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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY ft IS07. r7 I . whg 4. . I aaaw .--- i mi, i i n -a :l TmWTnnirs I: 1 1 iJl V' 'u 1 TOMIOHrt AMTJBEMEKTB. "- Baker., ' Emplr ."The New Dominion" .n.'Tb Wblte Cup" v wrana Lirlc. ............................. vaudeville ................ .."Behind tbe Mak"' ."UerU'e island' George Dart, who, with fats father, crossed the plains In 14S and settled In -ajreg on, died at ths home 01 his son. William Dart at 1 East Eleventh street yesterday morning aged S7 years. ' His death was due to old age. He was a Mason and will be burled with the funeral rites of that order. In 186 1, -... the father, Anson Dart, moved to Jack ., sonvllls, where he held the position of . Indian agent. , In 1866 George Dart mar rlad Miss Anna Tlchner. daughter of Captain William Tlchner. 1 The widow, , two sons and a daughter William Dart, " Harry CM Dart and Mrs. A,' B. Carrlng- : ton sari vlve ' the deceased. Harry Is foreman of the art department of the New York World and William Is a well known Portland newspaper man. , v Examinations In criminal law and do mestic relations were held for the Junior class oi the University of Oregon law school In the court room of department - No. l; at the court house last night, Circuit Judge, Can tenbeln, dean of the . law school, had charge of the' examina tion, and , prepared the queatlons on -Criminal law. The examination on do-" meatlc relations was prepared by Judge v . fraser. Two women and 13 men took the examination, the results of which will be announced next Monday night. ane same students will be ex- ined on the law of contracU and of agency. This class Is the first to enter : the three-year course recently eatab usnea at the unlvetslty law school. Senator Bourn j has acknowledged the receipt "of the resolutions passed pre sently fay the Bellwood board of trade regarding the removal of the postal sutlon. ; The senator assures IV M. Donaugh that be wUl give his atten tion to the matter. A Detltlon from Brooklyn has also been sent to Senator Bourne, asking that the Brooklyn sta tlon be esUbllsbed as the postal depart ment has recommended. This station will be ready by July 1 and it Is the union of the Bellwood station with this new Brooklr - station that the Sellwood people are fighting. The first of a series of lectures to be provided by. the Bellwood Clvlo league will take place at Campbell hall, Bell , wood, Wednesday evening, May 16. The league, recenty organised, is making a fight .fori local option In what Is known as the "Oaks precinct." and Is Incidentally making local option a feat ure in the campaign of many of the ad Joining precincts.. Illegal voting IS one of the factors to be contended with In the Bellwood precincts, and Is being met by the distribution of literature and personal canvass. , The suit brought by Mrs. Luella C Parrlsh against Dr. W. H. Davis of Al faany to collect I32S alleged to be due for earing for1 Mrs. Dora Davis, dl vorced wife of the physician, and for the cost of her casket and funeral ex penses, was. compromised In the circuit court yesterday afternoon for 1100, after the plaintiff. Mrs. Parrlsh, had testified. ; The Jury tbat had been em paneled yesterday.' morning was dis charged, v .-: -', ::'.- Jacob Fryberger, the Junk dealer who was recently sentenced to three months In the county Jail for having received stolen braas nuts from three small boys, was paroled yesterday afternoon after, paying a fine of f 100 that had been levied upon him as part of his sen tence. Fryberger was ordered to go out of the Junk business and to stop teach Ing young boys to brick stolen goods to aim. , ", .: Free Royal Cakes for the Soya and Girla Cut out the Jimmy and Johnny Royal Bakery advertisement on page No. 5; also the rest of the series (one each Monday until the middle of June). Every boy and girl who can tell us which Is Johnny and which Is Jimmy In the last picture will receive a treat of Royal Bakery Cakes. , "Portland and Its (Relation to the Northwest" will be the topic of discus sion at the next monthly dinner of the Portland Commercial club, which Will be given at o'clock Tuesday evening. May. 11. .., . : y ;: V ;-. -: Ltauor licenses were recommended to be allowed to the following applicants yeaterday by the liquor license commit teei A. Harada. 