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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 14. 1CS7. I tr.vr-i nr.ipniiA fjEfj will T? a ),w;Tr3 c att w - - - w . 1 II II II" ' X ' I i II I I -X M .Bsh. lis II J ADVERTISE Jil N QJJL . lLiL ;. beautiful itttie iv song, wun I . .. XTTTT'OTi TIT TTTTM II : T XTTIT TH . . - FIFTY-FOOT LEDGE ALL PAY ORE Property That Promises to Make WThdy' Hollow Still Fur - . ther Famous.: SOLID MILLING QUARTZ . CARRIES NO STRINGERS Finds Made of Rock BUr Lot With - - Richness, but What Holds Prao , Ileal Mining Men Is tbchDoIlowS . Mammoth Low-Grade Velns (Special DUpatck to Jse JwmI ) ' Grants Pass, Or., Jan. 14 M. Marks, . - manager,. aadi5red- Brlgga,- secretary, of the Lakeview Mining Milling torn' " panr, owner of axtenstvs mining; hold' Inn la the New Windy Hollow dle- , trlct, near Lakeview, have baan . here : for the paat few dajra In tha Interaat of tbalr company.' They atata that though tha weather has been bad In that part ot Oregon for the past month., with con-, , ald.rabl. enow, there has bean llttls ot no eeeaatlon In mining . activity. - The several claims that have been sad are. being developed in Windy Hollow are proving richer and better? with depth, ' and every day It becomea more .apparent that Windy Hollow will be aa lively as many of tha famous Nevada campa within tha next few months.' i. - . . "The main ledge on our own property la being developed by tunnel," -aald Mr. - Narks. ,"I have Just received word from . the foreman that tha showing of tha . ledge matter Is daily 'growing better. ... . and from what 1 know of the property from my - careful Inspection of fore leaving I am convinced that It will .. make ona of the btggeat milling jrepo ' aitions on the coast. We do not claim to have a ledge that wUl run up into ' the thousands of dollars per ton, but I know we have a. ledge fully' SO feat ; wide that' carries from t to $29 a : ton, and that It Is all milling quarts .. with, no stringers in It The same ils true of tha other properties being de veloped over there. "While there were : several fabuloua finds made on tha aur- ; face, the thing that la attracting the ; best, mining men and capital to the dts trict Is great width, the stable character and the average values of the ledges. i...: Mr,. Marks, has Just madaa trip to Seattle in the interest of his company, having several associates In the Sound ' city who are Interested In tha district. He Is on his way back to Windy Hoi Jow and will personally superintend op erations on tha claims. ' Tha first of tha series of IS beautiful popular . songs to pa Issued In connection with The Sunday Journal, commencing on January 10, will be entitled 'Like 1 Jve Tou." This Is s beautiful llttls love song, with an extremely catchy air. It la from tha pen cf thoea well known and clever-song writers,, Jomnh a. Nathan and Harry - Oordon. and Is considered one e of their most popular- nits. No muslo rack should no wunom this clever song, and yon cannot afford to miss one of the series. , Subscribe for The Journal at once, so that you can take ad- , vintna of thia eiceotlonal musie e j offer, which eUrta next Sunday e and continues for at least II e weeks, a- sheet of music accom- panylng , every ' copy of Tha S Sunday Journal. Order Tha -Journal, and get s abeet of; e ' muslo every Sunday. " - '" V ma linn county, paid OUT LAST YEAR County Clerk's Statement to Secretary of StateRecord ; In Good Road-Makings '" (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Albany. Or.. Jan. 14. County Clerk 3. W. Miller has completed bis snnual ststament of the expenses of Linn county for i l0t. This statement must be filed in tha office or the secretary