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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
r i ,-' ! 4 . MANY INDICTMENTS FOR GRAFTERS Grand Jury Busy Winding Up a Most, (Sensational Week j ; In San Francisco. WRITTEN CONTRACTS FOR BRIBERS WHO CONFESSED Beor Ctofesakma Were Obtained rtr.ij- AfrftenenU -Tyere-Drim Tp Which Are Without Precedent ". ruced la Escrow. .; . v (jearaal Spwtai Servke. r . '; San Francisco, March . A grest ' - batch of Indictment! are expected to be tnads publlo befure tha grand Jury wlnda up Its week's work thla afternoon. Tha . district attorney" of flea haa baan busy ; all -lay grinding out Indictments. i -Altogether It hu been a moat "" tlonal week In graft investigation. The --' air u filled with minora; many ut which It la Impossible to verify. So far as , can ba ascertained, there Is no intention !n the part of the district attorney's of fice to let either Ruef or schmlts take ' an Immunity - bath. Public sentiment . against it is altogether too strong. 'Bribers Turn JUformem. , ,a The novel sight of a group of super , ' aif. branded as reoetrers of inHh. iiuinn. but now encased In an an' ceavor to turn the hall of Justice Into a vineyard, of reform, may oe seen ei V snoot dally at tha municipal building en JEddy street. . ' " ' - - Tha city fathers were recently stsn- ellsd "Immune by the graft prosecution x and tbey are now organised In an alleged attempt to give ths city a "model ad ministration." Te add to the mockery of It all. thla alleged fire of reform is ... . -A. enly made to flicker by a oonstant fan. i tng of the supervisors with ths pros jects of Indictments oa the crimes for which they were given pledges of lm ' - wunltv. .' - ' ""' '.':! ' ' i reread to Be Qooa. .? ' " ' This remarkable condition of clvio ra ' form waa only aocompllahed after much and continuous effort on the part of the . ' prosecuting body. The supervisors, or at least all but three, it U said, were only Induced to make their declarations or confessions after they had been fur . ' Dished-with contract duly signed and delivered, guaranteeing them Immunity ' - from punishment for their Crimea. If they would, give tha desired testimony. and. In short, to do as Instructed by the prosecution. These contracts of lmraun- Ity were largely in favor of tha "squeal 'era." and so sensitive to their feelings were ths authors of ths papers that they did not' even Include a pro vie ion that the criminal offenders should ' resign " their offices and forever rid the munlct ' pallty of their presence, . ; ; , . .' v 0aaraatea of Immunity. - ; The guarantees of Immunity or eon- ' tract gavs to ths supervisors much free dom, resting largely upon tbelr eonfeaa- . ing and holding- toemselves at the call of the prosecution to furnish all evt dence and Information relative to the criminal proceedings ot ths board of ; ' supervisors as jnay be required. The contracts, or swards of Immunity are . v - signed by" WlUlam H. Langdon, as dls- trlct attorney, while Francis J. Honey, special asalatant district attorney, af fixed Ma signature as witness. Ths sabrtantlal provisions' sf-tha contract .,":. 'follow; ' " " "' ''.. Ths Immunity Eath. ' ' ' "In consideration of your confession ' and furnishing information as to all . .' transactions -occurring since yon have ' . -been a member of the board of supee visors of tha city. and county of San ' Francisco, and totalling to ths district attorney, or his asslstanta, or to Wll ' Ham J. Burns, or to any one designated . ' t by them or any of them, all the lnfor- (nation and all facta ' concerning : the bribery of any members of the board of ; supervisors, at any time they may do " : sire the same, and being ready on com mand to give any such testimony, or ' - render any service that may be required of you, your are hereby promieed an ' ' granted Immunity from prosecution on ' . anything you may have dona In the aald . ' board of supervtsora, or any notion you . , : may have taken or bribe yon may have ' received, - Ton are further guaranteed . . that you are not to be molested or your , , liberty In any way disturbed. , " "(Signed) WILLIAM XL LANODOH, - - "Dietrlot Attorney." ' ', -(Witness) FRANCIS