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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1907)
THE OKEGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 13. 1007. Exceptional Values in lion's -V Yedv Men's Silk Lisle Handkerchief 10 Large assortment of men's silk lisle hand kerchiefs, several different patterns, col ors blue, gray, white; our regular 85c values. Special Clearance price. . iyC Men's Fancy Hose 11 Men's fancy cot ton hose in large line of up-to-date nobby styles; our regular 25c quality, v 1 1 Special Clearance price............ II L New Neckwear 25 Newest' styles ' in new neckwear, including four-in-hands clubs, English squares, in all the popular shades, both light and dark colors; our regular 60c and 75c values. Spe ,cial Clearance price. .........'.-.pL . Men's Wool Underwear ?1.1 Men's tan all wool underwear, all size shirts and drawers, extra good $1.75 - value, well ma3e. . Special Clearance ; g J p " Men's Heavy Cotton Underwear 434 A full line of men's heavy, fleeced under-, wear, in all size shirts and drawers, good values; our 65c grade. Special . 43 Clearance Sale price..-, ........... Men'a Cooper's-. Underwear $1.10--Men's Cooper's underwear in three colors, blue, gray and flesh, all sizes ; exceptional -values a $1.50. Special C17A- Clearance price . 7. ..... 7 ......) 1 1 U Men's $4.00 Cardigan Jackets $2.90 Men's all: wool Cardigan Jackets, colors brown and black ; our regular $4.00 values. Special' Clearance Sale ' $2 90 Great Golf Glove Sale "100 dozen Women's warm Knit Gloves TiowselHngaXBpccIaHy reduced" prices: 85c and 40c values reduced to. . , . . .25 50c and 65c values reduced to...... 39 Great reductions on Silk Lined Cashmere Gloves for Monday's selling. ; j - 0 Leather Goods Sale AH Bags and Pocketbooks at Clearance Sale prices. . - 75c- Seal Grain ' Leather Lined Pocket books. . Clearance price, i"; . . . . . . . .45 $2.00 Pocketbooks, strap style. Clear ance price .......... .. . . . .... . . .$1.12 75c Seal Grand Hand Bags. Clearance price . ... . .. .. ................... .491 S' 75o Kid Belts 45o " -Women's Kid Belts in the latest styles, in jblack and white, with fancy gilt or oxo-.. 'dized buckles; value 75c Clearance ; price . ....... . . . ..4..... 45 EztraordiAiry Showing of n ft -k k -r xsu. Beautiful Ed ging, Flounc ing, - Bands, Beading, In- ; sertion, and Corset Cover E m broider ies made from the very fin- est sheer tex tures of Swiss and nainsook. 'clever designs 'in - floral, shadow and spot t affects: all imported , fabrics: the ' rkniwit and nait select natterna that foreign ' , looms . can produce are found in profusion. ' . Now on special sale-AT ONE-HALF THEIR REGULAR VALUE. -. . .7 -- -v.;': On Special Sale in The Buoy Aisle ' See What We're Offering Tomorrow. 11.00 Corset Cover Embroidery, yard... ..694 1.00 Flouncing Embroidery, yard... BOe - 85e Corset Cover Embroidery, yard.... 50 85c Flouncing Embroidery, yard 80s 75c Flouncing Embroidery, 7ard.........39 ' 50c Flouncing Embroidery, yard.. ....... S2 50c- Band Embroidery, yard ..t... MV , SSc Flouncing Embroidery, yard.;.. 16 -' 25c Edging, J to 6 inches wide, ysrd.ia 10c Embroidery, 2 to 4 inches wide, yard.. Be Without doubt these are by far the greatest re- auctions ever made on beautiful Embroideries. Clearance ' Sale Specials ' ; f in Ribbons BLACK VELVET RIBBON, best grade, satin PaCK. XUTCiy piece reuueeu leuews; No. 1 Special Clearance Price, per bolt. 43 No. 1H Special Clearance Price, per bolt.3 No. Z rNo. 3 No. No. No. 7 No. 7 No. No. 2 T Special Clearance Price, per bolt 69 3 bpeciai Clearance rnce,per doii.bvv Qn.rlal n.irinr Vrirv nr 1 11 5 Special Clearance Price bolt.. f LOT m ': o , i Yi: 1 A opccii unrincc i ntc, per v Special Clearance Price, bolt.. 1.86 9 Special Clearance Price, yard,.18e 12 Special Clearance Price, yard. .22 Exceptional Neokwear Values -100 doien Embroidered Stocks and Turnovers, our 15c qualities Clearance Sale Price, ea..6t 200 dosen Embroidered Stocks and