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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
TITS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'.. TORTOND, . MONDAY . EVENINO. FEBRUARY J3. ICOT. v. OSES HOME'S HEART-FAILS Well . Known Fan and Elk la Stricken When Leaving ' Streetcar. ' ' ':':' DICS IN HOME OF . HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW Formerly ia Business in Baker City, Mr..Tfchner Wh Constant Attend- -wit at Ball Games Leaves Young Orphan Daughter. '. ' Just aftr algnallng tha conductor to top tha streetcar on. which ha w nq. Ing yesterday afternoon. Mosea L. Tlcn Iter, one of tha moat widely known men the coast, waa stricken wltn near ulseaee and fell to tha floor of tha oar. lla waa lifted to Ma feet by tha pae- engers and carried to tha home of bla brother-ln-Uw, t L. White, t Northrup street, where Be died a. rew momenta later. Mr. Tlchner waa stricken about O'CIOCK. Mr. Tlchner's vlalt to the White real. dence waa expected and Mrs. White, see ing tha commotion In the ear from a front window, ran out" In time to see Mr. Tlchner wave his hand to her be fore falling Into an unconacloua state rum wmcn n neywr jtitto. - Xnowa aa Teteraa 'Fas. : Dr. i George 8. Whltehouse waa called to attend Mr. Tlchner. put all efforta to revive tha patient on tha part of tha physician were without avail and seatn Mosea I Tlchner. oon followed. Tha body waa later re- , moved to- tha borne, 144 North Nine teenth street, where Mr. Tlchner re , aided with hla daughter, Henrietta, aged , f yeare, and bla . alater-ln-Uw, Mlea Gertrude White.. - .w men in private Ufa ware known ,bjo widely or mora favorably than Monet 3 Tlchner. , Ha waa popularly known aa "Mom", to 'hundreds, of rrlenca. ana -wherever ha went waa hailed aa good fellow. He waa an ardent baaeball fan nd attended the local gamea whenever lila health permitted. He kept hla own corea and a game without Moaa Tlchner Jn the atand aeemed lacking in soma, of Ita eseentlal featuree. Mr. Tlchner waa alad known In the rmslrreaa world and for years mad hla headquarters In Ban Franclaco. He made regular visits to Portland and UK W lor finally In 1IM married Mlas Ella White. ghter of Mr. and Mra. Levy White, pioneers of Oregon.- To the couple was born tha only child, Henrietta, who la left a a orphan by her fathers death. sUrs. Tlchner died In ISM. Xenfber Of Orders. V - ' A Mr. Tlchner waa born In California, April 10, 1110, but when a young man left hla native' etate to live at Baker City, Oregon. - At the latter place he engaged In the general mercantile bunt teas with hla brother, Sol Tlchner, de ceased, and Herman Bamberger, the firm being known aa Bamberger Si Tloh aier. He later came to Portland, where "a" Tire Original ; J" Brand Welsbach Mantle Price 30c. This mantle represents the finest product of our factory. ' ,; . , ill It Is the best mantle made. Gives, 15 per cent more light, nses 12 percent. less gas than any other mantle,' V Strength f ElSBAt; Unexcelled 1.4 fc. S 1 I I ' ' ' U i ill Tt U the eheanest mantle because it saves gas, It gives more light, it lasts longest. Buy the best and the cheapest : ' The ' J" Brand Wehbach -Price; 30 cents. - Imitations are worthless and , s ." Extravagant J Remember ell f "ifr tnintlea ara not Welabttba. -Tha Online bat this Shield Of tW Quality .on tha ho. Five kinds, 1 13.20.25,30,35c Trade Mark : For Sale by The Gai Company V nd All Dealers tf ft J- - l : r - 1 I rrivw I LAAMWWVVWr avvAj ha waa married and later engaged tn tha furnishing goods business. Mr. Tlchner waa a paat exalted ruler of tha Elks and a prominent member of the organisation. He waa alio an Odd Fellow and a member of the Inde- pendent Order of B'nal U'tith. Besides hla daughter and aiater-ln-law, Mr. Tlchner la survived by hla alatera. Mra. Julia Bamberger of Baker City, and Mra. Bertha Btrouss of Ban Franclaco, I. L. Whlta and-Abraham Tlchner of Portland. All the relatlvea have been notified of tha death of Mr. Tlchner and they will arrive In Portland In time for tha funeral, which will be held Wednesday afternoon from ttje Elks' lodge. The eerVlces will be in charge of tha lodge and