J. HENET , "Asalatant District Attorney.", ; H ' Bo Zw to Wenadt, - As there Is no law In California per ' ' mlttlng snoh promises to be made with '.' ' largs bands of crlroinsla, many lawyers . - regard it almost ta tha light of a Jail delivery, and the prosecution wag . obliged to look to Texss for n aemb- lance of authority for ths unusual no--''..! "ra tion, . v- . - - v ' A. decision such as was desired waa -4 - found in that state, but In no other state ''..In the country. The case upon which ' the prosecution rests; for Its authority - . la 'Vjamron vs. State, ; Texas Criminal - Report." In thla esse the appellant y i ' had been convloted of burglary and sen ", -: - . tenned to serve two years In prison, . . ' When he was placed on trial In the lower oourt he had pleaded an agree ment with the county attorney of Bay. lor county and others, representing the stain, or wnien he bed been Induced to turn state'e evident an In at - a con SPRING IS NOW ; AT HAND : and tha gyitem must b "com. pletely renorated.n The blood must, be freed from all winter Imparities and the bowels kept open, or else you're going to be 'sick. Then the Bittern Uneed ed. During the Spring months thousands of persons tako HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS rfgnlsrly and as a result al-waj-s enjoy good benlth. It will rebuild and renew the entire system, purify the blood, open 4i p the clogged bowels and cure Spring fever, InoIiotJoa, , Headache, Dyspepsia. Eiliocjnejs, Colds or Grippe. Try a bottle today. Wa guar antoe the genuine to be abso lutely pure. . , ; , DUE TONIGHT federate. The'atate demurred on the ground that such a plea was not author ised by law and that the agreement bad not been made with parties who were authorised to act. The lower court sus tained the demurrer, but tha supreme court held that In so doing a reversible error had , been commuted, . ana re versed the judgment. '. . Contracts ta Sserow. ' After ths supervisors had made writ ten confession they were given these contracts of Immunity, but with tha understanding that the papers were to be left In escrow with Rudolph BDreckels until sU the terms Of the loontrset had" been compiled wtlhr- It-is aald that bribe takers were told tnl any Infraction of the terms of tha con tracts would mean their Indictment by Us grand Jury for the crimes they had confessed. Henry It. Owen, an attorney representing the supervisors, is under stood to havs retained copies or toe contracts , for ths ' protection of - his clients. .... - ,' : Ths records of tha guilt of San Fran cisco's IT supervisors sppear to be largely in escrow and the criminals are to have their official sins wnitewasnea away If they do as they are told by the new powera In controlnt-ih local po litical situation. If they obey orders thsy will be as snowy doves, but If they fall to keen to tha terms or ineir con tracts they will bo Indicted end. seat to Beanos Bxptnaxtuiss. The boodling supervisors, as they now rids ths wars ot reform, propose to make great reductions In municipal ex penditures snd Inaugurate many publlo Improvements. The supervisors will be called upon to make an appropriation for the expenses of the graft prosecu tions. , It is understood that from ISO. 000 to 1100,000 will bo aaked for that purpose. ' , ;. It Is n noteworthy fset that District Attorney Langdon yesterday denied ex plicitly that Calhoun had or could se cure Immunity by confession. - On ths street snd In publlo places generally ths plan to permit ths boodlera to run tns oity government wss . severely con demned. , jti. vi'-'-'v. Koaergnn Is Sorry. '':' "I wish I had taken my wife's ad vies and stayed with my Job of driving n wagon for Foley's bakery," declared Supervisor Thomas liensrgan. who has confessed to his full share of plundering San Francisco. "I never held up an Individual or n corporation In my life. but I have accepted bribes offered . to me by publlo service corporations. : "Ths money I received never did me any good, and I havs paid dearly enough for It . When I waa sleeted I meant to be " honest, but on day we ' all were given to understand that ths fight trust wanted a permit.. I don't know how It waa learned, but at ths sams