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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1CC7. n HOD COUPLE DEAD III Ml OFFICE Dr. E. H. Merwln and Miss Slater , of Kansas City Found ' , Shot to Death. ., , i MURDER AND SUICIDE ' ... SEEMS MOST PROBABLE Announcement of . Fhvalclan'e En. gacrmettt to Another Young Wo man Brought Matter to Climax ; wTrnged Then Follow. x (P.MItkan Press by HI trt Wirt) Kansa City. b. . Dr. K. R. Mer wln and a woman Mid to b a Miss Slater wer found dead In Dr.-Marwin'a offlc n th Hall building lot this aft ernoon. 8h bad a bullet not In the , head. Dr. Henry -TteHejho baa aa efflca . on the cam floor, heard a horflTed shortly after ( clock. He triad to open , the door of Dr- Merwln' office. but found It locked. Glancing through the glass panel of the door b sawth body J of Dr. Merwln- on the floor. ' The body of the woman was crouched tn a corner of Ihe-Toonj; n-thoor-betweeiie " bodies lay a rerolver. 1 ? Recently one of the Kansas City pa- . pera printed the announcement of the engagement of a Kansas City young . woman of excellent family to Dr. Mer " win. Th. following day the father of the young woman denied that -an on ' sagement existed, and a retraction fol lowed. .Dr. Merwln and ' the young woman to whom, ha was reported en ' gaRed were both member of a hay-ride ' party In Clay county soma weeks ago. In which on accident resulted when the horses ran sway. Both were Injured, : bot not severely.- . Dr. Toelle said that h did not know x Miss Slater but had seen her lb Dr. Merwln a office and supposed she was " a patient' of Dr. Merwln. Dr. Merwln, ' he .raid, had never, spoken to him of ' Miss Sister. . r . . , - - it developed "tonight that Miss Slater met Dr- Merwln. some .four- years axo while the doctor wss attending a pa tient who was a friend of the young ' woman.. It lev asserted that the doctor and she became warm friends and that ..he. fell- much In. love with her. They made many trips to. a farm- that -tha . doctor owned in Platte county, Missouri. 'Whero'tha week' ends were spent. At the ttme no Information wss current among the friends of either that the doctor and the young woman were en ' gased. . - - Today's tragedy follows closely upon thaannounoement of the engagement of the. doctor and the Kansas City young ; woman, whose name is Miss Kettle ; Wells. . Regarding the actual occurrences In 1 -the of floe of Dr. Merwln at the time of the shooting. It Is of course Impossible to ascertain tho faots. - , ; OREGON NAVAL CADET ' , , IS FLUNKED IN EXAM tPehllabers Press by Special tossed Wire.) Annapolis. Mi.. Feb. , As the result of the semi-annual examination at th ' naval academy, SE midshipmen were ' found so badly deficient in their studies ; that their resignations hav been asked , for. Several have already resigned ad , others will submit their In a few day. I In- addition to those dropped, one -mid-' ahlpmaa waa turned back from th seo i ond to the third, and two from third - and fourth class, and 77 other who were slightly deficient were warned of ' the fact. Among those compelled to ; resign are, fourth class, Frank B. ; Oowan, Burns, v Oregon; L A. Jones, iRedlands. California. ,' 1 tvflns cioTtLLcno n::o cell direct to you - JUL-A li-k . EOTnnLEE) ' Aot full strengtbs full rneasorw and bsoluta parity cuarantrjod by thm Ik Be Government a shown by Its , stamp over the eork of eaob When yon order HAYNER yon know positively that It ia good becAaa the Government fiarantaM It. HAYNER WHISKEY ta BOTTLED IN - BOND la ttr ova Resiftered Distillery ro. t, lamia avwuici, a roy, umo, under tho direct anpemaioa of tho U. 6. Internal Revenue Department nd the parity of each bottl is certifted to by th U. 8. Government ghown by lta official gtamp over th cork. ; .Yon could not a a-for ahlfherot . in or trustworthy eadorsement than thia stamp of the Government. It meana that from th first moment tho whUkey ia dUtilled. through all th years it is bin afrod, and antil after It ia finally bottled, it ia ia tho care of th U. 8. Government and ia charge of the TJ.S. Government Store keeper