of tat by January. It, and a used by that official In determining the amount to bs paid by each county. The de tailed statement Is aa follows: County court snd commissioners, fl.TS4.16; cir cuit court. SS.t4S.4S: Justice's court. Hl.i; aheriffs office. I2.J63.ST; clerk's office, -$3,410.60; recorder's of fice. ' ll.J85.J0; i tresaurefs office. II. 000. JO; 'coronet's' office. ' II1T.40; school superintendent. Il.t3t.10; as sessor's office, 13,000; sssessment snd' collection of taxes, SI. 211; tax rebate, 1204.27; current expenses. tS.Slt.95; courthouse expenses. ' SI 68T41: Jail. S17T.S0: care of poor, 43.S51.4S; Indigent! soldiers, S SS Mr Insane,-1 SS. 8T;- reform school - commitments, - .tt; .ferries. Fruit of That Valley to Be Given Reputation Equal to - Character. GROWERS ORGANIZE WILL INCORPORATE EnthnMaani Marks Sosaion of First f Farmers' In stitnte Inspiring Ad- dresses ' by Renowned Special lata Next Meeting la Fcbrnarx. " ' " ' ' ISdmUI tHinatch ta Tha JooraaM Roaeburg, Or., Jan. 1 4. Considering the Inclemency of ' tha . weather. Rose- burg's first farmers' institute opened with good attendance. Among tha prominent man present war Professors Jamea Wlthycomba, C L Lewis and A. B. Cordey ot ths Oregon Agricultural college, A. T. Buxton, master of tha state grange, and A. X. Mason of tha Hood River Fruit Orowera' association. Interspersed among the discussions were some SDlendld and well received musical numbers. The remsrka of "tba arieakera were riven the closest atten tion and applauaa marker tha. end of each address. Tha institute opened with an address of welcome by Attorney Louis Baraee, one. of Itoseburg'a most public spirited eitlsens.-' Response to Mr. Barsee'a re mark was made by Dr. James Wlthy comba. who ststed that Roaeburg la. a favored apot and that the fruit, mineral and timber resources of the Cmpqua valley are unexcelled. In speaking of the object of the Institute Prof. Withy combe aald;"- - : v.: . .-'If yon will organise, yon will bava a quantity and quality of fruit second to none In - the state; your opportuni ties are immense, , Be loyal to .your own section and let It bs known that your, section la unsurpassed."., j ' , Advertisers Oat the Jjwpntattoa. Prof. Lewis tslked on "Management and Location of Orchards." He told of the prises Oregon had won on bar fruit COURT EXCUSES CONTEMPT ASO SMILES ABOUT IT William Yorty Had Load of Coal and Defied Process fllDeeiat mseatrb ta The JmhuLI ."Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 14. "Tall : 'the court I ve got a load of coal and oan't coma," was tha reply Yorty. a witness in the Bremmer. assault case. sent to Jostles of the I'eacs J-J. Huff -1 father baga; , man by Constable Nets Peterson, who had bean sent to servo-a -warrant on him. "In consideration , of the weather I will not have s bench warrant issued," '. said the court, amid the laughter of She -spectators. Id tha courtroom. ; , Bo precious have black diamonds be- come in the northwest that it has be come a common thing to hold up a train and ateal them, but Walla Walla believes It has the distinction of showing tha first Instance on record where tha man date of a court has been openly defied through Joy over ons load of cool se - cured. . , . :, . ... Torty aald he wOuKT come aa soon aa the coal waa unloaded, but ths proae , outing attorney solved the dilemma by saying ths witneas waa not abaolutely essential snd ordering the subpoena can celled. , 7 Hebrew Congregations Meet. , (Journal Special Service.) Atlanta, Oa.. Jan. 14. All parts of the country are represented at tha an nua meeting of tha Union of American Hebrew Congrigatlona. Ths union com 4 prises mors th - ISO of the largest and most