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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 8. 1807. 13 PETTY ECOOOriS DY HOUSE Appropriation Bill Passed After Bickerings Due to Partisan Prejudice. .TRAVELING EXPENSE OF , GOVERNOR IS REDUCED Allowance for Stenographers -and Clerks in EerutlTe' Offleo Cot Although Work Has Greatly In-os-eased During Recent Yean. ' (Br s '8Uff Corraspoadeat.) Balem, Feb. . The eneral appropria tion bill haa been, passed by tba house, I but not until petty blckertns over umm I ."TtCTtant trlflea had decreaaed tha total T- aDDroDriatlon W.MO and aa Immedlata . burat of seneroslty had added an extra 1200 to the aaiary of tha commlssltfner of labor and the aame wart bad granted 25,0W to the employes of fhs-esytass for an Increaee la tna wagea paia 11 that Inatltutlon. Party -prejud iw-tM axtrama blae-was tha animus of all the real objection raised asalnst the Itema of the bill, thoufh the course one marked forced those taking- the lead In the attack asatnaS tha fovernor's office to follow with reductions of Itema In other atate offices. - : or ratty Eoonomlea. An effort weaTaade to out the salary of the coventor's private secretary, but the effort was frowned upon by tha conservative men of tha house, who aaked for fair play and eome consistency. Farrell, who durin the time the bouae as a committee of tha whole considered the bill, posed as the watchdog of tha treasury, made an attempt to reduce the aaiary of the governors secretary from M.fcfr toT'.MHjUKftO.WS to H.M0. IrtotJUIrm4'rfioPyAAlJIs and ' means committee, opposed tha change, saylna; be did hot see the reason for being- so narrow. Rodgere of Marlon held that the house should be consist ent. The aaiary was left as It , was brlTnily in the bill. u- Tha house . reduced tha estimate ef H.00 for the salary of stenographers and clerks In the-governor's affloa to 3.200 after Farrell bad made an effort to have It fixed at 11.800. Here again Rod iters protested, showing that tha ' work of the office had doubled and aaylng that tha house ahould be Just with the governor, even If he did bap ' pen to be a Democrat. The traveling expenaea of the gover nor were cut from tha estimate of COOS to $1,000. , - CosanUastoasr stalsed. Tha traveling expenses of tbs secretary -of atate and atata treasurer were cut ra C.000 to S900. The aaiary of the atata commissioner of labor waa raised from $5, too to ts.000. Tha appropriation for the atata board of horticulture waa raised from 18.000 to JS.0OO. The appro- Miatlon made for the atata asylum was Increased from HM.000 to 1467.000 to over the Increase of ts.000 granted 4v tha attendants for wnses. - Tha separata appropriations a aflaat . adopted . by tha house and ordered an. grossed and paaaad to third retains; are aa follows for the two years Governor's aaiary. 110.000: private sec retary. I4.S0O; clerka and stenographers, , 13. M0; traveling; axpenaas, governor, 11.000. t - Secretary of state, salary. .000; tray ellng axpenaas, 1900: clerks and atenog- raDhers secrets nrs ornoa, Salary atata treasurer, IS.000; traveling expenses, 1900; clerks and stenograpners, JUHO. ,. - Salartea supreme court and offlclala. S50.000; circuit court salaries, fM.OOO; dis trict attorneys and deputies. $82,000: at- y isKmey-general, 17.200; asalatant attorney, general, 13.000: stenographer. S1.M0: trav eling expenaea, 1900. Expenaea In civil raaes, attorney-general's office, 15. 000. Expenses case Wsshlngton-Oregan boun dary Una dispute. $3,500. - Salaries nf Other Qffloers, commissioners ahould be active teach ore. Davey recalled the fight and aoarf dai of several yeara ago when the old condltlona prevailed and achoolmen re ceived money from text-book publish era. The houae sent., tha bill to tba boneyaro. The houae pasaed Nortbup'a bill pro viding tnat contracts ot. aula for raa chlnery aball be entered of record in the office of the county recorder or clerk when sold on tha .Installment plan. TO REVISE BILLS I Resolution Refers All Measures, to Committee on Revision. s Staff OofTMiMcuUat t Salem, Or., Feb. $. Future leglala turea will follow a different plan In the houae of the change in tha houae rules provided for by a resolution Intro duced by Freeman la paaaad. The reso lution provides for tha creation of a commute on