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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1907)
OI 13 of TZIIi MOST" D2IIGI2'firyir q- POPULAR GQIIGD IN TliE MUSIC '.SUPPLEMENT C3UI O. . - Lhtlc Ad ta TIIE JOURNAL Journal Circulation Eringi . Rfesults. Costs Only 28, One Cent a Wcrd. Yesterday Was a . GO'S The Weather Occasional rala tonight and Sunday. - , " ; PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1907. TWO SECTIONS 18 PAGES. PRICE TWO " CENTS. c ntaura a wo twi Tia. nvi cuais VOL. .VI. NO. 16. m rOT. n E&iL(Bli:iiiJi TJTTiT)Ti t? iillMlijJjj KILLS WIFE, IHEIIEOBS mm ', r , AV. W. Henderson An gered Because of a Divorce Suit and Fear ot a Favored Rival Shoots Father-In-Lawln Oregon City Hotel Just Before Ending His .Own Existence With Bui t . let , From vthe -Same Re- volver. ; f--;'v: ;-"V- . (Saedat niptc to The Joaraal.) . Oregon City, March St. Overcome by Jealousy and maddened because a suit for dlvoroe had been Instituted agalnat him, William W. Henderaon thla morn ing shot and klllad bis wife, wounded hla fathr-ln-law, Joseph D. Maxwell. and than killed himself by sending a Bullet thraan hla 1uulev vln. Tba tragedy occurred at 1:10 o'clock thla morning In room 11 of the Willtam Toll hotel. Slat and Main streets, thla city. The deals of both Henderson, and hla wlfa waa Instantaneous. ' Maxwell, . the woman's father-in-law, will recover, ' It la believed.- ' ' .. ." . .Henderson arrived from Portland on - the 11 o'clock, car last night. On hla -arrival here ha visited Chief, of Police Kama and told of hla family troubles. ,Tha chief then assisted him Including a Telephoned to Detective, v'. ; ' ,. Henderaon retired and expected to leave this morning on the early train for Grants Pass. Previous to retiring, however, he telephoned to the Vaughn Detective Agency of Portland for a roaa ( to ' aocompany him : to - Grants Pass. prom wnat ne aaia it ia oeiievea mat he feared that hia wife, who also in tended to leave thla morning for Grants Pass, expected to meet a man there. ': Mrs. Maxwell and her father were tn the City yesterday- She filed a suit for - divorce against her husband January S. They were shadowed by a detective at the instigation of Henderaon, who la said to have been trying to discover evi dence against thi wife with which to .prevent the divorce. r... t - ay - Shoots Wlfa ' Tlrst. '. Henderaon rose early thla morning, and after breakfasting at a. restaurant went to the room where hla wife waa staying. The woman'a father followed hlm Into theplace. There. .were. evi dently bitter words before Henderson suddenly took a ' revolver from hla pocket and fired at the woman. The ball passed through her bead and ahe fell to the floor, expiring Instantly. He then turned upon Maxwell, - who waa hot behind the left ear, the ball com ing out In the neck on the same aide. The wound la a scalp one. . . v. , - Henderson thsn turned the weapon on himself, sending a bullet through hla own brain. Only three shots were fired, two of which were fatal. , , f, t T.' ' ' Maxwell Sad Money.' Persona living In the house heard the sbota and rushed Into the room immedi ately. Both Henderson and bis wife (Continued on Page Two.) LEWIS TO OUST JOLIVA III ZIOI Bitter War Waged Between , Leader Chosen by Dowie and ' 4 Usurper New Chief Is Prom. ' Inent Cotton Seed Oil Man. . 1 ...... (Joe rail Special Barries.) ' ' Chicago, Marob II. Zlon City la en the verge .of a great rellgloua. battle between the adherents of Wilbur Glenn Vollva. general overseer of the Chris tian Cathollo church, and the followera of Dowie, who are flocking to the stan dard , of General John A. Lewis, the leader .cboaen by Dowie to be bead of the church as his succeesor. Vollva and his aides. It Is understood. rwlll not recognise the selection of Lewis In the will of the dead first apostle, and there will be a struggle for leadership of the church which will outrival the conflict between Dowie and Vollva, when the flrat apostle, because of his enfeebled condition, could not make an active fight aaalnat Vollva who usurped his plsee In Zlon church. General. Lewis was a prominent and wealthy southern business man. He waa president of the Southern Cotton Rd OH company