burial wUl-4 at tha Beth Israel Oemetery. , WHAT A CHANCE FOR THE CLEVER PRESS AGENT . (Journal BoMtal Serrlee.) Chicago, Feb. t6. Mlas Alice Neil sen, the prima donna heroine ' of tha grand opera panlo at tha Auditorium Saturday night will probably receive Carnegie medal as a testimonial of her bravery. Numerous telegrams have been aent to Andrew Carnegie by promt nent Chioagoans aaking that aba ba considered" ag a uandldste fur ths bonor Members of . tha Bryn-Mawr dub. un der tha auaploea of whloh tha angaca ment of her company was given, were among -tha first to take this action. . A reply - from Carnegie's personal secretary waa received try - Mlea Nell aen while aha was entertaining a"partv; of friends at dinner, it reen: "Many .messages nominating yoa as medal candidate received. Will take prompt action. Congratulations . upon brave deed." J . Miss Nellaen also received .nearly 100 telegrams of congratulation from bar friends throughout tba oountry. GREAT MORAL WAVE - REACHES MONTANA (Jooraal Beeclal Bervlce-' ' . Helena, Mont Feb. M. Montana will have on of the strictest and most far reaching' antl-gambllng- laws . In -tHe country. Tha bouse, by a practically unanimous vote, passed tha Grlffln anti gambling bill, which Imposes Imprisonment- for playlnicr-tjondnctlng faros poker,' roulette, dloa or other games of obanoe, . while the -owner of tha build ing or structure,. In which the gamea ara conducted ts''eiually liable. - Bealdes any weranns who loss or any member of bis famttr 'may, wtthin- a -Taar-there-after. recover tha amounts ' lost, to gether with exemplary damagea in tha amount of 1600. Tba bouaa ha a also paaaed an anti-poolroom or raca-bettlng measure, as wall as one abolishing wins"3 reoma Such a moral wava has savor struck Montana before. ,, , , MIND RESTORED BY : : SEATTLE SURGEON (Special Dlspetcb te The JoarmaL) ' -BeatUa, Wash., Fab. tt. Btruck on tha bead with a paroel falling from a car rier while she waa working aa a olerk In a dry goods store about a year ago, an Inflammation of tba brain was set up In tha case of Mtrs. Peter Anderson, and aba was gradually losing bar mem ory and reason, -when Dr. Wy Ills Sllllmaa last week performed an" operation, re lieving tha pressure on tha brain. . a broken fragment of . the skull having rested on tha membranes. Tha patient la recovering and has almost entirely regained her memory, while her mind la perfectly dear on other points on whlab aha had been greatly aonfuaed of lata HARRIMAN'S OPERATIONS (Continued from Page Ona) Central railroads. H. H. Rogare and Henry C. Frlck probably will be celled upon to tell what they know regarding tha Harriman system of ft nance. Presi dent Wlnchell of tha RockJsland. Presi dent Felton of tha Alton and a number of other railroad executives are also slated to take the stand as wltneaaaa, " (treat Array of Talent, . " . President Knapp was In tha chair and Commissioners Clements, Lena and Har lan wars present. F. R. Kellogg and O. A. Severance appeared as attorneys for the commission. Paul Cravath, John V. MUburn and other nallroad lawyers rep resented Hartiman Harriman was ths first witnaas la tha Interstate commerce commission's In vestigation of the operation of -the Pa cific railroads this morning. He ex plained tn detail how ba seoured con trol of tha Union, Northern and South ern Paclflo and half a dozen other great lines, telling a atory of 'one of tha moat glgantlo atock speculations In tba his toryof Onanoe. . ' , ' . Gobbling' Transoontlnantala, ' He began by telling of tha Issue of $100,000,009 In convertible bonds of tha Union Paclflo, which later was turned Into stock for tha same amount. On the top of this 1100.000.000- tha. Ore r on "Bhort 14ne raise 1 $46, 000,000t Through Kunn, uotrt co, 760,000 shares' of Southern Paclflo were purchased -' for $41,000,000, $41,000,000 was uaed to pur chase Northern Paclflo qtoak and $1S. 000,000 was uaed to Improve, tha South ern Pacific; . atock for tha amoant was subsequently taklu. ThJa first step gave Harriman control of three trauecontl- nental lines. vj - - Harriman said when tha -supreme court of -the United. States dissolved the