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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 23. 1C07. San rrancisco, Office Oregon Journal 789 MarktVSU bet 3d & 4th APTBTiBBxmrr awo 2 bum- , CaUPTIOaTS BCITXO. . Oretronlans when in Baa Francisco ran havs their mail-sent in care of The ' Journal office. -. . . ' . ;,r ARTHUR t FISH. Representative BIRTHS ROFT Ma 20. to Mr. and Mm. A.' A. Heft, MB Vaughn etreet a son. CLARK Mar 11. to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark. 11 K. Stevens, twin sons, ooa dead soxae. wees nerore birth. ' LKABO Mar IS .to Mr. an4 Mra. Sterling T. Lea bo. Aatoria. Or., a ami. - 0L8ON Msy 19. to Mr. sod Mra. Charles la Oleon, 1064 Denver avenae, daughter. LOST AND FOUND. HELP, WANTED FEMALE FOUND -A pin pa to have hair matrresee tnoe- j' WANTED-vWomsrt took, good wagel, 8 In fam- DEATHS red and r-lurn-o asm AmT . 228 Front at. Mala 47a, Portland Curled-Heir Fsetory. H. Matafar, proprietor. -; ; . FOUND Hunting do 00 Oornall road; owner send exact d-eerlptJoB of ioat do to Q. AI. lenbeck, m. K. o, X, pox- On, rortienu. vr. LORT Ladle' told watch, berweea Seventh and w-ihlnetnn. aaa Willamette rieirou, naaiea i engraved la cua. Return to 609 Savior at; reward. lly. Apply 48 North iota. I'bona Main 6807, mor a . . .i... ""w wora. u. sieitier, iirm eaa nun streets. , ? ' ;.. ., ',,.,... i , . Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 15. 1 ' ll'lltrv inriv onnu nriMn Copies of The Journal eaa ka obtained la the following eltlee and town outside of Oregon. , The Jeeraal weald appreciate taw receipt a raporta of failure ta aMala copies of the pa par - at any of these piseea: , ' rVlltlT dicnrViiTn a. PL Km. ' W1U.1 WALLA. WASHINGTON Walla Walla Stationery Company; Rorere-Hoswell Com- rmy; Hotel Decree Newe Stand; Ualoe Clgaf taadi Central News Company. A COM A. WASHINGTON Hotel Taaoa Wewe Stand. 11 South fonrtk atraat; ,. Caatral Nawa Co. Panpla'a Nawa Cos KT A TTLX. W ASH INOTO M Rata lar Or ad Nawa Standi lataraational Mawa Afaoey Mawapaprr Wairoa; Botal Saattla Vawt atasd: Kaatrra Nawa Oo. ' ' SAN DIBOO, CALIFORNIA A noo Nawa Ooav paay. Nawapapar waimo. 8POKANB. WAeaiNOtON-4oh W. Orahtei Co. , . . MINNEAPOLIS. MINNRSOTA H. , I. 0a- aaan. W Ttifrd atraat anatk. ' BT. LOUIS, MISSOD Rl -B. I. Jat. SW Wtaa aliaati , flaorra L. Aekomaav B. W. , iwr. IHshtb and Ollra arrwta. ' KANSAS OITT. MISSOCRIToaia Mawa Oaav i pany, nawapapar wapon, vim . Nwa 0a opnoalta Cntoa depot.- - CHICAGO, IUJNOIS P. a Haw Oajapaaf ITS Daarkora itru. DSNTI8, COLORADO Calop Papa aw Rtaad. - - - ' Los anoilfu, CAUroRNiA Amoa "awa , Oompanr. Nawapanar Wafea. ' OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Amoa Kawa Caaa paar, Nawapapa Wafoej Hala Nawa Co. BAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA N. Wkaatloa Nawa Oompaay, Nawapaper Watoo; Fottar a) Oraar. Farrr balldlaa; Joboana Nawa Co , paar. UM FlUaMra atraat; Abo Nawfl Oa, AITAKiTcrrT. OTAH RoarafaM ft Baa ana, Nawanapar Waaoat 0. U Darlaa, Botal I Kaaraat narrow Uroa, s warn aweooa att, Soatk, . OGDKN. UTAH Orajr Nawa Coatpaar, Dopot ; wewe nana. . - OMAHA. NEBRASKA Millard Botal Mawa Otaad. ' , KEW YORK CTTT Arthur Botallag. Nawa- Bt'LMB Mr 22, Barnlca Anita Rolma, a (red r)T lait alaht at Lrrie tkaatra. ladlwi' i mum jv nwirq, Wanted , " A Good Talloraaa. Steadr Kmntoraiaap -Oxmd Waiea. MOTRB, Third and Oak. if 1 1 . inn m r m n i . k l M . "ito .''talVMk-f,.P,,le,n,c LOBT-A bUck laatbar card aaaa eootalntof S .i ""..""a'"- . 1 railroad tlckata. Matnra to roon uun atunaiH ar . Bona M. aiao i a BM- - f,, ilbtri raward. W. B. BALCH Mar 18, Caal B. - Blch, aird 7reara, I mor TWO apartancad Rirla for eonfaetloBarr atorai rooa wi.i; no ottiera paaa apply. .Appij aw Washington. V . , t- W A NTED Shirt walata to wub at fcoma; alae piam aawinf. i'bona laoor bt. - month. IS dirt 870 Stanbana atraat! wurai ' miiuxiirinirr. DAN80N Mar U Mra. fitiala Panson. afrd 44 rara, iu luoBtna, aaa. aa HaraiBV airean onatractloa of bowrla canaad bj poat op aratlra adhaaloa andlna In nlanrtav. ERICKSON Mar S. John Brlrkaon, afd about . ou reara; bamotThaga, doa to raptora or lat oral alnua, cauaad tr I sertra aoeldantal Mow on ald'Of haad. KKXF0RT Mar 90, Itobart Baiford, tad BDoai do raare; atraBfnunon, or nanfuif, wua aniciaai intant. PICKED DP Two ladlaa Jackata.' Owtiar eaa bara aama br calling ai wnrnaj oiuca aou paring for tbla aOTaruaantaw.- v WANTED A rem pat ant girl to So fcoaaawork; anau iimuj i per monu, Apply aa UTOT KN Mar ' IT. ' whlta fox terrier. faoa, nama hoddw. rewara ai va reiuaia- atu DoulaTara. LOST A tarqnala brooeba la gnlng from lOtli WANTED flea matraaa for draaamaklng, 44-45 uamutoa. bldg.. 181 Tblrd at. Mra. Hanter. WANTED Experienced woman to aaalat doetor in cosnnamant caao. T BUI, eara jooraaL mnA UniHinii ata. to Raker tbaatra. A re- I r-tr a unrnu i rm j aii-. ...i. ward If returned to 418 Marqnam bldg. at Seaalda: food waaea. Room a. Balalgb bldg., BUtb and W ashing ton. OIRLS IS yvara of age and orer who want WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Famltora - and honaehold gooda af ny kind. , See Johnaon before yoa aall. M Colon are. Pboba Eaat 4441. u 8U1UIER RESORTS. WR SALE RE At ESTATE. FtRNITUBB AND i CLOTBINO WANTED Hlgheet eaah price paid. Foa A Brower, 83 I norm xnira ai. rnono nam mi. L0CK8LET BALty-SeaiMe, " 0r.,: Br. " P.f L. Anatln, proprietor, asslated by L. A. Carlylai r. tmm fmm BI9KA waak ant rataa and reaarratlona may ta made now wiui vr. oa- KEW mndarn op-to-data S roora honaa, 13,250 ..... u...,., . ' i aouo. monltalr. Fbona taat B19 t ROOMS on oar line, would make fine boarding . bullae, near large ihon, $2,200; hy owner; ' easy term. Pbone Union CTttS. Couia quick. WE PAT MORI FOR FtTRNITUBB. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, . , Mala B66S. Sll rtrat at. r BUSINESS CHANCES; A BARGAIN Two algbtlr lota, SB m 100, Baat - Yamhill at, between 23d and S4tb ata., at 1 ft)2B aacb. Richard A Coroall, S029 , East VanihllL, Phone Eaat 1600. , . i MIDDLE-AGED Baa and wife without chil dren want to take eara of koaae during owaer'e abaenoa for the aummer. Looatlon do object; beat of reference. Addreet L 301, eara Journal.' . v. w t ' A SlrtAtV fHiXTK av Duicner nnainaae in a axioa Taiwir w. i babv . - .. b.T.Llm In bualna for'alx yaara. Thla , A ,Vhli irieM to tB7B. o. WANTED Set Oregon reportai alao PartflO te porta. Addreaa A 80S, eara Journal. GOOD buggy bono, alao do light work! ebeap tor eaan. rnona laoor kw., . WANTED To borrow IS.600, S Tar, oa lm- proTad anbuean prnparty. li to, Journal. ThUl Ineludea realdence, barn, yarda and alangbter house and horaea and waaon. with a full out fit to run a hatcher bualneaa. . A good place to boy and ablp dressed Bieata to market. I r A good ekaaca ifor aomaona to get a fine rarm anyone haring oity property pa traoa. x ' ' lllnKI tlALJ, Boom SS,Balslgh Bldg., Slith and Wash. V 1300 WILL etart yna In bualneaa that para yon rrom io to tu par day. tworn l.i i ; Flrat at .. 'nv,. , .. .. Addlton, Lenta. Or. I Mt. Scott oar, 6a. WANTED At once, aeoond-band aorta foun. W,?"i,.,r2rlni "J' 1tlon" tain and ahootinf gallery outflt. -1 Addraaa H, y Price 13,600. Boon T, 181 First al 04. Journal. . 7Z ' ... ''. ' ' '. ' " -1- lease. afreet. CEMETERIES. river VIEW Slacle mree. SlOi family lota. alia 10x16. for IKK) and onwards, according te else tba only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintain end eares (or lota. For full information, apply to W, B. Mae- kenite. Wore tar block, city. W. preeldent. M. Udd, BON I CITT 8ln(l graees, 10( taaillr Vara, eO WO Bt9, siuperiulwinjvllK wwimw.wj, wr per at Fremont at. and Colly road. Pbooe Tabor SOS. For fall la forma tloa apply ra Prank, Srblacal. SOS Commarelal blk. Pboaa Mala 8828. HELP WANTED MALB.J aivraru.VM to mt iM eorde of fir wood. II a oord ana gnoa ieen umoer. Auarcse box IS. B. P.. Dundee, or. ' S riR8T-Cl-AS barnesa maker; eteady employ- ment. The r. . vtobib companr., j - SAWYERS, filers, engineers and yardmen, mltV wrlghta and wooosman- tDsmrjera, iwn First at - - ' BRIOFTT young men wanted to learn talarraphy positions wneaj cmnpeieni. , uregon voue. 60S Commonwealth bldg. - ; , Jonas' hook store, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE RICH ELI ED. 88 North Sixth at Ele-I gaatiy rurniaooa; (team neat ana Dams. permanent positions "with aa opportunity for I THE GRAND, 4SU North Third at Rooms tot gentlemen, pi -so par ween aaa bp. . adTanceraent, apply at once to Olds, Wort- man at sung. WANTED Boy with wheel. 801 Alder at ' GIRLS aa apprentices to the mllUnerr business wanted at once,. Apply to OlOa, worunio King. . t . , .- I A GIRL for hoaaawork, 120 per month. Poor In fam lr. 001 Madlaoa at Phono Mais TOPS. - .; . , . - . . ... . DRESSMAKER to make ablrtwatata; permanent poaitlon; good aslary to competent person. The Needlecraft Shop, 888 Washington ss. Abolr Superintend ent, room i, Madlarm bldg., ai S, or Mission LA ROE elegantly fnrnlahed rooms, 3 snd II a weak. . 1024 Eaat Main at. . . ; TUB) riMl Bfal Lffnn mt itrirtlt aaadera. np-to-date) electric Ugbta and bath, far l a. wees aaa Bp. : . 180U THIRD Comfortably . furnished rooms - wita Ooa bie Bee, creBaieM sr weeaiy. tea sun I AN old established manufacturer wanta part I tier to man aaa boalnaaa. W1U ana rants roa ?80 to 100 per week. , 11,600 required. Boom 181 "lt atraet v 10-ROOM rooming bona, good furniture, low - rant, enap, pog. . noon I, iai rirat at BELIABLB real. aetata dealer moat bars-In- :, teraeted kelp to attend- olTtce; dictate to stenographer, ate. He will guarantee yon . tt month. Rome capital required. .Boom 1200 per 1 . 18.1 T-ROOM honse, almost new, fins corner Int. between Hawthorn and W. R. earai anly , . 18,000; 600 eaah. S4 Stark at FOR SALE by owner; one new strictly modern fire-roota cottage.. Easy tertne. Phone, la bor 226. . ... OWNER wanta to sell nice borne of T room, . fine plumbing, eaat front. I'bona Wood lawn OWNER wants to toll nice borne of T rooma, fine plumbing, seat front. Phono Woodlawn FOR SALE Cheap, modern 8-roora honaa. . Key at 126 Beach, or phono Eaat TIT. ... OWNER wants' to aall nice1 borne of T rooma. ' fine plumbing, east front 1'booa Woodlawn 1 . QUI s. .j. ..:.f- : ..... .:' ., ;.-Vi... MOVING to farm, will sail new, modem alec .trio lighted S-roota house, (60x100 eornur), and new furniture thla week, for- I2,2u6; . - your Inspection and eomparlaon Inrttad; want 1 to bear from actual buyera. , Addreaa R 801, -1 ear Journal.)'"" .- .;...(.''- --..(,...,.;. THREE rooaOsl UNDERTAKERS. TEACHERS for Chinese. ent. room a hi 206, Second at Isrr nlshed; price IIS month. Journal. r la "suburb, partly fus- Addreas P S03, care at T p. m. DunntBg, MeEntee OUbaagb. ndertakars and Pine. and anibalaMra: modern Is every detalL SeeeaU I Man esu. viaay assmisai. Eticksoa Cndertakrag Co., sad embalming, 40 Alder st Phono Mais Bios, kaoy aaauuni. J. P. Flnley Boos, Third aad Madlaoa Ita. ornea oc souniy soroaar. rnm maw v. . era. ITS RnssaH. Eaat lOsS, Lady aaalsuat. A. . Hematnek. faneral eiraetar. Baat 18th and Umatilla. Pboaa Ssllweed 71. Lady aaalstaat Edward Holmaa, ndartoker, S30 Third st REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. paper Wagoaa. NOB-FOLK, VA. i Krog Gould. NEWTOFAr. , $1,800 lt scrag trait. Una IV tunes from The Dalles; acres in trapes; 4 acres will Yield crop this rear; S acres , la J-year-old peaches, apricots 1 and al monds; t acres cleared ready to cum it. Must lt sold ImmedlAtely. J. A. Douthit TXM DAttXB, OXUSCrOBT. ' " ; - - - -; - Piedmont; Paradise! Herman Metager trnatea ' to William waaaie, tot go, Dtocx u, aveaerruir Park