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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 13, 1C07. tor HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Every Woman eut of a position or diaaatulled with err preeeut vocation, te . take a ula-nt ciiuh at the Bbnke-A 4lker r Hualm-as College, Seventh Bud btarh ele. V will piece joe la a position when oow- 4 patent. W A NTKl A good girl for general housework. two lu family, good wagsa Call up WoouV . lawa Ml. VANTKD Yurai lady atenographer to assist in . office (liquor storel; stale salary expected and previous experience... Address. A 147, " Journal, , 61 KL to assist la housework good homo. Oor ' ner L'levenUi and kVliuylar. Take Broadway car. i V . - WANTED A rood nor girl, ale home. In quire sua rare at. G1KI.S WANTED Operators to work oa ehirte ana overs lie. lBBone B 1 S la inexperiaucva, ' Apply at Htandard factory Ma 3. Uraad an. and Kaat Taylor at. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory Mo. 1 Grand a. and Kaat Taylor at HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. IK4 Wash Inirtoa at, ror. Seventh, apatalra, - Pheea rratalar aotMt- remoar sl waatafl. , WANTED Young lailln to aturty telegraphy; position, wbrn qnalifled. Orefaa College, 608 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED A aonipetant girl for general bouae norki gnodvwagee. 1319 Kaat Morrison at, ' "or 817 Commercial bldg. WANTED Maker and apprentice. -. A&3 Morrlaoa at. Frakee. GIRLS Experienced papar box makera. Nortfc front at. ' ' , II LADY teachers wanted" for Episcopal Chinese mission evening; eubooL $33-eoood at., J: SO 4 to -.ktt p. m. . ..- ... COOK for amaU family. , 338 King at. Phone Mala Mil . . .. . . WANTI-IW Good balf 'or draaamaktnc alao an : apprantlra: paid it naat. 681H MuatgoaMrr. B EXPCKIENCED ladtaa to praaa oa ladlaa' far inanla at Eaat Portland Clranlng 4) Pya Work a. Ut Orand ara. Oood wagaa for right aartwa. ' ....-.. C1RL for fml hoaaawork ht ataaH family. Apply 041 Blith at. - " BtlDnr.K-AORD ladr for kakaiiln workl a ma II family. Call at SM Moatgooiorx at. . faoaa Padfla S700. . WANTEtt uirl lor gaaaral ' Collrgr' at. WANTED Exparlnr4 waltraaa: good wagaa, Kortunla bout. ltb and Waablnctoa. WANTED lrt to aaatat wltk koaaawurk and car far amall child; no waablngi rafuraaeaa rroolradv- 4 Eaat Bnanalda, aarnat SUta. .. WANTED fhocolato dlpnara, - Apply candy factory. 104 ortk ' Flflk at. y - A Oiai wanted to brlp ajoUiar wttk amall . fcuyr. Apply 101 alellnda . Mala (39. araM or WANTED Woeaoa to work ta eoaatryt rblM no objection. Mfa. Do Laahmntt, uuuooro. or.l K. T. D. 9. 2, bos. lis. . , MATURE woman, taftned, of good addreea, to . giro part tlmo Tor era main worn wua Aid aoelctles. Call 80S Tllfnrd bldg.' . WANTED A flrat-elaaa cook aad aoeoad girl. 21 Kearaey at. , . ' MAE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED A few' rood Boil el tore, mala an 4 t female; beat propaaltloa la Port land; good x noser to tba rirbt partlae. . Phone He II wood ' . Jl. Corner Eaat 181b at. anal Cmatllla arc. HELP wanted and aopptttM. mala or female. R. O. Drake. 906Va Waablaitoa U Pacin IS70, WANTED good boaat to koaao anllrltera tor , an A Mo, 1 plaao and furntturo polUV Call . after a tVWk. Room 2s . IUll(b bldg.. tlitb and waabiagton ata. SITUATION WANTED MALE. WANTED Poaltloa aa traealtng aaleamaa. 1 yearn' grorory. aaporleooa. A 133, rare Journal. WANTED poaltkm by yoong maa aa - keener er aaalatant book keeper; rafat Addreea 7S Eaat Elgntu at. "WANTED Poaltloa aa algnt watrbmaa; not able to do manual labor, B Ma Oak. rlty. HOfHKTLEA.VINO of an ktoda dona by H. Vkalier. . Pfaono Main Kli. - r " v ' EXPERIENCED gTocery clerk wanta aoaltloa. Addreea C 147, care Journal. - - '" SITUATIONS WANTED F13IALE. WIDOW 1 wltk rhlld wanta pnaltmai aa keeper fur widow ar. . Eaat Susa. PERIEKCED office rtrl waata work ta doo tor'a f fleev-B 141, Journal. .. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOTMENT CO 'LoVcm eamp aad faraa kelp k epodaTty. to North Beroad at. Pkeaa Mala Ka. Wa. pay all Ulerrapk ckargea. HANSEN'! EMPLOTMENT OrriCB) . -FOR MEN. Ed Mortk Second at. Pbaaa Uata tSSa. PORTLAND EMPLOTMENT OrriCH 'tneVt Morrlaoa at......... Phoae Pactfle 3t tT North Eeonad at .......Pbooo Paelfle 100 WANTED AGENTS. NB hustler In each town or loralltr to handle medicinea oa eoap: write quick; big - money- K. M. Plamater, 300 Third at. BIPERIBNCED aacceeafal canTBeelng asleemaa, sewing machine maa preferred. . Addreea H las. care Journal. . WANTMD Al sewing in a chine aaleamaa; aal-are- and eommleeloa. 8 147, JoornaL- W ANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Haeeea. oe tares, atorea. offlrea, rooming hcaeee, eta. flata. lords win oo wen to call ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON Phone Ex, TA 8. B. Cor. 3d aad Oak. WANTED TO RENT Bonaee. eottaree, flata, atorea, rooming houeea, off lea, ,. 304 Mohawk bldg. WANTED 3 or 4 nafnrnlahed rooms tor honaa 'keeping. M 14T. Journal. . WANTED Boomlng-hosae, , brick bnlldlng; terms; no agenta. Addreea B, Yaaconrar, ," Waab. - . . SMALL coorenleBt honae on full lnt;'walklng niaiance. eaac moo preterrca; no enuurea. I.,- journal, WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED tiond boosee oa eeet aide, not ex reedlnr 8A.000 In price; Bast be good bora aad good locatlona. V 140, care Journal. fr too went to sell oolrk, list wltk P. Pacha, 831 Morrlaoa at. - ,. - WE bare hirers tor a few modem booaea at frnta 82.000 to 84,000; alao Tarant Iota and buslnees pmpertrj Hat wttb ns (or quick Bale. LAMONT RARRI. 800-7 Swetlaad Bldg.. ' ' - PARTY want, to bny home. T rooma, corner lot lOOtltxt, within three block. Ktt.eell at. and L'nlaa aee. Own ere only. P 147, Journal. WANTED Prom re-acre who'll aell. rood city homes, earant lota and ltnnroTCd farrae. Hone Land Co., 11SH First at. WANTED Corner lot - Hawthorne are.; cah. or near felon or Phone East 23. