly without makinz an overheated kitchen. - With the New Perfection 'Oil Stove you get a working flame at moment of lighting. The VJkti Dine ife Oil Ccoli-Sfoye is .the new oil stove. Embodies new principles. Gives -i , best results. Chimneys axe enameled in blue, which makes them rust-proof, and easily cleaned. Made in three sizes, . with one, two, and three burners. Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency for dcicriDtive circular. - i . ' .. 'VaPBV - ' UOUSCUOlU U3C, - Made of brass' throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, -write to our nearest agency. ... i : . , . s : M' , v STANDARD CZt CCXgPANT " ' 7 V IMCfVtUTU) A I.'. .-J All Universities and Learned So-(interior Oregon Would Like to cletiea of Sweden Holding Celebration. , Connect With'Coryallis & Eastern. OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY OF FATHER OF BOTANY LET THIS BE EXTENDED .TO SUMMIT, THEY SAY Just Two Hundred Years Since Birth I of Carl von Llnne, Who Placed the Knowledge of riant Life on a Sclentiflo Basis. . Then With Heavy Freighting Outfits Products of Interior Now Locked Up Slay Reach Markets Water Carriage Possible In Connection. (lonnul Special Scrrle.) Stockholm, Mar SI. -All ths unlver- (Sjwdil Dtipitch to The tamal.) ' . Albany, Or., May II. The manare- sltles and lurried and sclentiflo so- mnt CorvaUls A Eastern railroad cletles of Sweden today held exercises in celebration of the 200th anniversary of Carl von Liana, the father of the modern science of botany. Linns, often known as Linneus, the latinised form of the name, was bora In the province of Bmalafid. May H,no7, and died In upaala January 10, 1778. , He .was a naturalist of the highest rank,' and not only was a most enthusiastic student is considerlnir the advisability of ex. tending- the eastern branch of the road to tne summit of the Cascades, a dis tance of about It miles, to connect with a wagon road to be constructed by the residents of the eastern portion of the state. It has been the ambition of that section to come closer to the markets, and they believe the propoaal to build a . wagon road would be an Inducement to the railroad officials. . , A good portion of the desired Corval tt( it, a JL "aaTrt art a - wv aWrf - .. f and explorer, but placed the knowledge Us A Eastern extension is surveyed and of plant Ufa on a sclentiflo basis. His mnr nlle are graded. It would be a system of nomenclature still prevails, comparatively easy undertaking to reno as does a similar system for soolosy. ' 15? ?0Bd.b,a lay the rails. The Linns was a son of a Lutheran d.r- " "?.. th OorraUte A, . , ..... . . iocroit, ana snoum the gyman and in 'childhood was designed Una be extended this woum OAS) . ajA c. TV7yi a aeis rn anJi VTn IV i IV' -VVW w AU eBJI ' , " 0 . te - .r" AS Ot At -i tO' L 5 The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been" in use ror orer 80 years, has bome the signature of and has heen made under his per "fyfyjfar onal snperrlslon since Its Infancy. .(t j' . . . ... .;; ew ww w wwa v wi saa jjisif? 4 All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ' Infants and Chlldren--IIIzperience against Xbrperiment. What Is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant, It . ' contains neither Opium. Morphine .nor other Xarcotte , substance. Its age is its guarantee. -It destroys Worms and allays FeTerishness.' It cures Diarrhoea and Wind' , Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Fanacea-The Mother's Friend. CCNUIHE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature cf for. the ministry, but he was so.fascl nated by flowers and plants - that, he mads no headway In his theological I studies. His father ' was " advised to hav him taught a trade, and. In fact, ha . was apprenticed to a" shoemaker, but, fortunately for the sclentiflo world. Dr. lothraan. a physician ; at Wexlo, who bad noticed the boy's en thuslasra for botany, prevailed upon the rather to allow him to atudy medlolne and natural .. history." The physician i took young Llnne Into his own house hold, and there hs studied and worked among the plants . and flowers - for some years, want StungTy. Ambitious to pursue his studies the young man went to the University of Upsala. He was unable to obtain em ployment, and while at the university ha suffered