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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
Tin; oucgom daily journal. Portland." Monday evening. January u. I807. SEf.DS SPECIAL ESSAGE ABOUT A III RIOIIUG President . Advises Senate of Brownsville Trouble, Giving Names of Witnesses Who Saw Soldiers Shoot, Declaring Of fleers Must Have Known. ' : : Y -' ' ' (Journal BmcUI Service.) Washington. Januaay 14. President . Roosevelt this afternoon tranamltted to the senate a apeolal meeeage containing the report of Major tJlocksom and As- Istant Attorney-gvneralPurdy on ,4he Brownsville trouble. He also tent ' tne hells, clips and bullet fathered on j " the ecene, ' The give the . names of the witnesses who heard the ( voices of the negro soldiers at night and v later saw them climb the garrison fenoe - and start ehootlnr. The message gives the names of 14 witnesses who actually aaw the negro ,.r soldlTa shooting, stating that the am munltlun used "could" not have been-fired by any other rifles except the ones csr- ried by the negro soldiers. The presi dent saya that It Is Impossible the offU ' cars or the rest of the soldiers didn't Irnow what happened. One witness says tbst at least ZO soldiers participated. The president haa already revoked ' " portion of the order which he issued, ben-ins the dismissed soldiers from civil Employment. He haa rescinded In Ita entirety this part of the order which restores the soldiers to the freedom of movement they demanded. ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC FINDS SANT1AM BRIDGE- SITE (RtwrUI rjlepatrb te The Joernal.) ' Lebanon. Or., Jan. 14. In conterapla- tlon of changing a portion of their road ' between Crabtree and - Lebanon... the Bouthero Pacific haa been surveying the Rantlam river to obtain a alt where a railroad bridge ean - be permanently maintained across- the tlver.- It-4-re. 1 ported the. company haa located a alte . by the aide of the wagon bridge at this place.-' - - The Urge sawmill of-P. M. flcqggln la Hearing completion and log are cora . lug In rapidly. DRISCOLL WITH EAGLE - : BAND AT PENDLETON ' tSpeelal ptapatek te The Joarsel.) ; Pendleton. Or.. Jan. 14. Ben K. -Drls-roll. the cornetlat with Da Caprlo'a band at Portland, haa been engaged to play with the Eaglee' band of Pendleton dur "ing the coming year.' Mr. and Mrs. , In-iscoU have , already arrived In the city, and Mr. prlscotl will at once ' enter upon his dutiea with the band. . - '. in m ,-' . .. ..'.-' Wisconsin Has Record Suit. V. " " (.Tnnrnat Special Benrlee.4 x ! ' GrinS TUpldsTWI Jan.: i47-TrHn y Johnaon la suing the Marshneld Land Lnmber ec npnny, t'phara Manufactur . , Ini cdmpwn'-wlaCODpet. River Land i company for more than 1.000.60J7Tne ; ; complainant acquired an option on lands owned by the Marshfleld and Upham companies, which ha alleges were trans - -ferresr - he Copper-R4ve company for ' .) tCOO.OOO. before hla option had expired. . This is the largest suit aver brought In thla- tUUn-j--' I... ;i ) i, POULTRY "SHOD TO oPEn soon Fine Fowl Will Strut and Preen Before Admiring Eyes for One Week This Month. "' PIGEON EXHIBIT TO BE A STRONG FEATURE Slat Association to Conduct Show .'. -That T1U Bring Into. Notice Some of Finest Specimens on th faclfio Coast. .. v" ' , ' ' Breeders sad fanciers of thoroughbred poultry la Oreioo'are Uila week a be glare as oppor tunity to hdule their adailritkna and reeel IB aa etblbltloa of I to uwla that will be held by the nregoa State Poultry aaeretatloa. be (laulDg Wfdiieeday, January K, sad eooUnalnl one wee.. 3 bis la Ui, twelfth aaaaal exhibi tion, and In Ita man? new features and an axial number of special prises It promises te be ef greater latere! man that of any prerkm year. The list of entries Includes blr'le from . ell point, oa the coast, and the total Bomber will ream neei-Ty 1. V, tnrlomn rrhe -p1pons.