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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1907)
' "; TlfE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL' 3. 1S07. opei DRAW IS ALMOST FATAL N Operator . Swings ' tht Span as K '; Fivr Wagons and the. Patrol ' t Dash Across Burnside Street Bridge. , . r , . " -J - - , V ' . .. . - (' . ' Through th groaa eereleaaneee of tha gnteman nd operator on th Burn eider bridge this morning, th pollc I.attrol wagon, drawn by two valuable ' liorw ana cutrrlai . Patrolmen ; Crate. Hurk tnd Robioa tml a newspaper man, narrowly raped plunging Into " the Tlver. - and track and angina com panies N. wer -delayed so. long in responding--to. -an - alarm from Grand ;. avenue - and- Burnaide street that . the . rat Ire east aide waterfront district was placed la Jeopardy from tha fir; '",' Tha action, of tha brid tender in . opening tha draw while tha ; patrol wagon waa racing across the span and the delay consequent to tha fire depart ment, will undoubtedly ba made ' tha aubjeot of an official, investigation. . The -scan of-tha patrol hnrsta and police men -on death; In tha 1cy watera of the Willamette la 'regarded as miracu lous, j ., i . ' j ' J - With the patrol .wagon In Aha ; lead the police and are departments started across tha bridge. MounUd Patrolman Crate waa orivtng the team of spirited horses, with Patrolman Burke alongside him on the aeat-v Inside of tha vehlole aat Patrolman Jlohson and a newspaper man. Upon approaching -tha draw Oateman Wheeler signaled tha patrol with his hand that everything ( was Clear. ' ' - ' While dashing across the draw Harry Stuteaman, the operator, threw on tha current and tha span opened to allow tha passage of a tug towing a number of boomatlcks down tha river. The . bridge started ta open as the patrol was In the center of the draw and It was only the prompt action " of "Driver Crate la applying the brake and puUlng -the horsea back an 4hair haunches that ' saved the wagon and Its occupants. , - Crate bacd- the team to tha- oenter of the draw and when tha spaa waa again closed continued on tha way to the lire.' In the meantime, however, the lira department was stalled on tha west end of the bridge. , Operator Stutesman, In his own . be half, statea that ba had pulled tha Jack screws on tha draw preparatory to open ing tha structure before tha patrol , wagon ' had started across and clalma he cou)d take no other course but to throw on tha current.",..7 ""' ' DOLLAR A POUND PAID : ! 4 HERE FOR EGG PLANT . A dollar a pound for egg plant la what tha lovers of that dell eacy are paying today In - tha retail market. These are tha Brat onea to arrive In this mar ket thla season and come all. tha way from Cuba. Each agg plant weighiaTounorer-nior. Twhten In times of plenty can bo pur chased at cents each. - Soma people ua egg plant as a substi tute for fresh egge. Even at tha high price, egga recently sold at la thla market the egg plant provea a very expensive , substitute.. ' . - . ' STOP BUILDING . .( . (Con tinned from Pag Ona) able delays caused by the government's red tape." Tha company's report for tha Isst year shows a deficit of 1.250.17. - San Francisco, April 1. Between I. 00 and I.tOO employes of tha Union Iron works, .whose '.combined monthly aalariea amount to almost 1200,000, will ba dropped from ,the pay roll aa soon aa tha warships. California and South Da kota... now under ' construction at tha works, are completed. , v; ONE FIRE COMPANY AT ROSEBURG OUT 0E TWO 'finL-bl ta Tha Innm.l t Boaeburg, Or., April t, Roaeburg haa a new fire company now, tha two old companlea having been .disbanded and th members organised Into ona new company. Th officers of tha new com pany are: President, L. B. Moore; vice- president. James Stephenson: secretary treasurer. A. Q.