time wa undantood that ws wars to be paid for our votes. Ths permit was granted and n couple of days later I was handed IfiOO. ' - eellarns the Faysr. "Supervisor James Gallagher paid me all tha money I ever received, exoept from the Pacific States Telephone com pany, which wss given to me by T. V. Halsey In bis own office. Hs paid ms $5,000 and agreed to glvs me an addi tional S2.S00 ths next year. "No one ever said before wo voted on anything that we wars to get money for our votes, but we all knew -that soma ons would get big money for ths favors, and as we had always been given our shares before, wo never worried, and never failed to get n part of it- was poor snd needed ths money. and never realised what I was doing until a few days ago. They were right back boms whsn thsy Used to say It was s fins thing to be poor and honest and proud." , " . ,s Sons-its Bendy to Ten XX ; Vay or Schmlts offered to confess to Assistant District Attorney Beney last night In return for complete Immunity, and being allowed to continue In office until January 1 of next year, when his terra will expire. This offer wss com municated to Heney by n special emis sary of ths mayor's and was rejected at once by Heney. It Is believed that ths mayor will yet confess. ; It ' was reported that Abraham K. Detwller, an Ohio capitalist, who wss In Ban Franclsoo last April In ths Interest of ths Horns Telephone company, had been Indicted on It oountn by ths grand Jury. , , EXPOSE LOS ANGELES Lucky Baldwin Offers to Conttibmte . to Fnnd to Bring Heney. ' (Josrssl Bseetal Berries.) Los Angeles. March It. K. J. (Lucky) Baldwin offers to subscribe tl 0,040 to- war a fund to bring Francis J. Heney and William 3. Burns to Los Angeles Immsdtately after the end of the graft eases in Ban Franolsoo to expose local rottenness. BANK CLEARINGS (Continued from Pags Ons.) T know of no ok. use for this great Increase other' than the natural growth of buslnsss In Portland," said John I Hartman, manager of ths Portland Clearing Rouse today. : "There has been a steady Incresss every week during the year excepting a singls week when the clearings dropped to those of ths same week lsst year. - The increases each week have been heavy. - During ths last week ths incresss ban been In every line of business. It cannot be attributed particularly to real estate. as that line has not been especially sl lve." ; ..',) TRAINMEN WILL StfflKE (Continued from Pace One.) port that u men voted In favor of a strike. Us says if ths roads persist In further e. position, ths men's decision to strike will sursly . be put Into ef fect. , Ths men . havs ths cooperation of all tha members of unions la Canada, Mexico and this country. It Is expected that the Strike would exceed the ons of 1814 when Cleveland ordered federal troops to Chicago and tebe waa sent te prison. Whltner says ths men have the greatest strike fund svsr collected. ACCIDENT TO SAWMILL FORCES DOUBLE SHIFT v - . 1 .,.- easassssssnSBSjeMBni) - , (Special TlMteB s Tke Jeeraal.t Hoquiam, Wash., March I J. -Owing te the accident which completely demol lahed the double-out band mill of ths Hoquiam Lumber and Shingle Mill com pany yesterday ths mill will run both night and day te kssp up with ordera The accident at ths mill curtails ths output of ths plant about lOO.OOS feet per day, hence tha necessity for work Ing double shifts. The aamags dons ww reaca is.ovt. ;e fair HOST SUCCESSFUL EVENT Splendid Collection of Aqimals Seen Vernon,' Black Per. cheron, Takes Sweepstakes. (Special DUpetcb te The Josrnel.) ' Woeuburn. Or, March . Notwith standing ths Inclemency of the weather there is a large attendance at the horse fair In thla city today. Much Interest Is manifested in the different classes oa exhibition and magnificent alght was preeented when nil were congregated. The committee in charge of this most successful fair are: Fred Does preol dent, - Gregory Renins' eecrstary and treasurer. Dr. W. H. Qoulet general aup- erlntendenf.' C 0k Qulllford grand mar shal and K. M. Hicks. Ths judges se lected are Alex Lafollette of Wheat land. Charles Clancy of Seattle and By O. Beodlghelmer of Salem. S. A. Miller's two-year-old black Percheron Vernon from Aurora got the sweepstakes. In ths blsck Percheron class, prises, were nwsrded as follows: Piston, Zeigler and Brown, Gervala. first; Ba lad our, B. A, Miller, Aurora, aeoond; Castel. a W, 6pelght. third; Ehire and Clyde class Blsck - Shire, Roosevelt. P. X Kennedy. Woodburn first; Clyde,' Dupont, D. M. Dryden. Woodburn, second.