Oreat Northern merger ha found the Great Northern and Northern "Paclflo to gether worth abouj $100,000,000; .they subeequently Increased In value. The Income from both together was email only about $3,000,000 a year. Therefore ha aold all, realising about $114.00,000. Ha inveatad $55,000,000 and had $(0,000, 000 left. t - j ,, By selling tha old and buying .the new stock tha income of the L'ntnn Pa cific and Oregon Short Ulna tognther Inrreaeed front $1,000,000 to $6,600,000. Tha fattmony developed that It was thla money that helped Jlaiyiman, to further Invest and bought Jnto,,the Illinois Central, Baltlmor Onto, Chi rago A- Alton. Chicago, Milwaukee at Paul and other roads. Close questioning revealed the faot that Harriman here me interested In the Baltimore Ohio road with tha trans fer of little actual money, Ha said he arranged to biy IJ3.I4! ahares of B. A O. eommon at $120; 71,000 at SS4.S0, but only a trifle of tha $0,000,000 waa paid, aa he expeated to take up tha re malnfler durlnar tha year. He aald b got Into tha Chios go A Alton in a simi lar manner. - Harriman aald ths profits depended' on whether stocks go tip or down, out tt waa tnnro a' question of income. ( He explained that tha Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line together made $17,000,000 through tha Increase In the value of stocks purchased. By buying other storks of greater dividend-paying quality, ba Increased ths Income to $$.000,000. '1 do not eonsldcr It speculation." said Harriman in answer to a question. r i r - .i i . ' For any pel"-- from top to toe, from any cense, apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo OIL Pain can t atay where It la used. Who la Meltgerf Ba rite your ayes for $1.00. Ill Sixth street. TWO DIG. MIPS CROSS HIE OUR Pleiades Cornea to Load Lumber , at Local Mill for Porta in , ; - California, ,. JAPANESE STEAMER WILL TAKE FLOUR TO JAPAN Fnknl Mara Is Fifth Largo Japanese . Craft to Arrive Tier This Season t oV Flour and Wheat and She WOl " Be "Followed by Many More, . - Tha Eastern A Western Lumber com pany has e hartered tha large American steam arTHalaaas-tdcarry" lumberronT this port te San rranoisoo. She will probably make aeveral trips and has oapaolty for about 1.600,000 feet each trip. The Pleiades has been plying be tween Seattle and the Orient -for soma time but there Is suoh a demand for lumber in California that the charterers couM-eXford to give the owners -sufficient Inducement tn send her bera She reached Aetorla thla morning andw1H4 probably be In the harbor this evening to' oommenoe loading. , The Japaneae ateamer 'Fukul Man eroaaed In at Astoria a little before the Pleiades this morning and she too will probably . reach the local harbor thla evening. The Fukul Maru Is one of the large fleet of Japanese steamers to oome here for breadatuffs this season and th third in ths river at the pres ent time, the Kotohlra Maru and Maa- ahu Maru being here now, the former at- the coal bunkere and the latter at the Alaska dock preparing to load. The Kotohlra Maru will sail for her home as soon as her bunkers are filled with coal. She commenced coaling this morning. - ''''- The FukuI"Manrom4s Hera " from Comox. British Columbia, where she went to ooal. She will be furnished a cargo by the Portland Flouting - Mills company' as ware the Shi beta Maru, Goto Maru- and Kotohlra Maru. Tha Manshu Maru 1s being loaded partly for tha Portland A Jtslatlo Steamship com pany, whose four regular liners are un able to bandia the heavy, shipments of fering at this time. , - - . MANY STEAMERS HERE Roanoke Costa Rica nod KObnrn in . From San FrancisooV , ' ; The harbor Is crowded with steam craft, both ooaatwlae sad foreign, and there are few idle wharves here today. Testerday morning the steamers Costa Rica and Roanoke arrived from Cali fornia ports and Saturday the F. A. Kllburn and Nome City came In from San Francisco. . , ' ' Captain Mason of the Costa. Rica re ports fine weather all the way north. Hla steamer brought A full cargo of freight, but only a small number of oaaaenvers. She will be hurried through as quickly as possible In order to-get back on the original schedula The InA tention Is to have her sail tonight. . . Captain Dunham of the Roanoke alad reports fine weather at sea, although he says It was a little foggy now and then. The' Roanoke brought a full cargo of freight and about SO passengers. She sails tomorrow night.