- Johnson; chief, Moa Rice. The new company starts with a charter membership of la. . A commit' tee waa appointed to have a new con stitution and "by-laws drafted, which will - be drawn up by Attorney A. N. Orcutt.',: ; ' '. Van "Fleer IP Federal " JodgeT" - (Jonrnal artl ktrUcm. . Washington, April I. Tha president today appointed Judge W. C. Van Fleet aa Judge or tne united states circuit court of California. . THE BIG STORat WITH THK LITTLtt PRICKS . THE BEST KNOWN AND KNOWN AS THE BEST , SALSBURY ANY 8HAPE ANY COLOR - ' 60LK COR. MORRISON AND FAMOUS fJAYOR DUflflE -BEATEN BY BUSSE Chicago. Elects a Republican Mayor and Ratifies Traction r . Franchise Ordinances.' . ' (Jouraal Saeelal gsrvtee.1 Chicago, April . By a majority of 11.00 of a total vote of .000, Fred erick A. Busse. Republican postmaster of -Chicago, waa elected mayor, agalnat Mayor Dunne, PornocraL The traotlon franchise ordinances were ratified by a majority: of 15.000.' me vote lor Busse waa, zor Dunne.' 111,800. - By .the terma of tha traction ordinances, which bad been passed over Mayor Dunne's veto by the council, by he vote of T to II, the streetcar conrpanles are granted f ran ch see for years, .The streetcar Unas are to ba rehabilitated at a coat 01 140,000.00ft. and better service for a ft-cent fare must ba given. .' Chicago retains tha privilege of buy lna- tha street rail way a with six montha' notice, for t60.DOO.00 plus tha amount spent for rehabilitation. " ttirtny"the time that tha a apaay operates the streetcars It must pay to tha city Is par cent of the net earnings o tha llnea Tha streetcar service Is to ba under tha supervision and control of tha city during tha antlr to years. Should tha service not be kept. to a ftrst-olass standard at all times, a sys tem of fines are provided by which tha city's demands can be enforced. Tha company ' must accept the franchises within 10 days. Busse, the Republican candidate, fa vored tha franchise ordlnancaa as passed, while Dunne. Democrat, stood for immediate municipal ownership, tha platform on which ha waa elected twe years ago. ' Buase wilt, serv thai city for four yeara at a salary of tls.MO a year. Heretofore tho term of offlca of tha mayor baa been two yeara, and tha annual salary tl,000. J : HILL'S SOU III FATHER'S PLACE ayaasWsawajaaaanBBBBWsnajsaBBa Hill Resigns as President of 7 Great Northern Is Suc ceeded by His Son. ' IJaarMt aaeaM SanlM I ' St Paul. Minn., April. I James X Hill has bean succeeded by his son. I W. B1U. as president of the threat North arn railroad. Hill Sr. has resigned th presidency and will ba chairman of tha board of directors, which position was created at a meeting- -of-the; tjoafd ya I terday. Following J. J. Hfll's resigna tion as president and election as chair-. man of th board,. L. w. Hill waa elect ed president of the road, and JF. H. Ho- Oulgan was elected first vice-president. I J. J. Hill Is (I years Qf .age.. Th i reason given tor th Chang Is "that thO business of th road has grown so that an enlarged organisation-was needed. FORESTRY BUREAU TO BE SHAKEN UP SOON fWaasiagtoa Bsreea of Tke Jnorssl.) Washington, April t. Complete reor ganisation of th entire forestry bureau will be mad In a few .days." Chief For eetee Pinebot will make th announce ment In a few daya. Nothing haa been learned aa to details.' but it Is known that a general shaking op Is due thla week. ..Concentration of th work and systematlaatloa of . authority will de. -mine tha manner of readjustment. The forestry bureau Is kaowa as one of tne hardest working among all the government departments, but th for ester haa decided that reaulta were not commensurate with reasonable expecta tions, so will rebuild tha system of tha bureau s operations. Rosemead. The latest addition to be placed on tha market Is Rosemead. a beautiful tract, all cleared and on Improved street, only Ave minutes' wslk from car line In two direction. Lots ar level. sightly and la high stata of cultlva tlon and range In price from 1121 to 1174, else 60x100. Th terms offered ar ao attractive that none wanting homes should fall to aw them. -Agent at Gray's Crossing oh O. W. P. line, or