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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
3 ? THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 13, 1C07. LOCAL OCICT II OIIODED Dr. H.; W. Coe and Dr. Woods Hutchinson Receive Good I Appointments In East '. REALTY TRANSFERS . ; - TOUCH HIGH HARK Half Dozen Transactions Yester f. day Keep Heavy Record Up , to the Standard.' , Half ft dosen falr-slstd ' realty sales, Involving sums in the neighborhood of $10,000, fere closed yesterday. WFRTFRISI SCIENCE IS - '.Transfers to. the value of W.J10 were . 1 1 7"Z " ' fI tor record, which Is considerably KLUUUNItU BY IVltUIOIln excess of the average value of Mon day's transfers. v- - . i miss nay railing has purchased inei ah enerrrtln nmm in ftmnnn r. Dr. Coe Elected to Three-Yea Term J Chapln home on Riverside drive 'for (jersey, thinks that she has found so- n " rL.At- rw.-ii iw, vw -contains aooui two mtlon for the question, "what shall we M Councilor of .Leading Organize- I acres, on which w. It Chapln had built J do with our boys?" At any rat she nnn anrl T)r Hntchinson Is to Be " lw"H.T oungaiow. - nas ft plan by which the now Insuffl- ,. I The northeast corner or Grand ave-i dent police force may be supplemented Teacher of Practitioners. ' ( . jnue and East Ash street has been pur- by. the recruiting of a force of women cnasea oy F. 1 uoseman xrom wum I whose especial duty It shall be to look Zlnsley for 111,000. out for children abroad after nightfall. ) (Weihlui to Suva ier The Jesraen . I nnsFi istwir .1.. -v.. .... Washlna-ton. IX C May . 14. r- TWO ?r X:7r 'r rr"A". "ri miui. "" . fwrimuu iiujrsiuwisi OTV" " T for 110 000 I 'A Bold Step. ., ; To overcome the well-groundeo! end reasonable objections of tho more Intel ligent to the use of secret, medicinal com pounds. Dr. B. V." Pierce, of Buffalo, N V., some time ago, decided to make a bold departure from the usual course pursued by the makers of put-up medicines for do mettle use. and, so has published broad - to the whole world, ft full list of all the Ingredients iposltlon of his widely 1 ice, Thus he has take .trons end patients Jnfo ee. Thus too he has lediclces from among secret of doubtful merits, and made cast and 0, and eomp entering in' celebrated hit nume bit full mov nostri lie li tbtmLfiancdte$ oj Known Competition. ht th is hold stcn nr. Plirea has show" Uuil fTa'lormHlaa fa V such .rrf,n.-A thai be la jn;f subject them K; tliti Jilllf iit -JULUn,X. . . . , - Mok on v dor tb wrtnner or erenr eotiir on I of Dr. Fierce Ooldna aledlcal Dlaoovery. thn ! famous medicine for weak stomaca. torp'u liver or billocsnMa and all catarrhal dlaeaeef Wberevar I oca tod, have printed upon It, in j lain Inglith. a full and complete liat of al toe lnrredlenta comixMUig lb bu book baa been complied from numeroi" In the .east Dr. H. W. Coe has been elected one of the councilors ' of the American Medlco-Pschologlcel assocla 'tlotv and Vr. Woods Hutchinson Is soon to-'be ltfled ,a oe of the lecturers In one .of the. Celebrated pest-graduate schools of New TorkClty. , Dr. Coe has been here attending the sessions of the American Physicians ; and Burgeons, a national organisation, " which now rivals In numbers the Amer ican Medical association, and which makes the proud boast of excelling it In ; scientific attainment Dr. Cos's elec 4 tlon Is for three-year service as coun : cllor, and tb aasoclatlon of which he ! now Is on of the officers, la said to be 'the oldest organisation allied to med icine In the United States.' -f Dr. Hutchinson, who formerly resided 1ln Portland and aerved as secretary of ; the state board of health, went firat to I Oakland, California, but now .lives in I New York City, j He has effected ar rangements to go on the staff of the post-graduate school, and nenceiortn will be a teacher of practitioners. He : has been conspicuous in the sessions of ' the scientists here, having read ft pa i per before the tuberculosis section. ' Both will attend tne meetings or me American Medical association in At ' lan tic City two weeka hence, where they ' will take prominent parts. - Q. W. Holcomb has sold to the