- Standard trotters Breadheart. A. Pratt, first; Vlnmount Q. C Pendleton, second. J - . The afternoon's program consists of n parade ct all stock, and speaking In ths Association hall, the principal speaker being Senator Charles W. Fulton. KILLS WIFE ' (Continued from Pegs One.) were dead, and MaxweU was bleeding profusely. Ths bodies were taken In charge by Coroner Holman, who arrived almost .Instantly, and MaxweU was taken cars of by physicians. , Whsn ths clothing of the wounded man was searched there were several thousand dollars In checks and bank notes on bis person. - Mr. Maxwell and his daughter cams hers from Los An geles several days ago.' - MARRIED ONLY A YEAR Henderson Had Been Sued by His V Wife for DlTorce, ' W. W. Henderson, who shot and killed his wife and seriously wounded . his father-in-law, Joseph D. Maxwell, be fore firing a bullet Into his own head which ended his llfs at Oregon City this morning, was a brother of Judge O. M. Henderson, district attornsy at Rut ledge, Tennessee. Hs also has a twin sister living at Everett. Washington, but ths name wss Indistinct on : ths card which Henderson carried In his pocket asking ths authorities to notify his rslstlvss in case of accident or death. Until a few months ago Henderson bad been la the employ of ths 8eattle Street Railway company as a conductor. He was married to Mrs OdeL the wom an hs killed, about a year ago, Henderson telephoned to the Vaughan Detective agency about S o'clock this morning that he had affected a recon ciliation with his wife, who In January filed ault for a divorce, Jand that they would leave for Grants Pass later in the day. , Half an hour afterwards word wss received of ths murder and suicide. Joseph D. Maxwell, ths fathsr-tn-lajr was brought to ths Good Samaritan hos pital thla morning. Ths bullst from Hondsrson's revolver struck htm txe:k of ths right ear, glancing upwards with out entering toe brain. . The wound, it la believed will not prove fatal. SOLDIER IS SHOT A Corporal Lewis Killed While With Woman First Shot at Her. " (Special Dtapateh te. fbe losrset) - Astoria. Or.. March It. Corporal Lewis, of ths Thirty-third battery, coast artillery, stationed at Fort Columbia, attsmpted to Kill airs, r, ttoDinson in Swsn Wilson's saloon, on Commercial street, early this morning. About mid night the man and woman entered the saloon and asksd for prlvats quartsrs. They wars esoortsd to a rear room, where they drank until I o'clock. Suddenly two pistol shots rang out. and whsn ths occupants or tns saioon rushed to the apartment Mrs. Robinson wss found sitting in a chair and Lswls waa lying on ths floor gaaping, bathsd In ths blood from a gaping wound near the HKht ear. He-waa removed to a I hospital, where be died at s o'clock tnis morning. The woman was taken to Jail. - rrom her It was learned thst Lewis shot in tending to kill her, and thinking he had done so sent a bullet through his own brain. -. - - , . . The bullet fired at Mrs. Robinson lust grassd her head and did not In jure her. She was later taken from the city Jail to the county Jail. Coroner Pohl is holding her in default of 11,000 bond as a witness to appear at the in quest Monday morning. Insans Jeal ousy Is said to be ths causa of ths Shooting. , . , ' ... y BANKERS ALARMED AT GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP . ... (Jeeratl Special 8errle. ' Winnipeg. March St. Manitoba, Sas katchewan and Alberta are working out plans for government ownership of tele phones and telegraphs involving enor mous sums of money. In all thoss r Iss municipal ownership of street cars, light, powsr and water either has been The amounts involved are so great that conservative panxsrs-rs aiarmea. SHOCK AT KINGSTON v : ; TO JOLT UNCLE JOE .". V ' ' ; " ' fjosraa! Special Serrlee.) Klr-gston, Jamaica, March tJ A se vers earthquake shock occurred ' last ntsht. Tha neople were paalo-atrlcken