call at room 101, Buohanan building, opposite Perkins hotel. . ' Italian Marqnls Snlcldfs.; Uosraal peewl Semes.) ' Florence, April a. Marquis . Bind) Psrussl Medici committed suicide by shooting himself her today. His wid owed mother waa formerly Mlaa Edith Storr of Boston. ' ywffm AGXNTS ' CLOTHING COMPANY SECOND STREETS " BEAR'S PRICE IN WITH Captain Neuman has presented his Jspanese bear cub to tha city of Port land and thla morning tha little animal waa conveyed 'to tha City Park soo. Tba cub was brought here on the Port land as Aalatlc liner Arabia when ah arrived from Japan about 10 days ago but grew so faat and became so ferocious that tha skipper feared to take her to sea again. Tha steamer Is booked to aall tomorrow morning. : Tho bear la a fine specimen and on dlfflceVt to get At first Captain Nsu- man Offered to sell her. for $80. which bear judges declared a very reasonable price.- but tha city officials did not seem CARWHEELS MAIM .; MAY CAUSE A T'V ,'.,.,, ' 'At- St Vincent's hospital there ar two patlaats suffering from railroad ao cldenta In which ona loat a leg and tba other two, lower limbs. One- la expected toiJefiOYOr, .whll for tha otherJllttl hopes of recovery are entertained. Both were taken to tba hospital last night. Frank Vandarmooaen, employed at a logging -cam p near Stella, was run over By a logging train yaaterday and both legs were savored from tho body. ' tie was removed to the Stella hospital, and later removed to St Vincent's In this DEAF MUTE IS DRAWN. ON JURY . BUT; COURT HOLDS EXCUSE VALID Th Inalienable right of a deaf mat to b exempt from Jury duty was ques tioned this morning when John O. Relchler of" 100 Eat Sixth -stree. North, was drawn on a apeclal venire to serv In th circuit court. Men par tially deaf ar often drawn and ar promptly excused, but never before in th history of Multnomah county ha there com into a court a venireman who had to offer hla xcus la finger Jargon, RAILrAY PRESIDENT'S I'JIFE HAS TO PAY FARE Also Had to Ride in Upper Berth in Pullmans-Granted ' V No Favors.- (Joans! tiwelal vrrtea.t " Los Angeles, April I. Mrs. B, P. Rip ley, wlf of . President Ripley of th aanta-Fa went east last night as apas sengsr on tha limited, and not only did ah pay her far, but ah will rid In an tipper berth th ntlre Journey. Mra Ripley waa called, to Chicago on account of tho serious illness of a near relative, from the family's winter horns la Santa Barbara. . - -.; T .: ? When Mrs. . Ripley aent - word . that she wanted a lower Pullman reserva tion ah wad Informed thsra would be no such apace available for ssveral daya, but aha insisted oa going. Transporta tion on th limited must be paid for by all who travel, and tha stress of weather that ..nocked out th Salt Lake rout has brougnt to th Santa Fe aa unprece dented aastbound rush. MAN AND WIFE GUILTY OF STEALING CHICKENS ' -- ("serial Mspatek to The learaaLV -Newberg. Or, April I. The trial of Mr. and Mra Davla of Chehalen moun tain on th charge of ateallng chlckena belonging to neighbors, was held her la Justice IJnnvllle's court. Both pleaded guilty. Davis was fined I2&. Penalty waa auspended in th case of Mra Davla. Judge J. E. Magera of Portland was here Tuesday to conduct a suit for Mra E. Warren agalnat tha David Bros, tor the recovery of money. A , Jury trial waa had and resulted In a disagreement. CITIZENS FORM LAW v . AND ORDER LEAGUE (Sneetal Dlmsteh ts The Joerssl ' ' Woodburn. Or .April J. A Law and Order league was formed her last night for th purpose of prosecuting illegal votera at tha elty election held Monday, and to enforce th city ordinances with regard to saloons. Th officers of ths league ar: HL Ovrton, president; Wal lace Uveaay, vice-president; E. P. Mor- com, secretary; A. E. Austin, treasurer, BROKEN WHEEL PUTS FREIGHT IN DITCH ' Iftseelal Dtanateh te The Joereetl Bridal Veil. Or., April I. Seven ears of a westbound freight train went into tha ditch at Oneonta last night because of a broken flange