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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND.' SUNDAY MORNING, 'APRIL 21. 1SC7. MARVELOUS PIANO TEACHERS WILL FOR PORTLANDER ; Toivn Topics - 1- 1 1 i i MEET If J JULY . ,rt . .4 . "Tbs admirable Orlrt feel rfSl" "uii Bui" "................. ..."Aortx th Futoniir" "M VaedartUe Xrvtngton is presenting the most at traotlve featurea , for realdenre looa tlone of any part ef the city. The new Portion lying eaat of East Seventh up te ast Thirteenth street and between the streets are-belng air traded; water, sewer and (as pipes are all laid, con . arete; sidewalks and curbs,, parking, as well aa trees being set out, and ell lots being graded uniformly, make thta the complete resldenoe location In which to build. Before buying elswbere, Inepect these lota, aa they are very rea sonable. ... Inspect these. Take any of the Vnlon avenue car a to Eugene atreet and go ona block east For piioes aid terms, call upon . . terms, eall upon Charles X. Henry aV pon in Third atreet, Portland. Or. . Clareaoe W. Walla, who was recently appointed to a eadetshlp at the United Bta tea naval aoademy . at Annapolis. Maryland, took the entrance examina tion Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs day of last week before the United Btates civil service examining board In thta elty. The papera were aent Immediately to Washington, D. C, where they will be examined and marked by board of naval officers. Young Walla waa appointed early In the yeac by Senator Mulkey to .fill a va- xAncy cauaed by the failure of aa Ore gon oadet - PROMINENT RESIDENT WILL HAVE ONE OF -THE MOST WONDERFUL . PIANOS IN THE ' . WORLD. 1 ' In another part of today's paper may 'be read the Interesting announcement that shares In the Butte Boys" Consoli dated Mining company la to be advanced from 10 cents to 1 cents per. ahare. There la every present Indication that this company will soon possess one of the great mines of QoldAeld. such aa the Mohawk, the shares of which now sell at 117.(0. and these more than surmise that the Butts Boys' people will be In the Mohawk claaa and the Mo hawq company... ' The Bellwood branch library and the St Johns reading room are both In full running order and open to the publlo every day at stated hours, and each la In charge of a custodian. ' The Sellwood branch, when filled, contains about 1.000 volumes, covering all the Important -subjects. Miss Voorhees la the librarian. The St Johna branch la not ao large, but la supplied from the Portland li brary with a carefully selected collec tion of books. Mrs. T. T. Parker la the 'custodian.- ' ' .. . - , , .' Professor 3. C Monaghan, chief of the bureau of oonsulsr reports, Washing ton. D. C. will deliver a lecture to night at tha Hellig theatre on "The French Situation from a Layman's Standpoint" - A generaf Invitation Is extended to the public ' The committee In charge eonelata of: Rev. J. H. Black, Rev. J. C Hughes, Rev. W. A, Daly, Rev, H. J. HcDevltt and Rev EL Cant well. I. . , .; , Baseball I Baseball I ' . ; ' . ; ' Portland Trunkmekers vs. 'r v '. Bralnard'a Cuba. . 14th and Vaughn streets. " il:I0 p. m. sharp. -f - Admission, It cent a. " . -, i ClrmnAmtinA fit. . Y New Eaat Side Athletio club now open. Elegant gymnasium, ba'.hs, ., swimming, ,lunae. - , library. ...... narlors. ballroom. Claasea for men, women, children.. Be-, ntor duea 1130.. Ladles 11.00. . Juniors It cento.- Toe now aavo 11.00 entrance fee. Professor Rlngler, director, . til East Morrison, t E.-1170. . . Charlee Pre will apeak upon "Roose velt and Hla Square Deal" at branoh I of the Soclallat party, Allsky ball, Sunday at I p. m. Free dlecusslon af terwards. , All members of branch I are requested to be in attendance promptly at I p. m. Important busl- Masterplece in Musical Construe tlon. Reproduces Playinsr of . Greatest Artists With a Fidel Ity Practically Human The New Welte Piano Unquestion ably the Most Remarkable In . vention and Advance in Musi cal History. 