-wtilrB-will be the attractive teatnre of the show. riTS'iinndre4 eagee have bees bo lit for the birder Midi, and the Hat ot pullet,, bene sad cork, will reach eomethlng Ilk goo. The Seattle enow cloeed Saturday, and tbe f hot re entriee wilt be In eompettrlne with the Oregoa bird. J. O. Watts of Eugene, woe eeptured tint prhte at Seattle for tbe beet exhibit entalde of tbe Mate, will enter hi now of erlae-wlanlng Barred Plymootb Rorke. Others who are eonteetlug for prtiea la Ula variety are B. T. Keener of Eugene, J. C, Murrey sj4 J. Marrcjr el PartUod. i Cnjs for Wlanera. 1 ta the entriee of White WTendernra. D. N. Laaa, H.'Klaxbeaee end U. B. Baailltaaj will be represented. The Hasleweod fans wMl aiaka aa effort with White nymootb Boras. W. P. g:iook, the "bantam king," will be en hand with a big display of tbeae Interesting utrte stratrrra. . Orer 10 2S eene are efered among -tbe prteee. bealdea a large Bomber of eseb and other awards. Sixty per eest ef tbe entry fees will be gives In caeb arises In earn eiaas of each variety. All prizes era open to tbe world. - Entries eleaed as January e. for tndrea Klmer Plioa ef Oregoa nty, the best loral authority ea j-hlaeeae. will be e Uted by K. 3t"oe of Birchen, B. C. The latter Is an expert . on plgeoue, for whirl be was especially btalned. - . . - t nag Tifo BxhlWt. - ' Tbe exhibit of 'plgeona will inclnde every vetiety and prises will bs swarded for sack elaaa. Tba Oregoa Flgeoa dob, ander the enperlntendesee of O. fowell. will bare full control ot - the : plgeoae. - The entalblOoa wiu Include carrier,, tantalls. bea aialteee. horoera. barba, antwerpa. pouters, trutapettr,, rollers, rents snd 'SMsy others. There will be per haps 'am birds In this section alone. - . -Tbe eoadltloBS for a socceaafal ebow are very ennouratins, ea the repeated exhlbltlone of different yesrs hare stimulated gresur tatereet la the production ot e petter saa Bigner grade of poslary. Better breeds ere coa tlunallr being tmpertee tnte the aura By fanrlrre and tae abows are briaglng sot better bird, every year. - ., , ., . Lvci.iE.n;::i!.".:.i,G co:.:fcu::d ISM. la acknowledged to bo tha most ana-, oeaeiul remedy in the country for those painful allmenta peculiar to -women. - v ' ' For mora than SO ye are it hu been enring - Female Complainu, aueh aa In (lamination, and Uloertv tlon. Falling: and Displacements, and consequent Spina) Weakness, Backache, and la peculiarly adapted to the Change of Lit: -- - V Records show that it baa on red more caaes of Female Ilia than any other one remedy known. L'J, . ' Lydia K. ; Pinkham'a. VejreUble Compound diaaolves and expels Tumors at an early stage of development. Draff81no;WriaaOTiscaaln pain, weight, and headache are relieved and permanently cured by Ita nse. It correct Irregularities or Painful Functions, Weakness of the; Stomach Indi,restion. Bloating;. Kervcras Prostration. Headache,, Gene ral Debility; also. Dizziness. Faintneaa Extreme Lassitude. "Don't ears and vrsnttobeleft alone" feeling-. Irritabilitr. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Flatulency, Melancholia or the "Blues." these are sure Indications of female weakness or some org-anio derangement. . . For Kidney ComplsinU of eltbe'sex Lydia E. Plnkham's Vearetable Compound is most excellent remedy. , . . . - r, l: r Airs. Plnkhini's Standing Invitation to Women .Women suffering from any form '4 female weakness are tnvited to write Mrs Ptnkham, Lynn. Masa. fv advice. She is the Mrs. Plnkham whQ haa been-adriaing sick women free, ef cbrgejQrmore jthan twenty years, and before that she assisted hr mother-in law Lydia B. PTnkham" In adviainir. Thna ahai nrtmttA L. e- - i . M w u iuu wviucu vawa ei rtAalth XI am -Al i a - , .i i i . ' . N4 NO TEAMS, NO SAWYERS, NO WOOD, NOTHING BUT GROWLS. GROWLS Prndlrton Woodmen's Of fleers. . 