on a wheel of on Of th car a Th passengers from th Chicago-Portland train war tranaferred around th wrack. Snpremfl Court Justice. i ' Uoaraal BpeeJel Servtee.) Milwaukee. Wla, April I. Though th vot was vary close, returns now in Indloat th lction of R. D. Mar- ahalU Republican, as Justice of tha su preme court, over Henry ucudder. Dem ocrat. ' - Spring Ailments Tlmpleg, bollg, ecsems snd other eroptioni, loos of. appetite, that tired feeling, fits of bilioainess, Indigestion snd headache, are some of them. - They- ar all ' radically, and perm. J centlv en red by Hood BamparflU. -Thla great medicine thoroughly cleanse ths blood and restores healthy functional activity to the whole system. It make people well. " I have been naing- Hood'l Sarssps rilla at a sprint; medicine for ten yean, and hate never found anything better." John Flemings, Campbell Hall, V. T. Accept bo aabetirUt) for ' ' ' Hood'o Garoaparilla InMsl rm having Hood's.' .(Jot it tod a v. la liquid or tablet form. 1 100 Ponea $1. INVERSE - HER AVOIRDUPOIS to think much of tha offer and tha cub remained la tha Improvised pen on tha poop deck- of the Arabia yesterday morning Captain Neuman took another look at her bearleta and it appeared to him that aha had sprouted ao tasi cur ing tha preceding 14 hours that ha rapidly concluded to get rid of her be fore aha would be big enough to take command of tha whole ahlp. 8o he hurried to the olty hall and Informed tha power that the bear could be bad for . tha acceptance thereof. , The gift will b much appreciated especially at thla time because tba larg grtssly bear passed to tha happy hunt ing grounda a few days ago. ' -. MEN AND LOGGER'S DEATH - -v , , . -'. . : , city. At tha hospital today It la said that there la-lltUa hope, for hJ re covery. .. ... : - i Richard Whit, of Soappooae, fell be neath Jh wheel i of affreight traln Monday night andsuffered the loss ot a leg. Tha other leg was severely In jured. Ha waa Immediately placed In the caboose of th train and removed to this elty. . He was taken to St Vincent's where It la said tha remaining leg will likely have to ba amputated, . He may, however, recover..: ... "It's a cinch he can't talk, but how do I know h can't heart" ventured on of th clerks. "Msybe he's. Ilk a good many of th rest playing "possum." But Judg Seara decided, that Mr. Reichl waa too expert In tapping th air with hla fingers to be anything but th genuln artlcl and th venire soon left th courtroom with th conscious neee that life has Its eompanaatlans, svaa for a deaf mute. HILL AKD HARRILIAN BOTH rART TERLIINALS Hot Bidding Contest Expected in Chicago at Foreclosure '. Sale of Property. ' (Joanal gpfclal 8errla.t Chicago, April . There will ba of fered for sal in this city, nnder fore closure proceeding on May.lVtha.prop-- eny or in Chicago Terminal Transfer railroad company. At on time It waa euppoeed that thla event would excite but llttl attention, but would simply a jnatter of form. In which a bid would be mad for James J. Hill aad the prop, fty knocked down to him Jn aulok 4im,a Tt' l 'now reported that if HM is counting on any sues proceedings h is liable to a big surprise,, aad that fe win rina in th ranks of those opposed to him a very strenuous opposition. Th Baltimore Ohio la credited with a desire to obtain th property eo that It may have euitabl termlnafa of Its own In this City, and It la said ta ha will. Ing to pay. a good round sum for It Behind ths Baltimore tk Ohio Is understood to b R H. Harrlman. TRI-STATE MEETING OF- RAILWAY COMMISSIONS Rpeelsl ntopsteh Tha JearaaL) - Olympla. Wash- April t Tha rail road commission of Washington. Ore gon and Montana will hold a conference in Olympla on Thursday, April 11, which will probably continue during th remainder or mat week. Tba purpose of th conference ' la primarily to give tne jwo visiting, commissions th bene fit of such information and suggestions about organisation :-' and work as th members of th Wsshlngton commis sion