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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1907)
THE OREGON . SUNDAY JOURNAt, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, APRIL' II. UZ7. t LA FOLLETTE IS FOR THIRD -TERM Wisconsin Senator Openly De clares Hlmielf In Favor of . , Another Term. t' "'. t- .V ROOSEVELPS WORD 13 BETTER THAN HARRIMAM'S Ias FoIU-tte IeclAreg President la ' Entitled i tFvuiYmt MowT at White Boom -Carried Out Mo KlnleyY PoUcIm First Three Years fflMHt Kmwm fey Leasest tssssd Wh.) Helena. April 1. United States Sana. tor Robert m. La FoHette, or Wisconsin. m a visitor today, being here an his western lecturing tour. During the day he aubmltted to an interview la which he declared himself aa aneo,ulTocaliy la favor of a third term for Prealdent ""Roosevelt hndT ' took Oeraiion tn state that he would by far rather take hia word than that of K. H. Barrbnaa la their controversy aver the eo-called "slash fund" letter. He said in sub stance: . - -.. .. -v "It occur to ma that tf the railroads really want to prevent a reaomtaaUoa ef the prealdent they are adopting very unwise tactics, because It will not take much of the present kind-of articles be 1ns; published by them In the prese of the country to cause the president to feel that ha aeeda vindication and tana he will become a candidate. That Tlndl ration if just la aa aura aa tomorrow's setting; sua. ? "But whether the railroads goad him Into u ar not, ha should ha a candidate for reelection. The first three years of Ms term were spent la carrying oat HcKJnlejr's plana and policies, and only during the last three baa ha had an opportunity to exploit and carry out hia own. - Having Inaugurated . these, ha abould carry them out No one else can do so. Roosevelt la entitled to a re nomination and the people are entitled to : Roosevelt for 'another'' term. Hia nomination la equivalent to aa election, and I have no doubt he will ha hia own CAPTAIN JOHN H. JAGGY Thin popular Vancouver man died suddenly on the train while return ing from 'New Mexico. ' He waa way known In ' Portland. - LET THE LID GO ON SAYS MAYOR RANDALL (pedal Dispatch to Tbe feersel.) -' Woodburn, Or, April IS. At the etty council meeting tonight Mayor B. T. Randall, la his Inaugural address, reo ' ommended economy and retrenchment In . ao far aa not to tha d lead van tegs of tha city. . He spoke of the Importance of a ewer system at the expenee of abut ting property holders. Ths - addreaa also favored paving, macadamizing or graveling the principal business streets at abutting property owners', expense and aald what la done ehould be well dona. The mayor believes In promot ing tha efficiency of the fire depart ment, exercising care la granting fran chise privileges . on ths streets, strict enforcement of tha laws of ths state and the olty, , revocation of liquor li censes for violation of the laws, prose cution for exposing for sale obscene . postal cards and that special attention ' ehould he given to striving for a high ' standard of morality In tha community. Salaries of officers were fixed at ths meeting. rr I ' Wheeler county sheepmen are having trouble In getting enough help.- NEW BCDLLMAN FACTORY. iliiip , map. - rge- 7V ' I"-, t . 'sap ?JPr afcasji Sir aaaf act oxers ef tmperlalea cigarevtee V, . .-'.:': tkelx old One of ' the first large business con cerns of San Francisco te rebuild Us factory since the destrsotlvs earthquake and fire of April 11-10, Is tbe John Bolt "o., cigarette manufacturers, lo cated at Battery end Commercial streeta. The new factory, which haa just been completed. Is a substantial four-story, f reproof structure built upon model 1 -. with great windows on slther side rf the building which flood the rooms X.very eeavenlenoe ,for the comfort TAKES TEACHERS Tl Professor Monaghan, Who Stud led White He Worked, Dellv , j era Interesting Lecture. Professor J. C Monaghan of Waah- tngton, D, C who la In Portland en. gaged la eomplllag . consular statlstlos for - the department' of commerce and labor, addressed the teaohere and prin cipals of I tbe publlo schools yesterday morning at the high school .. ; Professor . Monaghan nag oeea lor many veara a stuaeni ox eooiai ana eoonomlo ' conditions In the United States and Europe and haa a wide repu tation aa a writer and teacher on these subjects. Ha occupied tbe chair of po litical economy at Columbia university foe a number of years. In whloh time ha waa closely, associated with leading educators of America. - ' In aarrring out hia subject, rrorossor Monaghan traveled with hia audience from Parla to Glasgow, then through the - great university at Edinburgh. from Edinburgh through the heather fields and back to thaoommeroiM can ters of Scotland. . i ' Appointed When OradoaW. 