'A.'- S (Hnedal W .patch to The Jnarnsl.) - Pendleton. Or., Jan. 14. The follow ' " " lng olfk-era have been elected for the Pendleton camp .of Woodmen: Consul mrhmander. L. M. Idleman: adviaer. A. i I. Owens; clerk, J. p.. Walker; banker, J rfeaw Tbomll Fltsgernld; manager, J. H. Lawrey; escort, V, Btroble; watchman, ) . Zueake; sentry, J. P. Earl. The In stallation will takex place thin evening, when an elaborate program will be car- :.-.rledj out,--v --,.,. .--.----.- -.-.-.-.-- John Day D. of It. Officers. ISpeclal nWpatrh to Tbe Journal. ) ' . John Day, Or., Jan. 14. The following officers have been Installed In Margaret XL Lodge, No. 44, Drgree of Honor; Past chief, Laura Hucheney; chief of honor, - I'lorence Wilson: lady of honor, sirs. . tlrltnth; - chief rf ceremonies, Hattle ' liunn; usher. Bertha Luce) recorders Mrs. F. drelger; financier, Mrs. Nellie Ullot t; reeelver, lra. Mollle Moretn; inside watclv, Alice Myers;, outside watch, Mrs. George Blank.-.-' ' Union Xational Bank's Officers. (Special Dt patch to The Jneraal.) , Union, Or., Jan. 14. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Union National bank the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: , President. E. T. Kaater; cashier, J. W. Ethfngtont di rectors, John P. Wllber. J. H. Huntchln son, 8. A. Purcel, William Kellblock, & . T. Kaater, L. J. Davis and. Thomas Brasher. . L . -.C...: . - e : tkb nut snntBaa. e The ft rat of the series of IS -a beautiful populsr-songs to be 7 d lasoed In connection . with The d Sunday Journal, commencing ony a January 10, will te entiueo .-Uka I Love Tou." This la a b beautiful little love song, with e an extremely catchy .air. .' It la 4 - from the pen of thoae well- known end clever song writera, 4 rJosephT 8VNahan-and - Harry d Gordon, and la considered one d of their-most popular hits. No music rxclt shoTfia bs without d . this clever song, and you eannot 4 afford to miss one of the series. d Subscribe for The Journal at d once, ao that you can take ad 4 vantage of this exceptional music d' offer,. which starts next Sunday 4 and continues tor at leaat li d . weeks, a sheet ot music socom e. panylng every copy of The a Bundey ' Journal. . Order The d Journal, and get a sheet of -4 music every Sundsy. , LEBANON SWELLS CRY..' ' : FOR TRANSPORT REFORM fHiieclal Dlipatck te The Jooraal.) " Lebanon, Or., Jan. t4. At a regular meeting - ot the . Lebanon Development league a resolution Indorsing the action of tbe shippers' and producera conven tion at Albany laat Thursday, and de manding at the hands of the legislature a strict reciprocal demurrage law and favoring state or government Ownership of the locks, at Oregon City, was Sdnpted. The ladles of Lebanon are talking of organising a club to assist the develop ment league. '. . Light Snow at Lebanon. ' ' Lebanon, Or., Jan. 14. The' oold, frosty weather of the paat few days has changed, first to rain and then to snow. About half an Inch fell and still remains, ... . . ' ; "We have the wood, but we can't de liver for two or three days." s- . This is what the wood dealers of Port land are telling people who call them up and ask for a load of wood- Team a cannot be engaged fast, enough te keep up with the orders pouring In on account of the cold weather, and In the -'meantime the people are skimping and sav ing what little remaining fuel they may have left In their basements in the hope that they will not be caught in the Dakota-like weather