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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1907)
DELIGiiTFUi. I 11 SUNDAY'S 7 A Re5u!ts. CosI5 only .-Wli x Journal Circulation . The Weather Shower thU afVer- LJ-: SsZ0 "XSft LiaJ AOIa a-a 0 noon, tonight and Friday. ' . . ' ' .. "t - '. 1 V ', Ptftf ' tT ' ' ,.; . ' .'' " ' : ' ' " 1 ": 1 1 ' 1 1 , 1 ' - V '. ' . t ' 1 - 1 1 1 ' ' 1 11 " 1 .'I. . . . n . , ; , i. VOL. VI. NO. S3. Emm, REBUILDING ThanksgiYingServices Held at Frisco-Celebrate by1 Continuing Reconstruction Work (Joe nut Spedal servies.) " '" Ban Francisco, April ll--rn. Fran claoe Is observing the first anniversary of the Ttat disaster that d octroyed ths city by working bard aa ever-for Ita restoration. All the stores and public offices are "open aa . usual, and an air f cheerful toduatrjr la observed on all aldea i..-' :. - Just one year ago today oeourrad the ' treat earthquake which set the lty In flame. - Twelve montha ago, today the flames were sweeping the down-town dtatrlof of Ban Frsaclsoo, and momsleaa thousands were fleeing te the hllla and vacant places la the suburbs. . Twalva montha - ha a wrought Than re In - Baa Francisco, haa brouaht about .-: a miracle la the treat metropolla of the west, ouch ' aa haa confounded the faint hearted and realised the moat extensive dream a of. -the courae-eoua. Inena year Ban Fran- Cisco haa foiled away the atone from the sepulchre, and haa appeared before the civilised world la the garb of rejuvena tion, i ( - ,v . - -v : ' ; .. TTy Banaara of ffMcaaaa. --v- Modern hlatory baa a axeat calamity to chronicle, but greater In importance than the calamity la the marveloua re construction, out of the aahea, of the .Greater Ban . -anolsoo, and on this date -one year removed from an event which ' turned the attention of the world on California bannera of certain sucoeee are flying from the four corners of Ban Franclaco'a ramparts. ."' Tha scoffer Is am Hod at, the troaker .la lrnored, and the great city goes on - to the sound of the hammer. Today the city ' la observing the anniversary of the unfortunate happening, and the manner In which It la being dona la tha keynote of tha success to be gained. Buslneea eonoems, municipal depart . menta and houses dedicated to Christian worship united today In exploiting to tha world tha fact that Ban Francisco Is again on Its feet and dependent upon no person or no comraunjty excepting ttnejfctarfviBs" eTvioes." i Special services ware held In many churches. At 1 o'clock this morning thera was a union service . at Grace church, and a similar service waa held at tha Church of tha Advent. - Tha First Congregational .church, which la In the heart of the burned district and waa ruined by tha flames, has been completely reconstructed and today it waa formally dedicated. . All other -hnrchea held tnanaagmng services. I T9hght. the new .Falrmount hotel will be formally aecncaiea wnn a grand banquet under tha auapices of tha Mer chants' association, to which t06 guests have been Invited. This occasion, which is termed V the ' "one year after" banquet, haa been, arranged 1 with considerable expense for the purpose of making plain tha spirit - of progress with which the business men of tha city are Imbued. After ' coffee the giieste will repair to the foyer, where seats have been, provided for about J.000. ' ' r " V ';' ' When tha guests are seated President gymmee of the Merchants' association will preae an electrlo button which will set aglow 1900 lights on the dome of the city ball. All the arrangements In regard . to - wiring have been accom plished. It Is the Idea or the aseocla ' tlon to' make the city ball present the appearance which It haa had Invariably In the old days of Illumination. . But It is on Fillmore street that the people of the elty will do their rejoicing. (Continued on Page Eleven.) BREWER DISINHERITS CHILDREN; GIVES ALU ; TO SALVATION ARMY BJ.I nlsHstss wa eftkaa TaM emal . Belvldere, III.. April H. The will of George J. Bchlenk, a brewer, who died recently, afforded great aurprlse for his relatives when It waa probated