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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1SC7. Visit Our Gill Room You can always A delightful -place to spend an hour. (Re plete with fare and beautiful art object a. Hammered Brill in an tique patterns, both useful and Jardinieres, Vaies, Loving Cups, Candlesticks "and Candelabra, Trays, Wood I Boxes, Coal Hod - Never inch a showing in thia lasting and always Beautiful ware. J Hear t . The Sweet- est Vocej Natural and Scientific v Aids to Health and , Strength TT -TT TJ FINE i ' Pa CELAINS AND POTTERT. ROYAL DUTCH, T 1 IMPERIAL BONAPARTE, . - LIMOGES. ANAPHORA, ' FLORENTINE, ROZANNE. ; We are agents for , . " HO ARE'S FAMOUS AMERICAN ' - CUT CLASS. Brilliant as the diamond. Exclu sive and artistic designs. -. . . . .' .. .. . Popular prices. , '-jV:' FRAMED PICTURES--Fnoto-: rravuree. Water Colors, Fine Prints, Passepartouts, Mottoes.! Every subject we ahow our own selection and worthy your" inspec- '. tion. ... y V, ."; ;- ,' ' Souvenir Postals The greatest showing ever made 100.000, embracing every view. , , thought or idea a beautiful and instructive exhibit ; ' THE NEW WOODLARK - Instep Supporter That ever fell upon the listening tar. Come in when you are " tweary and listen to the wonderful - record-- ; . MELB A, PATTI, , - SCHUMANN-HEINK. ; , EAMES, . CALVE, And Scores of Others. - v Wfe have 2,000 records. V We have every style of Victor ' ' or i Edison instrument Sold ' on ; small monthly paymente. , . Com-, plete catalogue mailed to any ad ' dress out of town. Orders solic- , : ited. ' 500 Teddy Bears t : Are re today . They are , are calling ifor you. PYR0GRAPHY It's a most charming art If you don't believe it, just watch the artist burning in our window. ' ' . r --. WONDERFUL WORK; 1 Artistic, novel, beautiful. Our -. stock of Wood and Leather and Pyrographic Outfits is the largest on this coast . " , Outfits from fa.BO up. Skins from 75e up. ' v , ' 'Wood from Bf up. , -n ' 'l " I Six Good Reasons FOR WEARINO OUR TORIC i -. LENSES. ' 1. Good quality," never vary. 'Z. Larger neia oi vision. , fcOC . I 3. Scientifically correct in adjust- tljO , L ment to tne eye..- -; 4. Lightness of weight 5. Beauty of workmanship and ap pearance.-' . 6. Moderate in price. ' Get . One of Our Use at Home Exer- 1 Electricity Is Life This Bedside TaW ( A j I Theae Invalid Chairs light - and comfortable and easy-running. Rented- if desired. A few of those Lewis and Clark outdoor chairs left. Full rattan, with spring and rubber tires,, while they last, f 20. ' rLAT f OCT VVITH ARCM SUff&gV Is a boon to those suffering from flat feet and all foot pains. Price f 1.50 per pair. ; ; Be in Style'- . OUR LEATHERS FOR 1907 , ARE CORRECT. ' Crush Belts, with new buckle de ' "signs, exclusive end rich, exquis i he shades of green, gray. tan. mode, red and blue......? 1.45 . Hand-Stitched Belta, to fit any ; 'waist .....50 We can match any costume in our . V line of Belts and Bags. ' ' This beautiful silver- mono-' gram, . any ini tial desired, at tached , free to purchases In our Leather Depart ment , - ' A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION A soft and velvetyvskin is yours by '. ') ' the use of ... . GOLDEN ROD. ctteitetv nerfumed. Not sreasr. Gentlemen should use it after shav ing. 25. No liquid to spilL Mailed to . any address. Don't Limp Our Elaatie Hose will strengthen and support a weak joint, cure an . pld sprain of strain, and prevent . easy dislocations. , , --., : - . , LUMIERE FRENCH FILMS. J Fit any kodak or film camera. Fa rhous for their brilliancy and uni formity. "We show, our custom ers how.", j- ,,. ., : : Artificial or Class Eyes . Two thousand, from which we guarantee a perfect fit of a natural ' shade - and appearance. We are agenta for the celebrated German Reform Eye, which in a wonderful degree simulates the natural organ. Durable and comfortable. . ... - . ' - ' . ' DONJT FORGET OUR' FLOW- -ER SEEDS THEY GROW. Our Sweet Peaa are named va rieties, new7 and beautiful. Nas turtiums 4all and dwarf. TheyAre" Helps to ' Healtbr and ; . r Hapineaa. y . ; ' These Exercisers give you beau ty, health, strength.'