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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY LVLN1NU I'LliKUAKY 8. 1- 11 HIT TELEPHOriES RIGHT AWAY V foti: a.:ir: j Business Men of Grand Avenue Demand Service of Pacific States Manager. or THE, CLOSING 007 PROMISED RELIEF ON V THEIR LINES TODAY City Manager Hickman Horrka to Mt Indignant Merchant Who Have Cornered East Side Ropro aenUtive. "4.. I Bast Side Departmeat. . 'No longer able to endure the delay in repairing the telephone aenrtea in tha central business dlatrlct of tha aaat aide, which haa been out slnca tha storm of , laat week, a delegation or Grand avenue , business men. with wrath in their ejrea. called on L. W. Thatcher, the eaat side auparlnUndent of tha Pacific Statea Telephone Telegraph company, yester day. Relief from existing condition! waa vigorously demanded. Th delesatloa Included J. " A. BtroW' JiHiIm. hardware merchant: H. H. New- hall, president of tha East Bide bank; Pan Kellaher, grocers A. H. Wlllets, grocer; F. KlndorfK. H. Pomeroy and W. 1C Taylor, all of the Eaat Bide Bualneaa Men's club. . Councilman Dan Kellaher, spokesman tfor tha wrathful citlaens, after first cor nering young Mr. Thatcher In tha office of the storeroom on Eaat Ankeny near Grand avenue, wanted to know why tha company had not put a' force of men to work on Grand avenue Instead of out in tha suburbs, where the phones were not so necessary and where the service waa worth only tl a month to the com pany, while tha business men on Grand avenue who were paying from tt to tit a. month were left cut off from any communication with tha bualness centers of the west side upon which they ware greatly dependent J. A. Btrowbrtdge said that his resi dence phone had been - In commission for a week while his business telephone waa aot working at all. H.,H.-NewhaU wished to knew why soma of the tele phones on Grand avenue were fixed, while others were not. The questions came so fast that Mr. Thatcher waa hardly able to comprehend what waa happening. Mr. Thatcher waa unable to give satis factory explanations, but promised that today something would be dona In the meantime C. K. Hickman, on tha west aide, was called up and he told Kellaher he would be "right over" to rescue young Thatcher. And as tha delegation waa coming down Grand avenue after the above Interview Mr. Hickman's auto mobile swung around tha corner of East -Morrison street. , . The thing waa gone over again. Mr. Hickman said that the damage on Grand .avenue was severe and that some pf tha ' circuits had burned out In tha office and some new poles would have to be set, which explained the fact that some telephones could be easily fixed while ethers would taka weeks to repair,, as no city carried enough t expert . Inside men to meet such an emergency as tha "silver thaw" of last week. Ha thought that by today they could repair the Grand avenue lines. Car TTpsets a Wagoa, ' At 11:30 o'clock' laat night car No. !4l. on Its way to the barns, demolished a , wsgon at East Clay and Grand avenue belonging to the C. 3. Cook company and caused injuries to tha driver. Will Rhelnateln. who waa taken to St. Vin cent's hospital In tha patrol wagon. ' Rhelnateln says that ha waa driving north on Grand avenue when tha car struck him with great force, over turning hla wagon and throwing him under it, while the car shoved the whole tnsss before it about 10 feet along tha track. Hla Injuries are not se rious. Asks fireproof Depot. -The Eaat Blda Business Men's -club last night adopted resolutions. Intro duced by Councilman Dan Kellaher, asking mat uia u. K. & N. ana Boutnern meantime ne is gemnjc na or as mucn Paclflo companies build a fireproof da pot at tha aaat aide Instead of the pro posed frame structure. la view of the fact that all trafflo is soon to eome by way of tha east aide ho contended that mora' permanent arrangements should be made by tha railroads to H. H. Jennlng 8r. Is in some perturba tion of spirit, aa to warehouse space. His two sons, C. and K. O. . Jennlng. went east they are now at Prinoe George, hotel. New York with his in structions to -buy llberslly not to be stingy and they have not failed In any particular. Several tralnloads of furni ture have already arrived, with U car-, loads now on the way, while the carpets and draperies are being selected In New York. Mr. Jennlng expected a big stock, but he was hardly prepared for tha avalanche that has descended upon hla He is satisfied, however, aa ha means to make the new store cover everything in the furniture line, from a medium class of goods up to the very richest manufactured. He Is figuring on a great Increase over the amount or business done last year, and" to make room tor tha Incoming stock la continu ing the sales on last fall's goods. Welch, "tha .American clothier,' Is having an Inventory, preparatory to tha arrival of the full spring stock. Hla special sale is still on, cleaning up tha odd lota of boys' suits, - In particular. These suits are certainly well worth tha price, and any mother of boys will do well to