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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
THE OREGOII DAILY JOURNATJ. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH IS, 1907. :Hzxszzsxxzxssnr: T7Y A " ' II A 1" I X P"" " ii " Potatoes Are Very Slow In the South on Ac- I III) A Y l 1 AX r" V r1 I coun? of Enormous Arrivals Some Expect I. J I VI VV IViOl I I VJ Market to Clean Up In About a Month ' 1 : : i ' : i : 7 r" " : 1 1 t 1 1 t! I OF SQELT IS CUT BADLY Telephone f Report - From ' the Cowlitz Says , That Little Fish Has Been Caught. ". STORAGE OF EGGS IS V - BECOMING GENERAL rrice BtJWcni t'p AVIth Better De - mand and Receipts Are Not So I ea vy Con tin nance , of Scarcity of Dressed Meats. 1 ' principal mark! feature today: Rub ef emelt suddenly eat off. Hwry along, of gga. V. ', Poultry final sues turkey 11. Continuance of iwtt scarcity. Thru car banana torn In good (bap. 8Uarp advance) la new chose. No better auppli of bntwr. ' Lower price, named la aaparagu. ' Hop trading reported agate. Wheat aad flour abow. quiet ton. M HH ABUXU1X V VUt v x - IT to thla tlm ther baa beta a vary food sa vw whii is lies UIVllUi Aft au iuw .aw ing tha n recant maoa th run baa bees good. but aerer during tb parlod bar tb ran Brorea aa heavy aa a faw year, ago when Cow 11 ta rirer faraiert raa tbel wagons faito tha cmi H9 uueu ko mine o weri whh.iw wii melt br aeooplnf tbaai ap. Thla morning 0. 1. B. hfalarkey, a local wholesaler, received a telephone (Mann frara ta Cow lit atatlng that fh Mr eraa fkraetleallv no ma at all ree- terdir. riab aiaa toko ttila to aaaaa tbat tli aawlt aaaaoa la over, but tbar' so tailing, for a aeboal of flab any appear la tb ner at any tlm. A year ago tb amelt raa eoatlaaod aaill ID BlUubQ OS April. appllaa of aalmoa. wfall not area UbaraL ara rullv an te tha demand at tola tint owing to tba.anarmooa nrlcaa rulings According to flab ma tb cold storage oparatara at tb lower rlrer ar paying advanced prlcaa la ordar ta aaevr aurfldant rappllaa for mild pickling, 1- I J . - h Mt. ' , . . Haarr Itorag at Im ' ' " . BMoaaa of baa BOW iMWWa KMnl amonc tb rroat treat dealer. Conalderabla aupplla bar been pnrcbaaed by apaculatora during tb part nay or ao at country point a, aom of tbaai offarmg aa blgb aa IT f. b. nipniar point. v w .1 .... . u e literal mmA pile ba moat laauae abow a fractloaat ad- ' Poultry Ttnai aom Tarkay Call. - a oaxier sm - w try market today, and all Uaea except gaea are la demand. Cbk-kaa a re anlTlng alowly and top prtcae ar being rrarea iot anppiiee. Today aom demand appeared for turkeya, t the trad only wasted tba beat. Dreaaed neata of aU kmrfa eontlnoe aearoi wltk deasaad ry good at top prlc, . . ahan-Adeaaea ta XaW Oheaaa. , 10 bsv ' rMk tMtttee annnltaa remain abort of t i oamaad, alt boa rk orery day abow a better .rm abnara la the nrlc of sew caeoa owing to tb acarclty of tb prodnct. Today Jobber ar quoting opt tb nW article at 16 and better, wfalte rorreapondlogly blgb adraaoea ara abown te the old (radaa. . Lower rrloa Hamad ta . Aaparaga. ' l I mmIIm mrtm u aaotad lower today. -tb .nrlc ranging front Wr.tO I9B a poo. "-jjt k. (treet thla atoning aliar being Trdoe for aeveral day, rine anape. -"- , Orangea ar ftnnar aa account f tb aearelty, bat wbtl adeaneo ara dally abown la atmtn. era price, ralnee bar bar- aot yet reaebod ear tb s awrk. i. i T .': H Ttagtac mwte4 Agata.' " 7 A number of aalea of aopa t ,rwl among the dealen around We and 10 for good ataff It bi atofad tbat Oatewood aold a car of poor ataff Bud Iler at te a pound. Tba aaneral altaatloa la tba reviewed by tu I V" fork Producer' Prlc Current: V-Tb feature tb V!" LSVi kneina of Padflc court nope. both oa tb local market and In Oregon. lante'T ay eaa local dealer, prumbly oa apoculatlr accoeat. rurtber beary purcbaaing of prlw t ebole Oregoaa at reportwt at a ran of Wc aid 10H oa tb eoaat. Part of thee la for Bngllab aecooat, bat tb balk la "nr andentood to hare keea pnrchaaed by apeccla tor. Buying la Sonoma county, California, be ai iMen brwJl with tb bo.t k.ta going at IOe. while aoorer grane bare aold Kaoorta from Wabtntoi eonttan to report trading. la thi there b b eery llttha oeemeat tha peat -fcr t boMa of . . . .Av ii 111111 if m harrv m t t aad are ,lly ' Cm 1tk4 lOCaVi aTiarkalt yvnw bee. ad. of larg. block. f OtrroOaajrt 1lAff gatbd ISC. - TbfJ Ilt Warial w--w 1 of latl baa the "ttiral ffet of tending to VJSm price. 