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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY7 JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO, JANUARY 13. 1S07. ASIC GOVERNIVJEWT TO ACQUIRE TOLL LOCKS t.- iias Legislator Favor Memorializing . Congress of Advantage of ; l ; Public Ownership. t. EASTERN OREGON WILL HELP VALLEY, PEOPLE , RnrcsentAtive of That Section De-4 ,.; f olaro Barrier la Across Willamette - y So long m the Electric! Interests Control the Situation. . That the locka at Oregon City should '.fee acquired by the government, thereby relieving river shipping af tba tolla bow ; exacted by tba Portland General Bleo- trio eomseYnyr owners of tba lock, la practically a unanimous aantlment of legislators from aaat of tba Cascade mountalna.. . - ' ' ", Tba . senators and renresentatlvee '' from eastern Oregon are alao in favor "of tha legislatures memorialising oon jrrrBse.t tha preaent aeealon to take ' steps to acquire tba Oregon City locks. ... Upeaklng on tba subject laat night, ,"w'; Senator Whealdon. 0f.JiVaacoBaldu4 - X i "All eastern Oregon people firmly be ' lteve in open rivers. Tba tolla now v collected at tha Oregon City locks are ' unquestionably a burdenTon river shtp . ping, and wa are in favor of making tba loose ireo"" ;1e1Ieve-TmreMressIng tba een- TTments of tha entire eastern Oregon delegation when I aay this.. While tba ' mora direct benefit from the purchase by the government of tha Oregon City look would accrue to tha people of. the Wtllemette -valley, wa remember that they bar been very generoua In pro viding for our needa at CeHlo, and cer tainly will be favorably Inclined to this project. - State sOgM Purchase. , TVe think that it ia tha province of tha national government to acquire these locks, but if this should not be dace, we would favor their purchase by the stats, rrr the adoption -of any other measures to aecure a free open ri.vr." A plan to provide ror a commission to learn tha coat of purchasing the locka and to aurvey tha eaatern aide of tha falls to aacertaln tha cost of bulld- ing new locka in cue it provaa Im practicable to buy tha old locka, baa been suggested.-A soiaer plan was' t0 make a provisional appropriation of aeverai thousand dollars to be expended only- In event congress makes) a Ilka appropriation. None of tba eastern Oregon legisla tors were found who opposed either of tbeaa plana. All believed it to be the province of the federal government to provide free locks, elnoe the govern ment controls shipping on tha river, but thla was not held to be a reason why. tha state should not act.' r- . Open stivers a Hellgloa, .' Senator J. Bowerman of Qllltacn- Sherman-Wheeler, la among tha eastern Oregon-legislator whe faver-an-apea-l Willamette river, aa are also Represen tatives C. A. Barrett and C. W. Steen of Umatilla. "-"Open rivers If OHrnrengton of lb eaatern Oregon people," said , Barrett favor of It. Free locks at Oregon City would be a great benefit, not only to the Willamette valley, but to tba entire state.'' - :- . --JEUHM SENT TO "A um mm V III, II I ILIU Inspector of Interior Department .L: in Charge of Fraud Cases In California. ' ' Thomas B. ' Neuhausen, special in spector of the interior department, who - has been stationed at Portland for tha past three years, has been suddenly transferred to California with his entire Nofflce force, leaving United flutes At ... tocney Bristol to handle tha land fraud business alone in tba Oregon district. Mo information can be gleaned front government sources for tba sudden transf ur of Mr. Neuhausen - and hla f tree. , It la supposed, . however, that the interior, department la about toeom- ! tnence extensive Investigations in Call . fornla growing out of tha disclosures of the Hyde-Benson cases in that state. ' Mr. Neuhausen- tookjwlth him-when he-feTt-Borret Servloe Agents Douglas Watts, Horace Jones, M. Myendorf, Hor ace Ktevens, (tarry Rlgby and B. ' F-, Franklin. 