tn Merlden, Mlaals e'lipl,. when he was healed and Joined I".wl's church. He has remained a tf.ul fat follower ever slnoe, IK! B! LETTERS Doctors l and Lawyers File Affidavits in Court AssertingThawlsNot Now Insane . Thaw' Letters to His Attorneys , Prove : That ; He . Suggested Moves, for His Defense That .. the Lawyers Afterward Made, Considering Them Good.'' : New Tork, March tV Harry K. Thaw's defenaa. .to Jerome' a insanity proceedlnga against him waa filed this afternoon. It consists of affidavits by Attorneys Delmas, Gleason and McPlke, Dra Evans, Wagner, Jelif fa, Hammond and Shlela, and a number of notes from Thaw to bta attorneys directing hla de fense. .. f All the attorneys and alienists assert ed the opinion -that Thaw la sans today. Dr. Shtels makea affidavit that ha ex amined Thaw yesterday and pronounces him fully competent to advise bis coun sel. ' .. . .. i. . pelmaa depooea that ba bad trequentl imerviawg with Thaw la court and at the Tombs, and reoeived many notes and letters fronf Thaw.- Delmas asserts: , , Thaw Is and . haa been fuUy oapabla Of understanding the nature and object of the proceedlnga against him, of com prenenainr his condition with reference to each proceedings, and of eonduotlnc hla defense in a rational manner. . Dur ing the whole trial he has conducted himself In a rational manner." . . . v Oleasoa deposes: . "I have known Thaw for yeara Dur ing the trial ha consulted me fre quently In a sane. Intelligent manner." Ha declares Tbaw'a memory to ba ex tremely aocurate. The other attorneys' affldarlta were along the same lines, all appearing to think Thaw's letters to them the most Important evidence of hla present san ity. Many of the letters appended to the affidavits show that Thaw Initiat ed a number of tba moves that bis attorneya subsequently made. In one - letter Thaw Insisted upon his rights as a husband to see Del mas' notes oa bis wife's testimony, ae he would permit nothing but the truth to be told. Thaw aald: f "Today a wltneaa perjured himself In a . vary - natural.- atudled wanner. It grieves ma to ba forced to Inaist on my rights aa a husband, and If not granted upon that the deferenoe ta due my wishes aa principal." ' later Thaws mothers affidavit waa filed. She tries to prove that there waa no - hereditary Insanity In either family and describes minute details of what she terms two eases of mental derangement in the Copley family and one of epilepsy In the Thaw family." One of Thaw'a letters Is self-explana tory. , He said: - ., 1 , "DO not : permit Jerome before the Jury to aay 'And when he aald he had ahot White.' Thla la neither a fact nor la It In evldenoe." . , Another. "I am Informed that tn the laat 10.004 cases detained In the Tombs not one haa Buffered from bia wife'a being aubpoenaed Miice tecum' to pro daoe lottore." ;' . . At another period ta the trial Thaw wrote: . . . "Thla whole line of testimony should be objected to. it will be sustained." One written apparently during the tire some examination of Bvana reada: "Jerome hopea Evan a will tire the Jury and Judge according to tha axiom 'give a man rope enough he'll hang him self - Dr. Wagner's affidavit brings out facta never before shown, as Thaw .de scribed tot Wagner hla 'movements' on tba roof . garden lust previous to the shooting. Wagner swears that 'Thaw denied to him Smith's testimony aa to how Smith watched ' Thaw, because, being the flrat night, ' the garden waa decorated with planta and shrubs. among which Thaw walked, so one ooold not have followed Mm with their eyes. Thaw said he didn't see White at all until he was about to leave the garden. H EARST IN CHI CAGO AIDING MAYOR DUNNE 1 " ' (Joaraat gperlal Kervlea.) Chicago, March 31. Tha real power behind the throne became apparent to day when William Randolph Hearat, ac companied by. Arthur Brisbane and a cartoonist, arrived from New Tork to take personal charge of Mayor Dunne's cam pairs, ' There have been many ru mors of .deals between Hearat and Dunne, ' by which. In the event- of Dunne' a reelection, Hearst was to name the chief -of police and other offlciala Today's developments seam to bear out these rumors. -rX:: XT: 'V.