today, and they found themselves disinherited. The will provides that tha aetata of f 100.000 shall be made the foundation of a perpetuaf trust fund, tha Income of which shall be turned over to the Balva tlon Army with which to carry on Its work of reform among the lowly and outcast, especially tha vie time of drunk mumm is TYPICAL OF THE NEW SAN FRANCISCO PALATIAL FAIKMOUNT CHEMISTS LEARN HOW ASHES BURN ' saaBBSBBBssBBBBBBBsaaasaaBBaasBsa'' - Secret of f Aftoona Cobbler At Worked Out by Chemists end i Given to World-Formula - Is SahV OxaKd Acid and W,ater. ...r..r-'- UOeirtWI pCIeU sfatlMLf T', X A A e.41 fTks, a- AftwVVltsBs A . MJF is H leuiaii Wl sTVffa' IWI vuiuuil e"iwi v a coal, dUoorrl Kr John L , Klmor, aa A UAM.a - MAkWlM WkUk . ea,mgtaaJI -. sM much attonUon. all over the. wrld,4 la -...A . ilwaae esi Sg kMl aasah fA , Ifk ' Ala a 1 wltk aa lint U, VVUUA ABB uvw , uotuf e weM ev B - tag- la ooal Ml la. ChmlaU lmmdlal- ljr axtar it waa annonnota iw wnigi- b.. a)Alw,eJ' es.aa timhUm efthtainlna ueaA bvvitw vw b" " w - heat from aahea set to work to try -to discover the formula. 'They ware sao oessful and here It la: , - Common aalt. I 'pouno; oxano oia. ... 1 nltm. Ml Bind uungcit wmw., - - . moisten m mixture oontalnlng one part nt nl three narta of ashes and a better fuel than pure ooal la ob tained. Tha aanea or uuito" w bum aa readily aa do those of bitumi nous. Thla mixture i will upon being . . kiimin Am fuse ' Into Si coke-like tnaaa and deposit but Uttle The chemical action of thla com pound is thus explained. When the r .lkallna such aa luuouu. common aalt Is mixed with ooal ash. the result Is that a muo. iy '""- a...w w. witk hit eombus- www.. - tibia matartal such-as eoal. and upon tha application or neat, give -gen gas. thus enabling a rapid combus tion. Tne aoaiuon ... " causes a cnemlcal change of greater value than tha first for the reason That it results to the formation of carbide, which In turn gives off acetylene as thla adding, to the Intensity of heat and facilitating oompleta combustion. . umMmrm i. Wolfe and Ed C Morris, i -v. with tha Garvin wyuvw w.w. - Cyanide Extension company, are of tne opinion that ana orainry - from fir and other woods would prove a . v... ult and toxaliO acid mixture aa ooal aahea. but that It would probably oa naeessmry w small per cent of charcoal. ' . . .. ' -I believe, however, that a brick-lined rnrnaoe would not long stand the aalt j, n. ..M mid Mr. Merrla. . "A nu " .m w.h. clinker would form and adhere to the brick, which would aoon deotroy them; but if a furnace were lined with graphite there woull se no narmxui ; the Altoona cobbleTa mixture will deVel- i the heat that la ciaimea ror it, wiu mncationablv orova a good thing for tha smelters.'! 4 ' . ' . Messrs. Wolfs and Morns win proos wi - -i MimM tnf evnertmenta with the new mixture, ualng for a base western coais ana ins asneo irwai mo tive woods. . ---t- i. v- . ; , i- Try to Asaasaintate Preawher. Haselton. Pa.. April 11 An unsuo- cessful attempt wa made this morning to asaaaalne.te R. Matthew Tankola, pas tor of at. Joseph's' Biavonie enure n. Dynamite tore the porch' from' hia pax- onaga. , t ;. - enness. 3 - ' ' . . s . Bchlenk provided liberally - for ' his widow, but hla son and daughter , were cut off entirely. There Is also a pro vision that at the death -of the widow her share of tha estate shall revert to the trust fund. The fact that Bchlenk was a brewer and In the course of a auo cessful business provided the mrans for making many, drunkards ls exciting much comment, and, some people sea In his-will a dealre to' undo hie work ao far aa possible. . : - -. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL '. "... . t 1 " - . V v. r f : tit r; f. . r r r r T 5 HOTEL ON NOB HILL. OVER 600 DEAD Authentic List of Known Dead Is Incomplete Total May. Be , a . Thousand - New j Volcanoes ' Burst Forth-4-Cities Destroyed .. - Osama! Bpeelal Bervtea.? "T " Juraa, Mexico, April. 