148 Couch street; T, Akal, 61 North First street; T. Lieda, 264 Everett street. Last of the Sunday excursions be tween Portland and Seaside via A. A C. R, will be Sunday, dune I. After that date the 11.60 round trip rate will be withdrawn. Union ' Grand club will give another vsudeville and lance May 14, Burk- hardt's hall, corner union avenue ana urnslde. . . ' W. A. Wise, T. P. Wise, H. A. Sturde- vant, dentists. Third ana wasnington. Main 2021. Painless f method used. Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas, . Washougal and way landings., dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington Street dock 2 V- m.' ; . h--;' . Why psy moret- Meteger: fits your eyes for $L 42 Wash. St., cor. 7th, formerly at 111 Sixth street . W. A. Wise, L. P. Wise. H. A. Sturde vant, dentists, Third snd Washington. Main 2029. . Eastm..n kodaks and suppliea I. Leaser Cohen, 111 6th. the Kodak store. Dr. William Cavanaugh, dentist, has moved his pffloe to 60S- Buchapan bldg. The regular meeting of the Portland Ad club, formerly the Portland Admen's league, will be held tomorrow evening U'omen Wanted To work in laundry. Steady positions and betterpay than at almost, any employment suitable to the sex Only steam-heated on-scofchable polishers in Portland. - . ; SECOND " AND COLUMBIA ' teL Main 398. . Laundry PAYS SOCIETY WOMAN FOR LINEN. ' . STOLEN FIFTEEN YEARS AGO - "Fifteen years ago when I was la your employ i stole 110 worth of table linen. Z have been converted since1 then and It has preyed on my mind so much that I Want to pay you for the things I took," aid a plainly dressed, middle-aged woman to a prominent society woman after - she 'had - been ushered into tbs apartments of the Utter at the fash ionable Hobart-Curtls lata Friday aft ernoon.'". J.t ''"'- '''J :;- '' i. ;'i.'T' ,fi : 'l'"''' Aa an evidence j that she was In earnest the stranger produoed a' $J0 gold -piece and asked for the change. Unable to remember the crime referred to and suspecting the woman's story the Portland woman reluctantly acceded to the request. 'v. ; "I am not going to tell you tty name, but It may occur ; to "you later," , said the woman. "About .16', years ago I took a lot of linen from your house, as I was going to be married, and wanted the articles for . my home. . I married a good Christian man and was con verted shortly afterward. ' It has both SEATTLE PHYSICIAN CURES . ; . MENINIGITIS BY LIGHT RAYS Cure for malignant eerebro-sptnat meningitis '. is believed to have been found In the Rogers therapeutic lamp .and uuod with success In tbs two cases in which It was tried by Dr.'F. A. Churchill : i of ..; Seattle. . Two esses which under ordinary treatment would doubtless have proved fatal responded to the treatment at onoe, and both pa tients are- now convalescing 'The lamp used Is a 600-candle-pover incandescent therapeutic lamp, such as la found In the equipment of many phy sicians. The filament is large avd the lamp Is provided with a hood refl9or. nickel-plated and made of copper to la crease the light The lamp may be at tached to any lighting circuit ; at I o'clock at the board of trade rooma a C. Letter, city editor of the Ore gonlaa, will deliver an address on "Pub licity as Regards the City of roruana.- Aeme On Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fins gasoline. v Phone East lit. Dr. M. Monte Bettman, dentist, has returned. Office 408-4-6 Swetiand bldg. Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street. lunch 11:20 to t; business men's lunch. B. W. Moore, exoert BhotosTSoher. Elkr" building. Seventh and Stark Sta The Oregonlan Confectionery, Sixth street Light lunohes, ice cream, etc Levy's Muslo House, 111 Fifth street Photo mounta Woodworth, 141 H 1st downs. " Madams Mcdure oompany. XX Chambers, optician, lit Seventh. Berger Signs 124 TamhUV-Phons. Good 11.10 shoea 1 Marks Shoe Co. Bark Tonlo for Rheumatism. . Beck Jeweler 208 Alder. . ' Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam. Xlser scenic photoa Imperial hotel RIGLER MAY STUDY SCHOOLS IN EAST No Industrial "Departments Wil Be Established In Portland ' Before Fall. No action toward the establishment of Industrial or trades schools will fas con aidered by the school board until fall. Such was the decision yesterday after noon, Superintendent Rtgier wiu proo- ably be sent east to stuay the methods employed In eastern cities where the trades schools are estabUshed In connec tion with ,the ' publio sohool systsm. Philadelphia Is the only city known to Mr. Rigler where such Industrial schools are established. ' Contracts were awarded1 as follows for work on the proposed addition to the Montavilla schools: Brick work, J. M. Merchant A Bridges,' 118,458; plumbing, Robert OllUn, 11,014; contract to furnish glass. Central Door St Lumber oompany, Theae bids were the lowest received. ' Some difficulty developed In consider ing the claims and amounts due Contractor-J. E. Bennett who was awarded the contract for erection of three addi tions to a schoolhouse. , It was dlscov ered that the claims amounted to more than the aggregate sum due the con tractor. Architect Jones was ordered to carefully check over the claims, as It is thought , that soma may be for work done elsewhere, v 'wr FOUR NEW: EIRMS WILL . .. BECOME CORPORATIONS Four new firms filed ertloles of In corporation In the office of County Clerk Fields this morninS as follows: The Western Specialty company was incorporated by J, F. Hartley, Alex Sweek and J. M. Long with a capital stock of 125,000. . J . jv'. W. C Morris, Carleton Lewis and Alex Sweek filed articles of incorpor ation of the Rainier Electrio company. Capital stock. 125,000. Articles of. Incorporation of the Dan iel Land company were rued by Q. . D. Young, M. O. Munly.and E. S. Jackson. t The. Western Banking company was Incorporated by George Estes, S. W. Etryker and E. L. Fraley, with a capital stock of 110,000.-. - Astoria Wants A. Y. P. Commissioner , Astoria, Or, May 14. The chamber of commerce has asked Governor Chamber Jain to appoint from Astoria one of the five commissioners who will take charge of the 1100,000 appropriation made by the recent session of the legislature to enable Oregon to make a suitable ex hibit, at the Seattle fair in 1101. The appropriation becomes available shortly. sucoeed ths first time' use Herblne and you will get Instant rslief. The great est, liver regulator. A positive cure for 1 constipation, - dyspepsia, malaria, chilis and all liver complaints. Mr. C of Emory, Texas, writes s "My wife has seen using . nerpine iur neroou ana children s for five yeara' It ls a sure cure for' constipation and malaria 'fe ver, which is substantiated by what it has done for my family." . Sold by all drufglata, . ...... , , ered me so much that X have wanted to make restitution for a long time,, pleaae accept -the money." , ' . After the departure of her visitor the more the recipient pondered over the matter the more she became convinced that the $20 gold piece was a counter felt and that she had fallen an easy victim to a clever swindler Finally she determined to notify the police and In response to a telephone call Deteo tlve Bergeant Baty was detailed to make an investigation. . , . -.w. ' The coin was turned over to Bergeant Baty, but upon taking the money to local banking institution the ofnoer Informed that It was genuine and the cashier of the oountlng-houae gave the detective a brand new,' shining double eagle In exchange. It has been ascertained