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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
THE ' OREGON '.. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL t, i::7. El OFFICIALS to Take seats St- Johns Appointive Employe Anxiously Watch Mayor-Elect Couch's Every Action. 'V V : t ..., , t . ' CAMPAIGN BITTERNESS ; IS FADING 'AWAY Some,' Vnaoccrasful Oo Ar Now AW t Laugh at Thelf Defeat "." Qucstlosf of Completion., of City Hall Must Soon Bo TackM, f The effect of th city 'campaign at gt. Johns ar slowly wearing off; snd everything la merveloualy Quiet la that hi.,- Tha : "whve" . and -"wberefora' of th' defeats mrt betag.-dlsousss and all raellna mni to be slowly Dealing. Uomi are laughing over their def eata nil soma are celebrating their nctonen Next Monday evening. April I, aa the. charter provides, aU the new offlcera will be worn In and wUl Immediately - aaaume their dutiea. An Immenae amount of work confronta the council among which the moat Dromtnent la too com pletlon of the city ball be run by i the last administration. Thla 1 In tery mach of a tangle and the exact eohdl tlon of affalra will here to be carefully atudled from a legal standpoint before nv action can be taken. . No work haa been done on the building for several :. weeka ' " - . . ' Keavr rorfeit Fay. ' " it la the onlnlon In St. Johns that rvintraetora Tounsf erdorf a- Son hare " been unable to complete the building and will forfeit their claim' to the contract as aoon as the city takea th nnneces r action.- Aoeordlnr to the contract Youngferdorf or his bondamen will have to forfeit $! a day since the first of January when their part or me contract ahould have neon oompteieo. All appointive officials cease to be- come recular officers next Monaay. They are: Chief of Police Cbarlea Bre rieaon. 8Declal Officer Daniel Brecht ni Klrhtwatchman O. W. Allen, City Health Officer K. W. Roaalter, City At torney 8. H. Greene and City Engineer Clenatbfc L. Goodrich. Mr. Couch, the newlv elected mayor, has - made no promlaes, so be says, and therefore the annolntments for tneae pieces; cannot be safely predicted. Th police fore will orobabl be reappointed, however. Attorney Greene will probably be reap pointed but Just what win be oone wun the others Is very doubtfuL . .. Those who will oomplete their year's office in 8t- Johna Monday, are aa f ollowa: Mayor P. . W. Htnmsn, Re corder W. L- Thorndyke, Treasurer George M. Hall, Councllmen W. H. King, W. W. Kaaer. U K. Walker, 8. C Nor- ton. B. L. Doble, -P. A. Bredeen and . 1L S. Hewitt. The new officials are: ' Mayor H. C Couch, Recorder A. M. Esaon, Treasurer G. M. Hall and Councllmea XV. W. Raser, W. H. King. U E. Walker, 8. U Doble, W. T. Liggett, A. R. Jobea and Charles Llnqulst. . TRAIN HOSEMEN TO . BECOME ENGINEERS RELIGIOUS EDITOR AT C1TY C0UIICIL Under a plan proposed by Chief Campbell to the fir committee of th executive board yesterday afternoon, drivers and bos em en of th depart ment will be given an opportunity to learn, engineering. The chief said thst he Intended to take men from each house and let them train themselves as stokers. If they pass th examination aa stokers they will be given a chance to study for th position of engineer in any of the companies. Men who. fall to pass the examination for stoker will have tp remain on fir duty. There are no stokers in th department now, ex cept on th flreboet. , Metsrer fits your eyes for IXO. ' 111 Sixth street, near Waahlngton. ; Have you aver been In a ritualistic church oa a lasy, droning June day In vacation and seen a group of newly confirmed girls kneeling devouUy In their pews, murmuring reaponaea In the accepted place and simultaneously bob blng their heada about to ae what la going on elsewhere, but never for a moment forgetting th responses? And have you ever seen the non kneejlng aodltnce sitting there talking in whisper to on another with no at tention to th mumbling