- Have youone in your room? Use it for fivemin- , utes nigfit and morning. Twill give you the glow of health which you aeek. f l.OO, 4.00, fS.OO. Don't Let Your Child Crow Stoopoj ftound'Shouldered When forSf "orf i.60 youcan have a pair of easy-fitting Bracea. ; They tide the child over the grow ing stage. - We have the right kind' and they do tne worfc m : MIRMONT PAPER Is a new and wonderful contact or printing-out photographic paper, producing the most artistic and .beautiful tonea in sepia, green or black. -So simple that any child can use it Send for a sample dozen, 4x5, 15e, postpaid. -' - . f . ; SPRAY YOUR ROSES TODAY., Woodlark Rose and Fruit Spray will destroy every leaf-eating -in sect and never injurea the most ' delicate foliage or flower. Bottle 8f Sprays..... 65 4 -?-. The soothing, restful electric cur-- ,, rent from our -WOODLARK-HOME MEDICAL BATTERY will help you.- Complete, with full'; set of electrodes, footplates, cords, all in a mahogany box; handsome ly finished. Each with book con taining full directions for treatment and use.. Every family should have one of these batteries. Noth- ' ing so efficacious in the treatment of nervous troubles, - headache, neuralgia and rheumatism. No liquids to spill or corrode, price fe.oo. .'; Horsemen's Dairymen's Cattlemen's -Poultrymeris Is a great comfort to every home. Sick, convaUscent - or invalid, it's -just what you need to aerve bed- ; aide meals. Holds the book or writing; adjustable as to height of ; position. t Price f S.OO. WOODLARK DRY SHAMPOO FREE DELW d a: a STORE OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 10 fl. M. TO 2 P.M. extensions; U WHEN YOU ARE IN A HURRY CALL EXCHANGE 1110 tnmk lines, 20 Over 100 salesmen ready to attend to your orders. , , . . ,W want monthly accounts with responsible folk. Cnir delivery system is good always trying tof improve it. We take Canadian money at full value. and we are n ri n ri ' : Jt 7 iT T Instruments and Appliances : Milk-Fever Outfits.. .. ... ,.f 2.T5 Caponizing Outfits ........ $2.50 Veterinary Thermometer. t.fl.50 bilking Tuber . ,-rr. . . .T.25 - A complete stock of Veterinary Instruments, Cases fWidMedicines. Agents for Humphrey's Famous Veterinary Specifics. , . GET A RAZOR TOMORROW Regular $1.00 values now 80e, All our Yankee Safeties $5.00 Set nowl.... ....2.50 $9.00 Set now., ...f4.60 $11.00 Set now....... 5.50 $14.00 Set now f T.OO -All our Gem Star and Zinn Safety v , Razora at Half Price. Lather Brushes at a Discount of 25 Per Cnt " Wa have a full line of Sterling Sil ver Mugs at special prices . -, during this sale. Leniers Bath Brushes Just Half . .. - Price. . , English Bath Towels One Fourth , , . Off. .