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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 14. .1907. Vtle I .'.jtffi TcriU Tci:Ic3 . - . At . TOVIQXT'a AMUSEMEHTS. JJ'J"f-. .."To llttl D,,rna" f1" ....."Uanaon' tollj" tuiplr ........"At Crtpl frk" u4 Vaullll Lriio .' 'Huiubuf ' .."tiapuo" The Sunday School association of . Multrtomah county will bold a district aoftveotlon la the Hawthorne Par Pv- trtrla church January It. Rev. larenc Trua Wilson and Professor R. R. Steele ara on tha program aa ar rangd by C. Ju Htaver, tha dietrtet President. Tha afternoon and evening sessions will begirt at.l and 7.30 o'clock. inos lntaraated la Sunday. achool work re Invited to to present. St Johns car No." Ill took lira at : Third and Stark streets yesterday after. ,. noon. A number of passengers Jumped from tha car as soon as tha front end - taught - Tha fire did aome damage to ; tba ear, as a ruse had bees blown out . and a large bole waa torn la tba ewltun boxes.. The rear end .fuse was tried ' . but blew, out also. ' Tba car was finally taken to tha barn. ' ' Tba Investors Marketing Agency filed artlclea of Incorporation with, tha coun ty clerk this morning. Tha purpose, of - the concern la alleged to be tha putting- ox newlv-patented contrivance upon the market' and of helping poor In- ventors to sell their wares. Tha in cor po tore ar 0.-M.-Hlckey, Barber ana unarles Bkldmor. r-rL MorrlB and WHllawuTnompson, who .encouraged Eddie Jones, a 12-year-old , boy. to .keep a twtfity-dollar-gold-plece be bad stolen from a drunken man and to give part of It to them, were each sentenced to 30 daya In Jail by Judge Frsser today and were than paroled. - - Tha 110,00 damage suit of Robert F. Robson, a disabled carpenter, against C harlotte W. Klngalev, is being trlod - In Jadge Oaatenbeln'a court today. Tba case waa aaslgned last Friday, but was not, ceiled untu thla morning. '-' Coughs and colds prevented by wear . Ing a good cheat protector IS ones now 12.11; 75o ones now GOe,' and "80c ones now Ita. . Albert Barn, tba. druggist, . tit Washington street ? . , These f rosea nights take home a lib eral supply of reading matter, All the "magasines and dally papera at Carl - Jones,' Fourth and Washington. - ' ' Your 'ay examined free W a ara still selling eyeglasses at L A perfect fit guaranteed. Metsger at Co., Jewelers ."'and optician. 111 Blxth street, y Steamer Jeaale EJarklns for Camas, . Waahougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Laeraa Washington street - dock at t p. aa, y --.jv-. .----- Dr. ' W. t. Howard, . chronto . dlsoaaea. ieotriclty and electrio light treatment Commonwealth building. Sixth etroet -- Wllholt mineral water and salts. - XL J. Wallac Ag, lit Id., TeL Pao, lltt. ' Woman's Exchange. lit Tenth street. lunch 11:10 to I; bualnaas men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sella tha beat safety coal ell and; Una gasoline.: Phone Bast lis.. Bla shoe sale. - '-- w-.i.- Shoe C 111 Morrlaon atreet. , ; NOT EVEN PUMP W LEFT AT BOWLES Boom Townsite on .0. R, A N. Left to Drifting , Sands and . Thirsty Bum D'Weight. Bowles Junction, once-to-be thriving dttton on tha O. R. A N. Una between ,j walla Walla and Payton. la no more. , . Tha largo Industries and department store planned and fully expected to " locate at that point are not going ta locate there, as tha railroad company has quit bringing Its trains to atop at Bowles Junction. ' The drifting sands are ihe only signs of life and action. , In wet weather there- Is nothing doing, as tha aand doea . not drift ' Tha railroad company, which ; built a comfortable station, dug a well and put In a town pump,' has closed Ita tatlon house and sent away t he- agent, -who took the pump wita him. r A thirsty hobo who reached Bowles Junction last week and put tipfor the 'night wrote thla feeling bit of verse .; on the wall of tha depot: : - ' . . . The