1 Prom Scotland Professor Monaghan carried hia audlenoa through England and thea to the continent where they visited Roma with its St. Peter's o- thedral and vatloaa. Professor Monaghan amplified hia ad dress with personal experlenoea gained in II years of consular servloe in Eu rope. ' He was appointed to a consulate on the Rhine river la 1811 by President Cleveland. The appointment waa made an the same dag that Professor Mona ghan graduated from Brown university and carried him to a place near the famous Heidelberg university, where ha eontlnued the atudiea ha commenced when but seven yea re of age, while con ducting ths affairs of hia office. . Works While BttadyingV 1 When seven years old Professor Mon aghan went to work In a cotton mill and began supporting himself while studying at night He carried out the scheme of study and work through hia college preparatory oonrse and while at Brown university. - Professor Monaghan is tha guest of Archbishop Christie. Ha wlU apeak at W. O. W. hall Monday evening under the aasploea of the McLaughlin club. His subject will ba "The French Crisis, from tha Standpoint of a Layman." Tuesday evening ha will be tha guest of honor at a banquet to ba given by the Knights of Columbos at tha Port land hotel. ' GATHERING HERE FOR ' SPOXANE RATE HEARING Commissioner Prouty and Prom inent Railway Officials'. Arrive In Portland. ' Members of the railroad' ' commis sions of Montana, Washington . and Oregon, together with a large namber or the prominent railway officials In ths Pacific northwest, will attend the hearing of ths Spokane rata cases to morrow. ' Charles A. Prouty. a mem ber of the interstate commission, will conduct the hearing. Commissioner 4routy arrived at 1:19 o'clock this morning, and a party of Great Northern officials, comprising Ben Campbell, fourth vice-president and traffic manager of the Great Northern: A. L. Craig, manager of ths passenger traffic department; W. W. Broughton, freight traffic manager; IL M. Adams, assistant traffic manager, and I C Oilman, counsel for tha Hill lines, ar rived In Portland in a special car last night. . : . . ' Other railway officials . who will ar rive In time for the hearing will he J. O. Wood worth, traffic manager of the Northern Pacific, and Henry Blakely, general western freight agent of , the aame road. .".' Ia addition to these men, It Is prob able that a number of other leading officiate of the Northern Pacific and O. R. at N. railroads will also be In at tendance.,. ' '.!' , MISSED HOLE EXPLOSION TWO DEAD, TWO 4WRT (BpecUl Dtteeteh te The loaraaL) Great Falls, Mont, April 11. Two men were Instantly killed and two In jured, probably fatally, by an explo sion cf a "missed hole" in a cut on the Billings Northern railway exten sion this afternoon at Armtngton. The dead men are Patrick Frits, . foreman, and en unknown laborer. A.- J. Llso, contractor, and an unknown laborer were Injured. , Frits and the laborer were examining the hole that failed to explode, when It went off. acatterlng fragments of their bodies in the,, midst of ths workmen.- , . , ., 'The Albsny creamery, paye 16 cents for. butter fat. r eaoe more established em the site ef asildlar. of the workmen and the expediting of business is provided. The faetory haa double the room of the old one. It Is expected that the additional space will enable ths company to keep up with the Increasing demand for Imperlales cigar ettea. which the company manufactures These cigarettes, by the way, are so distinctly a typical Western product that the New York Sun, In an article on travel, mentioned them by name. Another brand of cigarettes for whleh the firm Is scarcely less famous , Is the "Sultan." . (ROUGH EUROPE Common Sense Treatment For r v Consumption There Is a great deal appearing te print at present regarding the universal effort to check the Increasing ravages of the dread disease of tuberculosis. oommonly known aa consumption. ' A anted dootor who has mads thi branoh of human ailment his especial study and who conducted the famous open-air tempi for consumptives in the f.lne forests or Maine, in a recent in ervlew gave . some very Interesting comments on , this subject. He says: that the treatment of consumption is very simple, but that it must be con tinuous and diligently pursued by the patient and ir this is aone it is sure to cure in the primary stsges and fre quently even wnere rar aavancea. The main Dart of tha treatment la ex- erolss and the constant Inhaling of pure rreen air into ma lungs in sucn a man ner as to force it Into the deepest cavity and air cells of that