- -:.' .' LY HAIR ANHCALP--- Sometimes Dame Nature is prodi , gal in this manner. ; Makes the hair dry and fluffy. A delightful dressing and absorbent Promotes the health and growth of .. the'' hair. .:- . - . i U-AR'DAS : C01D CREAM A most exquisite and delightful .' requisite. Not greasy. Delicately perfumed. Every lady using it is a permanent customer. Large jars 4 , ;. : . CALENDULA SOAP. '. Pure, cleansing, antiseptic, con taining in a most delightful ' form ' the healing, purifying and stimu lating oroperties of the old-fashioned Marigold. Box of three ' cakea 60f.' rr7fi::; Lady Patrons Of our Toilet Manicure and Per fume Department will always find , at our eountera courteous, compe tent and experienced saleswomen, who will advise and aasiat in the selection of harmless and proper aide to beauty. Every article we offer carrier our guarantee, and . , may be implicitly depended upon by our patrona. . "FREE WATER" SCHEME . DECLARED IMPOSSIBLE Offiolalt Of - Double Score of Cities Pronounce Wagnon V V I . Plan All Wrong. . NEVER BE EQUITABLE AND ALWAYS UNFAIR Balttmor Went Through Period ot . AgltAtloa torn SlmfUv System, bat - - t Waj Demedj to Be imprmcti . ' emble sod Wai TaniM Dowsu rorty-fiT c4t!s ut total of It. widely separated and from aU portion f the Unttad Btatae, hava azprMd atroDg disapproval of the Wanton Tra wataf ohama. - The Portland water board, oompoeod of Dr. C H. Raffotv. O. W. Allan. R. B. LamsoB and J. D. Hart, aont a Uttar of iBflulry th prtnotpal eltloa of-.tbe Mtloa asking for Information.. Tha an ware so far raealvad hava boon asalnat ..inntlon of such a plaa as ia pro- lar and aoma oi n n.wi in, ments baarlns en tne w a an on amana mont follow: . . Tha water board of thte ottr (popu tatlon 1SS.00S and asaoaaod valuation of proporty IUS.S0S.000) wlahlnf to obtain all tha Information ean from other eltlee rotative to watorworka mattsra. roapoetfully iquaata that you will In form u how euoh mattara are manarad In your'eltr. by filling out the btanka on tha Inclosed atatomant and adding tuoh other Itama aa you .mar-aaa fit and returning It as soon as you aan oonvanlantly. ' ' ' lnoload herewith plaaae find a eopy f tha water retoe of thle city which howe that a family In a dwelling hav Ina one bath and ona watar closet para til par annum. Tard aprlnkllng extra. "Aa provided br -tho ohartar. tha In toroat oa tha watar bonda, payments Into the elnklna: fund, extanaiona of malna and all ooot of operation, ropalra and . maintenance of tha watar worka hava bMn paid out of the rocelpta for Sot .the owners of the property, pay for It. ' It le now propoaaa or " ens to emand the charter ao that "f raa watar" shall be oupplled to all dwelllnea, tores, etc., and that watar ahall only be charted for whan uaed for eommer elal purpoana, yard aprlnkllnr, ata. and that tha deficit ahall be provided for In tha general tax levy on proporty. We do not consider thle propoeltlon advan. tataonav If adopted It would probably reault In property ownera paying mora taxes and raising tha rente of their tenants proportionately , ' ' ' ' "If four department oollocte a front age tax on property abutlng on atreat malna, please atate your mathod of aa- -i-- mnA nniiar.tlna tha tax. . ijp to tha present time 4 cltlea have replied to tha clrculara. Borne af tham have failed to state definitely whether Interest on bonda. paymente Into alnk fund, aitenalon of mains meters I. a h. nneratlnn. renalre and malnte- nance of tlmlr water worka are paid for aut of the general tax levy on, property, frontage tax or reoelpta for water sold, therefore a .complete summary of the Information obtained cannot be made until the full particular, which have been aakad for, are received. .