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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO. APRIli 13, , 1CC7. MIDDLETON COUPLE CELEBRATE THEIR FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Store Closes Saturday flight at 6 o' Clock Millinery -Notion Bargains Talcum Powder, rood sized cans, violet borated kind; f special value at, the can ,.2C Bixby'a Combination Shoe f Polish, reg. 15c package .. IC Today There are ome mighrpr good bargains in the millinery ection and we want you all to participate. Save about third on tailored Hats. Agents The Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Warners r m m 'jii i ii -anrpiji i i n sjn i m "m p ' as iw w iweii i api i 1 1 i ' n yn i n " n i 'i" mwwmmt I' ihm Tin ' i ii i i i ii I Suit Mr. and Mrs. James W.'Baker of Mlddleton, Oregon. - ,, MoKlnney of 'Castle Rock, Washington, Mr. Chrla Ryaa of Dundee, Oregon, and Kev. EL O. Hornachucj of Portland. Mr. and Mr. Baker war married April 11, KIT. at OranvtUa, Iowa. Ttaay moved to Oregon la 1171 and hay re sided oa their tana at Mountain Bom Tar sine. .... . -. Mr. and Mrs. Bakar are loved dearly by thalr children, highly respected by tbelr neighbors, and hare baea a bless ing to all with whom they earn la con tact , ,- . . - -v. ' . Mlddleton. Or, April-1. On April II Mr. and Mra. James W. Baker cele brated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding at their home near Mlddleton. it was. yery pleaaant eveat. - The near Telatlves preaent were ana eon, two aaugnters, on son-in-law, two daughters-in-law, 11 grand children, and four Sreat-grandohlldren. On son. three one-ln-law and on grandchild were as sent . The invited gueata preaent were Mr, w. a Jackson of Portland. Mra. R, A. THE NEW WAY TO DRINK IS tBY INJECTION INTO THE ARM : . 4-, . T theman to whom the local option lawa in his "dry community present , Insurmountable obstacles la the way of quenching hla eontlnuona thirst, there la o longer need of htm traveling Into another las restricted county la order to secure a drink, . Under sanction of the highest medical authority In the world all th effort necessary on his part now Is to pur chase . a bottle of alcohol at th drug store, a hypodermic syrlng and bare an tuck of neuralgia, the latter either real or imagined. The alcohol has been pronounced an Infallible cure for th neuralgia and th maa with th thirst can thus have severe attacks as many time a weak as aonvenient With his bottl of alcohol handy and th Injector readjr the neuralgia attack a secondary consideration the toper can nJoy at hla leisure th exhlllrating influence of th fir water as he squirts It Into his arm. Only a few day ago at th meeting of th medical congress In Berlin, Dr. Sohloaser, an eminent German physician who discoveries before hay brought him no lltUe note, stated that after five rears of experimenting he bad found th best cure for neuralgia ' was th Injection of alcohol. Under hla own, pa rsonal observation It had proved suc cessful In lot cases when all other rem edies had failed. RECKLESS YOUNGSTERS WITH GUNS SCARE PEOPLE ON TABOR HEIGHTS Women's Waists Worth io $t.50at 98c $1 Short Kimonos 69c i ' , , . . ... , . , . 1 . ' . Lingerie Waists of fine sheer white lawn, trimmed in most exquisite fashion with lace and embroid ery. Splendid examples of rich bodice loveliness. A clean up of a lot of about 600; Waists. We want to sell every one of them Saturday, in fact, there must not be one of the entire lot left when the 6 o'clock bell rings. They come with long or short sleeves, some are in daintily trimmed effects and some in quite plain tailored models. The materials are fine, sheer lawns and dotted Swisses. Some of them have solid fronts of eyelet or Eng lish embroidery, some have lace yokes and some have yokes of dainty, small tucks. Now the regular prices of the beautiful bodices run from $1.75 to $4.60 each; all in one lot, choice, only NONE SOLD ON PHONE ORDERS AND NOT MORE THAN THREE WAISTS TO ANY ONE CUSTOMER. PLEASE COME AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE AND CHOOSE YOUR WAIST. Women's Kimonos, of extraordinarily pretty figured lawns, trimmed with plain white goods of the same material. Have full sleeves and are good styles, neat and comfortable, an ideal house' garment for summer wear. Buy now and save, for these regular dollar values go Saturday for .,. . .... (6(ac 69 People who live on Tabor heights complain of the shooting In th park site on the crest.. They declare that It should he stopped by the eltyauthor itlea. as the location la Vithin th city limits.