-'. .- The F. A. Kllburn leaves ror nan Franclaco via Coos bay and Eureka to night She wUl go out full to the ruarda and her agent has already been forced to refuse about 600 tons of freight for Coos bay, .-. PASSENGERS DON'T PAY .... Modern Steevm . Schooners Devoted . : Strictly to Freight. ' ' , ta!m uhaaane belnar built for the lumber trade on the coast are gradually .hjiMvn from Mia nsasensrer flaldw Craft now la course of construction are not being equipped wlin aeooinmoaaiions for paaeetigers and ltle said that in a t,M writ be few lumber carriers bothering with A passenger de partment - - The steam schooners Jim Butler and Helena, which have been equipped with ui...- k tha -Willamette Iron A Bteel company of this city, are nob pre pared to carry passengers. Captain Olson of ths Jim Butler explaining that there Is no profit tl the buaineaa when t..Ai4 a elde line. It-aoata too Hw Mn tn nm a full ttMrtnfl department he declares, when the pas sengers are limited to A small number. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The oriental liner Numantla Is dis charging freight at Montgomery dock No. S today but will probably shift to Amaka dock this afternoon. , Tha" Italian ahlp Eraamo reached Oenoa, Italy, today-with a cargo of lumber from this port. 8h saljed. hence Anfuat $1. ' . - The ateamer Alliance was jlaken. to tfte drydock this afternoon to WHftWd for painting and a general overhauling. She will be on the dock for a period of three days. ... - ... Chief officer Olson of the steamer Alliance says that North Bend is one of the most progressive communities along the coast - On the steamer's last call there Mr. Olson visited the rooms of the new Commercial club and he lays it was s revelstlon to him. The club and Ita quarters wonld do credit E1JJ '- - , - -1 A FRIKXO'S TIP ro-Tear-014 Man srot too Old te Aeeept , a rood Pointer. .Tor the laet - t - years. writes a Maine man. "I've been troubled with iivanenaie and liver complaint and have tried about every kuowt remedy with-' out much In tha way or reauita until i took up tha food queatlon; r- . ' "A friend recommended Orape-Nuta food, after I bad taken all sorts. of medl clnes with only occasional,' temporary relief. ' . ' '' ' - ' - "Thla waa about nine months Sgo, and 1 began the Orape-Nuta for breakfast with cream and a little sugar.. Since then 1 have had the food for at Jesat one meal a day, usually for breakfast. ( -"WorlB fall to exprcsa the benefit I received I from tha uae of Orape-Nuta My etomach is almost entirely free from pain and my llvrr complaint la about cured, I have gained flesh. Bleep well, can eat nearly any kind of food except greasy, starchy things end am strong and heilthy at the age of tO yenfa. "If I ean be the means of helping any poor mortal Who has been troubled with dyspepsia aa I have been. I am willing to anawer any letter enclosing stamp." -Name-given by Pflsturn-Co.. Ilattle Creek Mloh. Rrao'.tlie Utile bo..k. The Road to WaUvUla," In (Kits. "Tbera's A ReasosV Tomorrow And PIIONE YOUR ORDERS If you can't come; oar Private) Exchange. Main 3266, with' 20 branch phones, connects you direct with all our various de . partmenta. - Another Sensational Oiiering-50,000 Yards 18c Jo 25c Ribbons 10c Yard The tnanuf cturer's entire clean-up lots of Fine All-Silk Taffeta Ribbona, in every wanted and staple shade Ureen, pink. gray,, etc. Nos. 40 60 up to 5 inches; not odds and ends, out au clean, pence goods, and worth 18c up to 25c For one day only, the yard .............. Only" 1,500 yards in all, and if you want any come in a hurry for $1 embroideries at 29c is a bai so great that every yard ought to go before the day is half over. The finest of imported Bz Embroideries in elegant designs, including the new openwork effects, wide tmd narrow widths. ;. verv kind that every woman wants, and the same identical qualities near-by stores show in their dows at 75c ana $1 au nere .