East Side Realty company a 0-fcot lot on Alblna avenue, .near Russell street for - Articles of 'agreement have been en tared Into between the Buckman slaters, who are putting up a four-story build ing at East Burnstde street and Union avenue, and Mrs. Simon, owner of the Quarter block at East Burnslde and East Third streets, whereby the west, wall of the Buckman building will be utilised as s party wall. Mrs. 81 men has com missioned ft 'local , architect to . prepare the plans far ft four-story mill-con structed building, which will be erected on the quarter - block adjoining . the Buckman building. The new structure will cost about $30,000 -and will be ready for occupancy late la the fait GOVERNOR ON A TOUR ; TO STUDY FISH AFFAIRS NEW BOOKS FOR THE : LIBRARY. , 4 (Sottui Di.pitca te The JoanaL) : Salem, Or., May 14. Governor Cham berlain will leave for .Coos Bay - to day, to study methods of fish propaga-1 tlon and Inspect the hatcheries 01 R. D. Hume at Wedderburn and other points. He will give, particular attention to the study of ths tlms when the fry Is liber ated, aa he does not share ths idea of Master Fish Warden VanDuaen of turn' Ing out young fry. quite so early, but holds that fish should be more matured when let out of the hatchery. - s t , ' ' ETHICS. Fowler Starting In LIfej What Each Calling Offers Ambitious . Boys: and Young Men. HOC... - Marden Making of ft Man. ltOt. - vREUQION. Dinsmore Atonement In Literature and Life. 10. ' , ' ' .' Rlchter & -TaylorOolden 1 Age of Classic Christian Art. 1904. SOCIOLOGY. . . w Fisher The Nature of Capital and Income. 1908. - Jovrms Essays on Economics. 1908. ' O'Shea Dynamic Factors , in Educa tion. 190. ' Poor's Manual of the Railroads of the- United States No. 39. 1906. Successful Teaching; Fifteen Stu dies by Practical Teachers. ' 1906. . . 1 PHILOLOGY. ,- Bennett Latin Grammar and Appen dix, a v. 1895. Kontopulos Greek-English . - Lexicon. Ed. reW 190J. , SCIENCE. ' . Flammarlon Popular Astronomy, n. d. Flammarlon Thunder and Lightning. 190S. v Mayer Sound: A Series of Simple, Entertaining and ' Inexpensive , Experi ments in the Phenomena of Sound, for the Use of Students of Every Age. 1901. USEFUL ARTS. Blsck's Medical Dictionary; ed. by X D. Comrle, 1906. - - ' J by Malcolm Bell 1904. . Tintoretto by N. R. E. fM.) Bea 1906. -! ' !: V. ' Titian The Later Work of Titian, by Henry Miles. 1905, ' , 1 AMUSEMENTS. Hogg Guide to Selecting Plays. 1899, , " " LITERATURE. ' Churchill Title-mart; a. Comedy In Three Acta 1905. Dalblae Dictionary : of , Quotations (German). 1906. ' - - 1 1 , Denton From - Tots to Teens; Some Merry Times for Young Folks; a Book at Original Dialogues for Boys and Girls. 1897. , . s v Dlchl Elocutionary : Studies. 1908. ' Fallen Epochs of Literature. Ed. S. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. ' Edwards Japanese Playi and "Play fellows. 190L v.--' y- ' Elliot Naturalist in Mld-Afrlca. 18J6. Gould The Book of ths Rhine from Clove to Maine. 1906. ' , : . - Lahontan Voyages - dans t'Amerique. Ed. I, rev. and enl. Iv. 172t, . Roberts Western A verlius; or Toll and Travel in North America. New ed. . Tarr ft McMurryt-Washmgton. 1906. .HISTORY. - Ame rlcanfriah Historical . Society- Journal, t. i . 1906. .-., .-Hamilton Letters te Washington and Accompanying Papers; Published by 80- clety of Colonial Dames of America. r. 1898-1908.-" Mahaffy Empire , of the Ptolemies. 1896. . Skrlne A Ross Heart of Asia. 1899. Williams Five Fair Sisters; an Ital standard medical works, of all the different scnoois of pracvice, containing very numer ous-extracis from the writings er leadln' Bractlttoners of medicine, endorsing in Uu trenoeit poMtofs lirmi, each and every ingre dient contained In Dr. Pierce's medicines One of these little books will be mailed frer to any one sending address eopostal card o by letter, to Vr. K. V. Fierce, Baffaio. xf. Y and reaneatlna1 the same. From this litt; bouk It will be learned that Da. Flame's bI Iclnes contain no alcohol, narcotics, salner agents or other poiaoneus or uionons agent and that ther are made from native, aaedicl nal roots of great value also that some o the most valuable