have acquired alnce the commis sion's organisation two yeara ago. both th Oregon and Montana commlaalona having been created by th recant legis latures in those states. , Quite as important, however, I th plan or carrying on - tbe work of th three commission In antlr harmony If - possible, and this subject will be thoroughly discussed when the member of the railroad regulative bodle meet TO RESUME WORK ON ' - WASHINGTON HIGHWAYS , (gveeM DtsMteh ta Tke Jeerest) ' Olympla, Wash., April I. State High way Commissioner- J. ' M. Snow today announced that work would b reauroed tomorrow on th Cowllts . Pass State road, for which th recent legislature made an additional aproprlatlon of $40,000. Work has bean suspended on tht road, aa on othere, during th win ter season. Work will also be resumed on th Methow-Barren road. In Okano gan county, within two weeks, an ad ditional appropriation .of 111,00 having been mad for that highway. , - . CHIEF SPANISH WAR "' ' VETERAN IS COMING Hamilton Ward, national commander- tn-ohlef of th United Spanish War Veterans, Will arrive in Portland with his wlf thla evening, to Inspect the local camp, which number about 400 member a. Commander Ward will re mi In In Portland until Friday, when he will go to Seattle to inspect th camp there. - - - " . .. - Will Have Coatft. (RpeeJal Olaoatf tJ Tbe jMraal.l Tacoma, Wash., April I. Four eoun- oilmen each were, elected by th Dem ocratic and Republican parties here yes terday. Th election of a Democratic eounoilman n, South Tacoma bi th majority of el will t. contested. npubllran Mayor at Boise. '. (Special te Tae learaekl ' Boise, Iila ho. April I. John M. Haines. Republican, waa elected mayor of Boise yesterday by s majority of 0(0 over V. C. Kerr, ClUsona candidate, and U W Qrubb, Laor candidate. - ' Wlh PlMd Not Guilty. . Joorn.t Soedal Semrawi Chicago. April t. John R. Walsh to day pleaded aot guilty to th rhsrge of misappropriating 1100, 000. Ill trial waa fixed for October It. ARDOUR PACKING . PLAOT PRDL1ISED Much Reason to Believe They Will Erect Great Workson Hathaway Tract. , ' (ftseelal rH.patel ta Tke Iearaal.1 ' Vancouver. Wash.. April l.vAlthough those who ar known to be on th In- eld refuse to talk, there I good rea son to believe that Armour et Co- th Chicago padklng firm, is figuring on erecting an Immense packing plant and slaughter house near this city. It has been known for several montha. In fact ever sine a short time previous to th announcement that Swift Co. would build In Portland, that agents of Ar mour 4c Co. have been engaged In look ing up-a suitable sit for a packing Plant. . . . , . . on Jan.. t, J. B. Laos r of Portland. acting for unknown' parties, y purchased th Hathaway farm, to tha west . of Vancouver, for .17,50.0. from Warren Merchant . This property canaieU of 110 acres and contains one of tha finest factory or manufacturing stleatn thla vlclnityT" There Is several thousand feet of excellent river frontage almost op posite the' mouth of the Willamette river, on th north bank of the Co lumbia. It was known at th time of th sal that the purchase waa mad for- eastern parties, frra certain cir cumstances, aurrounding th transfer of th property. , Now it has leaked out on what seems to be reliable Informa tion that the eastern parties ar son thr than th Armour syndicate. . . . REVOLVER DUEL ! ..'j -. (Continued from Page Ona) i The burglar Jumped from th aid porch to tha ground and ran. Mr. Din ner, after, nrtng a eoupl of shots, thought it aafe to look out and h put hi head out at th window in time te ee th miscreant running around th corner of the house. Qlltner ran through th houa to hla father' a bad room, hoping to get another and more effective ahot, but on looking out of th window ther he was aeen, by th fleeing burglar.' who fired a ahot Into th air. Olltner thought It wla to keep In doors, and did jiot continue th duel. Th burglar escaped, although a police man heard th ahota and saw two man running away from the house. ' .