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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
Till: ORUCOIJ SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING, FEBRUARY ID, ICO. V us The feature of the February numbet of the Chamber- of Commerce Bulletin Is a report of the annual meeting. The proceedings ot the meeting are given In full, aa are also the various reportc of officers and committees. The pic ture of the new oftlcers as well as those of the retiring officer dre pub 11 shed. -The addresses of President elect Reed, of Governor Chamberlain, of J. N. Teal and of Rabbi Jonah B. Wise are published witn the photo graphs of those gentlemen, la fact, the whole publication Is given over to report of tb annual proceedings. A Urge amount of Information about Port land and the progress of the past year are eontalned in the various reports and for this reason the February Bulletin Is a valuable souvenir. Plant Blbson'a Roses the best roses are the cheapest. No class of mer chandise varies so much la value Poor plants are dear at. any price. Our plants are hardily grown without lrrl- " ration well ripened, fulljf -.fibrous roots and true to name. Quality con- . sldered, they are the cheapest and most satisfactory rosea in the market. Bell- wood cars pass ths nurseries and buy ers are always welcome to inspect our stock. - Special attention - is also - give o orders by mall or 'phone. "riH' Eibson's Roses,". J60 choice varieties t etectrfromr-Tri Bibson Rose Nurseries are the largest exclusive rose growers and shippers. In the northwest. Office and nurseries, 1180 MUwauki avenue .- ''Phone East 111. Ask for catalogue. Real bargain si We must unload a big -stock of men's .and youths suits - and overcoats, right up-to-date styles'. . Regular 111.60, 111.00 and 120.00 values cut down to le.oo. t.4l and I1I85I . regular tt.00 and $100 pants cut down to 11.48, 1X6 and 18.76; regular IJ.00 and tl.Ot hate cut down to 16a and - $1.26; regular 11.00 anC 11-60 shirts cm '. down to ISe and c; regular 12.60, ' ft.OO-and $4.00 shoes eut down to-11.28, 22.16 and 12.16; trunks, suit cases. ' 1 blankets and comforters at half price of their value.. John Dellar, 181-182 First - ; street, corner Tarn hill, and 62-61 North Th'rd, corner Davis, , , , ; . A special meeting of the Architectural . ' -elub is .to be held tomorrow evening in It club rooms in the Alnsworth build ing, Third and Oak streets. A. Q. Mills of New Tork city la scheduled to dls .course on "Elevator Types and Their --. Proper Field ef Berrie." Th meetrng la open to the publto and the subject to be discussed is of considerable interest. Ohio Society. The executive commit tee of the Ohio society has called s special meeting for Saturday,: March -att-.B.m at the Auditorium. All former residents of Ohio are cordially invited. ' A splendid program has been prepared. ' Refreshments. General T. -illM.-Andaraotv president. ', - , ...r ' The preliminary organization of a ; lodge of . the Union Provident League, a fraternal beneficiary society . of this ctTyr was Tffeoted at Montavilla Friday evening with a large number of mem " bers, William "B. Marshall was elected ? as president .of the lodge and Rosooe ... A. Tarnell as, secretary. , . laj.. ,. . ' ": " Remember! ' Spiritual service la W. ' O. W. hall. Eleventh street, between Washington and Alder streets, at 7:20 p. m. sharp tonight. Subject of dis- jeourse. - "Tha.