- - Portland Oosaperea Wen. , Although some of theae 41 eltlee atate that property la taxed to some extent Kor watar purpose, the average of the annual watar rata charged by tbetn for a dwelling of average alse, having one bath 'and one water closet, la I1LST. Twelve dollars la tha rate eharged for euch a dwelling la Portland. The rata charged la thle rapidly growing eity, where the . ooet of extending water main la ao great (USt.STS last year, oomparee favorably with the rate ex older oltlea whose water . work are practically completed. , 1 " . i "The following le a copy of the an awera received from theae eltlee to the queatlan aa to how they would prob ably conalder a. proposition to furnlah free water for all household, store, workshops and offloea, and charge only for water for commercial purpoeee, yard-aprlnkllng, etc: . "Albany, N. T. Leading te an exoea slve consumption of water, with no way of preventing Ita Increaaa. - "Altooiuv Pa. -Very unpopular. 1 V "Atlanta, ua. To bankrupt the water orka. "Baltimore, Md. Pree water has been aitted hare and turned down. . ."Boston, Mass Inexpedient 1 ' ' '"Brockton, Maaa The Umlt of faaa lahneaa. . "Buffalo, N. T. Cnfalr; the question, haa been agitated, but did not meet with favor. .. ' , . . , "Cambridge, Mass. TJnwUe. . "Cleveland, X Very bad for many reason, chiefly waste. ..... 't WoalA Be Anaaed. ; : ' "Colombus, O. It would be our Judg ment that thia would be a very unaat lafaotory arrangement ad people would abuse the privilege. , v "Dayton. O Unwise, first ai an llmlted supply of water would be neo sssary: second, a municipal plant would eooir run 'down: and, third, tha pet pie who uae the water should pay direct and save carrying charca. ' 1 .: ' , "Detroit Mich. Undesirable, and te aa extent . discriminating; jlaadvan tageoua. . -"Duluth Minn. Unjust ' and unrea sonable. . '.. " - '. . "Eanrllle Ind. Impractical and unfair, aa tha burden, would be placed upon taxpayers, many of whom would receive no 'ieflt '- "Fall River, Mesa. Impracticable. "Orand fytpide Miclv A very ansat Isfaefory plan. ' "Ilarrlaburg, Pa. Unwise and inequi table. . ., i. .. "Kansas City, Jlo Unquestionably dlsastroua.' , . "Lawre ".ee. Mass. Entirely wrens; "Los Angelas, Cnl. Unjust "Lowell. Maaa.-Unwlse, "Lynn, Mass. Airalnst our Judgment "Mancheeter, N. H. All wrong. - , "Milwaukee, Wle. Premature and Im posing a burden, on the taxpayer whloh rightfully belonvs -to the consumer. - ' "Minneapolis, Minn. Not Just to prop- erty-ewnra, Nahvllle. Tenn. Not advisable. ."New Bedford, Maaa. Not aatlafao- torv. - i " . ' ' "I'hlladtlphla, Pa. The propoaltlon to furnlah water pumped by machinery free of cost would be considered la thle city aa absurd. All aonsumsrs should pay water rent' Tha price should be aa low aa possible. TUUburg, Pa. Preposition mnfavor able - ' ' "Providence, It L Impracticable from a flnaaolal standpoint - ' " aTel Se Baltable. (.''. "Beading. Pa Unjust taxation, and. not being equitable, would be unoonatt. tullonal, becauae lot-owners without 1m provamanta would be taxed for water wlthouS) having tha uae of It . "Richmond, Va. Not t proper method. "Rochester, N. TA poor business prop sal tlon. '-'' "Salt Lake City. Utah Humbug. - ; "Seattle, Waaa. Very unwise aa a public policy. " . .. "". ' "Bomervllle, Maaa. Not advantage sua .'''' "Spokane. 'Waah. That 'ft would be very unsatisfactory, v '. - .v "Springfield. Mass. Unwise and vis Ion of a dreamer or politician. Tax payers on unplped streets or In suburbs where no water supply Is yet extended would kick her- and Juatly. "8t Louie, Mo. Impraotloabl. Not looked ' with favor. , Tha only equi table way of charging Is by meana of meters. . ; . ; "8t Paul, Minn. Thle la a very dan gerous ' propositi a and would lead te extravagant' waste, v Taeoma, Wash. Not a awod plan. . "Washington. . D. - C The arrange ment would be a grave mistake. 'Free water would undoubtedly ooet the oiti aena a great deal more than water paid for directly by some rational system auoh aa universal uae of meters; "Worceatar. Muse. A eraay propoel lloii. , . . " ' " "Tonkara, N. T. Do not believe propo altlon could be carried, aa wa are- edu cated to the uae of meters.. GIVE SALARY :. TO HENEY FUND pffer of Fred T. Merrill, Who Pllee Announcement ot Candidacy : . 