Influential 6ongregatlona in the .United 8 tales, and is the most repre sentative Jewish body In tha country. S81S.60: elections,; scalp' abroad and tha reputation, ba asserted. bounty, t!0; surveyor, SS05: mlaoellane-1 that haa been established snd is being ous, SS.S44.01. TotsL SS7.790.4S. The foregoing la exclusive of the amount expended on . roads and high way for that year. The amount ex pended on that account is S28 00S.05 a total for all purposes of SJ3.707.08. ' Tha expense for ths laat year varied maintained by only s few aectiona of tha atata. This, ha aald. has created ths Impression that only these localltlea are In the business of fruit raising. Professor Lewis told of the profits be ing made by fruit growers In Jackson and Josephine counties, apples, for in- f.nm .Via t,lmm( tnmAm All An. map ' .t. ..III.- kl-k tl Kjtv sgo by but S40. The amount expended -Tou don't havs to sell applea for SS on roads snd btghwsys for 110S waa the box to make a profit," ba said.' "It greatest for years, and tha roads and VOu rive vour attention to anDla srow- hlghwaye are In batter ehape and mora) ng you can realise SO per cent profit easily traveraed than at any tims In ths history of tha county. BEAT THE MAN HE IS SAID TO HAVE WRONGED In selling them at SI per box and ths pries will never bs lower." . How to Vlant and Orow. " . Professor Lewis made tha following suggestion; A deep clay loam la tha beat for apples; heavy soil forces a too rapid growtn of the trees to ths detri ment of tha fruit. ' Apple trees, ' upon planting, should ba placed at least SO feet apart;' the loweat branches should Is overflowing with BARGAINS. . A We have selected every Broken Lot in our vast stock and made such deep gashes in the price that will close them out in short order. Better come early. - . J ( , ' . BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS $3.45 values. $3.95 values, $5.00 values.1 $10.00 values. Sale Price . . . . ... . . . ... . . . . . . 51.05 Sale Price . .v. ..........;.. $3.45 Sale Price. . . . ... . . . ...... : .$3.05 Sale Price. . . ......... e'. . . ... $6.50 BUSTER BROWN STYLES $3.45 values. Sale Price. ........ ... .... . . . .$2.25 $5.00 and $8.00 values. Sale Price....... ....$2.05 $10.00 values. Sale Price. ................. .$5.05 BOYSSAILOR-SUITS With Plain Pants'" :$5.00 and $8.00 values. Sale Price. .v....;. . $2.05 $10.00 values. Sale Price $3.05 - k CHILD'S REEFERS ; Ages 3 to 8 years . - -: -'v--." Child's Reefers; were $t.50. Now..;.... 08s Child's Reefers; were $2.00. : Now. .$15 RUSSIAN OVERCOATS Ages V to 8 years $2.50 Russian Overcoats; riowr;";rr.T..;..JiTr.$1.50. $3.95 Russian Overcoats; now. ................$2.50 $5.00 Russian Overcoats; now.... $3.15 Outing Flannel Blouses, 75c values. ............. 30 undlrweab: Broken Lines at Enormous Reductions ; $2.50 values now ...........................$1.50 $1.50 values now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .$1.00 $1.00 values now ...... . ........ .. . . . . .75 MISSES' TAMS AT HALF A Small Lot -Still on Hand 1 Misses $00 Tarns. ......75 Misses' $1.00 Tarns j... ................... .....SO ' (Rtetl ttopr te The Jmrml ) Wslla Walla, Wash.. Jan. 14.