but nobody was hurt A number of walls that were damaged la ths big shock fell down, Speaker Cannon and other- American, tourists Just missod sailing shortly before ths shock. - rent! ITS CHEAPER TO PWTtD ' RD5ri CITY PAKJS. CfUIT.PAWNO BRING FLOODS Heavy Storm In California Re- nevved -Telephone and Tele, graph Wires Suffer. SACRAMENTO AND SAN ' , i JOAQUIN RIVERS RISE Heavy Fall of Snow In Southern Ore- gon mid Siskiyou jtf oon tains Fol lowed by Freezing Weather Se riously Cripple KaJlroads. , (Jogreal Bpeelel Servee. San Francisco, March II. A rain storm -of tremendous fury aooompanisd by a high wind set In. last night, rend ering railroad and telegraph conditions worse than ever. Reports of the moat alarming nature corns from ths Sacra mento and San Joaquin valleys. It is feared that already badly weakened le- vees-havs given- away under-tlx added strain. If thsy havs, millions of dollars' worth of damage will havs been dons. There are many unconfirmed reports of loss of life. - ., . : - v TWO FETOF SNOW Clings to Telegraph Wires and Polls ' Them Dows. '(Rpectal Dlipatek ts The Jocmal.) ' ' Ashland. Or, Maroh !. One of ths heaviest snow storms of ths yssr begaa ?reaterday afternoon and continued near y all night, piling up two fset of asw snow In the mountains. Tbers are 10 Inchss of snow at Siskiyou this morn ing, and three feet at Mott and Duna muir. -The thermometer fell to frees ing this morning. Wires are down south of Ashland from heavy clinging snow. All , trees - being well covered with snow. It Is. thought ths treese this morning hss .not damaged fruit much. . ' - The severity of the storm and the deep snow havs addsd greatly to . ths difficulties of ths company In opening the railroad south of - Ashland. Ths storm north of here Is heavy. There was ons Inch of snow at Olsndale this morning and It la .still snowing. - ' UNITE TO OPPOSE STREET'S Vi Property Owners . Along East Cllsan Prefer Improved Sixty Foot Thoroughfare. Twenty-flvs property owners, along Eaat Ollsan street met last night at tha residence of J. P. Walts and organised ths Esst Ollssn Street Protective asso ciation. Ths organisation- was effected to defend Us ; members v against ths aggressive action of the Montavllla Im provement association that ts trying to widen East Ollsan street to 10 feet m spite of ths protests of .the property owners along that street, t . , 1 Tha nrnnartv-nwnara on Esst Ollsan street represented last night believe that they should not be called upon to meet the expense of widening this . .k.. .v.. i ..., h nnltad nrataat. annro- niiats ths necessary property, Again those who met last night ask that ths street be opened through the Lsdd fsrra at a width of SS fset Instead of SO and bs Improved, for which they are willing to pay. Xt was ths senss of the meeting that an improved SO foot street- is preferabls to an un improved 10-foot street. Ths East Ollsan - street cltlsens are earnest and have resolved. If necessary, to carry thslr case through to the supreme court B0NILLA HASTENS TO RESTORE SEIZED SHIP Uooraal Speehl Bervlre.) Mobile, Ala., March Ji. The steamer Columbia from Honduras today brought ths first nsws of the seisure of the Nor wegian ship Kabll by Honduras soldiers while taking fruit at Celba, March IT. The soldiers had to go to Truxflle and capture ths city. '.. President Bonllla hnrrlsdly ordered the shin rsstorsd to the crew when hs learned of the sslsurs. . . , . .... . HORRORS OF FAMINE IN CHINA GROWING WORSE (Jooraal SpeeUI Berries.) Washington, March JJ. The Christian Herald today notified the department of state that Its reports show ths China famine in some districts ts so frightful that it Is sending $60,000 additional to ths Red Cross. On ths transport Ba ford, which wlll'sall from Ban Francisco next month, there will be ssnt forward I1S0.000 worth ot relief supplies. SEATTLE HAS EPIDEMIC OF SPINAL MENINGITIS .. .... l i - f Journal Speelel BerHes.t f ' : Seattle. W'uh.. March J 3. The nam' ber-of desths-t Seattle-from-spinal msnlngltls during ths past two months ts remarkable. There hss been at lesst ons death a day from this disesss alnoe ths first of Pebrusry, snd ths physi cians of ths city seem to bs unable either to check It or save the lives of ths afflloted. . . The Norfolk Weetern Railway com pany has granted the telegraph opera. tora ot its entire systsnv an Increase In wages of 11 per esnt and an eight- hour 1ny. - t -' i . 