that the wom an communicated with ' several people during the past week in order to cure the address of the former em ployer, whose confidence she had be trayed. : ; V'."" ' "The rays of light." says Dr. Cfauroh 111, in explaining the action of the treat ment, "when applied to the affected portions, promotes metabullsmj that is. the cell action in carrying off the waste matter and supplying new tissues, Light is a destroyer of all forms of germ life, and the rays from thin lamp tend, to promote - circulation and strengthen the health forces of the blood.". -; Dr. Churchill applies the lamp fay noiaing u a root way rrom the body along the spins and nck. A to-minute application brought rsst Immediately to the patient that had been for four days unconscious. The patient is njw r covering, as Is the orly other one where me treatment baa been tried. .. HEAVY SHORTAGE III BEEF SUPPLY Scarcity . of Hoof Products Greater Than at Any Time During Past Six Years. Is INCREASED DEMAND IS PRINCIPAL REASON Rapidly Growing Population In ths Northwest ' Causes Greater , Con - - sumption TOfflcials Deny Whole sale Prices Are Lower on Sound. There Is said to fas a greater scarcity of beef oatUe in Oregon and Washington than at any time within the . past six years. The meat packing establish ments In Portland and on Puget sound have been unable to secure sufficient beef cattle In this territory to supply ths demand and have been compelled to ship on the hoof from southern Cali fornia. ' Fat steers are now bringing 8U oenta standing weight, in this market, which is a fraction higher than they hay been at any time since 1901.' , Up to May 1 the local packers had their buyers throughout eastern Ore gon and Washington picking up the bunches of stall-fed steers that were to be found on the - ranchea But this source of supply has been exhausted and the grass-fattened cattle of south era Oregon wlu not be ready for ship ment before June 1 to 15. Increased Demand Causes Sbortsfe. Local packers ascribe ths unusual shortage la beef cattle this spring to tbs Immense increase In demand tor the finished product. Heretofore the pack ers have known about what to expect In tne way of demand for dressed beef, but for the psst year they say the de mand has been abnormally heavy, so much so that the usual sources from which beef cattle are drawn were ex hausted much earlier than In former aeasona Officials of the Union Meat company declare that the large Increase in the population of the Paclflo northwest, and more espsciauy or - Portland and vi cinity, is primarily responsible for this condition and that It Is up to the cattle barons east of the mountains to raise mors beef, cattle. - Offlolals Deny Sftepori It is denied by the officials of the Union Meat company that the wholesale price of meat In Seattle and Tacoma Is lower than It Is In Portland. - In speak Ing of the matter this morning an of ficer of that company said that an examination of the market reports In the newspapers - of the sound oltles would show a difference of half a cent a pound in the cost of dressed meats In favor-of 'Portisnd.'r"rr There 'Is a warm Contest on between ths Union Meat company and the Puget sound paoklng companies for the control of the dressed beef trade In Seattle and Tacoma, but It has not yet reached the price-cutting stage according to the Union Meat oompany officials. , STREET CAR COMPANY AGREES TO PAY $3,000 Settlement1 In Forty Thousand Damage Suit One of Largest -Ever. Recorded. Instead of ths 140,000 sued for fay Mabel J. Eaton as guardian ad litem of 1-year-old Constance Eaton, for personal Injuries Inflicted upon the baby by a streetcar - on - Fifth - street- last- June, 11,000 was accepted yesterday, after noon In settlement of ths suit - -.. . The acoldent occurred at. :30 o'clock on the evening of June 11, 1906, on Fifth street between Mala and Salmon streets. The little i girl was run down by a streetcar, and frightfully mangled.