-. Hn onto -Boaidrao. " Th Brat appearance of tha burgUr was at th residenc of Mr. Soul, next door to th home of Messra Olltner and Patterson. Ho rang the doorbell, evidently Intending to hold up Mra Soul before she cduld ascertain his purpose. Contrary to his expectations, ah did not pay any attention to th bell. ' H then placed hi overcoat in a tree opposite th Olltner-Patterson residence and went over to th house to make an axamlnation. He found Mr. Patterson In th aot of (having. Th burglar, as shown by his tracks snd marks on ths grass, aat down, and patiently : waited until Patterson had shaved and propped himself comfort ably in bed to read a magastna. ,8ud denly th' window, which waa up a Tew mcnes. was violently ' raised a . hand grabbed tba window blind and aent It to th top ""with a loud nplaa and Patterson- wss paralysed with as-tonlahmant-by seeing .. a- pink-masked face, then shoulders and a hand stretch toward him holding a vicious-looking revolver, a gruff .voice ordered Mm to hold up his hands. . Xla stands Vf. ':.. " Patterson at first thought somebody wss playing a Joke and continued te star at tha Intruder although th lat ter again' Insisted that his hands should go up. , Mra Patterson, wno was wid awake, suggested to Patterson that he had better put up his bands, and he then did .ao. " T burglar then said: . 1 . "Now, ahell out all th money you have and any other valuables." j "Well, I haven't much nothing worth while," said Patterson modestly, care fully keeping hla hand in th air. ' "Hurry up and throw out what you have," ordered the burglar. Patterson reached out and eecured hla trousers and was Ashing out hla valuables when tha welcome vole of , Olltner from th window above broke on. hi ear. followed by th fusillade I and th sudden disappearance of th burglar. , ' . : " ALIENISTS BARRED "h ' ' (Continued from ! Ona.) At this point Evelyn entered th courtroom. JoalahThaw wa th only other member of the family present Th 'at of Diefendorfs testimony was that Thaw was medically Insane, but legally responsible. j . Ths hearing was Interrupted by th passage of an Italian funeral cortege led by a brass band playing a funeral dirge. All cept-Thw smiled. -x j Another Frlvat Sxamtaatloa. - . Commissioner McClur seoretly croee-. examined Dlefendorf about 2 mlnutea. Th lawyer grouped themselves about th witness stand and th question were saked and answered In 'whispers. Dr. Wagner took tba sUnl whan Dlefen dorf waa raleaaed, and said ther was not tha slightest doubt In his mini that Thaw Is sntlrely capable of undarsUnd- Ing hi poettion, th nature of tha pro ceeding against him, and of odvispg his counsel. Following Hertridg' .. examination th commission said it would examine no more wltneasea. Th room was oleared and th oommlaalon went tnl executive session for a nrlvata exam. lnhtlon of Thaw. - r - TWICE DEPOSED MAYOR DEFEATED BY CORNELL " (lesraal Sseetat Semes.) Kansas City. M April 1. W. W. Rosa, Democrat, twice mayor of Kan sas City, Kansas, and ' twice deposed, waa - defeated for reeleetlon yesterday by a majority of about l.eod of a total vets of 16,000. D. E. Cornell, Repub lican, waa elected. ' Serious Clime Charged. Lloyd Burtle waa put on trial In th circuit court thla afternoon for con tributing to the delinquency of 11-year-old Emma Mevta The crime I alleged to have been committed on February . l- - . - . 1 1 v COFFHB : There is nodifficulty in petting good coffee. : : j 1 .There is no difficulty in having good coffee.