- . " . , . Women's 50c SilltBeits Only 500, of them, and every 'one Is in the newest ' plaited style , that everybody -wants-fancy buckles, black, white, navy, brown, pink and all col orseveryone a 60c ' 4 Cv belt, while they' last.'.',! pK One Thousand Regular 25c and 50c All Leather PiSTffi 1PM! I?TO1S It's an offer that should bring; 10 custorhers for every one we have In stock. TWnk of yjf each and every one worth 25c to 60c The f enuine Peter Pans, and all solid leather- lack, white. tan, browns, and fancy ettects as they last only one to a cu3Torner--:noice. to a' much la rarer and older place than North Bend. The bark Bla Bonanza and the steam schooner Tiverton cleared at Astoria Bnturdar for Ban Franoisoo wun. ran ber . ' , Tt., aKfn merall la at Stella and the American ahlp Slntram Is st Bt Helens, , rom xaaira imuu.t. Th atauner - Meteor sailed for San Franclaco yesterday with a earro of lumDer. ins japanr iuwot blra Mara will probably leave down thla afternoon bound for Japan. .The liahthouee tender Armeria is aue te-arrive at Astoria today from Ban Franclaco. She will henceforth be era in thla Aletrtot In conjunction with the Heather and Columbine. A aquare rl rarer was sighted off the tax tbla afternoon. Bhe Is believed to be the American shlp.C. B. Cheney, now 3 days out from Bn Franclaco for-tha Columbia river. The Cheney. Is under charter te tha Thomas-Ritchie Lumber company. ; ''',' MARINE NOTES (tori, irah 1(-Jlrrlvad at T:10 a m. Japaneae steamer Fukul Marn, from Comox, British Columbia. Arrived down at I a. m. -Hteamer waaninsrnn. .ar rived at a, m. Steamer Pleiades, from Seattle, Arrived St 11 a. tp.r-A four-maated schooner. - , Oenoa, Feb tl. Arrived February 10 -Italian ship Eraamo. from yoniana. flan Franclaco. Feb. IS. Arrived Steamer Homer, from Portland. Astoria. Feb. J 4. Jef. up at a. m Steamer Roanrke. Arrived dawn at 10 p. nr. Steamer Meteor. . . , r . San Franclace, Feb. 14. Arrived at ( a. m. Steamer Oeorire W. Elder, from Portland. Balled at t a, m. Steamer Banta Ana, for Portland. Balled Steam ers J. B. Btetson. for - Aetorla. and Northland and W. 8. Porter, for Port land. - - .Astoria. Feb; IS.-Condlftrm of the bar at t m., moderate; wind Southwest; weather cloudy., FUGITIVES FROM -INDIAN - SCHOOL RECAPTURED (KpecUl Pnatr to The Inernsl.t Forest Orove, Or.,.' Feb. 25. Pavld Brewer, the disciplinarian of the Che frnawa Indian achool,' captured Otis-Ben. ktn and Charles Minesenger, the two fusjTllve puplle who-ran away Jrom the sohool a week ago, at Lydla's kntU,' five - , , 1 i Aoain AnoIIier Day ol TIml Slupentlous.SL Of all the crowds thit ever attended a Bale this one is the greatest of all iutely never. was another like ita perfect jam of buyers when the doon the time of going to press the Handkerchief booth is crowded to suffo The finest, fanciest sensational priceAll 25c to 50c values ; youTl find them 25c ta 50c values, them. Dainty, elegant creations', beautiful all-linen, Swiss embroidered, scalloped edges, ; drawnwork, Uce-trimmed and, fancy Handkerchiefs of every conceivable kind the very finest made tpr the Christmas trade and the very same styles and kinds that "every store in town has been shbwing at 25c to 50c and tha way tha crowds are buying Is the best proof of the immensity of the bargains. . Come to : morrow and share in this, the greatest Handkerchief sale in years all In one lot Pick Out 25c to 50c Handkerchiefs Choice PORTlAIIIfl IIE17 1 1 iimjjUi-S 1 ENTIRE BLOCK OH TAMtULLFROM 2K TO WO. duck, wntte, rea, navy, and 80; all wide widths f tomorrow as long as mey iasx wioitc, ytuu. . ....... & , . , . ... , - . . - Another Day Where can vou match forocerv oar 23 Lbs; f Granulated gar ,5.0d 1000 bottles Catsup, extra food; C never, sold under 10s. botue...sV Beat Bnrbank Potatoes, none 7 Cy. finer, 17 lba for............aJS 1000 lax ire 10-lb. saeks Flour. ;- hlsh arade aad werth I0 10. '10-lb. eack iy RK. (So eaa ef finest Pineapple. ,S0o Res. 0o Lemons, 4osea....;....le Full Cream Cheeee, lb.....,......10o 10a pka MasoeUo Staroh., ,6e hoc ana owe x-uisca ai xv-- miles north ef this plaoe, Saturday af