station agent 'a gona to h 1, Tha town ieip stump; - - ' ' But no one here would care a d n -' If ba'd only left tha pump." OLDEST RESIDENT OF PORTLAND IS DEAD eBi SBBSBBiaaaaaBSft ' . j ' Clavas ' 8. Silver, - Portland's eldest resident, died at hla residence. IIS Third " street, yeaterday at tba age of It years, lie waa a pioneer, having resided In ' Portland for tha past S years. He- lost - his fortune In the great fire of 1171. which destroyed all of South Front and First streets, tie had a large general merchandise store at First end Taylor ' streets, which was totally , destroyed by that conflagration. . Mr. Silver, served a term aa county - commissioner, during which time be set tled up tha Caruthers estate, valued at bout Ha cad no known rela- jtlfea living on the Pacific coast, hla wife having died in tnis city about IX years ago. Hla remains will be burled from Flnlay's chapel Wednesday morn- Ing at 10 o'clock. -y-'-, - -.. . " Baby -won't suffer flv minutes with croup If you apply Dr. Thomne' Kcleo trlr Oil at onee. It acta like maalo. F.W. BALTES &'C0r.lPAUY MAIN 105 INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES fon PRirJTirJG riHST AND C1X STREETS TO INJ3Y A GOOD CI. Mil Sow to Avoid Distress and XBdirestlOB - - Afe Katlag. lt us tell you how you can enjoy a good dinner, ao that tha heartiest meal will set well On your stomach snd cause no unpleasant and dlaagreeable after effecte. We will show you how to regain tbe appotlte of your childhood and tha en joyment of food, so that It will taste aa well . as when mother eookad the dinner. There Is no hard work necessary to do this; no need of a rltttd and aelf denying diet llat: no call for naaty and dlnacTeeable medicine. , Simply take a all-o-na etomach tablet bafore each meal and before going to bed, and It will ao etrengtben the stomach that before-long a hearty meal will give you gratification and comfort, without the least fear of distress and suffering. Tha atrongest proof we can offer of our faith In thla advice, 1 the faot that wa iva an absoluta, unqualified guar antee (applying to two SOe boxes of Ml-o-na), that your money will bo re funded unless' Ml-o-na cures. Ml-vna la not mere dlgeattve, giv ing only temporary relief, but a specific for all - diseases of Iba - stomach, atrengtbenlng the digestive organs and making a permanent cure. ' . . We absolutely scree that your money will: be refunded abould you buy a SOe box. of Ml-o-rja stomack JUblets and not be satisfied with tha reeulta. Ml-o-na la sold- by druggists everywhere, or will be sent by mall on receipt of price, SOc. -Writs today for a free sample pack age, and also give -us -your symptoms, and one of the OSest known stomach spa. cl!lt(win give your ease his care ful and pereonal attention without charge. Booth's Mlona Compajiy, Buf falo. N. T. ' ; LANDS HELD BACK FROr.l COLONISTS , , '., VaBassAvsBMSSjBasja.aBBaBaaiBjv . . ....... . , . Southern - Pacific Advertised -Grant Acreage but Declined to Sell to German Settler. IN THE NEAR FUTURE, ' WAS ROAD'S ONLY ANSWER Adjacent Settlers Are So Scattered In Clafkaroaa County That It la Impossible to Bofld Itoada, and Begloa Is Left Unimproved. . .. i f ln the near futnra.", ; - "In tha uaar future." Identical were the an ware received by members of tha German Colony as sociation and others working in con junction With thorn when they wrote two yeara ago to Charles W. Eberieln, land commissioner of the Southern Pa cific company, and aaked him when toey would be able to purchase lands In that company'a western Oregon grant for aettlemeut " by themselves and -their friends. ; They are atlll waiting for B. H. Harrlman and hla people to Interpret tha meaning of tba term, "In tha near future." . - ;v -,'' .