ingredients contained li nervous, over-worked, " run-down." nervow and debilitated women, were employed. Ion ffliis 0 on rr The purchase of 100 of, these handsome Chairs at a remarkably low figure en ables us to quote the prices asked. These Chairs have the appearance, the style and the wearing qualities of $25.00 Chairs yet we are offering them for three days at HALF PRICE, and on the easiest possible terms. ; The illustrations, made irom pnoios. cive an mca ox tneir trracetui lines, dui: xne tnairs snouia dc exam ined to' be fully appreciated. ' On sale Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. mm .A I?T7I?I?Fr Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptloa jer wealr MttrvoiM. ovap-vorknd. run-down. swrrniH years ago, by the Indians for similar ailments affecting their sauawa In fact, one ef the moat valuable medicinal plants entering Inb see coaoscaiuon of vr. fierce' sayonte f r "Squaw-Weed. Our knowledge ef the use St not a few of onr most valuable native, me loin el plants was gained from the Indian: AS saaue an br improved and ax act tim the "Favorite PreaerlDtlen Is a mo - efficient remedy for regulating all the woe" anly function, correcting displacement. prolapsus, anteverslon and retorrerslc Donkln Textbook on Gas. OH and Air Engines. Ed. 4, 1906. . - Pocketbook of Tables, Rulesnd For- tan Wode ftt the Court bf Louis XIV. muias renaming to jiecnatncs, Matn- l .: - muuKArm, ematlcs and Physics. . 1908. I : Conway, M. D. My Pilgrimage to the xwier American oanxiary flumping. I Wise Man of the East 1905 Rev. ed. 1896. ' I Cooper, Peter, Peter Cooper By Ros- mynca xuraeys ana ,ow to urowisller W. Raymond. 1901. uarnson, w. xne uorai crusader, Pocketbook. .Them. 1906. ". Patterson Navigator's 1908. j- t - Venable Garbage Crematories . America.." 1909.' " j. FINE ARTS. . - in William Lloyd Garrison By Goldwln Smith.- 1892. Henry VIII, King of England, Henry VIII By A. F. Pollard. 1905. Samuels, Samuel From Forecastle to Cabin. ' 1887. vk.v FICTION. Bedford Briday of Anstace; by Ellxa- betn uodirey. j : , Bennett Treasure of Peyre Galllard. . cnesnutt The colonel's Dream, r Crawford-Adam Johnstone's Sett and A Rose or Yesterday, 4 Ferruggla II Mlo Bel Bole:' Roman SO. .. :'. ,, ,. uiimian The ojibway; a Novel ' of Indian Life. r Jervey The Elder Brother; a Niw.) Rossetti Dante Gabriel Rossettl: by I In Which are Presented tha vital uirnest ttwmra. xvw. v; i uons now conrrontmg the South. Titian The Early Work -of TlUan, Ward The Man In the Case. , Alkin-jt-The Voice; Its Physiology nd CultivaXton. 1900. Apthorp The Opera, Past and Pres ent 1901, - Crawford Development of Park Sys tems in American Cities. 1905. v Duncan Country Cottages .and Week end Homes. 1906. ' -; Holme English Water-Color: with Reproductions of Drawings by Eminent Painters. 1902. i Humphrey Coin Collector's MandaL .1 v. ,. J907,. . r r V' , The instinct arid Habit of .4600 years have proved wheat r the on absolutely necessary , food for than. . : ? . Latter, day science haa proved the soda cracker tp be the most nutritious of all wheaMoods. - . J Modern skill has given to " the world Unccda Dfscult, tiie only perfect soda cracker. overcoming pr.Inful periods toning a ti. sieryes and bringing about e perfect state steatu. noia ny ail oeaieit la reetticiaes. blespoonfuls of 'powdered sugar ' and One-half teaspoonful of vanilla extract Stir from the bottom of the dish up ward and as It slightly thickens fold In ngnuy a cuprui of roiled macaroons. Turn Into a small mold that has been wet In eold water; oover tightly - and pack in ice and salt the proportion of salt oeing less than for Ice cream, ai It Is not Intended to be frosen. but slm ply to keep It In shape. Turn the mousse out into ft dish and pile around It supply of whipped cream. " ; Some New Obion. . , Cedar brown Is In several shadea from the color of the bit of wood In a pencil to tne ncner shade of the cigar box. Leather color, according to Vogue, Is taking to itself the yellow tone Instead oz the reddish shade that It might Jasper mean black and white threads woven to give a steely color that has a two-toned or shot effect Hussar