- -j0!5OH STREET PAVIMG.PREVENTt.D-BV.H.LuPATTOC!V ' ' i "Thara ara persons la tha world, whoea aonla wslghad nothing, and wa can prove) it. To their class belong ' tboar who arc too ettngy to make street or aldewalk tmproyemanta." Oragonlan, .March 19, 1907. ., , , , i ' t , . The paving of lower Madison street was prevented by H. L. Pittock, principal owner of the Oregonian, who controls a majority of the frontage on lower, Madison street. . :, ' . . - ' " TRAHIMEH WILL STRIKE 111 APRIL Employes of . Western ' Roads Have Greatest Strike ' Fund Ever Collected Will Strike Unless Managers Yield. Jeeraa Spsewl Servtae.) Chicago, March IS.Unleaa weatara rallroada reoeda from their atand In refusing . to consider further the de mands of their-employes. 19.000 railroad men will strike In April. One hundred committeemen from local . anlona of trainmen and conductors met . Grand Chief a Carretaon and Morrtssey today fo plan operaiiona , : A. F. Whltner, chairman of tha 00m mlttee. unofficially eonflrma ' tha ' re- (Continued oa Page Two.) It Is claimed by the Republican a that If Dunne ta reelected he will ba merely an tnatrument ia the hands of Hearst, who will be the real mayor. Hereto fore it bad been onderetood -that Tom la Johnson of Cleveland was the actual mayor of Chicago, with considerable ad vice from Hearat. The campaign is now taking on a lurid hue. Old-time Democratic lead err have been reduced to the ranke, aa their methods are too tame for tha pres ent emergency of saasaUonallam. WEIGHING A LAWYER L0CKW00D IN PRISON FOR ONE HOUR Attorney for Trustee of Lynch Estate 'Committed Because He Did " ; Not Comply With Law Warrant of Commitment Issued March Fourth Lockwood Blames Webster. Charles B. Lockwood. attorney for the truateea of the eatate of Jerry Lynch deceased, was committed to the county Jail . thla morning in pursuanoe of a warrant of commitment Issued by Judge Webster of the county court, March 4, because ' Lockwood refused to Indorse the certificate of deposit of the residue of the estate-of Lynoh upon the order of Judge Webstar. Lockwood was released about an hour later, when it waa found that the oourt had no authority to send Lockwood to ANOTHER RICH MAN'S ; PANIC IN WALL STREET - a ' : 1 (learaal Special gar teal a e New Tork. March II. Stocks ' e 4 opened, with general decllnea. e w, Within II minutes they were e generally disordered with frao-. e w t tlonal rallies.' Union Pacific was , e among the lowest, being off 4)4 e in all. e A panlo oocurred oa the bourse e e tn Berlin on account ef advices e e from New Tork. In Berlin rain e w ing shares dropped 1 points. e 4 Baltimore AOblo and Pennsyl- e e vanta dropped and Canadian e e Paclflo 11 polnta. e) ' Stocka coatlnued erratlo and oloaed nrvoua The Canadian ' e Paclflo bore tha brunt of . the e storm, both here and sbroad. It e reached If f before supported. e e e e e e e e HUMAN SOUL - irra,"- . inrttrt r.'r a MARCH 19; "TtVera-'axe person whoso souls "we lirhed can prove it. to their class . belong those who are too stingy to nnjJie; atreet.or aldowclk ImproverhenaJ ,m - 4.' 1 ." r' :. Jail because the lawyer haa a petition for writ of habeaa corpus before tha atata olrcult oourt. Judge . Sears heard argumenta upon Lock wood's demurrer to the. writ of re turn made in the habeas corpus proceed lnga Thursday and this morning over ruled . the demurrer. Because of the ruling made by Judge Beers, Lockwood waa committed to the county Jail. In fact Lockwood haa five daya in which to' file paper In the writ of habeas corpus proceedings. (Continued on Page Two.) ASHES USED PRODUCE . (Journal Sneetel tm ma) . ' Altoone, Pa, March II. John . Ell more, a hard working eobbler, gave a demonstration at the Clttsena' Light company's plant of a process of extract ing heat (mm aahea, to the perfection of which he haa devoted 10 years' atudy. His father flrat worked on the develop ment of the Invention and whan the father died Ellmore took up the prob lems.' -The "results shown were marveloua and If the proceas Is 'brought Into gen. oral use there will be a revolution In the fuel Industry, Several hundred 1D0T In . tha.worl nothing, and we . REACH HIGH HARK Fifty-Six Per Cent Increase Over Corresponding Week of Last Year Is Record for Seven