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ' MAN . ' 1 CASH AND tJfi-TS OP IT - FOR rCRMTDBB. PORTLAND A'TTION UOOMS, ' '" , 311 rtrsf St. MIN RAM. MAIN BA8, CAH for honsehold goods. Ma. are A Pan sell. 845-347 riret at. Pbona Paelflc 300. WE WILL BCT. art.t, OR TPJAMI ANY OLD thino. wreTrnN salvage ca, ar. VJ WAkHINQTON. PACIFIO TM. WANTED rnmltare and hon hold rda ef eeere deecrlptloo bmtrht. eold sed eacharged. ' The 8. 1"'J Pleat et. biala ewtfa. 3 lilXMKKr eeah ortce r-'1 f r eil 'r.e asod rxl. !..,,. Ai.'n . t; ft. 1 WANT ED MISCE LLANEOl S. Wl b-ul dead horaaa end rattle free. Oregon Fertiliser Woraa, or notify earner's Vlri. aary, sourtb aud oiuau its. Mala luod. WANTKU Hlda for hulliiliig barn Grab am; material furnished. Dr. Darling.. Last . bid. . - - - - J. W. YOUNG CO. Kxravetore, wreckere and grader.; eatluaetee (Iran. Phone Kaat 1171. WANT LOAN gl.non from private party bob I am Dunning. L irw, ear Journal. I ixt la or dry work by the da. 70. TaL Pacific FTTIMSHED ROOMS FOH nEXT. THK RICHELIEU, tJV, Hortk Statk at. 1 . tantlr fnrolabad: ataana aat and bat ha. THE GRAND. 41' North Third at Bouma for feaiiamen, ai.-o per warn ana ap. THE TAMHILU X1 Weat Park Booma ky day ar week; strata beat, bath, pbuna ; traa alent. , . . . NICK furnlabed roonia, raaannalila prlre. DDI lluud at., corner Urant. 1'bone Pactfle tllJK .SIUWAftT Hookeeiilnr and tranaleui ruuiua, ujceiy ruruisuaa. tfuos w aalillttfUja. NEWLT furnlabed ronma on a tree tear . M East 27tu and lluyt. Una, 500 HAWTHORNE tnrnlabea rouiua; - AVE., comer East lotk.. gaa. Data, WELL fnmlsbed mom wltk board for two. 2U3 14tk Alain t63C . NEWLT furalabed koiwekeeplng rooaaa. Ulbuta at. 064 EI ROANTLY fnrnlahed a par tm ant a . Woodland, 29 eMxtk at. - i . at The TUB ARCADE. 14flH Fh-at at., near Mgrrlaon, f umlnhed roonia 2ic to 1; tranalrnt. j FOR RENT nOLSEKEEFlXQ. rUHNINHED or onfurnlabr booaraeeplng and . aleeplng reoma, 1.2b week; alao 4 and k-raota eotiagea, furnlahed or unfarnlabed, oa weat aide. Ml North 29hk.f. W car to Mtb, tara left kalf block. - . , ." . -a. $1.M WEEK CP, terra, cleaa, faraiabad k keeping room a. laandry Bad hath. 184 ' aaaa aoath. fort la ad. . tlM WEEK L'P, eleaa. faraiabad kaaaakaap .. lag rooma. parlor, bath, laandry, faraaoa beat yard. tuH Etaatoa. V ear. THE bflTCHELL BooaekoeplnaT and traaalaat noma, raaaoaabka, Bareatk aad riaadera. THE JEFrBRXON, (14 Jefferaoa at Oom pletaly 1 furnlabed 1 and a-room anltaa, all ' conrealaaoaa, . Pboaa Alala MaX HOUSEKEEPING rooma: low rat ratea, alaetrto ugui and. pbooa lacladed. 801 Water at. HNK.LT furnlahed for nouaekeeplag Parlor floor, anltable for medhim family; cloa In; pbona trae. 110 Mala at. NICELT foraianod roama for bMuekeenbtg, la 1 1 m i . w, per uj ie. aoa neoa ar, Pboaa Pactfle 1421 . , . . . . ; 110 EACH for g room fnrnlabed flata. ebwa . in, fine rtew. - Phana Mala lo3T. 033 Eer aatk at. - - . . ROOMS AND BOARD. TUB MORRIHON, formerly tba Reancrl" : Lara emnfortabla ronoia, alnttle and aa enlte. ty rurnwoea; neet tabea Board; prlcee ma Morrlaoa at., oorner 17tk. BOSEDALB irhe Barrel I aetata), 40 lutb and Madleon. Juat opened: ererytblng flratlaee. . Mewly fnrnlahed tbrongbovt. M WASHINGTON, nicely foralabod noma and taoie ooaro, aw and op.- Pbona Mala 8331. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. CNEURNIRIIED Apartmanta Pour-room anltaa, Bow and BHulera, bathroom wltb each; eteaia beat, hut and cold water, ate. Apply to jart. ltor on premlaea, Seeentk aad Je&areoa atreeta ar telephooo Mala S60a. lOR KENT I Bnfnralahed honaekoeplng rooma I Uirbt, airy: walking dletaaca from Boatoffloo, Enqoira 104 Sixth afreet. . POUR fine nmranttebed rooma In a awell nalgb eaana, want aue. l. aaa, carw onrnu. a-ROOM flat. bath. gaa. 114; ategfci noma, - 1004 Market at. s FOR RENT HOUSES. GUARANTEED aa adeerttaed. Wo can rent or aell your honsea, rooma, flata, offlrea, ' (torea, fartne, acraago, lota; Uat now tor eaatera adrartlalng. SU4 Mohawk bldg. VOR RENT A-roota modera homo la flrat elaea condition, 80S Eaat Slat at.. Kenll. worth. Key at 804 82d at. rbona Eaat 7 3d. IT-ROOM flat and S recant aWflroonu, weat alao, I eloaaa term yeara. , . ALEXANDER LAND CO. . '. . .-. BIlUl Vnf r)B I-ROOM cot tare oa St. Jobne car Una, clone ta ear una; ehickea-hoaae; amall rrnlt. Era waar, 119H Puwrtk at. Pbona Paclflo Z2l. WB rent aod aell plaaoa. Sbermaa. Clay A Co, POR BENT Honae ta good repair. 8 rooma, now aeiinni. l,h or eooreao 101 cast voaca at. pbona East bono. FURNISHED HOUSES. 1 . t ROOMS, bkth. 8 to! lata, one apatalra, one oown; new aooae, oouoie itooca, lull paao ment, comblnatloa gas and electric - fixtnree AMI per month for alx aioatha onl. Hie thorne Realty Oo, SnI Marcoerite are, cor ner ox rtawtbome. rnoaa lauor bio. " FOR RENT FLATS. tio EACH for l-noa fornrshed flata. rloee In. fin slew, rbona Mala 0303. 833 See- enth at. v.'- .' - FOR RENT FARMS. POR RENT Good ranch, 30 or Bora aawa, oa shares, near creamery. Part leu la ra, 4. Boot, ledge, 8 Grand are., north. TO BENT Small farm aear Greehaai eaah or ah area. Dr. Darting. East 828. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE .. - FOR SALE. Ton HALE Completely fnrnlahed a teem heated, 4-eenra apartment, wltb bath, private en trance, hot water, gaa. electricity, eaay -walk- ' trig dlatanoe. one half block te S and Fifth al. cars; rent 827 00. SE2fl Sherman street, near, Second. The Ooatlaental Coy, 243 Stark ; at. . . rCRMTTRE of 8 rooma and ktgk-grade ptanni will sell at bargain U Ukaa at once. 818 Cnraa are., Borth. PCRNITTRR of six rooma and kitchen, com plete, excellent condition! rent 320; yotrr own .. price; will accept any reasonable offer. r 104 Grand are., aorth. " POR SALE NICELY furnished 4-mora (dark green) boaaeboat at a bargain, root of Clay at., went aide. Slga "ror Sale" eecf door. WE Bred farnltnre at aay price. Portland Aae tma Rooms. 