et times from aotual hun ger. Xater he attracted the favorable notice of one of the professors, who ob tained for him financial assistance. . It was at the University of Unaala where the most notabis of today's ob servances was held in honor of the great botanist's 100 anniversary, r The exercises were participated In by repre sentatives of many of the universities and sclentiflo societies throughout tho world, including the Linnaean society of London, the Smithsonian Institution at Washington and Bhaw s. botanical gar dens, at St Louis. During the day the Llnne monument In the cathedral of Upsala where the famous botanist was hurled, was piled hign with floral tributes sent by the leading scientific societies of the world. . v , - - the placing of the roadbed of the nree. ant Una in better condition, as better time would have to be mads and heavier loads hauled. - . The residents of eastern Oregon, pro poss to establish a road leading to the terminal of the railroad and through tho use of heavy freight wagons convey their products to this point and thence have them carried to me marxeta oy rail. This would mean that Albany would handle a great por tlon of the business, and this would be in oisiriouting center. - Such an ar rangement might prove an additional inoeniivs, to piece coast boats on the run irom r equina bay points north ward to Portland, and also southwsrd to ean rTanciaoOb The lands of "eastern Oregon srs Just beginning to come Into prominence, and with the development of that section a Business win ne punt up that will de mand cone-aeration or the transporta tion companies of the state. dOPPER- STREAMS RUN OUT OF HOODOO ROCK New Finds In This Idaho District Excite Even Coeur d'Alene " ' Experts. Z .04 ftVraA 1 ruaie mnm v ttva The M You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. AMERICANS REMEMBER ' Interesting Exercises Are Held at the ' University of Minnesota. (Joenal Special Serriee.) Minneapolis 'Minn., May tS. In- I terestlng exercises in celebration of the SOOth anniversary of the birth of Carl von Llnne, the great Swedish botanist, were held this afternoon in the armory at the University of Minnesota. At I tending the exercises were representa tives of Swedish societies throughout 1 Minnesota. ' The speakers - Included , Dr. Cyrus NorthroiD, president of the university: Professor David Swenson. Dr. C M. ! Jordan and James C. Haynes. AT WASHINGTON tMt eeereea eeeweiiv. tt entcrr, acw veaa env. SBBBVeaSSSaMBaaBaVSnBaaBBBSBSnBSSaSBBBaVMBSB B i 1 GARDEN PLANTS .-We have thousands: of ; Vegetable and. Flowering Bedding , Iants. All the leading kinds; strong, healthy plants-that . will live and grow Prices reasonable. This is the month to plant. See our display at our store and plant yard, foot of Yamhill street. k , , - . , m ' .- Botanical Society Hears Memorial Address by Dr. E. L. Green. .,... ' (Joornil Special Sarrtce.) Washington. D. C, May Z3. The iOOth anniversary of the birth of Von Llnne, the botanist, was commemorated today at a special meeting of the Botanical society of Washington. . The memorial address was delivered by Dr. Edward L, Green of the Smithsonian institution. ft A Hard Debt to ray. ' "I owe a debt of gratitude that can never be paid off," writes Q. S. Clark of westfleld, . Iowa, Tor my rescue from death, by Dr. King s New, Discovery, Both lungs were so seriously affected that death seemed imminent, when commenced taking New Discovery. The ominous dry, hacking cough quit be fore the first bottle was used, and two more bottles - made a complete cure.' Nothing has ever eaualed New Discov. ery tor coughs, colds and all throat and lung complaints, uuaranteea oy Red Cross Pharmacy. SOo and-H.OO. Trial nottie rree. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NEWSPAPER ,WOK A,!!.,., THE PIOPL $1.00 1 ; YU LOVE IN A MOUSE? How would yotl like to pay for a home of your own with the 'same money ybu hand to your Lw .v landlord? We will build you a home at 48th STREET AND HAWTHORNE AVENUE , " , ' And you can pay for it in rent installments. - ' ' DeKghtful View Accessibility- Facility L,,O.T.S 33ob,'TO g7QO $25.ea coiir'N $ii.C3 A cgntii fawthorne Ave. O n Hi 15 Minutes. From City 7-Minute Car Service PORTLAND REALTY B TRUST CO. 103 SECOND ST; PORTLAND,. s R. A. TAYLOR, Agent on the Ground We have a branch office at the corner of Forty-Eighth and Hawthorne Avenue .v (ftjwctel DUpateft to The Joenal.) . 