and it ia a positive assurance thai th whUkey ia fully ag-d, fall proof, fall measure and tree of every particle of dilation and adulteration, : IIAYNER WHISKEY U not only a pore whiskey bat has a richness and qnallty that has won for it over 600,000 staunch patrons ia th United States alone. Thia distinctive onallty ia due to tb carefully elected grata which ia ssed to the aneqnalled equipment of oar distillery and to oar improved and exclusive methods which are the result of our 40 years experience aa distillers of fine wMskle. . " V 7IIH MYIIEn DISTILLHIQ COrjPmiY, Divhlen 5233 OT. LC'JIS, Ra T.PAUL, IK INN. DAYTON OHIO. ATLANTA. OA. riimtxgRT. tbot.ohio. rTAusgrn ims. r capttal &).wj, paid nr rvnJU i hoso;;e profits sho;v;i by realty sales ' BaasBMBBsaaiBvBBBBBBaB Owners of East Side Building and Property . Clear Mphey . " by Recent Transfers, v V The heaviest trading during the week wss in east side business and house .sites. A number or Important deals war made in that section, and it la known that negotiations ar in progress for the purchase of twa solid blocks In the dlstriot south or eaa? Morrison street that la under contract to be filled. There was a brisk movement in east side residence lots, a large number of aalea being reported in Irving-ton and In Broadway addition. The most Important sale en tha otnor side of the river during the week "wss that of the ' Lamberts building at the southeast corner of Union avenua and East Ash street, for $45,000. The nam of the purchaser Is withheld' for the present. The building is a three-story stone and brick structure, covering a quarter block. ' It wa owned by E. C Ooddard and J. F. Kelly of the Qoddard Kelly Shoe company, who purchased it less than an year ago for IJS.000. Th sale was made toy D. B. Maekl of the Coioroercral Investment company. I The almost doubling in value of this lot within a year is a striking indica tion of tho remarkable advance la values of central East Portland prep- arty, and especially is this true of th business district along Grand and union avenues. - ' , Th Security -Saving.. A Trust com pany purchased from Thorns Hlalop th quarter.block 'at the corner of East First and East Tamhtll streets for tlS.OOo. Mr. Htslop bought this lot several years ago for $209, and not withstanding it was sold' for $15,000, It I regarded as the cheapest holding that has changed hands in that district nine tho selling movement there set In. J. B. C. Lock wood bought from the Oregon Real Estate company a half block on Wasco street, between East Sev enth and East Eighth. -The price was $$.000. Th purchaser announce that he will speedily build a $10,000 resi dence on th sit. A, B. Blossou, manager of Hartiaan A Thompson's real estate department, has purchased from W. K. Smith two lots at the southwest corner of East First and East Salmon street for $11.00. Mr. Blosson says that he acquired this prop erty an Investment. C. F. McCullough has bought the C K. Henry horn at th southeast corner of East Madison and East Fourteenth sti eels for MAOO. Mr. Henry has re cently purchased a residence in Irving- ton ndwltl inov-to-that-pert of -th city. 1. ? .- '.."V Th new four-aeries' flat at th cor ner of Dupont and Larrabe streets wss bought by George J. Blodgett from Harry Hamblett for $$,000. Th sale was made through th agency of La ment Sc Harris. .... M. O'Brien has purchased th Caesar tract of 10 acres near Maegly High land onth lower peninsula for $10. 000. On thousand dollar an acre is a new record price for acreage In that section of the peninsula. This sal made by Reed., Field . ft Tynan. who also report th sale of a 60x100 foot lot on Johnson street, near Twenty second, for $0,000. It was sold to an out-of-town investor, who will soon roako Portland hi horn.. . , 8. A. Turner fit th Paclflo Grata company ha bought a new residence On Weidler. near East Seventeenth strec for $$.