of th good people? Her and there yon hav noted a newcomer to whom th ceremonies are all Strang, who watches th pro ceedings with anxious: eyes lest h miss something? And have you noted the usher leaning against tb wall la tha back or engaging visitor In conversa tion, yet always ready to awaken ahould something of interest happen? Though if all have you obaerved th deadly calm and stupor enlivened only by a sort , of expectant air that something may hap pen to break the monotony? , ; -' ' I ,.' Just aa It looks. .' ' . ' ' If you. have you need not go to a city council meeting for you already know it as it appears to an outsider. Mayor Lane ' plays the part of the girl who rumbles her reaponaea unfailingly, and usually -oorrootly. though- no on could prove It, for they are mumbled so that only tb secretary could find tha place ln-th prayer book and ha only through long custom. Th mayor sits twirling a paper lamplighter made by his own deft fingers and takes In from his posi tion of vantage every comer and every speaker and puts In his little "Lord be merciful" when th secretary, th city auditor, drops Ma vole in reading. Gathered in th pews around about him are th non-responding audience of oouncllmsn who now and thsn join in a hymn just to keep from being left out entirely. But they hav a comfort able .chat among themselves while th secretary-priest and tb wide-eyed girl exchange reaponaea ' ' Among them Is a newly elected coun cilman to whoa all things are as a new country and t follows carefully every word of the service. . He will know soon and will loin th ranks of ths ex perienced. And a band of outsider In terested la certain parts of th srvie lean against th wall and engage aach other la conversation - and semi-occa-alonally direct another visitor as to whst be Is entering. 1 ', . '; Oonrtssy Skia Beep. A at church th real activities may be found In th lobby outside. Inside th service goes unhaltlngly on la an changing pitch: ' '''. "Petition of so-and-so la th matter of this-and-that, to." -. "Commute on ways and means." '' "Petition of tnls-and-that In th mat ter f so-and-so."- "Commute on treets.", Now and then on f th congregation moves that th courtesy of th pulpit be extended to Judgs Somsthing-or-other. . And to aa onlooker th courtesy of tb floor seems to mean a chance to talk while th council men rock In their chairs and yawn or go calling on their friends, th secretary and clrk chat comfortably to man with new petitions, th' mayor surreys his audience and listens with on ear as he twirls his lamplighter, th reporter throw their leg over their chair and nap lastly, and ths only ones listening are a few nf th visitors who hav no vot in th matter anyway. , -. ' . 11 1 :madloa opTjaw-ea, -i ' So the meeting goes on while' vry now and than some one employed In th city hall shoves his head hungrily in at th ooor long enough t see that he is missing no excitement so that he can safely ao back to his work. And now and then th blue eoated officer salutes th mayor and Is requested to gather th attendance from tb ball, which h goes out to do and eomea back with a smile of eatlafaotlon at a duty wall par formed but with no attendance. . Visitors walk up and dowa between th handsome marble pillars or sit on th radiators or come la dragging a chair and patiently wait for whatever haa brought them there. But soon th vlaltor in th gallery who knows Both' Ins f th proceedings and cares less grows tired of waiting for something tortllng. to. happen among those aim lessly moving bodies and leaves before th collection plat is paaaea TWO HOSPITALS Two mora cases of Bright' Disease that recovered after the treatment In hospitals had failed and life was de spaired of. ' ." On la John H. Oyselaar, th well known merchant of Eureka, CaL He was in th Lane Hospital In Baa Fran cisco for three month. Was so swollen with dropsy that he had to be tapped every ten days. He waa