311 riret at. Mata BeoS. A S-ROOM cottage for rent and furniture tot sale;' rent 111. Cast 103. FOR .RENT STORESMFFK7ES. OrFICE-ROOMS. anfnrnl hea rooma and asm-pie-rooma for rent. . Wootlaoagh bldg. Apply - elevator. . .. . . FOB RENT Storeroom fitted op for liquor . bnalneae; flrel-claaa location; rent aheap. Ad dreea. G 147, care Joarnal. - , IF YOU an Interested In an op to-eate ground floor office, or te.k room, call at 84 Third at., oppnalt the Chamber ef Commeree. POR SENT Storeroom or office, 338 Colom bia. Inqnke same. STORE bear City park, good for ewrle or loach atore. low re 'jiiT! 1? " 'I RL'SINFSS CHANCES. CONTRACTOR with work wsnta partner wltk Borne capital. Addreea W 130, care Jon real. 13 ROOM rnnnitng-honae, centrally located, all i full; pries loo. hall A Lee.. RalelghJtMg. Phone- Mi In 6lll. RFOTAt'RANT for Bale. 4O0 doing good bna- liicn, Luc lKatUo. B 148, Journal, . BUSINESS CHANCES. cr:T IN NOW IKIN'T WAIT. The Potlcie Uold Ulnmg Co. of Coenr Aim,, Jdntio, haa placed on tna uaract Hn, omi aharna of Ita treaaury atock; prlcea aa folltkwa: ' 157 .VI baya tw0 ah area; pay flowa fTI.bO and fft per month for a moutba. 11 bua l.txiO aliarea; pay dowk $05 aad 93 per moiith for lu monttta. f 1J2 60 burn l.&oa aliarea; pay dowa fTl.M and tio per month for 1U montha. ' ZoO buya 2.xi sliarea; pay dowa 1S0 aad 'eiu per montb for lu mootiia. P. L. AUHT1N. PreeldBBt, -J 123 A blnf ton blug. HOTEL rOB SALE. '108 rooma. moat modern la all dotalla, Beeer a recant room or aulta. boat weat Ian; thra hotel will atand a aaoet uieeoufh luroatl. gatloa; dlolnf-rooui capacity 1U0. Far par ticulara, call on P. U AI.'STIM TO, Saltea 12a to 120 Abtogtoa bldg. : Just it' . lea cream, candy aad clear a tore, a flue bay la tba winter, but yoa cannot get tbla location for leva or auoooy In tba aura ' mer; kualneaa (10 to 2S per day In winter, S.iO to SluO per day la aummeri would aot aell for flea tluiea tba price aaked If owner'a bealtb waa good. Coma quick ar It will ba oe. Price 1.100. . . TUB VETERAM" LAND CO, ' " ISSVt Third at.. Kooro A. OOOD INVESTMENTS LARGE AND SMALL. - Partner wanted la aawmlll aad ' geaarBl merrhamllM a tore, oa good harbor, eloao to larite body of timber: larga returna for capital of liaoOO or mora. . . , Farina ami Umber land for Bale. 1 . .. -limber claltne for- location. Eur luforiuatloa aead a tamped earelopa ta box 141. Waldport. Oregon. CORNER grocery, eetahltahed-, wilt xchaaga ror aooae, tot: airiciir nriae ifnii,c tlont good realdenca dlatrlct: . neat, nice atore, I rooma a bora and 4 tiring rooma la roan rant tt. ' ALEXANDEB LA ED CO., , HVi 'Slitk, Near Plua. ,- Grocery and Meat Market Will eell at a dlacoont If oold before kbrcb totb. or will aell jrroeary ec pa rate, aa hare a party for meat Barket; cheap rant. Al Incatloa. Al flit area; term If desired: owner learlat cttyi aa agenta. Addreea U 147, JoarnaL M ran ml, fnrnlahad with feed furniture and fnU of ateady roumars; alao a flno dining room; rent (100, wltb 4 yeara laaaa; ooo trally located and. making good money bow. Price S.750. - . .. TUB TETERAST LAND CO., i -'"'" ':'" l8Vt Third at., Eoora A. SO ROOM hotwa, beat loratloa ta city, centrally located, wall furnnbedt oolag big Boainoaa: gnarantaed fSOtt profit oacb aoontbr leaao yeara; rent 17: prick 0.00; bait caak, kal aace 30 per month. v ... . P. L. AUSTTN CO,: . . -. ' ' . 128 Ablngtoa bldg. SPLENDID opporrnnlty . for man devote bta . aerrlcea. Bake I1M0 montb; atrlctly prleata; Inreatlgata Immedlatalyi retiring from buel Beea. CaU OB J. W. Barker, 860 Alder at. WOODWORKING or Barhlne abop; a Bart tn. v tercet la either- one of tbeae wanted by aa Inventor who will pot as the eaah and eere tcea. . If yoa here anything to offer let a know. 408 Lamber Exchange. - - Lock Here It yon with to eell or exchange poor noming-booae for real estate, ace Dement a ' King. They hare boyera and aroperty, tor axchaage. Call Stt Madlaoa at. Mala 6303. A YOUN'O eaergetle Baa caa aeeare aa ta tereat la a ftnl-rlaee real oatata and broker ' are bualneee; experience not awceeeery. bat ' Boat be willing to work aad loara; 8&00 re oalred. COS LaBber Exckaoge. N U-ROOM koaao. fereieked, rar city ball, rent . $:; doa't mlaa tbla. 243 Madlaoa at. .Mala . aj2. - - - .SALOON for aale. CaU at Braaa A Oa, rtrat ; A ROOMINO-R0UnV BARGAIN. 14 rooma, elreantly fnrnlabed, ell occupied and brbigtng 8184 per montb; within 8 bkwke of poatofflce; nerer offered for aale before) lady going aontb on aecooat of 111 health; Boat -eell quick; xi.aoo. ...... 801 8WBTLAND BLDG. CIGAR. PRCrr AND CANDY STORB. Al location, rery cheep rent: place clear. BAT rrora yw to r aer montnt prion aco, CALL loBH THIRD ST., ROOM A. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUKE. 31 nicely fnrnlahed , rooms, new bolldtng, fnli of ateady rooBers and boa roe ra; fine loca tion, cheap rent. This la a enap and moot ke sola inn woex. rrice oi.uw. . - THE VETERAN LAND CO, , 16W hlrd st-rnom A. POR SALE Tranafer boalneeei l food yonng - team and harneee, goose-aeek faxnttare '. wagon. Phone Pacific 341a. ' i FOR SALE Fixtures amall troll Mora; eea. I tnall root paid to April l; price iou. .rrixe clpaai only., uwner, no norxn auia ex. RESTAURANT MEN INVESTIGATE. " 32.800 One ef tba beet Booey-maklng roe. ' taoranta ta for aale. wltk 3 years1 leaae aad Vwr rent: thla beetaeae paya tor Itaelf eeery alx moa the ; tba Boot rigid ta.Betlgatloe aolicited; 11.600 eaah wUl bandia 11. V. rCCUS. 221m Uorrlsoa at. POR SALB 88-cow dairy. ood delleerr oat. fit. best retail route la city. Pboaa Mala 8463.' - RESTAURANT for sale or not; excellent boot, neee; net monthly profit 8400. Pa. O. Bex 013 Vanconeer, Waabiagton. 3456 BUYS S-rooBB. well fornlshed In good lo cality! west side; low rent. Bagaaaaaa A Blaochard. 81 Fifth at. . v HOTELS OCR SPafCIALTT. - ' ' If yoor hotel Is tor aale, la or oat of the city, brine It to aa and wa win procara a purchaser wit boat publicity. Reference. Ho tel Men's aaeoetattna. P. L. ACSTEN A CO., Original Hotel Brokera, Suit 123 to 128, Ablngtoa bldg. . Phone Mala S48. ' STOCK companlea Incorporated. If yoa hare atock a or bo a da tor aala, let Be try to eell them for yoa. George M. Kellogg, broker, 340 Ellleott Sqoare, Buffalo. HAVB the best opening on the coast In well estaMlabed enterprlee; amall capital - re qnlred: write for perttcolexa. F. L. Schott, . 