1A--A report from a eommerolal house la Mexico City to a big eonoara' hare says tha authentic Ust of knows dead aa the result ef the Mexican earthquake la over .f 00. A pub lic report has not been made of the cas ualties in .Mexico City, and possibly wllLnot be, , This list does not take Into account tha Urge number of people In the small villages and those out In ths country whose death will never, be chronicled. . The casualties In all Mextoe are" probably-more than 1,000. ' Kvery town southwest of Mexico City In the direction of Collma volcano la damaged. To enumerate the town a that Buffered heavily, both In loss of life and property would be to mention all the towns in the very wide stretch of coun try southwest from Mexico City clear to the Pacific ocean. Uruanaa. Zltacuaro. Annnimn To. iocs, Puents Oelatla, Balsas. Moretla and many other cities suffered, the dis patch aays, and In many of the streets the houses, although low adobe affalra, ttuabled Into ths streets and onto the Inmates. The waters of Lake da Cha bala were ahakea violently and washed over ths banks and dtd considerable damage. The north end of ths lake la now very a hallow and tha 'south end is vary deep, showing that the earth tipped to tha aouth in the upheaval. - At Man aanlllo, en tha coast, ths effect of rtoe earthquake was so violent that several bath houses were washed away by ths force of the waves in the bay. The elty also was damaged. A apeclal from Mexico City save: Be vers! new ' volcanoes are reported to (Continued en Page Two.)- ' The aged mother ef Krnast lane, the Nob Hill robber, haa ootne to hla relief and haa retained aa his counsel Dsn R. Murphy. 'Murphy la now engaged In outlining apme kind of a defense for his client.. , v Ths attorney and the polloe refuse to divulge the name of the parents of ths youthful highwayman, but It la said that the mother la a Mrs. Fraser. In refusing to reveal tha Identity of the mother the attorney stated that aha waa an old woman, who though broken In health by the waywardness of her son, yet had rushed to his aid In hia trouble. He could see no good to be gained by giving her name; ' 1 think thla." said Mr. Murphy in discussing the matter, ai so does Mra. Fraser." .. - ' On all aldss are heard expressions of oommendatlon upon the cleverness dis played by Mrs. Tom Hammersley of the Cosmoa rooming house In furnishing the Information, which resulted In ths Cen tura at an early hour yeaterday morn ing of Brriaat Lane, altaa Earl Lewis, the desperate Nob Hill burglar. The police freely admitted that had It not been for the astuteness of' Mrs. Ham merely Lane would have been a till at largs plying his nefarious vocation at will.- Committed Other Crimea. Evidenoe keeps piling up agalnat ths accused youthj and another burglary waa fastened on him this morning. . The night of April 1, prior to the attempted holdup of P. C. Patterson, T71 Everett street. In which JS. C GHtner occupy ing tha upper flat In tha building, fired two ahota at the robber, causing him to. precipitately flea from the scene, It has., been definitely established that Lane effected an entrance to the home of L. H. Hoffman, lot North Twenty third atreet, and carried way six val uable stlckptae and an overcoat. ( Lmmmm - ' ''."T"' ;,'--sL ROBBERS MOTHER EXPERT FOR RailfodTOwyers Put Witness Through' a Severe Test of His Knowledge W. W. Cotton TestifleeHow He 1 ' Hired Two Distinguished Law yers of Spokane to Station -Themselves on -the Corners and TallCi Street Tha closing day of the Portland hear ing of the Spokane rate case waa char acterised by , a determined assault of the railroad attorneys on Gillette, the Spokane man who waa Introduced aa aa expert on railroad construction. The ease was concluded at 1 o'clock and It was d Raided that the arguments would be heard at Washington the last week In June. " " ' -- One of tha day's witnesses was W. W. Cotton, who waa put on the stand by the Great Northern's attorneys to prove the market value of terminal property at Bpokane, In rebuttal of tes timony given by. Bpokane ' real estate man yesterday. . ' ' I PougTit Tsrasiaal Pxtos, v Regarding a pleoe of property which Merrlweather of Spokane testified waa worth only $1,000, Mr. Cotton said that when the O. R. N. Co. wanted to get a Btrlp IT feet Wide far right. oL way, damages .were assessed in ths sum of 11 10,009 against the company. The ease waa tried In courts from 1111 to 110, One Jury reduced tha value to $0,000, and tne company aeeured a new trial and finally got the figures reduced to l6.000t Adding soots snd Interact, the strip east tne company It was IT feat of ground that had been sun- posea to do a street running along tha piece of ground which Merrlweather valued, at . 