I Chsrkitta M.. H array to Henry L. Oar. ray, northwest ar aortnweat or ' section S. townshln 1. rani 8 oast... James W. and Iaathe Cook to Steve Giaslk, lot 1. block U, Cook's ad- dltloa te Alblna Mary Ouadte to Char lea D. Anderson. lot 18, block 14, Central Alblna ..... mtna Rlrga to Uast Saeid, lot 8. block IT, Multnomah Jamas W. and Iantbe Cook to 0. O. task V eon. lot T, block 1, Cook's Second ad dition to Alblna William and Kate Daria Jonee to George . and Loci la Hammond, lot U, block 6, Kenllworth Myrtlo O. Winch et aL, Nellie F. and . Fraacls Seal to Frederick Torgler, Vots T sod S. block X. Richmond ' Helen L. Stratton to Ardea W. Cbtpay, I ROTS wanted: factory work. Apply American I Can tx., root ma wu . PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTING CO. anK.arrT aUenwd at. Phone Main Ml. We design and Install the moat modern snd hen roved office ayatemst complete line loose leaf ruing optic . . ; . WANTED Salesmen; many mass 100 to 1180 per month; ooms even snore j nwi cweu. grows oa iveei wimn, iruu, ...k .amuwd weekhri choice of territory. ' Addreaa Washlnrtoa Mnrsary eompany. Top. penlah. waanmgaoa. ' . . MEN AND WOMEN to lean tba barber trade j v In eight weexai gnianaive earn iron. e w 128 weekly; expert metre mora; niuoiw irw. foler System of Collegea. 88 North Fourth Portland. . ,. . - WR sat work for our nfemhera; special mam. X X. M. J A, -wiu aeuwiit. WANTED Refined, capable womaa for - ra- sponsible position, wltb opportunities for ad- rancemest. Vlarl company, 10th and Morn- b ata. ,, -. .. .. . . j LADIES wishing aubatantUl work. Intellectual ana piessant, -write ma. auarees a avo, care Journal. . - -, WANTED Girl to work 111 tailor shop. Apply iiH inurtn. WANTED A young girl to care for I smalt children, I Boors each evening, vau no. i n. rari St. : WANTED Boys ever IS ytars to work la randy factory. Aldan lanay vw., wn mm aueea. - .. 1 1 - ' WANTED At one. M flrat-elass earrlag a painter, loa unioa ava... - iraw a uia for clerks ar carrier Portland P. O.I opportunity to imin. - vr- l eara ron for examination, Call or write Immediately. Padfla States Schools. Ha Kay building, city. K EXPERIENCED bench-bund and experienced etlrker msn Win lea ; sppijr n lam ruiuin Rash m Door oompany. union avenue ana East Taylor. . 1 MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, -Taa- . terlrar, - blockiaying, eiecmcat traoeej irrw u.i.m nAstflAna aeenred. Covne Trade ' j Scooo la. New York and Saa FraBvjaco. lot S. block 137. Portland . 14,000 1 want earnantartna. XTsdlnc: will give den Title, Guarantaa A Trust eompany to ' I tlntry or typewriter. Call room 8, 828 Wash ing tea at. 160 1,600 ttoo V. 838 4T8 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. 8,000 MEN ' women and children wanted la , Hood lllvar to pick and pack strawberries; a fine. er.p and chance to eara gooa money pickers 'must coma prepared to csmp; grow ; era will haul outfits to snd from boat oy de pot; oaoa juat commencing; will be brisk last week In Mar with plenty of work for , everybody by June L Parties wanting fur NICELY furnished room, eultable for one or .. two gentlemen; private family: nee ot nam and phone. 388 18tb at, between Jefferson i and Columbia. ? UNFURNISHED ROOMS. A SCITlr of I rooave. aewly renovated. IS par month. 80S East lotn st. rnons saat oooi, . - t hii i i i i in "i 4 LARHB room, one block from carllna, on Waverly-Wooditock Una. Call , up Sellwood 488 for particaiars., ROOMS AND BOARD. BOMB cooking, like mother cooked; free soldi aad not water natna; cieaa cemiwrinn ww hnmeUke place to get board and lodging at 14-60 and 19.00 per weak : coma home; wa are expecting you. . 28S M. 18th st Portianq. v. MINNEQUA INN. 876 Yamhill t Nice rooma, steam beat splendid aaeala, ' day. . week. month! nair maaagameats home eooaing. MANUFACTURER wants partner who aaa . aoend nart of his time an the road hitrodue- lng goods. Only K required. Boom J, I COZY 8-room honse at University Park, with 181 First street. - . .1 floe 60x100 lot close to car, cement base. ment bath, sink, aloaata, some nloe tree. -Price . only 11,600; term. SOS Commercial block. PaclflO 2278. ' , - ; PORTLAND HEIGHTS. ; ' " -rootn shingled buncslow, aoo down; bal -snee monthly; price 2-00. Owner, A 804, B0OMING-B0URB for sale, 4T rooma: win take , , , ' . -' ' " " - " psrt. real estate u exchange. ,,82 . Norm i an ACRES eordwood snd saw timber. S miles . FOR BALK A grocery, delicatessen and tee I cream business. . Add rest B 606 JoaraaL , WANTED A 1 person with capital for a weTil : established wholesale produce and,, grooary easiness. Aaareee n uo aournai. ' , . Third st. out good roads; wall watered; sawmill , muaj y mites o raiiroao; fax par acre. o. H. Addlton, Lenta, or.; oa fare. . llBO AN ELEGANT now I room cottage, Bast KM at.; eaan; deal with "owner. . Call T48 Taggart at. or phone Pacific 1874.. mmm fUM TalM TaeanU. arlra aai A1AM I . . . . . . ...... j, . , " . - - - - i b-buuh now, nrwr im, nwro. nuiDuiiaingai FOR SALB Carpet claanor, beet U reset, most , ap to oate rn ins city; wui si ana m voire; i a snap ir tasaa at voce. . uareaa d .ears JonjoaJ. , - SAVB MONEY Anything In prtnttag eae Mad. sea, ooa reiw eta. apatalrs. ther partlculara csa writ a and Sour letter I WBLL-FTJRNISHED rooms' with board. 128 per! win do anawarea oy growers in neea, enaniingi month and up; alao table noera; atncuy yoa to secure puce in aavaoce. , tiooa I cooking. The cnryaiar, oow -xaywr. auTer aruit urevsn- ubiob. . 