4o4S East Morrama at. SAVB MONET Any tb big tn printing see Mad. den. Odd Fellows' Temple, rtrat and Aider eta. ; apatalra. WOK SALB Reatsnrant wltb fm-nlebed rooma, eheapi good location. 324 Third el, POR BALE OR -TRADE Hotel Hslaey, .100 miles from Portland oa Seathera Pacific: a modere up-to-d.l. bonne, newly furnlebod: baa good commercial, trade. . Addresa Hotel ' Ilalaey, Halsep. Oa - SMALL grocery store In so bar be; good loca, tloa. , Phone Peclfle BOB, POR SALE Small atock of groeatlea and fix .. Inrea, , compatlug Bcalee, ahow caaea, toe cheat, coffee mill aad ether fixtnree he. longing to the grocery bnalneee: reaana for ' Belling, going eaat by tba first 'of April; cheap; price 87O0. 0 148, JoaraaL LEASB and fnraleblnga of TO-mota hotel for aale by owner j new brier with eeery Bod era ooBTenlenoe; paying 8A00 or better per month; beet central location, beat prospecte aad beet hotel bey la Portland. eare only borers need apply. N 148, Journal. 84A0 TAKES alwaya paying cash grocery atore en naaiaese at., worm bi.. inia le a geanlae bargain. 423v Morrlaoa at. PROFITS from $10 to $100 pet evening: fine I co a nee tor men wua miii amount or ' money, ror partlcloara call at 145 Blxtk st room 8. E8TAPLISHED bnalneee; confectionery, Ice cream, soda, quirk lunch, cigars; eea an a Juat ' opening; low nnt; $1,300, must be oa.h; fixtnree wortb more; bo mlddlemea. Butler, 814 Deknm. SEVEN aew fnrnlahed rooma. gogt Pine at, fooO: rent $.10. t all and trade wltk owner. Q 150, can Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I HAVE 108 lota to Mllwankle and mnat sell; I'll sell yoa one bow for 123 oast,, next month another, one every month; as ananv aa yoa want and all adjoining. . Boa Irwin, Mil waukee. Of, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 5,(xi0 lOOxmo rKKT. Orand are.; good buy ; ll2,nOO JOllOO feet, U ..blur loo at. . fi.Nai M.Hlorn borne, Kaat IJlb at. '. . II.KO JliHl.,, home. Cmrh n-mr l?lh. $6.tNMV-.&i,Mitrra home, Multnomah, near 19tk, a..u Alooera bomo, bacraiuento at. ... 4.bo0 HJU-tLtt I Htm, bentoo ouaaty. .. . A4.4'0 Modern home, I'tilon are. . - a . li. kliHlera home. 34ih at. M iU- Prtilt farm, Waalilngtua. . 4,0mnlt farm, itrryon. H.&oo tkKHl home, bit liaiilOO. flrland. ll,0ia A riaiin rotuye. lot ua20V, t'lrlaaJ, i.eou rtna home, Woodlawn. 1 0 S-roum hMiae. lor luii250. fralt. .ioO Larga lute, . 60x430; Jt) dowa, $10 liniin. We eell flrat-rlaan prorawtr at fetr prlcoa. , NATIONAL Tit I KT A INVE8THK.NT . COMPANY, . ' Ml Worcester bblg. ' , ' 1 Seliwcci Homes : . ; It,6flO--rooB koaee, aloae la. s 7n0 a room bouae, ahoa la. 8.X 4-roua biniea, two lota. l.lou O-ronm houaa. ' J.luo ft-room buuae. 1 nice lota, fruit tree, etc., aa Iniurored atreet. f, H room houaa oa Improeea atraat. ;i.aj s-toom cottage, S Iota, . 11.4110 room bona. 1 W. , ,..f l.0"-3 Ka.e-.fc-w. of rlrer., , -. i ' ia uiwii-rt niTllBJ. 6io f pretty kite. 100 feet miaara, aoraar. " ' bfc 100 feet aoua re. , - Sellwccl Townslte Co., H. B. PALMKU, Mgr. ' in Pairing bldg. Mala ll. ellaud office. IIMS Eaat ISth at. Phono . Bellwood 181. ,.. . MODERN 7 -room kouae, cement baaement, wired for electricity and piped for gaa; lot ftOxlOO; ' aa Heat 10tb at., near Broadway; price for next 8 daya. 13.200; half caak, time oa bal. aaoe at 7 per eaat. ..... T-room bonaa.. 1 blocka-zxem eaav-at AeU. wood; prtoa 81.800; torata. 0114, 8-room honre, at Midway; price fl.360; halt aaah, baUaea roar own time, ' 1 per cent. BALL A LEE, ' RALEIGH Et.rxj.. oTH AND WASHINGTOIf, PUONB MAIN 4911.. - , Look Here We bare a new room konaa aad aoewrat lota adjoining Itoae City Park. Wo will ' aell all or .part. Theae aaat and will , be Bold tbla we, k. For a bargain call THE VETERAN LAND CO... , ,, lboM Thltd St., Koon A. . Alter Lo2ge Snaps ; Cxtnlea boueee aad eaoaat lota, aire large coraera Bear boolerard and car, raoeutala view, city water, electric, alao lot aOxloO wltb food tent; kooae eery cheap; Bare rent; torxoa. See W. B. Ruet, got Portland boule vard. Arbor Lodge. Phone Woodlawn 124. St. Jokne ear. . - . " IRT1NGTON HOME. $8.100 T rooroe, modera throagnoat, large recepttoa ball batb and toilet, cement baae ment and walk, gaa and e lac trie Itghta, lot 80x100; eaay terma. 801 Swattead .bldg. - A BABE BARGAIN. S-room, can be fnrnlahed for two mora, basement, toilet, batb, gaa, lot 80x100. 11.873. halt caak. B01 IweUand bMg. 111.000 oOxlOO, THREB 8-roem cattarca, ren , tela .vi, corner Third aod Fine. . 41 Orand . are. Phone Eaat 8087. J CUT THINK Lota f20 each at 81 per month. Bear Salem car line. Apply to owner, W, ' Beldt. room 18. Waablngtoa bldg. ACREAGE ef Salem Una. all elaea, eaey terma. a W. BeldU Waahtagtoa bldg. I HAVB IS lota ta Mllwankle aad Boat eell I'll Bell yea one bow for eaah, next Booth another, .one eeery month; aa man? aa yoa want and all adjoining, lien Irwin, Mil- s waukle. Or. .- ' . FOR SALE ON GOOD TERMS BY OWNER. , , 8 lota. Eaat Yamhill aad 27th ata. .. 1 Iota, Hawthorne are. and 49tb at. ' 8 lota, Eaat Madlaon and eflth ata. " 80 acrea. 4 nil la tram eta t ton, ea 0, W. r. nmr, eaa per acre. 148 acrea, bar. , , , 4 Bllee from Orerow City; tin. JAMES N. DATlS. . 250 Third at. QUARTER block at 37th and ' Kaat Clinton ata.. one 8-eooB aad one- Aeoom cottage, foil baaement; theee . are modern; nothing . Blear la East Portland. Price 3.000 caa Eire terma. See J. W, Beeer, owner, 880 aat Morrlaoa at. City. . , - BflLDINO LOTS OCR SPECIALTY, : LOTS PROM 3200 and upward. Come and see aa. Wa will giro yoa Information about any part of tba city, or state. Terma oa oar property if yoa went It. , ROOM 4. 108 SECOND ST. ' ' $1.800 THREB fine Iota, North Alblna. $200 eaah, 100x100, 8-room house, , Rtewarfa eta Hon, Mount Scott line. , Price $s00, ' $736 Nice lot, W aace St.. near Sato. - , $1.000 Choice Int. East Gllaaa at, ,.- rs0 100x100, Nortb Irrlngton. . ' t 8.00O8 acree cherry orchard. 4 blocks from Lenta noatoffiee. ; . " -xisdsat" ' roj- -.' - 30 Raleigh Bldg., Slxtk and Wasrjlnrton. v. Hcme-Buyers Attention ; ,W4 bare some elegant modern bomee, aome , within walking dlatance. prlcea $2,000 to . 