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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
I1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH IS. KS7. 13 POKE HARRIIM IN EYE ; TO GET REAL SERVICE New . Yorker Decfares That It Only Way to Obtain Anything . From Railroads. '.; COMMISSIONS . SHOULD BE NAMED BY GOVERNOR Oscar R. Meyer Say Oregoa Should ' Hare Shown Magnate What It ,- , Could Do to Him Six Yoa( Ago .: . Instead of Si Month. "With the factorlee crowded with or ders, labor employed at good - wages, ' large immigration and . good , prospect for big crops, there can ba no financial panic There might be a stringency. , mm Oeoer R. Jieyer of New York, who Is visttlne In Portland and observing conditions. The railroads, and many speculative enterprises may hare diffi culty in getting money to-spend, but - there la plenty of eastern money foi legitimate needs of trades, commerce and manufacturing." , ' Mr Meyer said a good feature of the western situation la that western eapl ' tal is not being aent east in response to the call for money to loan at high rates. K but s being Invested at home in produc; T tlve and development enterprises, i - Asked what ba meant by the terra . " "speculative" nses for which no oast era money may be had. Mr. Meyer par ticularised as to projects that show ao immediate revenue, but that rely for ; their revenue-bearing power upon future contingencies. Water power. . electric railway, steam railway branch llneo and : Irrigation projects he included rn the , speculative class. "Mercantile and manufacturing Inter . este can get all the money they need for carrying on legitimate business of the country." continued -' Mr. Meyer. The - railroad" companies" wlir auffer H from scarcity of eastern money ao long -. the agitation against them continues, and the agitation will go on until rail- road financiers and managers get hon est, and deal fairly with the people. The railroads are solely responsible for t tie predicament In which they now find J. themselves. They bave been playing the financial game for some years with an , tire disregard of the Interests of the public. They have been building rail roads at small coat, with money raised - on bonds, and have been watering the atocky . a ; ,.. v ; -. : SALVAGE AND WRECKING CO. TO OPEN STORE Will Sell Bankrupt Stocks and Will Be Known as the West - - Coast Salvage & Wrecking Co. - The leading position Portland' Is fast taking among, the foremost mercantile cities on th coast la beat ahown by the advent of another new enterprise, new , in this city, bur one of years of suc cessful operation "in the eaat in the , selling of bankrupt stocks.' Mention was given some time ago In , the papers of the formation of the West Coast Balvige and Wrecking company, composed of some of the beet known . business men la this vicinity. They have rented the large double stejrt. . eorner Third and Davis, at which - place they will open a retail establlsn , ment for the disposal and sale of their various purchases. 1 , The original company has bad many ! years' experience In the eaat and has met 'with success in the business of . buying bankrupt stocks, fire damaged merchandise, as well as wrecked goods from the railroad and steamship com panies, and Is one that gives them wide choice in. the selection of their wares, and as they buy nothing but goods that can be secured at from 10c to I6o on : the dollar tt places them In a position at all times to have their stores in ail - parts of the country, running sales of the big bargains they make. Four stores are already in operation, one i each In Boston, New York, Cleveland . and Chicago, and the fifth will ba la , this city at the corner-of-Third and 1 Davis streets, which place they have ' recently rented. 4 ,..,'...... . - Aa their nam Indicates, they deal exclusively. In bankrupt - and' salvage stocks. - but their years of experience - : has fitted them la n peculiar manner . for the choice of their merchandise. ' Only the best Is bought, and it Is a re . markable fact, but nevertheless true, , that over fo per cent of the goods pur-, ' chased by them Is In perfect condition. ' and when It Is considered that they are disposed of at from one quarter to one third of what retail merchants charge It la not to bo wondered at that ' this firm has s world-wide reputation. , ;, - ' "The opening of the Portland store has been 'delayed for -several months NEW. ARRIVALS 7-r ' j .. . . ' . ...... . WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. , - . - ) .. . . .. -.v.