1 v FOR RENTHOUSEKEEPINO. V. S. HEALTH A ACCIDENT INSURANCE oo., asrtnawt men., eelie nest - oouar p Aldrlch, western manager. SOS Marqnam 11.50 WEEK UP Urp. clean furnlabed bowse- Agents wanted. Tba ideal residence spot of the penln aula. ' In reality the paradise of Port' land. Wa have several "up to now" atrtrtlv modern homes, with as. eleo- trlo 1 sht snd rurnace, irom rooms i vr-inwB.iiiei comuanr at tn.mK RAO Per1."1 'ehnaoa et aL, lota I, jf sad O. D. Moara. lot 18. block 22. Fbratt addition to Holladay Park addition,.. V 800 Louisa E. Hngbea to E. B. Holme et . at., lota la and 14. hloek A Joha Ire. Ing'a First addition 1,600 Bopbu M. and M. V. Harrison to Hauls hiMt. . lot A Uwt S.VL Hawthorns Park ...7. 1,100 Oenraa Griea to H. L. Golvln. lot A - I block 128, Couch addition W I K William T, Pigeon at aL, to Alice B. Hitler, aontb 1T feet ot lot 8. and north 15 feet ot lot 8, block It Cen tral Alblna Herbert snd Helen Broks Bradley to James Barman, tote T and 8. block 60. Caratnere' addition to Carhtbsra' ' addition .......4 O. W. and Mary P. McArtbur to WU- bur Berry, lots S snd 10, block 8, Laurel wood No, S . Will and Emma B. Waggener to O. T. and Emma J, Holllatar, lot 5,, block 4, Portsmouth A. and Mary A. Spear to Arabella Me ' Pberaon, west of lot 4, block 68. Snnnf.M. m,lrA al.lAM . , . ' " Clara B. and F. B. Klnr to Ada B. North, tot II, block SO, Lincoln rark - .mnA . ...... ..4. ..,....... Flrland company to waiter E. Hardy. lot 21. block 8. Flrland 170 W. B. Gay to Franrta and Anns M. Mas eon. lot 8. block 1. Ivanhoe 1.500 BIlea I. and B. D. Frnsworth to George ' Raabe. lot 6. block 2. Saliabnrr Hill.. 2.800 William R. and Mary J. Mannan to Val- en tine and Katherlna Klohe, lot T, bloc 1. w imams avenue addition. WANTED Ambltlona people to call at 183 Fifth et. ana mveatigata tna opportunities opea to them br s course of study with the Inter national Orrrespondence Schools of Scraatea: no experiment; inaorsea py tnoueanas. ,-- STENOGRAPHERS, both male aad female, gnod noaitlona opea with beat firm: no charge. unaerwooo ajpvwriier uo.. oa sixu st. HELP wanted and supplied, mala ar female. R. O. Drake. to waehmgtoa st raeino ibto. keeping-room, laondry and bath. man at, south. Portland. BOYS to wot In factory' H vrafres. Apply Pacific Coaat Biscuit uo.( iaia auo mit eia. MATTRESS-MAKERS WANTED. . 18-30 Front St . 1.800 1,000 S10 too WANTED Two boya. 8139 per- day. Elm glebel, aigns. SUM wssnington m. . : YOUNG man solicitor for eommsreUI photos'. raphy. Oopollonay. Osll-''irto K," 2l situation . Wjfjrrzav-. maxb; , STATIONARY ENGINEER, wtfh 13 year' ex perience, wunee a position, rnona cast oovr. Asa roe t. rratee. ,t , WANTED A sight : watchmsn's place; good honest man. rnone seat auro. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. 10 ljOOO from 93,700-95,900. 3,000 623 LINDt&CO. book sai fcTsfBiu BXOHAjraa. For Lease For term of years the well known' Summer Resort SEAL ROCK 'Tsiultvt Bay, Orason. . Inqulrs ot WILLIAM O. BECK Bit hm TftlUar Bid. " FOR SALE ISEOO Corner store bull dins;, ware house nnd barn," stock of groceries and hardware, on yeorner Millard ave. and ' Ktndorf road. Will sell all together or will aell s toe it and lease the Duiioina;, r will sell building and lot without stock. Sea M. 8. Brown at office, Mil lard avenue, Mt, Scott car. UI IfU. O. l,IFUBIUH IUUIWB ...... Hattla H. and W. D. Corla to r. 0. High, lot a. block 8. Cook's Beoond ad dition to Alblna ... ......... . 800 Thomas and Narcissi Boyd to Loalsa C ' I'nlpan, lots T and 8, block 17V, Car there' addition f.100 George and Julian Smith to Medora Whitfield, west of . lots 1 sod 2, oioca a, aixniana sou Clarence B. and Lottie Hume Bewail to Pemella F. Bermon, west of Jots 6 and S. block 828. Hawthorne Park... 8 000 George W. and Ellen B. Powla to Frank w. Anas, tot , omcK a. nronauga a addition l.OoA university Mind eompany to Anna JMx inaion. iota ta ana im. mora izx i ni. varsltr Park ....... inn M. B. Hall to C M. Eadow, lot 23. block S. Tiltoa'a addition ..... TOO Grace V. Jaeger et al. to American Ad- joaimenc company, nnumaeu one aixrn of lota 6. T aad 8. block 88. Couch ad- oition ...i. ...... 14.000 vrnneimina Muenier to riatnan Cooper, : west n or r r ana a, nioct 10. Carufhera addition to Cam then' ad. dltloa i. 1 Kofi Kate Ward to Leula , Roaao, lot 18, kl k . ... t - . AAA v, Acimwg ....'...,.,.. SUV Alnslie Eatate oompany to Cord Sena- ataae ana Florence u. Lyman, east 03 feet of lot 4. block 200. Clrv ' a 400 Yitie inarante Trusj company to H. it. mil. tot ii. Dior X. went Pled. vmont 400 Ainsue Estate eompany to Cord Benr- ataxe ana riorenr v. Lyman, west 08 feet of lot 6. block 200. City , 8,000 For abstracts, title ' tnsnranea ' a Mm. vsu on r.rn M.tiim as imf himb. mj m m a- li . r r , -u-v vajiiue uiuf, Market at WANTED Experienced helpers for earn and door department. Portland Mill A Fixture Co., 441 B. Madlaoa. 1 T . WANTED. ' i Engineer with large experience whe on deretands gen rrs tors and motors. , Address X. W. Balnea, Forest Grove, Or. BOYS with wheels wanted at ones. Olds, wmtman at n.iu. Apply to BOY, sbftat 18 years o age to deliver and make himself userul in omntore; must uva mar Grand ave. ana nurnaiae, vau at umg tore on above corner. , CEMENT finisher wanted; one arruetomad to cutting Staewauta. a, un, xoo saorruon et. FINISHERS, button hols makers, to work on custom coat; aiso apprentices to learn tail oring:. 803 Commonwealth bldg. ' . BOY WANTED at Bath Honaa, SOT Third st WANTED Boy sged J8 to work In machine ahop; good wages; at o vavia st. ASSISTANT' caihler. wholesale honaa; state age. experience, re Terences; sauirj expecteo. Addreaa R 806, eara Journal. WANTED An honest Japanese boy for cham ber1 wort ana cleaning every nay ;ov w noon. 626 Sixth at SNAP! Oat yoar Inauranca and anatraer ta m.1 aetata from the Title Ouarsntee A Trust eom paar, i wasningtoa St., corner Becond. 