ateadllyaink In when hta family took him home and put' him on Fulton' Renal Compound fur Brlght's Dlseaaa. The tapping ceased and h began to mend and la now tierfectly weiL Everybody In Eu reka knows of his mlraoulou escape. Another case I that of Mr. T. J. Mut Joy of Bryant St. Ban Franclaoo. A few months ago he waa In th U. 8. Marin Hospital in- that city, and waa so low with Brlght's Disease that his slater. Mrs. French, was advised by the rihyslclaa In charge that a fatal end was nevltabie and dose at band. 8b took him bom and put him on th am treatment that aaved Gvaelaar. He re covered and five month later returned to his employment. Write either of Ui above If you question thla Bright' Diana se and Diabetes are curable in 87 per cent of ail cases by Fulton' Compound Bend for litera ture. Jno. J. Fulton Co., S10 Baa Pablo avenue, Oakland, CaL When to suspect Blight's Disease weakness or loss of weight; puffy an kles, hands or eyelids; dropsy; kidney trouble after tne third month; urine may ahow sediment; - falling vision; drowsiness; one or more or these. For Bright' and eerloiie kidney 41s- get jrulton s - stenai uompouna. 11.00. For Diabetes, aak for th Dia betes For sal by all druggtsta Trad sup plied ' by Clarke-Woodward Drug Co wholesale druggists foruana. or. Y. M. C. A. FUND IN S EATTLE IS ' $229,000, IN PORTLAND $355,000 iTh much vaunted "Seattle spirit" does not count tor much with members of hs Ti M. .C. A." Th Portland as sociation has ' raised funds for one building, has outgrown it. and tas raised 255,00O fpr a- new building, whll Seattle has been raising I1J0.000 for a new building. . Both cltiea started about fiv year ago to raise funds for new T. M. C A. building. s Portland was modest in her request and asked her cltlsens to sub scribe but 146,009. In tx weeks th committee bad raised fsS.OOt. . Seattle started her campaign . soon after Portland did, and In order to show her superiority, asked her cltlsens to donate S320,000 for a new bom. After a campaign that' dragged along , for several years ths workers managed to scrap together 1100,000. For, several years mors nothing - waa dons toward raising th balance of th fund. , Then her, worker got together laat fall and renewed th campaign with about tb am amount of spirit that characterised the ftrat campaign; th, workers fin ished laat Monday with IHM00, mak ing a total of $22.0O0. . - ADMEN SEND PROTEST ON OREGON GIRLS AS INDIANS Objecting to thi proposal to sand handsom Oregon young women to tour the east, attired as Indian squaws, th Portland Admen S leagu ha sent th following protest to the mayor of Mo MlnnvUl. signed by the president and secretary of the league: "To th Honorable the Mayor of Me- Mlnnvllle, Oregon Dear Sir: It has become a matter of pubit Knowledge that yourself and others contemplate sending 40 Oregon young ladles to the Jameatown expoaltlon for the purpose of representing and ad vert lain g th tat of Oregon. "Thla 1 commendable and proper, but there 1 Justly som criticism as to their proposed dree. - ; "Much of this criticism has been noted individually and collectively by THE '.-; i v . OUTIET CL0T1MG CO. SPRING STYLES flffj? '. You will read" many1 lines -in-yrint-ebout Spring Clothes. The Outlet has that spirit of progress about them for a new store that ,1a making them grow. The evidence is from the popularity they made on their "y MADE SUITS Our efforts this season are to show you that we have done better this spring in improving this line of $10.00 Suits, and we will show you the best $10.00 Suit that ever was exhibited in the oldest stores in this city. . Note our show windows. What we show in snap, style and swelldom in the best that's made in MEN'S APPAREL FOR $10.00. ; V ) -V,. SUITS PRESSES CM YEAR FREE CF CHARGE r.crjnnsT ccs. t:cr.:sc.i axd nnsT sts. ; th membersatp of , th . Portland Ad man's leagu. sa organisation of some IS members, whose business brings, them