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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,,- PORTLAND, r WEDNESDAY EVErrraG. MARCH 13,. 1S37. 13 KEW TODAY. rr r IWI M No automobiles needed! x No promise of car line construction. . - ; (0) P V Jul Addition , No derendence on YOU, " tT.e "buyer anoTbuilder, "TO MAKE VAL,UJtJ-a. $300 per lot, 50x100. ; $10 cash, $10 per month. ; With building restrictions. f We are INSIDE of city's legitimate growth. , Addition CARS RUNNING every TEN MINUTES. Values and Improvements NOW established.- 7.7- - Absolutely NO SPECU LATION about FUTURE. NO NECESSITY to boom and offer at boom prices. 1- Solid ,-, improvements : all around us. . v ;:. '.'7 LENOX n itiiaw LOW A Company ,'. ''.-.. BLaJTJf ggo. RI AID WAVKZWCrTOV. m a - ' --- mni bbcobtp noon. . , NO EXCITEMENT, no boosting in our property. No glowing pictures of fered to enthuse and locate you.-:' : Everything in sight, no guessing. 7 . ,: ..... " !::'--''- Use good judgment,' dont jump, look around. Don't pay the highest prices 'way out of city. ' ; You can beat them close ' in. . : Addition $31 50x100 $10 Cash $10 per Month Building restrictions. Two car lines every ten minutes ' 7 , : : '' " 7;; .1 (. Churchill S Co. 110 SECOND STREET NEW TODAY. . .r.Lemie COMPANY PORTLAND ROPERTY IF RODUCES ROSPERITY -50,000 : :. Fin three-story brick and stone bond-Insv-adjeoo nt to-trollcy tcMiiliiet-deprjt. Easy terms. , ,.-..,, v - $13,500 Corner Esst Water and fVashlntton. Now ba eome Income. . ' , $13,500 Lot opposite custom bouse. Good loca- catlon for warebjouae. A rare bargain. ea J 70UU Fourteenth atreet. near Market. . 'Two bouses. , 1 1 '' . - ' ' $10,000 Nearly quarter block and t small houses. block and I i ornery, j $7000 11th and Montgomery. , . ; v. North aids Thurmaa at. 141x10s, a beautiful building- site. The cheapest buy la the entire vicinity. - . ; $2250 Thurmaa at, factor south, 48x10a. ' $6850 Thurmaa at," corner 100x100', eaat of ttd at. Too can't And Ha equal aa this "lire- atreet for such a price. corner 100x1 n't And Ha r such a pri $4000 ttd at., near Thunnan. , Two houses on lot 10x110. Call early aa this will not last Ions; at thla low price. $6000 ty Thurmaa.' facing asst. 14th at, vicinity Thurman.'- Two houses m 10x100 lot, facing east. $12,350 Fifth at, near Hall, facing eaat Two Una houses. Monthly Income ISO. It V. LcmcRc 7 AOUI on the Willamette river. beautifully located within tt mile or streetcar station, with goot deep-' water frontage on one end and county road on the other. Land lays well, is partly timbered and haa the making of one of the finest homes on the Willamette river. Price S7SO P acre. " H AOBSS H mile from etreetear line. 1 acres cleared, balance nice nr tim ber, oa good .road, soli rich and laya well, good spring of water. , Price 275 Pr acre. ;., ACTUS, 1 H aerea ' oleared, balance light brush, soil good and lays well, 1 block from car Una. Price S 1,200. ACBXS 1 block from ear Una, with good road, on each and, la oxoellent locality to dlvlda Into lota. Price t AOZX 1 block from ear Una. all cleared with the exception of a few alee fir shade treee, located on a good corner. Price 8750. : titlMi all la wh mrmll mnA iwmt vfrht to dlvlda Into lota. Price 91,200. S ACTUM all rich black bottom land. well arainea, on puDiio roaa. race 91,750, f BOO cash, balanes yearly. 4 AOmn K mile from ear line, an nlee young flr timber. Price 91SO per acre. . '. ; - ' The Shaw-Fear Company S46tt STAXX ST. S38SO Aetna! Oest 0-roora modern nouse, nne eaai sias location, comer lot: bouse built two years ago for a home; terma half cash, balance per cent S3S00 JTew 7-tooaa aaodera house, fur nace, fireplace, ' cement sidewalks, tile bathroom and xikrnen. nearly com Dieted. Bur now and have house tint ed to suit $1,500 cash, balance $31 a month, including interest. , . Basin ess eocasr. (OzltS, Hawthorne ave nue, right where property la Doom Ing. Chance for big profit quick. S37M t -roost hoase, nearly new, fractional