(. "If we could get railroad lands, or If they were In tba market I am aura every foot of theae lands would be sold to settlers and would bo Improved, and rofifll would g Dull l whets now there are but a few settlers, hardly able to get - the few things they raise to tha mackst said U. Landwebr, president of tha association, to Tha Journal. . Land Ue xdla. Tba point In a general way about thla vacant land question la that aettlera in tha country ara too few to build good roada. Poor roada.make tha beat-looking country look poor.. There la now ao chan -e to get landa for aettlera, al though i vast amount of landa ara lying Idle. These lands are left Id lex for the benefit of a few to speculate on. The railroad company should not have got the land grant In theTlrst place. , "It aeema plain- that the company baa never compiled with Ita main promises. Is there no law to compel a corporation to do what It has agreed to dot Or are the laws only for homeetead aettlera to. obeyT" . ' AdTsrtlsaa for Sale, . Mr. Jjandwehf aald that members of tha German Colony aasoclatlon some years ago found In Clackamas county, within it miles of Portland, several aeo ttona of Wild lands that belonged to the Southern Pacific company. Learning that clroulare had been spread broadcast advertising these lands for sale, the association ' listed lands In the vlolnlty from owners who had land for aale, with tha hops that tha railroad lands would soon be on tha market Then they wrote to Mr.. Eberieln. and asked about bow soon the railroad landa would be for sale. .'.They received the ready-made answer from that functionary: "In tha near futursV It la now two years since tha last of. flclal announcement waa made. In tha railroad company'a literature that the landa would be Immediately placed on tha market : And atlll nobody con buy railroad lands for settlement, although soma 1,000,000 acres of It lie Idle,, bot tling up small ranchers who would Ilka to open roada, build fenoea and improve the country, , .., .. - i . . i I. i i i . : Tea and coffee: so much goodness dwells In a leaf and a bean Bohlillag a Best. ' , - Z - ' ' Tn 7TMT mnaiM. ' The first of tha aeries of IS beautiful popular songs . to be issued In connection with - Tha Sunday Journal, commencing on January :o. will be entitled "Uke I Love you. Tbia Is a beautiful little lov. song, with n extremely catchy air. - It la frqra tba pen of . those well known and clever song writers, Joseph 8. Nathan and Harry Gordon, and Is considered ono of their most popular hits. " Ko muslo rsck should be without thla clever song, and yon cannot afford to miss one of the series. Subscribe for The Journal at ' L once ao that -you can taki I e vantage of this exceptional mualo offer, which starts next Sunday and continues 'for at least IS weeks, a sheet. pf muslo aocom-. panylng every copy of . , Tha Sunday Journal. .Order The Journal, and get a .sheet of muslo every Sunday. T' Protect Youf Cas Meters. Purlrg th present cold weather, it. will he nwerjr to protect ynur meters from frelns whu In expouM pl. , I I'OUTLAND OA COMPANI. STEAL TOD CATS FOR THEIR FURS Trappers Ruthlessly Capture the Finest Specimens, and Many ' a Family Is in Mourning. COVETED SABLE MUFFS MADE" FROM THEIR PELTS "Meowy? Cries Pnasy, Caagbt In ' Trap, but Owners Believe It Back " Fence Cerenade, and Skin-llantera Get'Away With Valuable Booty. '.V: Sao, Side Separtmant. . . Tom eats of tha arlstocratlo variety ara disappearing quietly, -ono by one. In tha Irvlngton district and consterna tion baa ao arisen among tha owners of fine specimens that have lately failed to ehow up for . their morning's milk that ee vera! report have been received by tha pollco, . - ' ' No. 'dead cata have been found lying- around - and "It la - tha general be lief that tha oats have not been violent ly killed with bootjacks and such like weapoaa. - - ;--.