Turnovers., our 25c qualities Oearance Sale Price. ea..9e . ISO dosen Lace, Venise, Baby Irish Stocks Col lars, our SSc qualities Clearance Sale Price, each ......12V All Silk Neck Scarfs Very popular these cold days; we hsve them in H the daiyshads::ratattractireclearance, Cur reg. 11.25 values Clearance Price, ea.TTe "Our reg. 75c values Clearance Price, ea.,431 Giveio of Seot Values ttJT' Goods Promptly delivered everywhere in the city, Woodlawn, Vancouver, Sellwood and Oregon r.:'-,S City. , : ; " r ' I. Mail Orders , promptly filled, same day as re ceived, at Clearance Sale Price's. Express prepaid on all purchases over $5.00 ML CilLIS ARi The Greatest Bargain Event .of the Year "JANUARY; IS THE ONE MONTH OF THE YEAR THAT ALL ECONOMICAL HOUSEKEEPERS LOOK . i - .. ...FORWARD TO FOR BARGAINS - - Greater Grow the Bargains Each Succeeding Day Delighted customers throng pun aisles daily, enthusiastic over the great bargains we are offering. Our. proposition that we can save you money on the season's most desirable merchandise. The buying public has always found our bargains to be genuine, the most attractive and the most numerous, and this is why we draw the largest crowds. - Come , with the crowd Mondajr-Tuesday sure-r-and get some of these unmatchable values at Irresistible prices. . Women's Coats and Suits at Clearance Prices " Our January Clearing Sale of Women's, Misses and Children's Outer Garments Is the main bargain event of the city Those. well-tailored, stylish garments that this store has been showin g this season comprise this sale, and the prices are much' lower jhan equal grades are selling for elsewhere. You can provethis by comparison. 4 ' Women's. 50-inch Coats at $10.00 Coats that were formerly priced- at $15.00, $16.50 and $18.50. Over a dozen, styles to choose from, in Broadcloths, Kerseys,. Scotch Woolens, in plaids and mixtures. Warm, serviceable coats, perfectly tailored, in the season's best styles. QG.50 Wallrins Skirts at 135.00 Beautiful Chiffon and Worsted Panamas, in all the wanted colors; also plaids, blacks and -mixtures. All -the latest styles. The best values we hare ever offered. -Silk-Petticoats Taffeta Silk Petticoats of extra qifUty, 4n black and about 20 leading shades; three very new models, with silk and nearsilk underlay and dust ruffle; petticoats that are good. J Q C values at $6.50. January sale ,....4?Ou $20 Tailormade Suits at $10.50 . Broadcloths, -Panamas, Plaids, Checks and Mixtures; Etoris, t pony and fitted coat styles, with kilt or pleated skirts. $15.00 Tailor-Made Suits at ,..L......,f 12.50 $16.50 Tailor-Made Suits at.,..... .........f 13.0O- $25.00 Tailor-Made Suits etrmrs rrr. v. .1 . . . f t.SO- i Fur Neckpieces At Clearance Sale Price Entire stock of Furs at reduced prices. Three special lots at bargain prices 89eV iO Sateen Petticoats ! Fine Mercerized Sateen Petticoats,, fast black, wi lar . flounces, plaited and Clearance Sale price tucked, regular $1.25 th. deep circu- .95c Girls,v Coats Extra special values for this week's selling. We have about 100 Costs to sell for girls; age 6 to 14 years. All the latest styles and best makes, and every one new this season. . The materials include Kersey, Cheviot, Scotch woolens in plaids and English mixtures. Not a coat-in the lot worth less thsn $5.00, and a great many are marked $10.00 and $12.50. To close out the balance of our stock quick we have divided. 2 CA them into two lots and will offer them this week. fS.OO and. isUU We will close out out entire stpek of Children's Coats, including Bearskin, Astrachans, Plush and Plaids in all the best colors: sizes 1 to 6 flji CA years; worth up to $7.50. Our Oearance sale price f 2.BO and v"tv INFANTS' COATS Reduced prices on Infants' Long and Short Coats; large selection of styles and materials, such as Bedford Cord, trimmed with braids and ribbons, also beautifully embroidered. Sale price, fl.0, f2.35, 2.68 , $3 25 buv i our iw : - and Save Money Now If we shonld duplicate our Muslin Underwear stock today, we should have to pay a third more than when we bought H last July. The cost of material and labor baa advanced greatly in the last six months. This sale not only saves you 33 1-3 per cent la price. Dot rt d rings to you penccuy roaoe, oeamuuuy lasnionea unaerciotnes liner garments tnan cisewnere tor the eame money. '. , ;. v- J ..