look Into them. The youngsters go through their clothes' so rapidly that tha matter of a little different atyla la of email consequence. Good school suits and rainproof aulta are tha specialty at Welch's. - ' ' . . j. . . . Tha New Tork Outfitting company, lO First street, is adding ao many different lines to its atock and Increasing so many of the old ones that one who has not recently visited the store - would hardly know It The latest addition la millinery, under the . personal direction of Mrs. Welnsteln, wife of tha proprietor, Mr. A. Welnsteln, who Is now In tha eaat completing hla spring buying. The atore has been much Improved, witn extra galleries affording more room, and the quality of each Una la equal to that of any store In the 'city. The stock of millinery will be extra heavy this spring, while tha sample sutts thus far received bespeak superior excellence In tha cloth- tng-department;MT.-Wensteln- 4sas pected home In a week or ten days. Tha Bhafer-Whlttler oompany, one of the comparatively new advertising com panies, with offices at 420 Lumber. Ex change building. Is doing a rushing busi ness that tha railroad tie-ups rave not so far been able to check, though tha nature of much of thlc firm's -affairs re quires the prompt service of transporta tion lines. Mr. Bhafer has Just returned via Seattle from an extensive. business trip that carried him as far eaat aa Kansaa City. Tha resourcefulness of this Very much alive' firm Is well Illus trated in a recent experience of Mr. Bhafer's. Business hsd taken him to Centralis, Washington, and ha found it necessary to be In both Chehalla and Beattla within 34 houra or lose a valu able contract The question wan, which should he lose, as there waa but one train if he stopped off at Chehalla he could not poeslbly make Seattle. Ha promptly decided to ioee- neither, char tered an engine and cab and was whlssed away down tha track four miles to Che halla transacted his business there, and caught tha through train to Beattle In time to get his ads In tha Sunday paper and attend to everything satisfactorily. Mr. Whittler Is busy at present arrange Ing for special aales In Rainier, Astoria and Albany. A new line of mining ad vertising which made Its appearance In Sunday a Journal has brought so many requeeta for services in similar lines that tha prospects are this will become one of this company's strong features. The Portland Paint A Wall Paper com pany, 170 Second street is looking for a new location In which to open up a much larger atock, several new lines hav ing been added, notably the Harrison Bros, town and country palnta, and mora room la needed. ' Mr. F. E. Braga, pro prietor, says ha Is not yet positive aa to lust where ha will be. but tha first of March will sea him located... Jn the of his stock aa possible, by mesne of special aales, to avoid the labor of mov ing It He haa some exquisite papers in the new browns and tans that are to be ao largely in favor next season; In fact all tha gaudy colors seem to have made their adeux and tha softer, mora H tta. passenger trafflu nf hath t mhdinMl tone, tufcen their pi. TMT the aaat and west aide divisions at Eaat Morrison and Eaat First streets. There were other reasons why a wooden depot should not be built in that district aucb aa tha matter of insurance ratea. Tha bualneaa men's club will canvass the retailers of the whole eaat aide and make their membership representative of the entire oast of tha river district They expect to have within a abort time at least 100 members. Resolu tions were also adopted endorsing the Tomllnson east aide band, composed at members that formerly belonged to the Southern paclflo band. Another convention almllar to tha one - held recently which considered tha water question, will be held next Thurs day to deal with street Improvements, the best methods and all metiers di rectly concerning streets. work at Cross purposes. The Montavllla Improvement leegue and the Montavllla board of trade are carrying out their consistent policies In being Inconsistent on points where each Is concerned. Tha Montavllla league baa passed resolutions opposing the purchase of the Mount Tabor water plant while tha latter preaenta volumin ous evidence and argument that the purchase of thla plant at a "reasonable rate" la the only wise thing to do. They have circulated a petition which eon tains about 160 names asking that the system be purchased. They sssert that unless this Is dons tha "villa" will bsvs no water from Bull Run within the next three years. - . A msss meeting of the cltliens of Bt. Johns haa been called to take place this evening at t o'clock In the assembly room of tha puhllo school" building In the Interests of, the proposed public reading room. .A program haa been pre pared and the publte Is urged to attend. VVHI solve the problem when a coffee-drinker is ailing. POSTVJM lO days. - -There' Re-son" change la in Keeping witn the erase for mission and other plain furniture. EXHIBIT LIVESTOCK HERE EVERY YEAR Committee Boosting Annual Show Is Meeting With Much . .Encouragement. A livestock ahow to run A week each year In Portland la the plan that will 4 be pushed from this data by the Port land chamber of commerce. A commit tee appointed by the chamber met yes terday and discussed details of - the project. Further meetings will be held, tha livestock men of neighboring statea will be enlisted, and the breed era of high-grade atock throughout tha country will be Interested in the movement- It is said eastern- breeders de sire jo get into this Held and will be glad to take an active part aa exhibit ora. A number of large contributlona to the fund for the ahow are ready to be subscribed, and every Indication is that the effort will meet with success. The committee is composed of C. E. Ladd, Richard Scott H. C Campbell, M. D. Wisdom, W. P. Olds and Dr. Wetherbee. DOUBLES IN VALUE III LESS THAN A YEAR Half Block on Ankeny Street Now Sells for One Hun dred Thousand. F. C. Perrln, J. M.. Letter and asso ciates paid 1100,000 yenterdsy for a half-block 'on the south side of Ankeny strset between Fourth and Fifth streets. The property adjoins the Marshall Wells Hardware company's building on tha north, and belonged to Chsrles F. Swlgert and ft C Campbell. ' ' . ' ' Charles sL Henry, who majta the sale, Salem . Woolen' Mills Store A fconafide CLEARANCE of a complete stock of Clothing and Furnishings not broken lots or odds and ends a stock purchased by Mr. C. - P. Bishop ; under most favorable cir cumstances at prices that can not be duplicated today , r . ' ; v These goods are oftered to you at the "same price paid the manulacturers tiy Mr. Bishop and in many instances at less ;. . .'-V; ' ; ..l' .-lx-- v We Promise You a Saving of One Quarter And you know our promise is GOOD It always has been I It always will be ! MEN ARE I.$25::.T.$16.50: MENg$20JDQ SUITS jj J gQ $10.85 MEN ARE I $1.50 shirts r ,gc .;;73c;- MEN'S $1.00 SHIRTS ARErvT rs-rrivTTrXT Ji r . MEN'S $4X)ti VESTS t? C ARE.1... ...... ... ... .... . tDa4.HO MEN'S $15.00 SUITS -ARE., MEN 75c SHIRTS ' MEN'S $3.00 VESTS -r ARE MEN'S $2.00 VESTS. C T 2 C . ARE. . . . . .7. . : . ;;.. I 00 MEN'S $12.50 SUITS , ' t ARE. . . .V. . . . . . . ... . . . ..!) $1.50 UNDERWEAR P is... ...... .! $2.25 UNDERWEAR ' C IS............ ..J.?. 7.95 1.15 1.65 MEN'S $1.50 NIGHT SHIRTS .ARE. r-w W9 TTrrTT, 98c MEN'S $1.00 VESTS ARE.. 75c UNDERWEAR S9C 50c UNDERWEAR is.........;........ MEN'S $1.00 NIGHT SHIRTS . 7 2-; ARE. . . : . . . . .... . . .... .... . . . i 01 MEN'S 50c NIGHT SHIRTS 1Cn ARE. . . . . ..... ... ...... ... . i . . OOL MEN'S 50c SOCKS ' : 3 C ARE. ...;35c MEN ARE 'S 35c SOCKS lin e;.. Y.. ...... ...V;. .....XOw :.73c. $1.50 WORKING GLOVES t 1 1 1 ARE ........... :.........i)11aw 75 c 50c .09c $1.00 WORKING GLOVES : ARE.....;... .......... 75c WORKING GLOVES ARE..... j 15c SOCKS - . : ARE.... BoysClothing; Neckwear, Suspenders,lHandkerc Am AT G0ST ; V. ; OUR MOTTO ' ; .: When Ybu S5eeR Will be strictiy and honestly carried but during this sale -1 . !2rt is '. ; : , ' '. ' MOYIL m4 3d amd Oak ' Hay. Lrusllir 1 n n NEVER FAILS TO STOP YOUR HAIR FROM FALLING 0DT "About 8 monthi ago I bad an at tack of measles and - about half of tny hair came out. I bought a bot- t)ex of HAIR HEALTH, and after one application my nair stopped rail ing and Is now tn fine condition. HAIR HEALTH la the finest HAIR TONIC I ever heard of." ANNA MILLER, Clayton, Wis. 50c at AH Druggists s sold the same property to Bwlgert and Campbell less than one year ago for 150,000. Frame buildings now occupy the site, but It Is probabls that a brick bualneaa block will to up there at an early date. :. . . ' ' - - Oeorae 3. Blodirett boucht yesterday from HarryHamblett a four-aeries flat at the corner nf Dupont 'and Larrabee streets for 18,000. The sale waa made through the agency of Lamont and Harris. Through the ssme agency, XI Nande meer haa purchased a 10-arre tract near Montavllla. The oonalderatlon named In the transfer was nominal. bat the actual value of the sereaga Is sbout 11.70. Hartman and Thompson sold yester day to 8. A. Turner, of the Pacific drain . company, a new residence on Weldler, near Eaat Seventeenth etreet, for $M0O. Mr. Turner la a recent ar rival In Portland and purchased the property for a home. Two extreme Mr"- cbininc's Beal and M(0)ffl(D)Ill)BlC WATlOWAt EMBLEM- And other Bicycles.. , Larg est line on the coast. Two carloads received and two on the road. Headquarters for Supplies and Tires Brine; in your old wheel and trade it for a new one or , have it fixed up Bicycle, IS HERE I reyc He SEASON : sjfX r X r i- " RepreMnt Indian, riI.RL,R.S. Motorcycles Orders are coming in rapidly. - Come in and let us demonstrate what a Motor Bike will do - Time Saver Money Saver Ride 75 Miles for 25 Cents AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES .. j , , All the staple goods as well . as all hew novelties . wes, imps nORNS, GOGGLES ACKS, COILS. COATS, CAPS' BATTERIES If you need anything for your auto you can find it here. Write for catalogue, which will be out soon . 1MMJ 1 WKKEIf OPPOSITE NEW ? U ELLS, FARGO CLDG.