revision of bills, the duty of which shall be to Inspect all bills introduced In the house before they are acted upon or read, and whip tbem Into shspe for Introduction. The resolution has been auggeated by tha great number or identical bills or bills on similar subjecta at thla eee- Kflon whloh - could Juat aa well have been Incorporated in one bill, thus sav ing a great amount of printing. Many of the bills which have been introduced have been sent to committees and found to bo every defective, while even after they bava corns back from commlttaea It haa been discovered In some in- atanoaa that graye defects ha vs existed In the bills as originally drawn. The purpose of the resolution Is to do sway with tha losa of time an work on the part of the legislature by the oonaldera tlon of defective, bills. HOUSE BREAKS RECORDS At First Night Session Thirty-Five Local Bills Are Passed. (By a Staff Cccrsspoaaaat) Salem. Or., Feb. .-The house broke all records last night at first night session this year whan 18 local bills were taken up for apeclal consideration and passed soma of them through two readlnga, . After these had been put out of the way the house suspended - the rules after 10 o'clock at night and in troduced It bllla, paaalng them to aecond reading. The number ef bllla now in the house totals 40$, whloh is the larg est number of bllla that haa ever been Introduced before either houae at any time in the history of the atate. By the action-of the , house at the night aaaalon practically every bill of local nature providing for the Increaae in the salaries of county officers. smendementa to existing local condition a and matters ef like import have been put off the houae calendar and made ready for eonalderatlon by the senate. The action means that much mora time will be made possible for the eonaldera tlon of measures of stated Importance. RAILROAD BILL READY Measure at Last to Be Reported Back to House by Commltee. Superintendent publlo Instruction, sal ary, $0,000; traveling expenaea, $1,800' rlerka and stenosrsphsrs, . $3,000; ..State "Teachers' association expenses, S&00; state librarian. $$.700; purchase of books, etc., $7,000; Janitors snd othsr saststance - at eapltol. $lt,S00; pilot commission, aal- arlee, $2,400. atate ant agent. $3.00i , fish warden and deputy, $11,400; commla ' aloner of labor, $5,600; board of bortlcal . 'ure, $9,000; Oregon dairy and food com- miialoner, $8,800; state gams and forestry warden, $$.400. - .. Printing supreme court reports,' 0.000; - eapltol buildings and' grounds, expenaea, rso.OOO; fuel for eapltol and lights for ' eapltol grounds, $9,000; Improvements of - eapltol, $26,000; publication executive Vroclamatlona and official notices, $8,000; pursuit of fugitives, $5,000; stats biologist, . $1,000. - ' . - Penitentiary, $121,009; transportation of convicts, $15,000; asylum. $457,000; trans portation patlenta to asylum, I15.S00; re form achool, $54,800: mute school. $4$, $30; blind school, $18,000; special agents for apprehension of criminals by gover- nor, $5,000. Mileage of twenty-fourth session of the legislature. $60,000. ' EQUAL SUFFRAGE LAW ' ' ndment to Constitution Make Its Biennial Appearance. (By a Buff CorreiMmaeat.) Salem. Or.. Feb. I. The equal suf frage amendment to the constitution of the state has made Ita biennial appear ance to the constitution In the Intro duction of a Joint resolution by Jones of Polk snd Lincoln at the auggeatton and request of Mra. Abagall Scott Dun nlway. The resolution provldee for the amendment of the constitution ao that the franchise ia not barred to any per son otherwise qualified by residence, ago and general condition of mind on account ot sex. The resolution waa referred br tha chair to tha commutes on resolutions. . ; -. (By a Stiff Cerremwadeat) Salem. Or.. Feb. 1. The railroad bill is at last ready to be reported back to the bouse from the hands ef tha Joint committee. It was ready yesterday, but tha rush of bualnesa in ths house pre vented action anei - before night the members bsd changed their mind (about the terms-jof office of tha commission era., It haa now been decided to allow the governor to appoint, as waa previ ously the intention, but ths latest Is that one commissioner is to hold office until 1008,. when his sueeessor Is to be elected