4 . To bear the latest musical marvel, tha Welte Self-Playing Piano, producea a deep Impression not only upon those who have an ordinary ear for muslo, but also upon .those who are critics of the ' keenest perception. Tha Welte Piano, or Mignon, aa it la known in tnis country, la not a mere improvement upon the mechanical planoa of today nor can It aven be called a development from these. - It la mora. The Welte has succeeded In achiev ing what might almost be considered an Impossibility. It produces with abso lute faithfulness the playing of the world's master musicians Padereweki, Lesohetltasky, Oebrllowltaoh. Leon cavallo, Richard Strauss and others.. It brings tha . personality of these great artists into the home, or any admirer. A simple roll of paper is Inserted In tha Instrument and lot alh the fire and delicacy, the tiniest velvet touch, all the pathos, all the expreaslon put Into the original - productions by the great pianists. Is brought out on the Welte. The Ellers Piano House have bad one of these ararvelous Instruments in their recital rooms, and all who have been favored with an opportunity to hear this wonderful piano hive been enraptured with ita playing. So great haa been tha demand for the Welte Instrument abroad -that but very few of them have ao far reached America, but during the past week Mr. Louis Burke, ona of Portlands most prominent cltliene and muale lovers, plaeed an order for the ona recently - received by tha Ellera Houaa which will be inatalled In hla new mansion to be ballt at tha head of Lovejoy atreet - - The Welte piano la ona of tha costli est musical Instruments yet placed upon tha market and la valued at 11,900. Ellera Piano Houaa have tha exclusive representation of thla wonderful piano on tha Paclflo coast ' The eeoond ' of tbeaa marvelous planoa to reach tha west baa Just been received and haa been placed In Ellera Recital Hall, where It ia on display. Dr. Francis Burgetta ' Short " will preach at the 11 a. m. aervloe today at the Taylor atreet Methodlat church. For tha evening aervloe a epeclal musi cal program haa been arranged by the choir. Dr. Short wlU make a short ad dress. The chapter of the Pal Omega, den tal fraternity, gave Ita seventh .annual banquet In the grill of tha Sargent ho tel Friday evening, April 1. An ex cellent menu waa discussed and an In teresting program waa thoroughly en joys. . '' a grand basaar will open at St Fatrlck'a hall. Nineteenth and Bavler atreeta Monday evening,, continuing through Tueeday evening. The besaar la an annual function and la held for tha benefit of St Patrlck'a church. Tbla will remind yoa that bow la the time to have your hair mattreesea reno vated and returned tha seme day. Phone Main 414- The Portland Curled Hair factory, U. Meisger, proprietor. i wire and Iron feneea for came terlea or lawns, phona East 70S. Colum bia Wire Iron works. ; A banquet of states will be given by DlAMONDSj April 4Tae wbo from April dates bag years .-. " SHamonda BbaU wear lest bittet got vats repeaeaaoe flow thla atone ' jhablem of Uaoeenoe la now,- i Our dlamonde are tha top notch of perfection. They ere per fection In ehape. perfection In cutting and - perfection in brll lianoy, reached by the moat pains taking care in their selection. We Import our. diamonds, and with the modeat profit that wa add, makee It a certainty that you can boy them right.. If you buy a diamond from ua you will be satisfied aa to quality and price. Stop and think, did you aver sea a Heltkemper oi to rn!' who was dlssaUafled wfi a purchsso made here? . Corns In and sea what, we have to offer . In diamonds, ' J TheGalleitRcmpcrCo. tea KOUXSOV ST.. , "Lowest priced Jewelry house for . , line goods. . the ladles of Centenary church, Eaat Ninth and Pine atreeta, May 1st, at 1:10 T. m. Each atata will be repre sented. Come and have a good dinner and meet your trlenda and nelghbore from your native atata. F. E. Beach Co.. tha Pioneer Paint company, agenta for Sonoma floor paint hygrnle kalsomlne, alabastlne. Old Eng lish, floor wax. Japalao. IIS First street. Phona, Mala lilt. . Bteamer Jessa Harklna. for Camas. Waehouga! and way leadings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock I p. m. . ;".' Special Sunday Dinner Turn water Oys ter parlors, - tit Morrison, five-course turkey dinner, toe. I to I p. m. Muslo. For 8 ale A few allghtly damaged Chatham Incubators for sale cheap. Ill Eaat Morrison, corner Flrat atreet ' Baseball. Professional grounds. Bralnard Cuba vs. Portland Trunk Co. Admission, 15a. , ' BasebalL Portland Trunk Co. va Bralnard Cuba, Professional grounda. Admlaalon, leo, Casoadla mining stock for sale; 18,000 shares, Phona Eaat 1117 or addreaa Sit