without fuel on hand. Nor for years has tba weather beea so cold In Portland .as the last 'few days, snd never before hsve the people hsd to contend with the fuel man as this year. Entreaty, supplication, anger and all forma of commands and requests are given a deaf ear by the wood barons, who have raised their office girls upon a pedestal where they can - take the tel ephone and say In a haughty voice: "Very eorry. but we can't deliver jrour wood for three daye.". ... Money of Vo -Avail. :;- In the meantime the poor bouaeholder who has money- In the bdfik and check book In hand gathers his fsmlly about him In sn isolated room, shuts sll the doors and hugs a, two by three flre and tells of bis experiences in the Philip pines when It wss so hot that ha could fry sggs by the sun's rayaj Tbey all sniffle and wish for ths "good old sum, mer time,'' but tbe wood man calls up his wood yard and says: . ' "John., you had better bring tanother load of wood up to ths house this morn ing. . It .looks as If this cold spell will laat all week.-:-. . ..- .-. - - - There Is much suffering among Port-landers,-, and many homea era, oold and oheerless. but still tbe dealers say they havve -plen t y of wood.- These- dealers allege they are unable to get teams te haul the fuel. Borne of them have of fered to sail the wood at It) cents a load if the people will send a team down to the yard and haul it away. From all that could be learned this morning all the dealers in the city who take orders today will not be able' to deliver them before Wednesday or Thursday.. . - lawyer ranalaa Mow. . Another factor In the . fuel game is the shortage of 'sawyers. These men. who have a harvest the year around, are simply swamped with work st present. They have become almost ss scarce as express .wagbna, and do not seem to care whether they' have any work or not. Several of' the dealers In taking or ders this morning ssld that they would aend the, wood in several daya, but It would have to be aawed, and that they were unable to supply a sawyer, and did not know where one could be obtained. NINE TIMES OUT OF TEX ITSCAUSLDBYCCXCESTlCr!. C e'i The simplest, easiest and ntost effective remedy for this most common complaint is an AllcocWt Plaster' Millions have been cured of back trouble during the past half century by this wonderful, healing, strength. , ening ancT pain telieving ; plaster , Th4 original and genuine poroua plaster RgMEMBIR-oc-r'iYjjev-ihave been in use for do trary and have no equal at sn external remedy. Hade of absolutely the purest and best materials, and Guaranteed ander the Pure Food and Druf Ac, Jue 30, 1W0. Serial No. 35. . , : , , Far CtmtiMit. B&uaiu, Hmitktl ifsaeu. Udirtttirm. 'itt.. rsAs Brand ret h 's Pi I Is ' a LSiatire ainw a, wiwvw , w " w Fach pill contain, one nam el aettd eitra of aanana rllla. which. w"h other velnable vvablepiodacta,aalie Ita blood purl tier oi a cel Ire t character.- . stabllshwd 17S 1 - i I - jw- " t . an4 - ;1 t Countess Olga Von Hatzfeldt, the Beautiful and Clever. Comedienne la " v "Tha Ltttla Duchess" at the Heilif Theatre. :" :y- THICK COTTONWOOD BARK' AND . NUT CROP HIS WEATHER SIGNS "Don't you think-that I knew what I waa talking about when I told you to prepare for plenty of r reeling and rail ing weather?" said Uncle Tom Long, the reporter'a acowdweller friend, who waa found this morning In hla littlo one-room boathouae on the river above the Inman-Poulsen mill. Too remember I told you in tha early fall." continued Uncle Tom, "that sll the algns of nature pointed atralght to biting wind and falling weather. Well, it haa come to pasa, hasn't IIT I mske a close study of nature, and I can coma pretty close to telling before hand what