-' Boys and sometimes young men are in th Mbit of going np thVbtll with -small weapons,-ll-rtfles and re volvers, and shooting promiscuously as If they were-out alone In th timbered - mountains instead of In th metropolis of .th Pacific northwest. Tn - resl- dents are . afraid to go outsld their homes on account of this reckless prao tlos that la allowed to go on. Chinese pheassnts are heard In th arty morning In the park and there are numerous squirrels and small animals that afford an object for practice with nmit arms. . - Th summit Of Mount Tabor la a van pretty plaoe, -end many people Uk to visu ins piac. Thousands journeyed to th mountain last Sunday and many would Ilk to, visit It during th week dui ior xear or tneir llves. HENEY IS HERO OF THE HOUR AT SAN FRAKCISCO r. - . -j .; -. v Speaks at Anniversary Banquet and ' Is Given Ovation Dis cusser Pure Government. ' ' San Francisco, April It. At th ban quet of the Merchants' association at that Falrmount hotel last nljfht, whlcn was tha closing evvnt of San Francisco's celebration of her rejuvenation on the first snnlversary of th earthquake and fire, FranclB J. Heney, the leading fig nr In th graft proseontlon. was th hro f th hour. His speech at the banquet waa frequently Interrupted by enthusiastic cheers. ' Heney ssld to th 1,600 men who were present tost the people of San Fran cisco are now on trial before the na tion to show wnetner iney are or a nign enough class to govern themselves properly. As It Is not the buildings that make the city, so it Is not th party that makes th government, said Heney. The Question was whether the Mool possess high enough standards . . ....... A root it out Heney declared that no person eon- nected with th graft prosecution is Inoculated with th deslr to profit po - Utloally. Hs said that Sprockets had never had It and he .himself had his po litical appendix removed In Arlsona. He referred sarcastically to ths largs num ber of veniremen drawn for th Ruef trial who besleg Judge Dunne with ex eurea In : order to bft relieved from serving. , . Among other speakers at the banquet were Governor James N. Gillette, Tosst- . master Symmes, C B. BenUey, Bishop ( yy. F. Nichols, and District Attorney Langdon. After .th dinner had been ervsd, Toastmsst'er Bynames pressed a button " which lighted 1.400 electrlo bulbs, on th dome of th city halL - TRIPLE MURDERER PAYS PENALTY IN DEATH CHAIR ' ' ' "r w - - t Dr. Oliver Haugh Is Electrocuted for the Murder of Parents , '','. and Brother. :? ' Saturday Children's A Shoes (Jeonal BbmH.i ferrfe,.) ' Columbus, O April 1 . Dr. Oltvar C Haugh was electrocuted at . th state penitentiary shortly after midnight this morning. Tn crime, tha penalty for which he paid In th death chair, was the murder of his father, smother anrf brother at hia father's home at Dayton on the night of November 4, 101. . Dr. Haugh would say nothing and walked to the chair without assistance. He waa a prominent physician of Day ton, but became addicted to the use of morphine. On the night of the murder he had purchased a quantity of poison. The bodies of the victims were In cinerated In a fir that destroyed his father's house, where Haugh bad gons to spend tn nignt. H asserted at th trial that th Br had started from sn, unknown source and that he had nearly lost his own life -In attempting to aave hie parents -and brother. Later he adopted the Insanity plea, but was con victed and sentenced to death. He was married and has s wife and two chll dren living st Dayton. . Misses' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, in plain or patent leather, , in button styles, regular or blu cher lace. Come with light or heavy soles, and priced like thjs : Big Misses' Shoes, sizes 2y3, to 7, $3.00 value, (TO OO l V"; V? ' pair . . . . sjPaCsfe a. Children's Shoes, sizes Sy3 ( 4 Q to 11, $2.25 value.. ...... P I V? Misses Shoes, sizes lltf C f QQ to 2, $2.50 values, pair . ...vkjUmJ Children's Shoes, sizes C A h Q 8, wprth $2.00, pair for . . . . 