- Spirit - World Located," . ' given by the trance speaker. Rev. Dr. - J..H. Dickey. Illustrated on th black - board,, public cordially invited. '., .,. "iAW take V Shabby, dilapidated look ing suit, brash, sponge and press it, '. and give you an order on.our bootblack ' stand for two shines a week, and all ' for 21.00 per month. Join our elub to r day. Over 100 satisfied customers, "fnlque Tailoring Cov. 200 Stark street ; Main 164. . . ." ' , .. . , -. . - Th time of meeting for the People' Forum has been changed from Sunday night to Thursday night Th topio for th next meeting will be The Bai ley Amendment to th Direct Primary Law." Th meetings are held In 8(11-lng-Hlrsch building and open to th public - :"'. . Th Oregon Gas Manufacturing com pany filed articles of Incorporation yes terday. A. King Wilson, O. A. Neal and J. A. Annant are named as Incorpora. tor. Th capital stock U f 100,000. Chronic nervous and special diseases - successfully treated by modern scienti fic methods, vibration, electricity nd e)ej U In -Ughf treatments. Dr. W. -R. , Howard, Commonwealth bldg., tth at ' Tree water mass meeting will be held -"--at Auditorium " hall,-Third street, be tween Taylor and - Salmon treats, at 2:20 Sunday. February 10. H., D. Wg . non la chairman. ' , ' This will remind you that now Is th time to have your hair mattresses rerio ., vated and returned th aatts day. Phone , Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair , Factory,, H. Metsger, proprietor. See J. H. Fairbrook. 110 Second street, 1 for 822,600 property, one $40,000 piece, one $60,000 piece, each 100x100, well lo , eated and lncoms bearing. .. , ' Professor EL F. Carlton, who recently resigned a position ss teacher of Eng llsh In the High school, has accepted v I -a J " Sticklers for duality" - We Have a Bunch of Watches TO select your .timepiece from ' that would attract th attention. . of a monarch. Of eouree we can not show them all In a little cut in a newspaper, but you may be assured that "If It's in your mind, you'll find it herA SPLENDID OPTICAL PEPART . ;ment IN CONNECTION. . The G. Ilcitkcmpcr Co. '.. BBS M0KU20I ST.' ". ... "towert Priced -Towelrjt Seas for Pta Ooods." . SQUANDERED WIFE'S LEGACY -OW HIMSELF Leigh Williams Quit Work When Inheritance Came, Mortgaged, Land,' Furniture, Home and Everything to Satisfy His Crav- . ing for Liquor Now Wants to Keep Children. iVr- Th story of a husband who forsook hi dally labor to frequent saloons the day hi wife inherited a little prop erty, who refused to return to work until h had guxsled every penny's worth of that property down his throat tn the form of strong drink; who, when his family war ejected from their lodgings (or non-payment ef rent and his three small children were starving, still drank on; who, after the divorce, re tained th custody or . his children, though he never pretended to support them, and who now, out of pure mean ness, resists th attempt of th mother to gain possession of those children, is told in a paper filed in th circuit court today. ..- ' . '.4 Th name of the husband is Leigh William. Until July, iie, he made a living as an expressmen on the street of Portland. In July. 1904, his wife. Rosanna Williams, -secured - a eivore from, hint on th grounds of drunken ness. Becaus he had reduced her te extreme poverty ah did -not ask for th eustody ef her children. ' " -v Happily Married jrow ' Soon afterward eh was remarried, her name became Rossnna Segur, and new that-she ta ablto support th three little ones, she has taken steps to get a modification of tb decree and to have th children awarded to Jier. Not untU her former husband entered vigorous, opposition to her effort In this direction, did she lay bare the whole shameful story. , According to the. document filed by Mrs. Segur, In July,' 1004, she Inherited some land In Washington county. Her husband Immediately Induced her to mortgage tt for 1600. He then quit work and squandered the money In riotous ltvpg. .When It. was gone be BIG DEMONSTRATION PROMISED ON EVENING OF FEBRUARY 20 Th . Moyer-Haywood-Pettibon pro test meeting promise to- be on of tb blggost demonstrations ever held . by Portlsnd unionists. The meeting will be held: in Armory -hall on Fobreary 28 and. will be under th direction of the Moy-r-Hay wood-Pet tibone league, which al ready ilalm Alocai jne mpe r e h is p f 1.600. - Th work of th league ha been In dorsed " by the Portland Federated Trade council, th Building Trade al liance and many of th local unions af filiated with th American Federation of Labor, as well as by the Industrial