- . ' .- . Woofer Millinery Co. MORRISON AND FIRST STREETS. ;. LARGEST MILLINERY HOUSE IN THE WEST. ' Nearly all atock la water. The bonds represent the actual Investment. . They begin operating a railroad with small population and business, at rates that will psy interest on the laveatment Then, Vhen the population and business have enormously Increased, do they re duce the rates materially to the public? Not much. Instead of that, they pump more water Into the stock. When the public asks for lower rates, the railroad manager reply that It is Impossible to reduce tba rates and continue to pay In ternet on the Inveatment' ' : "I would rather see government own ership of railroads than railroad owner ship of the public. But there is no ne cessity for either condition. I believe In railway commissions. If they are com posed of competent men. and only that kind should be secured, though they must be paid $10,000 a year for each man. They should be appointed by the governor, and he should have absolute power to remove with or without cause. I believe in state regulation of all pub lic utilities. The publlo should control, and curb their avll tendencies, for the public has to pay the freight All pen alties of mismanagement and bad finan ciering are ultimately paid by the pub lic." . -' ; .- . ... : Any Old Thins; for Oregon. Mr. Meyer said Oregon never -. will get art It is entitled to untU It "pokes Mr. Harrlman In the eye." The Union Pacific system's Green Fiver route,' known aa the Oregon Short Line, la op erated principally, for cattle and Im migrants. It Is not equipped with ac commodations that compare with the trains running In and out of San Fran cisco. Ha said that all San Pranclsco trains -are modern and elegant, but that any old train la good enough for Port land, in therestlmatlon of Mr. Harrlman. The main regret la that Oregon did not begin showing Mr. Harrlman a few things six years ago Instead of six months ago," ha continued. "This state will . never 'get any real reforms from Harrlman until It convinces him that tt can and will do things to him. It re minds mo of the Yankee who was tell ing a Frenchman that the United States was moving heaven and earth to build the Panama canal. 'The Frenchman re- piled that they had better move more earth and less heaven." ' Portland money Invested at boma la. In Mr. Meyer's opinion, one of " the strongest safeguards against a financial stringency, or even a panic . - More Oregon financial faith In Oregon in vestments Is. what. la needed, aa much a eastern money. It la only recently that home capital baa even believed In local real estate. Outsiders Sweeny and others came in and showed the local capitalists how to Invest his money. ------ . ' : 1 In order that a stock might be secured that would do Justice to the reputation of our ' company," aald Mr. Harry Nor ton, the manager, 'tut at last we have secured what we consider one of the best purchases we have ever made, the entire bankrupt stock of Johnson- Halllman,- the Council Bluffs, Iowa, de partment store . who failed last Jan uary, the atock which our representa tive bought for 11 cents on the dollar. -The- goods hare been on the road foi almost n month and have Just arrived. but as the store Is already In shape for them, we will start our sale .Friday, Which will bo as quick as we can un pack and get them ready for the sale. This event . will bo the greatest sale ever held In your city and abould not for an Instant be compared with the so-called sales which have been foisted on the publlo by - unscrupulous -dealer on tna Jfacinc coast. Tba West Coast Salvage Wrecking company, with lt world-wide reputa tion, stands back of every claim made and every price quoted, so one can come to our atore with the absolute assur ance of securing Just as advertised and at the advertised price, too. - In addition -to the Johnson at Halll man stock, wo also have hundreds of lots from our other stores at prices that will make a new mark In bargain giving in this section of the country, ACTORS MAKE LOCAL HITS AND ENJOY DANCE ' The Proscenium club, an organisation of local thesplana, entertained with a ladles' night at Alisky hall last even ing. The first half of the evening was devoted to an old-time minstrel show, arranged by a number of the prominent aotora from the - different- theatres in the city. A feature of the performance was a number of local bits on well- known Portland peeople. Following the minstrel performance th Proaoenlum and their Invited friends m - r f m ' Only One UOVO QVIMIMZ." That is LAXATTV1 BBOMO Quinine, gtrnt larly earaed remedies sometimes eeeelre. The flrat and anginal Old Tablet la a WHITE rAuaaun wits kiacs sa rod letter-Ins, ana bears the elcnatare oi K. W. OBOVB. 