Stanton atreet .: , Acme Otl Co. eelle tha beat safety coal aU and. fine gasoline. - Phona East Tit, For Kodaks, Kodak developing L L. Cohen, the Kodak a tore. Ill Sixth St. ' E W. Moore, expert photographer, Elka building. Seventh and Stark Bta. Mrs. Jamaa Ttfft haa gone to Collins Springs far a few weeks for her health. ' Baseball Today. Trl-clty league, Professional grounds. - Admission, I So. Why pay moreT Vetsger fit your ayea for IL 111 Sixth atreet. Dr. William Houae, servoue dlseaaea, 111-4 Oregonlan. ' Dr. Frank Q. Freeberger, lOS-t Bwet- land building. .. : - , . Berger Slgna 114 TamhtlPhona, : Geneva Lithta . Water It Fi-st Bt - p. Cbambera, optician. 111 Seventh, Dr. X 8. Courtney, In the Marquam. . MILLION AND HALF IS GOING INTO BUILDINGS 4 . Building perm He to the value I , of l,61t,4l . were Issued by 4 a Building Inspector Spencer , for 4 4 the first 10 days of April, sr- 4 ranged into weekly totals aa fol- 4 a .iowb: , 4 4 First week ....1I1.1IS 4 4 Second week ........... 100.000 $ 4 Third week IIS.1I0 4 4 ' . This indicates a total for tha 4 month -of does to It, 100,000, a d much larger volume of new con 4 . atructlon than haa aver before 4 4 ; paaeed through the Inspector's 4 office In any ona month. ; - AA A A A'' ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC TO , v , BUILD OTHER SAWMILLS Eugene, Or, April 10 It la reliably reported that the Southern Pacific com pany will at onoe begin the erection of another sawmill in tha Mohawk valley northeast of Eugene. . Tha company already haa two large milla in opera tion near Marcola, employing eeverel hundred men. It ia said the third will be larger than any of these, and may possibly be followed by atlll another before the year la ended. The com pany baa several thousand acres ol the finest timber land In the atata In that section enough to keep tha mills going for a long time. ... . m. Where, to Dins. ? Watson's' Restaurant will ' serve a fine chicken dinner toda& 10 oenta, , Western Division of the State Association Plans an n structive Session. 'v The coming session of th western division of tha Bute Teachers' associa tion, to be held in Salem July 1-1-1, promlaea to ba ona of tha moat helpful InsUtutes for the teeohsra. Coramls sloner of education Dr. B. B. Brown will probably apeak several , times and Superintendent William E. Chancellor of the Washington, D. C-, schools la on tha program for four addresses. Dr. Chancellor la a fluent and fear less speaker and one of the strongest men educationally In the United Btatea, Bring Tp Manual Training. ' . Professor L. D. Harvey of Menominee, Wisconsin, will bring tha aubject of manual training before the teachers In Its moat practical form. Hla lectures on how manual training aida in deter mining tha future choice of . trade . or profession are considered tha ableat yet written. ' The new compulsory educational law of Oregon will ba fully discussed by tha atata superintendents of Oregon, Washington. Montana and Idaho. . Mrs. Clara Waldo, regent of the Ore gon Agricultural college, will give an addreaa on "How a Teacher May Load a Rural Community. Mre. Eva Emery Dye, the author of "The Conquest." will epeak on "Tha Schools of tha Pioneer." "Education from a Buslnesa Man's Standpoint," will ba represented by W, P. oiaa. AH Salem Will Kelp. ' 1 Governor Chamberlain will deUver the opening addreaa and extend greet lnga to tha teachers. Salem la noted' 'for Ita fine musical talent and will make thla meeting a record breaker In that Una. Nothing will ba too good for tha teachers. Marlon county will Join with the state association, thus assuring a large and enthualaatio meeting. The pro gram for tha various sections will soon ba ready for publication., f - .'. BRUIN'S BRAVEST v SCARE MR. JONES Man Who Rods a Friend's Wheel Away Gives Himself Up ;V;V to the Polloe. .'' '. '; ? V If all wrongdoers followed tha ' ex ample aet by Walter Jones, alias Fred Jones, tha detective branoh of tha local polios department would ba Infallible. Fear ot being hounded by Inspector Brula'a sleuths so unnerved Jones that ha hurried to police headquarters and surrendered himself on a charge of lar ceny. It la alleged that tha young man stole a bicycle from Arthur Cameron, an east side machinist. . 