4 I Misses' and Children's Shoes and Ox fords,, in blucher or regular styles, or button, come in patent or tplain kid leathers, and with light or Heavy soles; $2.50 values, 2 to 7, for........ $1.89 $2.00 values, 11 y2 to 2, pair . . . . . . .$1.59 $1.75 values, 8J4 to 11, pair . . . . . .$1.39 $1.50 values, 5 to 8, pair ...... ;$1.19 Infants' Shoes, in a'large assortment of styles, lace or button, some come with colored tops, sizes 1 to 6, iCOaf" worth $1.25 the pair, for .....Qf C Boys' and Youths' Shoes, kid, calf or tan leathers, lace or button styles, sizes 2lA to Sy2 for $1.89; 1 to 2 for $1.59, and 9 to 13, worth $1.75, IOT .. $1.39 DOZENS OF HEW STYLES IN THE FAMOUS Pingree Gloria Shoes for Women $3.50 Men's Negligee Shirts for$iA5 Made of s fine mercerixed material. In a. very at tractive tan ehade. Look like tilk and wear much better, ai well at waih better. They're as good a two dollar shirt as 70a were ever offered; CI ilC special, Friday 4 i .7J Men's Hose for 19c Fancy patterns. In a large range of designs and colorings. The regular value is 35c the pair: "f they can't be equaled at that, either; special..! Seeds tor Garden or La wn Beautify your garden or lawn by planting or sowing seeds that wQl grow. Have a flower or vegeUble garden, watch something grow and get some good, healthy exercise watching it develop (and helping it along' by tak ing care of It).""' :,'; .. ;'' : ,.; Vegetable Seeds, or Flower Seed, good hardy northern grown stock, 'very special, . . C two packages for ..... j Have a new lawn by using these. "Bonors," for 'making all plant life grow, try it on yoar lawns and in your garden and achieve better success than your neighbors. tflf nTis very inexpensive, the package, only ,...Wvb Lawn Crass Seeds, in good targe i in ii m i i i . t - Tomorrow la the last day for discount On east side jra bllla, . . Spokane's Ctty Campaign. . (Rperlal TOmateh t Tks tarsal.) Spokane, We ah., April It. In .th coming primary- election. April IS,' th main fight will b. between Moor and Doust. Republican candidates4 for mayor. Registration has closed with 11,411 nsmes on th books, th largest In th history of th town. Labor la leaning toward th Democratic aide. Enforce ment of th gambling laws la on issue. Worries, Annoyances MM mm Vanish when Folger's Golden Gate Coftee Appears "old on merit i Aroma tif ht tins J. A. F0L0ER & CO. ' ; Snn Francisco . "Lota Worse Boya." His mother waa sure that boys wer harder to bring up than girls and she waa telltnt a Delfhbor sbout her trials with ths boy. - . "Tou see he wants to fc outdoors all th tlm. and In all kinds or weatner. sald the mother, "and he comes back at nla-ht looking Ilka that" And she nointed the nncer of scorn at a Uttered, dlrtv little figure which tried to wriggle out of sight In th corner. They drew him out to have a look at him aava a writer In an exchange. Th tangled black hair might have belonged to a Hottentot, tn torn clothe and th mud-splashed stockings ausseated ths London slums. On hand reached out and unconsciously tried to hid an enormous tear I th urchin's coat ' ....,. "Just see that!" exclaimed ths tired mother, catching a view of th coat "Did you overt And hi new suit. too. Dear me. Jay. how In the world did you manage to tear your coat so?" . "Why, mamma. I was running away from Jlmmls th kid he sells papers, yon know snd h caught m and shook this piece out." her Jay revealed a gap fh th garment which took his mother's breath awsy. "Was there ever such sboyr sighed th mother with a long-suffering gasp toward th visitor. Th child lifted his large brows ayes to th two woman, gulped dwn a aob, and turning his fsoa, down which the tears' wer slowly trickling; toward them, said with a suspicious trembling st th mouth: "Mamma,, there's lot woraer boys thsn me." . "Bless your hear. baby, so there srst" sxclalmed th mother, as she stooped down to th tiny younester. lifted him. mud and all. In her arms and almost smothered him dirt and all with klsse. ' ' . "Lots worse boys thsn youf Well, I should think