11.000 for real estate pur poses.; .-. , : -were not those boom times In Boo. kaner waa asked by Attorney Stevens of that city . Scheme to Bwlar Sentiment, 'It seemed to be. It waa a time when the Great Northern waa about to come Into Bpokane." Mr. Cotton replied. . "I remember that I hired a couple of dis tinguished lawyers to stand on the street and cackle about ths Inadvlaa bllley of keeping railroads out of a elty. Mr. mil arterwaras started ' to pass north of the city, and Bpokane then gave him a. free right of way to bring him In ; - OlOatte Za Qsaettoaed, Attorney Oilman ef the Great North ern began hi a cross-examination of Gil lette, the Bpokane expert, by asking him to state the extent of his experience la railroad construction. He replied that he had been a year on railroad work, aa assistant engineer ef the Palrhaven A Southern, a road 71 miles long, of wblnb 60 miles have alnoe been abandoned. He haa also been employed a year In taking observations of coat as construction work progressed' on the Delaware, Lack awanna A Western In New Tork. and also on the, Wabaah in Ohio. - Glllette'e estimate of three tenths of a cent per yard aa cost of tranaporta Uoa on railroad construction waa da- (Continued on Page Twai In tha yard of the Patterson home en overcoat, which .Hoffman positively Identifies aa . his property, waa found tba morning following the crime and turned ever to the police. In tha poa eeaalon of Lane at the time of hla ar rest waa found a card containing five gold necktie pine. - Hoffman called at polloe headquarters tola .morning, - and upon being shown tha jewelry unhesi tatingly declared the plna to be tboae MRS. TOM HAMMERSLET. - i . ... ...,.... ..An . 18, 1907 TWENTY PAGES. MILLIONAIRE -EQUESTRIENNE MISS ETHEL O. ROCKEFELLER, MARRIED THIS . AFTERNOON TO . MARCELLTJS H. DODGE, MULTI-MILLIONAIRE ANDT. M. C, A. -: WORKER. - ' '-i v;';' : v-.;....-J.., SECRETED r.lONEY ; III HER PARASOL Woman Thlef Hides v Money In ' Parasot Police Find It Only by Chance Had Searched Her Room and Clothes. (Seeda! Dlssatch w The foamal.) ' Tacoma, Waalw April II By the nae of a parasol aa a plane to conceal money, Grace Brown, alias Grace Hill. last night earns neir outwitting the police force to tha extant of $St0. Tba money, which la ail In bills. Is believed to be long to a Norwegian who waa robbed Wednesday night in a resort n ths lower part of the elty. Tha woman la now In ths elty jail and will probably be charged with the theft. She was ar rested last night at Beatue ana a care-, ful search of bar room and clothing failed to dlacloae any money. : After the robbery the Brown woman aa euspected of the crime. It waa by chance that tha money waa at laat re vealed to the astonished eyes of the o ra cers at central police atatlon In this olty. . Ths detectives arrived with their oharge late laat night She waa taken to tha office and booked before being locked up. and a parasol she had been carrying was laid on the detk. One of the offioere picket It up and a wad of bills dropped out. The missing $3B0 lay on the floor before them. TO AID HIM stolen from- his residence. . Tba , bur glary of tha . Hoffman . residence committed about p.