- . - , Of fine nainsook, 10 different styles; full fronts, with lace inserting, headings, ribbons and embroidery trim- iO mings; beautiful garments, worth 75c Each '. ...tOC DRAWERS Of cambric, umbrella styles, made with three tucks and deep flounce, finished with two-inch hem- 7fr stitched hem, yoke bands and full sites, worth 29c pr.v.IC Of cambric or muslin, umbrella styles, with deep flounces, tucks and embroidered ruffles or Isce insertings and iQp edge, splendid values at rSct nowmi, m-JlOw GOWKS Of muslin or cambric, made full, yokes of tucks and insertings, finished with ruffles, or gowns with low necks and short sleeves and finished with Torchon Of muslin, cambric or nainsook; high, square or V-shaped necks or slip-over styles; lace, embroidery, beading, OO ribbons or edgings; $L2S values OOW CHEMISES--Of fine quality nainsook, daintily trimmed with lace insertings, beadings, ribbons snd edgings; very QQr desirable garments and worth $1.25 OOv Of nainsook, finished withMnserting, besding, rib- sjj f A bon and edging, $150 values CORSET COVERS Of cambric or nainsook, French styles, with insertings of embroidery or lace; trimmed with headings,-edgings and ribbons; splendid values at 35c. This sale .........AOt PETTICOATS Of cambric, made with deep lawn flounce, finished with three half-inch tucks and hem, underlay 7C, finished .with a ruffle, good values at $1.00... , JC Of cambric,- deep tucked hemmed flounce or finished with a ruffle of embroidery, excellent garments and easily lQ worth $1.25. This sale. .......VoC EXTRA SIZES DRAWERS Of muslin, finished ro. with clusters of tucks snd hemstitched ruffles...;..... OOC GOWNS Of csmbric or nainsobkTliighlor'low AC necks, inserting, beading, ribbons; special.. $1.43 Corsets at Reduced Prices 25 doien Tape Girdles, in .white, pink and blue, 50c OQ value. Clearance Sale price L7 50 dosen Short Corsets, made from fine quality sateen, boned with steel; colors white, pink and blue; best 5.0c cor- TfJ set in the world. Clearance Sale price . .OyC v Eemarlidblo . Shoe Barccino This means that shoes are selling away below their valuesit means new, stylish, well-made shoes of seasonable kinds, at most decisive savings. These specials rep resent some of the best values we have ever offered t Women's $3 Shoes Q2.1G An , exceptionally fine line of Women's Shoes, best grade vici kid, patent leather tips; our regular $3.00 values. t 1 Special Clearance Sale price. ... yelU Misses' and Boys Leggings Our regular '-. 73c grade of canvas and Jersey 'JCn'i Leggings. - Clearance Sale price,.. 3C Women's Jersey Leggings Regular $1.?3 rade, Lest quality JrseyLeg-"i(rA gings. Clearance Sale price ." . . , . . Uy w Baby Shoes Soft soles, our 75c grade, all sizes..1 Clearance Sale 30 price. 1 ;;C Women's $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes and Slippers, tomorrow at At special clearance price we are showing three extra good values in women's foot- wear. Women's thtcHarlejoxejljnat kidl top shoes,! heavysolesVomen's ioxed mat slippers with light soles and dull kid tops. Women's low heeled shoes. I. fine viCLki. !!