ternoon, - One of the Indians la registered from Alaska and the ether from., Mone tana. ' " - The boys earns to this city Thursday e-vanlna. after aoendlns some time tn other valley towns, and went out to" Lyda's sawmtll, where they seoured em ployment ' ' - Mr. Brewer,' hearing that the boys were still te the valley, teleirraphed which resulted la the capture. He took them back to the school last evening:. CHANGES IN STAFF AT CHEMAWA INDIAN SCHOOL (Special tnspetcb te The Jearnsl.) ' Chemawa, Or Fab. IS. Mlas Alice Preuas, clerk ef the Indian school, has pen transferred -to : the - Phoenix In dian school tn Arlsona at an Increased salary and her piece hss been filled by the promotion end transfer ef MIsS Mary la lor ef the Riverside school -tn California, whe has arrived and entered upon her duties. . - - ' . Miss Martha Holllster, nuree, has resigned and her -place has been filled from the civil sr trice lists by the ap pointment of Miss Mary Vaughn, a trained nurae from "South Dakota. Omar Bowley, who has been employed at tha Fort Spokane Indian school at Mil's.. Washington, has -been promoted and transferred to the position of en gineer eiujCherhgwa, vice Roy Perry, who has been traneferred to the xiuar terms ster's department asenglneer at tn JPresldlo, Baa FranolsooTA ;: SMALLPOX INTERFERES : - WITH LAWMAKING .- , j: ... " , - ' (Joern) Siwctal Service. r- - -Jefferson City. Mo., Feb. IB. Several boarding-houses ordered the eviction of all their guests who are members of the legislature. . but the Commercial" club promptly provided lodgings tor 30 law makera. The mayor also purchased the house of W. W. Davis, a mile from the rapltol. and commanding a fine view of the city. All members ot the atate health board left for their homes sfter Issuing a statement to members of ths legislature, which says. In part:- "Any tslk of adjournment at thla time la Inopportune There Is no panic among the lawmakere nor cltlsens. but It la logical te expect smallpox, and ths board will, la conjunction wlUt-the city n Handkerchiefs ever sold exactly as we -claim, " or " dont you buy e DEPMIDIT STEUE Another Hosiery Excitement-Fi Women's 19c Dose 11 Yes. and some stores call these s 25c' value, so yon the beet bose bargain yon ever received anywhere. -en's Full-Fashioned Lisle-Finish Tan Hose, fine and splendid quality, all asjnlesav-all-sises. Nc three oairs to a customer. Your choice) of these li st, pair of the Great gaMSf them? : ' Read the list 100 Bon Ami, special. ........ 100 DOtue -epper oauoe........ Best 15o Mustard, lb.. 1 Aa T lea Taana IK . . . so ,.18e ...So AW JUtUlM as,sassB ev e P wm - w w Sago, 1 lba for ....... lfto H.-0. Breakfast Wbeai.,.. 16e ean Corn Beef Ho bottle Starred Oitvee....... Regular lOo bottle Mixed or ! f Ifok1aa ..loe . ,So ..loo T lba beat Rolled Oate.i... lOe Columbia River Balmoa, ..see - - TEETH Save note Money Oome at once and have free examina tion. , - WB EXTRACT TTCTDTH FRITB; Ml VER FILXJNQB. tSo UPlOOUU FILL INGS. 7Co UP: SET OF TEKTM, 14.00; SPLENDID BET, l.00: GOLD CROWNS M.P0 TO $.00; WHITE! CROWNS, L TO.ISiOO. All fork guaranteed for ten years. Lady attendant always present. All work done sbsolutelv without pain by specialists of from It to 14) years' fx peiienoe. (.'..- ,-, -,- . . .. " Boston Dentists SSH4' atonrisaa Ojrs Fowtofaoe. authorities, provide for hospital eare ef the Infected caaes and will keep In touch with tie outbreak'' , . ' i Falls Off Skyscraper. v Chicago. Feb. -6 J6ba "Walker. 1 a window washer at the Auditorium an nex, fell too feet to bis death, from a window on the tenth floor. In view ef scores of 1 fashionably attired women. The window ledge waa revered with Ice and the belt with which he strapped himself - to the sill broke. Several guests of the hotel fainted. .. . mm tl!.-i .. .. .. . . ... mm MAIL Try a trial We guarante fond your are filled ed th ceived. ,. Rcg.52 98c An odds and 100 real glor paraxon frai ural wood, handles all brellas.And 1 to a custome o r ! aa BStlll CL05S YOUR DO TUT AOTUI Hcb Wees m St j Lneg ersrle t'a ,rpr.r. Ikese ...blln. earn, eev e nrr faellK ef setl ! PmI -sihi wtta fslpeee. f r amntlr tl Womei r 'V i