corner lot, on car line, near - ateel bridge; graded streets, cement sidewalks, everything- complete and modern; terms halt casn. . IVots Porttand Heights, fine location. price rignt lor -casn. , Bay of Owner, Save Ooaualaaloaa. a O. BXAT, " Mala l4fl. 804 Ablogtoa Bldg. Bee. Phone Tabor 1M. ' Will Sell 750 Acre Tract of Land . The Lewis Love and Kaner M. Love Donation Land Claims Bids will be received bv the nndrslnd for said land to March 20, HOT. The right to reject any and all blda.reaerved. The greater part of thla land is within the city limits of Portland snd Is eiDerl ally valuable for platting purposes. Call en or address the underaicn-d, 1&0 Main street city. T, T. STRL BLK and PHIU HOLBROOK, Trueteea of the EsUte of lela ixv, geoeaaea, ... KEW TODAY. TOM I1U BT Louis Salomon & Co. .. S3 Bterk aji. f 20,000 Quarter block N. 14th Bt, income bearing. 915,000 N. ltth fet. 10x100, busineea property, pays t per cent aey terms. SIO.OOO Corner on Salmon Bt, fine ror riats or apartments. 9 1000O N. Portland, 0xll0 with t nww huimm. 6250-Large lot oa ltth St.. Income bearlsg. -' 96509 Block oa Front St. 8. Port- ' lana. A ana p. 9560O Full lot on tnd St near Har rison, room nouse. 94750 New modern t-roora , house. loth St . BFSOIAX, 98000 Fine buildlnr lot oa Park Are. (cedar mil). , , S6SOO Full lot Williams Ave, with in iuo reel or ttusseit ou, bearing. S6250 Lot with t new modern nousrs, income ess per nuraiu. 9f OOO Modern t-roora house, full lot. , Hoiiuday s Aaa, close in. 9300O Lot with t houses, B. ltth near xiarrison; rent ae. ; 92150 Lot on Cleveland Ave., T-room nouse.-- ' --. . 9160O EL ltth St. 4xl0, HoUadaya 94500 Union Ave, Income $40. -915,000 McMillan and Roaa, Quarter , block, t fine large houses. ; Chance of a Lifetime $25,000 ' WILL BUT A South Portland with trackage on' two streets. Join a syndicate to take thla.- liara ana Ihlrd aubacribed; only $17,600 cash required, balance at per cent W. B. STREETER . 114 TWZKD RU1T. Heire Are a Few Bargains 9 IT.OOO QuaYterhloclt " an "TJnioa ... npMMiMlm Income 1900 vearlvl can lease tea years for tilt a month. and leasing party wui erect .ou building free to owner. Sea ma quick. 11 oaa-1 lota and fraction, about East 27th and Hancock. These ere bargalna. . 91.80 T lota; TH -minute ear aarv Im' nlol locatea. Eaat Side. Slncle lots, $180 to $190. A sacrlfloe. 1.500 Lot 10x109; beat location; ialrvingtoa. . ' $2,400 Quarter block, Kaat Tay lor; select neighborhood." A bargain. ; zoos inn sitTiioii -: . Tw w. ritm At fin. 4nne l&nd. only 950 par acre, ; . i nave many oiner iwu oujm, inuuu inm eltv and suburban acreece and timber landa If you want a good In vestment, see ma lmmeaiateiy. Thos. P. Thornton - . Ill Chamber of Commerce, Phone Mala 4161.. There are only 14 lota left unsold out of t!7. Therg are tl reatdencea built and occupied by owners, city water, Brooklyn aewer, double track, atreet railway, school, stores ana cnuron, no automobile rides to pay for. High and aie-htlv lota Bailing for B2TK. B20 dowa aad 91 0 monthly. Fifteen min- atea from Tniro) aaa jsomsoa streets. Take W. A W care, get off at Kenll worth Station. Agent there every day, Including Bundaye. . .. - ... Metropolitan Realty Co. Fhoaa Kata wTOa 11SH Aloe Booms 11 aad It. $3250 w-rn.1. to ov can btbsb, mi ZOTmfOT, ILIUR &OOATXOV TO riVATS. TKZS PBZOB WQM A flW BATS OBXT. , ; ,. , - - liioirrilARBis PaTOl 03m, 23,090.000 FEET FIR Good mill site, can be logged to railroad for $1.00 per M. Here is a chance to make money, rnca s 13,000. O'Donnell&Lucas .. . aid OaaaaW of Ooauaaroa, A.J.BRAULT Tilerchanl Tailor Invites your Inspection of a 1 larger stock of fine woolens St Ml Invites your Inspection, of a much er etocs or nne wooiens st nie rewi tlon. N. EL COlt. I TH A BTARK STB, locat uKenilworth" NEAV TODAY. Mackintosh&Bidwell 420 Commercial Bldg. Phone Pacific 2514 . J - ?1,000 , For 80 ; acres of land, ! mostly cleared, 10 acres , plowed, two traad ' houses, water nined to house; only 8 miles from Cot tage