8A.000; also Bubarban property at $000 to 33.000; terma or caak. Call en aa berore baying eleewhere. ' DIAMOND REALTY CO., ' - Phone Pacific 101. -- 368 Alder at Boom 10. $380 DOWN, $18 monthly, bnya neat d-roma cot la re oa box 100 eorner, one block ef ear, on river ridge, just beyond Itrooklya achool; yonne fruit trees, ban lee, garden: VH valued at oo: price $1,300, 11 erne Land Co, 1481k r irax ax. . $780 BUILD yoor home oa the "Bltutttble ttonlevard . tn t. Tabor" lota will double la value to alx moatha: a few left oa eaay terms. V. Page Harrta, Balmoat aad Kaat z&ttt ata. -., .... . 10 PER CENT INTEREST INVESTMENT. . A room modern mldenee, rent $.13, and ! T-room bonee. rent $20 Iper aontb: beaatlful corner lot 80x80 feet, sltnated on Seventh St., nice Vaeatleaw Tbla b) a splendid Investment at, pnoe an, , v . J. rRANK PORTER, . ' ' 323 Waablngtoa at.. a VTia a - nor . a ,o.k m - gl.two: terma, .v oowa, gi per moatb. T per cent: trade wltk owner la kouae. TWO 3-reom eottaree tor aale la Sellwood, 81.800 apiece. - Inquire ef earner, 400 HIV ler a an. BARGAIN 3 lota, 110x138 feet, ta Midway. 3 hiocka . ma car line, city water, ror .v casta and Installmenta. Ban owner. 84$ East 82d St. I Richmond tar. - MODERN 8-room kouae.. corner, comblaatloa flxturea, 8 mlonte walk troB ear ahops; terma 8'rB- . -.' - ALEXANDER LAND CO," . ' , xv Sixth. Near Pine. " SEASIDE cottage, 8 rooms completely for. pinned, etoae . to Loca sic . a a 11. out twer lock bldg. 80 ACRES timber aear Colombia river, 13 mllea from Portland; k ana p. Addreea M 148. Jmirnal. v . 1 , , $380 HANDLES 4-room honae and kit BOxlOS ax jayrtie ecanoxt, evax larw, ' .a aaaewoa. OXB 7-room plkBtend bonee, writ' finished, foe leoa than coat, block: 1 T-mom, 1 8-rooB houaa. close In. cheap: 4 bnslneea and other property; all In St. Johns, Or.; bny direct from owner; real estate Ben need not apply. For further pertlculara addreea box Wd. St.' Johna, Or, ACRES oo S car line, $280 aa acn. Mohawk bldg. - . . . . , 304 $2.8)10 NEW modern S-room cottage, email lot. apienrno locanoa, bbbt atoe. wataing dlatance; $8ia) dowa. K 184. Journal. JOURNAL Cost' One Cent Per . Word FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Ctclce Vacant Prcjerty t.N.t . 1ioi128. corner. Orand are. I.S'O barter block oa Uallory are, 2,loO louxlbO, corner railing aad Mat- lory ara. $l,or.o 100,100. aear tnloa are. ."' a o, na.uoo. Booth Ht. Job l.i Muo otl, SJiloU, Uue. St. Job DC ear 8 TW-Quarter block. II - 8 6, i.'orner. Serenfk and A I oa worth are. 8 ;.i liiM0. oa Carol. rklge at. , 1 . , $ .'0 7BaH, East lutb at., north. 81 Sou isoiluu, corner, Nlutk aod Almv Wortb are. 8 l.Vhtinfl. Ninth at. '" $ ,-rf l.miloo, jvraey at., St. Jnhna. $ 000 ftfixliai, Chlpmaa add., St. Johna. 1 . It.ioo Bex 12a, St. Johna. ' About 80 Iota oa Lower Albrne ear, well located, retiring In prlco" fMut toTI to 0J0; caeb, balance llo per mnath, , . Otto, Crockett L Harkscn Realty Co. 133 s rb-at St. ' LOVELY EAST SIDE HOME ! -Oa floeet corner oa Cherry at.; 3-etorr 8 room bonee, .modera In erary raapect, fall 7-fnot grenlt t-aaenient; lot enchaled with granite -wattr ftne riewrni mlnutea" flk M'"Waah ' tugtoa at. ' Thla place cannot ba duplicated awmey. , ' 8.00r. balf raah.' " V'f TUM VETKRAN LAND CO., . ' lttSta Third at., Uooia A, fee tba .Here is a Bargain -4. ' 8-room new cot tare, modera ta art epert.xon Millard are.. Mt. Scott car line, all ouMtera ImproTemente; lot 50x1 oa; owner muet hare Boney; price $1,300 for a few daye only. - T11M VETERAN LAND CO., t lttfiH .Third at., Koota A. WEST SIDB HOMB. - - T boob 2-etocy aooae -4a alee- walking dis tance, all modera tmproremeata. fall cement baaement, furnace, etc.; house artletteally arranged. Bice large bright roonia; rery 4e elrable location and an At koma. . Price . -,"" - 1 . TUB VETERAN LAND CO, 1U5V. Third at, Koora A. - ' TWO good tnraatmenta ta St. Johna property- OUX200, fenced and Improved: lOSxla aa. Imorored: Beer Willamette boaleeard. Doa- aoa Broa., 418 Cbambar of Commerce, . r IN EST apartment el to hi city, close ta. louxko: price raaaonaoie. Aaoroea u 11, Journal,' , . - - A BARGAIN Half block with three koaaia. all rented, enjy a.uou, uorae r -water ana Con Curry. Also tlniber Curry at. . bad. Owner, , 14 POR SAXJB, cheep, good modera 8 room konea, Blasterrd, batb, gas. sower, basement; Fre mont aad Colon. Dodsoa Bros., 418 Cham, ber of Commerce. FIN 8 anbdlTlaloB pro poaltloa ew O. W. P, cloee la, XI acres; le-rei. a grarei; barge In for - qniek 'Bale, Vaaduya - Waltoa, 818 Chamber Oommerce. . - NEW k-room honae aad lot at Lenta, good loca tion, etoae to car station. Be fare, 37a. O. R. Addltaa. Lenta. Orecoa, . --. . - STOP PAYING RENT, toxioov oa oa cr uue. ,uu ",) , Bent baaement. garden, (373. 804 Mohawk kldg. , . . rOT8. 80x00. near 5e car 11 oe, the money. 304 Mohawk bldg. 3ft0 S-ROOM an modern, ftreplaee. three 3 Sooth Jersey St., Booth lota. Owner, St. Johna. TWO finest lota, with . bow boose not enlte . finished, 4 rooma; earrtflea: owner loartng; chance seldom offered; on Mount Scott car . line; bo agenta. - P. Melnbold, cere Webb addition. Lenta, Oregon. - , TWO onarter blocks ware hoe ee property, 14th ana l7tn sts.; income property now; inTeeti gate; option runa out eooa; price will be raised. . - , ALEXANDER LAND CO, : 3H Sixth, Near Pine. .' . ' 38.780 TWO good T-rooB booaea, weat aide, 1 We bare thla Sargau for only 13 days. Kegister at uo., ivivt xwa eu - S-BOOM, kowae. modern, at s bargata. - 74 Uoloo are., north. $1,180 IF tBTested now will boy wow S-rnoia cottage oa Jersey ar. , BC joana. ' Broa., 418 Chamber ef Commeree. TWO and ane-balf acres, splendid location' greenbousea. fruit, shrubbery. .. BoUlster A . ateoa. cummerciu aia. SIX-ROOM hoase. One fralt maxnlflceat view; . terma, xwner, aia voxamarciai Dia. . $7,000 GOOD farm of 10T acrea, la food atate of cnltlvatioa, ee good road aear Vancou ver, Weak.; haa erabartl aad toad Improvw- . rnenm. - REGISTER A CO, '. : ."'