'op Councllman-at-LaJTre. .1. Trod P. ; Merrill yesterday filed hie petition aa a candidate for the Republi can nomination for councilman at large. Ua eete out the following aeven rea son why he wants to make tha race: "First Becauae many friends and taxpayers have requested that I do ao. 'Second Bcfuse I want to work for a greater Portland, battsr government municipal ownership of.publlo utilities, and anti-grafting. "Thlrd-i-Because X want to -be vindi cated In the' eyes of the labor unlona, the working people and all the good people of Portland. ' , ' - "Fourth Because I want ta help to "heed off tha franohlse Speculators' and put a "check rein' on tha Indiscrim inate giving away of valuable franchises and publio streets. "Fifth Becauae I wish to work' for better streets, a cleaner city, a better telephone and gas system, lower taxa tion and a repeal of the occupation tax. "Sixth To do aa I have always done In the past work for tha best interest of tha people, the taxpayer a, the city treasury, and to make Portland a busy, hustling city. "Seventh Because 1 ean refer with pride to two ex-mayors and to brother ex-councllmen aa to my record while a member of tha council. -. ' "If the people want Heney to come to Portland, I will subscribe my first six months' salary ,aa councilman to tha fund." . , LAST CALL FOR REGISIRATIOrJ Books Closed 1 Last Night - and ; Will Not Bo Reopened , V- for Voters. T RUSH AT CLERIC'S OFFICE AT A LATE HOUR Ixmg lino of Men Who Most Regis ter or Have Totes Bwora tn Are . . 8UH on Band When the Books Are . Supposed to Close for, Good. These who did net register yesterday will have te swear on election day, for tha registration books closed for good last night at t o'clock officially, nearer 10 la reality. Tha registration elsrks estimate a total roglatratloa of upwards of IT,000. ' Testerday was a record breaking day ta the registration bualneaa. -. Prom the time the book were opened la - the morning until the weary clerks closed tham at eight more than 1,000 voters had atood In front of the long eountera la County Clerk Field' office. - Up to 4 o'clock la the afternoon TOO name bad been - tucked away ta the record. After dinner the work grew faat and furious. Those person consti tutionally late were there tn drovea te take advantage of their eleventh hour chance' -.- ' -' -' " Soma candidates took a hand la tha registration also. Ona gsntlsajaa who haa aspirations for a seat In tne olty eounoll was the leader ef a. "personally eonduoted excursion," - oonslatlng ef aomo 10 or 1 voters. Other potltlalsns dropped ' In now and then with some bashful friend and saw" to it that ha wee safely la the fold. Outside In the corridor beyond the Immediate Jurisdiction of the six-foot policeman, the petition circulator raved. Raeh victim aa be escaped from tha elatchsa of the registration clerk waa ' gobbled up by., the petition mea who assured him: "It won't hurt you, eld man. Don't coat any money, and ain't a mortg-age or a note, we Juat want to get Mr. Umpty Urn p. the brightest cleanest friend of the eomraen people In town. on the ballot.T Generally they algned. ,At S o'clock there wss atlll a human ana Ice winding out of the clerk'a office, down the corridor and out Into the mala halt By 0:10 It had departed like the lolnt snake In asperate pieces and tha books were closed. Those who failed to register will bow be forced under, the law to awear in tneir votes. Monday the clerks will begin the task ef aortlng out the registration cards and expect to finish their work by the