ie. a light blue, nearly a light navy. Dead leaf brown baa a light coppery glow. aeaa oax leaves nave with the sun sninin brightly ,on them. Westminster gray is neither smoke nor steel gray and Danish blue . Is deep China vlue. Orchid Is a lovely yellow os-ith a pinkish, cast about as dark ad amber yellow. :Indlaa red Is a brownish red of a medium - tons and for it appears that a formal petition has b,eu m0Tt lovely pale blue toning been presented . to the mayor of the Is'"'', : ' city of Bayonne by 1,000 men and wo-1 f'b'ne is a pinkish red and co- men, asking that a force of policewomen J uuooi is almost a name color. The be appointed. Mrs. Goldsler has sup- Z., v. "own this season Is plemented the proposition with a frank j,alrly bright and soft and clear; It how letter to the mayor, and shs thinks she ri " V7 J maa . aeep mi This chair is the picture of comfort. Not a line of its make-up was added without a view to comfort and style. -The frame Is constructed ' of thoroughly seasoned choice grained oak, fin ished in popular golden.'! Open bottom- steel and spring constructed seat with spring back. . adjustable. The covering is Imitation Spanish leather or Boston leather, of perfect endi qualities. , rne cneapest gooa cnair on the market. We invite your comparison. .Several .styles to choose from. Certainly the greatest contrast between this and other Morris chairs " Is In the price. - We assure you the quality is there. Price Is NOT $25, but only;;;.... .. .. DOWN, 501 A WEEK How a Woman Policeman Would ' Appear. - . - Is going to get what she wants uni formed women, dressed in short skirts and bloomers, wearing caps and carry ing the regulation billies, to patrol ths streets. - - ;; . . This Is Just what Mrs. . Goldsler has written to the mayor: emerald. Gobelin gray blue, deeper I tractive. . blue Is a greenish than cadet "and et- '"Policemen patrol the streets for the protection of property. . Why should not policewomen patrol the streets for the protection of our boys, our more valued treasures T ' .t- "Our civio authorities appoint women to teach. . Were it such a startling' In novation to appoint women to sruard our children? . . .v7 "When ths children are af school they sre safe and when children are at home they are safe., All the' mischief Is done on . the atreet It Is to the Interest of the community that children should be safely guarded"' on the streets aa else where. y- y "The boys would always be under the very ayes of one or the other of the policemen, theirs official ' companions. They , could be1- persuaded : or ordered away from thts corners where men drink and splt,sraoke,l swear and swagger, and where.' the boys seem to be espe- ciajujr attracted. AT STOCK ""THEATRES" For the second week's engagement at the Lyric theatre Manager Allen of the Allen stock company selected "Behind the Mask," and already It haa developed signs of extreme popularity. It drew large crowds -yesterday and bids fair to make something of a record at the Lyrie.,,: . y r-; -.. ,;s, U ;, It is an American ' melodrama, the scene of which Is laid in Colorada The lines are bright and Interesting and the piece abounds In ,r thrilling situations ana aramatio ciimaxea - LIsalt.lliiii:?: . ldic ior $7.50 .At no other, place in this town can you obtain such a leather Rocker for $15, yet our price is . only $7.60. With easy terms of $1 cash, 50c a week ' Gevurtz prices are always the lowest, . but here is an instance in which we break our' t own recprd for bargain giving. We deem it hardly necessary to quote other than a concise description of the material, as our illustration should 6rve the purpose xf giving you an idea of the style. ' Cut was made from photo Trout ; of frame is laid with quartered bale effect, fin ished in eolderr oak throughout! Covered in Boston or imitation Spanish leather. Full roll , seat, a broad back and uphol stered arms. For Tuesday,' I ."Wednesday and Thursday, only; t- c I ler. Jtuu roll 7.50 Goods Sold on Easy . Payments 02VU17TZ CELLS IT FOP LESS '- Send For Free Catalogue stellar part and gives an effective and artistic portrayal of the character of Margaret . Gresham. Miss