.' '' - lOT H Third St. ' - '., $3,000 BTJTS a S-acre borne, beat ef aotL erea claated to berrlea aad fruit tn , altuated ea k good gra v. led road aear car ' line; baa a nrat-cuaa a-room horrae. Tbla te aa fine a home as caa be found portiana for the price. ,v i REGISTER CO, s - ' ' . 107 Third St. ... $800 CORNER lot, SOxlOO. on Ootnf at, all pavea aaa aireeta grenea, emeu bousb, ror. . Biauea; comt at once ir yon want thla anas. . BKniBir.K at iU -. . -"'. 107 Vs Third St. V 3 IIOCSES, 1 Bva-room, 1 six-mom. oa 3 total goon terms, aoxa ox init, enoao w. fwa. CRESTON. $1,300 nab 3 room modera koaee; 1 black east of Clark at., Monet Scott ear Une j onty. m. retereoa, owner. FOR SALE Good B-ronm oottage with gag ana Data, walking niatanee, a et enlmon. bet. 16th and 17th sis., ta.480; terms If do. atno. Address owner, asi East Morrlaoa at. $aso FL1.L lot, aontb First aear Hsmllton ava. ; atreeta Improved, cement walka; tbla la a son p. Vaodoya A Waltoa, SIS Chamber ef Commerce. 4-ROOkt tilaatered cottars, rents ror aio, a borne, ar sa Investment. $1,100. Hatful! A Bantu, laovk rourtn at. $7.780 oOxlOO LOT, with A room kooae, modern mprovemeata, on izta et, near atoatgceaeiy Apply owner, SS8 13tk at. . $3.000 BTJTS a new 7 room koeea aad art tOOx 100, concrete baaement, good bara and chicken 1 bouse, 3 blocks tram 3 car lines. Inquire at IU4 Hoaney are. FRACTIONAL lot. 30x100. East Tavhxr and Twenty-fifth sts., $780. Inquire owner, b&J XflBSK Muvrnajw ex. A S-BOOM bonse and lot en Wllaoa. aear 33d at . t. Hanson, owner. ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 Scree, mostly cleared. good honae and barn, fine Boll, Boat go cheap. The Title A A he tract Co., room 4 Mulkay Mag, necona ana Morrlaoa eta. ' Sellwccd Moreno A French. 1870 B. 13th. Phoae Sollweod 74. City Flew Psrk -te. $378 aad apt Beaa Addltma lota, $100 aad on: $8 dowa and $8 a , month. Homes from $300 to $8,000. Lota $M aad op. In all parte ef Sellwood. Leal yoor property wltk Be; we will eell It XOll FIND A LOT, WB WILL BDY IT AND BHtl.D TOU A HOMB. PAT VM A SMALL 1 AMOUNT DOWN, BALANra INNTALL. MENTS TO ST IT. McOMHRR 4k DEt'lKN- ' BAUUH, 410 I1UI.M BlMi. t-ROOM fcovoxt. barn, three lots.- plenty frett. See owner, Mr. William Scblade, 1824 Bay . ard at, Pealnaalar. -East Mcrrlscn ' 100x100, teat across bridge. Boat aell at 8 low price. '. ROOM 308 COMMERCIAL BLK. " ' FOR SALE FARMS. ATTENTION FA RMERS ATTENTION. I eea sell yon Improved frnx lan.1 hi the Willamette valley from $30 np to $78. any alaed tract; wheat lead to eastern Mtnaon trotn $l. to $23, ta trace of Ha) acres te a (mX) ecrea or more. Prlcee and terma an rlrht. I can tell from actual sxperlence what you can dd on aa Orecoa f.rtn. Come la and see ma. Turner, 3o3l4 Waablagtoa at, lr2 Acre at Anatel an. FEET from ear track, 300 fet from ata. vtton, fenced en three stiles; $478; $78 cash, $10 per month, 8 per cent-- Owner . 3C3 Cfeant.r cf Ccr.r.:rce' $".r0 Rt'TS balf Interest In good bo.lneaa tl ,t will par you t invmigare it yoii v,,.i to do bualucM la Panno. b"T All-ky bi g. FOR SAIJ3 FARMS. ' ROOM 813 COMMERCIAL BLDG., ' Corner Second aud Waatiiugtoa die. EewFara List , ' t3 Acres ''. 33 la caltlTBtloa, 20 acrea hare ae etnmoa, good family ervhard; 8-rooa beoee with pan try and bath; place traced; auml hern 44x11. new lug house, woedhooee. milkbouav, wood shed ; fenced and croee-feneed: oa eoeaity . road. R. F. D. mall, puoue la the bnaeel 24 head of cattle, of which coins an freeb cows; loo Angora -goata. and all farming Imple menta and feed eaoonh to feed through; 2H mllee from Laurel, 2S miles from mbowl'a ferry; price 4,Kl; terma, balf eaab, balance per cent; It 1, 18 mllea from the city ea '.a good road. :'.' - ; :v 60"Acres ' '' 38 k enlttratlon, all well feared; barns 3S( 74, 34 feet hlxh, with concrete toondatl.m 1 teal ii.iw 13 lack haee,. 10 men loppime red; a flue house, mala Bart liM. kluhea 14x13, painted white: toolhouae and root bonaa combined: ehlrkea-beose 12x14, bog honae 18x24; fine young orchard for family pnrpoaee! spring water to bonee and barn from a ram at spring; GO acrea can ba ooltt ' rated for farming; an Ideal dairy farm; price Sf..OO0; close to railroad and rfeer. wlihln V mllea; le en a fine road. Thla place will - raise SO tone of kay. be, Idea your potato aad garden patch; finest potato land ea earth. . V ..""149 Acres J , Ob - Orator bay; d acrea of finest oyster S round; fine etreata through the place; land lya fine, rich eat of land; some good timbers mllea from Tillamook City 1 price 2,iu0. - 0 Acres . 30 In ealtrration; good bard-flnmbed bonee, 8 noma, atone basement; oa a good county road, 1 mile to achool, 4 Bllee to good atorea and creamery; there ta a good orchard and . plenty of email fruit: then goea with the place S owe, 8 yearllnga, 3 large hogs, 1 good boras worth 1 160, chickens, wsgoa, har aeee, all the farming implements: fine Bona- . tain stream by tba place; fine water on the porch at the beaae; price 12.800; $1,608 down, balance waea 70a an ready at per cent. , ": Yarahill Ccuitty - ' MO acrea, 47 acrea la enltt ration, balance aeattering, oak grab, a food 8-room beuee (modern), good bara, wootlhonae, mllkhoase and all ether necessary biitldlnge, fine or chard, place well watered, Urlng water, fine wslsr at the kouae oa a good eoonty ' road; R. F. D, mall and phone; d mllea from the town ef . Mortk lamhllL Price $3,800; terBB. - 52 Acres , II h enlttratlon, balance easily cleared) H ef a Bile of Clackamaa autlon; moatly fenced, plenty ef good water, Springe. Price , 3S.800, one third can stand at 8 per cent. They any land la Belling all sronnd tbla for $100 and $180 per acre. This place le so , close to the dti end on good roada that It naa, be cat ap Into acreage. , ' cV 40 Acres 3S ta caltieatloa,' balance In oak timber; fair honae apd bara, wagoa abed and other buildings; place all under fence; a good barn, orchard; oa a good aonnty road; B. F. D. Bull aad a phone. Pine spring at the - bonse. Place lata along St. Marya rlrer, - 14 of a mile te the railroad eta t too: 3 eow ' and. 1 Clyde colt (year old). 