'Hla departure leavea lie; Bristol alone In the land fraud Investi gations and piles upon him a mass of 1 i work which wOl In all probability neces sitate an Increase in the office force of tha district attorney In a short time, or at least before tba land cases er again taken up In 'Oregon. It, would appear from tba move in taking .Mr. Neu hauaen away from thla - district that there wtll be no more land fraud inves tigations In Oregon for aoma little time. WILL REBUILD SIBERIAN " BOAD ON ORIGINAL-UNESj (Haarst Hews by Leesest Leased Wire.) . St. Peteraburg, Jan. 11. Tha fact that tha council of mlnlatera ia seri ously, considering a proposal by Prince Khllkoff, tha minister of railroads, to construct : tha trans-Siberian railroad along tha llnea originally laid out' be fore Russia occupied Manchuria ia taken to imply that tha government an tlctpatea a renewal of the struggle for supremacy In tha far eaatv ' Tha pro posed Una would be entirely 1n Russian territory. . Tha purpose of , the line at present is purely strategical . and waa evoked by tha former managers of tba -Ownea-Claima Election. Outhrta, Okla., Jan. II. Robert L. Ownea, of Muskogee, democratic -candidate for United States' seaATorTfelalm to have tba pledge of IT delegates In the constitutional convention ror woman suffrage to inaert such a provision. 17 ;THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE .:.-y PRICES iJ : v'v ; CLOTHING COMPANY Corner Morrison and Second Streets V', Glearinll ; IS NOW ON See Our Window ay - and be convinced that these are the greatest values ever offered Suits and Crave'nettes. Other stores ask 15.00 ".if v r iot xnem. wur clearing price. . ,1 for them. Our clearing P 'g Suits and Cravenettes. Other store's ask $20.00 ' '. for them. Our clearingXT t v price... ...... ....... Spls&.JZVj K Great Reductions in All Departments I Boys' and Child ren's Clothing One-Half Price V January Red Tag Sale t - ; "We intend t6 close but all odds and ends, broken lots, remnants of carpets, and in fact, everything that in any way conflicts with our new purchases, which are arriving daily. In our great effort to make room for, this new stock we have forgotten costs and put prices down to a place that will move the goods.' If you are in need of anything in Furniture, Carpets or Stoves come In ; and let us figure ! with you. We can only list a few of the, money-saving cuts we have to ofler. Couches and Daveriporls $21.50 quartered-aawed oak frame Couch, upholstered ' in Verona v el our, ateel construction..' f 15.00 $50.00 Bed Davenport, upholstered in Cbaae leather and frame finished in (old en oak and . mahogany fin-" ish 30.OO $30.00 " Bed Davenport," golden oak- frame, steeT con- --atruction, -upbolstered-ra-relouf rm-.t rrrs i . f 35.0 $125.00 genuine mahogany Davenport, upholstered in ailkvelour-Tr;.vrT7..".i:v;r:r.;-.T.T $95.00 Davenoort. solid oak frame and unholstered in linest -quauty-leatner . M. ........ fia.uu . 