(00. - Mr. Turner 1 a re cent arrival In Portland and acquired th property for a horn. B. U. Lombard ha sold to S. 8. Som erville three lot on Sshuyler and East Thirty-second streets or $l.t00. The purchaser will Immediately build a res idence on"hls holding. - War ia Nicaragua. - y- meant Hews ay Longest leased Wire!) Panama, Feb. . Private advices to Panama say that war Is on between Nicaragua and Honduras. . No' details of. th fighting hav been received yet. A Si1 bottle. WHISKEY and jrare i. ,s- ivi ini s kiivwur WHISKEY OtTLED III BO!;: JTry test "HAYNER OISTIUJKi COW "'llnsin b. .fnmtwii If if. mcumm mwt a tun, m sT.nuii, ata mAsr,' ' , ii 2 J V M - . TA f I! ' A 'u.V aavaU ,-m 1 - J035JTlSw5r L1AILED GHOST KJ IRISH CASTLE Supposed to Be tho Wraith Of ' KIng James, Who Onco Tarried There. ' i s ' SPOOK STANDS AT GATE ' ; ' AMID BRILLIANT LIGHTS It Habitat I Region. Prolific of Supernatoral Apparition Irish c People Denounce Aruhaasador ' 'Bryce DeeHer From Post. tevnal Ipeeial Barrtet.) ' . Dublin, Feb. 8. Th latest . weird ghot tsj come from th littl town of Newtown Stewart, in Tyrone, whoa iraaiuon teem with record of super natural visitations. That - th latest kpofk to honor tht historic spot Is of royai unesg may be s-athered 'from th fact that ha has temoorarlly taken up his abode In th old essUe -situated in th com market within whose wall King James mad a abort stay when on hi way to lay siege to Derry. A fur- mer indication of th spectre's high bora station la that his nightly attire I a ult Of mall, which he wear a to th manor born. On Christmas eve a number of Town people declare they saw thstrng spuailtlon. Oaof-them I " Doia uu iu companions, aa dressed . tn plrit, but it vanished. Later on In th evening the whole town was disturbed with th violent ringing i oeiis, xno souna 01, wnicn could he easily traced to th old Castle. Several persons proceeded there, when they) saw to their amasement the mall-clad fig ure, surrounded by brilliant lights, standing at th entrance gat to th castle. Some of the more curious minded of the Inhabitants set out to in terview the warrior ghost but before they could reach th spot, h had again disappeared. v ., f . ambassador Stay moaaUd. : Now that th Right Hon. James Bryo ha publicly announced hi Intention of coin to Washington, his ennriunt as chief secretary ig more freely criticised ry Irish leaders. Mr. Bryc cam to Ireland a year ago -with - the mission to make a supreme effort to remove griev ance and establish a new order of things. - Th Irish - people knew very littl of him personally, but be came to them as th pledge of a new era for Ireland. II leave behind him a long record of reform tm td "b -eoojn- pllshed. This 1 how on of- th Irish members who occupies a conspicuous po sition In th council of th . party speak of th ax-chief secretary. - "From being th ambassador of peace and goodwill to th poorest nation on earth, he prefers the ease and dignity of a conventional mission to the richest nation of the world. "Th Irish people find that th mature politllan drop his glorious ' mission clerk might send la hi resignation. and for much the ssm reason, that he ha a better billet at a higher salary and with much lea work to do." BOY WITH WIRE PUTS - SUBWAY OUT OF ORDER tHssnt New by tensest lassed Wire.) New York, Feb. With a piece of wire Louis Schneider. 14 year of age. put the subway system out of commis sion for several minute today, A a result h waa turned over to th society for the prevention of cruelty to children on a charge of malicious mischief. Louis found a long piece of copper wire and lowered It through the grat ing over the atatlon at Brooklyn bridge. Finally It touched the third rail and caused a short 'circuit. v All th local train war darkened and cam to a top. So did all train south of Four teenth street. .. ' 01 00 FULL QUARTS I t ! i mm EXPREOS PREPAID i OB QUARTS U FnEISUT PREPAID We are the only distillers la thia country who have their own whiskey bottled in bond in their own distillery .; and who- sell their entire product direct to the consumer. By shipping HAYNER WHISKEY direct from our distillery to you, we save you all the jobbers' and dealers' profit and give von a fine, pore, . bottled in bond whiskey at the dis f tiller's price. SEND 1)3 Y0UII ORDER on out guarantee that