- For a long time Jt was feared she would not recover, (but She .gradually Improved and passed out of danger,, though she will be a cripple tor lire. - The settle ment agreed to by the streetcar com- any la ope of the largest ever reoorded i th. circuit court. . j i - Ths Meier 0 Frank Store Great Sale of Hemmed Union Linen Huck Towels, J5c values; ; 1 ( -buy all you want, nvV Hemmed Union Linen Huck Towels, 18c values, ea..l2f Hemmed Union Linen Huck Towels; best 22c I L values, on tale tt,ti..lvV Hemmed Union Linen Huck Towels, 25c values, each f Hemstitched " Linen Damask Towels;. 30c grade, ea..21e Hemstitched - Linen' Huck Towels hitrh-ffrade Towels regular 45c values,, ct..32f 9e hemmed Cotton Huck Towels, on sale, each.... of BATH TOWEL SALE Bleached Turkish Bath Q Towels, on sals, each.. 7 W 15c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, at, each ...... ,12f 20c . Bleached Turkish t Bath Towtls, at, each ....... 16) 25c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, at, each... .....20) 35c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, at, each. . . ... . ,26e) 75e all-linen Turkish Bath Towels, at, eaeh...,....42 Nickel Ware Bath Supplies i Nickel Toothbrush Holders for Nickel Paper Holders ..80) Nickel Bathtub Soao Hold ers, on sale at, special 1.09 Nickel Towel Racka, ea.TOs) Nickel Towel Racks, ea.39 Nickel Towel Racka. 91. 16-inch, at, each...?lw Nickel Sponge Sprayi.1.39 Nickel Bath Sprays, ea. .99 Bathtub Seats, $1 value .T9 No. 7 Nickel Teakettles. 95e) No. 8 Nickel .Teakettles, on tale at, special 1.12 No. 9 Nickel 'Teakettles, on ale at, special 1.19 2- pint Nickel Teapots.. 8T) 3- pint Nickel Teapots.. 924 4-pint Nickel Teapoti 1.04 2- pt. Nickel Coffee Pots 8T4 3- pt. Nickel CoffeesPots 92e i-niL Nickel Coffee Poti. on T ta m A A aie at, special Hammocks Hand-woven Hammocks In cretty deaiirns and colorings exceptional vals. at these prices: $2 vaL $1.60, $3.50 vaL $20, $45 valus 3.40 40x84-in. hand-woven Ham mocks, reversible pillow and valance; ' handsome patterns and colorings; CI Hfi $2.75 vals., at...H9s9eeW 40x84-inch hand-woven Ham mocks; reversible pillow ana valance: handsome colorings: $4.25 values, at, ea...3,40 40x84-!nch hand-woven Ham mock, extra heavy quality; reversible pillow, deep val ance: a hifirh-class Hammock in every particular; $5 value, on tale at, each ...... Go-Cart Sale Lot 1 Reclining and Folding Go-Cart, reclining ' perfor ated back, seat and footrest; rubber-tired wheels; auto gear; best $4 model .3.10 Lot 2 -Folding and Reclining Go-Cart, perforated seat and back: wicker aides and foot J..L. !...! ... to gear; $4.50 model .fs.ev Lot 3 Folding Reclining Go- Cart, wicker sides, back and dash: wood seat rubber-tired wheels, auto gear; best regu lar $6 values, at, eg,. 4.80 For the Finest We pride ourielves on the ex ceptional quality of our bread and pastry. "flour. . We carry the very choicest kinds of flour; ready in any de sired quantity. We sell all: the famous brands, which are not best because most advertised, i but most advertised .because best Our stock is kept fresh and dry, and you'll notice the difference it makes in your bak ing, first time jrou try it. i ." Our prompt delivery ; sayes many a bake day, too. D. C BURNS CO. , 210 THIRD ST. , "The new Japanese tabor party's pre grant Includes opposition to monopolies, and favors universal male and female suffrage,' a general' increase of wages and reduction of hours, the abolition of capital punishment and of titular dis Unattoaat fundamental rtfem 14 taxa- MM Trnnkt and Traveling EastThird FloorCreat Variety Artistic Plctnrt Framing to Yonr Ordai Lowett Prices Theeier(aFranI Silk Petticoat Sale $9:5o$io:od'aii At $5185 Eacli coats for ficient to friends to bargain of flounce with blues, navy, nfK. J&A in the duced prices; fancy tailor-made and Marie Antoinette styles, trimmed In wide and narrow tucks, fancy lace yokes, etc.; plain colors, checks, stripes, dots; grand