25. Milwaukie Country Club. ". Eastern and California races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. ! - , . New Leghorns New Tuscan ' Flats : All in th new Mushroom Ef fects. - ' ' Special prices on nil Misses' Hats, v r . '' -.' " See our great asortment of New , Trimmed Street Effects, Nobby New Tailored Hat From $2.50 Up For strle and prices you mutt ee our Hats. We save you 50 TpeFcenf on your new bat. " consoLiDATiori HAS ITS RESULT Montavllla Push Clubs May Now Sea . Villa Avenua " V'.:' Widened. RIVAL BODIES ARGUED ; - LONG ON QUESTION Metlns of People) Along Mount Scott " Une Will Bo Held at ' (". Laiarlwood Hall . Friday to Con aider Annexation. 1 - V Bass Side Bepartateni. ' Tl.. vlil.nlnr nf Villa OUI tO On SS-foot thoroughfare la finally"" to-be accomplished, the combined push clube of MontavUla the MontavlUa Improvement board. When this project t- ...Mi.iid am nf . the srreatest achievements of the -new organisation will have been perreciea. oecsun Improvement was hindered before ' on account of the different attitude of the two duba. The people of MontavUla feel that the board will be harmoniously united If one such Improvement can be consummated. ' t-., ..miiiiim Mminlttti of the boara met Monday evening and reported con siderable encouragement rrora ine vr gon Real Estate company and the Northwestern Guarantee, company, two large holdere on Villa avenue. Both are anxious to sea the street wiaenea and were confident that the Improve ment would materially enhance values all along the line. ? , The consent of these larger noioere practically assures the widening of the thoroughfare, as a - majority of . the .11. . the street -are much In favor of the Improvement. The subject on wiaenng me eircw. been agitated all winter with little re m hitherto The announcement will be hailed with a good deal of satisfac tion by those In Montavuia wno are in-, tereated In the suburb but still outside . .i,,h . with Hlhhajrd street and Villa avenue both Improved much of the battle will have , been xougni ana won. . - - " ' -. 1 , Blsonsa Annexation. An annexation meeting will be bled at Laurelwood hall. In the Mount Bcott district, next Friday. March 15.'Tho meeting la to be held under the aus pices of the Woodstock Push club to test the sentiment tor annexation in the Mount Bcott district, aa the red posters done In white Ink. scattered In the district today, announce.' The advantages and disadvantages of annexation will be . thoroughly debated Friday ' nlcht. so as to prepare bound aries for the Initiative measure to be presented to the people In June, wood stock will be Included, and whether Mount Bcott will be Is to be decided thla week. It Is not known Just In what way the sentiment will turn, but It la believed In Woodstock that the people aa far east as Arlete. are In fa vorof annexation. The -Woodstock Push club will meet at Hughejfs store. East Forty-first and ' Hoi gate streets, and ao to Laurel wood In a body. The Illustrated lecture by Professor J. B. Horner of the Oregon Agricultural college, who was to have given next Saturday some of his experiences gained durinc his late ' travels - through the Holy Land, has bad to be postponed to Saturday, March 21. The proceeds are to be need In laying walks on South knroedway, from Woodstock avenue to Toiadstone avenue. . Tremont Wants yTrack. . 'y.'. Property holders In the territory ad jacent to and Immediately south of Tre mont will present a bonus to the Port land railways if they will extend their lines into that district. The section Is growing at a rapid rate and transporta tion facilities are mucn in neea. It wee decided at a meeting of the East Side Improvement association last night to make an attempt to have the new Madison bridge built high enough so as to allow steamers to pass beneath and ao that the eaet approach - would rise from Eaat Third street. - Thomas Hlslop was given charge of the matter. The delegates elected to the federated clubs were: Whitney L. Boise, U H. Weils, Thomas Hlslop. Dr. I H. Raf. fety and Joaeph BuchteL The club dis cussed the strike situation and ex pressed the gravity of the situation If a settlement is not reached soon. Eaat side improvement has already been seri ously Inconvenienced by the strike of the mlllmen. . J. C Marks, who Uvea at East Four teenth .