1 JBssgrgggag OaksSkatingRink Saturday Night SPECIAL Skate Sunday , ." ' ' - . . :. afOKsroro, imBvooi, arxBmro. ;: wpeossl ataate All Das, - . OLD f.!AH ARRESTED FOR CO.. DONE YEARS AGO Convict Says He Has Kept Silent -for Years to Protect His Twin Brothers. ', ijomnmt Special Sw Ve. Charlotts,A Mloh, March II. Silas Corapton, aged 70. was arrested at Athena. Pennsylvania, thla morning charged with tha murder of William Latnpman of Grand Lodge. Michigan, on November 11, 11(1. The warrant was based on sn affidavit made by John Butoher, who has served II years on a Ufa sentence at Jackson prison for ths crime, having boon convicted after a sensational trial. -rWeher tnhte--ataeiweat ,mrsna has kept silent all these years to protect his brothers, Frank and John Butcher, highly esteemed farmers, who hs claims were in the plot to rob the old msn, who was rich. . On ths day of his arrsst Butcher made a eonfeaalon In which he said hssld the lob alone, but afterward denied the admissions. The orlms for which Butobsr was con vloted wss ons of the most atrocious ever known In Michigan. Lampman lived alone on the edge of town. . He was Tl years old and a pensioner. His skull was battered In and a pair of ever- alia used to choka. him HEADED' FOR ROCKS (Continued from Page On a) bound for San Francisco with a cargo of lumbar, and ths Nome City, which also answers the description of the ves-1 sal In distress, wss booked to have! sailed laat night She started for the bar in the afternoon, but did not cross out owing te the - heavy - breakers. Whether aha made another attempt later in the evening cannot - be ascertained. sines It Is impossible to receive any re ports from the bay owing to the thick weather. . . The Anrella " received ' most of her cargo at ths mills st Vsncouver ano Omened at Rainier. Ehe cleared at As toria Thursday with 130.000 feet of lum ber. The Nome. City left Portland yes- tsrday morning., ' i At first ths vessel was believed to be the ateam schooner Santa Ana, due to arrive here .today or tomorrow from San, Franolsoo. but the fact that she wss lumber laden dispels this theory, since the Santa Ana ta coming In ballast. ' etona Warnings Olvsn. . : The storm which has been raging oft ths Columbia river bsr since yesterday afternoon, when it commenced with a TS-mlle gala, was predlotsd - yesterday morning by District Forecastsr K. A. Beals of the weather bureau. Be or dered storm warnings displayed yester day morning at all ooast porta and be fore the clock had reached five, the lookout at North Head had -reoorded a gale. For awhile the wind attained a velocity of more than TO miles an hour. but it dropped to (U after having whipped up a good, stiff sea, ' - The blow came from the sontn ana southeast and hence drove chipping In a northerly direction. The bar became very rough and was so boisterous this morn ing that the bar tug returned arter nav Ing made a trip down the bay. The wind had blown at the rate of from 40 to 10 miles an hour all night over the bar and morning broke with waves -, running mountains high. ' The weather was thick and rainy, making It doubly dlsagrsv able. r " ' " " ' -.Signal ITSO IsMslns . - y That few of ths ateam schooners and Bailing vessels plying in the coast trade are equipped with proper signal flags haa been made evident or late inrougn such incidents ss ths one reported off V"'u"', 'I'V,,?' . , ' C"; Deenlts repeated requests, the lookout at North Hesd WSS unable to gat the signal lettsrs from ths schooner where by to establish her Identity, and he finally cams to tha conclusion that she carried none. . By the vu4 of the signals the mystery connected with her ldentl- flcatlon would havs been solved at once. Attention haa been called to thla mat ter several times In the paat upon sug gestion from the weather bureau which maintains a telegraphic line from North Head for the purpose of reporting ship ping' and 'weather on the bar. - At times the weather Is very hssy there and It is