1' heifer. 1 84 wagon. 1 top boggy aad barn eea. 1 aew ' plow. , Price $1,880; terma It wanted. 1C3 Acres ; Farm, $ Bllee from North Yamhill, one at .the nattiest, little towns la tba state; 47 acrea clear land; k good A room bonse and a fair bara and other neceeaary balldlnga: a good orchard, select fruit: fine water at houaa, II ring water 00 the place; phone to the house, It, F. D. mall at door: on a good county road; be la ace of place la oak grab end pasture, but rery opea taad; price 33,800; terma. . - , 40 Acres A HtUt clear; small honae aad barn, ehlrken. benee. woodshed: phone and R. P. D. mall; line naomg a no aanuag; price $1,000, a One-Oaarter Block And balldlnga located on Grant BTe,; rant , ao,aw bow per a on am: price .00,000. 20 Acres Halt dear, fair bulldlara, good orchard, gar. - dee Boll, no gravel: V, mllea from clty wortb doable tba money; price $3,300. W. WTEspey : " ROOM 313 COMMERCIAL BLDG. Oorner Bsnnd aad Waabiagton. Kennedy Sb Hlckck ' . 33 acres, S mtVa from Oregon City, aaat; one mile from good achool, one mile to poat offlce about 10 acrea in cultivation; bo Im provements; price $ I pet acre. Tbla la a bargain. 118 aena. 3 mllea from Madlaoa atreet bridge, all level, 3 living streams, sll fenced and erase fenced, good well, windmill. 80-root tower, AaOO-galkm tank; barn 48x00 feet; . wagoa house, tMlhouae, kogboaae. 3 fine ' rbtckcB Bonaee, vegetable cellar, orchard, ber rlea. gra pea, etc.; water piped to orchard, garden, barn, chicken yard and door yard; IS acree of thla tract la tine growing fir timber, 82 acrea of excellent pasture and the net la a high atate ef cultivation! entire tract, with farm machinery and tm piemen la. for IIO.OUO. Thla la )rea than $S aa acre, and unimproved property In the Immediate vicinity ta selling at from $128 to $170, Will divide the tract. For terma. etowi nil. Several other good an. bnrbaa acreage buya. Exchange Realty Co, 82b utmoer xenange mug. .. . , . 184 acrea three mllea aoi Hi west1 fr - Bhadd'e etatloa, H Bile to achool. .0 county nad, 8 mllea' drira from Alhoay, all aader cultivation: 3 acrea la orchard, 4 -room houae, 3 good walls water, 1 steel windmill and ether good balldlnga; all feared aad cross fenced. Price $60 per acre. V 4 Kennedy & Hickok '' . 8244 LUMBER EXCHANGE. - DO TOD WANT A GOOD rARMT $10,000 place for $6,000 - 103 ACRES, -' 1H mllee eloetrlc oars, 30 mlln eat, place all fenced, good board fencing, 18 acree seeded to wheat, 34 In esta. 18 acrea clover and ttmothr, 1 acre alfalfa, 1A In peaa, botatoee and veatrhee, 18 acrea tlmoer. bal ance good grans paatnre, several springe, wa. . tar piped to the bnlldlngs, about SnO good ; bearing fruit trees. Bin garden, berrlea, good S-room bouse. Darn, worasnop, warehouse, hog barn and other bnlldlngs. See thla place; yoa will do yourself a great favor. ALSO TEST CHARMING 40-ACRB COUN TRY PLACE. ATI fenced tnta fickle, rich anil, heanttfn! residence, pice red barn; everything com--plete, tor $3,800; graveled road, 8 mlln V aaooBver .;.),, . ,( . . - . , j The Dann-Lawrence Co. 148Va FIRST IT. Good Farm Buy ' 344 acrea of land, all fenced, 80 acrea s cultivated, 80 acrea good .gnsa paature. 8 acrea orchard, balance In timber estimated . 9.000 enerla fir wood. 3.000 eorrle esb end 800 eorde ax-bandle timber: watered hy stream . and aprlngsi A room boaae. well built, ami all finished In nln .order; also soother bouse of T rooma. all rustle, bot aot painted: rood , - frame hern and outbuildings; 3 good maree. a t Bsuiuan, rows .1 , . Bftge. 80 chickens, 1 wsroa. I bark. I buggy, $ Beta of harness, 1 set single harness. 1 plcw, all amall tosla: fronts on good mad. I mils to school. $ monthe tn year, 3 mlln to a very prosperone railroad town, wltb large mills, snd only $ mllea to coanty Beat town In Willamette volley: a harealn at price new asked; all goea for M .Henkle fHarris:n 811 Ablngtoa hi. la. ISA-ACRE farm. 110 la bleb atate of mltl.a- tloe, 80 acree paeture, eo ecrra tin-tt - fine house, good brn and other onltMill.ttrir.; all Mveetock Bu t con i lte outfit of t... n niacblnery go with pia,-e; near railroad, l u. a $o4 per acre; terms. A'o o'H-c f"rn 4 II err tl.e FOR SAMv F.r..':3. $8 800 lll krtr. 4 nil.-, from W,' . 40 acres Cleared, aome a re. -a I. . Mr, .. eually elearert, all fen.-..!, all l-,-l, 1 aprlna; 4 room hoo, fair bain; taini', clrard; tuam. waf..u, baincea. M cow, t separator, a,He b.e aa.l 'n . r' r"i' tt lll' "u fet $3, Tooiig) acrea. $ mllea from Wa.hoor.l; BO acres cleared, all fnol, -ime rreeo tl.n bcr. lot acres hue! ai.U ery eeally eleanwl. 1 acn bearing orcliard: poor buii.i.nta; ne-r achool, R. F. D.j the eery beat ef black aotL $t BOO TO acrea. Il, miles from Portland. ,w,"t'," county. 41. mllea from Reel ellle: 40 acree cleared. 10 acrea floe gren limber, balance eaatly cleared, all le.el, fn . ' sjirlegi 00 main coanrr road, near school. R. F. D. and telephone; best of soli, eon bearer. daw swale; give good '.oruxe; take part la .. WOTBV. acrea, ' lti Bllee from Portland.- Washlnttoo eoonty. H ml lee from leare too: 80 acrea cleared, tree from atumpe. ell leeel. 8 acres green Umber: oa mala roonty ml, R. r. D. and telephone, near athool ; ,t $T.$00 113 acrea. 8 mllea aorth of Ve- conrer. 18, mllea from Portland: TO acrce cleared. SO acres good tlvibrr. h. lance eaelle cleared. 8 acrea bearing orchard; good frame honae, 8 rooma, good frame bare, amall borae bara. ether ootbulldlnaa; 3 good wella; all fenced with wire and boards, alt keel: en main eoonty road. B. F. D, near school: good team worth Sa.'iO, 8 eewei all farm Iranle. xuaat,; floe location, beat ef eoll; giro tetma, $1,30880 acres le Clarke cooaly.' Wash-, tngton. 8 miles from railroad atatloo and boat landlnai 18 acrea cleared, 40 ecrra good green timber, balance eaally cleared : 1 acre .baarlag -orebard. variety t eM -AsMae. - fan) . barn; R. F. l, near achool; tine anil; gt'S 'torma. , tot) acree la Clarke county. Waablngtoa, S mllea from boa Hand In c and railroad: 100 acree tn fine atate of cut ttra tloa, aome gnea . timber, balance paston. all fenced wltb poet and win. 8 acrea- bearing orchard. 