you will like It-or money backs Send ua the above amount and we will ahlp HAYNER'S PRIVATE STOCK BOTTLED IN BOND , WHISKEY in a plain eealed case avlth nil marts frt Indieara enntenfs the whUkey hav your friend It too and if not entlretv latia. factory ship it back to ua at our expense and your money will be promptly refanded. You don't risk a cent. The expense ia all ours if you are not entirely pleased with the goods. ' ,Note the ' aaving in ordering 20 quarts by freight. If you cannot use so much, get a friend to join yon ii making up the order. Remember, we pay. the express or freight charge and guarantee satisfaction. RODBED 100 FLATS 60TIIL1 Police " Raid , YouthtUI Gang Which Numbers Tvvo Girls -V Among Its Victims. 1 ' LOADS OF PLUNDER y FOUND BY POLICE Good Prom Many Home Pound in , Apartment Occupied bjr TJileves Womeo Attired In tolea Rai ment Which Ia Identified. . ' (Jeoraal Special Scrvlee.) ,Nw Tork. Feb. I-In th raid and arrest of a gang of youthful thieves yes terday th police of th East On Hun dred and Fourth etreet station believe they hav cleared up th mystery sur rounding th robbery of 100 flat la th last tlx weeks. Two girl war members of th hand and their depreda- "i itsnrtsd QTr n rta 10 Mivln long.. '- DeteottT Hlgglns and. Mortoo se cured tb Information that led t th raid front two boys thy arrested on Tuesday. - They -onfessd that they i member of a aansr which held forth at No. Its East On Hundred and Fifth - street, and vesterdsv moraine- Captain Coroofao plaooed to catch th omers wnne they wore aleeplog after their night' plundering. He stationed two patrol wagons and ar equad of po licemen around th corner and with several detectives ha went to th house and asked for Charles Martin. The door waa opened and th detective wasted no Urn In getting in. 4 Two ILoada of riaader. In -the rear parlor they found a boy, who ssld he wa Michael Lucalxl 14, and with hint were two girl who gave their names ss Clara Wilson, to, and Ellen Shields, 11. Upstairs th detec tive found Frederick Capasoli. it, and Martin, who said ha waa tl. All were taken to the atatlon hon and latar arraigned In th Hsrlsta court before Magistrat House. . . . - By that tlm twe lead of plunder, const sting mostly xt -silverware, Jew. elry and clothing,, had been taken td th station house, and several persons had Identified their property. ' They went to court and there discovered more of their possessions Th Wilson girl wa attlrad tn ralmant belonging to Mr. Mary CavanaugiVef No, 12 East Ninety eighth street, and Martin was bedecked la a wardrobe that Mrs.- Ann Toluakl of No. IT East Ninety-ninth etreet said that her husband had paid for. . -Bobbed Maay Flat. - "Th three man war held In IX. 040 ball each for trial and the Wilson girl wss ent to th house of detention as a wltnesa Th two men who were ar rested Tuesday, peter Flort and Sal vador Llcusla, both of No. lis East On Jlundred and Fifth street, were also held. Th Shield girl had only Joined th gang on Tuesday sight and ah wa discharged. ' - ' . Burglar! already traeed t th gang show that they robbed flat after flat from Ninety-sixth street to On Hun dred and Sixteenth street, between Mad ison and Lexlnrton avenue. Among other who Identified property tn th plunder recovered war Samuel Bhlpplro and Martin Smith of No. 10 East On Hundred and Becond street, Jacob Urn- ! sted of No. tO Bast One Hundred and Second street and Mr. Lena Btoller f No, fl East On Hundred and Becond trt. ' - .. . : ... FRISCO BALL TEAM IS Ten-TOcher-Jid-Three atchi "' Tt to Start the Season ; ;, "t".l ';, '.. for; Bay City. ; ; TUutl Kew y Lsagsst teases Wtoe.)-liJ- San Franclaco, Feb. . Manager Long ha announced hi Ban Franclaoo baseball team for th coming season aa follow: .