end ot the week, whsn the official count of the registration caa be mad. . Heavy Docket tn Tillamook. Tillamook, Or, April IS Circuit court oonvenoa here next Monday. Judge Wil liam Oalloway presiding. The docket Is by far the largest In' ths history ef Tillamook county. This le cus' la a measure to ths condemnation aulta brought by tha P. R. A N. Cec and the A. A & Railway company. WAfIT HOSPITAL FOR EAST SIDE Business Men Look Upon Pro posal of a Non-Resident Physician Wph Favor. SITE FOR LIBRARY . HAS BEEN OFFERED Location Is on East Morrison Not Very Far From High Sekool Hawthorne Estate's Offered Bite Is Being Considered. A buay week will oeea far tha aan. tral aaat aide progressive associations tomorrow, a week of Important mat ters and ' ef considerable eon sequence to the aaat aide aa a whole - Parslateot and united effort la reaping its har vest Two big projects will esDsclallv demand tha attentloa of each ot the two larger central associations thia Dr. R. A. Wilson ef Its Oread ave nue announoee that a phralolaa with capital la looking for a alto oa the east side oa which to build a hosnltaL Dr. Wilson refuses te divulge hie Identity further than that he te aa outside ohr- alolan with money enough te carry out tne project end the East Side Business Men'a club will attampt to secure the new hospital for that aids of the river, The project will be Introduced more la detail at the next meeting of tha bual neaa men's club which will be Thurs day evening. April II. Another person whose name la with held, a Portland man, haa made a propo sal to tha Bast Side Improvement as sociation by which he will donate a alte ror a library - building. - A committee from the association haa long had thle project under consideration and some thing definite will be decided upon at tne meeting or the organisation Tues day evening. The property In question ta en East Morrison street, some dis tance above Grand avenue It la not clear and until it haa been released ths donation cannot bo made Another site tor the library haa been offsrsd by ths Hawthorne estate that la quite favor ably considered by ths committee. A. O.U. W. DEPARTMENT OF OHIO TO BE ABANDONED (rMbHehers Press by Special teased .WHe.l Cincinnati. April IS. The Ohio de partment of the A. a U. W. will be abandoned. That la admitted by those who are In charge of Ita affaire. A eult haa been brought to appoint a receiver for the buslnssa and to wind up Us affaire A T. Roever. grand recorder nf ths order, said: "We have nothing to conceal. Our booka are open to tne wona.- Vktlms of -Wreck Burled. Winnipeg. April 11. The funeral ot tha It vlctlma of the Chspleau wreck, on the Canadian Paolflo railway, east of here.- wss asm lousy, i ne v in , Jured ere doing well. LITTLE STORY OF A HARD SHOVE Police Committee -Tries to De cide How Gently an Officer , Must Take Hold of Sleeve. TEAMSTER IS STRONG IN HIS ACCUSATIONS W outsell, an Employe of the Street Cleaning Department, Harried to Patrolman Parker's Aid and Pros pects) for Scrap Deemed Promising. "Whsn you plaoa your hand upon the coat of a' man who la not under arrest yen are guilty ef assault. : A policeman eaa talk te a man without catching aim by the eoatsleeve. -- - - - - v v Chairman Oreene er the police com mittee wore a very serious look when he gave the foregoing lecture to Pa trai ns aa H. K. Parker yesterday afternoons Parker bad been charged with assault apen T. T. Vincent, e teamstsr, and ths ehargea were substantiated by Vincent's son-in-law, Charles F. Lane, also a teamster. ' , The offlosr had eeea Lane driving a erlppled horse, end had ordered htm to send It te the stable Vincent Inter fered and, according to Parker's