Imposslbls for ths lookout to decipher the names of ths passing vessel despite ths fset that be is armed with most powerful martns glasses. Ths flags could bs easily seen, however.. By rea aqn of thla fact he is ortsn com pe ilea to resort to gness work with ths result that eeesslonally mistakes creep in. For eign craft as a nils display, their flag and -signals as-seen as within sight of ths cape, but the coasters are said to be very Indifferent about being reported. LAWYER L0CKW00D (Continued from Fags One.) ' Mr. Lockwood was angry this morn ing at his commitment and ssld . thst Judge Wsbster had gone outslds of the jurisdiction of his court. , la speaking of the caee Mr. Lockwood said: "The mlataken ldett hss gons out that I was committed to Jail for contempt. Such Is not the caee. - Judgo Webster Issued a warrant for commitment for me without giving me my dsy In court snd consequently I cannot be In eon tempt. 'l. . "The reason I have refused to sign over tha remaining ftOO belonging to ths estate la because I have no way of scouring my fees out of ths ease. All I want out of the case Is a squsre deal and there will ba no attempt on my part to injure anyone or deprive him of his Just due. :. . , , . "This matter has dragged along , In the probate oourt for many years, but It Is not so much my fault as of others. Richard Lynch was appolntsd adminis trator of ths estste of Jerry Lynch, but hs Is not qualified to act bsoauss bs Is a non-resident of ths state. A petition asking for Richard Lynch'a removal as administrator was filed In the county oourt four yesrs sgo snd no sction hss ever been taken upon It. . That accounts for some of ths daisy."' ; . Oalla Xt routloa, ' ; This whols proceeding Is a political conspiracy In an endeavor to throw me Into Jell and It succeeded for a short time this morning, but the msn behind It have fallen down. . When the proper time comes I will show up ths msn and their motives, as well as the methods they have employed." ' Just who wss responsible for Look wood's incarceration this morning csn not bs learned. Judge Webstar says hs did not Issus sa order this morning com mitting Lockwood to Jail and said that hs supposed that he had been sent there C6FFEB The responsible man is the roaster; his i s , t h e name to go-by. ',' '.' .. .... i Tear tracer felsrss yea sMae M res deal SkaaWalUlag'sBesW.. ' . .. . . Says I to myself says I Unocda Biscuit ajsljtonywl says I they only cost firo cents t; apackago. ' HATIONAL BCV1T -JCOMrVVaTf mm: j? ANNOUNCE.MLNT The West Coast Ufe Insurance Company ; ? ' ' . .. 'Announces that it has opened 'sn r ; l , , X iv i OREGON BRANCH OFFICE, At rpoms 409 and 410 Madcay Building:. Portland, Oregon, f' . This oifice is in'eharga of MrV Newton E. Crow, Superintendent. THE WEST COAST LIFE is a strong, well managed company, organised under California's stringent 'corporation laws. Its direc tors and stockholders are among the state's best known and most firogrcssive business and professional men. Policy contrasts plain, iberal and thoroughly safeguarded. " ' V .'r-"' ; officers ... t') i: GEORGE A. MOORE, President. , ' 'rs.' ' ','";''," - , THOMAS L. MILLER. Vice-President ;''V. i - EDWARD L. DORN, Second Vice-President JULIAN SONNTAG,' Secretary and Treasurer. EDWARD TOPHAM, Acting Medical Director . M. B. KELLOGG and F. P. DEERINO, Counsel '"' ('': '" ' :;v" T-v directors.. .7-;;v".r? yj. : ,ri; L. . BBHRKltB, First VtUeoal Bsas, Kedweod City. - j If. 1. BRANDKirSTaTW, Msreaaai, MACBICa CARST, Oasltallet. f i' JOHN a OOLSMAW, Ceplteust. HENRY J. CROCK KB. Oepltallst. OEOHOB tJ. BIND, ShliwwBer. ESN BT BaUNNIK, Geatral TrastOSSv sear a - , A. J. sTBsXa. sferchsat. a o. o. sULLaa. rsettis Ugkttsg Cesipaay. M. . KtXLOOO, : PAO IIP CAPITAU $20M0.e. ; C20SS SURPLUS TO POUCT COLDERS, $117,178.43. edLONIST lV RATES' TO"""'-'"-" And the Pacific Northwest orer the Union Pacific,-Oregon Short Line, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., and Souther Pacific, from all parts of the East. DAILY during March and April. , ; , v, y:j';r:z YOU ' CA IS ' PREPv' For tickets, if you desire to bring friends, relatives, employes of others from the East, by depositing the cost with anr agent of the O. R, & N. or S. P. Co, with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in tbn East A Rare Opportunltr to Promote the In dustriai GrowtK of the Northwest v avATxa raov rmcrozvAi. urmi czrxaa. Caloare ...... V. ?