urove; must go. , $2,800 Fine lot with 6-room modern house, onWasco street, between 26th and 27th, is rented for $25 ; this home with street improve ments, cement walks and all mod ern Interior cannot be duplicated for $3,200; will take "$2,800. - One. acre of fine land 100 feet from St Johns Car line at Cedar Park depot; has got 800 bearing blackberry bushes ; and is all fenced with chicken wire. t.:J- .. $5,500 ' 2 modern houses on East Side, 2 blocks from car line; rent; for about $30 each fine. investment. V r rr: - $1,100 r ; ' yi block on East Side; street im provements all made; watch the price jump.. - . ' . - '),. . $1,800 Y acre in Fulton Park, fronting S. P. track, under fence with good barn, good investment, , , ; TIMBER LANDS INSURANCE AND LOANS M ackln tosh & BidVvell - 420 Commercial Bldg. V Phone Pacific 2514 " ' 380-Acre Farm River and rail transportation, Willamette valley. Well worth' price, $40 per acre. , . VV I. Q. DAVIDSON 408 Chamber of Gmmerce ". rom obxt 9832.00. Nice, CXOIOB, BICBL UTU tAJTB, Vt cultivated, balance easily cultivated. This Is WlTaUB the BXAOX of MIX Of XOBBmATB UABs, TUVT TBXBK or rr, a axoa uttxji bububbab FABIC only ae to SO BUB UTJBB bxdb ob the P. 16. electric cars to Portland. Easy terma. . ' Investment Co., 244 stark st B. QUACKENBU8H. Pres. s SO CUjVTXTATEB, flr buildings. It DBBB OBOXAJLD. AOUI BBB- BXBB, bordering on north sMe Tualatin river, ih miles or rajiroaa aown ana electric car Hne.v II miles from Port land on county road, good spring, R. F. D. delivery, OOOB IOIL, no OBATZI, or btobb. Fries ror a raw aays 95,000. . IMYtSIMLHI LUMPANY 144 BUrkBt. t B, QUACKBNBUSH, Presidont . Marguerite Avenue 100x1 to, OWMEB MUST 8ELU iPiedmonf: VOT 19. BLOCK It, , Columbia Heights HALF BLOCK. 95QO. Ileaiy Investment Co. io-ai4 ABnroTOB, ioh tbzbo bt, Apartment House Site rv. n.l MiiMtlon is do vou want no. I have the finest apartment houee alto In thla city ana win snow you 10 your entire amiiaieoinjM. . -1-i te? Sherlock Building. FRUIT LAND tt scree 'on Vancouver lake near Van couver. Fine land at a low price. nAQE-nlilVlFnlLL CO. . . .- 6iw Acres 60 Acre NEW TODAY; v For- Sale $8000 lota and bouses. Missouri Ave. and Beach. Thla la positively the cheapest buy on the market today. Part' caah. balanea on time. Sea aa at once. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO. otx abb Axxsarr. - " J r mmmm 1 WHEN AWAY FROM: BOMB. Ctostee ef The Joereel eaa be ebtatned ta the (ul to wing dtMa a a. tows, eewloe ef Oragsa. The JoarnaT woeM appraetate tke receipt e( re porta pi rallare to vbUlAAUBIM Jll M9U , at anr ot ti haa. olacea: ir . v a;iuuiMiiTna a a? r i.. ' WALLA WALLA. WASHINOTONWal'la Walla Btatlonxry Company; Kogara-Haewell oaaipaari Hotel Itacraa Nwa Bland: Ualoa Cigar Btaao, 11K. BuDth ronrtB atraat. TACOM4, WASHINGTON Hotel TaaaaM News Stand; Ceatral Ncwa Cnmpaay. RATTLB. WASHINGTON Halnla ' Oraag Newa BtanO; . InterBatioaal Nwe Agaocr - 11' . ii . i a. I aia B . . J OOI.DFUU), tiKVAOA Leole Pahe, Nawapapa ANt)niciO, CAUrORNI4 Aotae Mews Oeev panj, Nawapaprr Wagoa. 8POKANK. WAaUINOTON foha W. Orahaai m CO . .. BO I SB. IDAHO Jfwrab Colllna. '. ? BUNNKAPOLia, All VNRBOTA Bu J. CSTB eagnb, So ThW atreet.mtb. ' BT. U)CI8. MI8UOTJK1 B. T. Jett. BOO OBve atrt; GVorg. L. Arkarmaa. . - KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Vesta Hews Oaa pa nr. Kewnanr Wina. ' CHH'Ano. ILLINOIS P. O. Rewe Qoaipaar, I7S Dearoora at pa t. DKNVCa, COLOKADO ODtea Depet Mtwe Stand. LOS AKGKLEB. CAHrtlRNIA Aaaoa Maws Cmnpanr, Newspaper Wagoe. OAKLAND. CALIKOKN1A Aatoe Bewe Va. ranr. Kewanaear Waaoai N. Vkeatlay Mewe Companr, Nawapanrr Wagoe, . AN rRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA B. Whaatlef Mewe Companr. Nawapapa. W a root roeter a Oraar, rrry belMlag; Jokuaea Kaws Oaaapaay. HS1 nilMM atraat. ALT LAKB CITT. UTAH aire. Lartoa, Kaw paper wagoe; u. l.. uaviaa, mmi aearon; Barraw Braa.. 4S Waat Baeoed atraat. eoeta. OGOEN. UTAH Uraf Kewe Ceatpae, Depat Nawa Stand. OMAHA. KCBIASKA