organ. . Thla can be done bv ths habit of deep breathing, drawing In the abdomen and expanding the lunge to their fullest capacity and then exhaling alowly. Thla at first will cause a little dlsal ness, but with a few days' practice will entirely disappear. He also advises the nee of a mucous membrane stimu lant and says for this latter there Is nothing known to science to equal the oil obtained from the pine tree. There Is now an oil of this kind which Is con densed and purified. It Is known to the profession as ths Concentrated oil of rise. The dootor gives his famous ormula for the use of - this ell com-. WHOLE STORE in HfS ROOM Police ' Find Stolen Watch In Possession of William Mo - - Bride, Suspected Man. v William MoBrlda, suspected of being ths bneak thief who has been respon sible for the wholesale thefts la lodg ing-bouses throughout ths city, waa ar rested last night by Detectives Klen- Un and Inakeep and lodged In jell Mo Brlda waa taken into euatody in a room In the Empire lodging-house. Fourth and Qllsan . streets, upon information fur nished by the proprietor. Two bundles, containing li suits ef clothing, - two everooata, II pairs ef shoes and other wearing apparel, wore found In the room. Wrapped In two silk handkerchiefs tha detectives dis covered a revolver of large caliber, and a gold and a stiver watch were found In McBrlde's pockets. An investigation by the police showed that ths gold watch had been stolon No vember f, 1106, from J. Oravinl. tllH Water street. The clothing is of vari ous makes and bears the labels of clothiers throughout ths etty. The stock of shoes includes everything from tans to patent leathers. ' Ths accused rain, had been residing In ths Empire lodging-houss for two weeks, and, ths suspicions of the pro prietor were aroused by McBrlde's ao tlon In daily carrying clothing te hia room, sens lng that the man was a crook, the hotelkeeper notified the po lice last night and the arrest followed. McBrlde will be held without bell pend ing a thorough Investigation. The pris oner declares that he purchased the gar ments and shoes In Belllngham, Wash ington, where he ssys he formerly re- siaecu .- . , - i "... MAY FORCE RESIGNATION OF GOVERNOR HAGERHAH Chief Executive of New Mexico Called on Carpet to Explain, : '' Official Connections: ;'? (Publishers' Press by gpeelel teaesd Wire.) Washington, April It. Governor H. i. Hagerman of New Mexico faces re moval from office. He believes, how ever, that he can convince the , presi dent that he has dons no wrong In his official connection with ths Penn sylvania Development company, acquir ing 7,000 aorea of valuable land. The governor called on the president this afternoon and explained hia. aids of the case. Secretary Garfield waa present Hagerman claims that he merely .fulfilled a transaction entered into by his predecessor.' The develop ment 'company, It seems. Is connected with the Santa Fe system and the anti railroad and political enemies of the governor are pushing him hard. JACKSON COUNTY ROAD . BUILDERS INCORPORATE 1 (Bpr1V IMiptch to TM Joe!?) Salem. Or.. April IS. Tha Butte Falls and . Western Railroad company filed articles of incorporation today with the secretary of state. Its purpose Is to construct and operate a railroad from Butte Falls to Caglo Point In Jackson cbunty and thence to a junction wltb the line of the Oregon 4k California rail road, now operated by the Southern Pacific . The Incorporators are W. a Dewing, B. H. .Harris and William M. Colvlg. The company his a oapltal stock of 128,000. Its main office is at Medford. .. , , BAKER HAS NO MORE SPINAL' MENINGITIS (ftpeelsl Dlspeteb te Tbe Joereal.i Baker City. Or., April IS. Although there waa a bad scare in Baker county over spinal meningitis when It was tils covered that the two children of Ells worth - Lents were, afflicted, no other eases have developed and it is believed all danger la past. .The Lents children were not severely attacked, although It was feared for a time that the little boy would not survive. Both are out of danger now. Dr. Atwood announces, snd the olty la entirely free from any contagious disease whatever. ' Snow in New England. (Pnnllahere' Preas by ftpectal Lessee1 Wire.) Boston. April II. Bnow began falllnc about I p. m. and continued at intervals all of the day. Because the tempera ture Is It the snow turned into water as fast as it fell. About noon there was a rainfall. ' Shipping remained In port as a bllssard Is sweeping the entire New England coast. ' - n No wrecks have been reported. .. . Onln. ' " ' Mrs. Kawner How Is Johnny getting slung as a grocer's clerkf Mrs, Croasway Well enough, I guess. He can tie up a. package , with