-Horace W. Kaith was fined SS0 snd coats In Judas Huffman s court for aaaaultlng not ba over It Inchea from the ground; HenryBremmerrhnsband of ar wumau trees net ever a year old- ahould bs4- fhon II ( 44 he-tndaeedOTOn-a way-planted, as they adapt themselves with him from Canada aavaral months Quicker to soil and climatic conditions. sgo. - Bremmer followed the man, whom Plant only a few of tha beat marketable he accuses of breaking up bis home, to i varieties. Douglas county soil la beat thia country, and finally located him at 1 adapted to aecond grade Spltsenberg Wallula, SO mile from here, where bs'snd first grade Northern Spys and la reported to bava been living with Mrs. ' Baldwin. The more you thin tha quan- Bremmer. andhef 8-yeer-old son, ' Tbstity the longer the life of ths trees snd i action for adultery., the better JLbtjrultetter havea. few againat Keith, but later changed this, boxes of first-class applea than a great to a habeas oorpua proceeding for poa. lot of boxea of Inferior gradea. Paachea, Mm&mm "'IVrp LEADING .1 J Vljr CLOTHI1LR TTT' session of bis child. Judge Brents of the superior court placed tha child In the cuatody of ths Gregory family, liv ing In Walla Walla. On Thursday, Bremmer alleses, Keith went to the Gregory homo with the In tention of trying to take ths child back to Wallula. Being Keith on the street that afternoon Bremmer' accused him of It. Keith replied by drawing a. heavy riding whip - from under his cost snd beating Bremmer over tha head with It, for which assault he was fined by ths Judge. ANTI-CLERICAL RIOTS DISTURB SPAIN'S PEACE like apples should bo grown In light soil snd on a hillside, because they need lots of purs air. For rejuvenating ths soil,' grow-alternating crops .of vetch, rye and raps snd then plow It under the best humus for ths orchard. Prof eaaor Lewta waa followed by W. Buxton, who gave a 20-mlnute talk on organisation. V To Be Xnooryorated. Y. A committee of three waa appointed to draw up articles of Incorporation for permanent organisation to bs known aa ths "Umpqua Valley Fruit Orowers association." Tha next meet ing will 'be held February t at tha court house In this city, "When It Is ex. peeled - trie above named - organisation will incorporate This will mesa much for ths development of Douglas coun ty's fruit Industry. (Journal Special Betvire.) ''. -Madrid. Jan. li- The proposed anti clerical lew will esus the downfall of ftUSSr&tf COLLEGE MEN ATTEND form m new cabinet. In many cities there wars anti-clerical demonstrations, accompanied by rioting. Some people were Injured at BUboa. snd in Ban nebaatian 1 4. 000 people paraded. BEWARE JAPANESE -RESEIIIfilEdT- Professor David Starr Jordan Says Exclusion Law Would . Bs Hoodlum Act. . CONGRESS MAY NOT . V t INSULT THE NATION Head of Stanford University Is Not Bore That San Francisco Has Mot Right to Bar School Doom Against Little Brown Men. v . (Joersst Soeeial Ecrvke. San Franciaco, Jan. 14. Professor David Starr Jordan surprised the Social, lata when, at their meeting laat night. BIBLE STUDY INSTITUTE i. gpe-I Dlspetee -ts-Tbe- Joeraal.) Walla Walla, Waah.. Jan. 14. Half a but there were no senerei ciaahlna nunarea oi mm mums siuaBnis oi in. aiecuealng tha Asiatic problem, he sajd: with thV polTcs? cU8Mnf.I Inland Kmplrs re attending tbs Bible I .-k0 cogreaa could pas. J.p.7tH I under the auspices of ths Whltmsn eol-' 0Bi boa0, U WOuld bs a hoodlum Friday evening with an address of wel- j Th, MnUmsnt aroused UtUs snthusl. ooms by President Penrose of Whitman, . Mm. wno aiao gave me nnai sermon on Bun- exclusion act can be aimed at usy ev-ning, "uu.ry i.. , a gentlemen nation," ha continued; "that Among the Christian association men .... . ...hi. .n..ram... of note In ths northweat who are acting m. nu...rf -m ANNUAL S ALB - The Clearance Sale is now on, and, at usual, a grand success. pfo i pis who can distinguish : t Al leather from sub 1 stitotes. patronize . this . tore. They know that we never indulge in . '. extravagant statements our claim are sup ported by facts. We are. , Sole Agents for the celebrated Ha nan ft Son Fing Shoes. The following are a few of the reduced sty lei: HANAN S - Men's - Custom-Mide " Double-Sole Patent-Colt " - - Bln:hcr, regular $8.00, now ,f 6.78 HANAN'S lien's Custom-Made .Double-Sole Lac, regular $7.50, now i.,.....