Worker of th World and th Socialist party. , . Th Portland meeting will be only one of many hundred held all over th CITY AUDITOR PREPARES BILL . FOR A NEW - At th request of the East Bid Im provement association. City Auditor Devlin ha prepared a bill providing for th building of a new 'bridge, simi lar or better in construction than Mor rison bridge, from th foot of Madison treat to the foot of Hawthorne avenue. Th bUI will b submitted to th vote of th people at the June election. If it should be approved the council will is sue and eli bond to an amount to be determined upon nnd th executive board be authorised to proceed Imme diately with th construction of a new bridge. .. i Am prepared th bill provides for th condemnation of sll right and f ran ch ice a over th present Madlaon bridge and th making of new contracts, whereby the earning of the Jrldge ironi" theHllway company wBIT trior than sufficient to pay th interest on SCARCITY OF NATURAL FOOD DRIVES SHY BIRDS INTO CITY Twelve different varieties of birds, som of rare plumage, very timid and only forced Into th city becaus of ths scarcity of food in th country, break fasted with Dr. E. J. Welty on morn ing during th lata, frees up. At th annual meeting last' night many ' Important - subject were dis cussed, among which was tha bill now before th legislature appropriating $1,000 for th importation of songsters into this stat from England. Th bill was heartily indorsed and every effort will be mad to have th measure passed. . . ' th chief clerkship In th office of Pro fessor J. H. Ackerman, stat superin tendent ef publlo instruction, at Salem. Mr. Carlton assumed his new dutle a short tlm ago. , , -Th funeral , of th - let William Pfunder, a pioneer druggist, who died at th Good Samaritan hospital Friday morning, will take place from the ca thedral of th Scottish Rita Masons at 1:20 o'clock this afternoon. Th serv ices will be conducted by tha Rev; Dr. A, A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Epis copal church. Th services' at th grave will be under th auspice of Harmony lodge, A. F. and A. M. ' Interment will be in Rivervlew cemetery.. Steamer "jess Harkln. )or Camas, Washougal and way laSidlngs, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Waablngton street dock 1 p. m. - ' " Pr. W. A. 'Wis will shortly leave for Alaska, and those who want to see him before be goe kindly take notice., , J. M. Cameron will speak tonight at Socialist hall. 100 Davis street, on "The Fiv Phases of Socialism." . 1 ' B. W. Moore, expert photographer, Elks', building. Seventh and Stark Sta, Acme t" Co. sells th besi safety coal oil and fin gasoline. Phon Eaat 712. Why pay more? Metsger fit your ye for $1. Ill Sixth street . Clackamas County Taxes t Received at 10$ Chamber of Corn, mere building. Clackamas TIU Conv pany. .... ,"'''.'... Induced hi wife to ell th timber off the land for 21.700. , . Fiv hundred of thl went to pay oft the mortgage, 2400 for debt. Th re maining 600 Williams got possession of with the promise that he would go into business, mend his ways nd take ear of hi family. But instead be pro ceeded to squander it, refusing at ail time to do any work, but repeatedly coming bora drunk and threatening to kill his wife. ' . 2aortgag4 the Furniture. -After spending th 6800, Williams mortgaged his wlff household furni ture and prooeeded to go fin another debauch. To save her children from starving it became necessary for the wlf to mortage th Washington county property for 2260. This th hus band spent on hlmseir. Later h mort gaged the household goods the second time, for 876. Still he refused to work end foreclosure and eviction cam. The family moveci, but were a secondjtlm OVIClea xor nun-payuiani vi iiui. Then the Waablngton county property was traded for a small home at Monta villa. Williams continued hi worth less existence, finally selling th home to pay th rum seller. Since th divorce he sent hi oldest Boy. a lad of of10,-o kindly dtwpoeod lady at Tualatin, but