8 ncree aoplea and cherrlea aad pesra, be la ace prone. : New 7-ronia- house, coot kl.ftoO; one large , barn 80x100, fralt dryer, mllkbonee wltb fine aprlng water la It. other aotbnlldlnee, blark- . amlta-ahop aad too la: persoaal property goea wltb place; good team. 3 wagona. t new : . 1 back, aew; 1 top kaggy. aew; aew Choree binder, all kind of tara Implements: 14 Bllrk cow a.. 1 fine ball, 4 bead young beaa. 128 cblrbene, new cream e-oa ra 'or with treed power; 80 tone of bay, 800 boahele of oats, . , some wheat and spuds; Bear achool. R. F. D. Thla Is a beautiful, place, beet of black soli. Price only 848 per acre, lucrodlag poreus 1 property; giro term. - $8.800 SO acrea, 18 mllea freee S mflee from Fiaher'a landing en the- Colnra . bla rlrer, 1 mile from railroad at a tloa, on n - fine gravel road to Portland: 80 scree cleared, pome timber, balance easily cleared: all fenced, sll level: 3 acrea bearing orchard, mostly applee and) cherrlea; A room aooae. ' fair bara; fine location: t none. 3 cows, aew wesou, new Bet doable kerneee, new . filow,. harrow aad eulttcetor, other email oela; some bogs and chickens; neee achool, ; B. F, D.j thla la a enapi glre tenia. - 148 acree ta Clarke eoaare. Washington: 180 acne In aacadow free from stum pa. 4 acrea la bearing orchard, aome green timber. Balance peat ore: 8 large bans. 8-roora bonee; email creek and 3 good anrtnga; all fenced wltb aew 3 and $ wires and one board, hoar tig tit; U. F. school oa place; 8 mllea ' from railroad and boatlandlng: beet of black '. eoll; good team. 1 driving horae, several bead ' of cattle, all kinds ef farm Implements; 80 tons of hsr, some bogs, 34 eheep, aome chickene. Thla la one of the beet bnya on the market; If yoa an looking for a fine place and a snap tnewtigete thla before buy , mg; thla ta guaranteed aa advert teed: no rock or gravel; only $43 per acre; glee terms. W2Ls!siitii 'wS";Orc03 . , 10$ Second at, Portland. Orecoa, aad $03 Main at.. Vancouver.. Weak. ' Phone Mala 3404. r Farms, Fanas. -. - -' SO acree, sll very rick eell, .31 arras col- tlvated; a splendid house, 8 large rooma, bard finished, largo barn In good condition, brick frul f houae, select family orchard. Tbla farm fronts oa the rlrer; warehouse aad boat landing en' the plan; r aala at a great bargain. The owner is tn poor bealtk and cannot work. Yoa can buy tbla farm tot Ices than the Improvemente coat. 140 acres, 80 acne clear, balance peetnre, all fenced end rroas fenced; abundance of living water, 60 head of selected dairy cows. . 4 good Hborsea,' S large barns, good house. This farm le ea a good rood near Portland. That farm earna better than $4,u0 per year; ' eeay terms. Price $21,000. SB acrea, a bout IB Improved, d mllea from etntlon; $1,830. 120 acree, good Improve men ta, ra Clacka maa county; $.1,180. - --18 acres. Bear Vancouver,' overlooking the Columbia river: large bouse, aa everlaatlng aprlng, water piped In boaae: a snap; $4.0110, 17 scree, near Fslrview, all In cultivation; awry rich garden and onion land. 100 acrea. fin dairy ranch, dowa the Columbia river; $3.30t. Ha) acree, a very choice farm; . 78 acree thoroughly cleared aad under the plow ; good bulldlixa and teneeet f route oa the river, boat landing on tba place, JMHW railroad ata Uon: only $S.Ooo. 840 acrea an Improved land, rick eoll, Ilea good, near Vancouver: Bake aa offer. 840 acrea floe wkent mack la eastern Waablngtoa for aala cheap. -88 aeree Bear Clackamaa etatloa, H culti vated; atock and farm lmplemeatpt $8,000. Alfred A. Baker 813-318 Ablngtoa Bldg. -' .- Choice Farm 113 scree, ell good land, ao warts;. Ill acrea cultivated. 6 aeree bottom land, 8 arret beaver dam, 8 acree In orchard, run ning atresia of water; 3 arte-of good build. Inge, large barna, granarlee. , $ chicken houeea; railroad station at farm. 4 tralne dally to and from Portland; la Marlon county, about 40 mlln from Portland; Bight take Portland pre per ty ae part gay; , ; price $"8 per ecra. Henkle & Harrison - - , .. sir Ablngtoa Bldg. .. DAIRY AND PRCIT FARM That' will earn $3,000 a year. A plea aaat borne aa well an a money-maker; 42A acres, 23 mllea from Portlaad; finest farm In Clarke county; lOU acrea ta cultivation, 80 , tn timber, 80 In orchard, good booaea, barns. 3 silos, fruit dryen water power for .all machinery, well atorked with choice animate and all klnrh) of farming tmple ntents. Price tzvi: tv per cent b Wrw value: terms, half cask. B. M. Price A Co., Olympla. Waab. 1 FOR SALE at B'barrala, 11T acree Hcb bop land; 88 acrea bade cultivation. - fair Im- . prnvemente;, aleo lod . acree adjoining, W acne ander enltlvatlon, good boo.e and barn, ' new feneee, en county road: will aell both tracta. eonabxtlng of ??o acree, toe Id , or will Mil eenarate. tor fnrtber pertlculara cell on ar addreea J. D. Wlua, Buna Vleta. Oregon. - FIVE-ACRE tracta. 8 ail lee aouth of Port land, fine arll. water piped to each Aacre tract: thla land la one mile weat ef t'la.ka maa atatloo and railroad and aa the Port land snd Ore. -mi City wsgoa road. Price from $l"0 to $Z"0 i-rr acre; on eay terms. Fee further pr ticulara an i. W. tlever, 840 Eaat Morrlaoa at., t'lly. .BIGGEST SNAP EVER. OFFERED IN ORE- CON. - 133 acres, 40 acres la cultivation, tin Mm . her en balanco. etr-am ef running w.tce. It mile from railroad, 14 mllea from Portland; f.lne flncat fanrb la the .late! f,.,t I lie hie; nitrat aell betoee Snnilar: e't hoy an acre ef lend edjoinlng this tie l-a )a $t0 per acre and up: will cell this miik foe $.-..000. Inquire of F T. Berry, bo. 4 Sixth at. Phoae pacific 2rSL FARM "R SALE. 180 aeree, tin lu cultltlo. l')0 scree lde.1 fntlt and f.rm llind. fjn,:iv of.-h,rd a. 'I bcrrlMi, good iMilMn.r. ilelly mnil. oi-.e nllroed and town; a'.-e ciuiitry li. m, l.i th. m.t healthful and d'Hgii'TuI ell.i . i i V,.-iric coa,i. A.Mica T. U, B , b a 1. , W."dlllc. tlrrri'U. F It v -I A M I If