5 Hoodoo, Idaho, May 23. Samples of ore from the surface showlnr discov ered last week have been smelted and a, large lump of- nurs conDer ohtninwi i from each sample. Six miles away other cropplngs equally rich have been dis covered. There Is great excitement here. . Scores of prospectors and old, grissled miners ars swelling the Jam. Experienced men say the Hoodoo camn gives great promise of becoming one of the rich copper camps of the west v A. Matt, a mining man of many years' experience In the rich Coeur d'Alene district, who haa been here investigat ing for. several days, says: :-n "1 found In the shaft of the Mlanah property tl feet of excellent shipping ore. .This Is a better showing that I have ever seen In the Coeur d'Alenes so near the surface. The formation Is very similar to that of the Coeur d'Al enes aad the ledge looks as If It would retain Its value with depth. Everything lauicaiea an immensely rich mine." Coeur d'Alene men are here In great numbers and a party of them have re located the Blus Bird property and In corporated unaer the name of the Lion Copper company. Tears ago consider able work was done .on this property. There is a 100-foot shaft on the. Blue Bird and 100 tons of ore on the dmn Ths new company will resume work at ones. - Another rich copper and gold property Is ths Gold Bug. The owner of thim famous mine ars nearly all residents of Palouse and Garfteld, Washington. This Is destined to become one of the rich est mines in Idaho. ; Its owners expect o puen worn on ic 0a sSTiff -Vp1 iW S3n ar.Ais ' ori- zr.. c.s.v -esufl iff t S" 1 ,el " -.fc !oa t'- iv tot a-". , oo' e,,,r. '.V8A -. .ta v"Iuar. -., I VI or dSi v- -ate - ex a r aiv- To "1 Wryy.C GRAND LODGE OFFICERS - OF THE ODD FELLOWS, - (SpMlal Diapatrb The 7onrml) -La Grande. Or.. Mav 22. H.v.n ,mn. reg grand lodge, rrand encamnmant and Rebekah assembly members at-1 tenaea the convention s here.. Officers elected are as , follows: Grand natrl- urcn. . ju. jjecKwiin or Portland; high priest, E. J. Seely of Albany; grand enior waraen, k. , Robertson of Rose- ourg; grana scrios,"' E. E. Sharon of! roruand; grand treasurer, W. w. Fran-els- of Albany: warden. John M. wn. Hams of Eugene; grand representative. W. I. Vawter of Medford. Claude ' Gafch "of Salem la hold -over I grana representative. - Mr. Vawtsr Is the retiring grand natrlarch. Mr. Rh. I ron is reelected grand scribe. The new appointive ofllcera Grand marshal. W. O. P. Miller of Ore gon City; grand ' sentinel, O P Rickley or narrwourg; grana outside sentinel. w. . jnonroe ox ia uranae. "X Shriners From Los Angeles Who stopped over in Portland en route to their homes, de clared that Council Crest. Portland's newest public park. presented the grandest view their eyes had ever looked upon. , . . . , Their Trip Had Been a Feast of Beautiful Scenery -v But the combination of snow-capped mountain, heavily timbered foothills, beautiful valleys in. the highest state of cultivation and the picturesque .Willamette and Columbia nvcrs maac a picture tne nice ot whicn they had never seen CLOSE 0F.CLATSKANIE SCHOOLS NEXT WEEK I Clatskanla. Or., May is. Ths aats kanie schools will close Friday, May si. i ne : commencement exercise. . win h held on that evening, when a I speaxer from Portland will address the graduating class. Some of Portland's musical taient will furnish ths i muik Ths annual entertainment was held Sat. 1 uraay. evening, 'when the largest hall Of Clatskanla would not hold the oeonla UiatsKanis can boast of one f h best schools in the state, under tha an. peryision or rroressor . J H. Collins, as isia oy in. Collins. . Adjoins and almost surrounds the Crest itself and its v r . position affords this same beautiful view. You could not visit, this wonderful viewpoint without feeling the thrill of enthusiasm that has filled the hearts of all who have in vested here that it is an ' '':'''.t5'',;;?...1,i';.v. Ideal Place for a Home An agent on the ground shows you the entire tract an ! you decide for yourself from what you see and not v.!;:,: , we say, that $300 invested in one of these lots' will dcul' and treble in value in a'year's time. r 1 . .-o 0 "V Phones: Main 550, Home A25J7 I v - f , 1 'S