- - - . According to reporta at least a score of the finest specimens of tha feline family in and about Irvlngton and one In Vernon, have disappeared during the last few weeks. The- authorities have detailed ' tnUr most expert Sherlocks and Rafflee on the ease. - It aeema from thla 'that plebeian oats with long furrows along ' their backs and scars M battle on their lank forma, need not fear,--for the trappera want only . cata that have valuable skins. Skins that can be turned Into- muffs or boas. ' ' .Cats having fur at all reeembllng mink, sable, squirrel, wolf or beaver ara In aepoclal demaed and the Amors la a rich strike. Ton see," aaJd tha shrewd and keen eyed resident as he Wrapped his over coat more closely about hlmr and lighted a cigarette, . ' full alsed fur-beaiing torn cat tha torn eat la preferred be cause hla fur as a rule, la much finer than- that of the- better half will bring anywhere from tl to $10. A torn cat turned Into a aabla muff, for instance, will well anywhere from $50 to $100. Manufactured over tnto a squirrel muff, a malteso gentleman cat will fetch tit at tha lowest." f , According to tba Irvlngton-man tha sport is not quite aa exhilarating as trapping llona but considering tba- fact that the oat owner have to be dodged the hunt is quit interesting. Some time tha cat makes a fuss when ha get tnto a -trap, but tha noise never dis turbs any one as It 1 Immediately put down aa the usual nlffht time sere nade. A trap of a delicate mechanism is th article nsed for the capture, and when the familiar -noise be tray a the captured cat the cat thief sneaks op and throws a aack over th victim and bear him off. Unsuitable victim are turned looa. ' AH aaJor a MkmUmgr, : Th east side is reaping th' largest ahare of both th Joys and th sorrows attending the freese-up of tba la at few daya. Since Saturday evening tha small boy have been, able to venture out on anything in tha way of lea, and nine Sunday evening Sullivan's guloh And Stephen's slough, especially,, ha re been covered, wita. both men and boya Sullivan's gulch bora tha weight of a large crowd all laat evening and thia morning the lo was still very good. Sundsy was tha big day, however. ' In the suburbs every pond and basin that bad been ruled by th recent high water waa covered with boy of all alsea, who had dragged out every old thing that had ever, at any time, had any relation to -a akate. At Lent a small pond near- the junction of tha Mount Scott and Sprlngwater dlvlaloha of the O. W. p. afforded skating to a limited degree. Th peninsula population moved out to the Columbia slough last night in a body and there some of the best skat ing on tba east , side waa enjoyed. So tar only, th men and boy have -ventured on the slough, but with another few .hours' continuation of tha present cold weather th elough will be aaf tor a..' . ... ' Weather Xa Srawbacka. With th good skating also ha coma the Inconvenience of bursting water pipe, frosen milk and other victuals unnecessarily on cold storage. Those who happan to b out of wood alao are In an inconvenient position and there ar not a few euch on tha eaat - aide. The fuel companies cannot All tha or. dera now la within th next thro or four daya Plumbers ar very scarce in the remoter district and tha low pres sure in th pipe from private main caused th water to frees . up very quickly In such communities as Wood lawn and Piedmont. "Attempt1 to thaw the pipes burated them and consequently many suburban Itea today are using .obstreperous phrase toward this land bf rosea. - Mr. J. Pugh of Montavtlla, who re- The Oregdn Trast & Savings Bank gives prompt and careful atteatloa ;;','. ..' to L , ! ' ii . ,;. , COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS and aims in ever possible way to AID DEPOSITORS., 2 tntereit- allowed t RKSOURCBS OVER $1,850,000 ' ; SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS '1' equal - ro any ... Sixth and Washington sts. I Mefe af rail Store I S3 Clearance sale extraordinary; women's high grade Footwear in patent kid, patent colt, gunmetal and