-0 B?3.00 Bt. fcoals ST t. 0.00 St, Faol ................. Ba-60 A-'-'Raiss apply vw ait mam hq pniwn nn i"inL.. .uuv.i.n w Inclusive. B .Rates apply to Portland, Astoria and Puget Sound points: slso Southern Psolfie main and branch line points north ef and Including Ashland, Oregon. '.- - ' , ? r- For complete Information. Inquire of , .' " , . ' -" ..... WBt BIoartrBAT. ensral yasssags " ' Oregon Jt-Olxead Wsvlgatlon Oe. C W.' Stinger. City Ticket Agt, t and Waahlngton. 1 ; GROWTH of the .NORTHWEST As Illustrated by the Business of ths Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company la Its .North Pacific Department During Fourteen Years. ;. . Regan busfness In North Waelito Dspartment. April I, 11 Insurance In force la North Paolflo Department. Jan. 1, 194 J n sura nee in force la Nortn racino nsurance la force in North Paoino - Inauranoa In force in North Pacino Insurance In force In North Pacino Insurance in force In North Paolflo i. frxr-nm i. TJnrth Panlfla Insurance In fores In North Pacino Insuranos In force la North Pacific i Insurance In force In North Pacino Insurance In force In North pacino Insurance in force in Norm pacino Insuranos 1 m fAn. in vjnrtn pirina Insurance Ii n fores la North Faclfle Recent legislation has aimed to make Insurance Penn Mutual baa alwaye been purely mutual In tlon. .- - - " . . x ' It has ever sixty years ef wnblemlshsd Insnranee repuUtlon te Its credit; and the largsst amount of asw Insurance written In any orie year waa during ths lavsstigaUons and disclosures of 1901. . - Good risks and good agents wanted. " '. '' " ';. ; I xjrrxsTxoATa asrosJi tov tsTWOTtmi -"i V J SHXRMAN Or HARMON, General Agents 727-728-729-730-731 Marquara Building, - PORTLAND. OREGON upon his previous order of March 4. Lockwood says Webster did Issus an order for his commitment todsy. However, Lockwood Is out of Jail and will hsva until Maroh li to proceed with his habeas oorpus proceedings. At that time srguments will be mads upon the ptltlon. .'-;. - r. ORDERS POLICEMEN NOT TO STRIKE PRISONERS Acting upon .reports received that soma patrolmen are In the habit of maltreating prisoners. Chief of Police Orltsmacher has Issusd an order to the members of ths police department . to refrain from striking anyon svoept la self defense. Any viola Hon et the rale I X Tat2fcaZr" ZL T. L.' Tles-tvesMest. . OHAg C MOORS. C. 0. Meees EssV seerlng Works. OKORO j ALL IV sTOORg, Herebast.' ' OBOROa A. MOOaa, Pvealseat. R. B. NOBLE. Capitalist.. .. W. B. . BE!, CeplteltaC , , T. J. A. BKT. Brlttea Key. M. rtCISBBACKEa, Mereaaat. . - ; KIRJUIAN WBIOBT, Capltellet. B. L. DORN. Seraas Tke-PneldesU ' . ("BANK r. DXBB1N0, Attarsay. , Attorney. Baffala .................. o.oo aeao vew Teek v........ 4T30 aaoo Boston 47.40 4S.S0 Philadelphia 47.85 4S.7S Wasblngtos T4S 9 ise,7so ; 877,980 twpanmeni on. i, io.... Department Jan. 1, 1891.... p,partment Jan. 1, 1S7.... Department Jan. 1, IMS.... Deportment. Jan. 1, 1.... Dsnartment Jan. 1. 1900..., .418,000 049,850 49,698 1,741,198 .094,678 Depsrtmsnt, Jan. 1, 1901.,.. 8.87S.878 Department Jan. 1, 101... B,S3fl,43S Department Jan. 1, 1901..., S.601J197 Department Jan. 1. 1904.... 6,445,633 wrimwn jm.ii. i, i..,.. t,ot,ohj ivisnnME Jan. x. 10... Dspartment Jan. 1, 191,., a3,oes companies what ' ths character and Opera- will he followed by charges with th police committee. The chief says that the order has solutoly no connection with the allege asssult committed by Detective Hellyei on a bunkoman arrestsd several week ago snd that in - his opinion Hellyl wss sntlrely Justified in his action An Investigation by the chief at tM time showed thst ths detective did an strike the msn In question but upo ths fellow's attempt to simulate drunk; snness, Hsllysr merely rubbed the prt oners faos to wans mm up. , Dr. IJndsey to Lecture. Dr. A. A. Lindsay will lecture tomei row la the Allsky hall. Third and Mnr rtaon streets, at 11 o'clock, on 'Tl. Chemistry and psychology ef ths Jtmc