by the people, while the other, two wUl hold office until 1910. The bill will bo reported back In this form. SUPERINTENDENT HAYES OF ALBANY RESIGNS (Spedai Mspsteh . Tke fcowl) Albany. Or., Feb. 8. It la officially! announced that Superintendent T. A. j Hayes, of the - Albany publlo schools has resigned, to take effect at the close of this week. Mr. Hayes, It ia said, will go to the Portland High school. His successor has been chosen from i tha Ashland Stats Normal achool. being ' Al'FUL NEURALGIAicouELAS colhty fights : TO HOLD TERRITORY - paiv Tvura sUX WKXTm TMZS VOKAI1 Oared by Dr. William's Pink Pills gas Oaiaed Weight a4 Sae Seem la Perfect .Health liver Siaoa, Do not aeek relief from suffering simply, but free your system from tbs disease which is ths cause of . your suffering. That is tha message which a former victim of neuralgia sands to those who axe still in its grasp. - Hot applications, powders that deaden the senses and others that reduces, the heart action may cause temporary re-. lief but tha pain 4s sure to return with greater intensity. Neuralgia has been called the cry of a a tarred nerve. In neuralgia tba nerves need nourishment and the only way to nourish them 'is through the blood. - Mra. Evelyn C reuse re, who hss a beautiful homo at $11 Boulevard West, Detroit. Mich., suffered for years with neuralgia until she tried this tonic treatment and was cured. She says: My troubls began about six years ago and! did not rest aa I ahould have, but kept up about my many duties.' After a time I became eo weak I could not do any work at alt I had severe backaches and such dreadful head aches la the back part and top ot my head. My eyes were easily tired and at times I saw Diaca epoia oeiore mem. I conaulted aeveral doctors but without the slightest benefit. The pains were ao Intense that my hair turned white. 1 loat continually - In weight ana strength snd, was almost In despair when a friend recommenaea ur. wii- llama' Pink Pills. -1 triad them accord ing to directions and soon began to feel relief. At the end of three montha I had gained ten pounda In weight and had no mora trouble with my nerves. I have been In perfect health ever since snd can heartily commend Or. Wil liams' Pink Pllla." Mra. Creusere is a prominent mem ber of the Maccabees snd has served as president of the Woman a Relief Corps. . Her story may be absolutely depended upon end It : ahould bring hope to averyTiervon:! sufferer, Dr. Will lam a rink Plus are sold By all. drugglstsor sent, postpaid, en re ceipt of price, 50e per box. slxDoxes $3.50. by the Dr. Wllllama Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. T. Professor jLTiS. Sanders. Ho has been superintendent of the Roseburg schools snd is considered a very capable man. He will be in thla city Monday to take up hla new work. Professor Hayes has assigned no speclflo reason for leaving the schools. During his three yeara In Albany the schools have been Improved and today are better and more systematle than at any previous time In their history. STEVENS WANTS TO DIG : PANAMA CANAL HIMSELF Washington. - Feb. $. Chief Engineer John F. Stevens- wants to dig- the Pans ma canal, and if he cannot dig the big ditch without the medium of a contrac tor, thero is likely to be another vacancy at the head of affairs on the isthmus. This is understood to be the secret of the mysterious holding up of the award ot the .Panama canal contract that baa excited interest and curiosity for the last two weeks. Coos and Curry Both After, a Slice of Land Within Prss-""7 ent Boundaries. - . (Br a Staff CamnMnt k Salem. Or., Feb. 8. Douglaa county, beset on two aldaa by counuea endeav oring to secure parts of her territory. haa rallied at tha eapltol with a atrong loDoy to auerapc to aeieat ths Dills for changes In her boundary llnea. One of the bills was introduced in the senate by senator coke of Coos and Currr, Tbla bill provldee that two townahipa of Douglaa county be give to Cooa county. The other bill, which waa introduced in the house by Edwards, takea nearly two townampa in the rich Bohemian mining dlatrict from Douglaa county and gives It to Lane oounty. County Judge O. W. Wonacott, Sheriff Harry MoClallen, Clerk Z. N. A gee and rAaaeaaor Staley were buay in the lobby or tha capitot Duiiding yesterday after