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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
IS ll "f"f'.; " ' ' V' : " Mil9' ' ' " - ' - - - - ? ! 'll - TJ.i'. I 1 : - . .I1- ; I r-V- w I ' ',w? "''"' t ' - " r" jUllbUlirAbbtU v rv V " 1L v 1 1 i 7 V 1 . - 4 - Ml- j , . ' already noted a affording en of. tlx V ' ,-, , I 111' . 'I -V'- : ill I " ' nnrilin ' I HIT mwM panoramas ef an? trolley f Ttt " - - - ZttT tr-1 111 1 1 - --V-'.i 111 1 -i- i 8CEIIIC LI(IE"r;:. Y Jr, v ' o- ill: ; nue to Council Crest Would " Be Unequaled. EASIER GRADE AND . MUCH CHEAPER HAUL 'rHreetca Company ( Officials N Deny ' Any Such Change Is Contemplated, I But Surveyors , Daves Set Stakes I Along the Proposed Route. . . i -; "'.', . i 11 1 '' " -' ; ' i Tbtre: Wi jrtronr WtIt1 of Jbe 're port 'that tb TrUand JlaUwaTr Ufbt A Power.- company U : prepartfla . to,, ex tend th Council Creat eUotrlc Una aaat alons t Council Creat drlva t tha Xarquto Hill property, thanoa through tha Portland City Komaataad proparty. tha O. B. N. tract, tha Moffatt and iCartwrlxht tract . to tha weat and of Hamilton arenua, then aaat on Hamil ton arenua to Corbett' atraat, whara tha ara oould ba brought Into tha city ovar tha Third atraet llna.j Within tha paat lew days surveying parties have been aettlng stakes on Hamilton arenua wast from !Tbatt street, and rm tip over ttlt hill In tha direction of Council Crest. It la dented ty the officials of tha street railway- company that there Is any. In-, mediate intention of extending the Council Crest Una, tha further sugges tion being mad that the proposition is not thought ts ba practicable. It la known, howerar, that that company soms'tlm ago secured a right of way Jong Council Creat drtra, which would bring H to the Marquam H1U property. "". - rade Z Saslac - Tha srada ever this routs from Coun cil Crest to Corbett street, is said to be much easier than that by which tha creat U bow reached. ' The projected extension wauld make available for realdenc purposes several hundred acres Of the most daairsbat cart of the heights. Land that Is now craeticallr inaccessible and of little value would rapidly fill up with beauti ful homes. On Sundays and holidays the present Council Creat line cannot begin to han dle the crowds that swarm alone Wash ington .street,' waiting for chance to take a ride over the hills. The sugges tion is often made that the street rail way company find soma way to relieve this congestion. Those who have stud- led the question are convinced that thej projeiea namuvoB avwnue uivneien presents the most practicable solution of the difficulty. Thia extenalon would unfold to view all of Houth Portland I ,. , .: : . , ..' , J i - v- n .av Lakg County Courthouse, to . : and the upper Willamette to Rlversdala, which cannot be aean 'from any, point on the existing line, and would add greatly to the scenic beauty of a road already noted as affording ens of . the nneat saemo panoramas or any trolley 11ns In the country. , " ; ; ' , atara,aaa XIII Tlew. . In fact, tha view from tha proposed extension, aa it wenld -pasa over Mar quam Hill, tha Portland City Homestead and the O. It N.! tract, would far-excel anything to be seen on the line at present;' even the dome of Council Crest cannot compare with it ; At some points along the proposed Una all . that can be aean from the dome of the crest is in sight and, la addition, a most Interest lag view f the river for miles tip and down may be had. The electrlo display at tbs Oak as seen from the -head of Hamilton avenus is a magnificent sight such as would Induce thousands to make the trip at night over- the extension, thus adding greatly to. the revenuee of the road. The qnentloa has often been anked why this fine realdenc district which is less than two. miles front the postofnee, had not been settled up. The answer Is, the went of transportation. STREETCARS I'IIL SOON ; RUS TO ROSE CITY PARK ' '., ; . ' - f. ' v i 'v -. ti ', ; ... ' , f;. '' .! - v'- : First Carload of Steel Ralls Has ' Been Laid and the Grade Is Practically Completed.', , j The first carload of steel rails was laid on the new Rose City Park lino of the- Portland Railway, Light V Power