has refused to provide clothing or even to writ, to him.' Last fall he sent the boy to the hopflelds. -The lad cam back with IS. Th father took 4 he money, and Instead at renlaclna the raga on the child's back with a new suit of clothing, be spent it on mmsen. . - - Th two younger children r with a Portland womsn and Mrs. Segur de clares that their father does not car for them, but wishes to keep them from her out of pur meanness. - country for the purpose of protesting against th kidnaping and- alleged un lawful 'Imprisonment of the officer of th Western Federation of Miners. Most of th meetings , will be held on Feb ruary 17, as that is the anniversary of the kidnaping, but becaus that data falls on a Sunday, th local member of thl league decided on holding their meeting on th twentieth. Among th speakers will be Vincent Harper of Se attle and W. J. Tarrow of Portland. Preceding the meeting at the Armory there ' will, be a parade through" the streets. A statement of th history of tb alleged Moyer-Haywood-Pettibon outrage has been issued by the league. It ta signed by President J. M. Cameron and Secretary Jerry Vardlman. MADISON BRIDGE th entire new Issue of bonds and in time will also provide a sinking fund. Ths annual rental the railway company will pay for the us of the bridge la es timated at $16,000, ' At present th com pany pays th county a monthly rental Of $10.0. It has been suggested by some mem ber of th East Sid Improvement as sociation that th company be required to pay tb city Interest on th bonded Indebtedness that will be Incurred not enly th $16,000 mentioned, but also th cost of operating th bridge yearly. Th operating . expenses amount to about $10,000 a year. . Th railway company I th principal user of th bridge. , For the us of the 'Morrison bridgs th railway company - pay tb city $1,000 a month to th credit of th bonded Indebtedness fund. For th us of the BurnalJe bridge the company pay th county $600 a month, Definite arrangement were mad ta the proposed lecture tour which W. L. Finley Is to make under the auspices of th society and he will deliver his lectures Illustrated with' stereoptlcoa views at McMlnnvine, Forest Grove. Eugene and Salem and perhaps at other point In th atatv . Th annual election of officer wa held and th following were elected: President, W. L. Fftiley; first vice-president. A. W. Anthony; second vlce-p.-esl-dent, Clarenc Gilbert; recording secre tary, Mia U I Larrabee; correspond ing secretary. Dr. E. J. Welty. and treasurer, IL T. Bohlman. ' WOULD ORGANIZE MUNICIPAL BAND " - BMS-aMsajaaawaaaaBisa-aaaa .., Sighor D'Urbano Returns From Seattle to Make Portland - His Home. r, Slgnor Ik D'Urbano la back In Port land and thl tlm h says to remain for th purpose of organising a big municipal band, the- best to be found anywhere In America. He Intends to use local members of th Musicians' union, of whom he says ' there are enough to make th finest kind of a musical . organisation. He believe Portland a Beat of highly cultured mu sical people who are ready to support an artlatlo organization. . At any rat h I willing to start th ball rolling wtth the aim of bringing about some thing ot which the city may feel proud. He le confident that it can be aocom pltflhed. , Slgnor tyT?ibamS went to Beattle with hi band after clonlnj th engagement at the uaKs lent ran. m vu to piay at ths Coliseum for six months, but had a disagreement wlth-th manager of th Coliseum on th ground, he says, that the condition , of hi engagement were not observed; Slgnor D'Urbano. Is glad to be back In Portland, for he haa now been her so long that he eon elders the Oregon metropolis Ms horn and his Intention I now, as stated above, to remain and organise a eraqk munloipal band. ; HELP INDIVIDUALS Till OBJECT Bills Introduced to Favor Own- em of Sand Islands in the Columbia River. . " ALSO TO AID BUYERS , OF LAND FROM STATE Farrell and Freeman of Multnomah Father of Measure Whoee Real Purpose la Known Xo Chance of , Their Passage bj Jlouae. 