11 V1. bat ftaHatloaa bar aot beea bangd.n ' .. , . Hut. 1906. ebt-lca. per lb... tata. -lna, medlam ta prim...- State. 1908, per lb..........--;" " Ptfl coaat. ISM. cboice, par b.. Wfl J Padft aaat, ISf. prl". . "JJi Pacific meat. 1V medmin.'. Padfl eoaat. IK, par lb - lu , " Brief -Tot. f tba Tradfc . Wheat aad fkwr trad. nlet Jnt Jf tba (carcitr of . ear. to bring tb foriner to "kT" airtrala ar' aotd la' and ' that JSrt Wt with quotation. .P.. Ud Tetrad, pay. th. atreet. Prleea P blppor. r "tu" commiaalon: . ' ' '. rata, tVnr aa4 flUAIl BAOfW-Caaratta. IM baying rlc-t "wHBATlub!" TfOTl.t tod alav TJ 6cT b?Jiin7 73T3c; valley. TOe. CoJsiWbol. 200 i cracked, ' m0 pet FA1 T (tew reed. T1 00enooi rallad. 2$oV24T0O: brewing. 2a.0000. ; .;a . Plta9 : gry. I so. (Oa VfK: bala. " ... ' . MILUtTtirrS-Bran, ' 9t tool a am v ebon, lla.OOflSl.OO. ' HirJprod! price Tlmofhy. Win.matr ealler fancy. U.Oht.U.OOj ordloary. 00 io&i' eaatora Oregon, $l.00i mired. loIoiflie Joi cWrar. .00s grata. M-OOOlOOOs abeat. - -' . . attor. Igr. Vltr, BTJTTWl f !; " Portlaew aweet eeeam Wet aonr, llH. IintR r- City creamery, aBej onteM raon Kltr fancy, candled. ITOI'c. ' cnselt New IMH eream. flatM ia10Ks; Tenn Amarlca, lTtilTHc. . POLXTBT Lira- Mlied cblrken. NUQlKc lbi fancy bane, lJAlSHe Ibi rooaten. old. lie per lb: old at.r. He IM fryera. Htiqi.y n,. broiler.. 14HISc lb aid durke, 18,. h-,, deck. Il. par lb: goaae, lOc per lb; ta key. 17. par lb fr obl dreeee.,, y-.y par Ibl Mab. W JH ; do; plgena .o( pee ao. Dreaeed aoaltry lOIHe per lb a laker. MK fool aad ld . . ' norS--lB crop Choice, lie: - prim t. Wbolce. loejioc: meainm to prim, safe., wdlnm. : eootrecta IIW7 crop, .,. ".(Hl lu eup rauay. WUW oaatera rena. fie. . , HCIHAIR !few lnT SAC lb. - j PHI6KHfKIN aneerlng. IkatPSe aeh eaert !UV)ne: awimm wool. erj7 eocki hmf 7BCAII.00 MCll. TALLOV? Prime, pgr ib, tHO; , t aad freeae. . CHITTIM SABKdHOT for ear kto m fcrta, r, t niffva Dry, Mo. I, 16 lb and ap. lu IT per lb dry klp. No. , 8 to 18 Iba, 4t diy eolf. He. I, .n.ler I lba. i aettad kl.lea, aieera, aoaad. 0 It- aad ovee. inutile: eawa, iote: atera aei Mile, e-nd. c.7e; klp, II to It) lba. a-; c.f. a..r.t 15 l, traaa, aiiean.i, le k-e; f j tc ir lo lea WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS Vy Shark V Oraham Co. ' A carcltjr la noted In orange juat at thla time, with but on car du today. Tha prlc tin south ha advanced from 16 to 10 cent par bos. and la followed hy a almllar advance her. Thl 1 , fruit la at lta beat now and the demand I unueually heavy. A firmer ton pray alia In tha egg markl eau4 to a gfot . extent, undoubtedly, by atoraga 4 operatlona. , Buppllea for tha paat week hav been lea plentiful but the price-for local trade bolda about ataady, Th outalda de 4 martd. however, la ao great tbnt ' n adranc would not. comaln..4 tha nature of a aurprlac , ". 044ee : J : ; fcora bide., wired. Mch. li"OI.7Ji dry, each. HJjoOI.e"! colt hMea, if.IUc goat eklaa, eamnioa. aaca. lomioc: aarora. oaca socttil live mmm T aiawiaa, rOTATOKM having nrlc, eaetere Malta, mah aad- CUckama (elect. ll.XSigi.tSi cell. log, fancy, tl fro; ordlaary, buying, lljust 11.15 rwt: rweeta, Tc lb. oniu.kb joMing prlc no. i Oregon, soia He; No. 3, buJ)i ioc buying price, OUaJASe f. e. b. ahlnplnc point; garlic. baM oar lb. APfCi react 4loi Hieer Hnltnennere ead Tellow Newtown. $2.85; fancy Willamette val ley eno aootneia urgon, el.WQl.Il; onluuif atock. tl.ODUl 28. FKRSH FKl'ITtWOrange. new aavel.' (2.M qs.uoi tannerine. fl.zs; banana, oc per lb; Irmoee. $4(l4MJ boi: lime, kleatcaa. II H3 net loo: pbieapplaa, ti.00ij3.00 par down: nine apple. pee do; grape fruit, V2Ai.B0. v r.fiai a tii.Rn nrntpa. new. voajai ee carrot; 7.V41 00 per aack: beet. 11.1 pel ark i radiaba. ) per doreni cab. !. IUu.Tc; bMnatne. Mai lean. 2.(10tS 00 Florida, to; paranlpa, WcatMl atrtag bean, ISe per lb: eanlirWae. I2.b0 per doe: pea. ISe; boraaradlih. 4ic per lh: artichoke, ate per oxxen: eqnaan, Tncwi.uo per no) ceiery. i'a morale. U.W8II.M oar erarai era- berrle. IAOnail.00 Bar barrel: eoroeta. awn per lb: aeoaraana. 2tlSc: rbabarb. 8lc lb; rrven anion. 1M do; rkxlda bell pepper, DRf RD rntTTTS Arle. vpnrto4. .V, fc per lb; aprleot. lny per lb: peachea. I20I8H per lb; aack a H per lb lee: pranee, W b 40, ttTnct He drop oa each 1-10 emaller lea: flea, Oillfnrnl black. aH per lb; California while. tjtS per lb: data. goMeo, W per brat tarda. II 4AI M per It-Ik be. Brooartea. aTnt. St. no A a Cm 11 men le A Reeralte l27H; powdered, a.ltt; berry. U.Klti try rnnulated. aa.vuU: Rtar. I4.T1U: eonf.