company during the past week. Two other cars of rails have arrived and are being delivered elong ths right of way Of the Una . The new line extends from Esst Twenty-eighth -street out ; the Bandy road to the eastern boundary of Rose City Park.; The rails of the O. B. N. track bay been cut at the Bandy road crossing and a new steel crossing put in. The entire grade of the extension has been completed except for a few hundred feet through, the hill in the park. . Ths work of building the line is being pushed forward ss rapidly as possible and it is believed that ears will bar running to Ross -City Park not later than 'July 1. t . Columbia slough residents are agitat ing ths extension of the line (rem Roaa City Park northeast to the slough read, a distanoe of about three miles. . The grade of this extension would be very light and it Is sstlmsted that it could be built at a minimum coot Thar Is also some talk of making an effort to Induce the atraet railway company to extend the line along tha elovgh road to Troutdals. there oonnectlng with the O. W. P. extension from Oreaham, thus forming a loop that would Up a ary rich and prosperous country that Is rapidly filling up with people. . Mettger fits your ayes for 10. . ill Sixth street, near Washington. '. , " , - it , Be Erected at Lakerlew, Oregon. " ri M r . THE . OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAt PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO, APRIL - 21, -. OF (S.I. SCOTT. 16 J MVGWAVZ. (lEVi PORTLAND .... , " ". . ; i J 8PRIIIGIIIG UP . ..' -t . r X - ;'"r r Appearanc of the City's' Retail Section WiltSoon Be Ma-V . .j . . terially Changed. IMPROVEMENT IS ' ; ? s THE ORDER OF THE DAY High, Permanent Business Structures Are Taking the Place of Ancient Shacks on Prominent Corners Unprecedented Building Epoch.' Portland is experiencing a flood tide of building development unlike anythtnr or tha kind that has aver been known on the Pacific coast except perhaps tha rebuilding of San Francisco following ths earthquake. -.'.' , t It is probably no exaggeration to nlace the value of the solid, substantial im provement nowin progreaa In this city st SMOO.OOO snd the estlmsta does not Uke into account the hundreds of res idences that are going up In an parte of the city. Since the first of April. butldln permits bsvc been Issued by in Dunaing inspector to ths value of about tl.iui.OOfl, mere than five-sixths of which was for buslnsss houses that are tn gn op In the center of the city, wives Vorttaad Srew Appearance. : With the completion of the ten or a flosen eight to 10-ctory structurea, now In process of construction, in the cen tral part of the City the appearance of tha retail district wlU be completely ehanfd. A Sumner of old landmarks, that have occupied prominent business corners tm many years pant, lists been demolished to make war for tha mod ern ateel and brick and concrete struc tures, notably ths old Schiller clgsr tore snd vthrs st th northwest cor. ner of Fourth snd Washington, to make why for th RothscMld building; the southeast corner of Fourth and Oak, tha sits of the proposed Board of Trade structure; the northwest corner cf Fifth and Oak. where the home of the Com mercial club la to be; the north a at and northwest corners of Alder snd Park to give place to. the Baldwtn-Downln Office building snd the new Cornelius hotel: the northwest corner of Seventh and Oak, th alt of th proposed Beck building: the southwest corner ef Sec. nd and Salmon, tha, alte of the pro posed four-story Chines building snd the Hart building st the southeast cor. ner ef Second and Alder, which has been practically torn out and rebuilt ' Store Ss e Com. In addition to these, it Is altogether probable that the Northrup corner at Fourth and Aider and th Brady quarter block at Fifth and Stark will b cleared of their old rookeries and become the Sites f modern. . up-to-date business blocks, within ths yesr. Th entire hnlf-block on the west etde of Eleventh between Washington snd Stark has been cleared of old houses and mads ready farithe erection- ef handsome buildings; th HoIbTonk-Lameon hotel on the cor ner of Stark snd Eleventh snd ths M. S. Cob building cn