Days Ending Thursday Night In the clearing house week ending Thursday night Portland mads tha enor raoua gain of 14 per cent over the bank clearings of the same week a year ago. Portland'a cleerlnge in gold for the last week were fl.lSI.4oa, aa In crease of nearly 1 1.000.040 over the same week of 110a. Only two other cit ies in the country. Qutnoy, Illlnele, and Fall River, Maseachusetta, made larger percentage of gala. , (Continued oa Page Two.) AS FU EL A HOT FIRE pereona witnessed tha demonstration. Ellmore'a secret la a chemical com pound with which he aprlnklee the aahea ' Under one ef the company's 10 boilers he built a fire which gave more beet than was produoed by bituminous eosl fires under the other nine boilers combined. lie used It parts of sprlnlil1 a to 1 of coal. Only a emull ri 1uu;ti l left when the f're gi' out. i : i : glowed I !e n t ! of 1 .ii. j h Clta Kill""' I ' make a 1 fuel. BANK CLEARINGS VESSEL IS HMO FOR Steam Schooner Off North ; Head Seems Doomed by High Seas and.the Wind Name ' Cannot ; Be Seen ; Be cause of ,' Rain ' and , Mist Deckload of Lumber VVashed Away Bar Tug Unable to Face the Storm. - Presumably . with her machinery or -at ee ting gear disabled, a two-masted schooner Is riding out a fearful aea a mile from the rocks upon which Is lo cated the North Head lighthouse. Her anchors dragged as tha flood tide, aslsted by tha tremendous waves rolling In from the sea, toased ber about Ilka a mere shell and frequently broke completely over her. Her ensign Is dis played upside . down, denoting distress, ; but the bar tugs have been unable to go to ber assistance because of the bolster -ous condition of the bar. A mass of foam extends as far as the eyo can eee, and the bar tug that stood' out In response to a eall from North , Head was forced to return to abetter and await aa abatement of tha storm, ill l-ang of Wreck. f The vessel is In grave danger of going ashore, even though a late report thia afternoon states that her anchors now seem to be holding because of the high tide. Early this morning it was thought . that nothing could save her, aa the wind was constantly bringing her closer to the spit. . . The deckload of ' lumber has been washed overboard and the sails that had been spread In bopes of keeping ber off the beach have blown away The vessel waa first discovered by Julius' C Hayden, lookout - for the weather bureau at North Head. Ha aaw her dangerously close to the - rocks as daylight, broke, and Immediately sent word to the weather bureau here, and also notified Astoria. He was unable to make out the Identity of the schoon er because of the rain and mist, al though the word "San Francisco" waa visible on the atern-plate. All of the steam schooners plying out of this port ball from San Francisco, and for that reason the name of the home port la of little significance. Ufa I Tba Ufa saving crew at Cape Disap pointment haa been ready to go to tha rescue of the erew on a moment a no tloa from North Head, and it la believed that thus those on board can be saved should the anohora give way and tha schooner pile up on the beach. A small steamer stood by tha disabled veaael all morning but waa unable to approach close enough to get a lino aboard and ao finally proceeded north. Possibly tha vessel is one bound from " Gray's harbor or Puget sound for Baa Francisco, but it is more likely that ahe la one of the fleet plying out of thla port. The Aurella left out yesterday, 1 L ' . (Continued oa Page Two.) The RcalHot Stuff Right off tlie Reel Forty pretty . girls to advertise Oregoa In tha eaat - Life on the rookpUa. ' How would yov Ilka ttt . v - Heart-rending; horrors of famine ta China, . . . Painting tha north pole. ' Artist rteka death among Icebergs. How ' messenger ' girls charged atiikebreakera , with batplna - Bow to ba positively Irreelstibls tn winning woman's love. What la beauty la woman and the typea that have enjoyed popularity. Tha sweet melody, Ton Know Who X Love," la tha maale supple ment. Her name was Head. Hla name waa Adolph. .. Happy Hooligan leaves bis kappy borne. .. Then the beastlful wemaa eontest prises will be announced. Full leased wire reports ef two great prase- asaoclatlona All ;n ! 1:1 1 .