vid kid ; hand turned and welt soles; the finest product of the lead ing manufacturers tn the land Every pair perfect, new, tip-to-date lasts in large va riety; shoes for street and dress wear in all sixes and widths;, shoe bargains that the best dressed ' women in town will appre ciate Regular $5 values Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at this un- , (J . O C usually low price, per pair 'p VsOf THE DETAILS Women's plain vamp patent kid lace, Blucher and button turn sole shoes ; tipped and plain vamp vici kid shoes, turn sole, lace style; also plain vamp and tipped patent colt and gunmetal button and Blucher styles with light-weight ( O soles; every pair, $5.00 values Your choice tomorrow at this low price, pair y JoO J " - .; ; Shoe Department, Rear Main Floor. v-. jv -v V V"'" ' Lace Curtains and Curtain Materials 20c Curtain Swiss, 36 inches wider strtpesand dots in great variety. Great special value 1 CLf for this sale at the low price of, yard... ...I Uw 2YiC Scotch Lappets, 36 inches wide, stripes and figures, in Urge variety; washes better Q than Swiss. Great value at, per yard......7C $750Curtains S445 Prr Special lot of 300 pairs of Irish Point Ltce Cur tains, white, ecra and ivory, 50 inches wide by 3. yards long, small figures and scroll pattern cen tersTwith "small bordersr' Best "$7.50 values on sale on Third Floor at this ex- A traordinsrily low price, per psir.....epHr'e,J Great Cearance Sale bargains in Silkolines, Drapery Materials, Nets, Curtain Laces, etc, etc Clearance Sale bargains in Blankets, Comfort ers, Pillows, etc, on Third Floor take advantage. Was $3i0 Now $1.49 cently moved there with her husband front Hood River, fell while leaving a car In front of her home and received several gashes about her head. She was not seriously Injured, however. - TAa Pleasant Valley franffe will en. deavor to erect a hall within th com ing year. All members will work to gether for this achievement. At tha In stallation Saturday nlfht th following officer wer installed:. Master, H. W. Snashell ; overseer, K. 8. Jenne; lec turer, Mr, Jennie Kronenberg: chap lain, - Mrs. Mattla B. Jenne; steward. George . . Butler; - assistant steward, Thomas Snaahall: treasurer. Mis Oledys Richer: secretary, Mrs. Lillian Richer; gatekeeper, Ous Richer; Ceres, Miss Lilian Bauman; Pomona. Miss Mat. tlo Bauman; Flora, Mrs. Martha Richer; lady assistant steward, Mrs. Ida Ham Uton. cn dalljrbaTsUicer' Dress Vailass 3.S TOEpAKER IS SELL- Th laat" 100 of hla bis stock of Air Tlaht Heater left on hThand aftir ' supplylnc th wboleaal trad; and to hurry them off those astonishingly low price erUl now prevail: , j ; All $4.B0 Air-Tights now ...i;..w......V;.......,v:.;..f25 All $3.00 Air-Tights now 2.50 All $3.S0 Air-Tights now . . , .f 2.75 Factory and Salesroom 271 First Street Between Madison and Jefferson Streets. Open from a, m. to t P. m. Th Mount Tabor Push club meets this evening at th Woodmen of th World hall on West avann to dlsoua some matters Important to tha reel dents of that district Th meeting last week waa dismissed becaue of lack of attendance. AJTrraCatairn. t4tk Tk. HaIIIX Tt.... Wsaklattsa l"t IICIIIK IIIUUC M.t.1 Toolght S:1S , e'CV-k TU, Weaaasier Mrtu. Oooattee 01s vea Hautvldt la Aasa Belt's MTHE LITTLE DUCHESS' MuteK) a Bmtema- rrteee Lewsr Sonr. l jo. fl.oa. Balesar. fl.oo. Te. too. OslWr. SSe. SSe. Sssts selling to enaBUM)t st theatre. Baker Theatre Or Tkair O., Lees , George U Beker. staaMW. Bnme t tb rena Beker fttork Omnpaiir. lhl Wpk'l ITortiiMloo Richard Harding Darts' WMttrn MIIIU17 OMnd.Draae, EAgSOM'S rOIlT." A tete Vw Turk gut?rae. btrertlo Mr. ha Salnpolla. Matinee Satunlar. at Week " How Wtw Butted Is." Empire TheaTt . Hlltoa W. Sa mas, Msaager flarlnf Only tutm Roed Artrscaeas, IXmtfht All Thla Wk Matlsa WwtiMaMUr an Saturdar. a '. Oanieetar'e Orrat Krasia ef Waa tars Mining Camp Mf, - "AT CEirPLE