- A. I4.MH; extra B, I4-42U; golden C. -t 82Vil D yellr.w, beet granalated, 14.74. I, I4.T2H. dared. IS-Um wrrn cuu, 4.97Vi; n dry granulated.. I3.17H; P. 0.. ft-Tm; at Pranrla, I4.72U: onrectlonera' A, fl S24: tr ruKica i;. I, xzu : u. nun. 42H( beet granulated. V'Ht bhla, ine; bbl. ISe: boxaa. BOe adeaire on aack baala. lAbove ortcaa aa ao aava na caab aaeta tloaal. ' . - ,. , riorirv .ao par crate. CO-rEK Park a re brand. t1g.McllA.6a. ALT Coarae Half groand. 100a. 110.00 per o: ooe. II0.&0: tablm. dalrv. ROa. 114.00: inn. 113.73; bale. $1JW; Imported lirerpoot, BO. 18.00; UAM, 117.00: 214. III.0O: eitra flea, bble. 2a. b. - 10a. l4.B0aiS.IO! Lavernool Inma rock, 120.00 par too; tO-lb rock. 110.60; 1 00a, 110.00. t . cAbova arlcaa aoole a aalaa mi kea tbaa ee.- Iota, Car bit at apodal price eabjort to finctnatioa.! , KICK loinaetal Janaa. Ma. 1. We. f. IHc; New Orlceaa. bead, Tel Aiaa, ) Creole, HRANA Hmatl. white. KOt larew wbtta. KM: prah. la.M; bayaa. 3.75 Uaua. He: Mexican rada. c NUTS Paaaata. JaoalM. BU.e a, Iht Ttretafa. TH par lb; maated, 10 per lb: Jna. tf m! raaat707H for lb; cocaaanta, abOC per daat vralnat. - California. tal per lb; Prenca, IBc per lb: plnenata. - laeJIV par lb; blckoey aeta. Har per Ibt cbeetnnta. eaatern. lbATIHe per lb; Braall nut, lac per Ibl filbeeta. 16C nar lb: fancr Dec ana. 18cl2o: tlawada. mexJHe. ., afeata. Flab and Travtalema. rfteSR MBaTS rmil rree Hnaa. fancr: 0H tb; veal. tre, 0M par lb; ordinary, isu par u; poor, a per id: atatua, uacy. ti9c per lb. HAMIV B A Corf, rrc. Pnrtmnd aoek Hocatl heme. 10 to IS lb. ! lb: 14 to 16 lbs. 16 lb; IS to 20 lh. 16 lb; breakfaet baeoa. 1H: ttSIHe lb; picnic. 190 lb; cottar roll, 19e lb; regular bort clear, anamnked. 12 lb; amoked. 13 lb. dear bark. aeaoked. 12e moked. 1M lb: Union bo tie, 10 to 18 lh. an- amoked. 8c lb: amoked. Be lb: clear bell lea. aa. moked, 12H lb; anikd. lSVte- lb boaldr. lae lb; pickled tonroe. poc eac. LOCAi, aettie leat. loa, 1 re; . U'Ac lb: no-lb tin, laue B: atoam re. derod, 10a. lta lb; la. Ufc lb eoupoaad. to. PUc Tb. iNnn balmoiv uoramnia -rreer, ' l-l lla. II. M; t-lb telle. 12 75: fauev.ot-lb flat. 11. DO; H-lb fancy flatn. ILlBl fancy l-lb ovale, Ii75i Alaaka talbi. pink. HO0c red. I1J0: nor Ha I. 2a, tall. 12.00, s FISH Hoc eoa. 7 per n noonner. b per lb: hallbnt. Be per lb: crab. lltll.M per doe: atrlped baaa. 12H per lb; catfish, 10c lb; aalroon, freah Oolnmhla river ateelheada,. 117 Chinook, 12He lb' froaea mIbmb. I4J1 1; her ring, oc lb: aole 6e lb; ahrlmna, 10c lb; perch, le lb; black eoi. T per lb: tnmeod. T br lh; anver a men. c per ioi loaaiera. io in: freak mackerel. Be per lot erawnah. X" per 4oen: tnrrna. 10 per lbi bck baaa, 30- pea Ibl Cnlnmhta river emelt, ae per n. OT8TEH8 nnorwter nay. per ranoa, as no; per 100-lb . (ark. M.bO; Olymrda. per galkm. II. 28: per lrs-lb ark. l8.MC6.tft; Itagl canned. 00c ean. T doer a. ' - ' CLAMn Hardaneii. per , BOX, . raaor clam. 2S per bo. - rams. oai ou, za ytopK par Uaaila. UK.I ataadard, U.t ataal. lie. COAL on. Pearl or rre oaese, iH per (a I Ion: wate whit, troa bole, 14 per felln; wooden. II per ra Ileal headlight. , 17ttdg., raaae, 21 Vie per galloa. . tJAFOLINK M-der eaaaa, 94 H par gaOaa, Iron tihla.. lac per ceDoa. BENHIMK aa aec. eaaaa. roe par genual Iron bhla. t8Hc par galloa. TUn I ENTI N K la eaaaa. BO par gall waoaea bble-. P.V per gslloa. whiii 1.151 i on area. i par pa; ouv-ia . lo pev lb: leaa Iota, t ft lb. WIP.B NAII.A preaeat baala at I1J6. . LINHKCn OIL Pare raw. la 8-bbl beta. IOe; f-bbl lot. 13c; ease. Me per gl: geanlna bat tle boiled, eaaaa. 60 per gt; b-bbl let. Met nni lota, soc per gal; groena rak. car lain W par tea) lees tbaa ear lata. IM per taa. ALL TRY TO GET OUT ' Loiiaea la Xew York Stock Hart the Prtce'ln Grain Plta. ' - MLAflVa TtHIAT- TALCBS. I . , Mar. IS. Mar. IS. Loa. Way ........A .TTHA .THA XII July . .THA .TPVtB , .01 ' BeptanlMr .,, .18K .TvfeB .001 CbrcagOt March 18. There wa a emHnaanc f tb damag report to wbt today, hnt veryoo tried to gat eat of the market to get money for their margin la Mew York. Prlc kt heavily.. . , : . , . - Official qnatatlon. by Overbecb, Starr V - oooka company i . -. .WTJtAT. , Open, Hlrh IiW. 77H 7atA T!f Clo. T7'4A - TMiB T854A '- 464A 4di4 - KHiA 0SB . nB A tOftoA 1612 '. tub ns-JA ,' KI0 , . WW) - !!'T ' Way 7e,Va i 7N av i 7H it u 7H &? T14 July , Hcptombar '.., Til TO C0B!t. May ......... July ......... September . ' -May ......... July 9pumbr - -. . . May ......... July May J tile September ... May ......... July eptember . IT 4TU, . 