sort of winter we sre going to have. I am not so good on prophe pytng summer - westher, because tfhe summers sre pretty much alike, any way you take "em. . . . J - "When I went up tne river jn wo- vember and found the bark on the north aide of the Cottonwood 4reea so. thick that it waa splitting, I knew that the trees were trying to protect hemeclves agatns the chilling blast of Jsnuary. and when I found 4 hat the squirrels in the hllla had stored double the uaual quantity Of nuts and acorns I began to think or my own winter saripnes snd wonder If I hsdn't better anchor anoth er log or two alongalde of the scow to saw up st odd limes. Wfcen I saw tbivt dim and murky-tonkin harvest moon 1 went to work and chinked up tbe cracks la this old scow and doubled my wood supply, ' "When I Was a box back In Kentucky a big crop of persimmons was a sure sign of a hard winter, persimmons sre fine things to fatten 'possums on, and a 'poasura haa to have a good deal of fat on his ribs to laat him through a bard' winter. While we have neither 'possums nor persimmons out here, there are lots of weather signs if you know how to find them. , "I don't pay any attention to high and low pressure areas snd prevailing winds and auch other stuff as Is sent out by the sclentlflo westher prophets who are paid to predict weather that hardly ever cornea true; I atudy nature, snd she never lies to me." Another great capture -the most sensational bargain pickup of Gloves ever offered , ' in Portland, and just whdn you want themtoo. . Women's and Misses' 75c to:$i.25 :mm r The entire surplus line of a big New York maker. 100 dozen, 1,200 pairs of the best gen uine German knit Gloves. Every pair guaran teed a 75c to $1.50 grade. Choice . ... ... .' . 1 Plain and Fancy Black and Colors They are the greatest and best bargains that ever struck the town and you can't help but admit it, too; made in the best styles by 'one of the most noted makers,all the, finest yarns; plain colors and black, fancy striped, mixed and other effects; ' all perfect; all 75c and up to $1.25 grades, and that's strictly guaranteed. Only 1,200 pairs, and but one pair to a customer, as they are a bargain so great that we want all toshare in it Sale starts at 9 A. M. and not before, so as ' (jjy (TJ to give all ah equal chance to be here and getN first pick. Regular rtff7 -.75c and $1.25.GlQveSaa?,. .UJ'VS Mail Orders Filled from this ad. Satis-; faction guar- anteed..:"--- PDRTl'AIID j I!E17 DEPM1G1T STORE ENTIRE BLOCK ON YAMrilUL f ROM Pictorial Review Fa terns are beat Price Another Day of the Greatest Selling That This Store Has Ever Known hattellsyouwheretheba No wonder the store 1s" crowded when such values are offered, and bear in mind everything is exactly as advertised. J Bring thisad along and see for yourself. ANOTHER 50 CASES LARGE SIZE BOXES 5c PARLOR MATCHES 2 US Full 500 in box one of the best brands of matches made, and all regular 5-cent 1 boxes GREAT CLEARANCE OF ODD LOTS BEST 10c SKEINS OF YARN All mixed lots, all colors and good size paw skeins, best 10c and 12c yarns, at, your w choice for................ ..-e Ef SVi GRANULATED SUGAR ings, a yard S2C io,000 pounds to go best granu- A 1 y a-aia aeaaaamv-a, gtcd SUgSf, for Otie y.........Tlw I U . Reg. 8c and 10c Val. . 1 , , T r,A tn - s 20 nJ 22-inch AHover- I Women's 35c - Black, taceaanain- . Embroideries, worth Wool Hose, heavy txxotisrj&?r;Zty the ymT "491 .lrZZ.. 23C- 'BesTTclind 8c Fancy -1 Tigwed Calico, aU Boys' e and Girls- 20c L.rge regular Sc bars . aftv..:;3c fcS, !ff. Millnda8cJutinE. -35c Large Fancy-Pil. WotrrenV-$t.50 Long- Flannel.thickef Jow Covers, all in. Silkr Gloves, fJQ., fleeced, yard,S,f Vf complete IV C odd sizes, ....... UC ""22c GROCERY BARGAINS SnadeS ...sVsVV , tottl faaoy 7e l.OOd . regular 10c (Cs aaaaaaa-aaaw aaa. aaa aeaai aaaaaaaaaaaw aeaaaa. ct,up for 45C , . akeS SaOOllO Ul. Women' 75c and $1 0 .B1'nM, T 1 ?r 1oo Muscatel q at m for 1 day lb. . . . Jt. ; Balalns. lb .."C S,nr.r48c msc'. ; --,r.r:-2Sc . ........ Lemons dos I5C ' Ho can Import-O Odd lots Men s $1.25 5o extra fancy Navel d Sardine and UM Wool Un- STZ.'-.l'.C. -l'FiT.C derwear, 70m n- ost pota-7e tBe u Cabin in" garment ... c toe ', A0C Maple symp ...... Large Huck Towels linen 85c all 1 4c Boys 50c heavy Cor "duroy Knee g Pants aVC Odd lots Women's Belts, worth up to 30c each 5c Mill Ends 8c and 8c Apron Ginp;-y Qy- "ham, yard . HtdC Men's best 8c red Ban dana Hand kerchiefs Finest $1.00 Baby Irish and Batiste Em broideries,. ' g yard . .....OVC Odd lots Women's $1 and $2 Pocketbooks Purses .... 59c AT THE THEATRES "LltUe Duchess" Tonight at IfeUlg. Tnelslit, liweiuw asd WedMSilar Blssls Iks etiartntn eoaMtUense, Ceanteaa OIs yea Rats feMI. aeppnrted aj aa eieellent coenBaar ef plajers, will preaist Aaua II aid's BrodnetVte of rbe Omerel aanewel elaf. "The Utile Deeheae,'! el the HelUg theatre. Ill Ire aaa Sareeat Abora kaeet enrramMled ker erlrk a enoipanv ef ell aeterted people. iaehKitae a rplenJld east ef enawillawe 4 stesarav a larse rherna nt attractive aad eWer glrla, gnrseoaa eaaOnree and eleeraat erenerr -la tart the a. me Isetah enlpaeitt tn4 In the Vn ma ec "Tae Utile PBeaess" st.tb Kew Terk Tifth and Alder Sts. I. F. Phgeraann, Mgr. , . ' OUR ANNUAL Clearance Sale Of Furs still continues. ' Reductions :'; .on all . fur Scarfs Fur Hulls l-5iolcs Fur Jackets fur Caps - In all the popular furs." " With a. good Fur Jacket, Boa or Stole TOtt will remain comfortable and cheerful during . the coldest weather, s ' The only safetr lie fur.gtr frlentsr which we-are now .offering, at., most tempting pr;ces. O e SPICES. o ccrn-E,TEA, DAinnoFovfDin. FLCICnL"3EXTnAOS; AbsoluhPurffy. flMslflftVor. CttahnT Sfrmt'h. Ctasonillt Wcea. CLOSSETftDZYEaS I V BV BL Bar B aaaaVraava SLJ Bt a. 5. a. e-a aggmmmmifmmm afa ? --B-! Castoe. Seats are selling st tbe bos office ef the taestrs, fynrteeatk asd Washlngtea streets. Seat Sale Tomorrow "The Strollers." ' Tuaaetiuir atoning st 10 e'clsek rbe s'dvaaee Seat sale will open fee tbe si antral emawie am nea. "Tbe fitrolleea." whl ciatiee to the Hetllg theatre eest Tbaredav. IrMar asd Satar aar alshta, . Jajmery IT, IS and IS. with' a apeetel-pHee an a tine Satantar. Seat aelltn st the bnt rrtre,f tbe theatre, rnsrteeutlt ssd Wasbbgta atraeta. . Olga Xethersola Coming to IIpUIu. OtfB Jfetherenle.' Ihe fanwms fnfll.h ,-re. swl her Easlleh enoipear ef plat era. will pr. ..-.. KrW st the alellig theatre Mne'lity ' Weeseedar sights, Jsssary iU aae 3d. 1 . day ala-ht, Jaeary . "The Seened Mrs. Tae never." ' "Saphe" will elan be tlven st the Wednesday Biatlnee. Best a ale for the entire ensaceeaest will . epea seat Batttraar. Jam ary IS. v "Sapho" at Lyric. "SapkA" will be pleeed thle week b? tbe Lyrhs atork eompanj-, Thle la tha eamn nntM play which baa attracted o Bin. h att.,itim hi tha seat and Knalanl. It la a of the faoanne eorel ef the sreat f'renrh aniho-. Alphnnae Hamlet, and hea ne,r hn aeea in Portland at potilar prl. ":iph.i" hi a plat wht.'b ererjr one will waM to he.auxe i Binck has been wrlttea aNxit u. 'ITimiliit!" st Vio (" " I!', bill at f.e i-ar l tot the week. etrt!n ta eeeaing. " a ataraieee Tneeday. 'Itinrt.,, Kelt Saixtajr. ll'.rni'iia Is a far with avet ecaalcal etnrlca e,er t-M m t It la saarnnteetl he a I. null trim flaleh. "Ilnwlne" w rlit asu aad ate llu-ti taa n .HI ml "The f.rim 'h .y r ' Tnra aril I a,". 1.1. I w t- y " the nw ! ! at i " ' .mi- " ' .1 .