-and Beach streets,, suffered a fracture of the- skull yesterday after noon at the North Pacific paint shop, Itf Gllsan street He was employed as a carriage painter and .while at work a timber fell from a platform above his bead and struck hlra so that he had to be removed to the Good Samaritan hos pital for treatment - The funeral of Mrs. ' Catherine Ellis took place vTrom the Forbes Presby terian church in Alblna yeaterday 'after noon. Interment being In the Greenwood cemetery. Mrs. Ellis died at St Vin cent's from burns sustained while bath ing her child. She was the wife or James J- Ellis of Carson heights. GAMBLING SUIT Hewitt and", Elsfelder No Lon- ger Threaten to Sue Mil . ' waukle Club. . Among habltoes of the Milwaukie club and those who court the chance goddess at that resort there Is a great amount of curious speculation as to what set tlement was reached between Ike orat ion, oroprletor of the place, and J. ' D. I Hewitt. -with his partner,, Leo Elsfelder, I who threatened suit as a result of losses alleged to bave been sustained at the gambling house. Hewitt, known at Milwaukie aa "The Ohost." and Elsfelder, known as "The Black. Dmon." are said to have set up a claim of $30,000 against the proprietor of the resort. They claim to bave lost 115,000 and threatened to bring -suit for twice the amount of their losses. At torneys were consulted with reference to legal proceedings. , . Sar Orattoa Still Owner. fearful of suit being brought. It is aald. Oration disposed of bis interests in toe ciuu in oruer to m.uia rvwpuuaiuii- Itf end to escape the Tmtorlety and. other disagreeable features of a law-1 suit. Those who claim to be va thai SEEMS QUASHED raw V -I, ill - ,.. .- .WSJ ': I., mm wi.wiiWHMi Velar J I Free Sample. Address Dealt. frr-m, U iLi.l.OiilliiecAsfcni.aiMlUX -The Shine ' That Lasts Longest A BEAUTIFUL FACE Bend stamp fer Partleslara and Teatimoniala ef the remedy that cleare the Ompleiloa, Re bwtcs Bkls Imperfections, Makes Bloed ssa imoroTes ue ueaita. 11 jam use BEAUTYSK1N Beaeflelal reselts are gasraateee or aaeaey re- taaoea. CHIUHXtTTK CHtmCAt 00, , -: - la(oB Heee. yhlUdelphla. Fa. Inside, however. Insist that the sale was merely a bluff and that Oratton la sun in supreme control of Clackamas coun ty's Monte Carlo. . - " - - ' It is also alleged that a settlement has been reached and .that all Idea of a suit has been abandoned, l Curiously In clined sports are consequently very de sirous of ascertaining jusChow much ths two patrona succeeded In separat ing from Oratton. - Upon the amount of their success, - It Is said, . may -depend future claims for damagea. It is said their action will bo used aa a precedent by many who have lost at the club... . Fair rtnally Barred, v "It's this way;" aald one who pat ronises the club occasionally but claims to know all the Inside deals connected with It "Hewitt, who Is a contractor and builder, has had trouble financial ly because he played. - . s "He has a friend, Leo Elsfelder, who is known as. 'the Black. Demon.' .They have been in the habit of going to the club and . blowing in - about- $600 real money and $200 or $300 additional In markers. For a while the markers were redeemed, but recently they have been reneged, Oratton finally barred . both Hewitt and Leo from the place. " "Ha wouldn't let them . play for cash even. That made Hewitt angry and he consulted attorneys about-bringing suit. He said ha had lost $15,000 and wanted to sue for twice that. sum. -Oratton heard of It and wired to Colonel Apple gate, who owns 71 per cent of the pool room, and Applegate aent bank word .to compromise. Now it Is said that a com promise has been effected, but no one has been let In on the details of the deal. -'. - ' ' The Blank Demon's Career. , '- "Hewitt la called the ghost because be gets so nervous -when he makes a winning that he trembles all over, as If he had fever. : His partner, Leo. has had a remarkable career as a gambler. "Several years ro he rnsde a winning tSBSZSS J 9 AO almost lm- Kreeptlble ellne all the way to avose , ' City rark. ee page 11.' - f !Fron: now on the C. P. Bishop Store will be added to 'and become ' : ' ( ' " K part of THE'MOYER: We shall ' offer twostocks intone : Making this the Largest Clothing Store on We are showing trie