4 House bill No. T$. by Farrell of Mult nomaa haa been put on th table ta be dehorned, for it haa horns. Likewise another bill. No. SSI, by Mr. Freeman, is being viewed by the dehorning com mittee. The Farrell bill relates to tide lands and their purchase. It Incidentally is so drawn that those who in - th past have bought small spots of sand bars In the lower Columbia, and since have watched them grow into large holdings, can buy the - whole island for a sum far beneath It real value, When the bill came up In tbe houae it was tabled by Vawter of Jackson, who mad th suggestion that it . coma b taken up wheo-theJantLcode bill cam up. Peculiar condltione prevail In the lower Columbia, and it la for this cause that th bill i pernicious, Th river currents throw bars above the water, which in th beginning are only a few feet in extent. Fishermen who know the . river nab these small spots for small sums, sometime a low as $L2 an acre. Changing currents In tlm add to th small heads of sand until they stretch out forming islands many sores in extent. These islands are of great value for seining grounds and in many cases fishermen on th lower river ar now holding Islands worth high as $100.- 000, which cost them but a lew dol lars.. 't , . Stat Woald Xrfiaa. Th Farrell bill gives' th original holders the light to purchase all se cretions at the figure paid for tb orig inal spot of land. It la In direct oppo sition to th bill prepared by th state land board and should it pass -would mean the loaa of large sum to th state. Its tabling by th houae mean that member not personally Interested In 1 fishing have discovered It Import and put It out or the way. Th Freeman bill alao provide for specialinteresta. It makes it Jncum-J bent on th atat to repay an money, together with f per cent interest, paid for stat land by holder of fraudulent state land certificates. The bill wes drawn by a Portland attorney, th rep resentative of a -Wisconsin capitalist who purchased state land on fraudulent affidavit. It 1 certain that th bill will b killed in tie house for many of th members know th conditions back of th measure. ''!.' Mr. Herman Wlttnbrg, general man ager ot th Paclflo Coast Biscuit com pany, has Just returned from a ten days' trip to 8an Francisco. A visit t this company's headquarters. Eleventh and Davla streets, drives horn th truth vary forcibly of bow tb many ...,.. Mu., .nil n-nf as Mnn. now baked by th wholesale hava helped to eman cipate women- rrom tne coniines oi m. kltcbea and ; th slavery of "baking flays." Tew amateur (and meet we men ar amaUura at cooking in "these days) could equal or excel many of lhe-rr-dettclot eon faction andcer talnly not at the price at which they may be purchased. On the main floor of th large building, there are large case showing samples-of -vry kind of cake or cookie turned oat. forming a most tempting array, from which th dainties and most exclusive aftsrnoon tea could be exqulsttsly served. Tha Crown Hat company' headquar ters. $87-17$ Morrison street, haa been undergoing- a sort ot general house cloanlng which haa kept the place in some confusion lately, but' tn all such cases, its attractiveness now fully repay the slight temporary Inconve nlenc to customers. Tha spring mil linery 1 In. and th beautiful display of flowers, trimmings and mooei nats is now delighting the eyes of th wo men. Under Mrs. Rafferty supervi sion jnost artistic creationa have been turned out. while th Imported hat are beautiful indeed. For early apring nobby little tailored hat ar (specially good, .