BtllUr Botet News pinna. BCW TOKK CTTT Arthar Hotallng. B paper Wagnae. - WEATBKR REPORT. Tfca hlrh weaeote area reeterdar off)' the aorta CaUfpela enaet baa Inrreaaed la ma- Hiiraf ana low Bvnui i, am irru , , v . aoathwtetera Orvoa. It baa rauaed fair WMlbtr ea the Partfle alope, vltk tasipcra- tnrae bkw aoraiaL nfeare man eecarred thla morning Ul wretern Washington. ,waatn Orremi and la California as far aoatk as -txie AbiI. The etorna yeatrrdar over raloradn lew ii Lseura, which extanda rrma Taa earth eaatwsrd to Kw Kagland, Uvary ralaa hare raiHiB la tne UDlo aur. ana enow w re ported reaarauy tbrongbout Cuhirado, Kaeaaa, Nehraaka, Iowa and Hoath Dakota. The hirh prceeure area yaatrrdar enrljlnt the eeetua lone ef the aorrharn Bock r monutalns ate adraeced to the Dakotae. The Indira tlx na are (or fair weather la thla dlatrlrt tooicbt aod ThnradaT, with rlalns tamperarartie Th vraday. It 1 will enntlnae cold tonight with light froste tB western Otegoa aad weatara Waahlngtea. ' ... -Ttaip. - . Max. Ml a. Prerln. Baker City. Oregon 4. 94 M T Bolae. Idabe 4 W i .04 North Read. Waahiagtoa.., 4 o ' ' .04 Portlaad. Oreetia AO ..40 . ' T Roarburs. Org'ia ........ e - .HI .0 Spokane. Waahlugtoe 40 .. , ' tR , '-,0 Walla WalU.. Waatainftos.. 4 M ' . .0 MARKIAGB LICENSES.' a L. ToeteThi. Bt LaeretU atreet. S4i Bar. sale. B.' Ollrer. 38. . CiarW r. Bockforo. 28: Myrtle L. Whit- coeib, 20. Benjamin OTardorf, St Borta Sixth streM, 88; Laura Chlpman. M. ' J. Varae Roberta. BO north Tweety-tblrd street, 33; Haarl fl. Teonant. 18. Wedding Carde. W. O. Smith A Co.. Weaov tngton bldg cor roerth aed Waahiagtoa eta. TONstrra a Co., rLOBirrs. row. r lowers OB ALL KIN Da 1ZS SIXTH BE. - . Clarke Broa.. ' riortata tine flowrra . floral dealgaa. XS9 Morrlana at. - . ran dreae eelte for reet. all ah Calaaa Tailoring Co.. soa Starh at. - CEMETERIES. BIVRB View Single (re, ttO; family lota. , so to slow; taa oeiy cemetery in rort land which perpetually malntaine aad earaa for lota. Tat fall Information, apply to W. ' B. Machamrlr, Woreeeta block, elty. W. M. Ladd, praaldcat. BrB CITT 411 as la STavea, 110; family tots. ta te STB. Bepenntanacnt ai eeipetery. corner ef Fremont at. and Colly road. Pboae Tabor tnS. ror roll Information apply te Frank SeblegeL BUS Commercial blk, Pbaas Mala W2S. , UNDERTAKERS. DeealBe, McBatee A Ollbeegh. andertakeea and emhahBera: modern la every detalL BereBth aad Fine. Mala eso. Ledy eaaletaat. Krtckaoa Cedertaklag Co. and embalmles. 40S Aloer at. 1'hoo. Mala llaA. Lady aaalataat, ' J. P. lialer A Soae. Third aad Madlaoa eta. Office ef eneety eareeer. Pboae Mara a. A. B. HBMSTOTK Tanaral director. B. IStk sad VmatUla. Pboae Bellweod 71, Lady aaa't, Bdward Holmaa. sedartakar. ra Third ea. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I. M. and Dora Baed Barber te M. M. Blngler end Helen B. Jonea, eaat SO . fact of lot t and all of lot 18, block'' S. Ckreardala .iteoaloa. 100 1.800 140 l 4,000 1,0TB in TOO 480 00 0. and Kate Haneon to George L. Baker, 1UH acree eommenring , at a point 1,108.18 feet Perth of ttveeetloB eor ner oa eontk line ef eeetloa S, towa- alilp 1 eoetb, range 1 eaat... Cnlraraity Land company te Clarence Phllllpa, lota S ahd a, block 140, Lnl veraltr Park Charlee and Angnata Teake to Jamea P. i' and Anale Watklne, west 14 of nor Ot arat of aortheaat and eaat H ef . eaat Vi ef aortheaat H of aorthweat H ef aectloa 30, towuehlp 1 aoatb, ' ranee 1 eaat. n ' Clara B. and P. B. King te AIU J. , copiaa, lot ,, eiocg la, nana lrring- ton ., Fred A. and Clara Spalding to Jokm Held, lot 18.' block A Highland achool hoeee addition te C. and Bthel McCoy te Jamaa Hill. . lot It, Moes s, wm lame Arena, aaat- -tloa Oertrada M. and W. H. Jamtoana te . Mabel CUrk, let 18, BIDCB a, Haagiy IlighUnd ' ' Robert W. and Minnie C. WBeoa to H. H. Hoffman, mat ef Iota 13 and . IS, block 4. Baiiwnorf... Termont Marble company to Mrs. Her man Bhombarg, lot A block A Fair- ' field M-Kagy to Angnata 1. Miller, lots T and A block IS. Mlller'a addition e . Sellwood J ' Myrtle B. end B. i. Price to Carl A. Tolla, lot 30, block 11, William. Are nne addlttoe Lola A. J oh neon to Samuel P. libckweod, lata 1 and A block 128, Irrington B. M. and Caroline A Lombard te . Blanche Catlln, let I, block 10, Broad- ' way addition . Joha A. Bell te S. B. Wooeter, bits ' and 1. block S. Archer Place 2. ('. and B. L, McOrew to Irene M. Bowea, arte 1 and 3. block 13, Kara Park 0. W. end M. A. Gay te Alice H. Dodd. lot T, block ISO; Eaat Portland........ Jaeeph G. and UL Merrhnen Hoaatna te Alice H. iMHld, lota 8 ,10, II. IS and ' 1.1, block TT. UnlTeralty Park aad Mock'a addition to 1'nlreralty Park.... iacb and Mary Merer to Jamea Mo, Krlile, lota 4, 8 and 8. and fractional lot , Mora 4. North Portland , H. M. and Nettle M. Aonott In W. I and L. It. llnatoa, ennih H of lot T and all of lot . A block 37, Katharine addition Henry and 8"t,re on der Brelje to M. Rliter. block A M. I'attoa'e eddlttoa i ' te Albina , 40 V so 1,000 AB90 800 800 . 880 1,800 1.380 4.800 1,500 1,000 RK.IL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. M. ana Aluralaa M. Laare te B. W. Ring, waat H or lota I and S. blauk 81, llanaun a l.cnnd addition 1.000 Charlaa 11. and Iura t., Kop te B. B. It!--. M 4; block i. Uulladay I'ark ad'litloa i t.50 J. H. William fc Elai. Hlalap, lot 1, ' u block Ho, Original Tuwnalle of Albina.. 1.000 Al!-a B. and Hmnrj lilllar V Hatrh-k - McNhiolaa. norlh SB (aat or lot 10, .xceptlng waat M toat tUaraot. Mork 6. anlHllrlalue la ProaDetal 4 atMltloa 1 to AlWua 1.100 Bradford and Ellen D. Smith ta Nancy . Anna Ore, lot 4. blork S3. Sannald. 1,000 Nant'r Anna and GiurtaTua Grave to Brad- , (ord Builia. lota 1, S aad A Moatruae addition 1,800 Haartetta B. railing at aL to Matropall- , ' taa InTeatraant coupanr, lot , block IT. elty 40.000 Mark A. Majar te Harry C. end Bllaa- bath U. Mvore, lot 11, block s, Hon r rortland , 1,000 Oeorga J. and Hanrr H. Scblalgrr t. Ouatare Walter Naleon, lot IS, block ' t A Original Towaalte e( Albina S.TOS Loot, and Una Banwr to Guatar Nelaoa, . tot ae, block C Original Towaalte of Albina 7.....T t.40 Becnrltr Sarlnga A Troat companr te A '. H. Graham at el., 4 acrae beginning at gas pipe, zii. zo raat north of aoutn waat aninn of Oharlee raaattaa Auna tloa land claim: Hba and Marj 7. Aaderaoa to Jamaa B, StlllwalL lot B. block U, Kanllworth. ., Arcble and Bltbaa Smith to It. K. Nick . Ola. north SO feat of lot 1, block 4, Mount Tabor Central Bark , B. A. and Anna al. raarln an BUihar T. Llnorr, north 60x100 fet and eaat 6xl(M fret of lot 8, eielroaa. , Th. Land Company of Oregon to William ;. k angioim, iota la and IV btock 5. City View Park ' B. 8lnach.lmrr to Teraaa. ' jnnngne, fractional block , BUaabath lrvlug'a addition . TSO t ITS 100 . 1,100 8,000 - 23 . 200 Timothy Borers to Terence Mlnngne,- lot 13. block 8. Afaronam HmI a,l.lltlo. . T. H. Gardnar and Btnel UIU Gardoer to vanM Bargant, l.u 11 and 12, Kaat. William M. Knilngaworth et al. to J. n. unrrM. nta 10, 11 aad 1A block 84. Walnut Park Point View Beal Batata company to P. unTia, mi ei ana sx, .pwrs sx. Point View t .V.. Leant. V. and ' Creetln. Mtckelaoa to Jennie Cooper, ' part of north tt of donation land claim of Timothy and Margaret SuiUraa la aectloa Sfi. tewu ahlo 1 north, ranam 1 eaat Barry H. and Mra. H. 11. Brlnghara to Benjamla F. and Lola B. Htaneu, lot 12. block II. fjnentn Park flattie K. and Janea C. Lang to Loey H. Beoah. beginning '248.T-feet waat ef a point la eaat liae of aectloa la, towe ehlp 1 aouth, range 3 aaat. TSO feet aosrh of atoae at eoraer ef eecttona I. A 17 and IS 1.838 A WO 8.230 ft9 1.200 1.000 1,400 .000 If. S. and Hannah S. Cnrtm te Job a M. A. Lane, lot A blork 1. Wynkoap Villa Ernest Morrla to Henrietta Frntoau Iota eaa s, bines I. nbdieukm ef north aet of tract D,. la M. . Paltoo a traet-T.:... P. J. aad Carln Rrlrkaoa te Olof Braad- berg, TH ecrea beginning at tewnahlp and aectloa line 40 mda aooth ef north ea.t ourner of aectloa IS. toemalilp 1 aoeth. ranee 8 eaat Charlee lleery Poeter te John A. and IMIay A. rat ney, lot IS. block 10, Lanrelwood fcf . B. Thomoaoa et al. te John Oraaeen- bacber, kite 1 and 2. block 13, Cl ford additloa to Albina Jennie Hag Lee r aL te Terence Mlnogne, TOxSS faet corn mending at north. aat corner ef buck OH, Car mbora' addltioa to Caratbera' ........ .' P. O. and M. 1. Barnee to Sarah Gar flnkle. lot A block 165. Coach's addl tioa Title Gnarantee A. Treat, company Kngrold N. Arntaes, lot S, block 1A North Irrington Arletn Land company te WtlTlara Maa tera, lots SO and 31. block A Arena Park No. 8... Till, fine ran tee A Trwnt company to Charlee L. L'rfer. loU T aad A black A Tiltooa addltloB 3. A aad Marias. Lindsay to W. J. Thomai. lot 6, blork A Nortaweet Moant Tabor .,..v , . A B. and Myra O. Pattallo to I. W. Newland. Iota 28 end 3A Plnaroa. t'lackaniaa eoenty Charlee P. and Lilllaa Rader et el. to Tnrle D. L'aeinbell, part ef tract . rnrawrly owned by Harriett Keanedy ,128 830 1,400 BOO 1.800 10 .1.800 .sao ' to 10 130 '438 ' 10 f , 200 I , 300 : S0O .' 830 - nt 10 tst . TB0 00 1,400 LTBO 4,008 1,800 1.208 land clalra W. W, and Verona B. Boilers te Fred Hiram Strong, lot 8. blork B. rirat addition to lloluulay Park addition, aad other property 0). and Tnereaa LMeabarg to B.- W. McMurray, ana A and A block 21. .and lota 12 and 18, . Woeh A , Gold amlth'a adtlitloa Baymond W llltam and Blanche Bllaaherh McMarray to B. B. Mergea, lota IS and 18. block ; lota 8 and A block 81. Colrbnuttb's addition Charlee Chrlatlaa Martin lo Cathrlne , Therkelaon, lot 33. block. It Good ' Morning additloa Cathrtne Therkelaoe te Charlee Crniattan Martin. M 23. block 1A Good Morn lug aUdltkiB John P. end Marie Hngoes te Minnie McMabna, lot. 12, 14 and 1,. block T, IlUrbland Park Ernest C. Setoff to Wee ley Alien, lot 18, block 14. Arteta Park No. 3 Albert aad , Wllhelmtna Vahl te Adam, U Intel, lot IS, block 8, Album Hoaie stead W. H. and Lnm A. Bona te Alexander K. Lnmaden, eaat H of tot 8 and eaat - tt of lot A blork A-Wllllama Arena, addition No. Bona B. Height te Mrs. M. A. Van aandt. lot 8. block A Ceatral Albina... Portland Realty A Treat compear to W . A. Hcott, lot 21, block 1, Kenwood Park George W. Brows te Prank ' Harden- bmov. iota zi ana zz, oiocg . xu, cni- Mtcbael' and Jo'l'ia Roee' to' Henry 'tiii. gaeoa. lot s, hmck 4. Clara Terraeee. . . The Alliance Treat company. Ltd.. te Banert Artbor Heeeock, lot. A block 2. Donetaa addition Prank aod Anna Michels te P. W. Inner- wood, north so feet ef lot A bne 2a. Cooch'e addition. Bolt C. aad Pannle B. WUaoa to Biles C. Benolt. kit 5. block A Kenllweeth. . Arnold aad Mary B. Myera eo i, H. Roberta, lot 18. block 88. Sellwood....' Mary Helm Harmon and B. L. Barmoa to Arnold Myers, lot. la mors os. eeiiwooo ..........,.,.. W. A. end Bias Calkins to J. PI. Smith, Iota 10. 11 and IA Basel a. Arbor Lodge addlttoe , J. H. Smith te William T. and Bthel B. Wlllla, mra io, ii. aaa i a. pwcb a. Arbor Lodge Henry L. Stephen arm te' Annie 0. and Jamee B, Logne, pert ef lot A block leS, city John N. and Clara B. Jamee te Dan Mars and Felix Bloch, tote T aad A block 62. I.lnnton..... 0. W. and Mary P. MeArtbor te Hetn rtrh P. Miller, IrtTs 8 snd A block 1, Lanrelwood No. S aw aKeeeaera title Inane. Mil ee Pacific Tltl A spaay. 204-8-a-T railing noiioing. Oet yoer liwurance and abatraeta e real aat.te from the Title Onarantae m Treat pany. 340 Waabtngtoa atreet, eoraer Be Band. NOTICES. IB THB DISTBlCT OOCBT OP THB 1IN1TBD STATES FOB THB DISTRICT OF ORBOON. In the matter ef the aetata ef 8. Markee, bankrupt. The endeeetgned ' will reeelr. aaa led bide foe tb. atcck of general xaercbandlaa, omelet Ing of groceriee, tore and notlona, qoeene - ware, tinware, granitewar., hardware, dry . good., clothing, fnrniahlng gooda and robber anode of the Inventory nine ef lll.l.M. together with atom flxtnree of the Inrentory ralaa tloa of Sl.toO 81, lor tad ea WiUlams ' arenoe. onrner .f Knott at., Portland, Or,, ' sntll 13 e'ejoek neon, Wednesday, March 1A .. 