- , Pitchers Oood win. HardyV Washer, Wheeler, Henley, Trumbull, Hlcksy, Joy, Welch and Arrellanee. ' Catchers Street, Esola, Moor. - In fielders Mohler, Moiiatlty, Irwto, McOhee, Williams. MoClalland, Ooch naoar. Outfielder Shaughnessy, . MoLean, Quick.' Hlkdebrand, Spencer and Golds- bsch.,- .. Goodwin and Hardy belong to the Washington team and were fsrmed oht to 8aqFrancioo. Both ar promising young pltohera. Washer is a pitcher recommended . by Umplr "Silk" OLaughlln, and Wheeler is well known to local fan. . Henley pitched for Ban Francisco on season and 1 wall known. Trumbull and Hlckey ar from an In dependent lengu In New England and are bo4t h!My recommsndsd Welch nd Arrellanes hav both had trial In th league before and much 1 expected of them. . Joy I th Honolulu pitcher. Street caught for Ban Franclaco be fore th earthquake' laat. year and wa Considered a good man. Esola I a local man with a good reputation, Moh ler, Irwtn, William and Goohnaoar ar well known as tnflelder. Mortality waa purchased from Topeka,' McClelland played third for Los Angel laat sea son. .. Of th new Outfielder Frank Shaugh nessy has been playing with . Ifotr Dam college near Oakland for two sea sons and Is well thought of. ' McLean I a California player who h played well around Sacramento and Goldsbach halls from St Louis, wtier he ha been playing Independent ball. . MOB TRIES TO LYNCH ; , MAN CRUEL TO FAMILY (Hearst News by Leoiest Lessed Wtre.) ' New Tork. Feb. . A mob of t.000 persons attempted - to . lynch Jeremiah Mongoose tonight after he bad thrown half his furniture Into th street en deavoring to hurl hi J-year-old daugh ter out of a second-atory window and finally set fir to hi rooms by throw ing a lamp on th floor, endangering th live of th two score persona in th tenement. It waa only after half a doxen policemen had clubbed their way through tb enraged mob that they got th man. The crowd, with rope In tr-elr hands, followed th police to tb Went Thirty-seventh street police ata-i tlon demanding tbat th man b turned ever to them.' J miiioii eo SMb ! 0 0 Invest! Many of Portland's mosractical men have taken these 'four, words into consideration and have gone away from our store' with a suit and a pair of trousers to be proud pi. Men. by.thcQgentjlaJ ing the benefits of our wonderful special offer. In all our history we have never before done such a record . . breaking business due entirely "to this extraordinarily ; splendid $22.00 offer. Those who come" after seeing , our advertisement are always more than pleased, for "aTweTadvertise always JulIyHmeasuresup to what : we say it Is. .,: i 7-:-1: . ' ; Dollars arid Fifty ' i - There is -certainly no moss on this proposition. Who J ever heard of offering on of the most stylish and best "CjSO value tho same exclusive "novelties -that Tthay" fancy price tailor shops ask all of $35 to $50 for at v.. such a low price. . This is not all re take your exact measure and make you a suit which cannot be dupH- -, catedTmywhef t roftheTamemoney" An extra pair -f trousers is Included with this $2.50 bargain abso lutely free of goods to match your suit or of a stylish , . stripe that you may select; -: REMEMBER You are not' given the whole year to , : make up your mind-cthe sooner you do the better , '.for you. ' . ,;..'''' '-:. . ;"-,.: ':" ' Mention! We wjll give you another chance to choose from all this season's Tweeds, Casslmeres and Cheviots goods . that are seasonable the entire year splendid wearing, strictly all wool, handsomest materials, widest range of Btylioh patterns made Into suits that sold all winter for not a cent less than $30. Buy while you can' and save $7.50 on your suit and the price of a $7.50 pair, of trousers that is absolutely given you free. -A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient. I . : BaSBBaMasBaawsw-wMBBaaiiaisasaj C hlA7wY rSTk O JLHllsilV Elks' Bldg., Every man wlftise time is worth money must eventually buy automobile. The progressive man is doing so hovV... HOWARD M. COVEY, Agent 'Q. PIERCE GREAT ARROW, CADILLAC, KNOX. HAYNES . AND LOCOMOBILE" ' J omet Once: More OOLBH Seventh and Stark Sts. THE GREATEST FUR'NITURE AUCTION SALES . Thl week wlU b at th ' ' Portland Auction Rooms A. SOKTBACK, ropr. " And th greatest of the will b Tomorrow at 2 p. m. At 211 First St, Dealers INotlco t - . . . $J00 worth of furnltur of every do. scrlptlon. to be sold WITHOUT RE 6HRVK WHATEVKK. , It Is all piled' up we hav no room for display, so there will be bargain and lots of them, es w csnnot show the good to sil van tage. but th OWNER MUST 8ELI. and 1 willing to talc th consequences.