- r .Tear rnxsr retnrsi year sraaey I ye aeat i Mka tchlUlaf 'I Beit. ' WOMEN IN HOSPITALS Experiences of Mrs. Rockwood and Miss Tierney MISS MARGARET TIEflNEY larg proportion of tha operation performod In our hospital aro upon women snd girls for soma orfaalg tronbla, ' ... Whv should this be ths aa f . Becaua they havn neIeoUd thm e)ve, a svery on of thear patisnt la the .hospital bad had plant ot warning la thos dragging sensation a, pains at laft'or rigll of abdomen, backache, nervoua zhauatlon. In flammation, uloaraUoa, dipla ments, snd other organio waakneaaea. - Allot theas tymptoma ar lodl ca tions ot sa unhealthy condition of th female svstem and It not heeded the penalty has to be paid by s dangerou operation. - .r When these symptoms manifest themselves, do not. drag' along- until yon ar obliged to go to th hoepltal and submit to an opera tion but remember that Lydia E. Pinkham' Vagatable Compound, made from native root snd herbs, haa saved hundreds of women from surgical operations. -?-' Lvdln B. Pinkbam'g YegeUble Componndi ba eared more ca ot feminine Ills than say other on remedy, Suoh Utters aa thafallowing V Mrs. Pinkham's Stnndlng Invitation to Women Women ufferln from say form of femsls weakness are Invited to promptly oommunlcate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the symptoms given, the trouble may bo located snd the quickest sad snreet way of recovery advised. Out of her vaat volume of experience la treating female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has ths vary knowledge that may help your Her sdvios te free snd always neipnu. , Aik Mrs. nikUtt't Adrlce A WoBti Bert Uadcntuds Woau's Ills. AGED COURT BAILIFF SUFFERS FROM AILMENT Captain Georg Egbert, bailiff In th United . States court, waa unable through Illness, t attend court - thi morning for ' th first time la many yeara . Captain Egbert I it years of age. Ha -la .Buffering -from aa ailment in hi foot, causing swelling and much pain. Bo AMver wa th pain yester day that It was with great difficulty that Captala Egbert was able to at tend court. -. Captain Egbert Buffered a mmtesm y -I I'M It rxmiiiiuiiinuiiunin Is Now Opcii for Your Closest Inspection This stock con tains all the lat est novelties in ! I) cluding so m e nifty Garden Ties for ladies and som ex ceedingly smart Low Shoes for eentlemen. - ' Portland's Best Shoe Store .... t r ROSENTHAL'S: If It's Shoes m iui ana vyasn. wiauuii tn ana watn. H M RS. CH AS. A. ROC K WOO D are eonatantly being received by Mrs. Pinkham to prove our el aims. Mrs. C A. Eockwood, teacher of Parliamentary Law, of Free 8tt Fredonls, N. T., writes t Tor years I suirered with female troubla It was decided thai aa operation waa neeee- ' sary,-aad although I submitted to a eeriou" operation my sufferings continued, until . Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound wss recommended and it proved a marvelous mnmmanqoa ana is provea a marvelous Iv. aoauickly did it restore my health. my haa I cannot thank von euflWriantly for to good It ha eon m. Mia Margaret Tierney, of No. lit W. Sth street. New York, writes: Pear Mra, Fwkbam ; - : -r' "Wben only alrhteen year of age our physician decided that aa operation waa neoeseary to permit of my womanly organs performing their natural functions. My mother oojeoua ana oeing - urgea ny a relaalv to try Lydia B. Pinkham' Veget able Compound did so. I soon Improved In 1th, th proper condition war establish ed and I am wall aad strong, thanks to Lydia B. Pinkkams VegetabU Compound. " " No other remedy - has ' sueh un uallned endoaenwiat ss Lydia E. Fiakhsm's Vagetabls Compound. ' No other remedy In the world has suoh s record of eures of femsls. ills. trek of paralysis aom . time ago which left him In an .. enfeebled condi tion.. , . ..- BEER MAKERS' STRIKE , IS WON BY OWNERS . ' - St Louis. April S. Th brewery work-ars'-unlons this morniag decided to r turn' to work at the terma offered-by th brewery ownera before th strike. Th strike-ta practically over, but the unions will continue their fforta to se cure a closed shop, : , 1 At-Breakfast Is most appre ciated. Tbe housewife who serves Ghlrardelll'a dellc-' Ions Cocoa for the breakfast of her lo?ed ones does much to prepare them to' meet all conditions of I weather, work and worry. J lightens her own labors also to Ghirardelli's Cocoa i Kxzzzxszznszrrzxzzszzn Our Spring Stock of Fine Your inspection is It's Rosenthal's invited. - I . i -:V i