1 $24.00 Couch, spring edge, oak frame, with claw foot. full steel construction, upholstered in velour.f 15.00 $32.00 Gondola Couch, ball foot, best oil-tempered steel apring$ used in construction, upholstered in ve rone ..aai.OO , $29.50 Verona covered Couch, golden oak frame and full steel construction UJiiz.wT-ivrr 1T.60" $19.50 Library Table, mission design, quarter-sawed oak, weathered finish ,r.f 14.CO $26.00 Weatherk-brry-Table;-QUirter-sawecr itocsfTT. f 1 0.75 $32.50 Library Table in 'weathered quarter-sawed oak,' with book-rack base f 24.00 . $14.00 Weathered oak Den Table, 30-inch around top, -K . lower snelt ...... t.i i atxv.ov ; ' ' $14.00 Quarter-sawed oak Card Table, drop leaves and arawerin ena.-weatneTea iim9nv; .vrrrvvj.vw $16.00 Quarter-salved " Maga?.ineJiclc Three -shelves t6p14x32mches .4 .. ...... $19.00 Weathered oak Writing Table, with top racka for stationery, one drawer ;v. ,$14.5q $33.00 Ladies' Writing Desk, quarter-sawed, weathered " oak, dull brass trimmed f25.SO f.'. timsneo weatnerea. one arswer $7.00 Mission Pedestal, quarter-sawed weathered oak top 14x14 inches.., ...................... ....4. 75 Carpet Department ........... ......fia.eo ...........f 19.20 ................ e a v.ov $17.50 6x8.6 Axmlnster Rug , $25.00 8Jx9.4 Axminster Rug $15.00 6x8.10 Brussels Rug .4 $27.50 9x12 Smyrna. Rug ..f 20.00 $22.50 8.3x10.6 Smyrna Rug ,.f 16.25 $5.00 36-in. by 72-in. Smyrna Rug 2.85 $3.0O 3O-inu by 54-in. Smyrna Rug ............ fl.65 $2.50 26-in. by 4S-in. Smyrna Rug $1.35 $3.00 27-in. by 54-in. Axminster Ruy ...J.;t f 1.95 $5.00 36-in. by 71-in. Axminster Rug S3.20 fZOO 27-in. by 54-in. Brussels Rug $5.7520 Pain Lac Curtains $7.00 8 Pairs Lace Curtains $6.5010 Paira Lace., Curtaint $Z50 Z6 Pair Lace Curtains ,.,......i.k... 3.75 ' a A. n wt fl.50 Stoves and Ranfli $55.00 6-hole Malleable Steel Range, 18-inch oven, an exceptional value at f 36.60 $45.00 6-hpl Steel Range, 18-inch oven, full nickel trimmed ....29.50 $27.50 4-hole Range, 14-inch oven, high warming . closet ..f20.00 . $12.00 No. 8 Cook Stove, 16xl8-inch oven, alidina hearth, extra long firebox ...........98.50 - $6.00 -Wood -Heater, east-top,- lower front-draft; full nickel-trimmed ..54.25 $8.50 Combination Wood and Coal Heater, cast top, bottom and lining, full nickel-trimmed .56.50 $2000 Woodstock Jewel Wood Heater (exactly like 'cut), cast lining, top, bottom and front full nickel trimmed . ... , .... ..14.50- "$1Z00 HoCBIrCoarStove,et lined," full nfckel--" trimmed and cast top, bottom and front ....f 7. 75 $7.50 Hot Blast Coal Store, eaat lining, top and bottom. . an excellent value at t... .....55.25 Furniture for (he Dining Room $65.00 Buffet, 15x34 French bevel mirror, quarter-sawed oak, finished weathered. 38 $27.50 Sideboard in golden oak, 14x24 French bevel mirror f 20.00 $70.00 Buffet, 2 mirrors in back, full swelHront, daw , feet, quarter-sawed golden . OalsC 4asee j, .M$&?tj' eeeaeeS'ee , "s e e i ( t ft 4400 $65.00 Weathered oak Buffet, leaded glass top, strictly mission in design 38.50 $15.00 6-foot Extensipo iTfMeweathered oak ..510.50 $27.50 8-ft. Extension Table, pedestal base, 43-inch square top, weathered oak.. f 20.50 $78.50 Quarter-sawed golden oak Table, extends to 10 feet, 60-inch round top, pedestal base, claw feet ?. f53.00 $43.00 Buffet-in weathered or golden oak, 18x40-inch oval French mirror ....f 26.50 $92.00 Combination China Cabinet and Buffet, leaded glass canopy top, bent glass base, weathered oak finish 868.50 , - ' . -l $75.00 10-foot Extension Table, 60-inch top, heavy claw feet, pedestal base, finished m quarter-sawedweathered oak .... 