4 , 4AI4 tl4 41 . .10-14 44 40 OATS. . 14 . 4t 40U . 87lJ S7V. ' M .82 - M 82 5b . VT.SS PORK. .1HI0 . lnl MMl .1627 lrV0 1010 ' LARP. , ? P23 ' 010 t . 1M ' PrMl 'J" PIH u 040- 1. 028 " ftllOBT RIBfl. . bwi pan tm . WO T ,. OUT I0 000 ' P0KTT.AVD SABS ITATEllEJfT, Clearlnf today ... Clearing yar ago .ll.bRI.Mil.OI . Gala today .................... PiKlance today Balaacea year age ,, Tlft.OTO.HT n-i.40 sj BU.I70.W t. Vrw Tork-Liiloa Silver. New Torn, MarcU 13. Br Urtr, MV4; LoBdoa, 11 U1IW, A BETTER TONE IN LIVESTOCK Nominal Arrivals and a Very Good Demand Cause Prices ' ' to Stiffen' Considerably. ' HOGS ARE FIRMER -JlSEVEN -THREE QUARTERS Rise of 23c From the Low Point Is Shown In Both Cattle an Hogs in ' tha Local Yard- No Sheep Ar -. rlTe Today . '.'.;: Prtlnd Cnloa Stockrarda, March l- liee- Itock ncelpta:. Hog. Cattl. baoa. Today.. il - 60 .. ... work go. 810. K wo Year ago , 171 30 ' Prerloua week ... 101 - While ttier are ao nttnnl Chang In th iivescoc itniioB tna coatinneo ica or earn, dent trrlv! to meet tb demand la causing a much steadier tone In all Una, baring tb peat 21 hoar tb total arrivals to all line aaaibered 81 bead of boee and 6 cattle. No bp cam. Hng bow aa advance of 28. from th low point with heat firmer at IT.76. Cattle are p iba eama um trot tb tow mark, eteers Mslly reaeblng 14.79. Bbeep prices aomtoaL A year, ago today: All Una ataady. Prlc ni. Official llveitock nrlcaa; I lo a Beat aaatarn Oragoa, fT.TB: tockr and reedere, I7.0O; Cblna rata, pe.ineji.uu. Cattle Beat eaetera Oregoa ateer. M-TB; best -cow and - belter, 3JI0i atockera aad feeder,--IS .T8; bulla. 12.80. SneepAlUed. oaiHe; watbara, ttt: won. ai4: lamba, 6H654. - EASTERN LIVESTOCK All . Line Show Good Tone In Chi cago, Kansas City and Omaha. Chicago, March II. LlTeatock receipt t , Hoc. Cattl. Shoep. Obtcago , ,28.000 28.000 18.000 Kaoaa Olur ........... ;n, o" a.raiu iu.ixki Omaha 10.000 . 7,000 10,000 Hog are tdy with o.onp iert over, k celpta a rear ago were 27.000. Prlc: Mixed, It) 76?7.00; good. H.0a7X)0; roagb, 6.70 6.88: ligbt, fl.70JIM. tattle Mteady. . Bbp Btrong. ' ... " ' : " ' , ' -.- NEVADA MINING STOCKS . t?rlces Current During the Day on San Francisco Market Baa PramMarjo. March IS. It v da atoeka, of ficial Wd price- , i tiOlDnBIJH BleTBIUl. landatorm. 61c; Red Top. 14.20 aeked; Mo hawk, 1T; Colombia Mt., 0c; J umbo. 84) Jumbo Ext., $1.80: Vern!. lAei Pennaylvanla, 2e; Ooldfleld M. Co, 11.48: Kendall, 80c; Booth, 85c naked; Bio BuU. 42r; Art a ma. 18c; Sliver ' Pick. 1.80; May Quacn. ta akcd; Nev. Boy. IBc: B. B. Ext., lie; nine nen. 2Kv; Plxl lie; O. Oolnmhla,' 80c: Hlberala, Bt, IVO. at.7"; vontaeiw, ici eet'. Rock. Tc: Lon Star. O. Wonder, 4c; PotUtch." pne: Oro, 40e; Kendall Ext., 6c; 8andtorm Bxt.. : Myna, 14c; Atlanta, 6Rc; Great Bend. U7c; mmerone. auc: atmpiro, i-ec; Red Too Kt.. c; rawenee, an; itiam i m. n - . n r. i,m. i.miii. ai mi Commonwealth. 83c asked; Comb, yract., 1 4 23; Or. Bend Ext.. aec; or. sen a.nnex. inc. Mlllatorm. 83c; B. B. Bonan,. 0c; Kewinoa. 11.40; Bamlratd. 27c: Portland, lie: Cnrker Jack, 14c; FrancU Mohawk. It; . Bed Hill. 25o: Mohawk Ext.. SSc; Spenrh Oold. 0e kd: Loa Dfloe, I7c; x. nger. loc: urano m. t8c: S. Pick Ext., lie: T. Bo, 12 aked: Col. Mt ttrt., Tc; OoWf, Coos., Slei Plamf. Triangle, 40a. - OOMnTOCK DTSTBICT. , . . rinkte in Uiik-iD. T6c: Ooalfl ft Carry, 20c; Coa. Virginia. 8ftc; Bavag. TV; Hale A Sorcroee. lac: Tellow Jcket.- Sic: , 67e; Coafldanca.. II; Sierra Nev., 18c;. Union. OHfteaL ITei Bullf. M. C, r toe: Mont- Bnilf., Tc; Nat, Bank, 8e: L. Harrla, e; Ametbyat. 88c: Oold Bar, $l.lSHt Heover Bof. Annas. 2Rc uked: Bonnie Clare, 8c; MayfL Con., 40n; Monty.' Ohio Ext.. ISe; o. Bcepter, glei amnty. mt., i . l'"Z'.v take Cona., 11.12: Tankee Otfl. 8ei Nug get, Te; Tramp .Cone., II lHl Victor, 16c; Banner. 15e aakA: North Star, 11.10 askd Mlda, OOo aikedt Bunaet, 10c. . , ,v TON0PABS. Nev.. S16.80; Moat., M.40; Tna.. fat.. M tO; M.cNamara, 671 Mld,way. 11.00: tMlmont, l.124L n" 0hloA Si T," "f 41.25; keecae. 18c: Ton. A Calif., ITe naked j Golden Anchor, lOcl Jim Butler. 