Washington and Elev. enth. . , ,;.. Changes powatowa. The Salvation Army meeting house on Fourth atraet near Taylor waa torn out during tha-paat week and the owner of the lot, p. S. Stearns, will begin the erection of a four-story building, to be acoupled by a Front strset whole sale bouse, . Th aaent shacks On the northwest corner of Burnslds ' and Front street are being rased that work , ' ' "';r- may begin On the excavation for a new four-ate ry building 100 by 110 feet moat of which will bo occupied by the Willam ette Tent dc Awning company. Ths old New Tork hotel, tha first hotel In Portland, stood on that corner. The old hotel was put up la 1164. when Front street waa ths main thoroughfare in ths little strarfkling town. H. Wemme bought thia property several months ago fot ttO.OOO and has been-offered a sub etnt'el advance on the coat, but de clined all offers, preferring to Improve It .. . ..t .:".;. : W. X Morgan. wh has begun the erection ef th, story brick building covering ths -wrwr block at tha north west corner Grand avenue and East SUrk. street, has altered the plans Of th eiruetur to . provMe for an addi tional, etory. Tha change calls for sn additional expenditure of about 1 11.000, Mr. -Morgan - wilt Install elevator sorvfee In th budding; which waa hot at firs contemplated. --.'. On th Bast soda, .'" , '. The Beckmen bunding at East Burn side street ' and Vnloa avenue, the Proud foot hotel V East Third and East Burnsld streets, the Markell structure at Eaat Morrison atreet and Union avenue, are all well under way, the excavations being about completed. On story of th Mitchell, Iewls as Btsver Duiwing st east Morrison and East Second streets, is finished. ' This will be one of the largest wholesale houses In Portlsnd and th only one that rests en concrete piling. ' i Th hug blocks ef granite that form th walls tt th first three atorlea ef tha Corbttt building are being placed In po sition, on tn west side brloK laying nss begun at U rourth story. . Nearly all ths cement flooring throughout the building has teea laid. - , PROFESSIONAL MEPJ FIND ?N0 ROOM IN BUILDING Office In Wells-Fargo Structure ; , Reserved for Transportation ' Companies and Others. 1 At th tint the construction "of th Wells-Fargo building was begun th an nouncement wss made that' none but transportation companies and manufac turers would be allowed to office lit the new l)-tory structure. This original Intention is being strictly adhered to. The intention la to make th building a nearly aa possible strictly a trana portatlon headquarters. ' - It is understood that th Southern Paclfla snd O. R. ft N. companies will occupy the seven upper etorles. The remaining rour eoove-grouna stones will be occupied elmoet entirely by the Colorado Fuel Iron Co.. the Union pacific Coal Co., the Pacific Railway ft Navigation Co the Carnegl Steel Co., the AlaKka Salmon Packera, and a Min nesota lumber company. The Wella Fargo and the Northern Pacific express companies will occupy all of th ground floor. . On email room on th ground floor will be occupied by a cigar atore. The indications' ar that th building will b entirely finlahed and ready for occupancy by July 1. . . -.. . .'. ' flmKh fittll at Large. .' , (Joarn.l trlst Service.) . 1 Onktand. April to. Frank Smith, the discharged waiter, who last night shot and killed John Marovlch. his former employer, in the preaenc of th vic tim' wife and scores of guests In Mar. covlch's restaurant has not ret been apprehended, although a thorough search baa been mado In Oakland,, San Fran, ciaco and other bey cities. Snowstorm at penrer. ' IJ.winul gpertal ServleaJ Ienvr, Col., April 10. ; Thirteen Inches of snow fsll hers last night This Is ths heaviest snow storm in April sines lilt. Ths storm was general. . o&pv ,t a -i .. -Ill . T - j a a hi SEWERS ARE III GREAT DEMAND Growth of Portland Shown In the Increased Need of Drainage ; System Extensions.1' , , BROOKLYN SEWER IS HUGE CONSTRUCTION JOB City Engineer's Departinent Prepares for Fay More Work tn This Une ', Than Ever Before sad Property ' Owners Reiterate Their Petitions. ! Portland ha In process of construc tion nearly t00.000 : worth ef ' sewer work, practically all ef which is on ths east sld. Th longest snd most ex pensive pleo of swr construction new under way is ths Brooklyn district aewer. which is nearly thre mile long, 1.100 feet of which Is tunneling. Ths cost at this trunk sewer Is sbout 110. 00, snd it is Umatd that tbs laterals, which will hav to b put In wlthla th next year or so, will cost as much as the main trunk. Th Vernon and lrvingtoo height STEEL FRAME 1 : k Erection of the Steel frame of the progressing rapidly. Tha frame of th the upright ef th third fleer having b ap by Jun X. . - -. . 1007. district sewer, th contract for the eon atructlon of which will be let In the nest. few-weeks, is one ,ef. the .heavy pieces of sewer work that will be pvl in during th year. The district which will be covered by . this system" m bracss something over city lota and wUl coat nearly 1110,000. . -. ; sen Srabtage Sate Celambla. . Tha present plan of rthe nglnerint department la to mske th Vernon sewer an extension ef. ths Irvington main trunk, but the residents ef ths district to be benefited ar opposed to this, plan snd hav protested t the eounoll, asking that rthe aewag from that portion of th city b drained north Into Columbia slough. Instead ef south west Into tbs Willamette river, Ballwood apd . surrounding 'territory will probably bs the neat larg district that will be sf forded proper a werage faolUtlaa- Th elty engineer is now st work preparing th necessary surveys, mapa, sstlmsted cost eUv, for a trunk eewer for this district The cost of th Sellwood main, although pearly aa long, will net ba more than half the coat of the Brooklyn main. One reason for this difference In cost is that no tunneling will be necesssry in reaching th river through Seiiwoed, snd th fall is mor gradual , ... - a astern Fart sTds Sewer. . Montavilla and that portion ef Meant Tabor that was taken into th city at th Isst- election ar expected te be clamoring far aewer at aa early date. Th western slop ef Mount Tabor will probably b connected up - with th Sunnyalde system, while the main Montavilla sawsr will In all probability connect at eom point with the Irving ton main. However, th City sngtneer's Offlo reports that an Immens amount of surveying and establishing street grades will be necessary la these dis OF COMMERCIAL CLUB BUILDING IS RISING '.. Commercial club building at the northwest corner of Fifth and Oak strata ia first three floors will be in portion by th already been set It Is expeeted that th tricts beore any sewer work ess k done. -. v . i . ,A chain .of mall sewers; landing ' le .&pott atreet from. Esat-XaeatVets-to Eaat Twenty-fourth is beli-g liullt it. a cost of aoout tlO.WO.4 MT'oTt system tn North Irvington la unrl-r construc tion which will coat about Ili.toO. . In, South Portland, beyond Hamilton avenua and -Cast -ct th Macadam 'road, there la a district that la rapidly filling, up with people and mnu'acturUg planta that 1 anxlnus for eewars. Additional aewer are badly needed on portions of Willamette heiglue and Portland heights. . Large srins In both localities, where extensive building operation will go on thl sutnarer, ar without sewer cepneellons. - The elty engineering derertmnt ' Is looking forward to an immense amount of ' aawer work within, the next two years, i Larg areas . that hsv been taken Into th rlty recently will have te be provided for. ? 1 . " NEW REALTY COMPANY i Meesra. E.-B. Lab be. J. S.. P. Copland and W. H. Thomas, three well known young Portlandera. have formed a co partnership and will ngag In tha reel estate, inau ranee and loan business. Th firm has taken offices in the Labbe building. Second and .Washington' etreeta. Mr. Labbe I a member ef the well knows Portland family ef that nam. J, a p. Copland has been for S9 years a resident of Oregon and wa"S grand -nephew of tha late Mra. 8. O. Reed. W. IL Thomas Is s well known newspapsr worker. Th Swastika. Mex ican emblem ef good luck, has been Sdopted by the firm as a distinctly business emblem, which it la hoped will bring good luck te th firm's custo mer . .. .Y . , i v 1 I " 1 S i-veK v- ve-eV. jfc-eve- -y A middle it next week, a portion of ' skeleton of tue entire structur will .