- OB OCT Wednesday and Friday .. JUII ATtr.K ,-. " , ,; Thr will b plenty of ' FURNITURE Tor vrybody. Thar 1 nothtng tit th housefurnlshlng 11 n that you oao- not find at th aale of th Portland Auction Rooms IhursdayJext:FeIx-14th- wm sous ' '; .---- A Special Solo OP HAVILANTJ, ATTSTRTAN AWD ENGLISH ClilNA OS BVERT DB feCRIPTION. Beside th ehlnawar w hav many other lor In that line,, euch a sUverware. granltewar, fancty lamps, etc., eta. If yon can appreciate ' a bargain, eom to th Portland Auction Rootna at any sal and you will not go . away disappointed. ." C I FORD, Auotlon'ser. . AUCTION SALEi -ByJrTa-WILSOH 'i " ' AUCTIONEER. " : i ' l: Monday. Wednesday, Friday, at 10 sir in.- Each Dayr at SalesC , room, 208 First Street . Acr W win on the dsys mentioned sell On assortment of narlor furniture. dining-room and . library effects, bed- , , room and kitchen furnlsnlnga, Brassela carpets, wool carpet. matting, lino- -leura, mahogany, rattan and oak rocker , and chair, Davenport cohch. a fine as sortmenfcK)f dressers. Iron bad, folding) ' beds, spring and mattreasea, bedding, toiletware, metal bed couch, oak side boards, elegant buffet,, fin dishes and, ' glassware, pictures, books, lac our tains and portieres, drop-head sewing machine. UPRIGHT PIANO, OUITAlC kitchen treasures, ables, atov, Btecv 11s, at. . , ...r -, i' r -... . - Tuesday's Sale M'f On tlTe Premises,' 681 East Stark, Corner Nineteenth Street, at 10 a. m. " ':.,' . V.-r. "-?f ' Raving Instructions from B.X Brown, we will sell without reserve th fur nlshlnga of this sin-room cottage, com. prising Parlor, dining-room, bedroom and kitchen effects, parlor chairs and rockers, rug and matting In ' th . rooms, lac cnrtaln, coach, xtensloi table, aldeboard, chairs, . ward robe a, toi letware, bedroom sets, aprlng and nit tresses, bedding,, new floor ollolottsa- toves, dishes, utensils, to. .. -... , . NOTE) W pay cash for anything In th fixture or furniture line. Fhoo Mala 1M. . . . ' ' 3.T. WILSON, Anotlonee. AUOTIOISTS; x On Tuesday Next at 1 BAKER'S AtC I ION HOUSE COR. ALDER AND PARK STS. . Th flrst-clas furnishing of prlvatav resldence removed for convanleno of sale, comprising vry pretty dsslrned Iron beds la vernl-Martla and other J colors, best springs, whit hair, alastio felt and other good mattresses, goose feather pillows, com fort era, dress are In blrdsey maple and Other flnlahea, ak; ' chiffonier, maple eoramod, bedroom rockers, .uarter-sawd oak dining-room ' suite, via, pedestal extension table, a feet; very mas si re - sideboard, sat of --box-seat chair with genuine leather : seats, two carver' chair; also ax ten sion table, 14 feet long. (4x61 top, with deeply carved underframe; best grad Axinlnater rnga, jll; doubl parlor Bruasel carps ta, up-to-dat parlor rockers, velour lounge, oil paintings, very large library table, suitable for " the horn or office: Jwet gaa rang, gaa plate, kitchen table and th usual out fit of culinary artlolea On view to- morrow (Monday). Bal Tuesday at It o'clock. ;.. , On Thursday : : TION HOUBI5, furniture, carpets, cook - lurniiura. eta. fsruea naving rurnW" ture for this sal will please hav them delivered at tba Auction Room oa Wad- . ......... . Retail News of the Antl-Trut Store - Our shipment of new Amtntr rag , ha arrived, xlJ le, t7.50; Jxl0. else, 2(. Ton will rind th prlo of these rug In tb Trust stores are ISS and 40. W do not belong to th FUR NITTJRa COMBIWK of T1H8 C1TT. . UEO. BAKER at CO. . Balesrooms SSl-Itt Alder street S.LN.GILMAN AUCTIONEER: meus sTonoa. () ivajtoa iiui Tuesdayjhursday Friday 10 a. m. 'each day, at 411 WASXXjraiOsT STBXZV, offering buyers fin oppor tunities to purchas flrst-clss. house furnishings by auction !. All th furnishings of 8-room resldenc ar In cluded. On view M OaTDAT AT 411 WASamaTOsT STBVZBT. - N. B. At private aale (house for rant), th very elegant furnishing of resldenc. Phon Main 473 - . . S. U N. OILMAN, Auctioneer. , ... . . i ..