CBEZX" A Keniloder of th Jld I'.ra la'Celenoe. A R;iilar Eniplr Pr1ca. . Vaxt Attesetlam 'To Xidalht riyer." ; LYRIC THEATRES na sronrrao jastvabt u SAPHO" SnsafSce etw fraai 10 a. Si. t JO . m. (Mate sea k traarnd ky shoo; Vlala SSJ. STAR THEATRE W tit January 14. -Telaahasa Mala MS. Tbe AUra Stork (Vmiianr Praamta . "KOTiBna-' A Thro-Art Roaring Far. Uatlneae Tnrtr". - Tbaradara, Satnrdajs and ' Snndaya at S ItO ft. m. Prla llf. V. Erarr Traliig at S;1S prlra 10a, 3(1e, . Sacure Mate for all awrnraaDoaa b poo a. Mala The Grand The Tare Iu1eia Hkn Seat ftaaeawatg TlaoU A tniaaeat Seaford tleritsgtaa -' 4"er rH St eater HeroU Baff - SrisSaaaate Tandavtll Co t in 2 A LOStLLA Mthla t Ua- mt ike Sua Ctorar 0a AarakeU ,. Slio 3S 5 kr Broken lines of High-Grade Lace Curtains, 2 to 4 pairs of a pattern, in Cluny, Antiques and Brussels.- Beautiful designs large assortment . $ 9.75 Values at, per pair 9 7PS ' ; r $15.00 Values at, per pair 12.00 ' , $16.50 Values at, per pair $13.75 :": i OiA lotsof White" Nottingham Curtains, large and small designs, good quality lace, sites 50 and 60 inches wide, 3 yards long, specially reduced - $2.50 Values at. per pair f 1.70 Special lot of White arid Ecrn Cable Net Cur ' tains, plain centers and bordersplendid styles. Regular $3.25 values placed on sale CO A. at this unusually low price, pair....psVotTa' Custom shade and drapery work our specialty. Best materials and workmanship. Lowest prices guaranteed. , Drapery Dept, Third Floor, .........1.40 OAKS RINK foisiOHT - Society Night EJSPECIAL Leai)Ino(beGap Frof. Starriaoa wQl yt a hla Barlaf act OBlghS at t' j sa. . abhtsszov rmxa SKATXS 25 YOUR GLA55E5 DO TKIT ml tf thvfr rr ACTLV rlfhi. M a m.ka tha ao. Whea w St raa, w St tXACTtT. Imi iparlsaaa, tarj anaaaarr Ttmm one apparatu aa tba rqnlr4 know, fcxlir anatlln e to rerrtctlr aae tn aaiu, aar om aiplta ankakap with rr facility 1 avaa U triad In r aparlal lanara are all at fnor dla fwal kr. aaanrtn a rvlr ant pna alhl wltk ntbar baa fnrtoaatrlr eqalpo. Afala, Oa row gtaaaae ill, or aaartr ttt , 1 .f Tailor SIiop --: - , ' : DiHerent More modern, more com plete snd a better tailoring equipment - than any other on the west coast. Our own tailors highest salaried cut ters who are artists. 5PCaALIT5 fOR CACII : class Of GARMENTS Experts who ; make ; only coats- (some " for sleeves, others for collars, some who baste and otlienTwho press). Others for trousers, some for vests those who finish but tonholes. This ' guarantees satisfaction on erery gar ment, in every particular. A PAIR OF TROUSEnS FREE With every suit costing nor less than : $220, ordered within four weeks frpm De cember 26, an extra pair of trousers free like the suit you . buy or a handsome stripe. ; Several hundred . new, at tractive and stylish patterns to choose from.' ; , This is a pretty liberal offer ing you abetter f get IftL on it I ',: ' , Make Your Selection At Once ; From the finest and choicest . line of .Tweeds, Cassimeres and Cheviots in all the west no exceptions positively the very finest. Come see; youll agree. . ELKS BUILDING. SEV ENTH AND STARK STS. Stek Basdaehesod vaUaraaU tbatmabaaa tea, daot Is a htuotM staieef b raMaa.aak as DtaUMB, tiaoata, Drewelaaaa. Wapaaa aftar aailns. rala la the 810. A. While Uaatt-anaa rtair-U'rlTSiii iiiia hak --r- ' -f - moil aTaadseBO, y CitWl LHtle Uvar FllW eeoallr valaable la Ooatlpiin. aarMaq aaa ana, VaatlB hiaaunorUoaiplaiattaila th-r a" j-ji-iikll liacinlari -if Uiaaimnanh atiiaili ta UnraaansaUtauiabawala. JwaUUajat'l ii Aehatkay mnM balnaTiolaataa Wh aaffFfroBlUll'lln"lnmTlaJnt hn for. iilt(yih.r In 1' w not ni hLin thaa ajhaoTUalil (ln.l tlialllll pi..a a;n. " bllaomnf ma toat lhy will ant b it Vrs anaaaiibQMtbin. hut afaar aitatch tw4 AO' k Hi W of . - ' Waiaknrna4 l -. . . Stli-ra do not. Utvri 1 ' I rf a.v 1 - ' Ib-y .n nrt. tH V. E tat aa . ' tlJOMAA i CARTERS r7rmt ' I IVEH mm