$2.48 -All- tops, yaluea Jip-Ux $3.50i- at one sale orice. per " 1 D ;pair..,;...:...,.:....;......sp.o Gr eat Offerings in Wash Goods, Linens and Domestics Compare the following; special values with any found elsewhere at the same prices and you will readily see what we mean by "Best Values." The women of Portland have by their liberal patronage certainly signified their approval of these Clearance Sale offerings. If you were in the depart ment any day since the opening of this great sale, yon could not -fail to be impressed with the fact that it is an unprecedented success, and due solely to our power of value-giving. Be on hand tomorrow 4n the morning, if convenient. . Linen Lunch Sets Regular 18.50 Values at fS.OO., EXTRA SPECIAL To morrow we place on sale as long as they last sbout 18 Linen Lunch Sets, consisting of Lunch Cloth 45x45 inches, snd one dosen 13-inch Nap kins to mstch; all new, up-to-date patterns, excellent Wearing quality, beautifully hemstitched; never before sold for less than $8.50. Special clearance flJC flft ujyj Cotton Suitings, lAn Beet 20c Grade. ...i.lUC Here is an item of unusual importance to those in need of Wool-Finished Suitings. Tomorrow we plsce on spe cial sals about 150 pieces la the most fashionable patterns and colors, check and plaid effects, in medium and dark shades, every yard fully worth 20c Specially priced at ................. 12o Flannelettes lOo New Flannelettes In a great assortment of patterns; me dium, light and dark colors; extra good quality; fine, soft fleece; best 12yict. grsde. Special Oearance price .10 lOo Flannelettes . 80 ,.;' : Tomorrow we place on sale for one day only a special lot of Flannelettes in a desirable ' sssortment of patterns, in medium snd dark colors, our best 10c line. Specisl Clear snce price ..,....-. Biege Suitings. Q Best 10c Quality........ OU Pretty Biege. Suitings, this season's goods, in a large, as sortment of check and plaid effects, full line of colors; never before sold for less thsn 10c a yard. Special Clearance price Huck Towels, Qr 17x34-Inch v,...,...Ot White Huck Towels, finished with fast-colored 'borders in shades of red, 17x34 inches, regular 10c grade. Special Clearance price ......... 8f White Huck Towels,, with fast-colored borders; good, large size, 20x40 inches; great values at the regular price, 15c. Special Clearance price . ,T. XZKf Huck Towels,' fxr 20c Values at......... 1UC. Linen Huck Towels, extra heavy quality, all . white or white with red border, best 20c grsde. - Special Clearance price ..................16 Linen Towels, " 1Q 20x40 Inches .........IOC Linen Damask Towels, fin ished with knotted fringe and red borders, fast color, ab sorbent and durable, 20x40' inches, best 25c grade.--Special Clearance price.... 18e Turkish Towels, A.r 20c Quality at.. 1UU Bleached Turkish Towels, neatly hemmed, 20x40 inches, excellent "wearing quality, best 20c grade.. Special Oearance price ...... ,.a6f V". Turkish Towels, J f) 20c Quality at IXC Bleached Turkish Towels, neatly hemmed, 22x44 inches, extra heavy quality, splendid values at 25c Special Clear ance price 7290 Sheets . A An 50c Values at...;....t'L. Bleached Sheets, torn and hemmed from soft finished muslin, full double bed, very good values at 50c. Oear ance price ............. 44eV 81a90 Sheets, pp 65c Values at ........ O O C Full Bleached Sheets.-extra large and .heavy, torn and hemmed from linen-finished muslin, well worth 65c Oesrance price ...5fft 21x27 Pillows, Oflr $1.23 Values at....... yiC 334-pound ' Feather Pillows, filled with good live feathers, covered with . best quality fancy flowered and striped satin ticking. Clearance price Of 19x26 Pillow XQ. 85c Values at ........ OOC Sanitary filled Feather Pil lows, full 3 pounds, covered with strong blue and white striped ticking; usual 85c values. Clearance price. 68 Table Linen A tic 60c Quality ,.tJS 60-Vnch Unbleached" Table Linen, excellent wearing quality, large assortment of new designs to choose from: regular 60c grade. .Special clearance price ........45 price 1 . Linen Damask C A a 65c Quality at ...... UfL 62-inch all linen, full bleached Table Damask in an attrac tive line of new patterns; ex ceptional value at 65c a yard. Special clearance price,. 