1 After being booked at headquartera, Jonea waa. asked what bad caused him to give himself us. "Well. I'll tell you." said tha pris oner, "I was afraid of being bounded all over town by the detectives aad came to the conclusion that there waa no - escape from them whenever they got on your track." , t WATERWORKS SURVEY BY . MEN OF THE UNIVERSITY (Spade! Dtepateh te The JoenaL) Eugene, Or., April 10. During tha April vacation at tha university, three students, Walter Moore, William Bar ker and William Woods, under tha di rection of C A. McClaln. Instructor, and Professor B. H. McAlistsr, head of the engineering department, will rua levala II miles up tha McKenals river from Eugene for the city, la order to deter mine what fall can be- obtained and tha moat feasible route for a pipe Una for a proposed gsavity aystem of water works. The men will donate their time, but their expenses will be borne by the city., , r... .. - - Tha plan to have crewe of atudenta survey tha route of the proposed boat canal between Eugene and Corvallla has been given up, at leaat until next fall. Tha atudenta desired to do the work, but arrangements could not ba made in time to do It during vacation. . GAVE GIRLS LIQUOR AND NOW JUMPS HIS BAIL Jack Earla, who waa ' arrested soma time ago for plying young giria with liquor, haa Jumped hla ball and la bow a fugitive from Justice. Earls' s ball will not bo forfeited unless i deter mined effort to catch htm fails. Tha case of Louis ctuett who waa arrested with Earle. will ba continued for a time. Circuit Judge Fraser yesterday ma attarnev Dan R. Murphy permis sion to withdraw from tha defense of Earle. ! . - SILVERTON SCHOOL BOARD ELECTS TEACHER CORPS (Metal riaeeM te The feeraett Sllverton. Or., April 10. At a meet ing of the school d tree tore in this city last evening Miss Kentner waa elected principal -of the Bllverton schools for tha enaulng year, and the Misses Jones, Quick, Cowan, tjMcKlnnsy, Beckett and Welborn were elected teachers. Pro fessor Canfleld, who la now principal of tha school, will not ba retained. o4merican Restaurant com. nxmo Airs oooox bts. OPZXT BAT AJTD STTOXT. "Blames from, 11 a. m. to S p. aa. . Obloksa Soap a la gaUen free wlxa ateela. X.ettuoe toe. Siloed Texaatoaa . ... .104 Oveea Onions , . Turkey Salad, Kayoaaalaa eDreeelag .......204 Fried xtasoa Olama 154 Med XaUbnt 154 Fried Salmoa .....154 Balled Salt xCaekersl, Brawn Butter .....S54 Staaaied ZlUla STeek Clam........ 204 Olaaa Bomilloa aad Toast 154 Boiled Ox Tongue, aaooa Bobest. .204 Fried Calf Sweet Bralaa, ' em Beurre jtol 254 Obiokea Pot Fie with Pumpllnge. .254 Calf Braiaa Breaaed, White . kCusaroom Saae 254 Small TeadsrloU Beef, Baoea ItsJlaaaa 254 Boiled Spring Turkey, Oystei Baaea , ....854 Fork Spare xUbs with Bpicak....204 Baked Teal Sausage with Mashed rotatoea 204 Klneed Oaiokea la Oraaaa om Toast , .....204 Carry of Oaiokea Qiblete wrta siee 204 Oodflsk la Oreaaa oa Toast 204 Oora Beef Xaah aad PoaekeA Xgg 154 Boston Baked Fork asut Beaaa.,..154 BUOf Spring Obiokea aa Toast.... 404 Oakiaet Pudding, Taallla Seaoe...lS4 Side Order Frnddlng. 54 Boast Turkey, Cranberry Sauoe.,,354 Boast Spring Cbloke wltb, . - Dressing .....254 Boast Pork with Dressing-.,. 154 Boast Teal ..204 Boast Beef, Fan Oravy ....164 Boast Spring Unb, Mint Baoee, Oreea Feaa .204 Asparagus oa xoaat 10a, Badlabaa..54 Btrawberrr loo Cream 104 Coffee, Bread and Butts aad Fetatoea with an meals. AM3BXOAV UMMTMVtUJn, Cor. Third aad Ooaoh Bta. Stuae frosa 11 a. as. to S p. xe tVINE AND ivo.ten 7 CAUSED WILDE'S FALL Man Who Converted Ice Into '. Pleasure Refuses to Re- turn for Trial. Chief of Police Gritsmacher received a telegram from Chief Kara of Loa Angeles yeeterday conveying the Infor mation that A. R. Wilde wanted In tola city ror tha alleged embexslement of 1100 from the Crystal loa and Stor age company last November, baa been captured in the city of Angela Another telegram received lata In tha day stated that Wilde will not consent to being taken back to Portland without extradi tion papera. - Governor Chamberlain alrned the nec essary docunjente yeeterday and Deteo- tlve Hellyer left Immediately for tha south after the prisoner. It la alleged that Wilde, who was vm. ployed by the Ice company as a col lector, lived beyond his means and In order to make up tha deficiency be tween nia eaiary ana rus exoensea an- proprlated tha money Of hla em olo vera. Wine, women and automobUea are said to nave oeea the ptrincipar factors In nia aownraii, ....... - v . . , . . , BERT HUFFMAN'S POEMS : SOON TO BE PUBLISHED (Seerlal IMapateh t Tse Jeeraal.1 Pendleton, Or April SO. The first volume of original poems aver pub lished by an eastern Oregon author la now being issued by Bert Huffman, edi tor of tha East Oregonlan, from - tha preesee of that paper. Tha booklet will comprise about 40 pages, will contain a number of Moorebousa photographs. ana win oe anisucaiiy printed and bound. It will ba entitled "Bong of tha Oregon Pine and Other Poema" It will laaua from tha preaa about May 1. Exposition Rink Wilt Close. Saturday. May 11. anda tha existence of tha Exposition rink aa a roller Bleat ing resort, and as thia data la but three weeks hence thoee who enjoy roller akatlng under delightful eondltlona ahould Improve the opportunity of tha few remaining daya to enjoy eeverel good skates. Three aeaalona are bald dally. Parsons' orchestra afternoons and evenlnga No admission charged mornings; ladlea and children admitted iree arternoons. k1 iLi The Finest Ready-to-Wear Clothing in the World ' , ' ... ... ....... ... . . ;. , . . Possess every distinguishing feature which ' the most skilled designers and expert tailors can put into clothes They are guaranteed to retain their shape for one year. . . ;.,;;':'" v ' ' If the front of coat of a Chesterfield suit breaks back or otherwise; loses its shape in one year's wear we will give customer new suit free. TTD W MY 269-271 MORRISON STREET 3C PERSONAL Mr. D. MeAUen of MoAllen a Mc Donnell haa been dangerously 111 with heart failure, but la now reoovertng. - Robert H. ohneton of Walla Walla, a -it wut. hiialneaa man and DOlltlclan of the Inland Empire, la at tha Port land hotel. Mr. jonnsura is', accom panied by M. Martin of tha Baker Boyer bank of alia Walla. They are In Portland in regard to eecurlng trana for privileges for a large warehouaa they tre building. ' Walter Lyon, a well known news paper man and politician of Albany, la at the Imperial hotel ' $4,550 Entire Block. On east side, between Hoyt, Irving, Twenty third " and - Twenty fourth. Streetcar line being built " all - along south side of block. Big bargain, aa wo got contract . before atreetcara were assursd. Can't buy anything Ilka It In tha neighborhood for. the prloe. The moment you buy It at-thla figure your bargain ia good forllOO profit on each lot. Qua Wunach, 104 and tot Lumber Exchange building, Seoond and Stark Ueeta, V ' " 1 ' REAL COFFEE Coffee that senda a rich noetrll tlckllng aroma through the house . of a morning, ao that tha atupld eet aleeper wakea and anlffa hap pily ooffee that la all coffee, crisp, pungent: that la tha kind of coffee we meke it our buelneea to aelL We have tha finest gradea grown aa high In price aa you want, but all well worth what you pay. Cheaper gradea. too standard packagea but only tha boat poa alble for the price. Coffee lan't all we keep freab and Inviting quality and tha buyer-e economy are our mottoea In every bit of gooda wa sell, . , D C BURNS CO. . emooBBa. 10 Third Street. Fbeae SEala SIS. EXPOSITION RINK ltTat AJTD WASstZsTOTOV BTS. Three Weeks More of ROLLER SHATKG Oat la now and enjoy the sport re 'tie too lata. . ' Blak elosea BCay H, jtOT. Adjraissloa 10 ' Skates 28 The line ot HIGHEST MERIT Always to be Found it Ellers, the House ot,iilghest QuzUtj L' sTaV .afSk Ail t A Dtortn 1 .' , . c ''-is..' .' THA lUXvA Of tat UIICJC rinf delightf tha musical - - v.. J-V . UDDngunur. tim muneea. fullneit, kave a' askad for, dickering- affords tha greatest possible pleasure either to the . finished musiciin or the mere lover of music - i, strength and reionanca ' ." xMiwJx .boolutely nothing to be yM'V". or, .The poooeiaioB of s ' t '.. . Y'l a a' VA."WYa Fourth Picture Chlckering Art Contest This te s fine one for clever girle and boya to color. Cut it out, touch it up with either wtter-colore or crtyons, and oend It in to the Art Contest Department, together with the others appearing in the three pet Sunday Journals. Watch for the next four. - See the fine prizes offered for the best sets, Mnd some of the sketches ireaif submliitd, ', now displayed In our corner window. CinCKERlNO PIANOS ARB SOLD EXCLUSIVELY THROUGHOUT TUB PACIFIC NORTHWEST B&gesV Busiest and Best The House ot HIGHEST Qsa.V 1 1 ejaavAss tstf V V Sue v4 i