856.50 $55.00 China Cabinet in weathered oak, leaded glass doors, mission design.538.50 $32.50 China Cabinet, weathered or golden oak, bent glass front and ends, one mirror in back .824.00 For the Bedroom V , . $16.00 is the price of Bed exactly like cut with 1 1-16- iaieh continuous post. finishsd "Vends Martin ruf ' January Red Tag Sale brings it down to..... .9.75 $4.00 Iron Bed, angle iron head and foot; scroll design, all colors ..; ..f3.00 $6.00 Iron Bed, with straight upright? and brass knobs ..V.... ......r....;.f45 $17.00 Bed. finished in cream and green or dead black with gold chilla f. ..f9.75 ' $37.50 All Brass tBed, bow foot. 14-inch post and 2 inch knobs ..............;Af270 - $12.50- MaHeable Irotv ed, 1 1-6-inch continuous post, finished Vernls Martin . ...88.25 $76.00 Dresser, 30x40 French bevel mirror, full swell - front, select quartered oak .....855.00 $40.00 Quarter-sawed golden oak Dresser, full swell . - front, 30x30 bevel mirror 31.50 YSM: Lresser in: gerrujnemahogMyvZoxa -Shape rrencn oerei , mirror, run swell xront, claw ' feet 36.00 $90.00 Quartered oak Dresser, swell front and ends', 28x40 French bevel mirror ....f63.00 Parlor Furniture $16.50 $18.50 $15.00 $15.00 $27.50 $10.00 $22.50 $55.00 like $18.50 $80.00 FIB35T KM TAYLOR . .. is. . . . . ... Mahogany Roman Seat, upholstered In Verona ....'.fft.TS Rocker in Vernis' Martin, a splendid value at ............ 12.75 A pretty Reception Chair in Vernis Martin .. ........f 8.50 Solid mahogany Rocker, dull' finish, loose cushions, in silk velour '. f 8.75 Roman Seat, with back upholstered, seat and back in Verona ...v.. ..f 16.50 Odd Side Chair in mahogany finish, upholstered seat ' f5.60 High-back Rocker in mahogany finiah, seat back upholstered in leather. f 14.00 Five-piece Parlor Suit, mahogany finished frame upholstered ia velour exactly cut, for , -. f 29.75 Three-piece Parlor Suit, upholstered in velour, mahogany finished frame.- .. f 18.25 Mahogany finished Parlor Suit in three-pieces, upholstered ia heavy vero - -. ; - , . , " , na 53.00 $180.00 Three-piece Parlor Suit, In mahog any, heavy carved back and uphoMered 4n '' . silk verona ..117.00 $108.00 Three-piece Colonial Suit, uphol stered in gold thread tapestry ..68.00 $15000 Three-piece Parlor Suit, in gold : leaf, upholstered in silk damask.. 96.50 -A. n ? LEE'S MEMORY TO i- , ) ' , ... - - HONORED Daughters of tha Confederacy Wil! Celebrate Anniversary : d His Birth. , PROGRAM TO INCLUDE PROMINENT SPEAKERS ContonnUlof Jfoted Southern Gen eral's lllrthday Will Be. Observed Next Saturday Evening With Dcm onstration in Ilonor of Ded Hero. Members of .the' Oregon chapter, ITnlt ed Dsushtere of the Confederacy, will celebrate the centennial of the birthday of Oeriersl Robert K. tee st the Women of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor streets, . next Bnturrtny evenlns;. st the same time that similar celebrations In commemoration of his memory are be In held In every other city of ImDOT tsnce In the United "tatcs. Not only In this oountry hut throushout Ensland, France, ejermany and , othsr foreign countries where there are groups . of southerners, demonstrations , In honoi ' of the deed hero wtll be held. JUraosements ve-e-e yet beea fully completed for the program, whloh will, Include addresses by prominent speakers, musical and vocal numbers and a tableau. Justice Halley of the supreme court will apeak on "Oenersi Lee, the Typical American" 1 Colonel Haines of the O. A. R. will choose for his-address--Tbe He sard With Which Oeneral Lee Waa Held by tha Northern Soldiers," and Miss Ruth Lee, great grandnleoa of Ughthorae Harry Lee, will contribute a biographical aketch. Dr. Brougher will speak on "General Lee. the Christian.' Archbishop Chris tie was te have spoken, but the death Friday of Archbishop Montgomery has called the former to San Francisco. Dr. O. M. Wells win introduce the speakers, and