assortment, at ths following low prices: ' $5.00 Waists on sale at . .3.95 I6.5Q Waists on sals at . .4.95 $7.50 Waists" on sale at . .5.98 $8.50 Waists on sale at ,.8.95 $8.00 Waists on sals at ftT.45 $6.50 Allover Embroideries $2.69 65c Embroideries Beautiful Allover Swiss Embroidery white with colors; exquisite styles values up to $6.50 the yard, on sale Better Come Early If Ton Want Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery and Bands for,; shirtwaists, etc; edges 4 to 18 inches wide; bands z to 8 inches wide: : handsome patterns, values up to 65c, on sale at, special, yard. 47a?U Allover English Eyelet Embroidery for waisting beautiful pat- QO. terns. Regular values up to $2.50 a yard, on sale at, the yard.,7Uw $2.50 Baby Irish Laces at 98c Yard $ 1 .75 Doz. Vol. Laces at 59c Dozen Handsome waists, i etc lar values up white Baby Irish Allover Laces, for yokes, dress trimmings, ; magnificent designs, specially low-priced. Regu- QQM to $2.50 a yard; your choice, special, the yard..a7fav Another great special lot of fine French and round-mesh VaL Laces and Insertions, in especially attractive patterns; large assortment; tTQs values to $175 dozen yards; on sale at, dozen yards. ....... ...Jy Swiss. Nainsook and Cambric Edsingt and Insertions, lyi to 1A 4 inches wide. Regular values up to 20c the yard, for, yard... A Women'sKiiitUnd'rwear SILK VESTS AT 98c Women's Swiss ribbed Silk Vests, low neck and sleeveless; hand-finished; beautifully made, perfect fitting; all sises; special, ea...98f Women's fancy Vests, Swiss rib'd, low neck and sleeveless; hand- crocheted yokes: white, pink and blue; all sizes. Best reg- CQ., ular 75c values, at, eacn. w Women's ribbed, lace-trimmed Umbrella Knee Pants, full sizes, pr .274) MARQUAM QRANO . Phone Mala aoo fire Wlgbts, Saturday aa Bitaeav Hattaee. Coaubtneiiis wmmmij ETvnmg, star BAM rEANOISCO OFEBA 00. ta FANTANA - trloes tSCj BOe. tSe. Ilta aaS faialaa TftAaifM Tht HorrtM-: KUIIIUC IUIOU V sUta 117 Mil to W. Beamaa, Ifanastr. -Taolsht AU Week the Qraetest - Modtrs , ' Melndrama, THg WXITI CAM."" A thrfllin and Intense atory of Ksntaekr eatlawry. rau, snensu or tne popular Minu Stock eompiar. .- Direction Mr. Barter Asbton. Mstlnees wedntM ana Bstarssy. ' Nlaht.lOc, 20c, 80s: Matinee. 10e, SOe. Vest Week "WIOUS LOUSOM." BAKER THEATRE.W Permanent)' locatod -The ratnoaa Baker The- .. tie Company meeatmc 'AU Tola wees Kc'i Clay Clement's Idrllle Comedy, . ' "THE W BOanKlO." A beasttfol etorr et OM Vlrsinia. State ander peraoeal dlrectioa Arthsr Mackley. MU- Bee BaMrday. i - . Tenlns. !,! sso, Boe. Matfneeiine. ape. . Veat.Weaa'aV OOXTSVXXft MOUAM." IDE GRAND Veeli""ef r 1M. VaaeaviUe '; - " 9e : '. The Baker Troupe. Marveleaa Ooaaady. . Aotooatie '-Btoyeltots.'-: - petaatAooed ft;; Teaton. BCEX09Z Si 1TSXVZT. Hairy ak Oe. Tke SeaaeM Sisters, . - Barrtattoa. " "Ban ' rreeerle tekarts. eraaslaeesa. - tlon and arbitration f all Interna tionai S r Another great special sals of fins Silk Petti- one weekThe quantity is suf permit inviting our out-of-town share in the best Silk Underskirt the yearSplendid styles made best quality taffeta silks Deep six rows of wide stitched bands or deep, double-tucked flounce Grays, tans, red, brown, green, lavender, light and dark greens, black and full assortment of change able colorings Well made, full widths Every skirt in the lot regular $9.50 and $10.00 value. Buy all you $5.85 want at, each... Matt Orders Sfiled. SILK WAISTS REDUCED Entire stock of black and col- irnil Silk Waiifl at arrvatlv raw $12.00 Walsta on sals at.. 9.45 $14.00 Waists on sale at . .11.25 $15.00 Waists on sale at ..11.95 $16.00 Walsta on sale at ..12.85 $18.00 Waists on sals at ..14.25 on Sole at 25c Yd. with lace stripe, plain whit and for waistings, etc.; 5 AO at, special, yard..... VeteJ7 Soma of This Beautiful Embroidery. Women's fine Swiss-ribbed "Swan" brand Union Suits; low neck, no sleeve, knee-length pants, fitted; with of without shoulder straps: regular $1.50 value........ 