--wail- for - dressy - occasions, "mushroom" effects, massed with flow er to on Bids, ar especially striking, Mr. B. O. Chase, proprietor. Bay th stock 1 largsr than ever before, made possible by added facilities, and the most exacting shopper will find no dif ficulty In being suited. .' . Mrs. B. B. Inman of Puluth, Minn., haa opened an exclusive shoe store in a large, airy store room, tOS Morrison street. She is suffering th general, Inconvenience, from delayed freight, good . that were expected in January being still on ths way. .. This shoe store I to be something new in Portland. In the first place, only one mak 1 handled, th Allen damp-proof shoe, de signed ' particularly for. wet-climate weer. . The sole is mad with a layer of waterproof flexible cork, another of an tlseptlo felt, and the outalde of oak. Thus water cannot penetrate, ' rubbers are needless, and the eushlon effect Is restful to ths nerves. - Mra. Inman Is exclusive agent for this shoe, and ha fitted up a most attractive homey sales room for Its exploitation. Ladle will find it a plessant place to stop, taking advantage of the easy chair and gen oral comfort While waiting for her stock to arrive. Mra Inman ha Instituted a home-made eandy department, also a Una of hand-painted china, her own woiet, that I attraetlng considerable attention.-. S, . 'R.. M. Gray was at his' store for a short tlm Saturday, th first dsy he has been out sine his severe attack ot malignant "gnp, eaugni in new xors, and -dragged west to b fought out at home. Fortunately before ha was taken III. MrvOray had attended t hi apring buying, securing man noveWles. th new faddy things ln men's wear. And .r ; ' ' .VI tiii BTOaa moxeo roe r.t NewSpring Suits A r rivin Our new prlng stocks of Women's 8ults, Coats, Waists, ' Skirts, Wrspa, etc, ar . arrlvinf dally. You'll be Interested la tha new styles, so drop la any time and look over our splendid ahowinf. Hundreds of fashionable new modela tn Women's Tailored Suits, either in tha popular Eton or jacket styles, in stripes, checks, plaids and plain colors; Misses' Tailored Coats in a wide range of styles and fabrics; New Silk Coats la plain colors, plaids and checks; Silk Waists in dogena of pretty new effects; Silk Petticoats, Dress Skirts, Jackets, Children's Dresses, etc, etc. . And they're all marked a fourth less than they ought to bring. All winter-weight suits and coats hava been great ly reduced. For MondayJTuesday and Wednesday wa offer the following specials. , Out-of-town , ' . ";: orders filled and forwarded promptly. , $3.50 Skirts $2.25 Women's Panama Dress Skirts In s large variety of olaids and checks, made in tha nooular slatted styles, and are regular $3.50 ust 92 in tha lot, so w advise ray eiiecta only. '..,,...' 500 New Spring Waists at 97c Tea, five thousand of thern, and they are all strictly up to the minute trr style. No last season's goods, but fresh from the maker, and, besides, Just think of tha price I Comenuhdredrdaihtymodel long or short sleeves, and all are regular $1.50 and $1.65 values. . , : Extra Specials Dress Goods & TThreerDays 44-inch Blue-Black Cheviot,, regular 90c "qualityr" Special, peryard rs r;rnr.-m 44rinchBlue-Black Voile, a splendid $1.00 erade. Special., per yard 45-mcit tsiacK iu rkish Mohair, regular $1.00 quality. Special, a yard..... ...... 4$-inch.J51ack Sh?doCheckYpiJei$U0 regular, fcpecial, per yara Silk Specials 19- inch 20- inch 19- inch 20- inch 27-inch 36-inch 27-inch 27-inch 27-inch 27-inch Colored Taffeta, 75c grade Colored Taffeta, 85c grade.. Black Taffeta, 65c grade... J Black Taffets, 75c grade.... Black Taffeta, 85c grade... Black Taffeta, $1.25 grade... Cream Jap Silk, 65c grade.. Cream Jap Silk, 85c grade.. Cream Jap Silk, $1.00 grade. Cream jap bilk, i-0 graae Modes Paris PatternsUnion MadeAll 10c Each " Money.. I , Wf Kga8glK'Cligg'gligt'iSi,'-8Bl IBJ- 1 ' ' BE1. . ' -TBS 'I 11,1 L. . , , . . , i? -? o . I also making quite a "sooop" In a se lection of coed for fan wear that will be appreciated by those who like to feel that they ar entirely up to date In their dreaslns. Mr. Gray la stlU very weak, bnt he ha been raining strength rapidly sine reaching Portland. : r Notice. ' Th regular monthly meeting ef th Mount Tabor Improvement association will be held Monday evening In. th Mt Tabor hall Among th other Important business matters to com before th member will be. a question of tb Mt. Tabor water system. Every member Is