1807, - A certified check for 10 par seat ef the amount offered moat accompany each, bid " and ea!e le eabject te eooflrmatloB by tb. court. - ' iBTentory star be eeaa at my office aad the atock may be Imported oa application. Dated al Portland. Or., March A ? B. U SABIN, Traetee. ' No. T riret et IN THB) DISTRICT COURT OP THB CNTTBO . State, for th. dlatrlrt ef Oregon. la the matte of the aetata ef the Bataeada Wood Manafarturtng company, bankriipta. . The nnderalgnwl will rerelr. aaal.d Mda ib to II o'clo. noon of March 28, 1S0T, fog all of the following deaerlhed real aetata, together with tb. I in pro rem. nta thereon, be longing te aald aetata, to-wlt; Lota A 8. A 8, 8, T, 8, 8.' 10. 11 and 12 ef block A Betaceda, Claekeeiae eoaatr, Oregon, and alao all Implementa and toola seed la and ahoet aald plant aeoordlng le Urentivy thereof sow on file. A therk for 0 per rent xeuet accompany arh offer and the eale Is aubjeat to oa flrmatlon by the eonrt. , inventory nay be aeen at arr office aad property may be I ..ported at Catereda. Dated at Portland, Oreeon. Marrh a, lOOf. . ; R. I.. SARIN, Trnetee, v No. T Flrat SL, room A THB SPBlNOSTr.BN MEDICIBR CO. haa re. mored frvm lUtt flral at. to 230 tt Third at, NOTU'ES. PORTLAND, Oil., MARCH II. IHOf. Al a a i rial meeting ul Hi. alm kliol.lera of tb. rron luforniatlon Bureau to. held thla day It nag derided by a utteulinotie rot. to rliaiia. th. - name of the Ore, Information Huir.u Co. to The Commercial Uulile Pul,llhln Co. and iiplenieiilal artlrlee of earn, be filed with tit. aerretary of alale Thla rlianga baa bees made eo aa to not Infrlnae on the name vf in. Oregon inrnrtnatlon Burean bow eiatun e under tli. nianajtemeot of the Chamber of OHKlillS 1NFOPMATIOV Bl'RBAU CO By THON. T. THORNTON, Herniary. LSIC M. CLARK, President. MEETING NOTICES. ATTEN 17011 NEIGHBOR Doing 07 RUfthO CAMP 41 BETTER COME W AJUUMOTOrf B A PTBB-NO 1 8r B. A. M. Regular eonTocatloa thla (Wadnaadayl evening, March II, 10T, at 7 80 o'clock. Uaaonl. ball, Burkhard bldg. Royal Arch derre. end oilier Important bualneaa. Vle ltura welroine. 11 em here urged to attend. By order E. U. p. f B. K. SHARON, Secretary. ASTRA CIBOLB Important bualneaa meeting TkMula. 11. la 1 A IV ft IV I U Mik ' . at., near WaaUlugtoo, All mem he re mimetrdfJ to be preMnt. . B, CAISSON, Clerk. . . 1 If. W. A. KVKRG RKETN ramp. Toeela WadMeday erealng, Alleky bldg Third end Morrtaoa ate. - -. It. W, A. Oregon Grape Camp. Me. 8.8TA Mne d.y. . ITlh aod Maraball; rlaltore weleoeie. LOST AND FOUND. Poll Nil A Mace t. hare hair Battr . rated and rntnrnod earn. day. 228 Front et, llela 474. Portland Curled-Heir laetery, u. Metagnr. proprietor. LOST Oold fob locket, Sunday eeenlngi mono gram Initial W. L.J reward. Journal office. LOST Lady'a geld watch, geetlemaa'a fob. botweeu Alder, falnaoa and Second; enltable '-reward; Inltiala L. U. .care JournaL LOST Laiy'e gold watch, picture In rm, gen- V tlemao'a fob. Alder. Selawa and . ' Reeond; suitable reward; laltlale L. G., care Journal. , . LOST Gold watch, Sunday " afternoon, at Monte n I la; leare at drng atnee, tm net II Mi. nerd ami Villa; re eel, a reward. Mra. Gege. HELP WANTED MALE. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Mea between tte area la and 40, te prepare for railway mall ' . cwrk. . , j , "',.'"., . A young maa te prepare for peatal clerk...' Men erer 20 to prepare for eaatome tn- ' epector, Portland aad rkleUy; lnatroetloa by : . "alL. ... OeB or write at oece PACIFIC STATFS, McKay bldg.. Pot tin nd. Or. ATTBPAT ONTU Staee-horl retfers. waree c! i.wj pee cord; atudy work. Apply waate-a 'oooerare Ce- Blenraa aide- Porttaad. . Boeltoa. Or. .... WANTED Saleamee i many make 8100 t $H per month : aome eeea more; eteck .eleent grown ee rea.raatlon far from old errhar.i.j ' eaeh .deaneed weekly I choice of territory. Addraee Waahlngtoa Nsraery eompaay, Ts penlaa, Waaiilngtoa. W , VTn W . .i . Man mm. of m enelllMi ee Ala. aatt.Me4e.lth hie present Tore tlon. to tilyjgf'l a eight eosrae at the llehnke-Walker Bn I Beta College, Berenlh aad stark ate. w. a in 'plaoe yos Is a poaltlos when competent. MRN and bora wanted to ltre nlambmg, plea- terlng, bricklaying, eleetrlcnl trade.; free eetalogiie. ooaltlooe Ceene. Trade Scbeola. New Vork and San r rear lace. WAN TFT) Fhrery crank to call et Bord Tea Co.. 90 Flrat at., for "Ardmore Coffee"; 8 ; )he. l; we like yoe; you know nhts aad by to kick. -.. WB set work here. ST Tt. for war iseeiberei epectal aem M. C. A. roerth aed Tamhlll. PACiriC STATIONFR1 PRIMTINO OH.