story, used some violent language Ha started te attack Parker and tha officer kloked him and then drew hie revolver when ha aaw Lane approaching- Parker pock eted his revolver when he saw M. J. Wantasll, aa employe of the street cleaning department, rushing to his as sistance. . --'I --- - .. Vlnonnt denied thst he had abused tha officer. Parker had kicked him twice. Lane made practically the same statement, with the addition that - the policeman had Invited a fight. M. M. Block and El wood Hennlg said they saw Parker kick Vincent and else knock him down. Nstthsr saw ' the - officer draw e gun - nor heard Vincent use abusive language -. Wantsell waa cos! tire that : Vincent had vilely abused ths officer. "You'll have ta prove that in the court a," . declared Vincent. T didn't eall him any namea until after he kicked me. I'll sue you for damagee." "Get into action right away- rejoined WsntssU. ' Captain Moore and Inspector Ttraln said Parker waa a very efficient officer. He waa a splendid man ea a beat, and the only complaint heard aratnst him waa because he carried ent hla orders to the letter. Captain Brain said Parker might have unintentionally used more force than necessary when he took hold of Vincent's sleeve Parker was a pow erful man, an what might seem to him a gentle shove would to a wk--r mun be a knock-down blow. The ci was taken under advisement. MRS. FISKE 10 " ' : 8KATKIG RIIlK Cordray Announces She - Will - Appear In New Weatherly - Establishment. USE THAT UNTIL NEW THEATRE IS COMPLETED East Side PUynonse le to Be Boms of the Independent Stare, Iaclad fag Those Now Appearing tn the - Shnbert Attractions. . . . John T. Cordray le authority foe the positive statement that the tadepead aate will be provided with a theatre la this city and that Mrs. risks will be ths first of the non-ayndlcate attrac tions te eppeer here. Mr. Cordray an esunese thst .she will beerta aa engage ment la thle elty June IT. Mr, risks, according te Mr. Cordray", will be followed .by Mlse Mary Manner ing, - who wUl-be7les-e9-aeTeeeat -hers June 14. Following these twe stare the Bhubert attractions will be offsrsd in Portland. . , Vse Artificial Zee Man,'. Tha permanent home ef the independ ents In thia eity, aaya Mr. Cordray. will be the new theatre which he la prepar ing to build on the east aide Tem porary arrangements have been mede with the manager ef the new artificial ice akatlng rink whereby the Independ ent attractions may be offered in Port land until the completion of the thea tre. Mr. Weatherly la erecting a large building at East Sixth and Salmon, streets, which le to be used ee aa Ice akatlng rink. It may also be esed for theatrical purposes and will have. It la said, a seating capacity of t.000. -Mr. Cordray stated yesterday that he had completed arrangements with lr. Wsatherly whereby the independent at tractions may be housed pending the erection of the esst side theatre. Mrs. Ptsks and Jlss Msnnerlng will appear there la June - . - A fc. ill . 1 have completed arrangements with Mr. Weatherly to use the building a-t a theatre until our new east siile theatre ta built," he said. -And both Mrs. Ft ke and Miss Msnnerlng have t er-a-d to appear here. Mrs. FI.-.1 will play In Portland, June 17, and .V - Msnnerlng, June 27. "When their engagements sre eluded tha Bhunert em mm offered here. The new i,t t will be the home ot the tn. and some of ths beet s-tr la A are !n-ii1ed In the-lndei'n !:." . Idaho Man Acpii:'- .. !e-l ft. ;.!( to Tl Jrn-n noiMo, Idaho. I n v. .- -.nnnn, who had bo--n ci i : t f r t' rt fW ilnvs fnr t , . f a Btallf In III;' i v ' , t scu- 1 by t TEAdinr.3 Y.v.'iTCD r: little c:.:v;;j c: (r---r ii .. t . . .