- m. on April i. aurinjr tha absence of all the mam berg of tha family, ' But One Complaint Allowed. Considerable . ' comment haa - bean caused by the refusal of Deputy Dis trict Attorney Haney yesterday after noon to allow the proprietors of tha Portland Gun A Bicycle company, 1(1 Flrat atreet. to file an Information charging Lane with the theft of a mla cellaneoue assortment of . revolvers, rifles and trout spoon ' from their es- taoiisnment. Haney declared that as Lane had bean bound over to the grand Jury on one charge of robbery, addi tional complaints would be superfluous Deputy Haney stated thla morning that nothing could be gained by filing a multiplicity of charges agalnat Lane ana the district sttoreny's of flee was just ss eager as the police to secure a lengthy aentence for the defendant; "Under the action taken by the court yesterday. In holding Lene to the grand Jury In tha sum of $1,600, saya Haney, "we can Indict him on aa many counts aa we aee fit It la our' Intention to select tha strongest case snd If by any chance Lane should escape conviction we could immediately rearreat him for one of the other orrmea. Under tba atatute ha can be given a 10-year sen tence and I do not believe that If tried a other counts be . would be given a longer term." v BU tn City Prison. ' Although be. waived a preliminary hearing in the police court yeaterday -d was remanded to the custody of (he aher.rr In default of 11.600 ball. Lane s still held In tha city prison pending further Investigation by the detectives. iCon tinned, en Page Two.1 PRICE TWO WEDS CHILDHOOD LOVER, , ROCKEFELLER'S PIECE' HARRIES Daughter of William, Rockefeller : Weds -Childhood Lover Hus- '-' band Is Multi-Millionaire and ' Prominent Y. M, C A. Worker. (Joaraal Special Barviea.) -New Tork, (April 18. Miss Ethel O. Rockefeller was married thla afternoon to. Marcellua Hartley Dodgw at ; the Rockefeller home In Fifth avenue. - The bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. William .Rockefeller and niece of John D. Rockefeller. . The bridegroom Is a aon of vtho lata Norman W. Dodge and grandson of ths lata Marcellua Hartley. Though tba marriage la one of mllllone to mllllona It la understood to have bean a lave match pure and simple, aa tha young people have . known each ether alnoa childhood. For two- hours before tha ceremony erowda began to gather -In front of the Rockefeller mansion snd ths ssrvlces of a number of polios ware brought Into requisition to keep tha sidewalks snd the roadway clear. For a considerable time there waa nothing to reward'- the pa tience' of the crowd. One of the first carriages to arrive contained 'the Rev. Dr.: Ernest v M. Stlree of St. Thomas' church, who. waa to perform tha care. mony. Than In rapid auccesalon rode up the handaoma aqulpagee with tha In vited guests. These wars mostly rela tives and close personal friends of tha two families. 1 Though It waa designed to. have the wedding etrlctly private owing- to sir. Dodge Doing In mourning, there were no fewer than 10 guests prevent. - - , . The wadding waa performed tn the spaclooe drawing-room of the mansion, Tha room waa tastefully though not elaborately eeoorated. . The . mantel pieces, window slits, and curved nooks of tha drawing-room ware banked with bridal roses, Esstsr lilies and lilies ef the valley, j A string orchestra stationed on tha opposite side ef tbe main hall burst forth tn. a soft sweet melody ss the Dnaa.1 party aescenoea the stairs,' Ths bride entered. ths wedding parlor on ths arm of her father. Others In cluded In the family party were Mr. and Mra John D. Rockefeller, Mr. and Mra. John D. Rockefeller Jr., Mr. and Mra. Farm lee Prentice and Mr. and Mrs. Harold MoCormlck. --i. , :'' ' . Simple Bridal Crews. , The bride's gown waa rich and sim ple, white satin with a long train. Fine point lacs enriched tha waist. - Tha only ornament worn was a pearl and diamond (Continued en Page, Ftr.f FIRE HELD IN CHECK BY BLIND MEN TILL DEPARTMENT COr. . ' (Josraal KpecUl Barrio.) Oakland, Cel., April - it. Blind men fought fire with vigor today . at the Home for Adult Blind., at Thlrty-alxth street and Telegraph avenue, and held tbe flames In check until the arrival of tha fire department. For a time It appeared aa though their efforts would be In vain., the flames threatening to destroy several nearby bulldlnra. The fire started In a newly con structed building te be used as a broom CENTS." ffalUfrPcETe Judge - FrazeniDecidcs Six Months Limit Is Not Ordinarily Bind ing on Either