so," and shs kissed hla un til you could see that, hla fae was whit under th stains. - Ths other woman chimed In, and be tween them they nearly hugged th little lad to death. - Th child's plea struck home, Tots woraer boys than you, Jsy." with your Innocent child-face, and curls; with your great brown eyes thst hav caught tha autumn tints In them. ' - ,1 should think there were, and let your mother hug you elos while shs can. and thank uoa insc in oniy sins vou bear will wash off with tn trying. There are many mother who would weep agonised , tears of gratitude to night If there were no woraer boy ths you, little Jay. Evils of Cigarette Smoking. At Atlanta, Georgia, on April t. s f 30 Easter bat on th head of Miss Celeste Manton caught flr while Whitehall street wss crowded with shoppers. - . Th hat was destroyed, th young womsn lost much hair, ws scorched sbout th neck and fees, and there wss a panlo In th shopping district A young man checked th conflagra tion by throwing hi overcoat over the young woman's head. In th wreck of the hat was found the stub of a ciga rette that had been dropped from an upper story window and had .caused th catastrophe, , . H - . The New Coiffure. From th Philadelphia Telegraph. There are two Important points to be chronicled about tha curled oolffur. and the one most emphatically to be borno in mind is its remarkable width. Th curl do not mount to an apex on high, but are worn fairly flat upon the ' TEA . -Tea is almost nothing; how much weight do you think there is in the taste ofit? . t , ; Weight is n o measure for tea! ,'.(. ,'; .. .. ' Tear tracer rate rat year ateaey K yea deaf ftk SchUUag's Beet; w say aim. crown of th head. Thalr mission la to emphasis th width of th head from ear to ear, and thus t be in keeping with th new spring - millinery. Un fortunately It Is a mod by no means universally becoming, hence this 1 the moment for msklng a careful study of Individual requirements. Supposing th fae to b toe tend to Insure for pronounced breadth a real success, th curls are elongated dowa th back of th head, and th halo hove th brow la raised In th center. Instead of being greatly puffed out at tn sides. : , - Then, again. Instead of mounting th rroni nair to a great height, a v piquant effect above a face at small features, but fatal In th ease of pro nounced ones, it may be draped m th Regency manner over th brow, with in. merest indication or a aid nartlnr Or a etudy of th Spanish eotffur will suggest th picturesque manner m which th daughters of th south puff and drap their heavy treewes low down upon th brow. Bom few picturesque looking girls can with advantage ta meir appearance adopt th Q reuse part ing and th demurely childish waved locka that fall down ever th ear, with a curl or two escaping from them, but sa a rule th "halo." or eaevelewr turned upward from th forehand ts their beat resource. On fact ta suite clear with regard to th cheveleure ef this aeason. namely, that addltiona tr th coiffure, particularly In th form ef clusters of pin curls, will b htmlv tn demand. Dyed tressea are not la vogue, and silver hslr ts to stsnd high in th esttmstion of lovers of beauty. Pals brown hair Is modish, especially if there be a touch of chestnut In It Trans formations to cover th entire head. r to augment tha already , Bosses tresses, hav never been In greater re- queat than now. On reason of this Is thst short, thick hair Is necessary to produce th curled coiffure, and it Is not always forthcoming. A ribbon wound throus-h and through ths eurls makes a prettier ornament than any other of ths youthful, and a claasto band ef satin, gold, silver or steel-studded velvet passed round tbs bsad and ended behind th left ear in a trail of flowers Is as picturesque as can be. Wreath of leaves In metal and to simulate natural foliage ere still In fashion, snd so are circlets Of email flowers , Ilk roses, violets and daisies arranged tn clump with connecting links of dew-dropped velvet ribbon. Preferred Stock Ceased Ooode, Allen A Lewis' Best Brand, Tomorrow Is th laat day for discount oa sast sld ga bills. ; An inimitable style is manifest in the Hat that bears this label Peer of All $3.00 lir l; O - st 2(fT 0 ? c !