noon working against tha proposed allcas being taken from Douglas. Both bllla will bo reported by the committees next Wedneaday, and the Douglas county offlclala will reappear on that day to renew their fight, which they, believe they will win. - Senator Coahow of Douglaa county took a hand in tnenrotinty "boundary line aquabble yeaterday afternoon by intro ducing a bill in the senate which gives to Coos county ths two townships It wants, but takes about the aame amount of land from Coos county in return. . The Douglas oounty officials declare that there Is no good reason for chang ing tha bound arte a of the county, espe cially on ths Lane oounty Side, which have remained for they now are for many yeara FLOOD HAS DESTROYED , MANY GARDEN PESTS (Special Dtepatrb te The JooresU Albany. Or., Feb. 8. During the re cent high water some hunters in ths vicinity ' of Round lake made a great killing of cottontail and jack rabbits By means of a boat they crossed tha water to an island and there found these animals marooned and unable to get away. With practically no effort at all they secured $0 cottontails and six Jack rabbits. t ia said that thousands of field rodents snd other destructive small animals were drowned. . Gardeners and those having great numbers of these In their land a believe the etorm will thus prove to have been greatly to their ad vantage.'; . ' " r : ';.' ' OBOU la a violent Inflammation of the tnvoous membrane of the wind pipe, whloh sometimes extends to the larynx and bronchial tubes; and is one of the most dingsroua dlaeaaea of children. It al most alwaya cornea on In the night, Give frequent small doaes of Ballard's Horehound Syrup and apply Ballard'a Snow Liniment externally - to the throat 36c, 50c and $L00. Sold by all drus slats. Conservative - and Substantial SCHOOL BOARD LAWS Changes for. Text Book Commission - - Provided In New Measures. (Br a .tff VirfpoadBt.) Salem, Or, Feb. 8. The house haa passed Senator Miller's bill changing the date of meeting of the state board of text-book commiaaloners to ths aao ond Monday In May. The next meeting shall be Msy, 1907, snd every alx yaara afterward. Tha sessions shall be for 1$ days, and four members shall be a quorum. ... , The payment of 81 per cent of the amount received from tha county school tax and the Irreducible'' school fund to the salaries of school tenchera Is pro vided In aliV pssi by the house and drnfted by genntor Whrxhton. The boue would nut ntnd for Sena tor II I'M i' h" hill ITovUini? tlint two memt.frs of the et.ite br.l t.f Idt-box Saving depositors desire to patronize a bank that Is safe under all circumstances and gives adequate returns for the use of their money. ' ' ' . To meet these requirements the bank must offer only such interest as a judicious investment of these funds will warrant and must avoid all speculation in its use of its depositors' money. . High interest rates and dependable securities soon part company. ' Deposit your money on Savings Account, Time Certificate or Check Account with the ", . Merchants Investment & Trust Company , - 247 Washington Street ; ; Capital fully Paid $150,000.00 J. Frank Watson.........'..'.; .....President , R. I Durham Vice-President W. H. Fear. v. ......... . .Secretary S. C Catching....... ..Assistant Secretary O. W. T. Muellhaupt, . , , .Cashier 33 HARRIMAN FORCED CLARK TO HIS TERMS tJoornsl Special Serrles.) '. Los Angeles, CaL. Feb.' $. The first day of ths Interstate commerce com mission's hearings In Loa Angeles on the aubjeot of the Harrlman merger, was consumed. In ths -direct examination of 1. Rosa Clark, brother of United Statea Senator W. A. Clark, director and sec ond vice-president of the San Pedro, Los Angelea A Salt LaJte railway. It waa ahown that when the building of the rClark road was comraanoad from Salt Lake City and Los Angelea, the Oregon Short Line, a Harrlman property, bar aaaed and retarded their progreaa, and finally, getting poaaeaalon of the only available pass through tba mountains In the shortest direction " to Los An gelea, compelled the Clark road to come to their terms, sell to them one balf of their property and make an ronria.t agreement to maintain the aame looal freight ratea aa the llarrlman roada for a period ef It yeara. Aa a final act of coercion of tha CI arks, the Harrlman Interests began a aurvey of a road between Halt Lake City and I.oa Angeles, and Implied, at leaat so Mr. Clark testified, a tbraat 0$ building- a parallel Una. . X C37 urns iLim j Y"V:-.