Felton has made an enviable reputation in this city and has taken hlarh rank aa an utMn. ''.Shall the mother of five boys run Other members of the Allen n five different directions after them? J appear, to good advantage and give a Shall she play baseball with one son, I highly satisfactory performance. Among football with another, train on a punch-1 the number are Forrest Seabury, Ralph have few equals as entertainers. Their turn made a great hit with the audience. ' , . ... "The Sheriff of Laramie" is the title ef ft little play presented by Harry TXT H.KK V. Tj,ln. Vlltr ' Ulaa M,L8: ItJ fPZL i'--f U"! ,a thJ Marie Oliver. It also was well received. There Are other acts on the bill which are in themselves worth the price of admission. Altogether it is one of the most satisfactory vaudeville perform ances this season. lng : bag with the third, play marbles with a fourth and box with the fifth T Afterward shall she stand on five dif ferent corners with five different sets of loafers of all ages and states of in toxication? .V" 'Aa eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, so eternal vigilance Is the price or gooa citisens. immortal fame awaits the pioneer." . 't:''. 't- '.u,. .? Mra., Goldsler is a frail little woman in appearance, with large, soft eyes and wavy hair. And. what's more, she is a practical woman who knows how to bring up a family and manage a home. xvyea inaeea," says Mra Goldsler. '1 have the uniforms all planned. They re to be made of dark-blue broadcloth. The coat is to be very stylish and fit closely around the hips. - A skirt reach ing just below the knees and bloomers reminiscent of bicycle days Just peeping oeiow tne nem 01 tne eKirt. - "With this costume , will , be worn light leather leggings and gauntlets to match the leggings. A military cap and Belmont and Wallace Roberts. "Behind the Mask" wlU be the bill at tne Lyrio ror tha entire week and will be sure to please. f HOOD RIVER MOVES') ECONOMICAL IRRIGATION autwmwiwvMvVvVkV. 1 There Is a wonderful amount of in- t firm mi In th TirttvtMm ,likiMii . is now a matter of history; and a play Hood R,Ter- nWering a plan of per (Special Dispatch to The Jonreal) Hood River. Or May 14. The Farm ers Irrigating company, which operates one of the largest irrigating systems at dealing with that subject Is sure to at tract public attention. Such is "Devil's manent Improvement that provides for replacing the greater part of Its ditch I Island." a thrilling melodrama that Is w,n lTa,en !l LfQ? J being presented by the new Star stock company at. the Star, theatre, r V The Star company, while compara tively new to this city, has "made good" in every sense of the word. It la com. posed of several remarkably good Indi vidual actors and is building up a large clientele. With "Devil's Island" It Is gates' ths larger part of the strawberry fields of Hood River, which must nave water to be successfully, cultivated, and the new plan will insure a safe supply. It Is stated that oncer In operation the cost of maintenance will be less than at present. Irrigating systems here have been receiving . considerable attention this The Kirld You Have Always Bought, and which has been j mi iuo w viu- ov yean, jus Dorne tM signature or. ana nas Deen made under his per sonal saoervlslon since Its infancr. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Jnst-as-?obd"are but Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA sure to add to the lit Lee Barrett, the. ieadmg8jL-iartta trays the character of tha rr tA held to eonslder improvements, and a captain in the French army with re- Proposltton haa been disousssd provld roarkableccuracy and precision. His in" or the' purchase of the property of ability is displayed not only by his act- El Hood Rlyef Irrigating company inr. hut Ma RiiM.nn t.. Tn..i I by the orcharaista under ita ditch, the regulation billy and badge, their lnslar. nrnriw.v: iv Vt.. iei..i .v I plan being to make It a cooperative com ma of authority,, will complete the cos- Russian Spy. arouses conaiderahin .n. I Py similar to the one on the west side tumeJ :C i;'r:.""A'-'S''f'- "1 thuslasm. Miss AdeUlde