essentially in close touch with alert and observant people of th city and a tat. ,'; ' , v " "Therefore, at a regular meeting held on th evening of April it was moved, enthusiastically seconded and' passed amid applause .that a remonstrance be forwarded to the proper authorities pro testing against Oregon being repre sented or ' rather . misrepresented, ' at Jameaton by requiring Its delegation of attractive young women to travel and appear In the garb of Indiana. . "It is true that vn among intelli gent though unthinking peopl of th east there still remains som Impression that Oregon is a frontier state. "Rather than -Ac courage and unwit tingly stimulate thla mistaken impres sion w should attempt to eorract it by presenwng th truth, Th east and the world should know that Oregon haa arrived. That long ago w bad adieu to frontier condition! and environments. That in our cltlaavour town. In our rural communities, over all our stats, th refinements of life, th octal ad vantages, th enjoyment of publlo and private utUitle obtain in a superlative degree. That no tat In th Union excel Oregon a regards our meaeur of progress and established social eon ditlons, . from a metropolitan point . of view. - Th Admen' league of Portland knows, and wants th east to know, that ths representative young women o Ore gon typify th fracas and refinements which hav com to America since the days of early Jamestown, and Insist that our fair delegation be permitted to wear at aU time a coaturae in har mony with present conditions, rather than a composite of th legendary ..ooi-up cowiray ana in long-gone predatory Indian." .. ANNUAL ELECTION AT : MIZPAH PRESBYTERIAN At th annual meeting of th congr. gatlon ..of the Mlipah Presbyterlsn church, East Thirteenth and Powell treets, ths reports submitted showed healthy growth In U departments. 8. P.. Mackey was mads chairman, P. W. Klrkham. clerk, and J. P. Bartow, treas urer, 8- f- Mackey and Penumbra Kelly wer elected aiders to serve thre years. P. A. Preston and P. C Sprague were sleeted to the board of trustees and A. T.'Reed waa elected head usher. Th total membership of th church waa reported to be 146. Pifty-vn new member wer added during th year Just ended. . - Th church conducts two mission Son day schools, ono at Midway and another at Kenll worth, both In a good condition. Rev. Jerome R, MoGlad has now been pastor over six roars, . LONG'S $3,000 IS V; NOT CONSIDERED Star Alann Agent Offers Cash GnaM . antee xna isoxes wiu worr, but GameweU Bid Accepted. ' 1- -Just how much ' damage would b caused to th fir alarm aystam by mlxtar of taps puulsd th fir com mittee of ah . executive board yester day afternoon. ' Two companies bad pre sented bids for. ths Installation of ap proximately 120 ' new fire alarm boxes. A. O. Long, representing the Star Alarm company, said bis system -bad been In dorsed by Mayor Tom" I Johnson of Cleveland. Ohio. He was willing to for feit l. 000, the cash to be deposited to th credit of th city, u u noxea aid not work for two yeara- ' rred A. Wood of the Gamewell com pany, which, ha Installed all th pre nt bdxe in Portland, ssid th Star would, when alarm are turned in, draw doubl taps from th belL "That." said City Klectnciaa Bava rian, "would be a serious menac to th svstsm. Double taps would call out extra en gin companlea and leave por tions i of th city- without - fir . protec tion during thoe time." - ' T , As th Star system bad -not' .been tried In Portland, th committee recom mended that th contract be awarded to th emawall stmaanv. . . . ; JENKINS IS THE NEW; AGEWT OF THE A. & C. R. J. C Mayo, general freight and pas senger agent of ths Astoria A Columbia River railroad, nas resigned snd bis plsce has been filled by appointment of Ralph jenxina, assistant in tn or floe of F. H. Fogsrty, assistant gen eral - passenger agent of th Northern Pacific. Mr. Jenkins headquarters will be at Astoria His suoeessor aa chief clerk here haa -not been named. Mr. Mayo wlU engage In other business. A stockholders' . meeting of th Astoria dt Columbia River road wUl be held April t. v , ;-. . - 4 .,.,.....