-'; w l rciovE nr. m v MISS M ABM ABA BXUVT. ' S Femstvlllo Ave CHICAGO, aflss Henry aayai "BeforelbecsaastngDeadertne ir hair waa falling out la great haodsful, and I am pleased to aay thai Danderios aot only aiopped It at wi. but bu snada air hair stow Bun ikaa twlee as long as It ever waa." Mra F.iolse Athenoo. little Bock. Ai aayat "ft Is surely remsrkable tha way baauartaa improves the hair. It kae made my heir grow tea tnebea long er la Are mootha sod it la retting thicker aad looter all the time. I believe to riving praiae whero It .is sue. and roa eaa use my aame as referaooe If yea LOBMCB RrSSCIX, . , Age years. SIS Keaawk Street, CHICAGO. Slnre It bss become generally kaowa that Dawterino eauaea hair to grow uaS aa abundantly ea the bendaofeblldreaaa It doea oa thoaeof matured persona, many truly marveloua eaeea are coming to our aotloa. Little MlaeKuaeell, wboeephoto grapb appeara above, ia oertaialy one as the remarkable onea. Her beautiful hair Is srs over thirty Inches long and kar mother TS thaTDAKOAUkUli 6aJW MVH&t ;i o rr." KISS SKLMA BASSEIX. STSSVee sad Coast, CHICAGO. aftas Hand aayat "sly aalr sreold aot reach below my waist wnea 1 began aatag year feaodartnaw It was alao faded aod epUt Hng at tba sods. Vow 1 la over SW Sm longer thaa Haver waa and It baa eg stand Ita original rich Blond aotor. Ii about lour asoaths auaogatbar." D4fl77WClJ to tho hair what fiiAawcrsaf rain snd stuashlna aro to Testation. II goes tight to ths roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, fertilizing sad lif-pro4adag properties canaa the hair to grow abundantly lomr.stronprand boaatlfnl IT IS THE NATURAL FOOD OP THE HAIR, SCIENTIFIC ALLT CHARGED WITH NEW AN9 GENUINE UFE-PR00UCIN8 ESSENCES UNHEARD OF BT OTHEtl MAKERS OF HAIR TONIC iVOlVat aU dragf btajn three sizes, 25 cents, MO cents aad MK) per bottle. "Bri" To show howqttlrltly Dmm4mrkm t. wa wtll senj a lsrye tsmpls tree by retqrn mall te anyece who sends this adrerttssmssa' (tlCCl to ths avaowltoa Itamtariao Ca4 Cbteag with their name and address aod tea eeota la silver e stamps to sag geslaga. AUTOMOBILES , HOVVARD M. COVEY V ' :' ' - ' TZMMCM BXAV AABOW, Z.OOOM OBIU. . - -- AJn atXOX. -r. . - . ;1 jisot wrunn nr stqcx. tloa Club (harass, rifteeatk aad AlAex. "' il'.i'1. lit 7 V FORTEN DAYS ONLY ; , i OUR : 1 $15.00 PUATBS - - - $8.00 OOLD CROWNS , 3.00 LADY ATTtKOAUT 3QI Morrison Oip.rsftonks rii'., i'i i ! TOMORR.O W AGAIN TH O U S A N D S OF N E W BARGAINS At The Franldin Warehouse & Don no UlfiKSl i M(2 lorBsrSoldTfprrStoriffiezChargeszrz: ' : : t-' V.-.. .' - -j . ,,- t t , '. ,.. .. " , ,' ... ' . '. , Hundreds of new cases to be unpacked for tomorrow's sale and the bargains are bigger than ever. Pay us liiestcffage-xharges-and-take-the-g list of items, for. everybody, knows this is the greatest sacrifice on record 10 more extra salespeople wanted to help wait on the crowds. - Doors open at 9 tomorrow morning, and to accommodate those that can't come during the day. we will keep open till 10 Saturday nighi . ' . . - . . All You is Sale begins again at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and as this sale is conducted by our own representative you are assured that everything is exactly as advertised. : ; 21 1 Second St., Between Taylor and Salmon WE ARE GOING TO GIVE THE PEOPLE ONE MORE CHANCE AT THAT BARGAIN WE HAD AT CHRISTMAS '.'''"' 'X : . . . . i TIME OF. ; i, ,. 7 ; -. . ., . --..".,.'. Buying One ol Those (BwmIacMi(E That arc worth exactly as much as those sold by the regular dealers at $63. But we will keep thla 'sale open for a few days -only. -The Machines have every attachment and every excellent quality of; the $33 Machines, including drop-head. : They aro fully, warranted guaranteed perfect In every deUiL ": 'J, , , " .- ." ',:-". . ' ' , s -t 'S SPECDALS ALL GRANITEWARE AND COOKING UTENSILS AT 15 TO 25 PER CENT REDUCTIONS . THIS SALE IS BETWEEN 5 AND 9:30 P. M. ONLY largest retail n n n a nTN htn m rtn n rv- un::3T n:r.:i , 200 Feet Deep From ISO First St, next door to O. W. P. Passenger Station at 'First 'and Aider, runr'-- t' ' ' . ' 129 Front St