08c- Ch Bov, Pet Home, wc; uoaion, loci aioner Pitt. Ex.. 2Ac; Moat. Mid. Ext.. e; Oolda Crown, lie; N. X. Con.. 10 ..kea. MANBATTAN , DISTRICT. Manh. Cona.. 08c Mink. M. Co.. lSei Wedge. 18c;. Beyler Bump, Tc; Dexter. 23c; I. Joe, 4c; Crescent. 8c; Combination, 6cf Granny, Joe; MuaUng, S7e Uttl Orey, Tcl Cowboy, Tc; Orlg. Manh.. SSc; Broncho. 12c; Jump. Jack, - toe; Plnnnt, 10e Buffalo, 6c I B. Dog, lie: T. Bona, OOe. . TARIOrS DISTRICTS. Fair. Silver King, T4e kd: Fair. E'gte- TSe; , Nevada Hllla, 13 T0: Plttaimrg silver Peak. : Eagl Neat, 11.20; Kuby Won der, jfic; AUca of Wonder. 8c. . , PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Sale on the PortbiBd atock mirket were again heavy today. Advanced price were shown In . C. Le company oa account of the rapport of bolder. ...... ... . galea were: Ten Aeoc4red Oil at HX 10 J. a Lee Co. I4T.60, 10 earn t $SO. 10 am t 155, T.000 Denny Dnlla at We, 88.000 La Creek Oold at ! o." mrira auai at ll. B.nno aama at 18a, 1,000 earn at Lie Ihuyer 80 day), 8 nno-ame at ITc (buy. era 60 day). 8.000 Waabougal Eltanaloo at te. ' .-... Official prtcaa: BANK BTOCK8, -. ... - Bid. Bank of California ,..$308 00 Bankere A LnmberaMaa 1U2.0U Wercbant National .,. ..... lt.00 IW.OO pao-oo 0rena Trnt A Having........ 13000 Portland ITuat vo. ............ . United BUte National ........ S0O.00 L18TKD SKCUBITIEa (BONUS.) American Blacntt Co, 6a 06.00 100.00 . 02.00 . 511.00 80.00 Vwoo , 100.28 1O8.50 it 10.00 80.00 4229 ; 40.00 00.00 100.00 00.00 .10 .20 , m .05 ". .20 ' City A Buburbaa aa ...... Columbia Houtbera Irrlgatioa 0a Home Telepbea 0 ..... J. C. Lo Co. 0.. p.00 . 0. R. A N. By.. 4. ........... 00.00 o. w. p. a By. e i'ui Pacific Oaat Blacalt 0s., 06.00 . Port bind Railway S ........... ..... MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. ' Aaaodated Oil I.. ' 41.01 Horn Talcphoa (0.00 . J. C. Le J Pacific Bute Telephon , 106.00 Paget Sound Toleiibohe ........ ..... MININO STOCKS. 1 Penny Dnlla .00 Lkvlew . " . Lee tree uoia .vat North Falrvlew , ... ..... Manhattan frowa Point .16 Potlrle Mining "... Waahoagal Exenaloa ........... ,.86H i4 '-26 . PNUSTED. BTOCaw.- Taonlna Bay Talwboao ....... AOS S.2A . .IT .10 .n4 .26 ' .21 .17 .on 4 .12Vk J04 .124 . .16 .074 .11 3 '.'on'4 .or' JS Al Alaaka Petroleum Hlne Stone Brltleb Columbia Amal Ciacadla 4 tioidfieid Trotter ............ .14 .08 .so . .IT .10 .0414 . .014 M in moth a. .. Miirnlng MotiM Pitt i.. Great Northern Standard Oneolldated ........ Tacom Steel .12 CUBUR D' ALINE DISTRICT. Bullion .07 (Vipner King .1014 O. K. Cnaolldate4 ............ ..OK" Hanpy Day AMM4 l-irk Ciuer ..........r. .06 linowaboe .40 - BAD BREAK If! NEW YORK TODAY Loses In Stocks Are Very Se ver and Full List Goes to Pieces Before Pressure. READING LOSES ELEVEN POINTS" DURING DAY -4- Early Slnmp Carried Values to IxrW Market and in Some IlecoTeries , Were Made LaterOther Touch ''--Bottom. ' . f," MET LOMES. Amalgamated .... T Car A tij.. t Smelter 444 Locomotive ....... t-bj Sugar , 44 Anaconda 8 !4 Atcblaoa 44 B. A O ti Brooklya 1 Canadlaa i Latoa Padfl .' 01.. Northern . U A N Me. Central .. klo. Paclfl .. .. 0 1 DUtlltar Katy National Lead ....8 No, i-clflo ...,. Ti4 rt. x. Central. u. m v. ..... St. Paul ......... Oa i1 Peaaaylvanta . i Colo..aaJ 614iPraaa. Steel Car... 4V, - a -m ivaanuillH . AAV IUlaol Ceatral...: 1 Kep. gfeel f: Bo. padfl 4H1U. a. Steel....... 8U So. Railway l do preferred .... 1 VetaMa Low Palatt. - Great Norther today 140 1,. ims wa 112. Nortbsrn Pnclfl today IMt 1IM1 was T744 low and 1000 high. v Mlaeoari Paelflo today Tl; 1A01 wa 08. Katy today 86; 1804 wa 82U. New lork Ceatrai today llTHl wa. 100. f-eonajlTaBla today 122. Mr wa. 12S. Jr acuta 10710)41 w waa 1884 Jury. WW. - Southern Padfl ' today August, 1006. . 114; wa. Tl4 .iNrraTf' M,TS J- wrTt-aad Jb4 at a rDld CaC la tha tradlne ,1. oa Ua atock market. la th ear It trading were Btoat ere. but later th ton became varv arratle mmA 1.11. ..i. abowa la Bone other went to tie bottom. nT1 "to went to 18 per cat. but ckawd around 44 Wat. Th loa of stocks waa we, . Official oaotauona by Over back, star A wan company ; . One. Clo. 1IUTX . HU Amalgamated Copper Co. . America Car A Foundry, eeramoa. 40 "Z 87 Amricaa Car A Foundry, pfd..-...loo 884 America Cotton Oil, eommoa 804 29 Amerlra Locoeootlre. mmmia eo America Bugr, eoamoa 124 12014 - . ....... . . , WUIBD. ,JH. Amrtca Saieltor, preferred Anaconda Mining Co m Amerleaa Woolen, coramoa... ...... 