-r-TWv... S6.25 HANAN'S Ladies' Patent' or , Box Calf Oxfords, regular $5.00, now.'. . , 4. i . ,,.., .3.80 - HANAN'S, ladies' Patent Kid or Colt Lace, regular $6.50 now , l, . . .5.40 And many other Hirh-Grade Shoes, such as Boyden's, LirdiScho- ber & Co. a, etc, etc, at Clearance Sale Prices. ; ; 1 ROSENTHAL'S ' ' Portland's Best Shoe Store. lO THIRD STREET. BETWEEN - MORRISON AND ALDER - as leaders or the institute are Ivan B. Rhodes Of vPprtland. general T. M. C. A. secretary for Oregon end Washington: H. W. Davis of ths Portland T. M. C A., snd C. M. Hood of ths University of Washington association. Washington Stats college, Univeralty of Idaho, Pen dleton academy and other Inland Empire Institutions are represented by good Slsed delegations. ' A feature of the program la a aeries of basketball games smeng ths differ ent delegations In ths Whitman college gymnasium. ' Ths young ladles of Rey nolds hall, the girls' dormitory, gave a reception to the visitors la ths dormi tory parlors Saturday; - - ' - POPE THANKS AMERICA FOR HER SYMPATHY (Joaraal Special Service.) ' Rome, Jan. 14-Tbe pops received ths students of ths American college In this 1 elty yesterday, and In tha course of bis ' speech, discussing ths French sltustlon, tssid:' .'..-.- ! -In ths wsr that Is being waged be tween ths clsry and bell, the express sions of unity snd sympathy from Cath olics throughout tba world are ths great set consolation. America, especially, has distinguished herself In. thia way. Indeed, America Is a great -credit to ua When you return to your glorloua coun- try, follow with ths lergy snd the people this luminous sxsmpls of solid. srtty in- the tremendous eon tl lot againat ths church." i ' " . . - The) Open Door. ' (Journal Sperlal ttrrie. ) Peking, Jan. 14. In accordnncs with an agreement mads with Russia. China 'today opened the town of Tsltalkhar, Manchuria, to foreign trade and resi dence, '. How do they coin a werdj Schilling's The go-ernmsnt so treated would resent 1U "1 am assured by Japanese official whom I know that they are willing to enact a law themselves prohibiting ths Immigration of unskilled labor Into thia country. They ars willing to keep their children out of our yard, but they do not want us to drive tfeam out with our bulldogs "It ia all nonsenss that we havs to fight with tha Japanese to see who shell hsve ths supremacy of tha Pacific That country will havs ths mastery which haa ths best goods . to sell, wrapped up In ths mast attractive par. rOOD OF ACIRtSS Xasw Mow to Crst Well. young lady well known to ths the atre-goers or vim woo, siv.a hi rarer sating experience. Writing from Chi cago aha aaya: "In December, 1903. I Was laid up with a slrk spell, at ths expiration I waa very weak, nervous snd extremely delicate, so much so that when I at tempted to reaums rehearsals such a falntneai seised ms that I wss com pelled to stop. ''". "My strength returned very slowly and I spent my tims In lying down and worrying till my mother persuaded ms to try Orape-Nute food for my break fast. I confess I hsd but llttls hope that It would do ms any good, but made up my mind to give it a good fsfr trial 1 sm more than glad that I did. It quickly brought back my lost atretigth, marts my nerves strong snd healthy a rain, and gavs ms Increased health and weight. I slwsys carry ' It with me now. as I find that soms hotels do not keep It. Grape-Nuts food has emphati cally demonstrated Iteelf a blessing for health, etrength, brain and nerves In my case." Name given by Postum Co,, Battle Creek, Ulchlgan, "There s a raaean, ; , . . .. . ; I . ' .X ' :'-' ! Our Paints Reach the Mark jto ' ' a mi is Of palnf perfeoHnn Bunt nf a a. ' lected Ingredients, thoroughly mixed by man keen for tbalr business, tbsss wood and metal protectors and pre servers are the seme -of all that's good . In colors. . Tou'll And same atata of affairs as regards our Una of varnlahss. - ' THE BIG PAGVT STORE , li i i nasi n ,1 ii inxxaesasg Fishcr,Thorscn & Co. eels and for aalo at ths cheapest prices. "This city nays for Its schools and It haa a right to run them as badly aa It did IS years ago if it wanta to. It may havs ths right to exclude all aliens, but I doubt if It haa tha right to exclude the aliens of -one single na tion. In any case It might bava dons so mors gracefully- "It is only ths hoodlums that maxe trouble and every time a boy throws a tomato can at ths Japanese be makes ths question so much harder of settle ment. - I do not think the argument ot permanent race difficulties Is so strong after all." ... NEW HOTEL PROJECTED : AT LEWISTON, IDAHO . (SrwH.l te Tba SnefnalJ Lewleton. Ida- Jan.'" It. Work will commence April 1 on a three-story brick hotel to bs built In the business section of the city by Martin Meull of thia city, a well-known pioneer of the In land empire, at a cost of S40.000. Ths building will be occupied by Arthur Branson, sn experienced hotel man of Ashland, Wisconsin, who will spend S 20,000 In ths furnishings snd stock of ths establishment Mr. Branspn haa also conducted hotels St Band Polar and Greenwood. British Columbia, and a number of other northwestern cities. Hs will occupy the building about Au gust 1. Tha construction will be such that two mora stories csn bs added If deaired, ' Dental Work . Of i quality x is - one . . dependable kind. rtfltl. The repairing or replacing of Your Teeth . Receives ths careful attention It merits Our splendid office equip ment combined with s large vol ome of business snsbles us to . render a superior dental service at a reeeonsble coet to you. ' ,. It-kL Gold Crowns.. f5 snd' Ste Pull PUtes S5 to SlOO Platlne rulings ..T, 7. .ft Painless Extracting ,, 604 y Bxamlnatloa Tree of Obarga, 7 '"X" Wort Onsraateed. .' . Zdy Attsadaa. Boston Dental Parlors tei 4 kokxisobt mrH op. rot. POPE PIUS MAY URGE PEACE, GOOD WILL TO MEN (Jonrnsl Bpeelaf Serrlee.) I Rome. Jaa 14. It Is said the Vati can will not have a representative, at J ths peace conference at Ths Hague, as I Italy will not recede from ths position taken in 1SSS. and France would offer a serious objection to having the papacy represented. While the Vatican may not be repre-, sentad among the nations. It Is probable I that the pope will Issue an encyclical I, n favor of peace and the limitations of armaroenta. W. T. Stead has com muni- cated with tha papal aecretary of state pointing out what a tremendoua moral Influence the pope could crests by suob action. , . , . . Always Bay mtitfr Collars tms sowv esaoa so ouiea" Eave"LUOtXRD"ietsnakaMosbelat tow .taea th. Mraia. .P.ias tM,sai TSOV.a.V. OSANSTOM -"ft aiiaHi ial Urn nfaa, r 7 - Woodman Win Fame). (Jonraal ppeclsl rfervks.) ' . Ban Francleco, Jan. 14. The new Woodmen oX lb World. ruUding WM m ; ; m formally dedlcsted today and ths exer cises were attended by several of the national officers of the order.- Ths build ing la-one of the -flrat large edifices to ba uoiPlatad s'ire tba fl- CLOTHING CO, ,' ."- jr - Big Offerings And you get th choice of the leason in an OVERCOAT RAINCOAT Mwtiyt told for, and worth every, nickel of, $10,. at ' the ridiculously low price of $6 .85 COME NOW Wljere ; the rBest .Thati Made in lien's Apparel" ia alwayaaold at laying prices. 0.UfLET CLOTHING CO. Northeast Corner' of First iand Morrison Stxeetill-- ... 1