6 f 72-inch Linen Damask in a great assortment of hand some designs, strictly all linen; our leader and the best value in the city at $1.00 yd.. Specially priced for one 1y only at .....OO St-tnoh X.pkln. to Mtak. SpslU tUmiN prim, ft 6ama.,....S3.M Four Clear anoe iery and Women's 35o Hose 23o Pr. Women's Fsst Blsck Cot ton Hose, with unbleached feet or soles, high spliced heels and toes; the best wearing stocking in the city at the regular price, 35c Special , Clear- fj 5 ancs pric ......... '.XOL r gi boys, in white or gray. We have these in "Oneita" snd "button down front styles, closed or open. Th srirls' are nicelv hand-trimmed, and the boy' finished with- heavy taped neck, silk-trimmed pleats. All our regular tl.2S and 11.50 suits OQa at Oearance price. ......... OvL 3 feoC Specials in Hos- XJnderw r Wnmn' AU.Wnnt Csahmere 'jJ Vests and Pants, in 1 very light shsde Of natural grsy. I hese gar ments are no heavier than an or dinary gauge, but are pure cash mere., thus giving the wesrer thef same protection as a neavy, coarse arment. Regular price ei nn 1.75, Oearance price .". IUU Children's 25o Hose 18o Pr. Oiildren's Extra Fine lxl Ribbed Lisle Hose, in black, double poles Snd knees; a very dressy imported hose for girls, regular 25c nual ify Special Oear-' IO-" 60f ance price Three for Clearance of Dress Goods Time to save on Dress Goods is at this "Big" Clearance Sale. Are" youT skeptical V -Needn't-ber-There's no' exaggeration fiereT It is dress goods time for fair. We've never presented a greater complement of values. We're enthusiasticjust as youll be tomorrow. Only a few of the specials listed here : 1 - Bear Skin Cloth 92.50 Extra heavy quality bear skin cloth,' both plain and curly, cream color, 56 inches wider best $3.50 quality. Clearance price, d ' C( per yard t . 0 U 65c French Challies 50 Pretty show ing of French Challies, 32 inches wide, made of purest selected wool, cream grounds, with neat small colored, dots and figures; also black with small cream fig ures, all new spring styles; our regular 65c grade. Special Clearance price, PA . per y ad t . . . . . ,. . D U w 75c French Challies- 54e---An elaborate ' displayof best" grade French Challies, 32 inches wide, pure wool, cream with rich floral designs; also Persian patterns in rich shades of red, blue, green ; these are regular 75c qualities. Special QAn Clearance price... . . ..... ......... sJtIL -Extra -Special I Granite- Goods . 19 -8,00O-yards 86-inch- half wootarmerr" - Granites, a new and popular material, very suitable for children s wear or for separate waists; an exceptionally ine line of col ors such as blue, brown, navy, pink, light blue, also cream and black. Spe- Q- cial Clearance price. ..... r. ...... . Priestley's Cravenettes Special Clearance prices prevail on Cravenette Suitings. We have this goods in castor' and tan, both light and dark shades. ' - a $2.5Q values. 5 Special Clearance ' price .s, $1.75 $2.25 values. Special Clearance price .......................... .$1.58 $2.00 values, bpecial Clearance price .91.35 Remarkable Silk Values The very finest Silks it Is possible to buy. The very lowest price they have ever been sold for. That's the magnet of Monday's and Tuesday's story. Values are away and beyond the usual extraor dinary ! It is a selling occasion you will not care to miss. . Slack Silk, Clearance Prices 19-inch Black Taffeta, 65c quality, i Jr Special .Clearance price T.T T. 7 7. Y.T. 40 C 22-tnch Black Taffeta, 75c quality. CQrt Special Clearance price. .7 ...... . . .Qs w 27-inch Black Taffeta, 85c quality. C On ' Special Clearance price. .......... .UOL 36-inch Black, Taffeta,' $1.00 quaK o ity. Special Clearance price". ..... .OuL 36-inch Black Taffeta, $1.23 qual- A ity. Special Clearance price sOt 36-inch. Black TaffeU, $2.00 d PA quality. Special Clearance price. sDl 01 Fancy TaffeUf and Louisienes; 5 Q our best $1.00 qualities, at, . . . . V nJ J New up-to-date styles all the. season's fa- vorite patterns in popular shades of blue, green, brown, gray and red; our regular $1.00 silks. Special Clearance Sale Bilk Remnants Ilalf Price An accumulation of rrmnants arid short lengths left from our big ilk sale, all l U of silks-itr-all -'colors .and patter' . ii lengths from one to cir?it van!. ' 1 tomorrow at Exactly Ila'f i'ricf.