1.19 Women's fine ribbed-Union Suits, shaped ; body, umbrella pants hand finished neck; silk - taped; very elastic - and perfect-fitting: all sizes; best $125 values. ...98 Last Call for Rose Bushes ' We still have a few thousand two-year-old Rose Bushes, and to move ' them quickly .will sell at one half price this week. 50c sue at 25c each, or $2.00 per dos. It is not late to plant and this is your ,,r ' chance to fill outcthat hedge or replace any inferior varieties you may have'. ... Note Thousands of Vegetable and FJovpring Plants on hand now. AXUWBiBBXTM. THB STAR TMS tXX WASXnrSTOaT BTXZZT BTOOX CO. . . Preaeau tne Greet ficenle Drama, - "mvn,'S fsxAis, Is five Act. roanded oa the Great Dreyfn Caee. atatlnees Tneedaya, Tbondaya Satardays and Bnndaya. Price 10 n4 SOo. . vary evenmc at s:ia. mces loe, sue aid SOe. Beaerre seats by sboeev Mala Sift, y UYRIC THEATRE - Phone Main 4SL -" 1 Allen Stock Comnany Pr the Mew Sensational Melodrama :' -Bacrene. '..'. "BKKTJrs THS KAgX." 1 Matinees' Tneeday,' Thunday, Batwday i Bandar. Price 10c. SOe. Irery eranlna el p;AO rrm wi aa ew. . aaanrea nts sy saeae. Maia '4SSS. Offtoe epea treat 10 a. at. ta 10 a. ta. c 1 TEe Meier Q. Frank Store Great S ale oi Silverware Arslmnm Sfi1vssn1f a4 lasi Cjatal ji vvv. sa v vs aevM 1 vs reg. $12.50 values, set. i. 9.98 4-piece silver-plated - Tea Sets, reg. $13.50 values, set,.10.T9 14-in., silver-plated Trays, $4.50 values, on sale at, each. .3.38 Silver - plated Butter Diihes, good atvle; reg. $4 value. 3.19 Silver-plated Fruit Pishes, reg. $5.00 Values, on sale at.. 3.99 Silver-plated Bon Bon Dishes best reg. $3 values,-ea.. 2.18 3-pc. silver-plated Water Sets, reg. $10 values, at, set..T.98 Silver-plated Baking 'Dishes, best model; $9.50 value.. 7.58 4-pc. silver-plated .Coffee Sets; regular $10 values, set...T.98 Cut 8-inch Cut Glass Vases.. 2.98 8-inch Cut Glass Bowls.. 3.98 $425 Cut Glass Olive Dishes, on sale at 3.38 5-in. Cut Glass Nappies .1.19 $30 Cut Glass Centerpieces, on sale at 23.70 Ureat variety of Cut Glass Toilet Articles "Bathasweet." a perfumed lux ury for the bath: arreat val.19 "Royal" Tooth Powder, abso lutely free from grit. csn..Vf "Brillrose" Nsil Polish, imparts a beautiful waterproof pink lus ter to tne naus; special, jar xvf Satin Skin Cream, the perfect skin beautifier; special val.l9a a?a at a aTta 41 evaa. saesul aisa2eaka 41 MVS VUSUIVlBt JWS V SSJIVS Wf UJiV a every one perfectly soft, ea..8f Pure Sperm Machine Oil just what you want for ypur sewing machine and lawn mower'. .4f 50c Scissors and Shears, guar anteed good quality; spe'l .28 Torrev's Horsehide Rax or Strops swing with canvss back, on sate at ........... .....894 French Tooth Brushes, women's and men's; many styles.,.. 124) Rubber Goods at very low prices Jewel Boxes, in French gray and goia lined with pink 'and blue silk; great values at. each.. 98s) rlair tiarettes, in rose gold pat terns; large variety. spe1..494 25c plain Back and Side Combs, at this special low price v.l5e Portland H. S. Pins for, ea.28e Multnomah Emblem Pins.49e Jade Cuff Links and Scarfnm Sets, very pretty, at, set.,,794) Special Sale of ; Special values in Fiber Rugs- economical and : serviceable just the floor : covering you want for your beach cottage, country home, servants' rooms; in all sizes. ' r-; 6 by 9-foot Fiber Rugs, in best patterns; great vals., ea. .3.85 7 feet 6-inch by 10 feet 6-inch Fiber Rugs, best pattern 75 9 by 12-foot Fiber Rugs, in the very best patterns, at... 9.85 Fiber Mattings m variety of pat terns; sewed, laid, lined, yd.524 9 by IZ Fiber Rugs, mission de signs, looks like carpet and wears like iron; special. 12.85 Wears sole Portland agents for Vbr PorchShades Best made all sizes 3d floor. FESUVRIEG TUfOSTSJP PS.TT.T, My ttxteem Oonplee of r:r asAers, aUl ta White. wEoriESDAY .;--r:!G:;-; .-. No Advance li Tr? i. (0ilig : Glass Jewelry Fiber Rug - " V: