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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1907)
t '.- SECTION -TWO PAGES 17 TO 32 PORTLAND, OREGON.. SUNDAY . MORNING, ' APRIL ' 21, 1907. C2C3C3 MOW fit OFFERINGS - ; '' - ' f') " , 4 ' ' '--a S-5 rx-N ' ' '':-'ir v'' ft,' Now for a Suit Sale matmmstmiMii puits at a Saving And Every One Crisp, Fresh Spring MMels, We wrint Weary you with Ion story of' how we came to make thii tremendoai ' bargain possible. Suffice to aay that under very unusual circumatancea we own theae auita aothatwe can and WILL aell them for less than such splendid gar ments will be offered for In this city under any circumstances, by any other firm. The" sale is a disposal of hundreds and hundreds of high-class Tailored Suits, , aome of the moat becoming styles ever designed. The materials are the finest wool mixtures in the moat approved weaves and patterns, stripes, checks, plaida and invisible checka and plaids, as well aa some neat homespuns and mixtures. Nearly all of these suits have the popular three-quarter length aleevea. . , n Suits Worth $25 to $28.50 at$16.75 At hc suits h this lot ar in th pratty JEjton" mVdcl "Made with' ahqrjt aleeves, materials are at,ripesw checks and plaida, -in the swagger tan and white or black 'and white, and in 'mixtures. Trimmed with fancy buttons, braid and auk. iyr ,igmiu SuitsWorih$32.50toW50,$23.85 These suits are in Pony Jacket and Eton styles, materials are smart suitings fa stripes, checks and plaida, also in greenish mixtures. Among the striped and checked patterns, the very swagger black and white and tan and white comblna-' tions are very -plentiful. They're nicely made and tastefully trimmed with straps and buttons, fancy braid and velvet. Some are collarleaa, while other modela have ' shawl collars of black silk or regulation manniah collars of velvet or same material aa suit. Many of the suits have pique vests and cuffs, a decidedly smart A Op effect. Choose from these perfect suits, worth $32.50 to $48.50, for only. . yfaJ.OD Suits' Worth $16.50 to $20 af $8.95 A.1 1 I .Si'" --XT J ... C "f ' ' . tgMi vr-;;;";:,-: Choose from this lot and secure a very awagger suit for little money. They'ara In J rA Ifl 5,1 , j jlTtVv ; wool mixtures or light weight Panamas, and the trimminga are very tastefully.,. !'-Jr)R used. .Choice of three atylqa. Pick out the one that you like beat in the ilhistratioty- Jjtf Z Z. WrVVfii ' ' that surrounds this ad. Pony. Jacket, Eton and Prince Chap models; collarlcsa ' ,' ,, j Vf,rt SMj2Sil3 atyle or have collars of silk or' self material. Pleated style skirts. Aa am .T - ' . ST" a.3a I A. 1 BTVSl .KIB K.W S hajm a km a A kAa B BI . Bi I ja E 1 ill aM V ri llf 1 S - AM mil I . . BB.i a T. r ..IL "N L mr- "V SBP' jr-'fe': 0- Pa 'Monday afTuestteyA ''V - No Phone Orders Taken None Sent On Appwtal '' ' ' ' 1'' . . r r , - v "v - it ' imiiiiii i - - - r s .. m m if it -jaa a" -ajr ni IlJI m I sraaaBEk, v l --a - i - sbtl t,vvaii u ; a ' - - bbb aaai Rarely Beautiful Haviland China in a C Greaf Sae Share fn These laues Third ' Floor Please 5 ' Buy for about one-third the regular price, some'', delightfully pleasing llaviland-' China while' this - sale is on. .. ; i.-.s . ..; . j Bought so- that j we eould give an ' overwhelming bargain, and .sold at figures that we have not been able to duplicate before this. : ; . , The lot intludes pudding saucers,, oat meal dishes, berry dishes' and soup plates, all in a variety of deco rations and shapes. Now read how they sell: " - "V -- ' Soup Plates, that sell regularly for $6.00 dozen, in this sale ?) Afk .aDa.UU for.;i Regular $7.00 'values, J2 Regy,at 7,60 vfu"' 5Q OaMeal DlVhVs! PuddinJ Dishes, Baked Apple Dishes O and Berry Sauces, regularly worth $4 the dozen for, ea. . l&C eguiariy .w aozen, egularly $5.75 dozen, 1 ch ...IDC Reg. worth $4.50 doz., each 14c Regularly $5.50 dozen, J j Alore Smaivare Specials for You Nickel , Plated Scissors,, in six or levtn-inrh ize; regular--. 'OCi value 5)c the pair; special. . awl Writing Paper, fine linen finish, in white only; regular 2Sc the C box; special at........ 1JC Bewitchingly Pretty Hats $5A9, $5, $7.50, $i 0 1 II ,1 I I I I I I III .1 "I 4 ' 1 1 11 III MM .11, l II I I 1 Trimming are Used with rare taste, and skill on the Hats we offer in this sale; the shapes are hand made and lata models.' Flowers-are much in evidence, among the decorations, and pretty ribbons are employed to good advantage.- We'll challenge any to equal the values, and we know they're . o JQ A CIO far the prettiest as well as the beat hats offered, this season for these prices... ).4I $) 'y I OVJ plU Handsome Carpels yft are showing some of the rich est Carpets ever woven. They are .a late shipment of Royal. Wiltons, "carpets that ahould have been here ' some time ago. " Spend .an ' hour looking over these auperb. carpets. ' Twill be a rare treat to- you, we're sure of that Nonrealistic effatts, in wonderfully pretty , brown' and green shades. Special Baby Carriages and Oo Carta. Sale of Oriental Ruga still on Uollons, Toilet G'ds Light Werght Dreaa Shields,- regu lr or shirt waist styles, A all sizes; special, pair . 1UC Ball Top Hat Pina, 10c value v4 Plain Side Combs, 25c value.. 17 Wire Coat Hangers, special.., 4a Robert's Best Needle Case, Targe SMortment needhes; worth , OQ1 45c; special, only ......i... 0C Witch Haael Toilet Soap; , -I A special, 2 cakes for '. . IvC 1.1b. Bar White Castile Soap..lOf tl.50 Hair Brushes, imported J08e 25c Imported Tooth Bnshea..lO Men's Ties 1 :y-25cy:" A whirlwind bargain on Men's Neckwear; - a ' splendid assort ment, all colors and many pat terns; made of first rate silks, in French fold :or reversible, styles, and as good a 50c value as you can find. Choice all this week 25 c 3 Linen Specials Table Damask, 72 inches wide, in unusually beautiful patterns, full bleached; a regular $1.25 J AC quality; special ,.'.ltv Napkins to match the damask just described, full dinner sise; regular ly sold st $3.25 the doien; dJO 7C special, this week, at. Whits Batiste, for lingerie wsist ings, soft finish;, a t regular 40c grade; special, ) , )Kn the yard uOK. Women's Und'rvr Fancy.. Lace Trimmed Vests, of white cotton, low neck, sleeveless style; regular 35c value;- OQ special . ... .. . .At JC Women'i Union ' Suits,' of white cotton, knee length, with tight fit ting knee, low neck and sleeveless; 60c kind ........ lJC Women's Union Suits, fine white lisle, ankle length, with high neck and long sleeves; ., 75c ............. DIC Women's Vesta, Swiss ribbed lisle, light weight, high neck and long sleeves; regular 50c J29c Women's Shoes Low Shoes for warmer weather. Six distinct styles sre here in low Shoes at f 3.60 Come in plain or patent leather, light or heavy aoKes, nave the high or military heel, lace or button stjles, and among, the lace the large eyelets for wide rib bon ties are much in fa- Cfl vor. Choice of 6 styles.., yJ.UU Exquisite French Lingerie Sells for Half ; : Price Share in These Values Second Floors-Sixth Street These garments are the most beautiful' possible to design or manufacture. They are genuine imported goods that we bought, from, the manufacturer at great reductions because they were travelers' samples. Some ofrthem are in need of laundering, but not one whit less good on that account. Most every garment among them is hand embroidered, and the designs are indeed dainty : and fetching. The assortment contains cor set covers, drawers, chemise; night gowns and long or short petticoats. Buy any garment in the f if-If lot for half its worth. Children' Rompers, of cham bray gingham, in pink, light blue or gray, made in yoke ef fect, with pocket and o belt ; reg. 40c value. .... 0 C Plush Cushion Tops, in red, or light or dark green ; regular price 65c each ; AH special C Another larg shipment of Art Materials 1' just received. In cluded b the lot are the rt?w "Skidoo" or automobiles. Heatherbloom Petticoats, a new shipment in black arul colors. Ask to see the r '--Scott Hip Form and L.: At the corset counter. Souvenir Post Curd VJrilinn Tr Souvenir Post Card Writirj T; lets, two rsrds on cover; ' ' 15c value f r ' - I r c 0,