28 Atcblaoa, asmmoa 044 Atcblaon. preferred i. ....... 8I 131 JiiH 04 ov4 loo '4 63 171 U - 2 04 ' 134 rtaiiirnor a Ublo, comsoa 100 Brooklyn Rantd auat Canadlaa Paclfl, common ..174 Central Leather, eommoa 83 Central Leather, preferred ; Chicago A Great Western, eommoa. 14 Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt Paul.... 1484 Cblcago A Nortbweetera, eommoa. .1M Chesapeake A Ohio 444 18K4 14HS 414 -AS--, 27 Vi ' M 00 1-' ' 1 01 or ado roe I a Iron, common, . 884 Colorado Boutbra, common SO Colorado Sootbera, 2d preferred.... .... toHtreao aouinern. Jet pnrerred Delaware A Uudaoa .lRRH Dearer A Ek Oraado, eoramea. .. .. 822 Dnvr A Bl Graad. praf erred., , Tl Erie, oommoa 904 Erie, Sd preferred .... HO"4 71 28 i . 40 Erie, 1st preferred.,.....,. 6ft ' 04Hk 141 li4 l:- H -37 H on 4 Ittlnni Central .140 .10 140 IxwUvin A Naahvlll.., elnbttan Hallway .......... Mexieaa Central Ballway Mlaaourl, Kane A Texas, coca Mlaaoorl, Kanaa A Txas, pfd. Si4 , 40 . , 67 TH 100 4 Ltmtliora ..... Great Northern 12M J42 71 ' 00 Mlaaourl Paclfl . "14 National Load no New York Central 1X114 tare 40 iZ , noo....... 00 S4 117H KM T4 so T New York, Ontario A W cetera rt otto ix ax WBtm, eommoa. Norfolh A Western, prof triad norm Amencan .......... , Northern Padflc, eommoa, Pacific Mall Ktoamahlp Co, S ....1374 80 1Z1 2SV 111 Ti gOV Is, M rennaytvania nauway 125 14 Pob1'b Oaa. Llabt A floka Oo.n. rreaae nteel far, common. Prawed Steel Car, pnforrad Reading, eemaioa .........1S4H Reading, Sd preferred............. .... Reading, lat preferred .... Repnblie Iron A Steel, common. . .. ST Republic Iroa A Steel, preferred... Rock Inland, eommoa. ., gavj Rock IiUnd, preferred . St, Ixwla A Saa FVaa, Id pfd 7U Rt, Loot A Saa FTan.. 1st pfd St. Lonu A Snthwtrn. anaaa. tl U 113 : an 0. 4 M 21 . i OS 21 U 114i TS?, Southern Padflc, oommoa S Southern Padflc. preferred Southern Railway, corn mow tt rvrathern Hallway, preferred...... Tenn mi i Coal A Iroa.. Tex A Padflc Toledo, St Lonl A Weatern, com. Toledo, 8t. Ixla A Waa tarn. pfd. Cnloa Padflc, common Unlea Pacific, preferred TJntted 8tt Rubber, common .140 ! ik'i .1004 i;i - 2 2fiT( 3M 14BV( T TA 4H liOH rnlted Klate Robber, preferred... Cnlted State Steel Co., eommoa. ,. S04 rnlted State Steel Co preferred. .10IV4 mt J3I H ii IT ! hb eraoopo. ruviiUMes ,...,. I Wibub, preferred M wtra Unlo Tlrph. ... " i n"iii I ruir.i, nninvi.,,,,,,, .... Wtaconiln Centra L n referred Virginia Chemical 10 W tnriTxs statu oTHunmrr xona. Hw Tork, at arch 11., Oovanimant bond: Data. Rid. Aak two. rgitraa , imo ios do coupon 19.10 10ftt4 znroaa, rgiatra ......... jwt vm do coupon log log ronr. rexletered 10T loo do coupon HOT; 100' Tbree, email bod...... .... 102 ronra, iltrd iota 120H 1.10U Oo coopoa .11)20 180 ,- 130V4 nietrlct of Oolnmhla t-69 1144 roar. PhllloDln 10Si Two, Panama 104 ion lost. ,....... 104 4? ... nw TOftX 00TT0 KAXXXT. f Nrw Tork, March IS Official eot to ai unen. man. low. ID, Cloa. January ...10S7 10-tT 1025 . ' M . 001 Si 03 7 1006 . 1024 040 : 0.-.2 UK March .............. rrx April .Me..... .. .. 04 May ..... ... S16 ;.l 04 .TT inn July 070B Aummt .,, l"" SentcmbeV n - POJ Tl BTT T loot October .....1012 " 1012 December ...1020 1030 JUDGE BRYAN SWAPS. . BENCHES WITH WOOD Bo la. Idaho. March II. Judg Fre mont Wood of thla district, having ben called to alt in. tha Moyer, Haywood and Pattlbono eaaeo at Caldwell, Judg Bryan of that district will bold court her, commencing Tu.dy. To clLnsblag of hilly whaa yoi drtv onl to 2o a City rark. , oo page ! '? IOS14 10014 4) KH v 104 S 101 l- 101 There is no ailment' peculiar to men that I cannot cure. For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time' and energy to the treatment of men's diseases. ' . v V My methods have been, perfected by actuaf experience, with a' thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am" the ; only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func-; tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," aindv my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost i" among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its Kvery afflicted man la hrtted to writ m a deacrtptlon of bla eaaa. Such I my knowledge of men dlaeaaea and ao port eot ar my methoda In treating thorn that I am able to effect curea In all ordinary without Beelne; th patient