a knot that' you can't untie to save your life, and ret It'a come untied lelf aa soon aa you get on the train with It, cand Long Troubles blned with a blood stimulant and tonic. This formula is very elmple and ths Ingredients oaa be -obtained from any good drug store and easily - mixed at uurn. It Is as follows) "Half ounce of Con centrated oil of pine; two ounces of glyoerlne and a full half pint of flret dass whiskey; these must be mixed by shaking them thoroughly and used in tablespoon doses every four hours." Tbe only caution neceesarv to be sure to get the genuine. "Oonoentrated" oil of pine, as there are numerous patent med lclnes sold under similar names put out by chemical firms. Ths concentrated ell of pine Is put un for dispenelng In half ounce vials only and enclosed In a screw-top box, which Is designed to re tain au ins original osone. Thlo treatment if adhered to -closely, will give the patient every advantage of campers In the pine forest, while en, joying all the comforts of home. - The doctor also spoke very emphat ically on the foolhardlnees of permit ting a cough or cold to linger. He says that the majority of cases of eonsump- .on don i nave their origin in heredity, but in a negleoted oold or eougn that has weakened the lungs and rendered them unabls te resist the attacks of ths tubercle germ which exists in the air of our cities almost constantly. The dootor also states that tha above form ula Is the best known to science for the quick relief and cure of soldo and oougns, frequently aireoting a complete cure of a cough or cold In a day If ueed as me. prescription-oireeie. CHILD. CRIES TO Stepmother and Father Furnish . Obligate to 8even-Year-0ld Vocal Gymnastloa. stepmother en the one aide ana a step-father-to-be on the ether are con tending strenuously la the circuit oourt for the privilege of feeding and clothing a seven-year-old boy. Tha stepmother is Mr William J. Lalsner, who married the father of the boy, William J. Lalsner, but one month ago. The step-father-to-be la B. It. Ho ran. who will marry Mrs. Martha H. Lalsner, Mrs. Lalsner the First, just aa soon as the law will allow after be geta a divorce from hia wife la Cali fornia. ' ..' The boy Willie, over whom the eon- test Is raging, is now In the hands of Hogan, at ths letter's home. III Moody street. Mrs. Lalsner the First ta there. too, out so is Mother Hogan. ; - Lalsner waa married to his first wife nearly Is years ago, when he scoured the divorce early In 1101 and the cus tody of the son, with the consent ef both, waa awarded to Mrs. Elisabeth Grler, mother of the wife. Mrs. Grler left for Alaska a few weeks ago, leav ing her charge with the Hogana. Her going precipitated a row whloh haa' brought out again. the whole story of the original Lalsner troubles. . T Both1 the second wife of Lalsner and Hogan express themselves as strongly desirous of possession of the child. The feature of yesterday aftsrnoon'e aeaaion ef the hearing waa the testimony of Hogan. who took the stand to explain his plans for getting a divorce from his California wife and of hia honorable Intentions - toward . the : divorced . Mrs. Lalsner. 4 ?;.' Only three witnesses were examined yesterday. - Ths suit will continue In Judge Sears' oourt Tuesday morning. One day last week the little boy waa parted from hia grandmother who had cared for him and whom be loved with all a child's affection. The parting took place in a lawyer's offloe In the Chamber of Commerce building. Tbe child was determined to go with Ms grandmother and he would not be comforted when aha left.-' For ever an hour he aobbed and cried aa though hie heart would break. Occasionally a loud wall would praotically stop all work In the neighboring office, and thsn he would relax Into the racking sobs. , Hs cried until he could cry no more. . ' Forakef Beady for Fight. - (Publishers' Press by Special Leased Wn-e.) Cincinnati, April II. Senator Foraker haa now had the greater. part of two days In whloh - to familiarise himself with the local situation In connection with the contest now on between him self snd Secretary Taft He spent a busy day receiving callers. He declined tonight to give hia views on any phase of the political situation as he had found It " ' It Is understood that In about a week he will commence his speech-making. ' MORGAN'S DAUGHTER This young . lad is Mlas Anna Tracy Morgan, daughter of J. -Pier-pont Morgan, the famous financier, who reluctantly appeared In court recently aa a witness against a boy charged with the larceny of her $600 brooch. - - PllfEII MEN WHO HAVE , ' OF . S. - v, Win appreciate our display of. faultless spring modelvpfjsuperb quality.., 'conspicuously