40 acres on Section Line road near city, on proposed Mt Hood ear line. Only 9250 per acre. ' AU In cultivation. rtXD K. sTTXOVO, S43 BTABJC ST. WEATHER REPORT. The dlararbaBce yestsrdsy over Nevada has moved eastward to Utah. It baa caused show. era In aonthern and raatern .Oregon, Nevada aad extreme northern California. High pressure ' areas are central aa follow: One off the Ore 'gos coast, another over the Canadian north- i west and a tbira one overlie, tpe sourn Atlantic and oast Gulf atatea. Light rain baa oe- eurred at ecattcred places in the northern atatea tram (be Rocky mountain east to the Lake region. It la warmer In the Atlantic atatea and cooler In the central platees region. The Indication are for unsettled westber In thla district, tonight and Friday, with but little, if any, rata. i- si'',.' .v.-"- V Tpmp-- ' : h.a r Max...-,, Min. Precis, Atlanta, Georgia ...........SO 1 S3 ' .0 Bismarck. North Dakota ...TO , 42 T. Boston. Massachusetts i.... 60 ' ' 46 ' '- ' .0 Chicago, lUinole .. .........64 . 46 , , 1.84 Cincinnati.-! ..,.... ...T9 84 vo leaver, Colorado -...,. .V. ,T8 48 , .0 Kaaaa Clly, Missouri ..1..86 ,; .06 .0 los Aocvlea, California ,.',.6 .- 48 .0 New Orleans, Louisiana :. .M '. 70 " .0 New York, New York 64 68 v .0 Omaha, Nebreeka 54 60 . 24 I'hiladelphla, Penaaylvaaia .06 . 69 ; T. Portland. Oregon ........ ,.T3 . 58 -V .0 ft. Ixmls, WUeoorl . ....... RJ M ' 0 ft. Paul, Mlneneota ........3 48 .0 .It Lake. Utah . ..v.. . ....78 ' . 64 .0 fe. rranrlaeo, California .;,)' 60 - .0 Vaahlngtaaw 1. C ...-T0 54,, T. - . THB RIVE It. " river will reach a ta or 1T.1 feet ' -V. tnd 17 tmm a...ri.. ..a MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 18, R. A. M. Special convocation Friday evening. May 34. 1807, at ' h:oo o ciocx, aideonic flail, Burk hard building; Itoyal Arch degreo. . Visitors welcome. Member urged to attend.- By order E. H. P. B. E. SHARON, ; ';' IT- ' . - 1 Secretary, ' WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 88, i W. O, W., meets Friday Blent In the W. O. W. ' temple, 128 11th St. Mat ) ten of Importance will eome op- and all member 1. are requested to be present. 1. Visitor welcome. FRANK HOTTER. C. a A. lu BARBCR. Clerk. COLUMBIA LODGE , NO. 114. - A. F. ' and A. M. Special eommuntea- ttoo this ' (Thursday) evening, 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple, 8d and Alder streets. Work In K. A. de . grea, AH B. A. Iain luvtted. L i B.-S. PAGUB, Secy. M. W. A. BVERGRBEN CAMP. 8.468, meets Wednesday evening. AUsky bldg.. Third and Morriaoai ata. , . , ' DELIVERY boy wanted; apply Lovejoy A Lin coln, bookbinders, 128 First St. WANTEU Rough carpenters to lay floor, - ply BV Clay and Becond ata. Ap- WANTED Sblnglere can Cleveland ave. - Sumner at., or phone Baat 1873. --- and MAN to set up and polish stoves: mnat b ex- perleneed. Edwarda Co., 191 First st SALESMEN for men's furnishing goods, linens and domestics. Apply personally or by let ter to Mc Allen ft McDonnell. WANTED for bath house, boy about IT years of age. Inquire 207 Third at., or phone Main ' 484. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OPERAT ING: GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS, PAY WHILE LEARN 1NG: LUNCHEON SERVED FRHB - OP OH A ROB AND T" LOUNGING AND BEST BOOMS IN CONNECTION. APPLY ' CHIEF OPERATOR, TELE- . PHONR BLDG., WKST - PARK AND ALDER STS. WOULD Ilka clean office room or rooming- house by day. v xuo, journal. YOUNG woman wants housework by day . or hour. Call 836 Fifth st .... WANTED Position aa housekeeper for gentle- 11.38 WEEK UP Clean Furnished boaasksep-Ing-rooma, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat I yard. . Biaaiaa at. w aar. THB MITCH ELL Housekeeping and traaalent . rooma. reaaraabl. Seventh aad Flaader sta. THREB large front honaehaeplng reoma, first . floor, Sl nrst B( reaaonaoi. , vau was 23. ' . . ..-- 4'-.. v.y-.-v- 8IN0LB bnusekeeplnt rooms; ; wsttlnf dis tance: price reaeonanie. ouo amswiv? NICB housekeeping rooms. 811 Gllsas it If quire at eorner orng store, uuass aaa aoia. FOUR unfurnished hoc, -.-keeping rooms: slee trie, sad gas light. , Phone Padfla 3464. 7 Columbia... . " ' :' COOL.' pleaaaat. fnrmahed bouaekeeplng rooma. The Raymond. 118 8,; Jersey st, St. Johns, ;vl block' from atatjoa. . . . HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 12.00 up per week; , light, phone Included. . 801 Water at. . . GOOD furnished and nnfomlahed hooeekeeplng rooma and cot tare, west side of river, low e-nts. Annlv 884 N. 26th. WHUmette : Hrlh ts eara to 2dtb; torn south half block. MEAT MARKET. ' ' ' rtxtarae aad good will of one of the beet located markets la Portland, for 1360; 160 ' eaah; balance easy terms, or will sell ens half Interest , . . . ,Dnrw " aearvvaa -tv-eiwAa IS Balelsh bldg., Sixth and Waahlngioa st HAYB opening for parties, with small or large capital. In heavy manufacturing enter prise, to eataniian m rortiana; wiu atana . closest lnveetlgatlOB. -f For particular ad " oraaa u .sn, eara journal. ' . -EMPLOYMENT and real estate business doing 1200 per mount: toe mnca other buaiaaaa; -J" must aeU; 1150 eaah. , S Worth Third at FOR SALB CHEAP 600-volt motor, belts, put- leys, 18-foot shaft turning lathe, good saw . table with three saws. 284 R assail st Phons Bast, 4482.. ...,...,.:.. . - . 1 1000 WILL bay half tntaraat-ta eatabUshed pay. lng business; Investigate. Boom 810 Bo chanan bldg., 286 Washington t. ; ,,: , CLEANING AND PRESSING ESTABLISH- MENT. 6128. Centrally located with more work thaa ' ean be handled; clear 25 to 840 a week; . this Is sn opening for man or woman, . CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE, " 88 Balelgh bldg., Sixth and Washington st - 1 1 FOR SALB or exchange, a good merohsndlslng busineea ra vanconvar, doing a snslnaea of 116,000; win sell or exchange for farm or city property. Address boa Ta, Vaaeouver, ' Wash. . - .- - f,r .. .