In parwon. All corrcapondcnce atriotly confidential. Tboaa ' rl.ttlng Portland may feel free to call at my office for personal con.ultation. . ,i 1 n 11 YOU PAY WHEN CURED " WEAKNESS . - So-called "ffMtnnr In man' ' la curable fully curable. It haa not boon cured by thoa measure cora monly employed, for they ar meth ods baeod upon euppoeltion and not upon fact. Prematuraneaa -and losa of power In man la du to a chronic state of Inflammation to th proa, tat (land, and not to a disordered nervou condition, aa haa been aup 1 oad. I treat th Inflammation by local proceaa that doe not fall to aecompltah Ha purpoae, and with ' thla condition corrected full and com plot , atrangta . and vigor : re turn. ... , BTRICTTTRBJ -My treatment la ab aolutely patnleaa, and prfct result can be depended upon In very in aunce. I do no cutting or dilating whatever. THE DR. TAYLOR CO. g . - 4 . Hoart 9 CO.FEEE; TEA SRICES BAKING POWDER jextracts: J UST RIGHT CLOSSEiaDEVERS PORTLAND, ORE.' MORPHINE and ether drug habit ar yoeftivaly ard 4y HAS IT IhT A. rr byyodermlo r laUrnal aa. Bamnla aaat ta nr drug aabita by 17 14.00 per battle 1 1 yC malL .Reerular Brio at yaa druggUt by mall la plain wiapuot, DELTA OHKaUOAX, CO., ST. LOtTIS, AtO, rr aala by SkMmare Drag Co., Ill Third Bl., a-oruana, wragoa. LINEMAN ALLEGES WIRES VERE BADLY STRUNG D. Dr Dobbins : Sues Portland General for Heav7 Damages for Loss of His Finger. Tha 110,111 damag suit of Doloa D. Dobbin agalnat tha Portland Oenoral Elactrlo company, Is on ' trial ' boforo Judg Oantcnbain In th etate circuit court, today and la being beard by aix jurora. Thla agreement waa reached among th lawyera employed in th eaa because of the difficulty In Securing Jurors so lata In the present term -of court, Dobbins waa employed aa a lineman by th Pad fie Statea Telephone Com pany and allegea in hla oomplalnt that h was injured while working -for the company at Catlin and Hawthorne avo nuea, Doombr 11, 1901, du to th negligence of th company. Dobbins alleg that th defendant company had strung wlrea In a looae manner whloh caused them to sag and aa a result of Buck negligence on th part or th olo- trlo company, b rame In contact with th wlr. which ho all:! ar poorly inaulated, and aa a consequence received bum. about tha hands and feet whloa will cripple him permanently. Dobblna alleges, that aa a result of hla burna he waa forced to nnd.rgo an operation In which on finger waa amputated. MRS. WARREN VANTS HALF OF INC'OUE OF PROPERTY ' j ' v waaBBwaBBwanaaBaBBmBaaawas Says Husband Sold Valuable Lots Without Securing Her . ' " Signature. Mr. Almlra C. Warren haa fljed no tice by attorney on ownera and tenant Of certain Portland - property worth about tlOO.OOo that aha will proceed to collect her dowr rlghta from tha earn, amounting to on half th Income, Mra. Warren alleges that her,huhand, the lat William K Warren, aold th prop erty In question without first gocurlng hr signature to the deed. . Mr. Warren's claim Involves lot 4 and . block t lota T and t. block IIS; lota t and I. block II; lota 1 and 4, block IT; lot 4, block IT. In addition ther ar about four acre of land claimed by Mr. Warden. - Th property la owned in part by th Portland Railway. Light a Power com pany, J. M. Hodaon and Henry Tauben hat mar. Jane Appraon, V. P. Thompaon tat and the Kamra eatate. The Ohio Btat federation of Labor complains that th btat authorities ar kind in the West. - : Contractatd Dlatordtprai Every case of contracted dlaaaao I treat la thoroughly cured; my pa tlenta hav no ralapaea. When I pronounoe a en a cured tbar la not a particle of Infection- or Inflamma tion remaining;, and there la not the slightest danger that tha dlaeaae will return in lta original form or work lta way Into the general aya tern.' No contracted disorder la ao trivial aa to warrant uncertain mathoda of treatment, and I aan. daily solicit those caeca that otfler doctor, hav been unable to cur. I hav tba large praotlo be came Z invariably fulfill gay prom Is. My Colored Chart ahowlsg tha anal anatomy aad affording aa ln toraatiag atady la mea'a dlaaaa.a froo at offlo. A. M. to9 P. M. Supdayi, II A. M Reliable Specialists , , wa mix Tata rouowxacr .nzsaAnsi atheaaiatlsra, Aoata aaaVCnronl aiood Poison, OoaozThooa, Tattoo oela, 10x111 Waakaaaa, Varvcma Seellaa, OlMt, gyp hills, PUaa, Kldaoy, aiadAar aad aU Urinary aad Mvata pts.a..a of ICoa. Xt will aot oost yon