elegant in style and .fit that will stand the most critical in- s spection and strenuous wear. Chesterfield clothes are everything that the - careful dresser could desire, ; They are right. Our spring models are full ' of new ideas, and exclusive designs, that are extremely interesting. The . ' styles arc the brightest and nobbiest we have ever shown. M 269 1111 S-. For Oar Patrons Each Month. This Amount we save on Rent alone Ss a show ton on China Oloaee, We have a solid oak one with sent glass ends, 8 laches wide, fee T lac has high, rrcaoh legs o One cash prtoe.... '. AMATEUR COMPANY ' MAKES PROFESSIONAL HIT Shakespeare Club Produces ' Twelfth .Night In True ; - Dramatio Style. ; The Shakespeare club of the Portland Academy made its Initial bow before the publlo last night, presenting ths Eliza bethan comedy Twelfth Night." The production waa most conspicuous by Its lack of ths amateur style, usually so noticeable . In such performances, and each player showed not only a thorough knowledge of his part, but a careful study -of the Interpretation of It. The manner of setting introduced to Port land by ' the Ben 'Oreei player -. was adopted, and changes In the ecenery were Indicated . only by placards dis played at one side of the stage. , There were industriously- changed by pages Smith and Cos after each scene. The 'real movement began with the entrance of Charles Robinson as Sir Toby Belch, : who played ths drunken kinsman to perfection. Holand Kennedy as the fool slso made a hit, and when these two combined with Presoott Cook Inghsm 'in ths rowdy- scene, the result was an uproarous confusion ' whloh would havs pleased - Bacchus himself. Among the others, William Dolph as Malvollo pleased, giving ths part a de elded touch of originality. Others who pleased the Immense audience pressnt were Cecil Espy as Orsloo, George Lati mer aa Sebastian, Mason Ehrman as An tonio, and Lovelle Winters as rablan. Anita Bennet as Olivia gave a splendid representation of the lovesick lady, ktarie was taken by Jean Brownlle, and Viola by Leslie Smith. The perform ance was sscellent throughout, and all those present look forward with, pleas ure to the clula next play. Chloks began to hatch after only 17 days la an Incubator ft Albany. ' CI EXPERIENCED THE CONFIDENT FEELING BEING WELL DRESSED IN , ' . ' e , ' bsj, . ... . i I - Correct ,in Every Detail $20.00 to $50.00 V I - 271 Morrison Street M a show reel aoaaa eg the tews laesss ta Xonse rnsatshlnga. sTev stock to . arrlvlag dally and w s want . yoa to se the new things and ana solas the eablavee. wort i aad fualsh, When yon hara re will appreotato tha low prloea a which we seQ. 364-370 East Uorrlson SL Opy. tha V. O, li fohnsh We as ersolnslve ageaes fo tha Celebrated ' Steel Hang COLONIST RATQ8 TO . OREGON And i!lPScmS l?". 5T the Pn,on PcHle, Oregon Short Line. S??"-. i?I ?V1'ANv8riit.,on " ?nd Southern Pacific, from all partg oi the East, DAILY during March and April - v - -t For tickets. If you desire to bring; friends, relativei, employe or othert from the Esit, by depositing tha cost with any agent cf tbe O. R. & N. or S. P. Co with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished In tbn East A Rard Opportunity to Promote the In dustrlttl Growth of tho Northwest stATas pbom nuwoxrAx. XASTsmw otme. Chicago ......... g30.8O B93.0Q tt, IOlS .y, S7.S0 Xaasas Olty sfl.M Omaha , sa.BO ao.oe 88.00 88.00 88.00 a. artu ... sa.oo -' ' Al4atee ennlv ta -11 km.v h. ...- . - . a ,iT Kates spply to Portland, ' Oregtj. una uniioa iiae points norta oi ana inciuaiog Asojand. v ; Por complete' information. Inquire of J ". ' '.:' r-V." Wat MoaraaVAT, Oencral Passeage Agent, ' ' ' ;' Oregoa A-.Uroad ft STaeigatlon Oe. G W. Stinger. City Ticket Agt id and Washington. -' LILY OF THE VALLEY i CHARMING, FRAGRANT, SPRING FLOWERS I we have Just received a large shipment of German Valley Pips. ; On aoeount of delay In arrival, we will sell these st li cents a dosen, II 50 per hundred, 112.60 per thousand; juat half price. Set out a bed of theee lovely flowering plants where they can remain, increase and bloom each year, urder quickly. Stock wUl not last long at these nrloes. ; Phone Main 471, Or call , - , . ,. .-.I Buy at the We Deliver to ALL PARTS OF the CITY and SUBURBS "(' : aaal .... We want ron to aea the i era' we carry In Btoek, raaglag In prioa from aa.T8 to gfiOvOO. Thla ana, white maple, imlta ttosi mahoganv, ot golden aeh, rremoh beveled mlrros tOaJd , Sr:.;r..w4.4o B 48.80 0.00 ae.eo ' 4t.7 o 40.00 Tew Tork 47.80 riostoa ... 47.40 Fhiladelpbta 47.18 Washington ............. 47.88 Astoria and Puget Sound points; sled J i t , Little Rent Store "' "m'imfK eejssr''- f . 5 I