- . f 1 ' 1 I- 1 1. FOB SALB A first-class eonfectVonery In a good location, doing s good business. Csa 1 be bed -varr cheap If takes st once. ' Mnat : sell on necount of business In eaat BIS WU Uama ar. Phone Baat 4&2S. SMALL store at a sacrifice; excellent place tor living rooms, rnone seat 8880. fruit trees snd berry bushes, 1 block of earl 11,000. : . . : -.,- ' , 6-room bouse sod lot 11.800: terms saar. 8-room and 06x116; full basement; strictly modern ta all respects ; 126 monthly. 88 Caaon at, or phone Baat 4189, , - Call FOR SALB 8 -roam bouse and two lots, 12,600. Phone Tabor 867. . - ' , Good FOR SALE A plant well equipped with mod ,-" era machinery, all conveniences, for a fur nlture or wagon factory, in a beautiful town; mild climate, railroad center, water 1 .1 . 1 . AAA , , 1 . . . BEAUTIFUL building sits. 100x100 feet. street sidewalk, water, 1 block car. Mnat sell quick; HB0; owner. Phone aftsr 8 p. m. .Mala 8S84. -i-.-. . . ' 1 mwm 1 11 1 . 2,600 BUYS a new T-room honaa and lot SOx 100 near ' two car lines. , inquire tioimes a Mtnefsa Beal Batata Co.. 89 Third at - 13.0001 ACRES oa Vancouver ave. - lm- . provea; notnmg oetter in rortiana tor an in vestment. , Beg later ft Denlaon, 107 Third , street. - -. T. - .t- - ,. . ABSTRACTS examined by expert examiner. Room liv sobh wasnington at nooe Mala 6289. P. A. Tufta. . . .,; LOVELY home, 6-room cottage, brand new adorn, Deannrui view 01 city ana moantains; close to two carllnea; make your owa terms of payment Owner, room 6. '828 Wash - Ington at ' . -" .- ' -. . -. . ,. CHEAP 1800 bur new 4-room . rottaga In Lanrelwond Park; fine fence and lawn; terms. 1 Pbooe owner. Main 6808. 160 CASH boys food tot In Saratoga addition. Address Percy. P. O. Box 116, city. ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 seres, mostly cleared, good boose and barn, fine aolL mnat gs V ebeap. The Title ft Abstract Caw room 4 Mulkey bldg., Becond snd Morrhwa sta. FOR SALE By owner, modern T-room bouse, Hawthorne's first Addition; two tar 11 nee; 63.100; half cash; balance terms. ' Phone' . Bast '4669 Sunday, or after 1 , a. ' ' NEW ADDITION Fine lota 60x100, streets 00 reel, near car atstion at taenia, oc rare, ooiy 115; terms. Take Mount Soott ear.. 0. B. Addition, Lenta, Or., 6a tare. . ." . navlaatlon: orloe. 118.000. or will out slant I mA -k . or addreaa J. M. Qllklnaou. Bocheater, Wash, 800 FOR Job print) ng plant doing good bnal neea; Investigate. S 806, care Journal. msn with one or two children. Can furnish I NEW housekeeping rooms, furnished or unror-1 A GOOD grocery a tors; value about 11,000, for . . .. . . ... mm .1 . . . . . . . . . , . . -.. K..W I .-(A -, ,11k Vaa.aa heat af refareneea. ' jnrnal. - Addreaa C 808,, care WANTED AGENTS. nlshed, with hot and cold water, bath free. 188 N. 16th n., rortiana. vr. ..' uf.itf.ANT haekepln spartmenta, rooma . .. , , ., , large ana airy; lirst-ciaae (ocaiwa. w rlson. ONI hustler la each tows or locality ta handle medicine or soap: write quick I pis ' money. - K. at. rnunaaec, suo intra at AGENTS WANTED Can yoa sell gtMdsf If so we need you; complete outfit free; rash weekly, write tor rnoic ot territory, opt tal Ultr Nursery uompsnr, Baism, or. WANTED A few more good live salesmen ti sell our ooaat-grown tree; moner advanced each wees: ouuii rnrnieneo tree, wnta na for particulars. Albany , Nurserle. Albany, Oregon. .. WANTED As scant for ens of the best honse. bold articles known; retails for al. Iaqnlrs W, L. H.. 480 Ymhlll st . FOR RENT HOUSES $18,0010 BOOMS, bath. .; 1208 rooma, modern; Ankeny st 1 I ,ao T rooms, modern; Alblns. . I 23.60 6-room modern fist; close In. ' ' S room, Btrlctly modern; Bait Pine. ! I.T7.60 rooma, atrlctly modern; west side. I 100 Store-room on Sixth t. . COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., . : Sixth and Ankeay. : ! STRICTLY modern 6-room cottage. Sonnyslde: 1200 down, neianee aama aa rem. : a. r. Smith, owner, 618 Commercial blk. $760. Nelson, 14th snd Irving. MUST be sold, hotel 86 rooms, nicely furnished, bar attached: worth 1700; will .take ..$275.1 , bail m a mi at. WANTED A ' party to loin me In chicken ranch on crook farm. Ham 6840. BOOMING bouse, 42 rooms., rent 1100 par month; price 11.000. 610 'Buchanan bldg., XNe w a ac leg ton at term; a good investment: meke an offer. Phone Eaat 8841. J. 8. Boy da ton, 868 Gar- - field. , T-ROOH and B-room cottages, modern, oa block, Holladay'a addition: win ssU together : or separately; occupied by owner, 876 East Third St., north, v .- ... . , ., 60S PER ACRE One , or two . acres, bearing sppls tress; close is. - Phone Union 1816. , FOB SALB A beautiful suburban borne, 44 . acre 1 1-8 miles from Council Crest carllna; "10 town can be" seen from thla point: fin drive to city: 9-roooi hard finished house and good barn and orchard with variety of amnll fruit; this la a choice location about S mile from canter of city; will aell entire tract reasonable, or divide. Inquire of I. H, Gove, owner, 824 Chapman St . ' CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE, '" ; Just a Fsw Bsrgalns. rooma ......... ..........:.........i ITS 8 rooms 450 12 rooms ,...... I T50 12 rooms 8 650 20 rooma .1 BAO 30 rooms ............................ .11.400 I NEW modern 10-room honaa, lot TBxl82,' atreet .aa.oou 1 ; st both enaa, ao.ouu, easx. veroia, , u. EMPLOrMENT AGENCIES. WR rent aad sail planes. .ft CO, ..;-.-. ,. .-. Bbarmaa. . . . r Olsy IBVINOTON T5xl00 In choicest locality, -a Hancock mt., between 21st and 22d; will mak bargain price for quick aala. Owner, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. . Tower, University atatJoo. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE V-v; FOB MEN. 24 North Seeond St. - phone Mstn 1638. FOR RENT 4-room cottage en Garfield are. Phone Baat sua. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 206 Morrison st... Phons Psrifl SM 27 North Sacotd St.. ....Phons Pacific 1800 uooa terms on tns snove. - CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 88 Balelxh bldg.. Sixth and Washington st BEAL . ESTATE business, fine location; mnat sen, min me ,an oner, tuna id, no, nra , irinunfini at. ' - .' ' . . . . . I BV1W lt l-n.uHm. mA I a... 8-ROOM modern honse, 408 a. Everett ' WtToTnT'i, VZuK. I Eaat 880, " : ---a I -rml. .1,1.. f!.nd fin . 28 rooma 80 rooma ............................ ..I4.0O0 89 rooma .12.500 89 rooms ; illM Pities 81.800 In Sellwood, centrally bested, a D-room OOItagw, wniw, a nearins irait trees : will aell at r0 a month, no Interest. By owner. 438 Spokane are,. Sellwood ata. tlon, Oregon. ,- -;. T-R00M modern honse, T89 Ash St 20. phone Eaat zoct. Tls- BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. - Logging camp snd farm help a apeclalry. 20 North Second at Phone Main 6290. We pay all telegraph cbargea. . K. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Help furnished free to employer. 23 K. 2d, Pbona 8707. , WANTED TO RENT. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATB DIPPER HIGHEST WAGES, O B0 RGB A. M'NEIL COMPANY, WHOLESALE CONFECTI0NEB3. 110 N. rOUKTM HXn NKAtt U LIB A Pi. HOUSEOIRL WANTED FAMILY OF ADULTS, INQUIRB 221 N. Z1HT. BT.. COR, OF LOVE' JOY, OB PHONE MAIN 1240. Hansen's Ladies' aoency, ss waan, Ington at., - corner seventh, upstair. Phone Main Zuva. f eroiie neip wanieo. STRONG airla for candy factory. Georca A, McNeil company, wnoiessie con tect loners, 110 North Fonrtn, aear uiiaan, ? M. W. A. Oreroa Grape Camp no. o.s.a. nos- dare. 17tn aaa uarsnau. vishhts .nra . r. - . . NOTICES. , SEALED bids will be received at the office of the School Clerk, City Hall, until IS m., Saturday. May 25. 190T, for furnlhln( , School District No, 1, Multnomah county, Or wltb eordwood. alabwood of coal for 'tba en suing year. . These bide will be opened pub- ' Il-ly at I 'P. m. of Bald day at the School i Clerk's office, City Hall. Specifics Hons eaa be bad by calling at the School cierk'a office. . 4 uid.yBt a 1 bus. .f .bout ix. fast, Supply eeauBiUos, La .Wa BiUus. J3. Jilt l -A t.A SHkhwa. abSMa sad laaadAZ, i ' taviMrft, r . GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory No. 3, Grand are. ana )sst jaytor at. WANTED Olrla- to work os hemming. Inquire Fits-Well factory, TB First , . ; GIRLS wanted: factory work. Can Co, foot 14th st. Apply American YOUNG ladlea wanted to learn telegraphy; , positions at good wages . wbes competent. Oregon College. 60S Commonwealth bldg., HELP WANTED Union Laundry eompany. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work on shirts mms araraiia. Leeaona anven to inexneriencea. Apply at Standard fACtorr K a. A titmMi AfS, I mil Seat raxstc st WANTED TO BENT Bouses, eottages. "flats, stores, otneas, rooming-nonaas, eta.- Land lords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. , Phone Ex. 72. S. . Cor. 8d aad Oak. WANTED BT OPTICIAN. FOR RENT 4 rooma npatalra. earner First and j Hall: cheap rent; gas, nam. etc. inquire sua 1 HaU at, between Fifth ana nixtn. NKW. modern 8-roora bouse, east -of Steel bridge, 20 minute walk to buslnes district; no small children. Address F 806, JournaL GOOD ' cottages and hrraaekeeplng rooms, for- " .!.. A a- AAen.AUl.Ait WA. t .M. A. H,T. . HIBll-n, w. i.uii,"..u, -' - . -- - - - - , Apply 864 N. 20thi Willamette Heights ears to 2dth; turn south half block. - 4-R00M cottage. Union ave. -and AiM worth; ' 610. rnona rscinc moo. ""7,J FOR RENT FLATS food buainesa; reasone for aelllns. Ian Candy Co.. loth aad Gllaan. or Bunraaa u. at. lourney, w ooa Darn, ur. STOCK COMPANIES incorrjoratad. If Ton have stock or bonds for aala, let me try to sell I TWO strictly modern B-room cettaxe. Sunny DID yen see that new 6-room house oa Shaver and O-rfleld ave.1 ; Irs a snap; see It 868 Garfield avenue. .- - . - SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP. ' pin. corner, onobatructed view, else 85x110, only 11.600. 208 Fourth St. TsL Padfie 2128 or Main 1990. t Small space, 10 feet front. 40 deep, for op-1 d-ROOM flat -for 118 per month: water fur tlcal parlor, In rood location tician. care journal, Addreaa Op- nlshed. . Call at 206 Eaat 84th at. them for you. George M. KeUogg, , Broker. - a,uicw Bqaaia, j-uuaio. f, .',,.. 1 , ,t A SNAP A email hotel. SU nawlr fttrnlahad. 16 rooms; also ha a poolroom furnished and a confectionery department snd tobacco; win ' let It go st cost If taken at ones; sickness cause ot Belling. 288 N., I6th st sad Over- ton. : .-. , , -. , - FOR, 8 ALB A plant wan equipped with mod ern machinery, aU conveniences, for s fur- :. nlture , or wagon factory, In a , beautiful town; mild, climate, railroad ' center, water navigation; price 115,000, or will pat plant aralnst capital for operating purpose. Title Guarantaa ft Trust Co, . . WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room boose between Holladay ave. and Morrison at. State rent '-nnd location. Addreaa w 80S,-cars Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST your property with us for aiilck sals. Abraham ft White, offices 8 and 0, La one I bldg,, 227 , Washington st Pacific 1318, noma a 1Z41. - . . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE HOUSE FOR RENT Furniture for sale; bar gain If taken at once, Harrison at. ' ' ' FOR RENT STORE13-OFFICE8. WANTED 1 or 3 lota in Lenta, for eash. dress C 804, care Journal. Ad WANTED 5, 6 or T-roora bouse between- Rod ner and Couch and Ruwell and Cook ats. Phone, East 5667 or call 243 Stanton. - ; Fireproof, reenforced concrete building, oc cupying full block on Burnslde street, be tween Fourth and Flfthvstreets. v: , Small grecsry en. peninsula; : cheep rant gwu looaiioii, auitaoie tor may, jtts Biarc. I WANT a trustworthy partner la real aetata Dusiness. am yon are asked to buy la half the office equipment and do your share of ' worg.