-., w . . .... .. r,,,. A -v -'. I . -1 -t ' : ';':.V- ' -) . '.;V': V'-' ','..., . ' . i , ', S'" '"-' ' ' '''r;YA;'A;.A:;,vw V i. mnV Will you find such complete assortment of ;; r?;- ; ' 'fit V'.W'IV, BO j as in J r sT ' : an entire floor, where ladies can do their -shopping away. from the crowds. A ' , . - Out manufacturers, who confine, their. . choice productions to us, have outdone 1 all previous years. If you have never. -, . visited this handsome department . - - DO. IT NOW, i. -, is- 'is . -J-,.'-.' i. i- . f . . .: ' DO. IT NOW; f.v :..v .v.x.,us.,4 ). -w- i t. s --. i a . . v mi Bswsi 1 - ! i ClOTfflEn f.., .,,.., l ,.-y. tr mm i.t in : c:3Tc:::a cm:? bae r4 sy intnvma of Jote for tbew , i auiirtrva wo'le Tniaini to o Inrty TMk1 t ' IT Boouas t eklid. auftos Ue guas. auars , , all eia. ear wind oua 4 la . ta. bast i , tearMNty fnr CierHHite. ' - ' , TWIITMIT erWTS'A aMTTtk. FOR li'OMEM ONLY. Dr.- Seadsrena' Onatpsaad Savt ' and Ox toe Kost PUIS. The beat . aad eebr reluble Nwedv for la LATBU PtHJUL8. Cere the snst batlaate cMl IS S te 10 sera. rrtre S esr hex. real 4 slate . wrapper. Mress Dr. T.-J.-rigaVOsJ, laij-virM street, rwtlaaC ' pragea, j-r' , V A NEW DEPARTURE A ; SWJJSSSSSWSSW ( Th Ooat of tntermsats Xas Been area, ly ' Bed need by th Xolmaa Vader - taking Company. . , Ileretdforo K haa been the custom of funeral directors to make charges for aU Incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, th leading fuseral directors of Portland, beginning July 1, ItOt, will depart from thla old custom. When th casket Is furnished by u Its cost will Include all charges, auch as conveying the remains to our chapel, ootalde box. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all services whloh msy be required of tia except clothing, cemetery and carriage ! thus eriecting a saving of 121 to 171 on each funeral. T nilC EDWARD HOLMAN CNDERTAK INO COM PA NT. , lit lUrd street, corner Salmon. YOUR CRJLDIT IS GOOD Sp ecials for Saturday S I y Tl - Y mu P:'".',l llrjliPli.iV!'; I Jl !- ,' ; t 7. i I m mm m m . m a 86-inch Swiss, in stnpes, dots and figures, ' A f Special, per yard. . . . . . ........... .. .. tJC t- ,..','..'-"' t 36-inch Spring Swisses, in ; dainty colors; of pink, green, gold aod Dlue;'reguiar , OlA., ' 20c quality. Special,'per yard. .....lad C : A" X' f" 80c Rvalues' in fancy Swiss Muslins, in . stripes, dots and. figures ? Special, per ; vyard:.;;..,..;.:............;.;...; 80c values in 82-inch Figured Silks.: , A ?A Special, per, yard j , ,..i,.,,,;J.v.;.jUC Satradaleiiii Regular 20c valu'e inTable Oiltloth, 4 feetrwide,' fn' fancy -figures. 1 Special for tomorrbw ;t A ' evening only after 7 o'clock. .1 Purchasers lirruted.t.ojl:yards : Specul, pe y 1UC No mail, telephone or C O. D. orders accepted for these specials. - . -li ' i Basement Depta Specials r J'-' -. ; S .;. - V -a,r, " - Plain and decorated patterns In highly glazed English .Tea Pots. Special for tomorrro only, in our Basement Department. , ,' "., . lK ;'v ' ,: ';' Plain brown patterns. Special, each, 15, 20, SSf, CO4 Decorated patterns. Special, each, S5, 30, S5f, 40d Mail, telephone or C O.' D. orders will not be accepted , for these specials. 'n. '. . ' reaesiais Special . $2.45 Two designs in '36-inch Pedestals, fin Vis hed in; the quarter-sawed golden oak, Vope exactly'; like cu . other . design t has ; four pillars. '"These, sell . regularly for ; $'(.25. - Offered -for tomorrow only , at ,1 a- 3 the 'above ..speciaL ; On these we will - J , ""V notr accept maiL-1 d; O. D or telephone . J V . ir tf. -ft :' 0 ) - . ' .... ' . ' v.- V t Tree v nrlAetw Atm (t l.l.uuiiw All r the Ladies Waitina 16 Apartment Bj ICOLlPLETE-HOUSEFOm 5I , . .. Bargains in ' Our - Lxchanje Depart . merit ; 7