aaythiag to eail at otur offlo aad aonaalt ma, aad by so dolag, It aaay aava yoa aaaok tamo aad moaay, aad tt wa oaaaot oar yom wo' will hoaortly saw so, aad 70a will aot b tvade any f laanolal obi I g tlom ta aa, 1 OUS1 VTgTZaf OT TSXATTITO fg snporlo to any ta this soaatry, aad oa euro ax ta aaaalt of those snetaoda. W nor fall to affect ear is any eaa wa take. If yon snff from aegleot, ftoaa waat of money or from aak111d praotloe service of a a killed spadallat, a gradaat phratelaa, with years of rip xptsioao ta troattng oompUcavtod and apodal dl Borders of AcaaT OBTX.T. Zt will oost aotalnaT ta talk ta aa, aad aaay b th aaaaaa of xwsaortng; yon to hsalth aad happia. Why aot sail today f Oa ofTioo ara vary prlwat. Ton ao oaly th doe tor. - Oaa feo bolag aa tow, tt enables aaaay who ar affnotod t por tha hlghaat aolaatlfla xaedlcal aMistaao. Terms made to salt If moa aarj, aa that aay ana aoed aod at g wlthoat traatmoat . - We Want Every Man In the Country Who It Af flicted to Write Us About His Ailment jhT.oart S a. aa. to p. m. vnlaga, T ta Si30 gaaday, a, aa. ta 1AV ST. LOUIS DISPENSARY ooaaaa caooao jUbts TAatazLZ, eTaaara. wveuuro, oaaaox. 1 as. vnsLovrs scoti:i::3 syru? by aillVeaa of BTother theitr ehlMroa wBlle TaeUiIni Taetiilng for ovar Ptf ty Tear. It euotbca u ebiid. 1 all paJa. curea wind rtena rum a. ailars la ta beat aoeiiy mc dlecm.1'. TWgMTT-rlTB A rTTl.b MAYOR'S WALIIUT OIL ftatrtaras Color to Gray Hair ar Baara r .llwMa VaB llswe-4 krvwa t agamai s.iwam wiiaia ty fcawrt.. a klg lava tTAajHtarte yrar,Ata, fttvtcjra 9 ta pmw nwut, pm ttivwl. fcarsil.a, 1tT ' wV ta I iiia oat. OWBJ aT frrltAar. Tke tvtl kWlrJ -sar-,i wilt W9mm Mr kaylr to (rw snflMdl botllkf, atamgaaJany Wtrwr,Lg iW t4tw tttM wt i Dot irgj inajHaafwnlP. aU4 ran? tanVM . iafva StlSlMt.4 pmm4nt K- ill rwr olr-aMlgTtM Ikbrlt ar wrlta . fl.f WAllalla,tjHalalaaxwV.a raax trmmim . i..v a -t e. hkonrti Mayor Walnut Oil Co -V t. 1. r '7 WWlMtf At Umtm City, M. U. k A. t -'tit Of CVtrH t -t V DaV TATX.OB. Taa T. nlaa; BpoctaUa. It M Fee In Any Un- f A'i'A'A complicated Case P 1 U U U VARICOCCL.E3 Without oalng knife, ltntur or eauatlc, without pain and without detention from . bualneaa, I our Varicocele In on wek. If you have sought a cur olaewher and been dlaappolntod, or if yon fear th harsh meiuod that moat phyat elana employ in treating thla dla oaaa, com to m and I will cur you soundly and permanently by a Jentl and palnUaa method. Don't elay. Vaiieoeel haa lta danger and bring lta dlaastroua reeulta. If yon will call I will b pleased to explain my method of curing. SPKCinC BLOOD POI80N No dangeroua minerals to drlv th virus to th interior, but harml tna r. blood-cleanalng ramedlea that move th last poisonous taint. Cor. Second and Morrison Sts. ; Private Entrance 234 Morrison St. Portland Ore. to I P, M, ,. 1 j Consnlfxtlon tni Exaa lnatloa Free Onr Fee Most Cases ' Wo ara apeolallata .for ma and aaoa only, txo apoolaj lsta. W do not treat an tflleoaaaai nor do w , treat both aoxea, but wo do ear all atuabl fllaeaa.a of aaom. W have devoted the boat years of our Uvea to thla purpoae and hav accumu lated expert knowledge and akin In the diagnosis and cur. of . xoaa'a dlaoaaoav that ' ean only b obtained through oonataat atady, koa pltal tralnlag aad rears of aaparlan. Pay Us for Cures. A Core with Us Means a Life-Long Cure hr la aa opportaxtlty to get taa WRITE YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS to COME WEST via SPEOAL LOW. COLONIST RATES . Btrataa auaoa: Airo Apaxra , From St. Paul, Wlnneapolla, TAiluth, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kanaaa City and othr Mlaaourl rlvor point to Portland and Ashland, Or and In - trmdiat point ...,..,...$30.00 From St. Lou la to Portland. Ash land, Or., and Intermediate point . ...930M From Chicago to Portland. Aahland, Or., and intermediate points $Ju0 Similar low ralea from other oaat orn polnla to th vrt. Send mo full nam. and ..1.1r. Of your relatlvwe or In the ea.t that are thinking of coming to the Pacina Northweat. and 1 will hav thm fumlahed with llteraliir and full Information, or If ym Wlb to par th faro ef any one ti money can be depctalled with nnr agent of tho Northern I'aclflo Rail way and tlcketa will lb promptly furnlhd. ' ... ' For anr adlltlonal Information Wanted, call on or arlrlreaa A. D. CMAKLTON Alatant timer-il T t -r ', S5S JNTorr"- t I AoowaUcai wiimimiwmw aUM