- Business established five years. S .800, care Journal. BOOMING house, IO rooms, $450. ; Boom 610 , nucnanaa otag., ia Washington at FURNITUBB factory and sawmill for aala. - ootn in ODerniion: owner will cur entire nnt. put of factory; a fine bnslness- proposltloa on good csrtlne. Ida, (aewer district); small psyment down, -balanee same ss renv -a. r. omiui, ,, 816 Commeralal block.. i..';'vvivT.-vi .; IF yon west to buy, sell or sxchanire your pmperfy, eaH on or addreaa Geo. W. Tnraar. 808 wsanington at., rwia-n v y rnn BAf. Psrt on time. 6-eoom bouse, m 1,. hwtr a am. Cnrhatt at. and Ha toiTsve,, $2,600. Addreaa B 201, care Jonr. "'naL -. ';vt::: -r.-''- ' WEST SIDB' BABflAnf. ' " 17,000 9 room bonse. modern In an de tafia, ' and s fractional lot located m Seventh et, .' less than 5 blocks from tbs Hotel Portland, This Is a snap and good for a quick torn . at a big Increase. s . s i- 1 JAMES X PLYNK, ' 613 Chamber of Commerca. 1 C. R. Donnell & Co.- BBAL ESTATE. - Boom 12. 268 Stark st 6-ROOM cottar., furnished. $1,500. 208 Fourth t. Tl. Paelfls 3125 or Mala 8090. - 8T.600. -v'.:.v---V-i- - We have a very fine new and modern some, . , T-room aad 8 rooma In the attic, every tnlng or toe neat; large ana sisuuy grauuiw, WANTED A tot with small house, close' to I cars; cneap for rain. Addreaa V oa,, Journal. COOS BAY, profitable to ownera of lota in South Harbor and Rcbaefer'a - addition to answer, giving number of lot and purchase price, m sou, eara Jouanai. ,( ........... WANTED Some Income property, close In; for eaan; must De reasonable, we neve the buyer, STRANGE ft HARLAND, 843 Washington st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB will buy your household7 goods snd gnsrsn-4 . tee the best prices. Call or phone. , 8. j ana nuDenstein, 1(0 Front St.. opposite TkJ Ha-. aY t, a 1 T .1(1. in, . - . -.- -.- rw j xtsiiAuusiA uifivit ricmc J.1V. .. WA NTEI rnrnlture and household roods rf a-vrr uewripTKm oougnt, soul son ton acred. , The I, 232 First st Main 63T4. WR haul dead bores and cattle free. Oreeon FertUlaer Work, or notify Carney's Veterl asry, Fourth and Glhtaa ats. Main1066. WANTED--Spot cash paid for your1 furniture. ere rrompt artention eiwaya given. 894 East Clsy st Phone Esst VJSti 1 CASH for household roods. Savar A PennelL S40-S4T First st I'bona Padfie BOO. WANTED Mea'a. cast-off elothlne and ahnea; we aiao uur nousenoia nirnianines: nisnear (Low rReiit LomgXcasc ' Suitable for grocery, drug, shoe stores, barber shops, meat markets, etc.: plate-glass fronts, cemented bassments, aodara plumb ing. BENT 176 PES MONTH. GevurtZfSi Sons. 176 FIRST ST.; ' ' ; that will pay from the first day. Addreaa w sua, eara journal. 1 HERB are a few bargains that will induce yoa to nuy it you nave any money at ail. 165-room boteL. no better In city, 111,000 1 casn. 79 rooms, steam heat snd eold water, . 40-room newly furnished, 12.600, 14 room, good farniture, $960. i , . 0. S. ARNOLD ft CO., 1 126-126 AMogton bldg. IP T0U have amall amount of money will tart , you In motion picture bnslness; profits I "w mtv w w naiiy. . . newman B atotlun I vnctura company, jaos Bixtn. HENKLE a HARRISON.. 217 Ablngton mag. - HOTELS OUR SPECIALTY, -1 NEW 6-ropm honse. close to ears and school; . - will seU very cheap. See. the ownar, 878 Baat , Davla. Pbona East 8052. DESIRABLE corner lot on carllna In Ports mouth for sale at a bargain. See Hs ga ms nn ft BUnchard, 91 Fifth st .f modern 11 -room horns, built 4 . ' v-ara. cement - walks snd bai - ment saa, electric and modern : . furnace; plenty fruit; '.neat . stable, : tot 100x146; good ear and neighborhood; easy pay "' ments. Phons Eaat 480T. LARGE office and desk mom for rent. Beaver . Real Estate ft Investment Co rooms 8 and 4, udd reuows- oidg. If yon wish to buy or sell a hotel or room- 300 FARMS, small traeta kud lots; bargains as A NICB office euita for rent - Third and Madison. Madison bldg., DESK-ROOM for rent : Apply 111 ' Commercial block. '- - ONE HALF furnished oce nlte for rent to t tody. - Call room 24, Rnaael bldg., cor. Fourth , mm Morrison ate, . , GROUND FIXIOR office on Fifth atreet, nenr dtara, - wn n . auui, rwnn 11 oeairea, : tiage mana ft Blancbard, 91 Fifth at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALIvROOM and lodaaroom, new,. with all modern convenience, on "fllriti rwrna aaa. a ". 4,1 and . .. m lng hour -In or out of the city, eome to oa and we will procure yoa a purchaser without publicity. . . ,,. .. - O. 8. ARNOLD ft CO.; " ' (Surcessora to P. L. Austin ft Co.,) . ' mi vri-:inai note, isroxers. - , -v , v : 125-120 Ablngton bldg. r ' A 85-HORSE water power, with 28 acrea of Inu. Water-power Improved with dam and v nume, iz acres or tne tana under cnlllTStton 0. W. P. electric line. 0. R. Addlton, Lsnts. Oregon. Tke Mt Scott car. 5c SEE RLBERTA property before yon buy; ter me. Miller, Both and Wygant ata. .. ! iuaiaHa,.i usiei ..s iateaaa-aa-aiiasBa-aa-ai s n . YES. we ere Belling lots, $10 cash, 5 month, ' right at Tremont station. Mt. Scott line: sea . them today; office at Tremont or 818 Cham-, ber of Oimmeroe. Purse ft Co. some buildings: r tiros d running through the MUST aell before June V a new 6-roem bouse land;. A fine chance for a factory; 3 miles rrom rortiana, on tne n, p. R'y.s 4,500, term. Harlow ft Dowllng, Mllwankle, Ore. In Vernon; only $1,160. 1111 E, 18th st 7 . "FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WB HAVE 'a buyer for some Income property Close in mwi in resmmenie, iot CaB, STRANGE A HARLAND. ,. aaAii KsaUacton pt. 0 mutton BV OWNER. - - New, ' modern house: first-class location, lot 40x128 feet; fine lawn, snd roeee. 783 Salmon St., aear xao; terms 11 aesirea. -.. '...' - LOOK BERE1 ' . ' ' A finely furnished rooming bouse In splen- 'ild location; 28 room. Price right CaU ea TnA.iUJE a JUAKUANU. -, aeSas Wanxanitsa Ik,