wsnted out. ' O. Evert Baker, president V Warm 8 Baths. Salt water, eo strengthening etdlnerllv, la most weakening when toe warm. Bays tha Travel : Magasiq. On most ocean boats there le an ebxndance of warm water In th bathrooma. and , tbe dally salt bath Is a great tonlo. but beware of getting It too hot. It will turn yeu faint If you do, even If you ar accus tomed to aa equally high temperature In fresh water at home. . " . AT LUW1( J-JUct. Daily o : $7.50 Coats $4.95 Women's and Misses' ' New Spring Costs, tn Elalds, checks and plain colors, with velvet coK ir; some in fitted, out most in the popular loose back. Not a single one worth less than $7.50, and aoma are worth $8.50. Want one? v and $4.00 values. yon to coma early. ; - :. 2 Great Corset Bargains NEW SPRINO MODELS. Warner's Rust-Proof Corsets, tn high or medium bust, extension hip, "Security" hose-supporters front and aides; comes-in white, drab G WT and black; regular $1.75 value. Spe- l4J ,1.1 ..rh H V Vt -era-e : Only: Thomson's Clove-Fitting Corset, In high bast "model,' with extension - hip and , hose -supporters front and aides, colore drab and fr t HC" white, and a regular $2 JO grade, l .HQ Three days, special........ rresai ..T5 $1.25 Lace Curtains 75c $1.10 eoat ,..T5 ;..50 ..eot ,..76e ,..88 ...60 .t.TBa) ,:-.85e CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STRUTS e'igiiSgl iijiliUni tit I i i How Are Your Teeth? It would certainly require severe ' pala te maka people"" oraver-ta -sterny weather thl week to visit a dentist. Now th weather has moderated, and it 1 time to have the teeth S laced tn perfect condition. . Don't delay an lonjrer. aa In tooth titrable lm 1 money. The sooner yon have them attended te th hatter. - Storm er no storm, w ar always busy. Th Best work le ear Best advertisement, and our patients always send; their friends. - Crown and Brlda-e Work, Porcelain and Gold FUllna-a, palnles extrac tion and every branch ef th profession aa exact science at thl office. ooos 1st ot mi os K-ramim nxrm sa, . mw m or mil o strsaxs run u. DR. B. E. WRIGHT, , Mtvt wACSTjraTOv mm, 001 OmCK HOtTRB: t A. M. to P.'M- T:l to I:t0 P. M.t 8TJNDAT1, te J. . , . FHONB MAIN tilt. TWSXTsI TKAXS ZM 90MTXUM9. , It Pays Big to Amuse the Public norm gio to noo rw arxa-rr. t 1 Ajtsnlihtne- Opvartmatty la any lamllrr tar na with a little mmnrT te show la ebarrhM. rhooUMMMM, loase kalie. taeatna, t. tnlta $10 to ever (100 r alskt. Otbm ee It. wky aot yea I It's eaii write s sa aad we'll toll yo bow. . - ITXW-MAirfl MOTIO FIOTTTM OO, 1UH Siatk rertlaee, O: HOTEL EATON cot. MoxkMso-f aro wxbt raax its. NEW tTasdeeawty tnrakib, tnt)t eelrrd Sritrmr. BilauM' walk fraai bart ef bopplrs and businaae Stotrlrt. aU lri. Irr. eatalil none, atMai hMt4. (Uctrlr llthts, trlvpbee la aach apartowet. tta. Ijirf efflrM. knnctBS, amkla, arrtttns. laelaa rarapUoa parlura Jiiwox. raear,t4 by asatl et taUnkooe, rrrate eswlbes siasts tralna aad etaeanrs. Rooms $1.00 to $3.00 a Day Spaatal gataa to OaaamaniaJ ataab , A. AlMUIloaa. -rraptMtor. rr and Goats '"' -j '. . ' " i r- ; 1 FULL THREE YARDS LONO. For a reat three-day special we- ffer 300 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, 40 inches wide and 3 yards long, at this remarkably low price. Reg, lar $1.25 valuea. .. ' - ::- Nottingham Laee- Curtain. -white nd Arabian. 60 inches wide and 3 yards long, regular $2.00 quality. Special fl.-aT i . i ,.. 18x36-inch White Huck Towels, regular 18c qual ity. Three-day special, each 2U 17x34-inch White Huck Towels, regular 12 vie quality. Special,' per dozen ..........i.....86 Prompt Dcliveriss to; Any Part The Oty. mill HX IT" THE PAINLESS DENTlisT WISDOM PRINTINCCOT.IPArfY' rr-i KEMP PRINTING CO, STYLISH w ATTRACTIVE PRINTING "YOST aa ater thaa Ot staer VA. kled. I le surer tf resetta aed slMwt that lb sew I Sfesrseelas ..- and areder to fci BUllNm M KTNOn. f We weal to teav . verk aad he lb feeds ar , delivered ye HI flsd the pteM TRY, IT DEVISC TKLCPHONZ MAIN 3 3 CO 213 Second Street ";