-" SOn-ttiT Seeoad et. Pboae main 821 We dealga end Inatatl the moat modern and Improved office ayeteeMj eompleta liae Inoae ' leaf filing dartrea. 81.00 A MONTH pntrTBCTS TOO '. Agutiet eerlilent. elckneen and deetA ' Write or call and Ineeatlgeta. North eateen Health A Accident Anaortalioo. Bona 31, 38 Stark at, A genu Wantrd. MF.N AND WOMBN to learn rh. barber tra In elaht waeka t aradwetee ears from 818 828 weekly: expert tealrectere; rataloep free. Holee Sratera of Col leer a. SS Merth Fennh er.. rortland. . .. , WANTED Men for mill and wooda. Apply et - mill; crane via Claretnoat taeers or Bearer, tos. Union Irfwgtar Lember Co. . - Man to take rhtrge ef eat.bllabed office n Waahlngtoa. ealary SIO0 per month en I eommlaatoa; referencea. . mnat Ineeat 8VM) and famlak Adilraea 0 148 JournaL TOI7NO aaea dewhing to Better their cendltl -a call oa employineet departaieot, T. M. C. A. WANTRD AT ONCB A good all-areaed blark. emlth; mnat be a good workmaa. Inqnl'w ef W. A. PeweA. 802 Pouter foeA, Leo la. Oregon. ; . t BEI.IABLB maa with hone and liarnea. to a II and collect good pay. ens Waahlngtoa et. WANTED Two carrier, woodworker.: 1 eer rlage painter; I horaeabner; I rarrtag. trim, mer: lop wage, and hoora' work for 8 rat. cUea mechanica. Th. Hatnlia Wagoa Mfg.. Co.. 888 Second St., elty. MONBTI MONET! A dT a need .eery week te our agenta; a fall line. Including up-to-date Sieclaltlea. Write foe free caareaalng outfit, apltal City Wureery Co.. SaUm. Or. . WANTBD Toung men to atndy telegraphy) no. alt Ion. when qualified. Oregoa College, BC3 ' Commonwealth bldg. t . OREGON CONTBACT C. klnda. Phone Mala 432.. grading WANTED A boy to work and lean drug bnel- M. O IK), care Joornai. . WANTRD Solicitors' for health' and accident lnraranoi big money; near. work. American ' Mutual Benefit aaaodallon, 4"0 Orreoniaa bins, " WANTBD Bellahle boy. With wheel. Book Store. 2V1 Alder at. - Joaes CLERK at Imperial Dairy I-anrh. S1V, Slriivef . . I ..a aa m. euh at a, ... ' JF fl a..) iwi. w y.. - gr" a WANTBD Flrat-claaa porter. Apply St eacc. Bruan, Flrat aad Aloer ate. WANTRl r tret -r I aaa bottler for family Honor etoret only tboae baying knowledg. of .bull. neaa BMd anawaa. T lftO,- care Journal. Fl B8T-CLAH" eoatmaker, by the week. Cherlee Cooper A Boa., tailors. Third and Stark eta , . spate vs. '....'.- ' - -. WANTBD Firs mea te work In brick and aewer pip. factory. Inquire et office Diamond Brick company. Ankeny street dock. 1 ASSISTANT bookkeeper sad collector wasted; Bust bere'Al reference. Ben Selling. TOO eaa learn to operate Biotkea pletnrea la .. ehort timet terma reaeoaable; abort boura, eaay work; aaiarr ltl. Parttrulara, call N.wman'e Motion Picture-Co., leott Sixth at. WANTED Seleemaa for latent edition ef Wetv erer'e Dlettoeary among tn. ernooi people of Portland and Oregne; salary or mm tea Ion. Addreea K 147. rare Journal. WOODOHOPPBB. AIM). 188 Idaho St. Pboae Mala WANTED Hlgh-eleee aa learn an for tea riroriee; Blgneei wmwuwiiva l-awu, vvwryinuia rnrnlahed; eeeh adrancad fog expense.. I : rare opportnnlty. Addreat, anlck, Oregoa , Nursery, Salem, Or. MEN Wwbtng te beeorne dra.ght.mee, It will r.y yoe to Inreatlf ate. Phone Mala join. 14 McKay bldg. WANTED for eawmlll, 1 tmwre 1 planer feeder, alee 1 greoOr. Oregoa A Waahlngum Lumbar Co. Addreea B 150, Mr. J.uraal. BOTS wanted. 18 to 18 years of age. Apply, to Olda. W or tra an A King. I WANTED CablaeVmaker. 108 Nortk 11 lb at. all J