Party If Suit Is Not Contested Either Husband or Wife May Marry at Once When the Decree Is Granted by the Court--Case That Evoked the" Decision. ' Dlvocreee may remarry Immediately, provided the decree freeing them was secured without a contest. . An opinion embodying this proposition . waa ex pressed from tha bench today by Circuit Judge Fraser. . Aa only one out of about 10 divorcee are contested In Multnomah county, thla meana that practically ail dlvorceea may ' dlaregard tha alx months law whioh tho public haa heretofore considered 1 aa binding on all. Maxxled Vine Baya Xter. .. Tha point came up in tho hearing of a suit to modify a decree brought by Roeanna Segur. formerly Rosanna Wil liams, her opponent being her former husband, Leigh William e. When the divorce was granted In July, 100, tha three small children were awarded to the husband. - Now tho wife la trying to gat the little ones- into her own handa. 4 - Attorney Bloomneld, acting for Wil Uama. attempted to threw the case out of court on tha ground that the woman had been guilty of contempt of court In - marrying nine daya after - tbe dl voroe. He argued that abe could there fore have no atandlng tn court on any question Involving the . case. Judge Fraser, however, decided otherwise snd ths taking of testimony tn the modifi cation suit went on. . ; - , ,' f Other SeclsloBS Similar. It developed during tha argument of counsel that Fraser had ones previously held that a divorcee may marry imme diately provided the case went by de fault; also, that when Judge George was oa tbe bench he had rendered a de cision to ths same effect. While siding with Mrs. . William a attorneys in his expressed opinions. Judge Fraser avoided rendering a formal deciaion la tha ease, saying that tba auprame court had not yet passed upon it directly. The argument of Attorneys Sohnabel and Logan for Mra. Williams waa that tho alx months law la operative only when the defendant In a divorce suit haa not lost the right to appeal. By, falling to oonteat, the defendant loaea . the right to appeal, the divorce beoomee absolute, and either party may imme diately remarry. .. The proposition that ths defendant losea the right to appeal and that a de fault divorce becomes Immediately ab solute waa decided by the supreme court In tha Leeala case. A few daya after hla wife had secured a divorce In May. loot, Leeala committed murder, r In order to prevent hla wife from tes tifying agalnat him. ha tried to appeal tha divorce ease, but the supreme court held that hia failure to oonteat had made the divorce absolute and Mrs. Leas la, weat on tha a land and helped to sand him to the penitentiary for Ufa Thus, the attorneys held, the su preme oourt had, la a corollary sence, decided that default dlvorceea may re marry at once. - - Mad Brief Conreahfn, Leigh and Hosanna Williams were married; in Pendleton la 1IM. Their troubles reached an acuta stare when Mra Willlama inherited landed property In 10. Willlama, who waa an ex pressman, want out of bualaeea and want on a long eerlee of debauches, in which ha literally wrack up, tha luhart tanoe. In two year a all was gons sn4 the family was starving. . Mrs. Wil llama secured a divorce, but. being pen niless, she did not ask for the ouatodr of tbe children of (, T and t years, in alna daya aha mat and married Benja min Begur, an electric lineman, who haa provided her with a home. Asserting that Willlama . haa mis treated the children, even to the extent ef putting the eldest one to work, tak ing his earnings and spending tlmni on riotous living. Mrs. Begur is now at tempting to secure the ouetody of them BB-aJn. In order to make the legality of their marriage doubly sure, the Hcaure went through a second wedding cere mony last January. factory. It was discovered Ir Ing driver, who quI.-Uly Inf .1 perintandent Joeeph Handlers. 1 directions the Inmates unrn-i.1 lines of hose and s'n ) 1 t . Of water playing- i.n 1 .. ; fought wild . s 1 i t 1 flamee and hfire, t . Work. KIlll otrn . 1 extuisulahers 1 . compound over t I i , ner the flsmen t t. , final. jr subd j' 1 I t i 1