Knight: " the I ot tb ralleyv 3 In dust tight, , moisture proof packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY - Ghent. Belgium, has already' adont ed the idea with enthusiasm. The force consists , of II women, all between the ages of 0 and 50, - t . , And now we' may watch the 'result with some Interest for If Bavonna whv not Portland f -And If the duty comes to the women Of Portland In' an Im perative form, It Is oulte certain to be nctea upon, 1 . K It f i ; ' . Some Recipes. Vegetable Bisque One can tomatoes. one pint Water, one sliced onion, one cun chopped ' cabbage - and one-quarter cup rice (uncooked) Cook one hour, or un til you can pass through a slave. Whea leaaing woman, nas made a splendid 1m-1 " ' ?a "drr-!h?.8.ti?r FORTY-DAY' RACE MEET viuy mat is pow oeing presented.--. "Devil's Island" will be the bill the Star for the enUre week. . Gastorla Is harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare .Torfc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. ; It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstaneerrits age Is lts guarantee." It destroys Worms " and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic t It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation x and Flatulency. It assimilates the! Food regulates the , Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep." The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. t AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATRES V -AT BUTTE THIS SUMMER j (Sotelal Dlsnatek to The JoaraaL) Butte. Mont, May It. WUllam Gem- meU returned from Spokane this morn-ins-, where he met H. : Li Wilson of Se attle, and, Stover, the California i turf J king, wno win promote tne juutte race meeting this year, and stated that every-1 thing had been arranged for ft 40-day meeting, at Butte mis summer, start ing July 4 and closing near' the. end of August, -mere wm oe no suae races. CEHUIHE CASTO R I A ALWAYS Sears the Signature of The best vaudeville bill that has been Offered In thfa fltv ln-lviw.lra 1m m th. I h vuui Af fmm SKAA ti AAA ready to serve add one quart hoi milk. Grand. There are big ; vaudeville acta will be offered. Fifty thousand dollars hiirtar: necner anil salt. - li.rv. vih .ni a . ; f i ...k..ik.4 . . . The Baker troupe of acrobatlo blcy-lold track of Marcus Daly. Many Oak casts Is the star feature of the bill, and land and Denver horses will be shipped WW! wvwin.iu wi nil never oeen I nerv. butter, f, pepper , and" salt Serve bread sticks or toasted crackers. White Cake Whites of two eggs, one cup of sugar. Beat thoroughly, add two mixing spoons meitea nutter, beat again. one-half vcud sweet milk, another beat ing, one and one-half cups flour, one teaspoon baking , powder. Flavor ' to taste. . - Macaroon Mousse Soak a very scant quarter of a box of gelatine in a quar ter of a cupful of cold water for half an .hour," 'and dissolve over the tea kettle.' Whip one pint Of cream to a MIou Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. V, WTAUH 9MltAHf, Yf MURRAY STNCKTg NCW VOUR tttTV . f Introduced here In that partlouUr line. There are five people la the group. four men and a woman and their per-1 rormances are a mixture or thrills and I Uugbter. Tne Bakers have appeared In f ortiana Derore and are well remem bered. . i V;: . "Billie and the Actress" is the name of an extremely funny sketch rendered! oy waiter Shroude and Lluie Mulvey. BUTTE WOMAN KILLS BRUTE OF A HUSBAND I.?!"!!1 l lhkIi1?: ww. vii . .yiv qiiu fct3, chokina his wife and threatening- her (Special Dtspatck te Tb Journal) : I fell asleep with a raxor lit his hands. Butte, Mont, May 14. B. H. Rumsey, I Seeking to scare him, should I he again a miner, was shot by his wlfe'at a mine I become violent upon awakening, Mrs. nsirth nf ihlm iltSr rflttvf.v wA .t.n. I d.,m.. . .... . - . , .Uft frotm.add tie Ratine, four f Th.r ax. Is S class entirely; ttelVojwouade4 . buU.t cartridge In it tha- only- cartridge" In the housethe rifle went off and the bullet struck her sleeping husband. The womau has not been arrested. Don't become grouchy about the ser-. vant question -advertise in the Jour- nal. , - - i ,