only conpiele stock of extremely WHEN m Smith hasput thVpriceof meat as low as any one can wish and kept it there. .He has been able to do this because he is doing the volume of business, because you and your neighbor have given him your patronage otherwise he would have failed. Every man who' keeps the Beef Trust meat out of his home is doing his country as big a service as the man 'who shoulders his gun in war. That your fighting part Is an easy one, that the victory is a bloodless one, makes it not less! great. You are .fighting the enemy within the fold, you are buffeting, the tyrant that stalks by your; table, three times a day and demands one half the meat on your plate;' the Beef Trust aims to charge twice what Smith charges and you would have i o it. i o lit- a. i-li a. - ' uig oiiuui. anu ouuui wcic FRAMC L 226-228 ALDER ST., BET. FIRST AND Soup Meat V ... . $ 3c Lamb Liver . ; ; ... . . .5c Pigs' Heads ............5c Pigs' Feet . V. .... . V. ... 5c Beef Kidneys. . . . . . i. . . 5c Beef Stew ... . .r. ...... 5c Beef Necks to Boil . .. . 5c Choice Brisket Beef. . . : . .5c Beef Liver ' i . . . ... . . . . . 5c Oxtails, per pound. . . . . . 5c CAUVES' LIVER. 15c. . SWEETBREADS 50c Corned Beef V.:, 6c Lamb Stew., . s r . .'. . .'. 6c Veal Shanks for broth. . , ,6c Veal for Stewing. . . ; , .. 8c Pork Kocks .....8c Beef Shoulder Steak. . , . .8c Beef Shoulder Roast..... 8c Pot Roast Beef. ..... ... 18c Rump Roast Beef. .8c Hamburger Steak ......8c Beef Tripe 8c of several thousand dollars at the Port land club to this city and went to Ban Franolsoa I think it was $5,000 he had when ha went there. He played the races and ran It up to $(1,000. "Then he started a book of Ma own and was dead broke In five daya. Ha Is a news butcher and back to news butch ering he - went after he had lost the money. He remained at that occupation until recently, when he maoa a pretty good killing at the club and then he and combined with the evident Intention of getting all the money there was at Milwaukie. - "They must have got soma sort of a settlement out of Oratton. for I know they have passed tip the attorneys they consulted with.". ' A Young. Mountain. " From the London Dally Mall, i The Kentish fat boy, Charles law Watts of Woodchuroh. has just cele brated his sixteenth birthday. During MEN'S SPRING in patterns comprising all the LOW PRICE of ; Better than those offered by $ 1 5 and every suit guaranteed: 7V; ' ; Would you save $5? Come to us. .; YOU SEE IT 5 IN JOUR uui ucipuig you to , .. SMITH Prime Rib Roast Beef.. 10c Best- Round Steak. . : ... 10c Beef Brains ...........10c Breast of VeaL . , . : , . 10c Shoulder Roast Veal; . ,10c Pork Mixed Sausage; 10c Frontquarters Lamb . . . 10c Shoulders of Lamb . . .". 10C Lamb Sh'lder Roast. . . .10c Our Own Pure Lard. . . .12c Beef Sirloin Steak.1. . .2l2c Small Porterhouse ... 12$4c Rolled Rib Roast Beef 12c Beef .Rib Steak...... 12c Beef Loin $teak. . . . .. 1254c Roast of Veal.. 12c Legs of Pork.......12Hc Side Pork V;..12c Pork : Shoulder Roast . 1254c Leaf Lard ......... .1254c Pickled Pork 1254c Lamb Shoulder Chops 1254c df&Unrr Collars - Miwas "THav aoer-v oaaoa ao outos" Bave -IJJIOCOHir end beMeaaoles ism woe leaf eat. -OIO. t. ISf OOq Metnee TSOt, BJ. T. TOIUHsPM . ClMtlalto.- 'tatMlam"-.- the past year he has Increased in slue, end he now welsrhs $7$ pounds. On his fifteenth birthday he weighed $19 pounds. j. . 1 iiiiEl SUITS novelties at the 7 many stores at AD IT'S SO and Oak "A to pay it, if you were not helbV -. ' 7 I -, ; ' - SECOND STS. Fancy -Porterhouse ,w Steak .;a 15c Fancy- "T"-Bone Steak. 15 Veal Rump Roast ... V. 15 Loin Roast , Veal 15 Rib Roast Veal . i . . . .15 Loin Veal Cutlets'. ; , . .15 Rib Veal Cutletsl V. . . . .15 rork Chops . . ; . . . . . . . ljd Pork Loin Roast ; , i . . . 15d Pork Steak vV.r. vvvvl5d Leg ot Lamb. ......... iJ Lamb Loin Roast ....15c Lamb Rib Roast . . : .... 15c Lamb Rib 'Chops "..v; ; , 15c Our Own Hams . . i . .. ; . 17( Our Own Breakfast . Bacon .. ...... J. ny2 Lamb Tongues, , dozen. .30 Beef Tongues, each . . . . . 45 WOMAN A SPECIALTY MR8. 8. K. CHAN I The esly Oilnese wnmaa tiedlr J .n ihi. rny, Fne l rnred sianr affile led snfrar.r-4 Cored prl.ats ao4 female dl., aim astbna, threat ai lung- trouble.; etomarta, bla4.i nit kli)ne- and dliNt tf .1 kinds Ui.t the kofnis fleah f belr to. Cared h, Chinee h.r'" end roof.. Hemedles h.rmiew , ti e Opera' lw. llon.t trtmeB, a i " 7 mrewi, t vrnr I hi 1 1 1 i it MEAT CO.