Mrs. Jonnle A. George, president of the chapter, will present the bronie cross of honor to seven of the ex-Confederate, veterans. . This ts a custom followed on the Lee anniver sary, but It ,wlll be the first time that the crosses have been bestowed in Ore gon. The program will conclude wltn a tableau by aeversl of the young ladle who will wave the Confederate' and Union flags while "America- is sung by the assembly. , 1 At the conclusion of the program an Informal reception will be held and re freshments served. Wllders orchestra will furnish muslo during the evening. The executive committee In charge of the arrangements Includes the officers of the chapter and consists of Mrs. Jonnle A. George, president; Mrs. Pres ton Smith, vice president; Mrs. H. H. Duff, second vice presldent'f Mrs. Nan nie Duff Sllva, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Sylvia McOuIre, secretary; Mrs. George stovall, historian: Mrs.' A. M. Lee, treasurer, and Mrs. t. D. Hslnss. A special Invitation will be extended to Virginia residents and Beats are to be reserved for the alnmnl of trie Uni versity of Virginia and Washington- Lee Unlveralty.-- r . . .- ' ' ' f ' ..: KIN OF ACCUSED MEN ARE RALLYING IN SUPPORT First .Sklrmlsji In Brown-WId-dowson Case District At torney Explains. V (RpeHal Dtepatek te The Joara-t J ' ' Baker City, Or., Jan. 12. Ia the cir cuit court thla afternoon the first skir mish In the Moody murder ease took place, when motions on behalf of the accused men, Alex widdowson ana ira Brown, to quash the Information against them were argued. In reply to the assertions of Brown and Wlddowsein, the district attorney today Died affidavits admitting that be examined Brows as a witness, but not forthe purpose of incriminating him, and his same had been left off the In formation through an oversight. The deolslon of the court on the motions Is expected Monday. Relatives of the excused men are gathering In Baker from all sides, Ira Brown's brother, EL W. Brown of On tario, being the lateat." Ha declares be will remain until after the trial. Logan L. Long, Wlddowson's nephew, a member of the Michigan bar,' baa been admitted to praotloe at thla terra of court and will be actively engaged In hla uncle's defense. ' ' '" Klamath Teachers' Institutes Klamath Falls, Or., Jan. It. The teachers of Klamath county are holding a series of institutes at various places ta the eeonty and the next one Is 4ue at inanzauzainmininnf ABD tlbB a Dims WE MUST VACATE THE STORES 53-55 IN. Third Street Read carefully, and the best thing to do is to lose no time if you wish to take advantage of these cut prices. Men's Suits and Overcoats of the very best make and qual ity, former prices $10.00, $15.00, $20.00 and $23.00, must go at $4.75, $3.85 and $9.35. Youths' sizes at $2.85, $4.25 and $5.50, regular $12.00 and $15.00 grades. Men's $2.00 and $3.00 Hats for 75c and 95c Men's Pants, regular $5.00 and $6.00 grades, must go at $1.75, $2.85 and $3.75.- Shirts at 19c, 38c and 40c, former 50c, 75c and $1.25 grades. The , sales time is limited better not delay. ' ggxaxgiigiagiiKisxzagiiiaiKgggggaagxSxKtiu M M the High School building In' this etty January It and It. Princess Royal TJL ,: . (Hearst Wewa by Lensest Leased Wire.) London, Jan. 11. Anxiety, la still felt by the reyal family concerning the Princess Royal Duchess of Fife;! King fcdward'a eldest daughtsr, whose illness la serious. Her condition requires the constant attendance of a physician, w!TO either sleeps In the house or pays m'd Blght visits to the royal patient. The Albany Democrat oaila Portland "Uih thug elur." . . ' 11